The Straits Budget, 12 April 1906

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 79 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES. x jsjhkd over Half a Century Cable AddreBB Times, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents Straits Times 15 cents YOU LX. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, 12 APRIL. 1906. NO. 2512 -TRAITS TIMES" circulates ;x Singapore and Penang (l 1 ALL THE Protected
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 12TH APRIL.
    • 86 1 On the 31st of March, at S. Haknp. W wife of t». Holden, of a tlaufjhtei I u, k: On the 3rd of April, the wife of K.phick. of a da lighter. I on the 10th of March, at Kobe, the Ki«.nr 11kvi.. Iti>n**i Foss, of a I.* \t
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    • 40 1 >. 11 i»*i \i.i.: —()n the Ist March, at il‘>« \liill-mi-sea. by the Rev. Canon i!. Thomas Campbell, youngest son of f* St rutton of Woodford. Essex, to I*• ..nungest daughter of 11. I. Radmall. L i Highgate. No cards.
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  • 369 1 I'agw Leading Articles s *mtarv Commission I ■•I hi ia n Trade lb tidier Kxhibition Lu« using dustices r.'lncation Question L'-tball in China j‘ '»)iie Whipping naan Railway ‘in» Protectorate < my Notes Leaderettes 3, Local N unmary of the Week hi-niestic Occurrences l*cs>enger List I’olice News
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  • 214 1 The Straits Budget, this week, is mailed bv the Oceana on the P. O. route. The M. il. homeward mail by the Tonkin closed on Monday. The German mail, from Europe by the Sachsen arrived on Frida)’, and the B. I. mail from Europe by the
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  • 162 1 Per P. *l’ O. s. s. India connecting with tha •turner Delhi at Colombo, from London March 14 due 14th April—Mr- and Mrs. T. W. Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. Trengove, Messrs. A. E. vVebster. H. O. Maas. J. S. Grant, J. Thornjorrow, F. W. Webb,
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  • Leading Articles.
    • 1383 1 I linii*. -»th \jnil.) Thk Sauitarv Commissioners will ver\ soon Infill their work in Singai>ore. ami "*e undertake to say tint, when their labours are over, they will have lcarnoil from the Lion i’ity all that is worth learning outlie subjects of overcrowding and bad drainage* Ten or
      Ilinii*. -»th \jnil.)  -  1,383 words
    • 773 1 t Str<iits 7 utirs, Utli A/trif.' Xiwii'.ki; 4. Volume I. of the Lalmau i mo at (io-rtt, contains an interesting on the harbour of that resuscitated Colony. The staff maintained during the year 190.-, was. naturally, small—harbour masUr. one i>oardin<’-ofticcr. four boatmen, and two lighthouse-keepers. Twelve fewer \tsse'ls
      t Str<iits 7 utirs, Utli A/trif.'  -  773 words
    • 586 2 (Straits Timm. 7th \/&gt;ril.) 11 is thought that, perhaps, many who would like to glance at the Rubln-r Exhibition Circular, would prefer to read a summary of it here, and so a summary is given. Ihe Circular presumes tin* reader i&gt; aware that Rubber is under cultivation in
      (Straits Timm. 7th \/>ril.)  -  586 words
    • 1187 2 (Straits ’Timm. 7th April.) Much has been said aud written about the reluctance ol’ tlx* Licensing Justices to grant applications for fresh licences and spt cial concessions to hotels. The policy of the bench is manifestly to restrict the granting of such licences w ithin the narrowest limits,
      (Straits ’Timm. 7th April.)  -  1,187 words
    • 1201 2 [Straits Times. Uth April.) Singapore is a large trading and shipping centre, ami one is tempted to ask why sin* should not be made also an educational centre. What more natural thau that the Federated Malay States. Borneo, and Siam should look to her as a place where
      [Straits Times. Uth April.)  -  1,201 words
    • 723 2 i Stra its* Times 9th April.) According to Mr. A. Giles, Professor of Chinese at Cambridge (when China really w akes up. she will soon put a stop to all such tolliVs a. Jlouiny Km-,,,. C !&gt;rofesw&gt;i ,f Chine,*. Imtto r, v .t. aec.,„|i,„,,. M before J,„.
