The Straits Budget, 16 May 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE "STRAITS TIMES." VOL. LXI. NO. 2509. Singapore, Thursday, Hay 16, 1907. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 239 1 LEADERS— Straits Settlements Loan 12 Home Rule for Ireland ...12,13 Reaction in China 13 Military Contribution ...13,14 A Personal Matter 14 Fallible Prophets 14 Journalism and Truth ...14,15 Wanted —A Public Hall 15 Empire I>ay 15 Mission Work in China ...15,16 Barracks Tragedy 1 Alleged Murder on
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  • 715 1 Wednesday, May 15. A sad sequel to the funeral of a comrade happened at the Barracks of thedtoyal West Kent Kegiuient, last night, witli the result that a drummer in the Fife and Drum Band of
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  • 45 1 Two Chinese members of the crew of a 1'i ink were arrested on May 14, by Inspector Jooley, of the Marine Police, on a charge of murdering their captain on the 9th instant, while the junk was off Kukob, Johorc.
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  • 18 1 The output of tho Sipiau Tin Comp&uv, Limited, for the month of April was piculs 109.57.
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  • 1194 2 Tl ic British steamer Candlcshoc stranded in the Gulf of Suez ou February 12, and the on 10th iust. an enquiry was held into the matter at the Marine Court. The enquiry was eouducted by Mr. W. C. Michell, the Senior Magistrate, Captain
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  • 194 2 From time to time, there lias been much talk about reform in street nomenclature in Singapore, and the Municipal Commissioners have even gone so far as to insert an appropriation iu their Budget for 1907 for that purpose, but. so far, the much-needed reform has not been effected.
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  • 624 2 The question of laud tenure had beeu watched with the greatest distrust of ail interested in the planting industry, says the tenth annual report of the United Planters’ Association, which has betn forwarded to us. While security of property has always beeu
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  • 871 4 An editorial comment appearing in a recent issue was the subject of discussion at a meeting of the Legislative Council on the 10th instant. j The Tanjong Pagar Dock Ordinance I Amendment Bill came up for the second
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  • 197 4 She wouldn’t obey me, therefore 1 struck her as a lesson,” said a Malay husband, who was summoned at the Police Court, on the 9th inst., by his young wife on a charge of using criminal force against her. Why
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  • 171 4 iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 10. Consequent on the issue of the White Paper by the Secretary of State relative to the part taken by ex-Governors of Colonies in the organisation or direction of companies formed to operate in territories, which they were recently
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  • 366 4 At the meeting on the 10th inst., of the Legislative Council, held under the presidency of Captain Young, C.M.G. (Colonial Secretary), in the absence of His Excellency the Governor Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., 1 Mr. John Anderson asked
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  • 146 4 The variety entertainment given at the Teutonia Club on April 23, on behalf of the Children’s Aid Society, realised the sum of 6818, minus 673 for working expenses. This sum will wipe off the debt which was retarding the work of the Society and leave a small
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  • 39 4 The Secretary to the Resident-General of the F.M.S., has forwarded to us the following export returns of tin from Perak, including Upper Perak, for April.— Tin 9,488, picul*, 59 catties. Tin Ore 29,148 81 Duty 495,183.11.
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  • 499 5 (From Our Own Correspondent). Labuan, May 8. Labuan may be monotonous and certainly Pedlingtonian, yet its denizens cannot com{)lain of any lack of excitement during the ast three months, as a tide nt philatelomania set in and still co .iinues with unabating force
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  • 97 5 At 8.30 o’clock on May 10, when a Chinese woman was passing along Lim Eng Bee Lane, a man snatched off her ear-rings, causing her some pain and permanent injury to her ears. She called for the police, and a fitter employed by Messrs. Howarth, Erskine and
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  • 664 5 The tenth annual report of the United Planters’ Association, F.M.S., extracts from which have already appeared in the Straits Times, states that according to figures the number of coolies, employed on the Estates on December 31. 1906, was, approximately, 19,354 as against 9,672 at the end of 1905.
