The Straits Budget, 20 August 1908

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXII. NO. 2636. Singapore, Thursday, August 20,1908. ESTABLISHED OVER NAIF A CENTUSV Price 25 cents
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  • 229 1 LEADERS: A gri-Horticultural Shows and Planters’ Loans. 12 Should National Costumes be Revived? ...12*18 Outbreak of Rubber Canker in Java Political Cnrest in India and Indo-China 18 Comparative Statement of Rubber Statistics 18 Tanjong Pagar Tenders for American Works 14 The Appointment of a Golf Professional 14
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  • 687 1 Mr. R. St. J. Braddell, who appeared for Jobar Singh, a Police Constable, and his mother-in-law, Deora ji, whp are charged with the murder of two other Bengalis, argued in the Second Magistrate's Court, on Wednesday, for the release of his clients
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  • 153 1 The half-yearly report of the Directors of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Cor poration contains the following passages The net profits for that period, including $2,000,887.85, balance brought forward from last account, after paying all charges, deduct ing interest paid and due, and makiog provision
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  • 663 5 claim for salvage in respect to the rounding of the steamship Erika, in the i of A/off, in 1905, came before Mr. Justice Scrcombe Smith, with whom was Captain Willis, of the Teesta, sitting as assessor, in th» Supreme Court on
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  • 122 5 (From Our Own Corrksrondknt.) London, August 12, 8.15 p.w. The Birmingham Post publishes a statement that President Roosevelt has arrauged to send a Commission of experts to the ra r East to report on the possibility of
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  • 177 5 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate, resumed, on the 18th iust.,the preliminary inquiry into the charge against Tan Seng Bien of attempting to murder Tan Ti Ko at No. 88 Rochore Canal Road, on July 28. Sergeant Peirce conducted the case for the Crown. Dr.
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  • 83 5 The following are tho prices for the fortnight beginning August 12, of cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable on an ad valorem basis under the Rules under the Customs Duties Enactment. Duty will be assessed in the States of Perak, Selangor and Ntgri Sembilan in
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  • 104 5 Writing from Berlin on July 23, our correspondent says: Lord Cromer’s speech in the House of Louis on the Old Ago Pension Bill has made a painful impression here. Why do men in responsible positions continue to hold up the bugbear of war? Do they forget
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  • 326 5 When it became known that His Excellency Sir John Anderson intended visiting i Chenderiang on his way back from Kuala Lumpur, the Malay and Chinese residents in this little township took the matter up most enthusiastically. Triumphal arches of groenory were
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  • 257 5 Thanks to the energy of the Agricultural Department, Siam is already beginning to emulate the example set by the successful agricultural exhibitions which are organised in the Straits Settlements or the Federated Malay States. So it is no longer witli any
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  • 727 6 The report of the directors of the Lahat Mines, Limited, for the thirteen months ended December 81, for the period from the date of the incorporation, which was presented at the first annual meeting of the shareholders at the Cannon Street
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  • 319 6 In the Supreme Court, on Saturday, A. P. Naina Mohamed came before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith for examination in connection with the failure of the Straits Leather Trading Company. Mr. R. St. J. Braddell appeared for the witness, and
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  • 72 6 The following is a comparative statement of the cultivated rubber exported from the Federated Malay States during the seven months to the end of July, 1908 and 1907: 1908. 1907. Increase, lbs. lbs. lbs. Perak 222,460 113,807 109,153 Selangor ...1,030,995 613,530 417,465 N. Sembilan 354,805 254,458 100,347
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  • 106 6 It has been decided to erect the Birch Memorial, which is to take the form of a clock tower, on a prominent vacant site between the Station and Post Office Hoads, I poll. The contract for the erection of the edifice has already been given out to
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  • 360 6 (Fkom Oik Own Cokrehponoknt.) Kuala Lumpur, August 12. A wave of religious “revival” seems h have set in over the Hindus of Sclaueor During the last few weeks, the presence Sr, Swami Tbayaram, an Indian devotee "n their nudat has acted aa an
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  • 150 6 An aged Cantonese woman, named Low Ah Heng, appeared in the Third Magistrate’s Court, on Monday, ou a charge of depositing the dead body of a child in Smith Street at 3 a.m., the same day. The body was exhibited to the Magistrate, in the
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  • 64 6 A special telegram to the Siam Observer, dated Koh-si-Cbang, August 6, states that the lighter Lucy was burnt with 8,000 of Daphtha on board, belonging to the Standard Oil Company of New York. Five lives were lost. One man who was burnt was sent J hospital
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  • 866 8 At the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Coriini'KsiouerH. hold in the Hoard Room, on Friday, the following gentlemen were presentMr. .1. Polglasc. Deputy President; Mr. K. J. Ronjafield, Acting Secretary; Dr. W. R. C. Middleton, Health Officer; Messrs. H. L. Coghlan, C.
