The Straits Budget, 10 October 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” VOL. LXI. NO. 2S9I. Singapore, Thursday, October 10,1907. ItTABLISHIO OVER HALF A CENTO*?. Price 25 cents*
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  • 247 1 LEADERS— Discursive Discussion in Loudon Press 12 Journalistic Etiquette 12 Keir Hardie s Peculiar Impressions 12 Rapid Appreciation in Rubber Shares 13 Rioting in Calcutta 13 Protest Against Shipping Surtax... 13 Currency of the Straits Settlements 14 The Ocean to Ocean Naval Cruise 14 American Administration of
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  • 936 1 Captain Wolff, of the North Germau Lloyd steamer Petcliaburi, which runs between Singapore, Bangkok and China, appeared before the Senior Magistrate, on the 4tb*inst., on a charge of importing 99 tins of chandu valued at §2,970. Mr. C. I. Carver
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  • 1137 2 The Y.M.C.A. bazaar at the Victoria M< morial Hall was opened on the 3rd inst by Miss Anderson in the presence of a large company, which consisted mostly of ladies. Among those present, in addition to Miss Anderson, were Lady Evelyn Young,
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  • 287 2 Mr. Justice Fisher, at the Supreme Court, on the 7th inst., gave five decisions of which three were in the case of suits, one in an originating summons one in the appeal of Johor, who was sentenced for highway robbery
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  • 162 2 Tiie claim of Adagappa Chetty against the Municipality was further heard,on the 3rd inst. before the Chief Justice, Sir H.. Hyndman* Jones, and Messrs. Derrick and Dunman as assessors. The Chetty was mortgagee of property at Monk's Hill which was taken for the new r filter beds.
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  • 127 2 A controversy between a Sikh tr&m driver and the Singapore Electric Tramways, Limited, come up for settlement before Mr. Howard, Commissioner of the Coart of Requests, on the 3rd inst. Mr. Upcott appeared for the Tramways Company. The driver claimed *5 as wages, from September 7 to
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  • 706 3 At the meeting of the Legislative Council, on the 4th inst., the following werepresent:—His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G. the General Officer Commanding the Troop**. Major-General T. Perrott, C.B.; the Colonial Secretary, Captain A. H. Young, C.M.G.; the Attorney-General,
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  • 131 3 On Friday next, the Supply Bill will come on for first reading in the Legislative Council. The business includes the replies to the questions asked by Mr. Huttenbach. Motion by the Colouial Secretary: That this Council approves the expenditure of the sum of $28,800 to
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  • 102 3 A Chinese house boy had a fight with a Tamil in Orchard Road at one o’clock, on the sth inst. He appeared before Mr. C.E.F. Green, the Second Magistrate, at eleven o’clock, and said that lie was walking quietly along the road when the accused approached
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  • 109 3 The coolie steamer Hong Wan 1., en route from Penang to China, with a number of homeward-bound Chinese passengers, was laying at Tanjong Pagar, at 8-80 p.m. on the 4th inst.. when cries of mafca mata were heard. A Chinaman was seen running from the steamer with two
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  • 82 3 Captain Kinghorn. of the steamer Hong Wan I, which arrived, on the 4th inst., from Penang reports that, at 9.50 a.m. on Wednesday, he picked up two Chinamen from a fishing boat five days out from Bagan. Their rudder was gone, and they were in
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  • 248 3 Six Men Rescued from the Sea. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 5. Information has boon received here of a disaster to a newly-built steam yacht called Hevea, on her first trip from Penang to Pi la, Sumatra. The hull of this vessel
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  • 178 3 The examination of candidates for licenses from the Federated Malay States was held in the Lecture Room at the Straits and F.M.S. Medical School, on the 3rd and 4th instant. Each candidate was examined in medicine, surgery, and midwifery, and each subject was undertaken by different
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  • 106 3 A meet ng of tbe Chinese Chamber of Commerce was held on Sunday, to consider the invitation of tbe Shanghai Chinese Chamber of Commerce to a Conference at Shanghai to frame commercial byelaws. It was proposed to send two representatives from the Chamber of Commerce here
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  • 24 3 The output from the Posing Lama mine for Septemnejr was 1,062 piculs of tin ore, ot an approximate value of $58,000.