      i Stra its* Times, 9th April.)  -  723 words
    • 438 2 {Straits Times litth Thk Governor's recent ruling l ,al shall be no more whipping i» 1" kindled the wrath of the Verahl H which sees in the abolition of a spectacle the disappearance of a *h' urn crime. But the Perak Vionen i&gt; without good reason. The pub**
      {Straits Times. litth  -  438 words
    • 611 3 fit its l ino s, 10th \]&gt;ril.) Ih.i (tuition uf the Beilin telegram of I 'stturdav. wliieli refers to the projected oil' ll railway from Tonquiu to Yunnan. \\*-d in tin of recent events, has a —*i in much i»t irony upon its surface. M. the i iovei
      fit its l ino s, 10th \]>ril.)  -  611 words
    • 450 3 (Strait* Time*, litih A/&gt;ril.f It is interesting to note how preservative the policy of the Colonial Government continues. even in so insignificant a matter as the notice outside the official quarters of the Secretary for Chinese Affairs, and the titles of some officials. Things move rapidly now-a-days. and
      (Strait* Time*, litih A/>ril.f  -  450 words
    • 3019 3 (Strait* Time* 11th A print.) Mk. J. O. Anthoxisz has published liis report on the working of the Currency Note Issue in 1900, and we offer the following summary to those, who do not care to wade through the rather long paper now laid before the members of
      (Strait* Time*, 11th A print.)  -  3,019 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 p.»st fice price of the Stnnt* Time* ar The post tree price of the &lt;t Budge* is $20 a year. It is not r .v. ry to subscribe for a year. The subscription* for shorter periods are at th. .’tie proportionate rate of price as for a year. 7; 10
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  • 134 1 DEATHS. I. On tin* Hrd of April, the infant of and K. Klphick. I* i. On the 1.1th March, at Eflinghani. i.ilith. dcarlv beloved wife of George r:u. A m*i i.. i »n the Ttli March, at Zanzibar, \i !&gt;-•■ Mexander 1 Zanzibar Government), of in'loved husband of .loan Robertson.
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  • 561 4 Two hundred and six deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 81*:, March. The ratio per thousand was JJ8.29. It it possible that Captain Young, the new Colonial Secretary, may come out with Sir John Anderson, when His Excellency return to the Colony
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  • 162 4 Thk Hongkong Chandler of Contnieive held its annual meeting a few days ago. The Chairman. Mr. Hewett. iu reviewing the year thus referred to Partnerships Registration: —No progress has Ih*oii made during the past year in the direction of the suggested compulsory registration of partnerships, blit flie Committee
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  • 196 4 On Tuesday afternoon a baba calk'd at a house in Killiney Road and bade the maidservant inform her mistress who. by the way. was ill in l&gt;ed. that her husband, who is employed in one of tin* leading firms in the city was in serious financial
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  • 220 4 Arrived 9th April. By Tonkin :—From China. Mr J. Jonei, Mr. Zerner, Miss D. Golden berg. Mr K. Freemann, Mr H. Baker. Doctor Delbet, Messrs Schmitz, Hapteim, de Rie, Heykma 1111. Evens. Hartly, Fournier. By Polijnvsien: From Euro)** Ac. Mr A. Watson. Sir C. J. Brooke Rajah
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1124 4 1'u the Kditi&gt;r of the “Straits linns." Sill.- The communication ot a Disintereted Party re our tramways requires an explanation which you will kindly allow me to give in your valued columns. The disinterested party seems much distracted alamt the growing legislative tendency of our age and is
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    • 524 4 To the Editor oj the Struitn Time*. Sin. —In Saturday's paper (March Jli is an article about cotton growing in the F.M.S., in which it is stated among other things that the Pimnnj (imette suggested mat the cultivation of cotton should have a fair