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  • 206 8 Iu order to ensure a prompt connection between the steamers of the New York Line at Naples and the German mail steamers to the 1* ar East, it has been thought advisable to postpone the depaiture of the Far Eastern Mail steamers from Genoa one day. These
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  • 154 8 A few weeks ago, Mr. V. Fink lento n, of Kota Tinggi, Johore, shot a handsome specimen of tigress, which, in company with the male companion and a cub, had been causing much uneasiness among the inhabitants of Kota Tinggi. On the 9th instant, Mr. Finkleston
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  • 357 8 A meeting of the Lemsiativ, !r u tixe M l or ‘he Wrt C£r w& 1 > Young will propose an extension of Ij Sf" tlie vote in respect of fuel for tin- Department. Following the asked by Mr. E. 0. Ellis r
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  • 217 8 It is not often that palm-leaf books of account are produced in the Supreme Court. On Friday, however, when Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith sat in bank ruptcy jurisdiction respecting the affairs of K. H. M. Kamauathan C’hetty, balance sheets resembling rolled Venetian blends were placed on
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  • 397 9 Writing from Manila, on July 27, the corresj»oudent of the Hongkong Telegraph Ha Tl e management of the Shanghai Dock f 1 Engineering Company, Limited, have ir d "another feather to their cap at the Expense of Hongkong. Last week, I telerriphed to
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  • 114 9 Koh Hing, a Hokien, was tried before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colman. on charges of criminal trespass at No. 70 China Street, at 1 p.m. on the 6th instant, and breaking open a box with a chisel at that place in an effort to commit theft.
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  • 100 9 At the last poison plot executions at Hanoi, the executioners beheaded the criminals, three in number, at one stroke each. I hey then took hold of the heads by the haii and tossed them up high in full view of the throng which witnessed the execution in
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  • 586 9 Miscellaneous matters in bankruptcy jurisdiction were taken by Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith in the Supreme Court, on Friday. There were five petitions for receiving orders, eight public examinations and four applications for committals included in the list*. Mr. F. M. Elliot appeared
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  • 365 9 In June last, Solomon Elias Solomon testified on behalf of the defence in a case of cheating and deceiving. and during the proceedings Mr. C. F. J. Green summarily fined him V 25, or fourteen days’ rigorous imprisonment. for giving false
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  • 109 9 Mr. S. J. Judah, living at No. 36 Niven Road, prosecuted a Chinese servant before the Third Magistrate, on Monday on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of $‘2.50. Mr. Joseph said that on Thursday evening last he gave accused the money with
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  • 115 9 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent, writing on August 12, says: The admission fee to the Agri Horticultural Show of a dollar on the opening day has been considered somewhat high. The number of visitors on that day might have been doubled had the fee been less and within
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  • 846 11 The report of the General Manager of the Australian Gold Mining Company, I, mi ted, Mr. W. H. Martin, for the year tied February 29, has been issued. It states that during the year 72,587 tons r ur0 i ia
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  • 114 11 Mr. K. H. Mauldfinch is organising a Singapore Boys’ Scouting Corps, under the rules and regulations of the Baden-Powell Corps. There are to be seven patrols of seven boys each, the ages of the lads to be from nine to sixteen. Captain Colbeck has taken hold
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  • 116 11 What appeared to be the funnel of a launch, bearing a red flag, was plainly visible near mid-channel in the river just above Cavenagh Bridge, on Friday afternoon. It was an oil druiu anchored as a buoy to prevent passing boats from colliding with a mud-laden twakow
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  • 52 11 The Imperial Government has wired to Tao Tai, the Viceroy of Amoy, informing him that the revolutionaries were about to import ammunition at Amoy from Annarn, and are waiting opportunities to do so, and stating that he and the Commissioner of Customs were to keep a sharp
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  • 377 11 SEARCHING FOR WORK. Endeavours of a Bankrupt to Secure Employment Mr. .I'istice Sercombe Smith put several searching questions to a bankrupt, who, at present, in out of employment, iu the Supreme Court, on Friday. Nine years ago, Lee Sian Tek was a trader, and to all intents and purposes pros
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  • 99 11 For jumping off a tram while it was in motion in North Bridge Hoad at 7.35 p.rn .on Wednesday, a Chinaman, named Tay Kiat, was arrested, though unconscious, having landed on his chin, and appeared before the Third Magistrate, Mr. K. E. Colman, next
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  • 108 11 The British steamer Counsellor, of Liverpool, belongiug to Messrs. T. and J. Harrison, and captained by Mr. D. G. Cownie, arrived, yesterday, from Koh-si-Chaog, with a cargo of rice on board, and signalled to the port that her bunkers were on fire. She was bound for
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  • 34 12 Lkk.—On August 15, at Singapore, the wife of Herbert Lee, of the StraitH Times, of a Ron. Winhemiuh. —On August 19, at Orange Hoad, Singapore, the wife of J. Winsemius, of a daughter.
