The Straits Budget, 6 August 1908

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Budget
  • 25 1 The Straits Budget VOL. LXII. NO 2634. Singapore, Thursday, August 6,1908. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” fSTABlISHEO OVER HALF A CENTURY "STiT
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  • 240 1 LEADERS: lenders for Construction of Steel Barges 12 Treatment of Enteric Fever in Colombo 12 Wanted: Professional Golfer in Singapore 1*2 constitutional Government in Turkey 13 Crime: Its Prevention and Punishment 13 My *Uriou3 Message from New York 13 Loose Business Morals of the Japanese 14 <treat
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  • 752 1 The boxing championship of the ‘2nd Royal West Kent Regiment has been wou by Lance Corporal Sheppard, because he was fouled in a match on the 30th ult., with Lance-Corporal Kirbv. It was an unfortunate
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  • 69 1 Two Macaos have been arrested on tho steamer Penang, from Port Swetteuham, by the local police, on suspicion of beiug implicated in the murder of Hr. Barrack. Four hundred dollars were found in their possession. They say that they are
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  • 144 3 Chinese apprentice shoemaker was charged before the Third Magistrate, Mr. K K Coleman, on Saturday, with cruelty to a oat. He said that the cat was in the court of the house making a noise, and he threw it out; that was all. Where is the
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  • 184 3 •S rgeant Peirce prosecuted a man, named r lay Ho, at the District Court before Mr. E. C C. Howard, on Friday, on a charge of t isebreaking with intent to commit theft, at 'J pm. on July 21, at the house of Lim Chu, at the Bth
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  • 1001 3 The following is the report of the Committee of the Singapore Cricket Club for the year ended .June 30:— Finance. —The general account closes with a balance in hand of $3,688.20. The additional subscription of 50 cents amounted during the year to
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  • 122 3 Karuasamy, a Tamil who is charged with the murder of another Tamil named Murugan at the four and a quarter mile, Bukit Timah Hoad, on the fifth instant, was before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, on the 30th ult., for the preliminary enquiry.
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  • 137 3 Another excellent number of the Agricultural Bulletin of the Straits and Federated Malay States is that for the month of August. Mr. T. W. Main contributes the principal article on Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, in which he gives useful advice respecting effective landscaj>egardening. Mr. H. N.
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  • 445 4 Another Shield Competition ih to be held iii connection with the Singapore Football Association, and au effort is being made to corn rnencuoperations shortly. The preliminary details have yet to be arranged, but they are in the hands of a Subcommittee. consisting
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  • 140 4 Sergeant Pearce prosecuted a Tamil named Saminathan before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, on the 3()th ult., on a charge of giving false information to a Police Corporal. The corporal stated that accused made a complaint to him that a womau with whom he
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  • 491 4 Bankruptcy business was taken at the Supreme Court, on the 31st ult. by Mr. Justice T. Sercombe Smith, whose list comprised seven petitions for receiving orders, and a number of motions, summouses and applications. An interesting application was made by Mr. F.