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  • 1815 6 Mi. Montagu Harris appeared before the >i; Magistrate. Mr. \N C. Michell, on the Tti. iu-t., on a charge of using criminal force aga:i.*t Kri-hna Pillay. for whom Mr. T. D. Pardon appeared. Mi Parsons explained that the
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  • 98 6 There was another exceptionally large attendance of Europeans at the Hongkong Magistracy on October 1, when William Hall Adsetts was indicted on the charge of murdering Gertrude Dayton on August 4. The* trial came on before Mr. C. D. Melbourne, who had with him on the bench
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  • 784 7 it is not known exactly whou the great fasting month of the Mohammed ins will commence —natives seldom are sure of any particular point of tioe concerning their religion —but it is
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  • 237 7 Mr. Justice Fisher heard three appeals at the Supreme Court, on the 7th inst., and iu each case saw tit to differ from the Magistrates. Lim Set Liap appealed from the decision of Mr. W. C. Michelf. the Senior Magistrate, who
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  • 111 7 Count tie Bondy, Consul-General for France at Singaitorc, prosecuted a Frenchman named .Jacques Susini before the Second Magistrate, on the 3rd iust.,on a charge of trespass on his premises, in Orchard Hoad. The man was iu want aud went to the Consulate for assistance.
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  • 59 7 A Chinese clerk employed by Mr. Montagu Harris sued his employer in the Court of Requests, on the 7th inst., for wages for one month aud ten days at $4O, less s•> paid to account, leaving a balance of $48.30. Mr. Harris put in no appearance,
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  • 360 7 The defeuce opened their case* in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Usher* on the 4th inst., iu the case of Mr. T. W. Proctor v. The Robinson Piano Company. Limited, for $487.42 for wages and commission alleged to be
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  • 56 7 The charge of cheating brought by Annamalay Chctty against Abdul kadir was further heard by Mr. C. E. F. Green, the Second Magistrate, on the 4th iust., and the accused was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment. The Chetty sold accused 90 sovereigns for $765, but Abdul
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  • 68 7 On the 4th inst., the Bench Court gave their decision in the case in which the woman Chan Ah Yee was accused of dispos ing of a girl named Chan Mow Tan for immoral purposes. She was sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment. Mr. C.
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  • 80 7 Mr. Gardiner, Assistant Superintendent of Police, prosecuted thirty-two Chinese, before Mr. C. E. F. Green, on the 7th inst., on a charge of gambling in a common gaming house, at No. 95 North Bridge Road. He informed the Magistrate that three of the men were found
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  • 448 9 Ah was predicted in this paper a few days ago, it has now been decided to hold a 1907 St. Andrew's Ball on lines somewhat similar to those of last year. There had been a good deal of conjecture
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  • 186 9 The new bridge now’ in course of construction over the Pari River on the Lahat Road, to be known as the Sungei Pari Bridge, w’illbe a great improvement to that thoroughfare—one which probably carries the heaviest traffic of any of the approaches to Ipoli, says
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  • 170 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 1. It is said that one of the most important questions discussed at the recent Conference of Residents held at Kuala Luuipnr was that of the import duty on spirits. It is believed
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  • 218 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, October 1. The third Assizes opened before Mr. Jus tice Fisher, yesterday. There w’as only one criminal case on the list, but it is not yet finished. The charge is one of gang robbery and house breaking by night, and is levelled
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  • 90 9 Kuala Lumpur is to have a new and more commodious Railway Station, one that promises to be the finest in the Peninsula, and altogether in keeping with the growing importance of the Federal Capital, and its position as a central railway terminus, writes our
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  • 88 9 Abubakar, P. C. No. 685, appeared before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. E. F. Green, some time ago, on an allegation of accepting a bribe. Mr. L. E. Giunt appeared for the accused. The charge was amended to an accusation of conduct to tlio prejudice of
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  • 408 9 An important land case, which has been on the General Cause list for about sis. months, was begun in the Supreme Court before the Chief Justice, Sir IV. H. Hyndman Jones, on the Hth inst. It is a Crown suit, the defendant
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  • 191 9 A meeting of the Perak Planters’ Associa tion took place at Taiping on the 28th ult., to discuss the Tamil Immigration Fund BiU and the following resolution was adopted That the Perak Planters' Association is of opinion that the Bill
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  • 12 10 [The Straits Times is not responsible for opinions of its correspondents.
