The Straits Budget, 27 August 1908

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL LXII. NO 2637. Singapore, Thursday, August 27,1908. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CINTURV Price 25 cents
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  • 248 1 LEAHERS: reach Interference in the Chinese Revolution 12 N»-xs*ity lor Police Reform in >iugapore 12 .lava Newspaper’s Misleading Statements 18 ritfnrt to Establish Filiform Credit Systeqi 18 no'vtli of Nationalism in Java 13 Australia's Courtship witli the i'cited States 14 io-ueral Insurance Through Lloyds 14 I lie
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  • 742 1 The anniversary gathering of the Singapore \ouug Men’s Christian Association was held at Zetland House, on Tuesday night. There was a large attendance. Mr. J. Polglase occupied the chair, and among those present were the Revs. H. C.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 101 1 Sale of Properties. The following Singapore proper tie* disponed of by auction at Messrs. Poweli an ,1 Company's sale room on Tuesday Nine small dwellings, known as Nos. 1 to 'J Cheang Too Place, area M.040 square feet, statutory grant, quit rent $o, total monthly rent #91 —V. L. A.
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  • 875 2 should the commerce of the Colony be hampered by the military authorities in their efforts to attain efficiency in gunnery This w as the question discussed at a meeting of tee Legislative Council, on Friday. Mr. W. G. Maxwell, the
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  • 200 2 Mr. Bertrand George Sackville West and Miss Eva Inigo-Jones, daughter of MajorGeneral Inigo-Jones, formerly Officer Commanding the Troops, Straits Settlements, who were married on July 28, at St. Peter's Church, Eaton-square, London, have received a large number of wedding presents, including, from Major-General Inigo-Jones, a silver-gilt
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  • 123 2 Sub-Inspector Kim Swee prosecuted a man named Ang Kim Swee before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, on Friday, on a charge of picking the pocket of Lee Kim and stealing three ten-dollar notes at a money-changer’s stall at the corner, of Arab Street
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  • 651 2 The following letter has been rt- ta t.1 tor publication in reference to the special article published in the Straits Times < t« th progress of the ramie fibre industry To the Editor of the Straits TimeSingapore, August I'j. Sir,
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  • 532 6 In the Supreme Court, on the 20th instant., Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith gave his decision in the action brought by Messrs, Guthrie and Company against Mr. N. N. Adis, to recover the sum of $138,872.60, being moneys alleged to
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  • 61 6 Sub Inspector Kim Swee prosecuted a Chinese woman named Teo Cheok in the District Court before Mr. E. C. C. Howard, on Thursday, on a charge of kidnapping a little boy named Tan Kow Chai from his lawful guardian. Mr. A. K. Lowell appeared for the
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  • 603 6 Two Straits born Cllinest: women, Tan Hah Ta and Lee Kee \eo, were prosecuted by Inspector Connor before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E.Colman, on the 20th instant., on charges of assisting in carrying on a Chap flee Kee lottery, at
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  • 502 6 Klioo Teck Siong, a well-known towkay, appeared before the birtrkt j£? Mr. h. C. C. Howard, on Thursday, on i charge of criminal breach of trust, in w* ber 1907, in respect of »4.:t(K), the pro’ of Teo Soon Siang.
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  • 108 6 Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, on the 19th instant, resumed the preliminary inquiry into a charge of mansla'iglih r against Lee Tun, charged with causing the death of Lim Tiow Koon by pushing him into the Singapore River near Kim Seng Koad, on .July 25.
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  • 293 7 M. no loose wallah, was an expression ,,,.,1 to have been used by a dhobie named < o0 towards Private Cook of the Royal ,t Kent Regiment, at Tanglin Barracks, on May 80- He bad been accused of
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  • 129 7 The Cornish Pixie made a somewhat sensational entry into Kandy, Ceylon, on the 16th instant. Captain Neville had not secured a ticket for him and consequently he was charged by the Railway authorities before the Police Magistrate. Mr. Russell, with having brought up the Pixie
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  • 66 7 Die number of finger impressions at the O'! ot 1907 iu the Bereau at Singapore and nang amounted to 16.589. thousand two hundred and thirteen were brought up for identification, of whom ;•>* were identified as having previous conMct, j ns. Over 8,400 finger impressions were J from
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  • 76 7 ow hong, charged with mischief in andown a Government notice, in South Road, offering a reward for the appret of the murderers of Dr. Barrack, n*r 1 by the Third Magistrate, r kittle stated that tho police were J l opinion that accused was not quite
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  • 525 7 The annual meeting of the Singapore Recreation Club was held on Saturday, Mr. D. M. Martin, the President, occupying the chair. .The report of the Committee, which was adopted, was as follows The number of members on the roll at the
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  • 85 7 Two diminutive punkah wallahs employed at the Chartered Bank were convicted by the Second Magistrate, on Tuesday, of theft of a silver cigarette case, valued at #.*JO and belonging to Mr. T. Jones, of the Bank. They were turned over to their respective fathers for chastisement.
