The Straits Budget, 2 April 1908

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXII. NO. 2616. Singapore, Thursday, April 2,1908. ESTABLISHED OVER NAIF A CENTURY Price 25 cents.
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  • 241 1 .EAUEIiS: Prospects of Plantation Rubber 12 Unionists’ Great Victory at Peckham 12 Curious Position in Straits Legislation 13 Colony's Contribution to the War Chest 18 The Kaiser s Letter to Lord Tweediuouth 14 Railway Enterprise in the Yunnan Province 14 Hongkong's University for South China ...1415 Experiments
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  • 638 1 It is always interesting to know something of the place and people of the spot in wdiich one’s lot is cast, before we came to it. An old copy of the Straits Directory for 1861 lies before the writer.
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  • 166 1 A fine new motor car, belonging to a European, narrowly escaped colliding with a tram at the dangerous crossing at the corner of Circular Road and South Bridge Road, at 10 a.rn., on the 30th ult. Noting the approach of
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  • 965 2 Unofficial members of the Legislative Council criticised the estimates for the current v«?ar at last Wednesday’s meeting, over which His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.G\>LG., presided. There were also present: Captain A. H. Young, (Colonial Secretary); Major-General T. Perrott, C.B.
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  • 252 2 Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, held the usual session of the Bankruptcy Court, on the 26th ult. A further postponement of the application against Mr. L. Herment was granted. Mr. R. Q. Van Someren applied for a receiving order against Chop Tong Joo, the debt being $517.45, the amount
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  • 453 2 Among other busmens brought ka Legislative Council, on the a;th Tit* a motion by Captain Young, that this cl** approves the expenditure of a sum ceedtng *750 to be charged on the cur.**, revenues of the Colony for the year the erection
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  • 111 2 One of the papers laid on the table at th» Legislative Council meeting, on the 2.3t1i ult. was statement of interest due, in respect to the Straits Loan, to November 11, 1967. to bo provided in 1908, as follows Interest paid by the Crown Agents ou £8,011,170
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  • 26 2 Another arrest has been made on a' of perjury in connection with the murder case. The name of the accord Kirtol bin Abdullah.
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  • 783 4 There was nothing of a startling nature before the Municipal Commissioners, at the ordinary meeting held in the Board Boom, on the 27th ultimo. Those nresent were Mr. J. Polglase, acting President; Mr. F. J. Benjafield, acting Secretary; Mr. H.Oostwyck, acting
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  • 246 4 The report on the Redjaug Lebong Mine for 1907 shows that Mr. Truscott, the manager of the works, leaves the employment of the Company in June next on his contract running out. The directors pay him a high tribute of praise
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  • 96 4 The strike of Chinese workers engaged in the pine-apple factories came to an end last week, the men accepting at the same rate of pay and the conditions which they sought to have changed. Rumours have been current that another attempt has been made to fioat a Pine-Apple
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  • 58 4 A Bill is about to be introduced into the Legislative Council to amend the Widows and Orphans Pension Ordinance, 1904. A new section has been inserted, which provides for allowing a pensioner to cease contributing to the fund if he becomes a widower and ceases
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  • 661 4 Mr. Justice Fisher gave a lonu i n ,i the Supreme Court, on the action brought by Dr. Goonetilltkc V" claimed 110,000 for alleged mali, llQ socution against the olm Farin f 0 Prosecuting Agent, Mr. C. H. Darke ,ts
    661 words

  • 738 7 tl ar lv part of last year, Mr. Frits von 1 \i w v S a young Danish journalist 1,0 ’traveller .“left London for China with the r u r l intention of. securing a replica famous Nestorian tablet, with the i
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  • 131 7 A very pleasant week-end camp was held by the S.V.A. and Maxim Company at Fort Passir Panjang. on Saturday and Sunday. The men found comfortable quarters in the Fort Barracks. Captain Colbeck, the Staff Officer, was in command, and Lieutenant Robertson and Second
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  • 161 7 In the Court of Requests on Saturday, before Commissioner C. J. Saunders, Ong Lew alias Teo Whay sued Teo Choo Poh for $lOO for alleged malicious prosecution in the Police Court, on a charge of theft, and for false imprisonment. Mr. Upcott appeared for the plaintiff and
