The Straits Budget, 2 May 1907

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE "STRAITS TIMES.” VOL LXI. NO. 2507. Singapore, Thursday, Hay 2, 1907. ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A CEMTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 190 1 LEADERS— Life in Cocos Islands 12,18 Singapore’s F'ood Supply 18 The Unofficials and Military Contribution 18 Deal in Bangkok Dock Shares 14 Canine Slaughterers 14 Temperance in F'ar Eastern Ports.. 14 Universal Military Training 15 Sins of Society... ...18,16 Crown Colonies in Imperial Council 17 The F'ood
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  • 4728 1 (By Ouk Special Commissionku.) Secrets" —that sounds startling. And the secrets of our Food Supply suggest the reminiscences of a sanitary inspector, whose way it is to arrive most unexpectedly upon the scene and express a wish to view the
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  • 1418 3 Several interesting letters, bearing ou our investigations into the food supply of Singapore, having come to hand, we refrain frour publishing further articles of the series to give other correspondents an opportunity to for.vard us their views. From the letters that have come to hand we select
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  • 150 4 A Chinese lad, eleven years of age, accused a Chinaman, before the Third Magistrate, of having taken 2.} cents' .worth of cakes from him early on the Ist inst., as be was exposing them for sale in China Street, and then taking fifteen cents from him and bitting
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  • 359 4 (Kkom Oi i: Own Coukksim>\i>kvn. Hamburg, April 2. The note of warning sounded by the Deutsche Hank in their annual report has not met with general approval in financial and commercial circles. It has been criticised
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  • 113 4 Hy tin* 1*. and mail steamer Devanlui. arriving on the 26th lilt., then* was brought to the Colony the sum of L‘20.000 which is to be held in reserve by the Commissioners of Curreny. The bullion was brought out from London on the Mongolia and transhipped at
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  • 107 4 The first meeting of the Penang Committee of the Tanjong Pagai Dock Board was held in the office of the Penang HesidentCouncillor, April 22. Mr. -J. H. Nicholson, Chairman of the Board, presided, and the following gentlemen, who constitute the Committee, were present: the Hon. the Hesident
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  • 1431 6 Fko.m On: Own CokUKseosoKNi Kuala Lumpur, April 27. From particulars supplied, I am enabled to compile statistics of Rubber Kstates in Malaya, which should prove interesting to the general community. In the first place, I will deal with privately-owned Kstates. Sklaxook. In Selangor there
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  • 245 6 (Fkom Oi l; Own Cohhksi’oni>knti. Lipis, April 22. Tin* export of tin and tin ore from Pahang in March amounted to 2,708 piculs, contributed by the following districts: Kuantan 1,787, Haul) KS7, and Ft*kan 88. The total output lor the first quarter of this
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  • 160 6 'The report on the Kedjang Lebong Mine for last year dwelt upon the fact that the officials in the neighbourhood did not give to the mining enterprise there the help which was reasonably expected. So little, indeed, did the officials care for the interests of the mining
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  • 35 6 The Colonial Secretary informs us that a telegram has been received from the Crown Agents stating that the lists of loan for general public closed on the evening or the 24th ult.
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  • 564 7 (From Our Own Corrkhpondknt). Penang, April 24. The rain still holds off in a most annoying fashion. In the forenoon big clouds bank up over the Hill and arouse our expectations, but a breeze springs up and they sail gaily away without
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  • 65 7 At the meeting of the Epw’orth League of the Coleman Street Methodist Episcopal Church ou Thursday last, the temperance question was discussed. One of the speakers is reported to have said that 70 per cent, of Europeans (men) in Singapore went home every evening in a more
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  • 715 7 While on her way to Singapore on the morning of April 11, the steamer Kajah of Sarawak reported picking up off the Johore coast eleven men who were clinging to some wreckage. They informed the Captaiu that they wore the
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  • 477 7 (From Our Own C<»KHK*i4NnexT>. Lipis, April ,22. Six Enactments were passed at the last meeting of the Pahang State Council, which was held at Pekan under the presidency of His Highness the Sultan. The first law considered and passed was one providing for the suppression of
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  • 141 7 The meniberH of the Maxim section of the Singapore Volunteers spent a week-end under canvas in the vicinity of Passir Panjang. Four sections altogether about thirty men, in charge of Captain Benjatield and Lieutenant Bolingbrokc, assembled at the camp on Saturday afternoon and were in* spocted by
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  • 766 10 The earnings of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Hoard have shown a steady increase since effect was given to the Ordinance vesting tin* control of the working aud management iu a local body. This is appareut from the interesting documents laid ou the
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  • 210 10 battalions serving in India.—Straits Times, April 26. We ate uot astonished to hear that there is a strong feeling in military circles that officers stationed in the Straits Settlements should receive a special allowance of pay. if steps have not already beeu
    battalions serving in India.—Straits Times, April 26.  -  210 words
  • 233 10 Fkom Our Own Correspondsnt). Penang, April 20. Oue of those little unrehearsed effects, which are so confusing for the moment, but cannot fail to conjure up a smile afterwards, occurred during evening service at St. George’s Church, Penang, on Sunday
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  • 227 10 The MethodiHt Mission in Singapore in divided into three important branches of work, the evangelical, educational and publulling, each of which is having a remarkable boom at the present time. A few days ago we published exclusive in formation concerning the
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  • 206 10 Our Penang correspondent writes, under date April 20: The annual rifle meeting of the Penang Volunteers comes to an end on Sunday, the 21st instant, when the Championship and the Bar Challenge Cup are to be shot for. Tlicie lias not been as much enthusiasm shown for
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  • 177 10 In Grissee, in East Java, birds’ nests form an important article of export to Singapore. They are greatly in demand among Chinese epicures. The Samarang Locoi uotief describes this trade as increasing steadily there, and as bringing large sums of money into circulation among the poople.