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  • 620 5 (From Our Special Correspondent). It may not be generally known that an offensive raid was directed against Singapore on Saturday h t'ternoon, and a landing effected by a hostile ariny at Serangoon River—with what object has not yet been discovered, but the Police
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  • 313 7 Wm. Simons and Company. Limited, of Heufrew, have just completed one of the largest and most powerful dredgers yet built for working alluvial tin deposits. With the necessary modifications on the saving tables the dredger could bs equally well employed in gold recovery. The buckets, formed of
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  • 56 7 A carriage belonging to a Chinaman, but fortunately unoccupied at the time, was upset in Boat Quay on the Bth instant, the horse being frightened. The syce, a Javauese. was thrown from his seat, but was not injured. The horse bled profusely from one leg.
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  • 299 7 The Captain of the British steamer Forest Dale, which arrived iu Singapore on the 10th inst., reported at Colombo the death of a seaman between Suez and Colombo, and the brave attempt at rescue made by a Greek seaman on the
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  • 544 7 Captain Henry S. Malkitu, of the steamer Fau Sang, was charged before the Senior Magistrate, on the lHtli inst. with carrying 187 passengers in excess of the licensed number. Captain E. Edwards, the Senior Boarding Officer and Immigration Officer, prosecuted, aud Mr..
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  • 293 7 We regiet to nave to record the death, from cancer, of Dr. A. B. Leicester, retired Senior Assistant Surgeon of the Straits Medical Service, which sad event took place at his residence, Thomson Road, on the 14th inst. Deceased, who was 58 years of
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  • 94 7 The Fire Brigade are holdiug drills almost every evening at the recently erected tower on the old goal site, in preparation for their annual exhibition on Empire Hay. Great throngs of spectators gather at these preliminary drills and sometimes impede tinwork of the firemen. While
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  • 1160 9 A representative of the Straits Times on Saturday afternoon called upon His Highness the Sultan of Sulu, who has been on a visit to Singapore for about six weeks and returns in two weeks to his former dominions, former inasmuch as he
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  • 128 9 A special cable from London announces that the Consolidated Malay Co., Ltd., haspaid a dividend of 10 per cent., for the year, and carried forward £700. This is a good beginning for a Company which was only floated in the autumn of 1905. The Company have an
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  • 54 9 Inspector Pestana, P.C.A. Dept., prosecuted a .Javanese gharry driver for cruelty to animals,on the 11th inst. iu the Second Court. The man had been plying for hire at the P. and O. wharf with a gharry drawn by a “mere animated bag of skiu and bones."
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  • 484 10 11 is with great icyict tlmt w# •Ill''»«’ 'll the medium ot our si-nim 111 <»ru iug ut« uporarv, of tlu* <i« -ath. at Penang. <»t Mi. LtlicllM-rt Forbes Sk< •rtohloy. tor vnn* ;mk past Kditor of the Straits Kclio. known throughout
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  • 177 10 A native love tragedy is reported in Bangkok. For several years, Meli Hoonmi had been •ourted hy a young man, Nai Dam. The >ther day, lie thought the time had come when his bachelor days should cease, and he gathered sufficient courage to approach the mother
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  • 646 10 Government consider*, it desirable that the *.\steiu of registration of m< dieal practitioners introduced in PJ0.7. in the Colony Miould he extended to the Federated Malay States and that there should be one register both for the Colony and the Federated Malay States. new Hill has been brought
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  • 580 10 In the absence of His Kxrellcncv the (inventor, Sir John Anderson, K. C. M. (1.. Csptain A. 11. Young. C. M. G.. •i'nlouial Secretary I presided at the meeting of the Legislative Council on tin 10th instant. There wen* also present Messrs. J. Napier
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  • 23 10 The output from the Pusiug Lama Tin mine for April was 1,000 piculs, of an approximate value of $56,000.