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  • 535 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Kuala Lumpur, October 2. Sir, —It was only yesterday evening I saw the criticism of njy “Geography of the Malay Peninsula and Arclii})clago, etc. in your paper of the 2.>th ultimo by a person who signs himself A Teacher
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  • 1083 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, October 8. Sir, -1 venture to say that the subject brought up by your correspondent A Reader” is an important one, because it concerns the welfare of Singapore. The Nyonyas, through ignorance, have contracted the Chap Jee Kee mama
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  • 398 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, October o. Sir, —I noticed in your issue of Che Ist instant a paragraph appearing under the above heading, in which the Perak Pioneer suggests the adoption by the Straits Government of the “judicious policy” of the F.M.S.
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  • The Straits Budget.
    • 709 12 seldom #et proper scope.—Straits Times, Octol>er 4. We alluded, the other day, to the amusement afforded by a )>eriisal of London journals in search of news. Illustration is afforded by a bundle of papers to hand by the mail. The Daily Telegraph has had a
      seldom #et proper scope.—Straits Times, Octol>er 4.  -  709 words
    • 299 12 —Straits Times, October 4. The other day we had occasion to criticise adversely a movement in Java for increasing considerably the strength of the Dutch fleet there, on the ground that Holland was not in a position, financially, to waste public funds on useless naval expenditure. This evoked
      —Straits Times, October 4.  -  299 words
    • 637 12 —Straits Times, October 8. Amid much that was mysterious ami exceedingly pompous in the announcement that the great don’t Keir Hardie was about to tour the world, the fact now stands out that since being left severely alone in Singapore he is making a desperate splash
      —Straits Times, October 8.  -  637 words
    • 604 13 —Straits Times, October 3. What is the cause of the present activity in the rubber market?* It is not that the production of the Malayan estates runs ahead of demand, or that consumption falls below supply. Most commercial activities arc produced by supply outrunning demand,
      —Straits Times, October 3.  -  604 words
    • 639 13 —Straits Times, October f. That Calcutta is in need of strong measures to force the rowdy element to respect the arm of the law is evident from the telegram sent out by Reuter. It is an extraordinary state of affairs when police in the execution of their
      —Straits Times, October f.  -  639 words
    • 646 13 liners frequenting the port.—Straits Time*, October 5. While Singapore has little to say on the subject of enhanced steamship fares to and from Europe, the ten per cent, surtax imposed recently by the P. an9 O., the Messageries, Xorddeutscher Lloyd, AustrianLloyd and other companies, has aroused
      liners frequenting the port.—Straits Time*, October 5.  -  646 words
    • 774 14 indulge in any other course. -Straits Times, October H. A very interesting question paper upon the Straits Settlements currency problem was ham led in by Mft August Hiittenbach at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday. Th** Penang representative gave notice of his intention
      indulge in any other course. -Straits Times, October H.  -  774 words
    • 520 14 bourlioori of Singapore, or Sumatra. Straits Times, October 7. Nobody was surprised to read in our Saturday's issue the contradiction by the German Foreign Office of the ridiculous reports published in the New York Sun that the voyage of the United States fleet to
      bourlioori of Singapore, or Sumatra. Straits Times, October 7.  -  520 words
    • 628 14 —Straits Times, October H. It is confidently expected by the Americans in the Philippines that the arrival, in Manila, of Mr. W. H. Taft, the American Secretary for War, who goes there to open the Philippine Assembly, will result in the first definite official pronouncement
      —Straits Times, October H.  -  628 words
    • 1465 15 predominant factors. Strait* Time*. lx;r 9. Nobody can say with any degree of certainty what will be the future of China, but the past history of any country is a sure indication of what its future is likely to be. There is no special discernment required
      predominant factors. Strait* Time*. lx;r 9.  -  1,465 words
    • 245 15 Sfcraitn Timea, October 6. Lord Elgin is a remarkably considerate Secretary for the Colonies in affairs personal as distinguished from maters public. < >ne of his latest proposals is that io future a register shah be kept within the precincts of his Whitehall sanctum of all
      Sfcraitn Timea, October 6.  -  245 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 The post free price of the Straits Times iff 93m a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget >» lU a year. It it not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same propor- tionate rate as for a year. The
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  • 59 12 DEATHS. Batii.—On August 21, at the General Hospital, Gyrnpie, Queensland, Henry Alonzo Bath, late Manager of Belat and Kuantan Tin Mines. FavoiiitH.— On September 21, at Shanghai, Ward E. Favorite, agei 29. Pknson. —At his residence, 3, Penang Lane. Singapore, on October William Pensou, Inspector, Hackney Carriage Department, Municipality. Fnneral
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  • 748 16 The new Anglo-Chincse School building is rapidly nearing completion. Owing to the spread of cholera in Manila, the shipping of fresh vegetables the no- to the provinces has been prohibited, as the* present epidemic is believed to be due to this source. The mortality rate in Bangkok must
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  • 267 16 Singapore, October 9, 1907. PRODUCE. Jambier buyers 7.30 do (Cube No. 1; unpicked 10.45 Copra Bali 8.65 do Pontianak 8 20 Pepper, Black 16.00 do White 5% buyers 22.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.06 do Brunei No. 1 3.01 ?earl Sago 4.70 Coffee Bali, 16% 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis
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  • 48 16 The Belat Tiu Mining Co., Ltd., had an output for September of 500 piculs; and the Kuantan Tin Mining Co., Ltd., of 280 piculs. The output at the Tronoh Mines for the month of September, 1907, is as follows Tin ore produced, piculs 2544 61.