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  • 46 12 Brown*—Maclean. —On August 12, at St. Oeorge’s Church, Penang, by the Kev. Frank W. Haines, Colonial Chaplain, Alfred Vanhoufle Brown, of the Federated Malay States Civil Service, to Margaret Helen, youngest daughter of the late Rev. J. H. Maclean, some time Rector of Chilfrome, Dorset.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1091 12 to forward their prosperity.—Straits Times, August 18. It is, we take it, the purpose of the annual Agri-Horticultural Show’s, held under the auspices of the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States Governments, to encourage every art and industry making for the betterment of the inhabitants
      to forward their prosperity.—Straits Times, August 18.  -  1,091 words
    • 1027 12 could but suffer in silence.—Straits Times, August 1">. An incident has just occurred at h„ which would have given occasion f or dome outburst from the author of UcsartuH were he still with us it that Mr. Richard Hazleton, Member TZ House of Commons for
      could but suffer in silence.—Straits Times, August 1">.  -  1,027 words
    • 379 13 —StraitH Times, August 18. Some uneasiness has been aroused of late among rubber planters in Java by the appeal a nee of canker in some of the Hevea trees, and the more timid among them recall xpert opinion that Gutta Kambong, au indigenous kind,
      —StraitH Times, August 18.  -  379 words
    • 1028 13 —Straits Times, 17. With sedition rampant in British India, English people can sympathise with the French, who are face to face with a similar state of affairs in Indo-China. In both countries, it would appear that one of the predisposing causes of the unrest
      —Straits Times, 17.  -  1,028 words
    • 263 13 Straits Times, August 19. Some interesting rubber statistics are given in the circular issued by Messrs, (Jow, Wilson and StaDton on July 24. At tho auction sale on that date there were 747 packagos on offer as against 415 at the corresponding sale last year—or
      Straits Times, August 19.  -  263 words
    • 778 14 -Straits Times, August 14. Oil .Inly 30, we made editorial reference to competitive tenders tor the construction of steel barren for the Philippine Government at Manila. Particulars of these tenders were given by the Mauila correspondent of a Hongkong contemporary, and it was made
      -Straits Times, August 14.  -  778 words
    • 739 14 Straits Times, August 1h. The comments we published a fortnight ago in regard to tho employment of a golf professional for Singapore have produced a prolific correspondence. The various letters on this important subject may have proved tiresome to the general reader, but the
      Straits Times, August 1h.  -  739 words
    • 857 14 -Straits Times, August 19. Keuter informs uk that much relief will b* felt officially in the United Staten when the visit ot the battleship fleet to Japanese ports is over without incident or contretemps. We can well understand this anxiety. In fact, evoryone
      -Straits Times, August 19.  -  857 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 90 12 The pout (re® price of the Straits Times 1* t*B A year. The poet free price of the Straits Budget is $U a yearIt is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a year. The Straits Budget
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  • 728 15 His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., and party returned from the via Penang, on Wednesday, by the Sea Mew. His Excellency S. Yoshida is a passenger for Singapore on the Nippon Yusen Kaisha liner katno Maru, which arrived, on Monday from Yokohama en route to
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  • 1176 15 During the week ended Aagnst 1, one case of plague and one of small pox were reported at Bangkok. At the meeting of the Municipal Commissioner**. on Friday, the Deputy President re ported that 8,075 rats had been collected during the two weeks ending August 5. It
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 1091 19 Singapore Shield Competition. A football match, in connection with the Singapore Association Football Shield comn. t.'tion, was played at Beach Road on MonJJ ay between the West Kents I and the M C A. The game was a good one, but the contest was not as keen as
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    • 140 19 The Championship. The final tio in the Championship of the S.C.C. Lawn Bowling tournament took place on Thursday and was contested keenly by McKean and E. A. Brown. McKean is the holder of the McKenzie trophy, and, as he beat Brown last night, tho Cup becomes his own
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    • 980 19 Ladies* L.T.C. Tournament. The results of play in the Ladies* Lawn Tennis Club’s Tennis tournament up to date are as follow Wednesday’s Play. Laoirs’ Singles. Mis** Darbishire, scr., beat Mrs. Holden owe 1, 6-4. 4 -6, 6—2. Ladies' Douhlkh. Mrs. iroen and Mrs. Gansloser, scr., beat Mrs. Darbisihire
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    • 391 20 Scotland v. The Rest. The Racecourse links had an animated appearance on Saturday when forty-eight players engaged in a foursome match Scotland v. The Rest. Mr. F. Ferguson captained the Scottish team and Dr. R. A. Campbell led the other side. Regrettable absentees were Dr. P. Fowlie and Mr.