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  • 443 4 At tlu* local police court the other* day Leon** Clieong »V C 0., a turn of Chinese tailors in High Street, suininoiied Mr. #l. Sarre for $8.7 the value of goods sold. Mr. Miehell enquired of the defendant why the amount had not been paid,
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  • 809 4 Chap J K| Lottery r* On Tuesday afu-rii.,,,,. M? taut Su|ieniiU nili-m „f |&gt;„i.' aui ahopai No. 40 Chin S»„ J** 1 counter were a cash Ik,x paja-r. which refert.l to of 510.44. This stun wa, V a ]&gt;oii&lt;l with the total of tl,.. slip of
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  • 106 4 On tlie 21st July last year, t native of Cochin, was admitte* n Leper Asylum at Pulo Jeraja suffering from that inuch-drea* &lt; t u t:r« *&gt; He is now, says the St nuts r.&lt; 'J* tt n cured of the scourge and the an J* sending
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  • 1141 5 Sunday. I*t t Carnival came of! yestcr-j p.oved a great success. The j flid» has nourished like a) T tree ever since it was found j V1 soeiu to be improving in! mfiimtr and in water sports gene-j it i- not to be w&lt; ndered at that ;n
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  • 627 5 January Tin Thk net falling-off in the Pahang tin output for January last, as compared with that for tin* same month last year, amounts to .V2J piUuls; tin* decrease being in ore. while the smelted article shows an increase. The duty rolk*ctcd. however, shows ail increase of the
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  • 752 5 FRIDAY 6TH APRIL. A Hvlpm living in the* servants quarters ?it Government Hon**- committed suicide l ist night by taking poison. M\.imk Ky Kin :t r. having embarked for struck off the strength of this command. He left by the* Hharatx. Thk German mail stt-ami r Sachsen having left
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  • 130 5 This morning Inspector Pestana of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Department. charged a young Chinaman before Mr. Bryant, the Senior Magistrate, with j cruelty to a dog. The Chinaman lives in Oxley Road and the cruelty was alleges! to have occurred yesterday. Mrs. Miilheubcin, j
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  • 79 5 h l&gt; M,alf f »a‘‘"auii .V Co. Court ior ;i receivin'* or ,i (&gt;) 11 a f i, st Al,.m Mohaiowl Taml.t adju.l««Kl tl,e last Appeal Court to I* a partner m the him of Alina \i,a.„ Husein a&lt; o. Mr. Nansou with Mr. KhoVy 01.j0.U,l to th.s
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  • 108 5 Thk Director of the lioyal Botanic Gardens.lVra.lemva. Ceylon, has informed the Strait* /W* by moans of a Circular Letter that a ltubber Kxh.bit.on, under authority of the Ceylon Government, will la, hold i„ the Botanic &lt; tardeus named, from the 18th to the 27th of September
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  • 139 5 About 8 o clock this morning a carriage accident occm.ed in Orchard Hoad. giiaii\ containing lour liinese no mas was passing the |*»licc station when the [touv la came restive. One of the shafts broke and tiii- cmm d the pony to holt. The *//#v
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  • 124 5 Tiik picturesque ceremony of Trooping the Colours was |K*rformed by the Sherwood Foresters this morning, on the grass slojio facing tlic officers* mess at Tangliu. and was watched with interest by a considerable collection of civilian spectators. The battalion. drawn up in
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  • 234 5 S.c c. v. 95th Russell*s Infantry. A vkky interesting Hockey match was played on the S.R.C. jiortion of the Esplanade yesterday afternoon lietween the S.C.C. and the 95th Bussell s Infantry, and attracte d a fairly large crowd of spectators. 'I he contest was keen, and a very good
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  • 240 5 Roxin'o contests under the Queeusbui\ rules attracted a large number of i&gt;eople to the Gymnasium attached to the Barracks at Fort Canning last night. 1 here were man\ civilians present, as well as a good ot office rs, naval as well as military. There were four
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  • Correspondence.
