The Straits Budget, 1 July 1909

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL LXIII. NO. 2600. Singapore, Thursday, June 24,1909. (9TAIUSNEB mi NAIF A CUmHV Price 25 cents
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  • 207 1 leadersThe Pissing of Liberalism I* Are Lawyers Usfal f *2- 13 ••lie Fruitful and Multiply* 13 .Japanese in Maneharia 13-14 Poets and Prophet 9 1 Hings and Ribates ...14-15 Local and Gsniral— Musical Board 1 A Singapore Wedding 1 Auglo-Siamese Treaty 4 The Rev. Dr. Luering 6
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  • 691 1 At the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, on Friday afternoon, the following gentlemen were present:—Messrs. E. G. Broadrick, president; J. Polglase, secretary; R. Peirce, engineer; A. J. Watkins, W. Peacock, C. W. Darbishire, Cheng Keng Loe, Wm. Mac bean, J. Carapiet, ana
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  • 149 1 A quiet but pretty wedding «m solemnij&ed on Saturday afternoon, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, by the Rev. W. Marsh Kirkby, the contracting parties being Mr. H. T. White, of Messrs. Robinson ana Co., and Nellie Patou, daughter of the late Mr. O. Grey, PostmasterGeneral, Edinburgh, and step-daughter
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  • 86 3 A Chinaman named Ho Keng was attacked by a crocodile while bathing at the mouth of the Kallang River, at 11 a.m. on Monday. He succeeded in getting out and went to the Tan Tock Seng hospital, whore it was found that he had been badly
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  • 81 3 The Dutch steamer Sarie liandjer, which it will be rememberd was reported as being badly ashore at Anjer, Snnda Strait, in the early part of this month, arrived at Singapore i Roads on Friday evening. With the assistance of one of the Paketvaart steamers, she was refloated
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  • 347 4 Notwithstanding that the price of hard Para has advanced to Os 31d. London advioes shew a decidedly easier market in rubbers, due probably to heavy adjustment) for the end of June. Our market has been rather depressed in sympathy, but has
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  • 200 4 His Britaunic Majesty’s Charge d’Aftaires at Bangkok has forwarded to the I’ress the following communiijuo:— In view of the chango in jurisdiction contemplated by the Treaty of March 10th, 1909, to come into force on date of ratification, which in effect will cause
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  • 183 4 The preliminary enquiry into the Angus Street tragedy was continued in the third magistrate’s court, on Friday afternoon. Lee Ah Cboon, a coolie, stood charged with the wilful murder of his former employer, Watt lluan Wong. Mr. W. K. J. Hawtry,
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  • 304 4 The tenant and owner of 99, Dunlop St. gave evidence before the second magistrate on Tuesday, against four Chinese, charged with gang robbery, Mr. Hastings Rhodes prosecuting. The man who was robbed is a washerman and stated he was asleep on
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  • 95 4 The directors of the Hotel van Wijk Co., Ltd. have just declared an interim dividend of 15 per cent for the half year ending May 31, 1909. Daring the past two years the dividends paid have been 20 per cent and 30 per oent, respectively, and
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  • 299 4 reo ham Lock, wharf coolie, prow, uw two marine pohoe constables iu the sum ooort, on June 24, on a charge of criminal force. He stated that L K afternoon of Hay 30, he saw a ih asked the fighters to
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  • 166 4 Before Mr. Justioe Sercombe Smith, on Friday, in (be bankruptcy coart, Uob Ah Peng and Hob Ab Hoe, partners in Chop Lee Mob, were adjudicated bankrupts, on tbe petition of tbe Chartered Bank wbo bad obtained judgment against them in May last for 15,590. Nothing bad been paid
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  • 129 4 Mr. E. L. Talma, assistant supt. of Indian immigrants, prosecuted Kadir Hussein before the third magistrate, on Monday, on charge* of inducing labourers to go to Kelantnn without signing a contract, and abetting their departure from the Colony without passes. A large amount of evidence was
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  • 637 5 hin Saleiman, the ex-constable Be-t b faavo murdered an aged Slv in BQkit Permei, on June 7, was re the second magistrate again, on Wf® nr „ine on the capital charge. fr |f‘ y jobn iiUk, of the General
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  • 436 5 The Chief Justice, Sir VV. Hyndman Jones, Mr. Justice Thornton and Mr. Justice Braddell were occupied, on Friday afternoon, in hearing the appeal brought by H. Wolskel against the Unku Suleiman. Mr. Greenfield appeared for the appellant, and Mr.