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  • 187 7 Mr. G. P. Owen, the Secretary of the Singapore Sporting Club, has forwarded to ns a copy of a letter and a programme he has received from Mr. A. W. B. Hamilton, the hon. secretary of the Penang Horse Show, with reference to the proposed
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  • 613 7 (From Our Own Corrkspoxdkxt.) Malacca, March 29. Who said ‘Sleepy Hollow’*? Why, we can’t sleep o'nights for dogs! Formerly, it was cats. Now the dogs are having their innings. Since the famous dog-tight in the Ladies’ Heading-room at the Club
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  • 1728 8 The following are important extracts from the Administration Koport of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board, with the addition of the particulars we published last week The credit balance of revenue account for the period under review amounts to $864,968.04, which, with the
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  • 698 10 At the meeting of the* Legislative Council, >n the 25th uIt., a new measure was introduced by the acting AttorneyGeneral. on the instructions of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to provide for the Criminal Procedure Code
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  • 131 10 There was a gang robbery at the corner of Bukit Timah and Cluny Roads, at 2 a.m. on the 25th ult. A caretaker was in charge of the house aud heard a noise of breaking planks at the rear. Going out the front door, he saw
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  • 409 10 On the 25th ult., Mr. E. E. Colman the Third Magistrate, continued the hearing of the case against Wan Pek and Koh Chuan. charged with extortion of $2O from a woman named Koek Ah Soo, on February 25. Inspector Hart
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  • 77 10 The Rubber Market. BETTER PRICES FOR STOCK HELP SHARE MARKET (From Ocr Ows Oorrbspostrst.) London (via Penang, M artll J P** co for l’ ara at the auctions is 2|d. per lb. For good Sheet Plantation Rubber n A was paid. In shares, Anglo-Malays, fully a iri Bu H‘ are
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  • 171 10 There appears to be a general prevalent idea that an employer of labour is liable for the hospital fees or medical charges on account of anybody employed by him This idea, has, however, been proved to be erroneous, says the Perak Pioneer, in virtue of
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  • 134 10 Mr. Justice Sereombe Smith, at the Supreme Court, ou Monday, gave his decision relative to the appeal of several Chinese who were convicted at the Marine Court ou a charge of disobedience of orders on the steamer Ben Yrackie. It was contended by the appellants that they were
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  • 157 10 Two Chinese appeared in the Second Magistrate’s Court, on the 2Hth ult. ou a charge of theft of a plank belonging to Sir John Jackson, Limited, valued at SH. Mr. Edwin H. Rose, foreman carpenter in the employ of Sir John Jackson, said that the plank
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1542 12 -Straits Times, March 28. The Editor of the Rubber Investor is •ontributing to that publication a series of special studies on Cultivated Rubber Companies. Linggi provided the subject for the first. Then came Hukit Rajah, Damansara, and Federated Selangor. The Price of Rubber is the subject
      -Straits Times, March 28.  -  1,542 words
    • 307 12 1 is a Unionist majority of 2,494. —*t»ai Times, March 27. The Liberal Government marches steadily to its doom. Peckham has followed Ash burton, and has gone Unionist by an enormous turn over of votes. Since the General Klee tion, the voting at the bye-elections
      ' 1 •/ is a Unionist majority of 2,494.—*t»ai * Times, March 27.  -  307 words
    • 1446 13 —Straits Times, March 2H. T b report of the proceedings at the omor„.ncv meeting of the Legislative Council h id yesterday does not form pleasant read. M put briefly, the facts are as follows. Tit Government, in a fervour of legislative v, ran through some
      —Straits Times, March 2H.  -  1,446 words
    • 472 13 taxpayer upon armament*. —Straits Times, March 20. Oar agitation in connection with the Military Contribution has not been without result. The War ]>epartiuent now submits accounts which enable the Colony to see bow its moneys are being spent —at least, to some extent. A
      taxpayer upon armament*.—Straits Times, March 20.  -  472 words
    • 702 14 to thank The times. —Straits Times, March 80. a. We have no desire to revive the controversy over the German Emperors letter to Lord Tweedmouth. Hut, for the information of our readers who have not access to the files of our famous London namesake,