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  • 143 4 The will of Mr. J. J. Macbean, of Copers Cope Hoad, Beckenham, Kent, late of Singapore, Straits Settlements, managing director of Howarth Erskine, Limited, who died on Juno 9, aged 58 years, has been proved. Testator bequeathed, subject to other provisions, the
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  • 653 4 At tlu* Supremo Court, uu Kridav before Mr. Justice T. Sercombe Smitv. Mr. F. M. Baddeluy, tbe Acting (>tticial Assignee, continued the examination i n bankruptcy of Messrs. A. M. Sarkies aud E Johaunes, in respect to the failure of t hi
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  • 430 5 —Straits Time>, July 30. v the Homegoing P. anchO. mail steamer l >i-vanha, which leaves for Colombo early to -Lioi row morning, the exhibits from the straits Settlements and the Federated Malay >tiitcs for the forthcoming Rubber Exhibition. are
    —Straits Time>, July 30.  -  430 words
  • 92 5 1 li« statement of accounts for the balfyt.a tided .July 27 shows that the Singapore Club is in a satisfactory financial jK^ition. '•u January 1, the bank balance was Ilu, and, by June 30, this sum was h ced to $7,635.03. The general receipts Htauunted to $22,252.13;
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  • 76 5 lit- port of Calcutta is so full of shipping <■l at the harbour authorities are having the cutest difficulty in finding mooring accom n dntiou tor incoming steamers. bi* is due to the large number of vessels have been compelled to lay up for v it
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  • 439 5 (From Our Own’ CoRRKspoNDhSTj Malacca. July 27. Last week, a Selangor planter paid a brief visit by motor car to two of Malacca’s largest rubber estates, Diamond Jubilee Estate und Bukit Asahan Estate. He expressed himself in very strong
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  • 185 5 The Singapore Botanic Gardens authorities have persistently refused to recommend Wardian cases for transporting Para seeds on account of the expense incurred, writes Mr. Herbert Wright, in the India Rubber Journal. Mr. Kidley has always got good results by packing in burnt rice husks. The
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  • 680 5 Lahmit, the Javanese driver of the m.: Fire Engine Broaririck. appeared aga: j i. .< fore the Third Magistrate. Mr. E. E. C\!uu... on the 20th ult.. on the charge of la-h and negligent driving of the engine near Caven agii
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  • 912 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 30. The following are the results of the Second day s races at the Penang Turf Club Meeting:— The Roadster Handicap.—Value $2OO. A Handicap for all Roadsters that have
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  • 96 6 A carriage accident occurred at the corner of tiie Victoria Memorial Hall on the 31st ult., a victoria in which Mr. Seah Eng Kiong was riding, and a gharry containing Messrs. G. S. Carver and A. 8. Bailey coming into collision as they reached the corner, one from
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  • 320 6 Tin at Tongkah. GREAT SUCCESS OF DREDGING OPERAT IONS. A World’s Record for the Dredge. (From Our Own Correspondem., Penang. August 4. 9.40 a.m. T he tin dredging operations of the TonnksL Harbour Lin Dredging Company. whicS wt being conducted under the poriutc n .lenc of Mr. Myles, have met
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  • 165 6 The members of the S.V.A. Scouts, \oluu tee: Engineers and S.V.I. left Bras bassa Road by tram, on Saturday afternoon, for Bidadari to spend the week end under canvas. An attack was made on the Camp on Sunday night by a body of the Kngi neers, who
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  • 59 6 A fine new ambulance, to be dra\y; two men, one in front and one bemn arrived from England and been m*ta i the Central Police Station. The of wood, fitted with solid rubber tyres the victim of an assault or accKi*n find the vehicle much more com to
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  • 722 8 At the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, on the Jllst ultimo, the following gentlemen were present:—Messrs. J. Polglase, Deputy President; F. J. Benja field, Acting Secretary H. Gostwyck, Acting Engineer; C W. Darbishirc, A. W. Bailey, A. J. \V. Watkins, W.