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  • 182 5 Messrs. W. ,1. and H. Thompson’s fortnightly India-Rubber Circular, dated May 29, states: —Para.—A renewal of American demand combined with the exceedingly firm attitude of importers has caused a verv strong market and prices have advanced .‘id. per lb. during the past fortnight. The market closes very
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  • 269 5 The Pinaug Gazette hears that the award of the umpire, Capt. Macintyre, in the case of the claim for salvage brought by the Straits Steamship Co., owners of tho steamer Malacca, against the Eastern Shipping Co., owners of the steamer Avagyee, was
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  • 260 5 Mohammed Syed, P. C. 562, was tried before the third magistrate, on Saturday, on a charge of theft of a $5 note belonging to Mr. J. N. Van der Seek, the police financial assistant, yesterday morning. When asked whether he was gnilty or not guilty,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 69 5 Property Sale. MouHrH. H. L. Coghlan and Co. held a property auction, on Monday afternoon, when the following properties were sold: 128 acre* and 9 poles of land held under statutory grant with a quit rent of 965, sold to Mr. R. Hamilton for $925. Nos. 80 and 81 Clyde
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  • 771 6 Late od the evening of January 2, a party of police visited a compound at Kalang Pudding, Gaylang, and there found a crowd of at leant twenty-live Chinese, of whom at least nineteen were arrested, and certain paraphernalia
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  • 144 6 An eighteen year old clerk employed at Taujong Pagar, Chan Hock Pua, charged with the theft of two canes of tinned milk valued at 918, the property of the Dock Board, was convicted by Mr. Green, and sentenced to nix months’ rigorous imprisonment. From this conviction
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  • 139 6 Mr. B. G. Davis, the independent Gospel preacher from Calcutta, addressed the members of the Singapore Indian Christian Association on Friday, at the Short Street Girls’ School, on Heavenly Citizenship. There was a large gathering who followed tho speaker’s eloquent and earnest address with close attention. The
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  • 139 6 Can a Rubber Tree be Overtapped G. R. Wiggin, writing from Lindnla to the Times of Ceylon, says:— Will some scientific experts give your readers an opinion on Can a rubber tree be overtapped? I maintain it is impossible. When a tree has given it’s quantum, then the supply must
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  • 169 6 (From Oor Own Corrkspondrnt.) London via Penang, M The Tangkah Rubber Estate in ths v district, with a capital of £125 000 i„^“° u six per cent, participati^^ The directors are Sir W. H Skrino 8 Trail e8 A W S iTen
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  • 89 6 (From Our Own Corresponding) Penang, Juno 29. A Professorship in the Martin Theological College, at Frankfort-on-the-Main, has been offered by cable to the Rev. H. L. E. Luering, Ph. D., superintendent of the Anglo-Cbinese School, Penang. Dr. Luering has not decided
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  • 55 6 (From Our Own Corrkspondbnt.) Koala Lumpur, June 28. The Planters’ Association of Malaya did not hold a meeting, yesterday, on account of there not being a quorum present. The meeting was consequently postponed till July. It has been decided to present a cup, value $l5O, for competition
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  • 129 6 The annual kanduri festival came to a close on Monday, with the grand procession starting from the shrine at Teluk Ayer Street. This festival is being celebrated in memory of a Mahomedan saint, popularly known as Nagore Andavar, who lived about 400 years ago. It is said
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  • 931 7 Pratt a British DAtaralist, has just s!r Java from Dutch New Guinea, explorer who has travelled Be «areto China, Tibet, South Araenoa, or Minor. He then gave New Guinea anent Jour years on the coast in Jh°Datch and British sections of
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  • 183 7 The funeral of the late Mr. See Ewe Boon, compradore of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, took place on Sunday. The procession left Boon Villa, Balmoral Road, at about 10 a. m. Those present included Messrs. T. S. Baker, manager of the bank, G.
