The Straits Budget, 13 August 1908

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE "STRAITS TIMES." VOL LXII. NO 2635. Singapore, Thursday, August 13,1908. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Price 25 cents
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  • 191 1 LEADERS: lloukong Typhoon Shelter for Native Craft... 1Tl.u atened Boycott Against France 12 Religious and Civil Rights in Content... Mineral Resources of the Philippines 18 Anti .Military Spirit in Europe 14 An. alga nat ion of Hailway Companies 14 Healthier Signs in German Money Market 14 U-auction
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  • 696 1 (From Our ()\v;n Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, August 8. It has sometimes happened that, in certain economic matters, the Federated Malay States have started ahead of the Colony; and the question of granting loans for agricultural purposes is a case in point.
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  • 41 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, August 5, 8.10 p.m. The death has taken place in the General Hospital here of Mr. A. Kaulfuss, photo grapher, 27, Farquliar Street, Penang. The cause of death was heart failure.
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  • 94 1 The British steamer Pontianak, gross ton nage 199, was sold by auction, by the mort gagee, at Messrs. Powell and Company's Saleroom, on the sth inst., for the sum of $7,600, the purchaser being M. C. Soma sundaram Chitty. The steamer has been running for some
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  • 469 6 A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners wan held in the Board Room, on Friday afternoon, to consider proposed bylaws relative to sick receiving houses, and for further consideration of the water agreement, which aroused some controversy when first placed before the
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  • 111 6 The Pinang Gazette states that Mr. A. Duke, Adviser to the Government of Perlis, met with an accident while out riding one day last week. Instead of jumping a hedge, his pony went through it but fell, throwing its rider, who was kicked above one of his
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  • 630 6 Id introducing for the consideration of members of the Legislative Council at their meeting, on the 7th instant, the Bill to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, the Tamil Immigration Fund Ordinance, of 1907, Mr. W. G. Maxwell, the Acting Attorney. General, expressed the
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  • 514 6 Inder the heading Currency and Exchange, the huancial report and state ments for the Straits Settlements f or th* past year, prepared by the Hon. Mr A T Bryant, Colonial Treasurer, state that the average circulation of Government Notes
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  • 123 6 Opium imports for 1907 record 13,714 chests, an increase of 1,0 6. The average price of Benares at which transactions were done was #789 per chest, or more than in the previous year. Exports reached 10,120 chests, a decline of 350. To the Federated Malay
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  • 197 9 At the Supreme Court, on Saturday, Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith committed Khoo Siok Wan to prison for three months in respect of his bankruptcy affairs. Pending appeal, he was allowed bail in the sum of 85,000. On Wednesday, Mr. F. M. Baddcley,
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  • 868 9 The annual general meeting of the members of the Singapore Cricket Club was held at the Club Pavilion, on the 6th inst., when among those present wereCaptain A. H Young, C.M.G. (President), Messrs. H. M. Cantrell, W. J.
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  • 103 9 During July, 1,148 deaths were reported in Singapore—9o2 males and 241 females—which is equal to an annual death rate of 50.62 per thousand. Altogether 875 Chinese died, 188 Malays, 90 Indians, 28 Eurasians and 11 Europeans. Malarial fever claimed 169 of the deaths, phthisis 188, convulsions 91,
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  • 241 9 A carriage accident occurred on tho Esplanade on Tuesday, when a light, rubber tyred palanquin in which a Tamil was riding collided with the trap of Mr. Perkins, which was proceeding in the opposite direction, tho result being considerable damage to both vehicles, and the bruising of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 92 9 Sale of Properties. I lit following Singapore properties were 'imposed of by auction at Messrs Powell and orupany’s Saleroom on Tuesday l toehold building land, off Holland Road, < ut to Tanglin Barracks, area 78 acres rood 29 poles, and, also, freehold agricultural land near Tanglin Hoad and Alexandra ‘Oad,
      92 words

  • 239 11 Members of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements assembled in the Council Chamber, at Singapore, on the 7th instant, under the presidency of His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.C. There were also present His Excellency the General Officer Commanding
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  • 46 11 The first reading of the Military Manicuvres and Artillery Practice Ordinance Amendment Bill was read a first time at the Legislative Council on Friday. Council then went into Committee on the Widows and Orphans Pension Ordinance Amendment Bill, and alter wards adjourned sine die.