    • 313 5 M'tomf th. stroih Tinutr Mi:.—Will you kindly allow mo a short sl'aeo hi your columns to suggest toour eitv i!V.'i° 1S a IUf x P ens 've scheme whereby |K-im &gt; and carriage* may lie protected oil, our bleaching sail win rf they a t y*V
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  • 203 5 1 in: billowing incident shows the value of the finger-print system On Saturday last, Inspector Jackson, who lias been transferred to Kuala Lumpur from l&gt;ontong, arrested some forty vagrants in Petaling Street. The impressions were taken and forwarded to the Registrar of Habitual Criminals, with the
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  • 497 5 Opening Of The New Plant. Last Saturday saw the Chcudai-Meru mine en fete, the occsaiou being tin* formal opening of the new plant recently installed by its owner. Mr. C. G. Ogilvie. Tlu: Timex of Malay** says that those* invited were the Resident and Mrs. Birch. l*riuce
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  • 2789 6 A New Company to be Formed. A general meting ol t lie members oi the Burma Development Syndicate, Ltd., was held on the 8th March at the Can-non-street llocd, E. C\. Mr. Thomas Bound presiding. The Chairman expressed his pleasure at seem" so large a gathering, showing,
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  • 711 6 The Hong Yak Bank Case. Xkahly &gt;ix weeks ago, Lini Wi Fong the manager of the Hong Yak Bank, laid information to the police to the effect thato Wong A Wall, the ledger clerk of the bank,wlio had been dimissed by him on the* lHth. February.
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  • 245 6 The Conservative Itcichsbotr a Berlin newspaper, publishes the following letter, which it has received from A German patriot in South Africa.” I see that you view with pessimistic eye the prospect of reconciliation between the Knglish and German peoples, although the most eminent men of both
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  • 66 6 Mr. J. Murray, who is employed at the Kallang Waterworks, reports to the police that on his return home yesterday he found that his cook, boy and tnkan ayer had absconded. He also found that bis gold watch and chain, a gold ring, and &lt;l4OO had
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  • 633 6 ’oc. Claii or Malici. u„ ISkfoi; Ir. Jiistiri ,Sec “ti.. a sitting in &gt;.;t Omi t. Iv,-.;' Iia. oa tL utli of Mai conclude*! the i„ proceeded against \Y av !V. K Wong Cheong. damages for s Harney appear. &lt;1 lf Pilkington. i,.«.. aim yj. Messrs. Kwing.
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  • 250 6 The Colony vs. The F. M. iThk Pimmy (itt'rffr learn" that aii meats for the cricket match the Colony and the Federated Mala} v which is to take place in 11 Faster, have heen practically «-«•uijn* v far as Penang is concerned.. Four players have bten clo&gt;«
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  • 298 7 -cl;*kaii correspondent of the t n M- i.iing Post writes as Kr date -JHth March plant in?. i.m]&gt;« »v'iant things af..nruvsN is the weather. i t iias In'en dry ..-i d progress. Mil 0 la,-t _i\m indieatioiis of a 11 th&gt; break of the niuii- ar
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  • 155 7 \oialgamation and The Dollar. tin* Federated Malay States «i' eiu.remark-thePeru Jc Powevr. i .it* li—atisfu d with the recent amali* tii tin* Straits Civil Service inous memorial prepar- i"i rani- i to Lord Klgin. the Vir\ ,&gt;t i,i the Colonies. The :&lt; ml "from A.
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  • 163 7 u&lt;»t exeryixxlv who would have 1/1 1 hut iii the person of the quiet and ii MTved Mr. Darke, the F. M. S. -in exceptionally able land officer. &gt;:n y the \l&gt;ila;/ Sluil the Resident. ‘*«i *li I realize this, and has now ap- 1 di.