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  • 145 7 In the course of his comments on the Oaks, Larry Lynx writes in the People as follows: Mr. W. W. Bailey bought Cupola none too cheaply at 700 guineas. This and a later auction were equally sensational, for the same Irish sportsman, a newcomer to
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  • 369 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpnr, June 26. It is definitely announced that the Johore State Railway will be opened on Thursday, July 1. The through railway from Singapore is expected to be openea on the July
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  • 115 7 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the second magistrate, on June 23, was engaged with a preliminary enquiry into a charge against a Japanese named Nakayawa, who is accused of criminal intimidation of a detective named Ezekiel Sassoon Rahmin, who informed the court that accused threatened to shoot
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  • 66 7 A sign of the increasing consumption of Japan, Hongay and Northern China coals, is the fact that the coal export returns of Great Britain for the first four months of the year show a falling off as far as Hongkong is concerned. Shanghai and the Straits Settlements
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  • 13 8 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 221 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I thiok it is quite time that the attention of the municipality, or whatever body is responsible, be called to the over* powering stench arising from the decaying pineapple refuse which seems to form the bod of the Rochore River
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  • 233 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—Some time ago a proposal was made in the Legislative Counoil to have telegraphic connection with the Horsburgh lighthouse, so that vessels coming in from the eastward may be able to inform their owners or agents of their expected arrival
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  • 248 8 Opium or Drink To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I read with the keenest interest yoar remarks, dnent Bishop Oldham’s antiopium disconrse at Knala Loin pur. They were not only logical, but perfectly true. I wonder if the reverend gentleman would oare to read the following My compradore
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  • 282 8 On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. G. M. Dare was at home to a number of motoring friends, at her charming residence at the Thomson Road impounding reservoir, but unfortunately the weather proved unkind, and not all of the more than twenty motorists
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  • 148 8 Messrs. Wm. Simons and Co., Limited, Renfrew, launched from their yard on June 1, with steam up, complete and ready for work, a Bow-well barge-loading bucket-ladder dredger, which they have constructed to the order of Messrs. Sir John Jackson, Limited.
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  • 647 8 A crowd watched the semi Singapore Football Association r u t‘l' u tion, on Friday, between the the S. R. C. The afternoon recent rains had rendered the trifle slipper, Loe.-Sergt. DavidsoSS
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  • 752 10 A claim for wages was heard in the district court, before Mr. Saunders, on Monday afternoon, Mr. W. A. Squier being the plaintiff and Mr. G. L>. Mac Lean, who narrowly escaped being murdered in Pahang, the defendant. The claim
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  • 320 10 Wong Bong, a ship’s cook, was stabbed to death in front of the lodging house in Synagogue Street, of which he was an inmate, at 6-45 p.m., on April 8. A well dressed man named Chwa Kim was
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  • 100 10 The report of Dr. D. K. McDowell, the registrar of births and deaths, shows that during the week ended June 19, 246 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a death-rate of 46.08 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever claimed 83 deaths, dysentery 16, bronchitis
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  • 117 10 On Saturday last the pupils of the AngloChinese School gave a reception to Mr. and Mrs. Pease on their departure for America, writes a correspondent. In spite of tho inclemency of the weather there was a good gathering of the old boys and the present teachers
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  • 360 10 An extraordinary general meeting of company was to have been heldlt v?; tor London, on Junel ow fc subjoined resolution was to ha™ posed That the capital pt<) increased to £400,000, by thc?iSsi* ,he 100,000 new ordinary shares that (notwithstanding
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  • 239 10 The preliminary enquiry into the charge of murder against Inaar Singh has been completed by the second magistrate. Mr. Crabb Watt, counsel for the accused, made a strong plea against the committal of his client to the Assizes on the capital charge, arguing that nothing had
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  • 1009 11 tho Chinese sub-postmaster at afijoinioK the police courts, tl* po* l t J acquitted iu the District wb° WS A Sof criminal breach of trust COU t D bl l "rvaot in respect of a sum of moo nf (iorermucot money,