      to thank The times. —Straits Times, March 80. . a. ...  -  702 words
    • 607 14 —Straits Times, March 81. We regret to observe that our French friends, who have carried their railway ap the lied River route to Yunnan, are now opposing the extension of the British line across Kunlon Ferry to Tali-fu, in Yunnan Province. It would be
      —Straits Times, March 81.  -  607 words
    • 1449 14 —Straits Times, April 1. Hongkong’s University is tu 1* tuodest affair A small meeting of and unofficial was held at Governm House to consider the project, on March'u and Sir Frederick Lugard (the Governor! made a long speech, from which w e L »ath that
      —Straits Times, April 1.  -  1,449 words
    • 835 15 trading the disease. Straits Times. March 27. A report on the results of thc use of cured rice in connection with the treatment of beriberi during 1906-7 formed the subject of a paper laid before the Legislative Council on Wednesday. It shows that, in each
      trading the disease. — Straits Times. March 27.  -  835 words
    • 387 15 amongst the official* thcmselvoH. —StraitH Tiruea, March HO. The last has not been heard of the atrocities in Acheen. It will be remembered that some of the Java newspapers published revelations of shocking atrocities, and that these disclosures raised such an outcry in Holland
      amongst the official* thcmselvoH. —StraitH Tiruea, March HO.  -  387 words
    • 307 16 customary Singapore audience.—Straits Times, March 81. The Singapore Branch of the Straits Settlements Association has awakened. It has published a report, the most interesting portion of which is the list of officers and committee. The report covers a period of eighteen months, and we gather that
      customary Singapore audience.—Straits Times, March 81.  -  307 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 Th« pout free price of the Straits Ttmts i« #3* a year. The pu»l free price of the Straits Budget is $M a year• It is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a year. The Straits
      92 words
  • 45 12 DEATHS. Angus. —On March 28, Mary Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. H. N. Angus, ag d 30 years. Deeply regretted. Penang paj>ers please copy. Alms. —At the General Hospital, Singapore, on March 31, Hugh Allen, foreman moulder of Meears. Riley, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd.
    45 words

  • 1273 16 One of the old jetty sheds ou Weld Quay, Penang, has been pulled down. The Singapore Musical Association has been exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance. A Chinaman lias been arrested on a charge of theft of a Siamese bullock, valued at 140 from Mr. Ho
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  • 502 17 Mr F Rodriguez, assistant surgeon, Pen«<i»*neral Hospital, is suffering from blood Mr Justice Sercombe Smith goes to Malacca to hear the Assize cases, the session beginning on April 13. We are a'•keel to notify that Miss Anderson’s At homes” at Government House will be .ii-ouutinued until Wednesday,
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  • 1188 17 There is always something, often much, to be said for both sides of a question, and while we have put forward the views of the Malay Mail, the Pinang Gazette and ourselves, says the Times of Malaya, wo
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  • 142 17 The rules for the Training Class at Haffios Girls’ School for female pupil teachers have been approved by the Governor. The class is open to selected pupils from other schools, whose names must be submitted to and approved by the Director of Education. There will
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  • 272 19 Y»>t**iday morning, at 7.15, the first tiaim-ar for women only left Tooting liioadway for Charing Cross. It was not full, owing, uo doubt, to the fact that the innovation was not sufficiently known to the women ot tlit locality.— Vide Daily Graphic.”] 1 am a maiden fair of
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  • 71 19 A I telegram to The Enplifthmn.ii, •says:—■ now definitely realised that the Prime f. ls tor s complaint is the development of a r n stan^ D K ailment which if not fatal prerp, hls assumption of office. The Cabinet will be disclosed after rft r **L lB
    71 words
  • 745 19 Seventeen Chinese towkays were arrested at Fairyland, Pasir Panjang, on Saturday night, in a gambling raid, made by Captain Chancellor and Detective Inspector Frayne. They were found to have in their possession ft 1,150, which was taken over by the
    745 words
  • 297 19 Sinoaporb, April 1, 1008. PRODUCE. Gambier I 7.00 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.37£ Copra Bali 6.80 do Pontianak 6.;W) Pepper, Blaok 12.10 do White 6% buyers 20.60 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.06 do Brunei No. 1 2.97^ Pearl Sago 8.90 Coffee Bali, picked 28.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% b*sis nom.