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  • 179 7 •'t April all the public gambling 1 M Siam, outside Bangkok, have l&gt;een "main closed. To prevent illicit an aniendinent has l&gt;eeii made to &gt;sion law by increasing thepenalties 11 offence's. Four classes of gambling ;V ,N olnte-ly pi dlibited. These are games ini themselves readily to
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  • 815 7 I Jhk Sarawak yacht Zuhora came out of j dock at Tanjong Pagar this morning. &gt; Ihk britisli steamer with Russian troops on Iroard. left for Odessa this morning. Samtxkv Inscki ion I)r\«.on has been arrested on a allegation of receiving an illegal gratification. Nink hundred and
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  • 1310 7 Friday. 6th April. Phksknt: Mr. K. Hroadrick &lt; President*. l)r. Murray llobertson. Messrs. A. Hailey. Win. dacbean, Cheng Keng Lee. Howland Allen. C. McArthur. H. L. Cogiilan. 11. Peirce (Kngineeri and Polglase (Secretary). The minutes of the meeting of 2drd March were confirmed. President’s Remarks Mr. Hiioaiuiick said
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  • 632 7 Sii: Eionkl Cox. the Chief -Justice, leaves for Europe on the 12th inst. and Mr. Justice Thornton goes to Penang &lt;m the same date to relieve Mr. Justice Law who will act for Sir Lionel. Mr. Justice Fisher of Penang w ill take Mr. Justice Thornton's place here.
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  • 582 7 Germans at Pulo Laut I is luars that there invest i t ‘f ,1CC i 0t &lt;rcr,,ian capital bein*» U.rL ti 1,, l llliecoa! at L do e ei 11 ll| ea&gt;e Derman vessels will be at at lo Lant f Coal mstea 1 of turn out
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  • 322 7 t (‘ohtributt’fl. Is a r«*ccnt is**uc of the Strait* I'nur*, you gave an extract regarding Sungii Krud la i Hlibber Kstate. The facts mentioned in your extract are so apparently misrepres* &gt;itative as to prohibit silence. Li: me mention the facts as one who has knowledge
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  • 94 7 Mkmkkhs of the Pulau Hrani Club of the Straits Trading Co. may congratuiati themselves on their iqieD-air conversazione of Tliursilay evening. The tennis n.i rt *..&gt;l lieen prettily decoratiil for the occasion ami every comfort considered. Dancing was indulged iu to tin* accompaniment of music played by the Town
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  • 1231 8 Captain and Mate Fined. 1 Ykstkkoay, Captain Hobertson, of the s.s. &lt; lkfoil and his Chief Officer, J. Meetham, j were Ix’fore Mr. Bryant in response to a &lt; summons issued at the instance of C harles Lloyd. seaman on the same ship, to explain why
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  • 473 8 Ykstkruav foienoon «i Malay woman in attempting to c-oss the tram lines in front of an approaching tramcar in Serangoon Road was knocked down, lint beyond getting a few bruises she sustained no serious injury. The tramcar was moving slowly at the moment and the woman
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  • 106 8 Thk members of the Kurojx'an contingent of the Police Force submitted a petition to the Governor, praying for some consideration in respect of their salaries being paid in sterling. A reply lias been received to the effect that His Excellency can do nothing in the matter. Seven
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  • 272 8 Wk understand that &lt; ieorge Rozario, the bantam weight Champion of India and Burma has notified Mr. Artie Tully. Turf Commission Agent, bis willingness to l&gt;ox any man in tbe Straits of tlie weight of K stone (i lbs. for a purse and side wagers of from two
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  • Correspondence.