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  • 85 16 A Tamil, uamed Govindasamy, appeared before the Third Magistrate, on the 4th inst., on a charge of using criminal force to one Pakiri, who appeared iu Court with his face abnormally enlarged. The accused had once been belore the Court on a similar charge, and had been
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  • 454 16 Major Ford returned from a hoi id ly in Japan on the 7th inst. Mr. D. Butler has beeu appointed Assistant Commissioner of Police, Pahang. Mr. J. Kigby, Financial Assistant, Kriau, has been appointed State Treasurer. Detective Inspector Stenhouse left for Home by the Japanese mail steamer
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  • 363 17 When Stevenson, the professional billiardist, comes to Singapore, which he is expected to do in six weeks’ time, he will no doubt play a game or two in the new Billiard Hall erected at a cost of #40,000 bv the management of
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  • 251 17 More than once, says Truth, 1 have referred to the mean, contemptible, and scandalous manner in which the Mahommedan rulers and people of three of the Federated Malay States have been virtually compelled to contribute to the endowment of the proposed new Anglican
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  • 214 17 (From Ouk Own Cokkkmpoxokxt.) The thirty-fourth anniversary of the birth of His Highness the Sultan of Johorc was celebrated at Muar on the sth, 6th, and 7th inst. The town was elaborately decorated with flags, bunting, Japanese lanterns, and
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  • 120 17 Mr. C. E. F. Green, the Second Magistrate, on the 7th inst., opened a preliminary enquiry into a charge of murder against Chua Ah Leng. The evidence showed that, on September 29, accused aud a man named Ah Chua had a quarrel in a house in Victoria
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  • 87 17 The Dutch tug Hercules arrived at Colombo* on the night of September 20, from Rotterdam towing the barge Zeelandia. The former is a vessel of 184 tons and the latter 545 tons, and they are in charge of Captain Bougrman. They resumed their
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  • 109 17 Official reports from Acbeen tell of 85 of the enemy having been killed in action, last August. A correspondent writing to a newspaper in Holland ascribes the prevalence of brigandage there to the impoverishment of the people who have to take to it as a means of
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  • 345 17 A party of eighteen Eurasians went on a hunting trip by launch to a Dutch island about five hours’ steam from Singapore, on the 6th inst. There were thirteen guns and a number of dogs with the party. When
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  • 265 17 According to our Ipoh contemporary, a general meeting of the Perak Planters’ Association will be held on Saturday, October 19, at 2.30 p.m., in the Ipoh Club, for tbp purpose of meeting representatives from the United Planters’ Association, the Negri
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  • 705 18 Education for girls, the world over, must differ from that of boys. The life in the future of the two sexes is so diffeient. and the difficulties to be overcome are so unlike that it would
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  • 320 18 .Jowar Singh, Sikh P.C. 203, charged Bog Singh, a former constable, before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, on the Bth iust., with taking away his wife, with criminal intent. Complainant said that he and his wife were
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  • 89 18 Singapore is not sendiug a cricket team to play Hongkong. On October 1, the Hongkong Cricket Club received a letter in which the Secretary of the Singapore Cricket Club notes, with extreme regret, that the possibility of China sending a cricket team to Singapore
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  • 91 18 Papers laid before the Netherlands StatesGeneral show that, in Deli and in the neighbouring districts, coffee-planting is losing considerable ground as the advance of rubber proceeds. Pepper-growing is extending, despite a fall in prices. Nutmeg cultivation is checked by disease among the trees, and the rise in
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  • 833 18 Judging from the affair of the missing hunter at Tanjong t han, it would certainly pay a detective agency at home t<> import Malay magicians into its service to scent out missing friends. It is significant that the Malay calls his magician a Va loing. Then is
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  • 716 19 Great black clouds came up from behind the sea, and subsequently the heavy rain, on the 4th inst., prevented the finish of the championship tie in the S.C.C. Autuinu Tournament, played on the Esplanade. The players were Mr.