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    • 64 20 Sultan of Perak’s Cup. Selangor and Klang Polo Clubs competed for the Sultan of Perak’s Cup at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, and Selangor won easily, over riding and out-pacing the Klang representatives. Miss Anderson presented a set of silver beakers to the winning team. The Cup could not be
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    • 243 20 S. v. P.W.D. On the S.K.O. ground, on Saturday, there was a cricket match between the S R.C. and the Public Works Department. The game ended draw. The scores were as follow S.R.C. T. de Silva b De Uooy 5 J. R. Cockburn b Pearse in G. Armstrong c
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    • 78 20 The Ellis Shield. Section 3, No. 2 Company of the Singapore Volunteer Infantry, won the Ellis Shield for the fourth time, on Sunday, at the Balestier Rifle Range. The scores were Section 8 675 Section 1 613 Section 2 543 Section 4 497 The highest scorer was Colour- Sergeant
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    • 310 20 The boycott of the Imperial Maritime Customs at Hoihow, which we mentioned some days ago, still prevails, and a serious dislocation of commerce is resulting. The people are determined to neither load nor unload ships until Charles Klieuc is removed
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  • 2353 21 London, August 12. merous prominent Croatians, Bosniaus ‘i Nasties were arrested on the 7th instant f 0 ronnection with a Greater Servia Irredentist movement. The alleged conspirators are charged with nlauuiog a revolt in Croatia and Bosnia *ith the object of forming a Greco-Slav republic, with the aid
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  • 1278 22 Berlin, August 12. When King Edward met the German Emperor at Cronburg, their Majesties appeared to be in perfect health and humour, and the greeting was marked with genuine cordiality. They conversed happily for a considerable time, during which the Kaiser expressed the hope that King Edward would
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  • 136 23 There is a tine block of business houses being erected in Kling Street, and the Chinese sub contractor, Yat Keo, lives on the premises. His room was entered at 7-30 o’clock, on Tuesday, by means of a ladder, and a bag containing s‘23 in copper coins was
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  • 128 23 The half-yearly report of the Directors of the Hongkong and Whampoa DockCompauy shows a uet profit for the six months, after paying interest due aud all charges, of $‘274,577.08, to which has been the balance brought forward from the previous account of $441,412 51, making tho
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  • 75 23 Among the passengers on the Kamo Maru ro Mr. J. Yamaza, who is accompanied by Ins wifo, and is going to London as Councilor iu the Japanese Embassy; Mr. A. Ariyoshi, who proceeds to Paris to join the Japanese Embassy as second secretary Mr, K. Kyima, eu route
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  • 14 23 (The Straits Times is not re ponsible for the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 133 23 To the Editor of the Strait** Times. Singapore, August 15. Sir,—l note in Saturday's Straits Times your remarks regarding the beautifying of the sea part of the Esplanade with flowerbeds. Cannot steps be taken to make it possible for respectable people to walk there in the afternooa without
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  • 455 23 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, August 17. Sir, —Referring to a paragraph in regard to the beautification of the Esplanade on the immediate sea front, it should be patent to all observers that no amount of shrubs and plants which may be planted thereon
