The Straits Budget, 24 October 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Budget
  • 20 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXI. NO. 2593. Singapore, Thursday, October 24,1907. IZIsVS
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  • 206 1 LEADERS— Safeguarding the Straits Currency 12 Stocks as a Punishment for Clime 12 Singapore and Rangoon's Vital Statistics 18 Malayan Gambling Farms 18 Navigation Dangers of Labuan 18 Hague Conference Closed 18 Regulating the F.M.S. Labour Supply 14 1 >ocking Facilities for U. S. Pacific Fleet 14
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  • 830 1 His Kxcellcncy the Governor, Sir John Andersou. K.C.M.G., presided, on the 18th inst., at a meeting of the Legislative Council. There were also present: Captain Young, C.M.G., Colonial Secretary, Mr. W. J. Napier. Attorney-General, Mr. A. T. Bryant,
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  • 1126 6 (From Our Own Cohkkspoxdknt.) Ipoh, October 20. United Planters! This is the net outcome of the inter-Association Conference held here yesterday afternoon, the gist of the proceedings of which I have already telegraphed to you. The Conference was
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  • 73 6 Sir W. H. Hyadman Jones, the Chief Justice, was occupied all on the 22nd inst., with the case of Koh Keng Hian v. Lina Hee Keng, for $1,046.45 as principal and interest on a promissory note, which the defendant denied having signed. Mr. F. M. Chopard appeared
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  • 273 6 I Mr. Gardiner, Assistant Superintendent of i Police, prosecuted a Straits-born Chinese girl named Tan Tam Neo, before the Third Magistrate, on the 22nd inst., on a charge of carrying on a Chap Jee Kee lottery at Xo. 11 Tras Street.
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  • 228 6 Hong Wliay Seo, a passenger from Amoy by Wee Bin and Company's steamer Glenfalloch, on Saturday, was found to be in possession of a box with a false bottom. In the bottom was chandu worth sfi.fiO and morphia worth $3OO. He said that lie had been asked
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  • 101 6 At the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hill Street, on the 21st inst., an interesting ceremony took place. < About twenty of the leading Chinese merchants, attired in mandarin clothes, and wearing round feather hats, assembled for the purpose of welcoming Mr. Tso Ping Lung, the new Chinese
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  • 843 8 The bishop of London, mounted on a soapbox. said all sorts of nice things to a mixed multitude millionaires, clerks and labourers in Wall Street, New York. Big-wigs on these complimentary international visits always do mount a soap-box or a butterbarrel. It transpires that wife-beating is a
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  • 127 8 (From Our Own Cokkkhpondknt.i Muar. October 2M. A Kling, named Kardesah, lias been committed for trial to tlie Joliore Assizes on a charge of mortally wounding his adopted son, whom he beat cruelly with a thick rattan at Gemas,
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  • 212 8 (From Our Owx Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 21. The subject of the dress to be worn by Guards of Honour of the Malay States Guides was considereel at the recent Con ference of Residents. His Excellency the* U gh Commissioner had expressed
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  • 241 8 The work of construction of the New Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsouage, on Fort Canning Road, has been commenced. 'The plot lias been demarcated, and the coolie shed is fast assuming shape. Mr. D. McLeod Craik is the architect
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  • 101 8 News by wire reached Deli, on October H, that tobacco shares had fallen heavily in Holland. The figures for fifteen companies show a decline in value of eleven per cent, on the capital. The fall has come on quite suddenly, and is ascribed to a panic
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  • 611 9 The S.C.C. Rugby season opened c-u the lfith iust.. with a match between the Club’s R team and an eleven representing the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company. The tcan s were as follows S. C. C:--E. W. H. Carpenter, full hack V. Savi.
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  • 507 9 Mr. R. Owen prosecuted A. F. Soeioyo.the leader of a Filipino Band employed at one of the local Cinematograph Shows, before the Second Magistrate, on the lntli inst.. for enticing awav Ins wife. Louisa. Mr. 1\ .1. Sproule, the Deputy Public
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  • 117 9 Correspondence between Kuala Lumpur and Penang states that already many of tin* smaller tin mines have closed down and a considerable number of the big ones are in difficulties. To add to the trouble theChetties have l>egnn to press for payment of the money they have
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  • 589 9 At au extraordinary general meeting f the members of the Singapore Foot hail Association, held in the S.C.C. Pavilion, on the lwth inst.. it was decided to form another league for association football, ami that the late league’s shield be offered for
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  • 26 12 hot* j 11 am. —At Parkstone," Nssoim Road, Hmgsp ore-, on October 22, the wife of Win. C. Sot 1 than i, of a son.