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  • 463 7 \Ne have received the following letter from Mr. van Tyen, the Secretary of the Exhibition, which opens at Medan, on Saturday next, the 29th instant:— To the Editor of the Straits Times. Medan, August 22. Sir,—lt might be interesting to residents in
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  • 76 7 Javfv will not bo conspicuous at tho forthcoming Rubber Exhibition. Tho estates are too young yet to admit of specimens of rubber being sent, and only one lubber planter in in a position to forward an exhibit. Far otherwise is it with tho Rota nical
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  • 1386 8 The fifteenth half yearly meeting of the Sipiau Tin Company, Limited, was held at noon, yesterday, at the Company’s Offices, Gresham House. Mr. O. A. Derrick, Chairman of the Directors, presided, and there were also I
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  • 137 8 Mr. E. C. C. Howard, District Judge, cleared his list, on Wednesday of a case which was first brought to his notice some weeks ago, concerning a quautity of jewellery, valued at over $1,200, the property of a nouya named Tan Geok Noo, who accused her sister
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  • 131 8 In the District Court before Mr. C. Saunders, on the 20th instant, a Chinese woman sued a Malay woman for $600 damages for wrongful imprisonment. Mr. .1. G. Campbell appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. F. M. Elliot for the defendant. IMaiatilT said that she was
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  • 94 8 Chan Ah Ho, who was convicted last week of cutting open a show case in the Hallies Museum in an attempt to steal rare coins, was again before the Third Magistrate, on Thursday. Ho was a new arrival from Penang, where he had been in the employ of
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  • 48 8 (From Oor Own Corrkspondknt.) Ipoh, August Id. It is reported in Ipoh that a Sikh Police Constable has shot a Sikh Police Sergeant at Papan for reporting him for being asleep while on duty. The full details of the affair are not yet to hand.
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  • 562 11 1 M ocu Own Correspondent.) Taiping, August 19. T| 1C ivrak Turf Club’s August Rape Meetwi! u|*ned here to-day, with the following results' a First Race. Marathon The Barbel \\„u by a leuth. Time, 1 min. 64 sec. Tote.,
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  • 162 11 When the bunkers of the steamer Counsellor were reported to be on fire as she lay out in the roads on the morning of the 19th instant, the Tanjong Pagar management very promptly despatched some steam tugs with the necessary staff and appliances to render aid.
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  • 93 11 The police of HoDgkong received a report the other evening that a junk, en route to Hongkoug, carrying a cargo of flour and kerosino, had been pirated in Mirs Ray. It is alleged that four men boarded the boat while she was almost becalmed and drove
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  • 308 11 The following questions were asked by Mr .John Anderson at a meeting of the Legislative Council, on Friday:— As the report on the Trade of the Straits Settlements for 1907 by the Registrar of Imports and Exports contains id paragraph 86 thereof
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  • 146 11 The mortality report of J)r. Gilmore Ellis, Registrar of Births and Deaths, Singapore, states that 244 persons died in Singapore during the weekended August 15,tho deathrate being equal to 46.82 per thousand of the estimated population. Altogether, 185 Chinese died—156
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  • 71 11 Mr. W. A. Cnscaden, the Inspector-General of Police, makes the following comments in his annual report on the Force in the Straits Settlements during 1907 Thieves know quite well that if they give away the receiver their chance of disposing of stolen property in future is gone.