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  • 288 23 SiMoapoan, August 19, 1908. PRODUCE. Jam bier buyers I 7 70 do (Cube No. 1) uopiokea 11.75 Copra Bali 7 60 do F ootianak 7 00 Pepper. Black buyers 10 90 do White 6% buyers 17 00 Sago Floor Sarawak 2 971 do Brunei No. 1 2 85 Pearl
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  • 98 23 Stipram vnian Chetty, Low Kim Pong and N. N. Adis appeared before the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder, on Wednesdiy, to show cause why they should not discontinue permission for the use of certain houses in Devonshire Hoad, of which they aro alleged to be tho
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 62 23 Property Sale. Tho following Singapore proportion woro disposed of by auction at Powell and Cora pany’s sale-room, on Tuesday Right dwelling-houses known as Nos. 29, HI, HH and H5 Sago Street and Nos. 22, 24, 26 and 2S Sago Lane, area 8,629 square feet, 999 years’ lease, quit rent $8
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    • 590 24 August 12 C. Lopez y Lopez, Span str, Fano, Liverpool, Barlow Telemaobus, Brit str, Goodwin, Yokohama, W. j Mansfield Darios, Biitstr, Wihon, Melbonrne, McAlister Mahidol, Siam str, Larsen, Bangkok, East Asiatio Coy Valentyn, Dut str, Brnst, Billiton, Daendels Inaba Maru, Jap str, Bainbridge, Loudon, Paterson Simons Marmora, Brit str,
      590 words
    • 393 24 August la Lacgbank, Brit str, Liverpool via ports flndrapura, Brit str, Sourabaya Unity, Nor str, Rangoon Kkaterinoslavl, Rus str, Odessa >3 (denlocby, Brit s'r, Shanghai, Japan C. y Lopez, Span str, Manila G. G. Meijer, Dut str, Muntok, Palembang Karang, Brit str, Kelantan via ports Happho, Brit str, Port
      393 words
    • 214 24 Per German steamer Priuz Kitel rich, due August 21. Dr. Herm. HoffnJl!; Miss Anna Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs b P^ eP Mr. H P Canse, Mr. Y. A. Melville'Mr can Mackie, Mr. E. R. van der Hoeven \t B. H. H. R.ivenswaay, Mr. E. M l* Mr. Henry
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    • 305 24 By the Marmora, Captain G. H. C. Weston, August 18. From Yokohama, Sir John Murray and Miss Murray; from Shanghai, Dr. Hsieh, Mr. Twoch and Miss Heuer; from Hongkong, Mr. and Mrs. Carr, Mr. W. A. Dowley, Mr. O. Y. Is Hang, Mr. H. Stun Hing, Mr. M. I.
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    • 53 24 By the MArraora, August 14. For Penang. Mr. E. L. Jackson and Mr. Ben 11 nr. 1 r Bombay: Captain J. W. Nelson, Mr. L. Solomonand Mr. Blackshear. frnr Mar seilles: Mr. L. Leuis. For London JB. Travers, Mrs. H. P. Kinglioru, Mr Bramall, Mr. E. E. White and
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 263 25 DINN GRD’S of <*& JLy H,, 4. > S*r/ t £u.i The Physician's Out far Gout, Eff Goml Use. Si A ft; very many small ailments? The digestive Is removed. how and the trouble wsssss* By their specific ectieii on ti* stomach, liver end kidneys, they ssatst those gans to
      263 words
    • 508 25 THE RUBBER WHEEL AND CYCLE WORM 4t Hill Street, (opposite Armenian Cbarohl. Bicycle* on hire, (or eale and repaired. We do all kinda of Repair Work oa Carriage, Dog. cart and Biekaha Wheel*, atoo Ripply all kind* ot Bobber Tyre*. Setiofaotion guarauleetl. Br oe* mod fata. NOTICE. tlMr t *l*
      508 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 224 26 Caledonian Hotel. 7T, Bras* SBasab Ttpad, SINGAPORE. The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter, in uniform, meets all Boats and Trains AOELPHI HOTEL. THE UUKUMM HOTEL Of THE EAST. THE ONLY HOTEL IN SINGAPORE UNDER ENGLISH MANAGEMENT. AaflJo-Fraoob Caisitu! Kngluh ClmalioM* Horn* Comfort* Moderate Term* BUE8T WBHT-EVERY
      224 words
    • 349 26 LEA PERRINS J SAUCE I f Assists digestion and gives a delightful piquancy and flavour to all MEAT DISHE8, SOUPS, FISH, CHEESE. CURRIES, 6AME, POULTRY and SALADS. The Original Genuine Worcestershire. I b v ro V «i w.rram t0 H M inc, STRAITS F.M.S. 4> Mow Ready I A Magnificent
      349 words