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  • 41 12 S*j-li:vHc*tki>— Rc< ji•‘alio At the Presbyterian Church. Sing&|>ore, on October P.J, by the Rev. J. A. Gray, Mortimer Seeley-Husted, youngest son of Major Seeley-Husted, U. S. A., to Hilda Ruchwaldv, youngest daughter of the late Professor Bernard and MOl. Rachwaldy.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1090 12 acquisition of territory. —Straits Times, October 17. When members of the Legislative Council meet ou Friday, the subject of the currency scheme of the Colony will be brought forward by Mr. T. S. Baker, who has given notice of his intentiqp to ask two important questions.
      acquisition of territory.—Straits Times, October 17.  -  1,090 words
    • 643 12 Straits Times, October 18. In the suppression of crime at Hongkuut;. punishment by exposure in the stocks lias contributed an important share. Only within the past few years have the police autho rities resorted to this effective method ot dealing with rogues and vagabonds,
      Straits Times, October 18.  -  643 words
    • 454 13 few of us will quarrel. —Straits Times October IN. It is not long since that we had ooeasion to draw attention to the abnormally high death-rate in Singapore, as compared with that from other Colonies in the Orient, Before us, we have the annual report
      few of us will quarrel.—Straits Times October IN. •  -  454 words
    • 442 13 Straits Times. October 18. The propriety of the British Government deriving revenue from Gambling Farms has often been debated in both the home and colonial Press. Strong arguments, for and against the system, can be brought forward, and one's conviction, when both sides are fairly considered, is
      Straits Times. October 18.  -  442 words
    • 314 13 Straits Times, October 17. Iu another column of to day’s issue will be found an article dealing with the dangers of navigation on the West Coast of Borneo, around Labuan. It is framed on an interview with a popular local captain in the Norddeutscher Lloyd service,
      Straits Times, October 17.  -  314 words
    • 627 13 —Straits Times, October 19. To-day the Hague Conference will be brought to a close. We must await the arrival by mail of details of the*work of 4hc Conference, but Renter informs ns that it has agreed upon thirteen conventions, thr< e declarations and five resolutions. Because the
      —Straits Times, October 19.  -  627 words
    • 1243 14 to Kuala Lumpur!—Straits Times, October 21. 'there is something auomalous in the Legislature* of the Straits Settlements pass measures for supplying and regulating the labour needs of the Federated Malay States. The labour requirements of what we jurist regard strictly as the Colony were utt
      to Kuala Lumpur!—Straits Times, October 21.  -  1,243 words
    • 638 14 the casualties of peace.—Straits Times. October 19. An esteemed but needlessly excited col temporary, the New York Sun. is findiut, material for catch-ceut copy in the proposal of President Roosevelt to send his battleship fleet to the Pacific. To Gormauy, some weekago. it
      the casualties of peace.—Straits Times. October 19.  -  638 words
    • 644 15 Straits Times, October 22. To 11 lose of us who live in a country where the liberty of the Press is something more than a mere figment of the imagination, it is almost impossible to believe that iu the neighbouring Dutch Colony of Java <mi
      Straits Times, October 22.  -  644 words
    • 634 15 Straits Times, October 22, The over-ocean Marconigrams of which we have heard so much since Friday, when our London correspondent telegraphed jthe i announcement of the o|iening of the service between Canada and Ireland, mean the forging of another link in the commercial chain binding
      Straits Times, October 22,  -  634 words
    • 831 15 Straits Times, October The resort of those speculative gentlemen whose knowledge of the field before it weighs out seems so remarkably accurate in gauging the possibilities of wins was coOftpicuou-ty deserted at the Singapore Autumn Meeting of last week. As so many prefer having a little hi
      Straits Times, October !  -  831 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 91 12 The po*t free price of tbe Straits Times i* 43s a >e;ir. Th« po«t free price of the Straits Budget t* $l4 a year. It it not necemry to tubacrifce for a year. The »übtcriptiont for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a year. The Straits
      91 words

  • 863 16 Monday wa> the 133rd anniversary of the death of Captain Francis Light, the founder t Penang. The annual inspection of the S. V. A. will tal e place on Sunday November 3, at Pasir Panjang. Muring the month of August, 1,1 1n,848 1 n--anger* were carried by
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  • 265 16 Singapore, October 28, 1907. PRODUCE. urn bier 8:,n i .> 'Cube No. 11 »mpi<'k<v| 10.4: '*P r S.Tu lo IVmtiamb p ’lt, Black ]r> •>;. -w WIjitC: 5% 21 ugo Flour Sarawak 3.40 i > Brunei No. 1 8 b* mrlSagi 4.7'* < ffee* Bali. 15% 22 On /(ffue
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 173 16 Sale of Properties. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs. Powell and Company's Saleroom, on the 22nd instant:— The income or rents during the life of a person aged 25 years, or until the expiration of 100 Chinese months, from October 1905 (whichever period shall be shorter),
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  • 13 17 The Straits Times is not responsible (or the opinions of its correspondents.]