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  • 48 12 At Kcppcl Harbour, on April 24. the wife of \V. K‘*lso, of a sou. Flkmiso. At Leonie Cottage, la-onie Hill Koad, on April 25, the wife of Alexander Fleming, of n daughter. Boykm.—At Amaianlii, Ca\aimgh Road, on April 29, the wife of John Itoyes, of a son.
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  • THE Straits Budget.
    • 1579 12 plete his observations.—Straits Times, April •25. Cocos Islands have ceased to hold the romantic interest of a few years ago, but the annual visit of au officer of the Straits Civil Service invariably produces some iuterestiug copy ”to enliven the official archives. Mr. It. J. Farrer
      plete his observations.—Straits Times, April •25.  -  1,579 words
    • 317 13 —Straits Times, April 2f>. There are few subjects of more general interest to a community than its food supply. In this issue, we begin a series of articles to show how Singapore is fed, and venture to predict that our readers will find something of interest in
      —Straits Times, April 2f>.  -  317 words
    • 993 13 Straits Times, April 26. e must apologise to our readers for referring once more to the military contribution. The remissness of the Unofficial Members, however, renders it all the more necessary that the Press should voice public sentiment on the subject. This laxity on the
      Straits Times, April 26.  -  993 words
    • 799 14 engineering firm at Singapore.—Straits Times, April 27. Reference was made by uh some time ago to a transfer of shares, which attracted considerable attention in Singapore and 'Bangkok. A block of IKK) HbarcH of the (Bangkok Dock Company had changed hands, land it was suggested
      engineering firm at Singapore.—Straits Times, April 27.  -  799 words
    • 398 14 that it call* for immediate remedy.—Straits Times, April 27. We have already dealt with the indiscriminate slaughter of dogs in Singapore by the native myrmidons of the Municipality. We suggested action by the Commissioners to put an end to what is undoubtedly a grievance. The Commissioners are either
      that it call* for immediate remedy.—Straits Times, April 27.  -  398 words
    • 318 14 of his worthy brother.—Straits Times, April 27. 1m it u fact that Hcveaty per cent of the European meu in Singapore go home every evening in a more or less intoxicated con dition? This statement was made at a meeting of the Epworth League on
      of his worthy brother.—Straits Times, April 27.  -  318 words
    • 1344 15 —Straits Times, April 29. Civilian War Ministers and civilian critics have done their best—or their worst—to re create a British army since the South African war. We hesitate to contribute to the welter of opinion, mostly worthless, that has been squandered upon the army; but we wish
      —Straits Times, April 29.  -  1,344 words
    • 1824 15 —Straits Times, April 30. it is always difficult to accord tho full measure of just appreciation to printed matter originally intended for utterance by word of mouth. Manner and personality count for much; words, rendered forceful by a clear and vibrant voice, a sympathetic presence, are apt
      .—Straits Times, April 30.  -  1,824 words
    • 1459 17 —Straits Times, May 1. The letter from our London correspondent is interesting as giving at first hand the views of some Australians on the cvc of the Colonial Conference. As it happens, the cables have discounted much that he has to tell us, and we
      —Straits Times, May 1.  -  1,459 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 Thoiwist tree i»rire ot the Stnntt Ttmci is $3& ayeai. 1 he iKAt free price of the Straits KuJgrt is $U a year, it is not necessary to for a year. The 4iit»acriptions for shorter periods are at the same propot* honatc rate as for a veur. The Straits Hud#,
      92 words
  • 87 12 DEATHS. A i*i*i*'. —At liatu Gajali Hospital, on April 14, 1907, George Aildis, vouie'est son of John Addis, Mini ng Engineer. Original Manager of Tronoh Mines, Perak, S.S. —At the General Hopitat. on April 10, at 1 pm Kved Abdul Cadir Bin Abdulniman AUagtlt, Aged 40 vears Ai.wurn.—Oq April
    87 words

  • 555 18 The Attorney-General has appealed, on behalf of the Opium and Spirit Farmers, against the decision of the Senior Magistrate acquitting Mr. K. A. Stevens on a charge of selling native spirits without a farm license. The statement of traffic earnings on the Singapore-Kranji Kailway for three months ended
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  • 480 18 Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bean arc expected to arrive in Singapore on June 8. Regret will be general that Captain Young, Colonial Secretary, has been indisposed for some days. His Majesty the King has appointed Mr. Henry Gordon Shoe K. C. to be Recorder of Liverpool.