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  • 240 8 Without formality, a number of leading residents wore shown over the new brewery established in SelaDgor Street by the British Beer Brewery Syndicate on the •list ultimo. The visitors were received by the Manager, Mr. W. O Connor, under whom
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  • 185 8 We understand that the following gentlemen have expressed their willingness to become members and associates of the Singapore Branch of the National Service League, which was referred to in our leader columns last week:— The Hon. Mr. .J. O. Anthonisz, Colonial Treasurer; Hon. Dr. Galloway; Captain Hilton,
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  • 304 8 In the Supreme Court, on Tuesday K. St. J. Bra.idoll brought to the not/of yu .luHtice T. Sercombe Smith the -axeof p‘i CorporalAhmat,who wa«convic ted re<eotl„ < havmg accepted an illegal gratification f a fowl seller on the Rochore Road om
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  • 147 8 New.-» has reached Kuala Lumpur ot a providential escape from what, there is little doubt, would have been instant death which has been the fortune of Mrs. Willes Douglas, wife of the Acting Commissioner of Police. F.M.S., and her daughter. Mrs. Douglas, as is well known,
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  • 160 8 On the hast visit to America ot the late Mr. E. H. Strobell, Genera! Adviser to the Siam Government, he informed the Librarian of Harvard University that if the library w r ould securo all books that are now being published on Siam he would
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  • 1496 10 Singapore, August 1. The match between the representatives of the Federated Malay States and the Straits Settlements opened on the Esplanade to day and will be continued on Monday. Winning the toss, llubback, who captained the
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  • 84 10 The following are the prices, for the fort night beginning July 29, of cultivated rubber on which export duty is leviable ot> an ad valorem basis under the Rules under the Customs Duties Enactmeut. Duty will be assessed in the States of Perak, Se langor and Negri
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  • 108 10 A Tamil coolie, employed by Messrs. Howarth Erskine, Limited, on the construe tion of the new bridge at the mouth of the Singapore River, was killed by the fall of a heavy piece of iron on his head, on Sunday morning. He was in charge of the work
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 457 12 Straits Times, July 30. The Tanjong Pagar Dock Board tendered for the construction of several steel barges for the military department of the Philippine I Government. Competition for the contract was keen, the principal shipyards at Shanghai, Hongkong and Manila submitting tenders, which had
      Straits Times, July 30.  -  457 words
    • 664 12 Straits Times, Au^T The increasing number of cases of enteric fever in Colombo has caused much concern, and the Principal Civil Medical Officer of Health and Inspector-General of Hospitals, Dr. A. Perry, has prepared a report on the subject which may he of help
      Straits Times, Au^T  -  664 words
    • 625 12 players of the Colony. —Straits 1 ,!ili August 1. Thero are several hundreds of ./oilers in Singapore—mostly duffers. l n "the fi r8t flight, we have about half-a-dozen who are able to hold their own with the bent amateurs in England, Scotland or Ireland then
      players of the Colony.—Straits 1,!ili'“ August 1.  -  625 words
    • 816 13 Sultau as Abdul the Damned.—Straits Times, July Hi. Turkey baa long coquetted with Constitutions During tho twenty years between ,sr>6 and 1876 several were framed. None, however, was called into being. The Sultan was young when he pigeon-holed the Constitution of 1876. His elder brother, Sultan
      Sultau as Abdul the Damned.—Straits Times, July Hi.  -  816 words
    • 737 13 -Straits Times, July 80. Readers of the Singapore newspapers, especially people living outside the Colony will have formed the impression from reading the reports of the Assizes that this is a place of violent and sudden death. For tho best part of three weeks, Judge
      -Straits Times, July 80.  -  737 words
    • 418 13 —Straitw TimuH, July 81. Reuters telegram announcing that the various railway companies in the United State* owning or interested in co-operating steamship lines have notified shippers that they are abandoning the export trade to the Orient and Australasia, practically abandoning the import trade, and antici*
      —Straitw TimuH, July 81.  -  418 words
    • 845 14 —Straits Times, August 3. From time to tiuie, complaints have been t made (if the loose business morals of the Japanese merchant and trader, and many attempts have bee n made to explain why a people who hnvcMlistinguishedthemselves as a nation, both before and