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  • 41 12 Bau.moautkn. —On August 20, at 102, Waterloo Street, Singapore, the wife of C. L. Baumgarteu. of a (laughter. M \inio< hs. <>n August 21, at Port Swetteuhaiu, the wife of Captain. W. K, Maddocks, Harbour Master, Selangor, of a son.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 385 12 —'■'trait* Time*, August 20. It requires tact aud judgment to interfere in a revolution. Some French officers are beginning to find this out. It is now a matter of history that Dr. Sun Vat-sen, the leader of the first Deform Party in China, now
      —'■'trait* Time*, August 20.  -  385 words
    • 1339 12 —Straits Times, August 24. Elsewhere in our pages to-day we publish an account of the present state of the Police Force of Singapore, compiled from official data. The .conclusions derivable from that report and from the close inquiry we had already given to the
      —Straits Times, August 24.  -  1,339 words
    • 989 13 dealing with the Manila authorities. —Str.iits Times, August 21. feW days ago, we referred to statements nating from Manila in regard to the sub. •n nf estimates for constructional and “‘'iUriDß work by the staff of the Tanjong J l l)oc k Board. According to these
      dealing with the Manila authorities.—Str.iits Times, August 21.  -  989 words
    • 758 13 of one or two firms.—Straits Times. August *J0. In the month of June, we held an inquiry into the causes of commercial depression in Singapore. We collated the opinions of many prominent men of business, ami revealed the diversity of opinion that existed as
      of one or two firms.—Straits Times. August *J0.  -  758 words
    • 246 13 The other day, wo noted the rise oi A spirit of nationalism in Java among tb* .Javanese, properly so-called. There i* already a Young Java Party among ttio educated class, which lias just arranged to hold a National Congress at Djocjakarta, the principal city in
      246 words
    • 661 14 —Straits Times, August 25. When the Australians invited the United States fleet to visit Sydney and Melbourne, tm-y did ho in a fit of fraternal frenzy not altogether uiimixed with fear of Japanese aggression. For reasons best known to tii* mselves, or for no
      —Straits Times, August 25.  -  661 words
    • 627 14 writers at Lloyds.—Straits Times, August 20. London and Provincial journals have been lashing Lloyds for introducing into the recognised domains of ordinary insurance the most undesirable element of rash speculation. Rumours that the underwriters have been hit hard by what must be regarded as nothing less
      writers at Lloyds.—Straits Times, August 20.  -  627 words
    • 647 14 Orient and Australasia. —Straits Tiruo August 25. A few weeks ago, Heater announced S01u what baldly that owing to the reflations adopted by the Iuter-Statc Commerce Com’ miKsion, all the great railway companies u eluding the Cauadiau Pacific, having steam ship services on the Pacific Ocean
      Orient and Australasia.—Straits Tiruo August 25.  -  647 words
    • 913 15 —Straits Times, August 22. The mirth of the nations is likely to be exmj hy the declaration of President Koosevelt, cabled to us on Thursday, that the independence of the Philippines may rt be expected after a lapse of twenty rhi There is no possibility
      —Straits Times, August 22.  -  913 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 Tli** p*>it free price «>f the Straits Times i'tS <i year. The post free price of the Straih Budget is $l4 a yearIt is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periixls are at the same propor* tionatc rate as for a year. The Strait- Bud
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  • 56 12 DEATHS. EhsKiNK. —In dohore, on August 22, John Krskiue, of Greenock aged 20 years. Penang papers please copy. Ga«»k- Biiown. On August 15, Sir Charles Gage-Brown, K C.M.G., M.D., L.L.D., etc., aged Hi years. By cable). Si'Kr\ On August 25. at Singapore, Helene Beatrice, beloved N\ife of G. W. Struys.