    • 293 8 To tin i;&lt;l it,n- nt tin "Strutt* Tino-*." I)kak Sit:,— The trouble with H. P. K. and others of his ilk appears to lx* that they are not familiar with trams and look upon them as dangerous to the public safety. 1 have travelled over 10.0*** miles in
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  • 1146 8 The first question that is likely to confront a successful candidate for a Colonial Cadetship (if, indeed, the Civil Service Commissioners allow him any choice in the matter) is: “Which of the four services—Ceylon, the Straits, lloug Kong, or the Malay States should l select for my own,
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  • 65 8 The following i*» thr* result of the race tor the Lincolnshire Handicap. run on the 27th of March Euphrussi's Oli ii yrs. H.O 1 Mr.J. B. Joel's Bran Siriji 5 yrs. 7.11 2 Mr. L. Robinson's lloxratr Bairn yrs. 5.."» 8 24 horses ran —won by a head
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  • 34 8 The following is the result of the race for the Liverpool Spring Cup Fl u Path 4 yrs. 7.4 1 Stanilm 4 yrs, 7.7 2 til •■mini oif yrs. N.B 8
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  • 168 8 It is reported that the Gambling Farm at Cheras. Selangor, has been attacked by gangrobbers at night, and that one of the men in the Farm was wounded in the chest by a revolver shot. It is said, in the Malay Mail. that the marauders got away
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  • 417 8 Wk understand that li y Governor, Sir William Tavlor T" X Penang in the 01l Tl,n,J** v Thk P. »Y. O. homeward i„ H -Omnia” left Hongkong at 1 day and is due here at 2 p. day. Thk Blunt IVhatt Smm arrival from Penang with a
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  • 89 8 Nearly 80 riders met at Irwell b*n;k Cross Roads on Saturday to enjoy what u y voted the best run so far held The trai; skirted round the back of Mount hcho aiH then, permission having kindly l**engivtr by the owner, through the Hon. 0. s Murray's compound
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  • 139 8 IJkfokf Mr. Justice Thornton Supreme Court, this morning. Mr. .1. h. h* Ulv the acting Attorney-General, moved i"t t ij admission of Mr. Roland St. John I as a member of the Rar of this t olon\. the necessary formalities being in v. a&gt; duly admitted and enrolled.
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  • 163 8 We hear that last Saturday mgh. a lr ;i; and her cubs paid a visit to a plants* j the 124 milestone in tiiua Chu The Javanese gardeners employ*' 1 t|Rplantation are reported to na\* roar of a tiger about midnight o,l j. and an
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  • Correspondence.
    • 143 9 Ijf t'l.1 Strait* 1 iwo. i,-1.. tlie particulars of which v incorrect apjM-arcil in your ultimo, under the heading m is*Tin article referred -1. o* 1 1 i ntatioiis Company, which acquiring tin- Sungei Kmldah l N M ted to he floated on Mareli apital was
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    • 552 9 tin "Strait* Tinirx i At tin* last meeting of tin* |;,, I noti**- that Mr. Macbean ,t li;«i lionc with regard to ,al for the planting of trees round t ii. The President said that the in &lt; n to place plants in tubs round ,11
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  • 615 9 An Important Legal Point. "l t\.i|»I&gt;a chitty ami Tsimase, a Japan '•‘••tin 1 keeper. had money transactions ii tin-in for a long time and on the bi nary the chetty sued the woman in 'Uiiill cause court for some $200 odd. 1,1 a small outstanding balance,
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  • 339 9 Probables v.s The Rest. This match \va&gt; played on tin- Esplanade on 31st March, and resulted as follows; Pnoium.r.s. Cleaver c Braddell b Byford 0 Talma c ,1 ones b Baddell 32 Duiiman h Braddell *1 Zelmder c Hauuaford b Bruce 0 Mason not out 17 Pratt c
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  • 167 9 Not far from Oban is the Island of K intyre, beyond which the Atlantic stretches in ail unbroken line to the coast of New England. This island has recently been the scene of a remarkable n&lt;d nee ring feat, for thereon has been set" up the
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  • 878 9 Opening of the Annual Shoot. j Thk third annual meeting of the Singa}x&gt;re I Volunteer Artillery Rifle Club, fora consider j able numlier of valuable trophies, ojiened at j tiie Ballesticr Range on Saturday afternoon i and continued throughout yesterday. The j keen interest taken
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  • 3706 9 The correspondence about the salary of the l T P re n Mu lcl P al Engineer i published as a Paper to be laid in hc Legislative Council s table. On the 15th Febur«arv 1901 Mr J n Authonisz, the
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  • 298 10 1 lIH i S. I. sof the gstli February, prints the follow ing appreciation ot Dr. Louring. who will lie returning to his work in eouneetion with tin* Methodist Mission here in tl e autmnn !&gt;••. Henry L. I*.. Fuel ing, who preaehed to our
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  • 199 10 Thus, the South Ch no Morn ho} l*oxt: Singapore is at last to have a real theatre. hen shall we he able to wiite the same of Hongkong? AN e still cling to our opinion that our local theatre —to give it its nickname—is not worthy
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  • 867 10 Mw. X. X. Adis has been elected a Fellow «the I loyal Colonial Institute. In 11»« absence* of ?*ir. S. (iatl. the C onsul for Denmark in Sing:qK&gt;re. Mr. J. C. H' i mansen. of tin* Fast Asiatic C 0.. Ltd., will l&gt;« Acting banish Consul. It
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  • Correspondence.