    297 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 184 20 Singapore Swimming Club. Tho result of the 50 yards Class C haudicad at the Swimming Club, on Sunday, was as follows:—1, P. M. Robinson, 4 sec.; 2, W. R. Taylor, 1 sec.; 0, R. R. Bullmorc, 4 sec. A polo match was played between the Club and the R.G.A.,
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    • 118 20 Y.M.C.A. v. H. Co., West Kents. An interesting soccer match was played on the Beach Road reclamation ground, on Monday, between the Y.M.C.A. and H. Co., West Kents. The game was a good one, and, at times, owing to the keenness of the contest, exciting. The Y.M.C.A. were
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    • 762 20 5epoy Lines Golf Club. The competition for the President s Prize, in connection with the Sepoy Lines Golf Club, lias been won by Mrs. Waddell and Mr. Ferguson, who beat Miss Gentle and I)r, Dane by 3 ’up and 2 to play. The results of the various stages of
      762 words
    • 354 20 Interport Trophy Arrives. Surrounded by other specimens of the silversmith’s art, there may be seen at j Messrs. Hobinson and Company’s, of Raffles Square, the trophy to be associated with the annual rifle shooting match between Shang- hai, Hongkong, Singapore and Penaug. Standing close upon 4 feet in
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    • 411 20 Easter Festivities. At Easter, the Singapore Cricket Club wiH play the Selangor Cricket Club pu the Esplanade, at Singapore. The visitors will arrive here on Saturday. the 18th, and play will be commenced the same day and be continued on the Monday, the Selangor team being due to leave
      411 words

  • 2004 21 London, March 25. u VTP election for Peckham (Camberto the death of Mr C. G. vo ,e Liberal Member, has resulted in a CUrK Mr tioocli, the Unionist candidate. "$7 rnionist majority at Peckham was 49 p 4 t pnefi at Peckham last night recalled r ‘f n\
    2,004 words

  • 1030 22 Berlin, March 25. M. Kochctte, the young French financier who lias been arrested in Paris on a charge ot swindling, has liabilities for 100,000,000 francs. His assets amount to only 14,000,000 francs. The United States Government has intimated that it will not accept any further invitations to the
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  • 144 22 The twenty-second ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Singapore slipway and Engineering Company. Limited, waheld iu the Registered Office of the Company, Tanjong Pagar, on Tuesday, Mr. J. R. Nichol son, Chairman of the Company, presiding. Among those present were Messrs. G. F.
    144 words
  • 174 22 At a meeting of English residents in Penang, held in the Chamber of Commerce, on Saturday, it was decided to give a ball on April 23, to celebrate St. George’s Day. It was also resolved that the subscription shall again be $15
    174 words

    • 469 23 March as Weston, 8’ghsi, P.&O. Coy Hluch Maru, J.pstr, Wade, Antwerp, Pater1vh°gtr, Dowenicos, Saigon, Quthrie b s ,r utr Andreaeen, Bangkok, BorneoCoy Ger<i, liritstr. Mason, Macassar, Wee Bin I'XJ Britair, Cox, Hongkong, Boosted C Hnt Str, Alton, Calontta, Bonstead rhazee Itrit str, Cave, Liverpool, P. Simons S h .;?ne
      469 words
    • 521 23 March 34 Wakamiya Marn, Jap str, Hongkong, Japan Sarießandjer, Dut str, Bangkok am* Profit, Nor str, Bangkok Salahadji, Dut str, Balik Papan via P. Samboe Namsang, Brit str, Hongkong, S’ghai,‘Japan Sanuki Marn, Jap str, Aotwero via ports Islander, Brit str, Christmas Island Nam Yong, Brit str, Gorontalo via ports
      521 words
    • 399 23 By the Marmora, Captain G. H. C. Weston, March 25. —From Shanghai: Mr. H. C. Gray, Mr. Harman King, Mrs. Milkamah, Mr. A. Eck, Mr. Vickmers, Mr. Kincbela, Mrs. Paterson. From Hongkong: Mr. S. S. Niool, Mr. Dugdale, Miss Juddah, Brother Kieran, Mr. Lim Sin Tat, Mrs. Lim Sin
      399 words
    • 258 23 By the Marmora, Mar. 26.—For London Mr. J. H. Starey, Mr. H. B. H. Gibbins, Mr W. F. de Bois Maclaren, Mr. W. F. E. de Bois Maclaren, Mr. Kan Icbi Iba, Mr. J. 8. M. Rennie, Mr. Franklyn. (Mr. E. G. Lee from Penang.) For London via Marseilles:
      258 words

  • Stocks and Shares. SINGAPORE, MARCH 31, 1908.