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  • 160 11 Property owners in Singapore appear to bo having a joyful time at the expense of the Municipality owing to some overlapping in the working of the departments. From timo to time the engineers’ department accommodates busy landlords with notices respecting repairs to property, and these having
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  • 97 11 On Monday afternoon, the Municipal Commissioners held a special meeting met to authorise the raising of $1,000,(XX) of debenture stock, bearing interest at four and a half per cent., and redeemable in 1955, to pay for oertain public works, among which are Pulau Obin quarries, new incineraters, electric
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  • 410 11 Sundaram, a Kling in the service of the Municipality, while passing along Sumbawa Road, near the old Malay cemetery, at about 11a. m., on Monday, saw a body in a drain. Going to investigate, he found that the dead man was
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  • 210 11 The T&iping convict establishment was the scene on June 22, of another murderous attack by a life sentenced prisoner on another, who had given evidence at the trial of the former for murder some time back. The offender, it would appear,
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  • 20 12 Kkllak.— At 13, Lansdale Terrace, Edinburgh, on May 30, the wife of James D. B. Kellar, of a son.
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  • 59 12 Wiiitk—Paton. —At St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on June 26, 1909, by the ltev. Marsh Kirkby, Henry Tanda White to Nellie Paton, daughter of the late George Grey, Esq., Edinburgh, Scotland. Gibson—Kastkv. —At the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, on June 26, by the Rev. Wui. Murray, m.a., Alexander Leckie Gibson, to
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1196 12 types as Lora Morley himself.—Straits Times, June 24. Mr. Algernon Cecil, a member of that Uattield family which has shed so much ustre over the old aristocracy daring the past generation, has been discussing Oxford Thinkers, and incidentally the decay of Liberalism. He comes to that
      types as Lora Morley himself.—Straits Times, June 24.  -  1,196 words
    • 1144 12 that each man shall have his due.—Straits Times, June 25. Some of oat Chino conteraporvi«. discussing, with oil the nirv vivacity the mere mention of the low provoking, the question whether Chino mark its progress in civilisotion by a legal profession. The question fcJ"* arose in this
      that each man shall have his due.—Straits Times, June 25.  -  1,144 words
    • 1188 13 .—•Straits Times, Jane 36. In the opinion of Dr. Richard Arthur, 1 resident of the Immigration League of Australia, the future dominance of race must depend upon the extent to which ono or ether of those now in competition fulfils the mandate which we have quoted
      .—•Straits Times, Jane 36.  -  1,188 words
    • 1230 13 -Straits Times, .lane ‘2B. We are not very partial to Japan and wo do not feel a glow of pride when reminded cr reminding that the Japanese aro the only people on the face of the earth with whom our country has entered into a specific) military
      – -Straits Times, .lane ‘2B.  -  1,230 words
    • 1281 14 Straits Times, June 29. Recently we had a comment on the strauge disappearance of .lolin Davidson, poet and journalist, whose friends asserted that he took his own life because an unappreciative public did not give poets sufficient support to provide them with the bare necessaries of life.
      Straits Times, June 29.  -  1,281 words
    • 1676 14 call forth heartiest congratulations.—Straits Times, June ‘2ti. As we anticipated when commenting upon the cabled summary, there is a good deal oi interesting matter in the majority wk* minority reports of the Royal Commission on Shipping Rings. We must confess that these reports do not impress us
      call forth heartiest congratulations.—Straits Times, June ‘2ti.  -  1,676 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 89 12 he pontfree price **f the Straits Times s3# a year* The post free price of the Straits Budget it $l4 year. It it not neceatarv to tubecribe for a year. The subtcriptions for thorter periodt are at the tame proportionate rate at for a year. The Straits Budget can be
      89 words

  • 847 16 Hongkong and Amoy have been quarantined by Singapore on account of the existenco of bubonic plague. The work of rearranging the lawn in front of the Victoria Theatre, and the conHeqaent destruction of some of the fine shade trees there have begun. Two bankers from the Argentine are
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  • 486 16 Bishop Mounsey left for his new Htation by the Sarawak steamer Kuching, on Tuesday. Mr. W. CJ. Gray, from St. Joseph’s Institntion, has been appointed headmaster of the Government school at Muar. Miss Ruth Keevo, of the Taiping hospital, has been appointed matron of the general hospital
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  • 28 16 (From Oub Cobebspobdbnt London via Penang, June 30 allambrosa smoked sheet u*\a 25th inst. at seven shillings p* poind*
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  • 339 16 The Hongkong and Whampoa Dock pany, represented in Manila, bv Mrn, t indlay and Co., were the lowest bidd£ for the six steel lorchas to be used bvth! quartermaster s department in Manila »i though no award has yet been mad.