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    • 128 19 The Swimming Club. The steam launch Argo will leave Johnston’s Pier for the Club Bungalow next Sunday at 9. 10, 11 a.m.. 2.50 aud 3.80 p.m., returning at 9.80,10.80a.m., 12.15, 8 and 5 p in. The race for the Finlayson Swimming Salver, 100 Yd*. Handicap, will take plate after
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    • 142 19 Hongkong v. Singapore. The report of the Hongkong Cricket Club for the season, 1906-07 contains the following local references: The Club sent a team to Shanghai in October last and was defeated by the home team by 112 runs. The thunks of the Club are due to the Shanghai
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    • 194 19 Malacca Medal Competition. Writing from Malacca, on October 7, our correspondent says: The monthly golf modal was played for on Saturday. Messrs. Kock and Robinson tied for first place, and the replay will take place during the week. The scores are appended Koek 03+66—180 77* Robinson 50+45—18 77 Firmstone
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 175 19 Sale of Properties Tl*e follow iug Singapore properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs.-Powell and Company’s Saleroom, on the 8th inst.: Freehold land with frontage on South Jlridge Hoad and Hamah Street, 2,378 square feet, together with the house thereon No. 38, Ramah Street, monthly rent 912, was bought
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  • 3326 21 London, October 2. Mr. J. Keir Hardie, M.P. is at present touring the province of Bengal, and is investigating the cause of the unrest among the natives. He is reported to have said that the conditions in India were worse than those in Russia, and more horrible than
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  • 1152 22 Berlin, October 2. Count Zeppelin reached a speed of 50 kilometres an hour in bis last airship trip. He will be helped in further experimenting by means of a Government grant in aid. Presideut Roosevelt intends to visit the Middle States of the American Union. His object is
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  • 148 23 A Bengali named Ramatullasah, brought an action in tho Court of Requests, on the Brd inst., against Mr. A. Kidd, a jockey employed by Mr. Abrams, for damages for injuries alleged to have been sustained by him by a rash and negligent act of the defendant
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  • 254 23 An appeal signed by tli&e well-known residents has been published in our Penang contemporaries in reference to the Penang Town Band —the question asked being: Is the band to be left to die The residents are asked to shake
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  • 153 23 Goh Thiam Hock, formerly farmer of the Clyde Terrace Market, has been charged before the Bench Court with obtaining credit while a bankrupt, without informing the creditor of bis financial condition, ft is alleged that he leased the market, at a monthly rental of
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  • 101 23 A number of lascars were before the Master Attendant's Court, on the 4th lost., on a charge of being absent from the P. and 0. Candia, intermediate steamer, without leave. They said that they came to make complaints at the Shipping Office. They were
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  • 50 23 A gang robbery took place in Havelock Road, on October 8, a man named Ong Cheng Mob being held up and robbed of a silver watch and chain valued at 112, and lift in cash. One of the robbers has been arrested. Six others escaped.