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  • 879 15 A meeting of the Licensing Justices will be held ou September 22. I’ive hundred and twenty-nine persons were banished from the Straits Settlements during 1907, 380 being habitual criminals, 46 morphia-injectors, and 103 for other offences. Captain Kinghorn, of the local steamer Hong Wan 1., has reported
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  • 927 16 Mr. H. E. Davidson has left the F.M.S. to join a rubber estate in Borneo. Dr. Oswald Marriott, of Hongkong, has been elected a Fellow of tho Royal Colonial Institute. The Rev. H. C. Izard, Colonial Chaplain, returned from Malacca by tho steamer Kinta on Monday Major
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  • 270 16 The 4 p.m.irain from Tampin tn nl on Wednesday afternoon, was Call halt by analog the K ato a a ab U tW0 mile fr the MaS The driver and guard descended and to the gatekeeper's l lut to ascertain wl,!T
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  • 218 16 Whenever any public work of important* is started in Singapore, some extremely foolish or malicious person starts the rumour that the Government are seeking for head® to place in the foundations. Whou the Memorial Hall was begun, and in several other instances, the feeling rai. high among
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  • 117 16 About 140 of the members of the S.V.I engaged in field operations on Sunday morn ing. The force entrained at Tank Road Station at 7.20, half being dropped at Chancery Lant while the remainder went on to Cluny. The Red force were acting as a right Hank
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  • 1070 18 Mr. C. B. Whitehead, Acting Second Superintendent of Police aud head of the Gambling Suppression Department, took up the case against Mr. H. Joseph, of the firm of Messrs. Watson and Gutmann, Commission Agents, Hotel de 1’Europe Buildings, in the Third Magistrate’s Court,
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  • 192 18 Captain W. T. Kucht, of the Dutch steamer Sarie Borneo, which arrived from Band joemassin, on Wednesday reports that he passed the Telegraph cable ship Patrol ashore on A roe Bar, on the east coast of Borneo. Captain Kucht signalled offering assistance, but it was declined. News
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  • 16 18 [The Straits Times is not resno, ,u opinions of its correspondents., H e for toe
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  • 77 18 To the Editor of the Straits Tin,*. Tonjong Kbu. August 24. The* 1 \V° lf k cutt MH I 19t Hou, 1 S*?* movement in regard to o lf the establishment of a school at the ltovri Botanic Gardens, Ite R enfs Bark, I three guineas a
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  • 52 18 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, Aug. 26. Sir,—Mr. Mathieu puts some rather astonishing figures into his estimates, and it would be interesting to have details as to how handling and manipulation” can b<» done for 25 cents per picul.—1 am, Yours etc., J. \N IN
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  • 259 18 The lawn at Wesley House, Mount Sophia, the residence of the Hev. H. 15. and Mrs. Mansell, presented an animated appearance, on the 20th instant, when a large concourse of friends of Miss Sophie Blackmore, Superintendent of the Deaconess Home and
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  • 68 18 The total number of immigrants who entered the State of Negri Sembiian by seaports during the first six months or tiro current year is returned at 4,738, of whirh 228 were Europeans aud Eurasians, Chinese, 741 Malays, and 916 Indians and Japanese. The number of emigrants
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 1223 20 The following are the entries for the S.C.C. Lawn Tennis Tournament proper, which commenced on Monday A Clams Singles. Gaunt, owe 18; Green, owe 9; Perkins, owe 4; Eddis, Hansford, Miles, owe .1; Cpcott, owe 2 Winfield, Seth, Gallimore, ncr.; Turnbull, Linton,
      1,223 words
    • 216 20 The results of play in the Ladii* Lawn Tennis Club’s Tenuis tournament up k date are as follow Wednesday’s Play. Ladies’ Doubles. Miss J. Gunn and Mrs. Murray, owe 40 beat Mrs. McArthur aud Mrs. 15.2, 2—6, 6—1, 6—4. Mrs. Waddell and Miss Darbishire beat Mrs. Salzmann
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    • 233 20 Singapore Hunt Club. The eojoyable finish at the fioiiHe of the Master (Mr. M. Suhl), on Sunday inorD ning, probably made more for the success of the meet than the actual run itself. It was an ideal morning for riding when about a dozen riders started from the
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    • 320 21 >.W C. v. Police. 0u the Esplanade on Saturday, the S.R.C. and the Police tried conclusions at Cricket, and the Club won easily. The scores were POLICK. Mr. lh nson c Davidson b Ochlers 0 Ifoss b AI vis 0 Mr. Rhodes b Alvin 0 Mr. Green e Pears*
      320 words
    • 603 21 S| njcapore Shield Competition. Ill* fixture between the West Kents II. ‘•'I the Carders and Royal FJngincers in ’i f Shield Competition was played 1 the latter’s ground at Sepoy Lines on Saturday. The game wa9 contested somewhat keeuly, as the teams were of about equal strength, and
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    • 148 21 The Macbean Cup. The Macbean Cup was tired for at the Balestier Range on Sunday, simultaneous with the S.R.A and S.V.A. monthly shoots. All three shoots were won by Gunner Curtis (S.V.A.) with an excellent score of 98, notwithstanding the strong wind which was blowing from the right. The
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    • 518 21 Singapore Ci.C. Thirty-four cards were taken out for the I’ntong Cup, played for ou Saturday and Sunday, on the Racecourse Links, but the majority of the cards were not returned. The greens were in good condition for the most part, but unequal, which made putting difficult. Dr. It. D.