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  • 96 11 (Fuom Oi’R Ohs Loudon, August 5, 5.45 p.ra. The community of exiled Turks in Geneva have received a message from Constant! nople announcing an attempt to assassinate tiie Sultau. It is stated in this message that a subordinate official employed in
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  • 425 11 Tho American battleships Maine and Alabama arrived in Singapore on the7thinst., from Manila, en route homeward, via Sues. Tho list of officers of the battleships shown a considerable change in the personnel from the time they arrived at San Francisco.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1153 12 —Straits Times, August 7. The ominous comments of the Governor of Hongkong in regard to increased taxation should prepare us in the Straits Settlements for a similar notification when the Legislative Council meets to consider the Budget for next year. Should the Imperial Government
      .—Straits Times, August 7.  -  1,153 words
    • 628 12 whose business relations are disturbed. Srtaits Times, August 8. A new boycott movement looms U n Claim. Thin time tLe boycott is against I-ranee. Tbe Avenir du Ton*, hears that the Chinese firm** at Cantoi threaten to start an agitation to that end should France persist
      whose business relations are disturbed. Srtaits Times, August 8.  -  628 words
    • 982 13 litigation brings to light.—Straits Times, August 11. law suit of almost any nature has always ha j a strong attraction for the average man. Some, of course, appear to be more interest--1U than others, ami we fancy that after an action involving the sex-relation,
      litigation brings to light.—Straits Times, August 11.  -  982 words
    • 1061 13 syndicate prior to the insurrection.—Straits Times, August 10. From the early days of Spanish exploration in the Philippines, there have been rumours of fabulous mineral wealth in those islands, but no comprehensive and reliable statistics of actual mineral products realised havo ever been published until
      syndicate prior to the insurrection.—Straits Times, August 10.  -  1,061 words
    • 874 14 start in the right direction.—Straits Times, August 12. In the July number of The International, Gustav Herve reviews the spirit ot autimilitarism in France, where desperate blows are being aimed at it by radical ministries and by republican juries. Where militarism is carried to extremes, anti-militarism
      start in the right direction.—Straits Times, August 12.  -  874 words
    • 373 14 alone has 224,803 miles.—Straits Times, August 8. The announcement that three of the most important railway companies in England have arrived at an agreement to avoid competition is good nows to the shareholders, hut if it results in au increase of rates, the freight-provider cannot be
      alone has 224,803 miles.—Straits Times, August 8.  -  373 words
    • 660 14 Anything that indicates a return to proh pority and healthier trading conditions i 8 1, be welcomed, and we take it that the relax atiou of the stringency of the money market in Germany in the second quarter of the year is one indication
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    • 540 15 iaodinn, to Laufach, south-wefct of Berlin. >traits Times, August H. There will be general regret that Zeppelin’s mrship has been destroyed at the moment *Un it had achieved a great success. It had travelled from Lake Constance to Mayence in eleven hours, a distance of nearly
      iaodinn, to Laufach, south-wefct of Berlin.— >traits Times, August H.  -  540 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 90 12 The pout free price of the Strmti Timn it* <* yertr. The post free price of the Strait budget it $l4 yearIt it not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter pcri<*ls are at the same proi>or* tionatr rate as for a year The Straits Hint get
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  • 22 12 DEATH. Johnston. —On July 10, at sea, on the steamer Armadale Castle, Morris Alexander, son of the late A. Johnston, of Singapore.