      —Straits Times, August 3.  -  845 words
    • 456 14 Straits Times, August 4. The defeat ot the Liberals at tho H aggerstou bye-election is oue more nail in the coffin of the present Administration. Here in a constituency which contains a large proportion of working-class electors, which had elected its former Radical Member five
      Straits Times, August 4.  -  456 words
    • 767 14 renders S’raits Times. August 4. When Sir Henry Bluke was Oovtrnu, Honf-kons, he did make no heroic kacrifi for the »ake of the Colony. He wa» a faithful servant of the Colonial Office. latev private opinions he may have held in regard to Colonial
      renders . S’raits Times. August 4.  -  767 words
    • 716 15 instead of the customary silk bag.—Straits Times, August 5. The latest success of Count Zeppelin’s air-hip will probably call forth the customary telegram from his Imperial admirer—and liVcrv.)dly so. Whether the airship on the balloon principle or the aeroplane is to be the future
      instead of the customary silk bag.—Straits Times, August 5.  -  716 words
    • 303 15 the lo*s of nine killed.—Straitfl TiiueH, Auguflt 5. The Sultan of Passir, a petty State in Dutch South-East Borneo, is now in Batavia seeking redress for grievances from the Governor General. The State has business relations with Singapore, and abounds in petroleum. Much is spoken of
      the lo*s of nine killed.—Straitfl TiiueH, Auguflt 5. _ __  -  303 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 Th# post free price of the Straits Times i*» $3B a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget it $U a year. It it not necettarv to tubtcribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same propor* tionate rate as for a year. The
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  • 1043 15 The death is announced of Sir Thomas Stevenson, senior Scientific Analyst to the Home Office. Mr. D. M. Barry, Police Probationer, F.M.S., has passed in the Cantonese dialect of Chinese. Mr. T. C. Blatherwick, Temporary Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Pahang, has resumed his duties on returning
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  • 2291 16 The Penang Court of Appeal will be held on Tuesday, August 11. The output of rubber for the month of July from the Lanadron Estate was 16,576 lbs. A crocodile, 14 feet long, was taken out of the Singapore River, near Robertson’s Quay, on Wednesday. A now*
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 655 18 The following are the handicaps in the Ladies' Lawn Tenuis Club’s Autumn Lawn Tennis tournament, which commenced yesterday: Ladies’ Singles. Mrs. Saunders —15*4 Mrs. Freer Scr. Mrs. Waddell -15 3 Mrs. Hartnell pis. *2 Mrs. Gansloser —15*2 Miss Gibson pis. *4
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    • 722 18 S.R.C. v. Warders and R.E. A team, composed of Warders and Royal Engineers, played an eleven of the S.R C. at soccer on the Esplanade, on Friday, a fairly good game resulting. The Warders, who were the stronger team both in attack and defence, played one man short
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    • 122 18 S.C.C. Tournament. The following are the results of play in the S.C.C. Lawn Bowling tournament: Wednesday’s Play. Champion.suit'. Biddulph beat Butcliart 21—9 Doubles Handicap. McKenzie and Lyall. beat Marsli and Rhodes. 21—9. Thursday's Play. Single Handicap. McKean beat Biddulph, 21—6. Open Pairs. Hay and Feldon beat Butcliart And
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    • 250 18 Keppel Golf Club. The first round in the competition for the Captain Young Cup, in connection with the Keppel Golf Club, resulted as follows A. Smith —23; boat Dr. Ollerhead —ID), 2 and 1. A. N. Hitchcock —9) beat H. l'ong ue —12) 5 and 3. A. M. Sellar
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    • 253 19 5.R.C. v. Medical School. The S.R.C. and the Medical School tried inclusions at cricket on the Esplanade on Monday and the game ended in a draw. The •cores wore as follow Mkdical School.—First Inninos. Dr. MacGregor b Pearse 2 A. Saravanamuttoo c Angus b Bogaars... 5 M W. Chill
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    • 142 19 elephone Company Present* Cup. The Oriental Telephone and Electric company have sent out from their headquarters at Home a beautiful cup to be competed for among the members of the S.R.A., at the next Singapore Bisley. The regulations governing the competition are that service rinos must bo and the
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    • 104 19 5.C.C. >nd X! v. R.E. A team representing the B.E. opposed a secoud eleven of the S.C.C. at Hockey, on H riday, and a good and fairly fast game was witnessed. The Engineers were the first to score, but they slackened in effective play gradually as the Club improved