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  • 220 18 Singapore, May 1, 1907. PRODUCE. G&mbier buyers 6.60 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.45 Copra Bali 10.60 do Pontianak 10.10 Pepper, Black 17.80 do White 6% 25.65 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.85 do Brunei No. 1 2.824 Pearl Sago 4.00 Coffee Bali, 15% 19.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 22.60 Coffee,
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  • 278 18 Expected. Per P&OS8 Nubia from London Marob 80, due May 4—Mr T Howard, Mrs C R Hodgios, Messrs R M Lewis, A D Kiegwin, T F Cutbbertson, Z Ilosker, R W D Rodda, II S Den ham, Mr H Sumner. Per P dr O s s Britannia, connecting
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  • 1326 19 iFuom Orn Own Cohuksconukn r i. London, March 2t>. That the forthcoming Colonial Conference lias become for the present an absorbing subject of curiosity, thought, and general discussion among British Colonists of all sorts and conditions, goes without saying;
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  • 814 19 I've never had so many free driuks in all n y career as during the past week. Here's the recipe. First catch your Ottieial: one under l‘l.<>2() is best. Butter according to taste -don't be afraid of laying it on toj thick. Add a remark about Ten-per
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  • 198 20 Gmatsali, a Mohammedan Indian tailor, was ptarod ou trial before Mr. Green, on April ;10. on a charge, of enticing away the ;wifo of a compatriot named Hassan Sarip. Ijbe wife gave evidence with her face covered.. Raying that (the was an unwilling victim. >ho J(d not eat
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 568 20 Singapore Recreation Club v. R. (j. A. A .natch between the S. R. C and the K. ir A. was played on the S. K. C. ground ot th* :"Hneron Saturday afternoon, with th*- u !1 *w ing results: S. R. C. i Hoffman, b. Browning 1<> H 1
      568 words
    • 109 20 ioo yards handicap, final. The first race* of the quarterly series in connection with the Singapore Swimming C lub was decided on the 2Hth ult., when ,J.E. Sinclair won the final of the 100 yards haudicap. C. C. Hausen gave him a good race, and was only a yard
      109 words
    • 278 20 S. C. C. v. Russell's Infantry. A hue match was witnessed on the Espla nade on April 80, wheu an eleven of the S.C.C. met a team from the Russell's Infantry. The game, throughout, was fast and lively, but altogether one sided in point of scoriug. The first ten
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    • 113 20 Volunteer Engineers’ Handicap. The S. R. E. (v.) Monthly Handicap shoot took place on Saturday, April 27. at 2.80 p.m., with the following result:— A Class. 1. Sergt. A. E. Coveney 82 12 94 2. Sergt. W. L. Kemp 94 5 89 8. Cor pi. A. W. Chater 88
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  • 3122 21 Loudon, April 24 A profound sensation was created in the Duma yesterday by the reading of a report of a Commission which has been enquiring into the treatment of political prisoners in Russia. The truth of the report is admitted by Government officials. It is stated in the
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  • 1075 22 Berliu, April 24. M. Stolypiu, the Russian Premier, promises to take seVtre measures against disturbances during Easter (by Russian reckoning). A Committee of the liuma which had been appointed to inquire into atrocities alleged ter be committed on political prisoners in Russiau jails has sent iu a report,
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  • 205 23 (From Our Own Correspokknt). Simla, April 26, 8.45 a.m. Mr. John Morley, Secretary of State 4‘or India, has sanctioned the proposals of Lord Kitchener, the Commander in-Chief, for the reorganisation of tho Commands in the Indian Army. General Sir A. Hunter and Lieut-General Sir E. G. Barrow are
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  • 14 23 t The Straits*Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. J
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  • 291 23 44, Cairnhill Hoad, I Singapore, April 25. Sir —In your article in Tuesday’s issue® of the Straits Times, you emphasise® the fact that it is the Municipal Commis-B sioners who should be approached on the® subject of a different interpretation of the® Dog Ordiuance for, to quote
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  • 285 23 To tho Editor of tho Straits Timos. Singapore, April 29. Sir, —Your leaderette of Saturday last on the consumption of alcoholic liquors in j Singapore was a moderately worded protest against exaggeration. Hut it is sometimes! the weakness of speakers of greater proiniwi I ence than the
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous

    • 442 24 April 24 Ceylon Maru, Jap str, Pyne, Japan, Paterson Simons Hohenstaufen, Ger str, Jager, Hamburg, Behn Meyer Glenavon, Brit str, Woolfenden, London, Boustead Prometheus, Brit str, Moir, Jeddah, Mansfield Benledi, Brit str, Polled, London, P. Simons Delta, Brit str, Daniel, Hongkong, P. A O. Coy Airlie, Brit str, Williams,
      442 words
    • 276 24 Mr. Walter Run t«» the Treasury, Bta nr ;i Kennedy, Nationalist that no representations^ 11 V,a tu subject from Japan P ort i hainberlain had withdraw*, the opera at all theatres, both in the provinces. 25 Hebe, Brit str, Penang and Deli •Hobenstaufen, Ger str/H’koog, S,ghai, Japan Mac hew,
      276 words
    • 753 24 Name, port, probable date of arrival and name of Agents. Steamers. Aberlour, Hamburg, May 6; Behn Meyer Achilles, Liverpool, May 8; Mansfield Ajax, China, June 9; Mansheld Alcinous, Liverpool, May 20; Mansfield Ambria, Hamburg, May 18; Behn Meyer Antilochus, Liverpool, June 26 Mansfield Arcadia, China, May 9 P.