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  • 1134 15 At the evening service at the Victoria jemorial Hall, on Sunday, the Rev. H. B. Mansell delivered a patriotic sermon, in view ''l its being the anniversary of Coronation Herbert Welham, Editor of the Pinang gazette, who is just convalescent after a ny au d dangerous illness,
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  • 132 19 I’tculiar circumstances surround the suicide >f the first eugineer of tbo German steamer Mathilde at Haiphong the other day. '•aviiig a coffee house at night, tlie engineer hailed a ricksha and journeyed the European cemetery, and entered the grounds by
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  • 608 19 Among the papers laid before the Legislative Council by command of His Excellency the Governor, at Friday’s meeting, was j the annual report of the Marine Department, Strait9 Settlements, for the year 1907, which is signed by Commander C.A. Kadcliffe, R.N., Master
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  • 103 19 (From Ode Own Correspondent.) London (via Penang), August 10. High pricos obtain in London for Para compared with plantation robber. This is supposed to be due to the action of the bears covering the market, and to excessive speculation. The total
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  • 281 19 Singapore, August 12, 1006. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers t H.00 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked ,,1175 Copra Bali do Pontianak 7 00 Pepper, Blaok buyers 11 12* do White 5% buyers 17 25 Sago Flour Sarawak 2 95 do Brunei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago Coffee Bali, pioked 24.00 Coffee,
    281 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 1104 20 Play commences to-day on the Espla nade in the D Singles and the qualifying rounds of the Profession Pairs in the S.C.C. Autumn Tennis tournament. The following is a list of the entries I) Singles. Byes in first round.—F. K. W.
      1,104 words
    • 147 20 Results in the 8.C.C. Lawn tournament up to date are as follow?!* 10 Wednesday’s Play. Singlk Handicap. Sinclair, 4 2, beat Harding, 4 White,—5, beat Beldon,— 8, 21 20 McKean, —5 beat Foreman, 1 W Q Ch AMPIONSHIP. Hay beat Lyall 21—19. Thursday's Play. Championship. Brown beat Biddulph,
      147 words
    • 192 20 Swimming: Club Race. The delightful weather, on Sunday attracted a large attendance at tho Swim ming Club. The hundred yards handicap race —the first of the series of three races for the Club Aggregate Cup—was swum off. R. L. Cuscaden beiug the winner. G. Wald came second aud N.
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    • 311 20 Record Score at Malacca. Says our Malacca correspondent Two interesting golf matches between Mr. Humphreys, the Malacca Champion, and Mr Mackenzie, who is *a player with a future, were played on the 2nd and 3rd iust. the 2nd inst., theChampiou excelled himself and broke the record for 9 and
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    • 978 21 Law and Civil Service v. Garrison. The match betwoen the Law and Civil Service and the Garrison in the S.C.C. Cricket tournament was not finished, on Saturday. The scores were as follow Law and Civil Service. K. C. Ellis b Clarke 1 A. \V. Bailey c Eddis b Pedley.
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    • 133 21 Autumn Griffins. The following griffins for tho Singapore Autumn meeting were drawn on Saturday at Messrs. Lambert and Company'* stable*: No. 1.—Mr. Seah Eng Peck. No. 2.—Mr. F. W. Howl. No. 3.—Mr. Scab Eng Kun. No. 4.—The Golf Kongseo. No. 5. —Mr. Leo Choon Guan. No. 6.—Tenni* Kongseo.