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  • 893 11 <l*i;o\| Ol i; Own CorresI'oMient). Batavia, May 4. It i> known that all tropical countries produce many plants whose leaves are most valuable for the fibre contained in them—the problem lias always beeu how to extract this iu sufficient quantity, and
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  • 200 11 (From On. Own Coki:h>i*oni»kxt*. Lipis, May 1. A Tamil notice signed by the Hon. the Colonial Secretary of the Straits S< ttlcincuts lias been issued in Pahang w ith regard to the new dollar. It says that the only dollar which is legal tender in
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  • 243 11 (From Oi*R Own Correspondent?. Lipis. May <». A Malay planter at Keitau. in the central district, was troubled by pigs, w hich used to come and destroy his sugar-cane, so he arranged with a friend to come and shoot the animals. The friend was lying in wait
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  • 680 11 About midnight on the 9th iust.. Dr. Galloway w as summoned to the house of a Chiuese patient and lie returned home in the Towkay’s gharry. After he had been safely deposited at his residence, the gharry was being driven down
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  • 54 12 W ii.i.iA.MK, —On May 9, at“ Holroyd,’’ Newton, Singapore, the wife cf A P. Williams, of a daughter. JoYi'K.—At Alor Star, Kedah, 011 May 1, the wife of Chief Ins|tector .Joyce, of a son (still -born). KKi’x.--On May llj at Kuala Kuhn, Selangor, the wife of E. R. Keun
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  • THE Straits budget.
    • 1386 12 ministration or its far-off wirepullers.—Straits Times, May To-morrow, tho Inofficial members art* going to make another laudable effort to extract information from the (iovernmeiit witli regard to the Straits Loan. The process is not a very encouraging one, but it is laudable, and those who take more
      ministration or its far-off wirepullers.—Straits Times, May *.*.  -  1,386 words
    • 674 12 Strait# Times, May 10. Though the Irish Government Bill of the Radical Administration has passed its first reading in the House of Common*, it dot s not follow that the Irish art* at last within measurable distance of Home Rule. As outlined, the measure is one
      Strait# Times, May 10.  -  674 words
    • 1143 13 Straits Times, May 10. Yesterday s telegram telling us of the impeachment of three prominent officials indicates the ascendency of a new favourite at the Chinese Court. The name given by Reuter is Tse Chung-Hsuan. but it is possible that it should be Ts’en Ch uu-Hsuau. the
      Straits Times, May 10.  -  1,143 words
    • 877 13 H traits Times, May 11. At Friday’s meeting of the legislative Council two official papers were laid on the table having reference to the recent question* asked by the Cnofficials about the Military Contribution. The first of these show* in tabulated form the amount contributed by the Colony
      H traits Times, May 11.  -  877 words
    • 364 14 Straits Times, May 1H. t, the last meeting of the Legislative Coun cil, the Honourable the Attorney General did us the honour of referring a leading article i which appeared in the Straits Times of May 1 4. As he stated that “certain doubts and aspersions" were
      Straits Times, May 1H.  -  364 words
    • 687 14 Straits Times, May lrt. Backing horse* is *‘a mug’s game.'' We hope those ot mm subscribers who do us the honour of reading our editorial columns for the pleasure from our purity of diction will forgive this lapse into vulgar but expressive language. Mr. Artie Tully and
      Straits Times, May lrt.  -  687 words
    • 1106 14 -Straits Times, May 14. -Straits Times, May 11. Mr. Douglas Story is a journalist. This, iu itself, is uot sufficient to consign him to the outermost darkness, but when he adds to his original offence that of inaccuracy of statement lie incurs the heaviest penalty that can
      -Straits Times, May 14.; -Straits Times, May 11.  -  1,106 words
    • 279 15 —Stunts Tillies. May 1 I. Me are pleased to learn that steps are bring taken bv a number of leading citizens to obtain lor Singapore a suitable place for bolding public entertainments whilst the alterations in the l iieatre are in progress. 1 ue public are deeply
      —Stunts Tillies. May 1 I.  -  279 words
    • 662 15 Straits Times. May 10. I he Royal Society of St. (icorge claims that so far as Kn gland is concerned. May 24. by reason of its clashing with Whitsuntide. never can bo a public holiday. The rosalt is that, iu the true -ense of the term, tiiere never
      Straits Times. May 10.  -  662 words
    • 561 15 —Straits Times, May 1"». To criticise missionary effort iu China was. at one time, to court condemnation as an enemy of religion. Kitlicr because they honestly thought their methods perfect, or because they were afraid that an admission of imperfection in any respect would he made
      —Straits Times, May 1"».  -  561 words
    • 124 16 Mr. Brockman upon his preferment.—Straits Times, May 15. We arc informed on reliable authority that tiie forthcoming Government Gazette will contain the announcement that Mr. K. L. Brockman will take up the duties of Resident General of the Federated Malay States during the absence on leave of Sir
      Mr. Brockman upon his preferment.—Straits Times, May 15.  -  124 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 93 12 The post free price of the Straits Times is $3« ayeai. The post free price of the Straits budget is $l4 a year. It ts not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate as for a vear. 1 he .S
      93 words
  • 30 12 DEATH. Li:;crhtkk. —At his residence, No. ‘.*6 Tliotnmju ltoad, Singapore. May 14, Andrew Benjamin Leicester, Assistant Surgeon, Straits Medical Service, in his 54th year Deeply regretted.— Indian papers please copy.