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  • 133 19 At the half yearly meeting of the Bangkok Manufacturing Company Limited, the chairman (Dr. T‘. H. Hays) stated that it was the policy of the directors not to pay out big dividends, but to have a big reserve in solid cash so
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  • 79 19 Twenty-seven ducks in a basket like this is not too many: other people carry thirty six, said a stalwart Chinese coolie when charged with cruelty to animals in the Third Magistrate’s Court, on Tuesday. How does a duck breathe? asked the Magistrate of the Chinese Constable who
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  • 172 19 Tho passing of no more death sentences on poison plotters at Hanoi by the Special Commission is ascribed to the shock caused in France by the recent execution of three of the ringleaders. It is well known that President Failures is altogether against the death penalty. In
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  • 401 19 Ever since tho murder took place ia Tonkin of Messrs. G. R. Fearby and J. Sutherland, two Australian prospectors, <l* tails of the crime b&vo been lacking. We are able now, however, to give tho official version of the tragedy, says
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  • 214 19 Sih-Liang, the Viceroy of Yunnan, is getting still more tired of his high office, now that the French Government is pressing lor his recall. lie had already urged as pretexts, hi great age and the unhealthy climate of the province. On
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  • 2343 20 Reuter's Telegrams London, July 29. i 11. tL.j House of Commons, Colonel Seely, Under secretary of State for the Colonies, referring to criticisms of the action of the Government in regard to the use of opium in Hongkong, said the Government did its best to get the views ct tLc*e
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  • 1510 21 Berlin, July 29. Mr. W. H. Taft, speaking at Cincinnati, pledged himself to continue the policy of President Roosevelt. Considerable indignation has been felt throughout Holland regarding the Caracas incident. Before taking any further steps in the matter, however, the Dutch Government will await the arrival of the
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  • 631 22 Mr. G. R. Rice, of the Army Accounts Department, Singapore, seems to have made good use of his three months leave in China and .Japan, judging from the interesting address he gave at the Missionary meeting at
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  • 287 22 8imo4porb, August 5, l®oy PRODUCE. Oambier buver* t do (Cube No. 1) unpicked Oopr» Bali “JO do Pontianak 1 Pepper, Black do White 6% !1“ Sago Floor Sarawak .(JJ, do Brunei No. 1 Pearl Sago, Coffee Bali. picked 94S Coffee. Palembang, 20% basis Coffee. Liberian 5°™: Tapiooa, small Flake
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  • 140 22 A Hokicn sampan man was prosecuted before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colman, on the 4th inst., on a charge o fraudulent possession of seven bags of pa<l«iy. valued at $63. Sergeant Ross, who had charge of thecalsaid that, on June 19, a sampan
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 152 22 Property Sale. The following Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs Powell and Company's Saleroom on Tuesday Nos. 95 and 96 New Bridge Hoad, area 2,450 square feet, freehold, monthly rent $110 —Bought by A. Desker for $14,000. No. 40 Market Street, area 1,067 square feet. 999 years’
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    • 610 23 July 29 Brit str, Husband. Liverpool, W. Mansfield Bengloe, Brit str, Guy, London, P. Simons Iechia, Ital str, Beleaito, Bombay, Behn Meyer GiaDg SeDg, Dut str, Aitken, Samarang, Heap Eng Moh Valentyn, Dut str, Brnst, Billiton, Daeudels 30 Tamba Mara, Jap etr, Butler, Middlesborougb, Paterson Simons {Sibir Rus atr,
      610 words
    • 385 23 July 29 Glenfalloch, Brit str, H’kong, Amoy Swatow Ischia, It** 1 atr, Hongkong G. G. Meijer, Dut atr, Muntok, Palembang 30 fSangola. Brit atr, Sourabaya Samui, Dan atr, Copenhagen Janet Nicoll, Brit str, Port Swettenham v ports Ha'vard, Nor atr, Langkat Penang, Brit atr. Port Swettenham via ports Bengloe,
      385 words
    • 177 23 By the N. D. L. steamer Derffiinger, doe August 7. —Mr. A. J. Crickney. Per P. and O. ludia, connecting with the steamer Malta at Colombo, doe August 14. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Forrester, Mr. A. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. W. Main, Mr.
      177 words
    • 285 23 By the Lady Weld, Captain A. Fripp, July 80. From Malacca, Mr. B. Brown; from Muar, Mr. Hayward, Mr. Tunku and Mrs. Alii. Ky the Carlyle, Captaiu H. Cobb, July 80. from Malacca, Mr. Chua Cheng Bock. By the Perak, Captain W. S. Quine, July 80. From Penang, Messrs.