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  • 2126 22 London, August 19. The Johannesburg correspondent of the Daily Telegraph states that Ghandi, the leader of the Indians in the Transvaal, has met the Government and Opposition leaders in conference, and it is now believed that a compromise has been reached whereby the Indians Registration Act will not
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  • 1098 23 Berlin, August 19. President lioosevelt has declared that the independence ot the Philippine Islands may reasonably be expected after a lapse of twenty years. liie New York Herald is still advocating vigorously the formation of an AmericanChinese Alliance. Several columns are devoted to the details of progress being
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  • 147 23 Before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, on Tuesday, an Indian detectiveprosecuted a Mohammedan Indian on a charge of obstructing him while he was taking to gaol the two little punkah wallahs from the Chartered Bank who were charged with theft of a
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    • 478 24 August 19 Flax, Britstr, Bramstron, Balik Papan, Asiatic Petroleum Coy Nam Yong, Brit str, Willis, Saigon, Wee Bin Barie Borneo, Out str, Kockx, Bandjermassin, Teo Soon To 30 Bloeinfontien, Brit str, Greggans, New York, McAlister Ycdra. Brit str, Tucker, Pengkalan Soes e, As atic Petroleum Coy KwongEug, Ger str,
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    • 537 24 August 19 Crewe Hall, Brit str, Shanghai Elax, Brit str, Calcutta Heim, Nor str, Bangkok fClan MacPherson, Britstr, Aroe Bay Chun Sang, Brit str, Sourabaya 20 Teesta, Brit str, Madras via ports Plaueu, Ger str, Hamburg via ports Banka, Brit str, Auamba and Natuua Islands Sappho, Brit str, Port
      537 words
    • 281 24 Per P. and O. Victoria the steamer Devanha at Colofh* iUI August 28.—Mr. and Mrs. J \r° Wb ri w m H n D rke M H r h. Byrne, Mr. D. Main, Mr r), “i. lr H. Mr. J. Dykes. Mr. F. O. Per P. and O.
      281 words
    • 309 24 By the Nore, Captain G. Philipps WiM 19. From London: Mr. J. (J. Graves,X Tomlinson, Miss R. A. Mancell, Mr. C. S 7 °y?. c Mr W.Slurgess, Staff-Sergeant G. NN illiams. (Mr. Pierse Barrow for Baugkok' By the Penang, Captain R. Perry, .fugust 19. F'rom Port Swettenham Messrs Us
      309 words
    • 32 24 By the Nubia, August 19. For Penang Messrs. A. Hoodbegg, E. E. Sykes, ami T. •T. M. < iordon. For Loudou; Mr. Lioot! Page, Mrs. Webster and three children, and Mr. O’Sullivan.
      32 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 179 25 Ik i I IV, vial's* p n, p i MS'Zjcjcrsi Jtitx L ini II PRak WT > ~«J8r’ T r fc isssp^inps^ W.'SJStinL 1 iTfcJ SWOLLEN V aj^PSfN y*» .afacMSt f V y wvSfii < >• c Gallons oi Mrs. Ellen J first noticed kidneys, and of almost thrown m
      179 words
    • 117 25 w nn« <*«««*■ (®HMW AfBM«i*a Ora Qir| u nil •Skjs^fo< B»P*«rWort ns (Snh* and RioJttha Wlwok, *J«o ottimly «J1 mmm KvV t IMS .(7, r.»< BaJU L'.' r vj».> v 7-’ •>/.. J*iK.O si? JlrJS HI B •:v. fe .col* •i A wnerahip, ia now ope® and ready to reoeite
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 248 26 Hotel. 77, Brass SBasab Bpad, SINGAPORE. The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter, in uniform, meets all Boats and Trains AOELPHI HOTEL THE LAN6HAM HOTEL OF THE EA8T. THU ONLY-HOTEL IN SINGAPORE UNDER ENGLISH MANAGEMENT. AugtoFmoob Cui Hoow Comfort*! Cuittiut! English Cl«tnlioe«* 3M Moderate Terms GUEST SIGHT-EVERY
      248 words
    • 300 26 ,-Sfc'j til I v 1 /Issjs/s digestion and gives a delightful piquancy and flavour to all MEAT DISHES, SOUPS, FISH. CHEESE, CURRIES, fe #8IME, POULTRY and SALADS. The Original Genuine i Worcestershire* I By Royal Warrant to N M. ThC KING. R i.' "A?* T. $2.00 T PACKED FUT. v*
      300 words