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  • 580 16 Private George Kemp, of the Koval West Louts, died on Monday evening of heat stroke, and was buried, on the 14th the Protestant Cemetery, Bukit Timah Hoad, shortly after the interment of Dr. A. B. Leicester. There was a large attendance of officers and men of the
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  • 136 16 About fifty friends of Consul General and Mrs. D. F. Wilber gathered at the Deaconess Home, on the summit of Mount Sophia, on the 13th instant, to bid them farewell and bon voyage. After a half hour spent in informal conversation. Messrs. J. Polglase, R. D.Stafford,
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  • 36 16 The total amount of Tin Ore exported the tribntors on the lands of the Royal Jolioie Tin Mining Coy.. Ltd., for the month of April, was 203 hags, equivalent to Pis 152.
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  • 487 16 It is rumoured that Viceroy Shum is likely to join the Grand Council. Mr. P. R. Kemp, of the Royal Survey Department. Siam, U on his way to Mouthon Puket. Phva Nakon Rajaseui, a Major-General in the Siamese Army, died on May 3, from cholera. The name
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  • 994 17 SPORT AND GOSSIP. Has Singapore Reached the Point of Decadence Those who have been resident here lor a sufficient number of years to entitle them to be called veterans must perceive what a vast change has come over Social Singapore. Some fifteen or twenty years ago were the days of
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  • 197 17 Another soldier, a member of the lloyal Garrison Artillery at Blakang Mati, is in the hands of the Civil Police and will be charged with attempting to commit a murderous assault upon a comrade. The alleged assault took place' on May 4 and has
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  • 93 17 A nautical correspondent writes to ask j why an inquiry should have been held into the stranding of the Candleshoe, where no loss of life was involved, and no inquiry into the burning of the Netherton, where twelve 1 lives were Tost. We understand that
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  • 451 17 Iu view of tlie prevailing lawlessness in Singapore, exemplified by the Chinese clan tights by land and sea, the cowardly si nation of d Abdul Kader Algasoft. th** murder of a .Javanese in broad daylight in one of the mo-t frequented
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  • 217 17 Expected. Per P ami Osh Marmora, connecting with the steamer Malta at Colombo, from London April 26, clue May 26, Dr and Mrs A A Wood, Mr R S Fry, Mr L MacLeod, Mr Ma.' L Robertson, Mr T K Welen, Miss B Dixon. Per P and Ohs
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  • 812 18 Following on his valuable investigations into the sources of our hood Supply, our Special Commissioner, who is nothing if not versatile, as well as thorough, will contribute, shortly, a series of articles to this journal, dealing with the Drink Supply of Singajiore. We dare claim that none
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  • 478 18 At Hongkong, on May 8, the Indo-China Steam Navigation Co. sued Dr. T. Lancelot Wyndliam before Mr. Justice A. G. Wise for $4,226.10, reduced to $l,OOO so as to come within Summary Jurisdiction, for breach of contract. Mr. C. F. Dixon appeared
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  • 287 18 On May 10, the meinbere of the Singapore Indian Christian Association held a meeting at the Association Room, AngloTamil School, Serauggong Road, when a Farewell Address was presented to Mr. H. Rickard, the President of the Association, who was leaving the Colony the next day for
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  • 2547 19 Wednesday, May 1.7. Aectine was the favourite. Hut at tlie start. Haj>id Pilgrim secured the advantage, and, making pace for dim Gosper, his stable companion, led until he was a little beyond the <»olf Club H oust*. Then he gave way to
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 594 20 S. C. C. v. 8oth Co. R. G. A. A return match was played on the Esplanade on the 9th instant, between the S. C. C. and the noth Co. R. G. A., and as keen a contest as that of last week was witnessed. The Gunners showed
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    • 225 20 S. C. C. v. R. G. A. A cricket match was played on the S. 0. C. ground on Saturday, between the Singapore Cricket Club and the Royal Garrison Artillery. The scores were as follows:— S# C# Ci A. W. Bailey b Arthur 10 Williams c Madden b Ferris
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    • 116 20 330 Yards Handicap. The heavy rain which fell shortly before the departure of the 10 o'clock launch prevented many members of the Singapore Swimming Club from going across to the Clubhouse on the 12th inst., to witness the 220 yards handicap. There was a tide in favour of the
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  • 85 20 The Honorary Treasurer of the Destitute Strangers’ and Prisoners’ Aid Society begs to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the follow ing subscriptions:— Amount previously acknowledged $9OO- C. Coleman 5 Messrs. Howarth Erskine and Co. 25 Rev. N. Couvreur 20 H. Crane, 10 G. Hall, 25 W.A.