    • 306 10 I'o tin Editor of J I»KAK Slir. -I Set* i,v \&lt;»i,, in&lt;t;iiitt!iat (iencral \Vmml (&gt;l!l •»i the first explanation v .|,iH the Killing of so many s,,j. children in ti*&lt;3 recent fi"gi lt Jt •Join {uni is now claiming and children wvK killed ,u,i preliminary siielUug at
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    • 138 10 /&lt;• thr Editor •&gt;( the Straits lb:ai: Sik.—Will you kindly allow &gt;,,.,&lt;•« your valuable columns foi an exjnod n indignation which bids fair to incou; universal, at the filthy condition «&gt;; th Singapore sampans. No excuses as to their being mam:* 1&gt; Chinese can avail, as any voyager
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  • 459 10 Mon. t mj Pi 4 *t. I UIt Mureh. Thk Latest Kmuski: (omi The Perak Kubber Plantations Limit 1 \vliost‘prospectus is now in ciiculati&lt; a capital oi 4'To,(K'&lt; in &lt;sli.-nw i i.* pure base price for the estate L payable to the Straits Settlements &gt;; n&lt;i:
    ( Mon. t mj Pi4*t. I UIt Mureh.  -  459 words

  • 892 11 inf A/,rif. A-d/i opened 01; ti'i 'J'-'th i .rioii- criminal cases were M r. L. 'A. »i id ward. Audi- I &lt;»! I r Court not to he Criticized ..K i t m. F. i ’unitKiny &gt;i. S. &lt; i.. i*i cloth i’r«- n the Master had *arcd
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  • 314 11 I 1 K"i* v\s and cities.lays. as a rule. are i :ui T* &lt;luys bnt mhh-s aio -poeiaih fixed for to-day and to-morrow and Uu r ,le b of them forbearing by Mr. .Ins- t &lt;( 1 bornton this morning. Tin* (i; aeral Cause list for this month
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  • 243 11 Somki'hixi; akin to :i honihslu*H fell upon the S. yesterday, w hen news was j received by telegram from the K. M. S. that j it is impossible to ect together the crieket team for Kast-er and that therefore the oames .in* off.” Notwithstanding
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  • 184 11 5- C C. v R. E. A Mm kkv match was played on tiieS. C. C. portion of the Esplanade yesterday between the S. 1 C. and the II. E. A lively game was witnessed, both sides showing good form. The S. C. C. opened the scoring a short
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  • 164 11 Dukino rainy weather, there are several springs of fresh water at low tide in the upper reaches of the Kallang river, and they are used extensively by the floating population in tongkangs, junks and other small craft. During the dry months, however, the springs become dry and the
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  • 83 11 Mk. Fort has been engaged to defend the interests of the Opium Farmer against the captains of the s.s. Deli and the Hony Wav. The matter to be settled is. whether these ships had or had not on board, on their arrival here, a quantity of
    83 words
  • 1253 11 5anitarj' Inspector Prosecuted. On Saturday.*!. Dragon. Sanitary Inspector. vaschaiged before Mr. Scott with having leceived gratification other tha i a reward. of S').wit!'. view to show ing favour in the exercise of hi** official functions to tin* proprietor of Tlu Hall way House. Middle Load. He
    1,253 words
  • 1597 11 Mciffiuinr. H, M'trrh. 1 ju: rains. welcome anil mrcssary j n a dry continent as Australia. seldom trolllu Uhi much nt a *»ihhI thing. There have l&gt;ecu .■limits ami floods in and Xevv Soutlj Wale-. hut the* xaggeratcd lviiortsnovv to hand have* been invented by imaginativccor resjMmdents. Haiti
    1,597 words