      753 words
    • 126 24 PASSED SUN DA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. April J6—Rrit str, Nestor, Capt Day, from Batavia, April 16, for Amsterdam. 17 Dut str, Willis, Capt De Boer, from Batavia, April 17, for Rotterdam. 18—Dut str, Malang, Capt Bakker, from Batavia, April 18, for Rotterdam. Ik—Dut str, Timor, Capt Alberts,
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 414 25 YONG LEE 8ENG ft CO.. General .Merchant*. Wines and Spirits, Beer and Stout. Provisions of Best Quality Only. 170-2 TO 170-3 ORGHARD ROAD. 8INGAP0RE. Telephone orders promptly executed. SCHWEITZER'S > C000ATIM Ike Best Purest COCOA. Jiow especially jmcked in double-lwlded canisters ensuring freshness for years, in all climates. INSTANT IliUff.
      414 words
    • 406 25 USE liNLY USE ALWAYS Atkinson’s MOST REFRESHING. A Luxurious Perfume In Health. Far Superior to the German Kinds. A NEOESSA1Y RESTORATIVE IN 8IOKNES8. Cologne; v•J 1 DINNEFORD’S The Physician's Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the 8tomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, Bilious
      406 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 189 26 7or a $ood Qasy Sfjave OO TO O. MORIKAWA. Japanese Hair-Dresslnj Saloon. No. Ill ANSON HOAD, Singapore. (Opposite 'Hou stead Institute.) SEE MUN, I 50*2, VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. j HAS IN STOCK, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF cycles Tom $60.00 each* Every description of repairs executed with die utmost despatch. Cycle
      189 words
    • 570 26 Straits Shipping and Parcels Agency. Goods received packed, shipped to all part weekly. Cash on delivery system, or deli very paid to address. GOSLING Co., 85 Robinson Road COMMON BENBE—NUTBHELL A new medical work on the causes and most scientific and effectual means of self-cure ever discovered for nervoua ■and
      570 words
    • 344 26 MARTIN’S imrr-im PILL! STKftS (t.«t Ago of any Irraguiarity of tha Syatem t.maiy »7. M adminiatarad. Thoaa who naa them raeonunenl th *hetr *normon» nt< At all Chamta'aand 8 or*. or MARTIN. bami.t jStH A'ilfPTO •m,t>*no r it free i/. poatf..., LN6LAMO. CARBIDE OF CALCIUM STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO.. 18,
      344 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 435 27 Hotels Recommended by the Straits Budget.” marine hotel. Corner «*f (COLEMAN STREET and HILL STREET.) Wims ainl Spirits of first <1 1 i;i 1 it only mpplied. Accommodation for hoarders h\ lay. week or month. Tonus moderate. Proprietress. Mrs. H. DAY HOTEL BELLEVUE. A MAGNIFICENT ESTABLISHMENT. s minutes’ easy walk
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 102 28 NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX. This well known establishment, which has changed ownership, is now open and ready to receive visitors (Boarders Passengers). The House has been thoroughly renovated, and will be made comfortable in every respect. The management intend to keep up the good name this Hotel has
      102 words
    • 205 28 Milkmaid^ BMtllr lflllJi s Guaranteed M ar««B»hu Full Cream. nui >a on iverj > Largest Sale In the World Tla. CHEAPEST and BEST. 7,7 a M pH Don'* Be Discouraged fit Even if you have tried so many 9■£ times to regain your health and energy 9 >• I that
      205 words