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  • 3315 21 London, May 8. At the State banquet given last night at Buckingham Palace in honour of Prince Fusliiini. The King toasted My ally, the Emperor of Japau,” whom he thanked in the most cordial manner and complimented for sending his illustrative relative on that visit to England, a
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  • 546 22 Berlin. May 8. Vienna reports the opening up of negotiations between Japan and the United States witli a view to the maintenance of the political equilibrium in Eastern Asia. The Powers, including Germany, are exercising diplomatic pressure to prevent the outbreak of war between Guatemala and Mexico. Mexicorfor
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  • 164 23 (From Our Own Correspondents). London, May 10, *2.15 p.tu. Mr. Horace Montagu Rumbold, First Secretary of the British legation at Madrid, reports officially that Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain gave birth to a son at noon to-day. Ipoli, May 14, 1 p.m. An important suit is (lending iu
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  • 220 23 SixetAFoRK. May 15, 1907. PRODUCE. Gambier I 6.70 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.85 Copra Bali 10.50 do Pontianak 10.00 Pepper, Black 1H.12J do White 6% buyers 25.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.91 do Brunei No. 1 2.874 Pearl Sago 4.00 Coffee Bali, 15% 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 22.50
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  • 13 23 [The Straits Times is not responsible f«»r the opinions of its correspondents.’
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  • 244 23 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Itaugkok. May 6. Sir, —My attention has been drawu to a leading article in your issue of April 27. regarding the disposal of a block of 300* shares, in the Bangkok Dock Company. I had these shares given to
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  • 122 23 To the Editor of the Straitn Time*. Singapore, May 9. 1907. SiWould any of your readers solve the following for me A man sells GO apples at 5 for 2d. 24d. Two boys sell A. HO apples at 2 for Id. 15d. it. HO apples at H
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  • 140 23 To the Editor of the Straits Time—. Singapore, May 9. Sir, —I desire to thank Mr. .J. C. K leu in, D.P.1., for kindly supplying the information about the Free School at Penang, which was opened on October 21, 1816. two year-, before the Malacca Anglo Chinese
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

    • 416 24 May 8 E. F. Ferdinand, Aust str, Matcovich, Trieste, K. Schmidt Itinda, Brit str, Alton, Newcastle, Boustead Koh Si Chang, Ger str, Rosiefsky, Hongkong, Behn Meyer Rhenania, Ger str, van HofT, Hongkong, Behn Mayer Bes'iekf, Dut str, Boon, Rotterdam, Handels Rotterdam 9 Janssens, Dut str, Baasbank, Cotie, Daendels K&nagawa
      416 words
    • 339 24 May 7 Atholl, Brit str, New York Flores, Dut str, Batavia 8 Jeseric, Brit str, Colombo and New York Sanuki Maru, Jap str, Antwerp via ports Lai Sang, Brit str, Penang and Calcutta Giang Ann, Dut str, Samarang via ports Nord, Brit str, Hongkong Itinda, Brit str, Rangoon and
      339 words