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  • 1991 17 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, October 15,1907. Sir, —The subject of gambling among the Nyouyas seems to have touched a tender chord. It has called forth not only wellwritten letters, lmt it has summoned a Portia from her peaceful homestead to defend her sex.
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  • 833 19 Thanks to all the new shades which have made their appearance during the year, the Lawn and Grand Stand at the Race Course, on Saturday, presented a veritable kaleidoscope of colour, out of which it is difficult to come to any conclusion as
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  • 1421 19 1. THE SINGAPORE STAKES-Value 9500. A Handicap for all Horses that have started in Races Noe. 1, 4 or 5 on the First Day. Entrance, 920. Distance, R. C. Seali Eng Koon’s Ranmore, 10.0 W. Bailey 1 Yap Brothers’ Malapert, 8.10 8. Bennett 2 E. Cropley’s
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  • 124 20 DtAi Race Club Meeting. The Dt-li Race Club held au extraordinary gt ULi al meeting on October 15, with Mr. vau YoUenhovcn, the President, in the chair. Mr. van Vollenhoven statod that the last Race Meeting was a financial success, though it lasted only two days, instead of
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 526 20 Y.M.C.A. v. S.C.C. and XIII. The Young Men’s Christian Association played cricket, on Friday afternoon, on the S.C.C. ground, against an eleven captained by Mr. P. J. Sprotile. The scores were as follows: Y.M.C.A. Careless b Browning 6 Keyt b Coehlo 0 Van Cuylenberg run out 7 H. 1).
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    • 163 20 Macbean Cup. About thirty members of the S.K.A. flrtd for the Macbean Cup on Sunday afternoon and it was won by J. Long with the score ol 95. The scores were:— 200 500 600 Total J- Long 82 38 30=95 Tan Sou Bin 31 83 30=94 Tan Piak Eng
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    • 159 20 5.C.C. v. Officers of the Garrison. A team representing the officers of the Garrison tried conclusions with the S.C.C. in a Hockey match on the Esplanade on tin 22 inst., a fast and being the result. The passing was not accurate, but the combi nation on both sides was
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    • 90 20 Keppel Golf Club. The October Medal was competed* for ou the 19th and ‘20th inst., with the following result:— C. W. Ballautyue 85 —11 74 W. ,J. Trowell 88 0 77 J. C. Murray 87— 8 79 C. A. Legatt 90 —10 80 H. Tongue 91— 8 83 Mr.
      90 words

  • 3600 21 London, October lb. It is stated that the Great Western Hail, way Company’s express train from Crewe to Bristol, which was wrecked at Shrewsbury, on Monday night, was travelling at the rate of fifty miles an hour, instead of slowing down, as it should have done, and then
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  • 687 23 Berlin, Ootober 16. M. Cambon, the French Ambassador at Berlin, has handed over to Herr von Tschirschky, the Foreign Minister, proposals for the appointment of a mixed commission to tlx the amounts due on bombardment compensation claims at Casablauca. It is proposed that a Moroccan delegate shall preside
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  • 446 23 London. October 7. Mr. Marconi has commenced a successful wireless transmission of telegrams across the Atlan ic. It is understood that the system will shortly be opened for commercial purposes, although, at the inauguration, Press messages only were transmitted from Glace Bay, in Nova Scotia, to the fishing
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  • 621 23 (From Our Own Corrbspondknt.) Hongkong, October 22, 7.20 p. m. There was a crowded Court this morning when William Hall Adscttswas agaiu placed in the dock, between two armed Sikhs, tv) answer an indictment charging lNm
    621 words

    • 495 24 October IB Fo\t«»n Hall, Brit str. Harris. Philadt lplna. PatersoiaSimoiiH Shirley, Brit str, Burns. Calcutta, P. Simons Kabinga. Brit str, Smith, New York. Mitsui Bn san Kaisha Ihx'k Kian, Dut str, V tier Harst. Joana. Kim Hock Hoe Bau Po Soon, Dut str, Odink. Pontiaiiak, Hap Eng 17 Sikh,
      495 words
    • 319 24 October 16 Singapore, Brit str, Bangkok Dott. Nor str, Bangkok Bezwada. Brit str, Hongkong Zeelaudia, Dut hulk, Batavia White Cross, Brit str, Bremen Agamemnon, Brit str, Liverpool via ports Fox ton Hall, Brit str, Manila 17 Taroba, Brit str, Peuang, R’goon and Calcutta Hong Hob, Brit str, Penang Amherst,
      319 words
    • 237 24 By the Selangor, Captain Turner, Oct. 21. From Teluk Anson via ports:—Mr. H. A. Hope, Mr. A. M. Taylor, Mrs. and Miss Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Yit Ann Tye, Messrs Long Man, Seah Eng Lock, Mr. A. J. Eyerett, E. W. King, F. G. Keiller, Pountney, A.