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    • 570 24 October 2 Nore, Brit str, Philipps, London, P. A O. Coy Fook Sang, Biyt str, Mitchell, Calcutta, Boustead Drumcliffe, Brit str, Spurring, Cberibon, Guthrie A Coy Ltd Solva, Nor str, Tellefsen, Bangkok, Low Sum Unity, Nor str, Torgernen, Rangoon, Yeo Chip Mob De Kerens, Dut str, Gregor, I’’bang, Daendels
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    • 466 24 October 2 Yerimo Marti, Jap str, Calcutta Carlyle, Brit str. Port Swettenham via ports Simongan, Dut str, Samarang, 8 Tjipanas, Dut str, Batavia Bharata, Brit str. Penuog. Rangoon. Calcutta Calypso, Brit str, Penang and Deli Malacca, Brit str, Port Swettenham via ports China. Aust str, Japan via ports Dordt,
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    • 613 24 Passengers Outward. Per P. A O. steamer China, connecting with the steamer Arcadia at Colombo, from London, Sept. 18, due Oct. 11.—Messrs. P. M. Skinner, O. J. Adams, L. Tooth, J. *L. Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barham, Capt. S. H. E. Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 483 25 I USE ONLY a U»E ALWAYS REFRESHING. I A Luxurious Perfume Far ??,J erior I lN Healt German Kinds. I a neoessarv raWWBTWWWPBBIMB miTOMTivt |aV*iV|nfiliV9Ttl^|a IN SIOKNESS. Li lAJXI 1 B Stninscb. HawUfba, ]iiih|w~t,.pu, „,le,t uid mu.. Sour Kructalions, Bilious Affections. Effective Apericni OF INTEREST TO WOMKS. c VV>* V*
      483 words
    • 425 25 NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. j This well-known establishment, which has changed ownership, is now open and ready to receive visitors (Boarders Passengers), i The House has been thoroughly renovated, and will be made comfortable in every respect. The management intend to keep up the good name this Hotel
      425 words
    • 262 25 MARTIN’S mm tftJtM tuM*• be* of Marti*• Pilliln »Im> Imho* UmIM IlMI hv* «N» «f M) lrr*««k*f>lr «»f t>M tyl— itrnoiy 4«M M< AMi m t».*—a J TWm uMk A 4 j/ fWMWPWTPl (WVV w MW IMPS w IMM«VtVO »-»(r *5Cr**«i»«#*W il*nnw nW«m*4Vwr». n#*Ur«f Mr* vilTVN. <*•«* iJ'iTMAliPTOM- IMflLAMft. npuni
      262 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 332 26 COMMON SENSE-* NUTSHELL 4 4 W*W Dtedii Hi utj the mil m «ml m<*rt M icntlfV T #«*l rgbcttia! iimkiw of t*.-H <tire ever diwmer«l fnr nervuua «n«i functions! debility, wuir ot vitality, depreertoa of Ac. .with practical ob*rrvuOorw on wtarriaire *M full (HrectlMM for removioir certain dWjimli lion lons
      332 words
    • 436 26 RRIN SSSfj Assists digestion and gives'a delightful s£> I*/- '-.v, t ,y^*/v/ ywry v v v f < jk3 piquancy and flavour to all sis MEAT DI8NE8, SOUPS. FISH. CHEESE, CURRIES, HHj CAME, POULTRY and SALADS. 3&S The? Original Genuine Worcestershire. 8 R o/*' r H.M T Warrant to TMt
      436 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 160 27 Hotels Recommended by the Straits Budget.” Caledonian Hotel. 77, Brass SBasah Road, SINGAPORE. The Brightest and Healthiest Resort in the City. Hotel Porter, in uniform, meets all Boats and Trains. TUCK’S ACTRESS T. E. CHIN CO.. Wines Wines I POSTCARDS. 82-3, Bras Basah Road (Next to U.imil .V liidiccm) Genuine
      160 words
    • 39 27 HOTEL VAN WIJK. Nos. I. 2 and 3, SUmlord Road. Singapore. 1 liis lii*,t Clu>*» Ncwly-opcned Hotel provider excellent accommodation toi Families and Single Traveller*. FIFTY ROOMS. Willi* Verandah. Itallirooin, and Electric Hall-Hi lls every Room. PRICES STRICTLY MODERATE.
      39 words
    • 41 27 The Adelphi Hotel. I'lirivalled resort for health and pleasure. The most attractive and home like hoted in the Hast. I'p to-date and every comfort. Klegant hining. Hilliard and Laic Saloons, finest cuisine, electric fans, lights, and call Ih'lls. Charges strictly imslerate.
      41 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 329 28 PHOSFERINE I Tb« Qrtatoit «f all Tonic*. I 1 *4O/4 FSf HEALTH. 9 I Ftopribton Him 0 PIiMU, ZJOttd, 9 ft La B«U« teivac. Üb4m, S.C VmUUMMMUMHHMi WARRANTED TEN YEARS. *trli iliro’t (rum our I'mi pti) fiK'tur/ l/A* t<» an oik on t«n days' approval, our nOV lngh*i»t gr».|»- MEAD
      329 words
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