    • 247 24 Name port probable date of arrival and name of Agents. Steamers. Aberlour, Hamburg, May 15 Behn Meyer Airlie, Sydney, June 24 Boustead Ajax, China, June 9; Mansfield Alcinous, Liverpool, May 20 Mansfield Antiloclius, Liverpool, June 26 Mansfield Arcadia, Colombo, July 19 P. A O. Astyanax, Liverpool, July 5;
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    • 565 24 Gneisenan, Hongkong, June 10; Bebn Meyer Goeben, Bremen, Oct 18; Behn Meyer Grotius, Amsterdam, Sept 12; Daendels Guthrie, Sydney, May 24; Boustead. Habsburg, Hamburg, July 25; Behn Meyer Helios, Bombay, May 28; Borneo Coy Hild, Bangkok, May 20; Borneo Coy. Hohenst.aufen, H’kong, June 6 Behn Meytr Hydra, Bangkok, May
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 281 25 T. L CHIN CO 82-3, Bras Basah Road, ■f Sn -Ji (OPPOSITE THB RAPPLKK GIRLS SCHOOL). sfrSgS S2EL ,;jLHAVE JUBI RECEIVED SHIPMENT OT.'^-C 4» Swatow Drawn Thread Work Comprising Embroideries, Table Clothe and Centres, Insertions, Side board Covers Collars, J>oyleys, etc., also bine and white Grass Cloths, and Pewterware, o
      281 words
    • 620 25 V FREE TO ALL CYCLIBToS. hif»» tif WM«M» iMrni m4t«* win n-eefee by mum Hull. Frtc. Fnto M*hf not PIE HPT 8001, ,uMiMhU, wh'«L k>f M>mi M r*ert rM*r T»i- Inn •otilaiw k«t I«m•* i PtMFS •wr la-* »»rv detail <K ili d i i.tgk HmJlimM <n r, «Mi.|wd, *h«
      620 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 193 26 *3or a good Easy S6ave UO TO O. MORIKAWA. Hgii-Dres||n£ Saloon. No. U 1 ANSON HOAD, Singapore. Boustead Institute.) SEE MUN, 50-2. VICTORIA BTREET. SINGAPORE. HAB IN STOCK, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 60.00 each. W!re nMHRIIPiV Every description of repairs tbe utmost despatch. Cycle accessories, etc., always in stock. WILSON
      193 words
    • 473 26 Str&lts Shipping and Parcels Agency. Goods received packed, shipped to all part weekly. Cash on delivery system, or deli very paid to address. GOSLING A Co., 86 Robinson Hoad THE RUBBER WHEEL AND CYCLE WORKB. 47 Hill Street, (opposite Armenian Ohuxob). Bicycle* on hire, for sale and repaired. We do
      473 words
    • 170 26 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tamb Builder 150 Middle Road. Sole Agent for Messrs. Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., Loudon, u 2188 Telephone No. 619. SCHWEITZER’S j&r ft? I 1 The Best i Purest A Now especially packed in doubled idded canisters ensuring freshness for years, m all 06# RELIEF INSTANT SSH
      170 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 435 27 Hotels Recommended by the Straits Budget.” MARINE HOTEL. Corner of (COLEMAN STREET and NIU STREET.) Wines aud Spirits of first quality only supplied. Accommodation for Inarders by day, week or month. Terms moderate. Proprietress. Mrs. H. DAY HOTEL VAN WIJK. Nos. I, 2 and 3, Stamford Road. Singapore. This First
      435 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 207 28 J. MOTION GO. Watchmakers. Jewellers. Opticians. **£*JRB PROMPTLY EXECUTED Alexandra Brickworks Co., Ltd. BRICKS i FIREBRICKS. Sound well shaped and bard burnt bricks r can be supplied at $1 BO per Lakta at the works. Flrebrloka 160 per thousand Fireclay $3O per ton Any shaped bricks can be made to
      207 words
    • 204 28 Ferro-China-Bisleri AN EXCELLENT BLOOD PURIFIER. Speciality of the Firm Felice Bisleri Co. of Milan. fhi ml. (h'fubrr I-siHi. Tin: FoiroChinaßisleri is an excellent production au<l very agreeable to the taste. I am convinced it possesses ull the qualities which our Colleague Plot. Seinmola of Naples finds i*» it. Dott. VAN
      204 words