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    • 131 23 By the Devanha, July 81. For Loudon, Mrs. A. Leask and child; for London via Marseille**, Mr. S. Cockburn, Mr. P. J. Verdon and Mr. II. A. Thompson for Marseille**, A. H. Todd for Bombay, Mr. H. Drienen and Mr. S. B. Macauly; for Colombo, Mr. A. S. Mather;
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  • Stocks and Shares. Singapore, August 5, 1908.
    • 370 24 l*a»e of Number Xssne Paid Shares ferma- GapllaJ 8nbsoribed of Value ap to Unissued Company Quotationion Shares 1903 9300,000 300,000 80,000 10 10 Belat Tin M. Oo., Ltd. 7 CO 1907 9300,000 226,000 22,600 10 10 7,600 firnang Ltd. 6 60 1901 9600,000 600,000 60,000 10 10 Brnseh Hydraolio
      370 words
    • 316 24 ,90, £150,000 194,195 R-bbor Oo., bd. (W.ypj.d, 3.168 1905 1200,000 126,000 12,601 10 lo 7,400 Balgownie Robber Estate Ltd. (fully paid. 15 00 1904 £30,000 22,750 22,750 1 1 H.‘»00 Bata Oaves Robber Oo. Ltd. (f.p) 2 17 6 1908 £70,000 66 7io C8 7 JO 1 1 3,800
      316 words
    • 173 24 1894 £5,377.10.0 4,805 7,688 li/6 li/C 916 Bella Asbestos Eastern Agency, Ltd 5.60 1898 1225,000 126,000 4,600 60 60 Fraser A Neave, Ltd. 135 0) 1866 416.000,000 16,000,000 120,000 125 126 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank F0 n 0 11. 400.000 8, .00,000 J “;gj> Howarlh Erakine. bd. Jgg .1,000,000
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 50 25 > I The lor Acidity of the Bflious Aieotionfl. 8our mSZfflSr&IK: VIAGNESIA The Pbyaieieii'i Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Goat end Gre?el. Safest end most Effective Aperient for Bcgoler Use. EmpText PILSENER BEEF >J|^ Ktfir igf V 5f#44 op imitations. -""iw vittMt Ut aton to Ulh BBHW MEYER Co. Ltd Hh
      50 words
    • 188 25 AtAJBTtftS murnk 3 Ha?fJfiS?ttSL —wSTSfU Off u» lyihß IfPN# «SwBßs*iSB? (TSJENDm'FRfEIrtUI 7\r#d on yverjr f>d« bough of us Tow jwf morioy hi fai Ponißderl with tit qu niton Jr'jLk in U M*(*rf«ctly iwtitfMlor.. Highc grade trim Km Coventry Cycles, iMimikl ?»«»“<«* »ve 10 trn )fW <l.s, M tMiM iamMEMM
      188 words
    • 428 25 THE RUBBER WHEEL AND CYCLE WORM) 47 Hilt Street, (opposite Armenian Church). Bicycle* on hire, for Dale and repaired. We do all kinds of Repair Work on Carriage, Dog. cart and Ricksha Wheels, also supply all kinds of Satisfaction guaranteed, Pr cee mod rate. IMQUE DE UNDO CHINE. Capital /36,
      428 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 227 26 Caledonian Htoel. 77, Brats SBasab J{oad, SINGAPORE. The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter, in uniform, meets all Boats and Trains AOELPHI HOTEL. THE lANBHAM HOTEL OF THE EABT. TUB ONLY HOTEL IN SINGAPORE UNDER ENGLIBH MANAGEMENT. AugloFrenob Caieio*! t ngli.h OlMnlioeaa Horn. Comfort*! Moderate Term* I
      227 words
    • 294 26 Assists digestion and gives a delightful piquancy and flavour to all MEAT DISHES, SOUPS, FISH. CHEESE, CURRIES GAME. POULTRY and SAUOS. The Original Genuine Worcestershire. B|r Royal Warrant to H.M. TH£ KING Mow f A Magnificent A $2.00 ■Production. by post packed flat. > IMtom *f the kind awarded a
      294 words