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  • 86 16 The Bucknall liner Kalomo, which took fire and was sunk by the artillery fire at Pasir Panjang last December, is now discharging her general cargo at the East Wharf, Tanjong Pagar. It is interesting to see the damage canned by the salt water. Cases of stationery, swollen and
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  • 56 16 The Tanjong Priok Dry Dock Co. at Batavia reports unusually brisk business in 1908. Tho dividend distributed rose to ten per cent, against nine in 1907. The Co. s slip underwent thorough overhaul which allowed of extensive repairing work to be done that otherwise would have had
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  • 817 17 nn i nr i/e distribution of the AngloTbe School was held in the hall of vesterday, Mr. R. J. Bartlett, be Jf b r of schools, presiding. The prilljDBpec^ r (jomes, and the principal of lies Institution, Mr. C. M. Phillips,
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  • 269 17 The third annual general meeting of the above-named company was held at Winchester House, Singapore, on June 29, at 12 o’clock noon, when the directors presented their report and accounts for the year ending December 61, 1908. Beside Messrs. Diehn and Kiliau (directors) those present
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  • 158 17 The police at Penang have placed before Mr. Nnnn, a young man, named Mahomed bin Hassan, said to be a Javanese, on tho charge of housebreaking and voluntarily causing hurt at Logan Road, Penang. The man, who looked like a syce, answered to the description already
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  • 287 17 According to all accounts, both from native and foreign sources, the last state of tbe central authorities seems to be worse than the first; and the Prince-Regent is torn one way and the other in trying to get unanimity of action
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  • 50 17 Loon Ling, the alleged murderer of tbe granddaughter of General Franz Sigel, has been arrested at Schenectady. He is the owner of several shops. The police ascribe tbe crime to jealousy regarding the girl’s relations with another Chinaman. The latter has been detained as a witness.
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  • 199 17 Li Seow Mong was discovered by bis brother hanging in 22.-3 South Bridge Road, on Tuesday. Six roadside lamps belonging to the 9Uth Deccan Infantry were stolen from their places in the cantonment, on Tuesday night. For possession of a hypodermic syringe used for the administration of morphia,
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  • 811 18 The other day it wa» announced in our columns that a prospectus was shortly to be issued inviting applications for shares in the Seletar Rubber Plantations Limited, a company formed for the purpose of acquiring about* 1,100 acres
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  • 286 18 Any one visiting Klang now, after a prolonged absence, could not fail to be struck by the signs of continued growth which characterise that planting centre to day, observes the Malay Mail, of June 28. The new post office,
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  • 120 18 Stamp collectors will be interested to learn that a new set of British North Borneo stamps will be issued to-day. These stamps will replace the present issue from 1 cent to 24 cents inclusive. The local Herald presumes that the step has been rendered necessary in consequence
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  • 356 18 Tobi kte cb e f clerk attache the Municipal water department 10 yesterday .brought before Mr.Colmao charges, cnm.nal breach of respect of *5O, (u) embezzlement of t. eumsof »25 and »15, respectively WO Mr. Perkins appeared for the
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  • 210 18 (From Our Own Corrbspondbnt.) Kuantan, June 29. On the 20th inst., Mr. and Mrs. Clarke arrived from Europe. Mr. Clarke takes up his former appointment as district officer. Messrs. Parr and Hume, commissioner of trade and customs, and auditor-general, respectively, arrived at Kuantan, via Koala Pahang, on the