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  • 2115 22 London, August 4. It is reported that tho Midland, London and North Western, and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Companies have concluded an agreement with reference to competitive traffic. It is estimated that this arrange ment will save at least £*200,000 per annum. The stocks of all three Couipaines
    2,115 words

  • 1310 23 Berlin, August 5. mt Zeppelin, in his airship, reached Maytncc in eleven hours from Friederichsit- n. on Lake Constance. stoppage was made to rectify a slight 1 vet of the motor, and the journey was then r-. ltued. ount Zeppelin has landed at Stuttgart. H will resume his
    1,310 words

    • 617 24 August 5 Aai. if If >1 cr-mer Ryans, Hongkong P»’rna Brit 4r, Cickman, L’don, P. to O Coy Giang Ann, Dr t str. Mobs, Samarang, Heap Eng Moli AiJang, Siam -*tr Svarrer, Bangkok, East A tiatio Coy fl3\*. Brit str, Gibson, Natuna Is, T. 11. Lye Ternor, Nor Htr
      617 words
    • 429 24 August 5 Sardinia, Brit str, Antwerp via ports Burrsfleld, Brit str, Iliogo Edendale, Brit str, Samarang via ports Heim, Nor str, Bangkok 6 Taroba, Brit str, Madras via ports Loyal, Brit str, Bangkok Nippon, A list str, Trieste via ports Ban Fob Guan, Brit str, Macassar via ports Janet
      429 words
    • 263 24 PARSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. July 25.—Dut.str. Goeutoer, Capt LeClerc, from Rotterdam, June 20. Foi Batavia. 20.—Ger. str. Plauen, Capt Hellerici. from Hamburg, May 9. Fo: Batavia. 28. —Ger. str. Augusburg. Capt Paulsen from Batavia, July 2*. for Tjilatjap. 28.—Ger. str. Hanan. Captaiu i'rui.n from Batavia. July
      263 words
    • 265 24 Per I’. and O. ludia, conncctini; wi-,. steamer Malta at Colombo, due \u,. u iV Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamieson, ,M r Forrester, Mr. A. Mitchell. Mr. anil ml' Main,.Mr. C. Russell, Mr. K. s R Smith, Mr. J. I*. Charra. ir Per X. D. L. steamer Prinz
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 100 25 ■>.. |'3<■>!»; .>* j. P JsmpiWliu AmIP NkisfffflWf -iWm BB ar> Genuine molMP Vermouth of Tufii' Moeoot of Bjcm mostly rooommalj AlMOOperfWl delioioai rod ipi Bitter* highly room moooroni per pin oil.eto Sold at Gaggioo m t>06 PILSE KEY mm l*POtT«» &“S2 X‘''$X BIMi fcs rf C v /A T'V
      100 words
    • 270 25 *I Cr f LP i H. it. it -war; 7. l r '2 <r f!i.i '.fs feS ■v. K* 'N raS wMit M* Bk-jXS TOLD BY A IIV7: Nil&glM ?*> t &££36ffi£i£sh* lli &>.«» > 't*< d. mil -WSf Barn, ‘<7or wv pw birth cl my >chil4rM|, the in my
      270 words
    • 109 25 Hm *>*n of W of T a PO«W. kHl MM i m ■M Mil 8 v;*' Wd establishment, which has Change ownership, i« Wm 3mmk reoe e h«i been rt novated, utd will be made comfortable in every respect. The management intend to keep np the stood name this Hotel
      109 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 244 26 77, Brats Siatah J{oad, SINGAPORE. The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter, in uniform, meets all Boats and Trains ADELPHI hotel. THE UN6HAM HOTEL or THE E»8T, THE ONLY HOTEL IN SINGAPORE UNDER ENGLISH MANAGEMENT. Aug)>!‘reuch Caimoo! Kngliah CleantioMB Il-mie >rts Moderate Terra* I BUEiT NICHT—EVERY SATURDAY.
      244 words
    • 323 26 PERRINS J USE 0f Wet WORC Assists digestion and gives a delightful piquancy and flavour to all l MEAT DISHES. SOUPS, FISH, CHEESE. CURRIES, SAME, POULTRY and SALADS. Thc^jV,:] Original Genuine Worcestershire. Boyal Warrant to N M Tm£ INC I STRAITS F.M.S ANNUAL. rv: r».> SaSJ! a A ;JrReady I
      323 words