    • 386 24 Dttt* of Nam6«r f—no paid Shares r mn4ll form* Cnpiini Subscribed of V *las up lo Unissued Compony Quotatxo*. too Bn*re« 1008 0300 000 1300.000 30,000 §lO §lO BolM Tin M. Co», Lid, 7.00 1907 1300 000 §§§§,ooo tf,900 §lO §lO 7,500 BfOADg Lid. 7.'0 1901 §6OO 000 §6OO
      386 words
    • 389 24 I I ion.* nim mm km 7 *«,500 Ml Ml l0,00<) Robber 00., Ltd. (faUypnid) £3.17.6 1905 £150.000 £116,625 A A 1 if/- (OOMrib.) £3 100 1905 §200,000 §105,000 10,500 §lO §lO Bnlgowaie Rubber Estate Ltd. (faUypnid/, 120 00 lam #an non am esn 7 7,000 £1 £1 12,000
      389 words
    • 172 24 1894 £9,877.10.0 £1,901 7,889 19/8 19/8 916 Bella Asbestos Eastern Agency, Lid 6.50 1898 9991,000 9998.000 4,800 950 950 Fraser 6 Neere, Lid. 145 09 1865 915,00*),0 )0 915,003,000 12 >,OOO 9125 9195 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank £75 10.0 1905 99,400,000 93.ft00.000 1 2’2?2 f lon Howarth Erskine, Ltd.
      172 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 564 25 si V rT I yj uu J The Physician's I■jLlk I J| J»«j p jt Cara for Ooat. Rheumatic Goal The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest and moat Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. Effective Aperient WORTH A GUINEA A BOX bWs FOR ALL BILIOUS MHO
      564 words
    • 469 25 STEN DAYS’ FREE 1 I atow®4 m muj ctek hoM*h of m Yarn morioytofaii firondtd i|l> nt qu otton Coventry Cycles, •vnaM Rif to ton mot, d<»|mtrh«4 from th« factor? to Mlm thon town mtnitl* turrr* price. BBS £3.10 to £9 CoMter Hub*. boot t»ak oof Tyres CmMte HSferted l-orrot
      469 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 343 26 SPWSPJ and Hbctanl mmh of self-cur* ever (Uncovered fur narrow and functional debility, waste of vitality, 6*frtmkm «f atrfiHa, 4c.,with pracefcal obaervetiona on marriage and full direction* for mooring certain dleyl! fleet lona that dan tray the^li^^^onjyfaNy Seats***!* JtfSfwoS 1 dwytSiwi or Cdonia?" Ntvii.LJoeneow, f, fcod It., Claremont B*., London,
      343 words
    • 293 26 STRAITS F.M.S. I ANNUAL IKv c£» I i *B* I Now Ready I I A Magnificent $2.00 1 Production. by post rucked fut, I “DOG’S HEAD” BlUXU Registered Trade Mark. Guinness's Stout hi QUAKTS, PINTS and HNS, AHEAD 4414 LL T* oni} Uadlclnetf the kind aw tried a Certificate at
      293 words