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 164 19 r *l,O rn and St. Anne’s Golf Club, At the er thaQ 96 players at the there were n The s f nga pore cup, gjeeting D J. Mugliston, was tied for by rtianta and Mr H P Bury. 88—#- 79, L E Gaunt, Singapore's tennis chamU
      164 words
    • 131 19 Selangor Golf Club. The following cards were returned for the j q L monthly medal of the Selangor Golf A, F. Richards 94 B=B6 C. G. Cilassford 88+1 8 TJ, ('umming 109—10 99 fcC. Kinder 123 24 99 fCeppel Golf Club. The preliminary competition in connection with the President’s
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    • 175 19 Malacca L. R. C. The weekly practice at the miniature range of the Malacca Ladies' Rifle Club took place m Jane 23, and resulted as follows: Mrs. Howell 33 Miss Williams 30 Mrs. Williams 26 Mrs. Evans 25 Miss Evans 25 Enthusiastic Ladies. On Jane 26, the Malacca
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    • 90 19 S. C. C. v. Officers of Garrison. A fast and lively game was played on Tuesday, between the S. C. C. and an eleven consisting of officers of the Garrison. Play was of a good order despite the slippery state of the ground. The officers proved the stronger team
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    • 341 19 Match at Malacca. On June 24, at Malacca, the police cadets engaged the town football club on the depot ground. Play was rather even in the first half, and the teams crossed over on level terms, one goal each. In the second half, the town asserted themselves and a
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    • 779 19 Preliminary Heats to be Held To-day and To-morrow. The final and principal events of the S. C. C. athletic sports gymkhana take place on Saturday next, but the preliminaries will be decided to-day and to-morrow, commencing each day at 4.45 p.m. Details are appended To-day. 100 Yards
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  • 90 19 When King Haakon of Norway arrives in England in November next for his usual autumn holiday, it is understood that ho will confer with the heads of several shipbuilding firms there about the construction of further vessels for the purposes of coast defence. His present naval advisers
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  • 1714 20 London, Jane 28. Lord Crewe presided at the Corona Club dinner, at which there was a remarkable gathering of Governors, ex-Governors and Colonial officials. In toasting the progress of the Crown Colonies, he referrea to the Shanghai Opium Conference and said that the Commission had shown to the
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  • 945 21 Berlin, Jane 23. In a snoecb at Hamburg, the German ror declared that yacht construction in Germany was mdepen. dmt of any country and stood en their own to the financial reforms in Germany, he expressed the hopo that ■ommonsense would prevail over party ten"Tberecent intorview he had
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  • 89 21 Farther particulars of the earthquake in Korinchi, South Sumatra, have come to hand. The shocks kept on for dayß at inter, vals, after the severe ones on June 4, which lasted several minutes. At many villages scarcely any bouses were left standing. At one hamlet, an
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  • 357 21 Mr. Lane, K. C., had before kim at Week Loudon police coart Ethel Williams, a dressmaker, living at 22, Finborough-Road, South Kensington, who was accused of being guilty of disorderly conduct at Queen’s gate. Kensington. A constable stated that in
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  • 237 21 Sukogoro Yotsumoto, a reserve from Kagoshima I'refectare, Japan, and his accomplice, have been discovered in an attempt to sell to a foreigner some secret documents relating to the port of Sasebo, and have been arrested by the
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  • Shipping in Port.
    • 487 23 jane m I-ut rtr. Halgeher, Bangkok. AaiaLo T Ju'! Barwlsa, Hongkong. W. Man.field jj i' a r «tr l’eker. Hamburg, Beha Meyor Talbot. London, P. 40.('0y gtr! Ram-ay. Samaran g, Heap s“j?, M Gcr atr, Wittlock, Bangkok, Behu < M etr, Tellefsen, Bangkok. Ban Seng Brit etr, Willi., Sonrabaya.