      237 words
    • 594 24 Name, port probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS. Achilles, China. Dec 12 Man-th.-l.] Airlie, Sydney, Oct 25 Boustead Antilochus, China, Oct 23 Mansli e'A Arcadia, Hongkong, Nov 22 P. 4 0. Co\ Ayuthia, Bombay, Nov 10; Borneo Coy A. Apcar, Hongkong. Nov 5; Paterson Sim-.cs
      594 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 769 25 jp 1 1 i n; m < Kfv# 1 :< A Zf; jp •1 USE ONLY USE ALWAYS REFRESHING. Luxurious Perfume F ar Superior £xH«5a to the In Health. |p German Kinds. A NEOES8ARY RESTORATIVE IN SIOKNESS. ,> vC\Vt 1 B Universal Remedy for Acidity of tbs inch, Headache, Heartburn,
      769 words
    • 214 25 MARTIN’S tfvatl #RQrrnr i ■firm. < iOSi! 3 By Koy0 Wirrot to SM HI* Atajtoty Tk* Ki«f. As a change try a little milk in your hot Bovril. fto WORLD'S REMEDY m COV«B*. OOUM, THROAT* OnbrMge* W LUNG TONIC I&R&m ontououd nr un> mwiiR «i£? Dr. S. Iwatsubo, JAPANE8E DENTAL
      214 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 301 26 COMMON SENSE-* NUTSHELL A **w Died Hid work oq the HUM and m«»t M'lrntiflc •ml effectual means of arlf-cur* erer discovered for nerrowi end functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of •pints, Or .with practical obaervatiom on and full dlrecllom for mooring certain dfaNfuaUtkaiioaa that destroy the happiness of wedded
      301 words
    • 379 26 x 'ijS'''. 1 §1 5* raH 1 V,>- v 1 *»iM*»8i' »m| *J^v f t Assists digestion and gives a delightful fiP 'A& rg~' piquancy and flavour to all MEAT DI8HE8, SOUPS, FISH, CNEE8E, CURRIES, SAME, POULTRY and SALADS, X*v f Xt. 'M The l&( Worcestershire. Original Genuine 5S» By
      379 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 306 27 Hotels Recommended by the Straits Budget.” Caledonian Hotel. 7T, Brass S&asah J{oad, SINGAPORE. The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter, in uniform, meets all Boats and Trains. hotel van wuk. Nos. I, 2 and 3, Stamford Road. Singapore. This First Class Newly-opened Hotel provides excellent accommodation for
      306 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 147 28 J. MOTION CO. Watchmaker*. Jewellers. Opticians. RBFAIB8 PROMPTLY RXECUT1D BUCHANAN S WHI8KIE8. ■re tot an experiment. They have been the favourite blends at home for many years and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the Colonies. No expense is spared in keeping both RED SEAL AND BLACK AND WHITE” op
      147 words
    • 351 28 FREE TO ALL CYCLIST*?. hi ml u* \i ur name and a<Mi< and w u w HI r*re|\e by riturn Mail. Fn r, 1 rat I'abl our BIO BBT BOOK the fln« »t ev. r luldhhed, whirl, la <«f inti rrat to cverv rid*r. Tbla Ilian mittalm. large hum non
      351 words