      487 words
    • 491 23 June 33 Kidna, Brit str, P. Swettenham and Penang Kinta, Brit atr, Telnk Anson via ports Totomi Maru, Jap str, H’kong, Shanghai, Japan Mah idol Siam str, Bangkok via ports 14 Poh Anje, Brit str, P. Swettenham via ports Breid, Nor str, Bangkok Theteut, Brit atr, London, A’terdam, Antwerp
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  • 234 23 Singapore, Junk 30, 1909. produce. Gambier 9.70 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked ~13 37 4 Copra Bali 825 do Pontianak 7.70 Pepper, Black ~12 00 do White 5% buyers is 50 Sago Flour Sarawak 8.20 do Brunei No. 1 305 Pearl Sago 4.00 Coffee Bali 26.00 Coffee
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  • 197 23 Fresh strawberries, picked from the vines, is the latest wrinkle of the Rit/ Carlton restaurant, on board the Hamburg-American liner Kaiserin Auguste Victoria. Having introduoed trout-pools, flower-stalls and sun-gardens on the Kaiserio, and her sister, the America, the line has
    197 words

  • 333 24 J>ate of Bomber J ivu ghana I form*. Capital Bubaeitbed of |5 nZTIZZ. Oompaay Qoor*. tioD Share. i> a| 0 U no*. tut D,,„_ r 1903 I 1300,Or) 300,600 30,000 "10 "T 6 7. B*lat Tin Mining 00., Ltd. «gn 1907 M 00,900 ,***** *MOO 10 10 7400 Braaag
    333 words
  • 492 24 I*o* *lOO,OOO 157,000/10/-( > Anglo-Malny Bobber Co., Ltd. (tally paid) 0.17.0 *O% for Ok 150* *300,000 161,300 16,120 10 10 4,880 Balgownie Bobber Batata bid. 54.60 35% lot'oB 1904 *OO,OOO 30,187/IC/ J,. 0.380 Bain Caves Babbat Co. EM. |Lp) ..4.16.0 10*for a 1906 £BO,OOO 70,000 7o|ouO 11 Bain Tia*
    492 words
  • 215 24 I •I -f 1 B j l 18 Bella Aabeatoe Eastern Agency, Ltd. 6.96 j 16% for’o7 1908 6250,000 209,500 9,026 100 00 j 475 Brunei Oil Royalty Ltd. 100.00 1907 91,600,000 1,066,160 ,?5*?22 J 2 *2 8,450 BMlern Smelting 00., Ltd 10.00 j 10 *for’08 J 25 2?,
    215 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 284 25 md Grsv*i. r, AEsctioiu’ ■Ufflcitv^Aftaririit BHICWIOBIi uurrv- MIIfCWTC n f° r ln i m H ft a H ft W jm| prw HBIDICHE, LOSS OF SLEEP, IIDI6ESTIOI, I J-MPID LITER, WLIOOSIESS j > G iveT’^poS l *IRELI£F <i 1 1 0 "1 °*'Z. Z:,^!^ m ZZTZ i T Sold everywhere
      284 words
    • 393 25 j -1 i.4 GOUT. a. mm 6 Yms Guud. Mr. James Vick, of Aron Cottage, Bath-:.. ©•eton, near Bath, England, la well known and highly respected. He writes: “Deft#*? ou will remember that about three years ago I called to thank you personally for the good Doan s Backache,Sidney Pills
      393 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 206 26 ASK FOR Schweitzer’s Cocoatina Guaranteed an absolutely pure Coo'a Used in the' Royal palaces of England, Germany, Russia, Greece, Denmark, etc., etc. ?o*^i 301/D MIV BBYWHKBEi —7 To 5 V-r Land Properties Inspected and s Reported npon, Soils Examined, Batata VWted, Work Super risad, Valuations Made, Esti mates Drawn up
      206 words
    • 331 26 I fat tt/y Medicine of fkt AMif ewerdea e certificate et the Oeicutta tahi bitten, lses4 ojtw Dr. LAi.OR’B Trade Mark PHOSPHODYNE HAS THE LARJEBT SALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD 1 For forty yan hs* maintained to <*» wapUif elect, arc (tom wnrld-wids reputation m the Best
      331 words