  • 245 11 Thk South China Morning Font thus dwells upon a crying evil:—The French medical department at Saigon has just done a graceful act. which we commend hi our friends in Singa{&gt;ore and elsewhere who are so keen on enforcing a long quarantine against vessels from Hongkong when this port
    245 words

  • 1197 12 Several correspondents hr. vo written tv* on a point in connection with plantation rubber cii.tivatJoii upon which it is admittedly desirable to obtain expressions of opinioi -rum e xperts in this now and rapidly- it velopmg industry. The point, briefly put. notes the Financier. is
    1,197 words
  • 835 12 Trigonometrical Survey. Mr. .1. X. Sheffield, ft the F. M. S. Trig. Survey Department, has arrive**l in Lipis, w itli a staff of assistants, and will In* in charge of operations in I'ppcr Pahang. Mr. Baptist, of the same department. ln*ing stationed on the coast. The Trig, survey
    835 words
  • 1184 12 Daily Business. The following is from the Alining •Journal" of 9th March: —During the ly days of the week this article suffered severely from realisations and bear sales, whilst leading operations showed but little disposition to stop the downward course. From the bottom figure, however, there was
    1,184 words
  • 855 12 The following is the general produce letter kindly furnished to us by Messrs. John 11 addon *V* Co., the well-known Colonial Produce Merchants and Coinmission Agents of Salisbury Square. London. E. C., and carrying prices up to the date of the departure of the mail to hand
    855 words
  • 194 12 A correspondent writes to the Ma Mail It seems almosv incredible, but it o fact, that some Malays believe that they go to hospital and fail to reive' quickly they will be poisoned. Tw cases have come under the writer.' notice recently which ought ».o
    194 words
  • 199 12 Thk following properties and a hn 11K were sold by auction at l*"'\dl v saleroom yesterday afternoon: No. 84 Telok Ayer Street a &gt;&lt;* Stanley Street, Singable. 3.3 h* r Statutory Grant No. 20. quit rent s Kalunkappa C’hittv $13,900. Mont 1 $BO. tv No. 41 South
    199 words

  • 592 13 H l iw* xi io i i. has been admitted H tj Supreme Court. H 1l: ,tii&lt;I IniiM.rt ami Kxport j„ .I **n Friday, and will lx* }...n in t«* 11 a.m.i on Satur- n&lt;l;»\ next. i»anisiit:'I'Ml prison**!". all w iron; Swettenham i»y rlii" morning. Tiny
    592 words
  • 57 13 lf April medal was played yes Vorrs: J Mr*. I'eirce 54 450 Uinsloser HO —10 —5O Miss(,emk* 05—12 =55 &gt;s■ Srott-Russell 05—12 =53 I’m, niton 72 —12 00 Nil /.mu n n 70— s 02 &lt; ole&lt; lc»ni»li 85 —12 71 A 'l‘‘-V»ir. Miss Smitli anti
    57 words
  • 175 13 M:ul. tin* Mail, the dear English Mail, 1 Insirer of Sorrow and Joy, h* :n ts are made gladder. our pains seem fade. it tin* gun announces the Mail. '■'•mes laden with news from the J)ear ones we’ve left, turns all our thoughts to the Home ff-
    175 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 153 13 ,n tht F.ilitnr nf the "Straits Times.'’ Sn: Mav l ask why the present time was selected by the S. C. C. C ommittee for tho pavilion nuisance. Is it not possible that toe scanty accommodation for sittiim ami dressing. and the want of proper accouiinitiation for seeing,
      153 words
  • 887 13 Thk prosjtectus of tlu* Langkon North liorui*o ltiibl)i*r Company. Ltd., is to ham ami accompanying the prospectus is the following letter from Messrs. Hedge am &lt; »reig. setting out the special advantages of tin* flotation: Hear Sir.—Kudosed xve heg to haml you pros|K** tii" of
    887 words
  • 1448 13 All Sorts of cases before the Magistrates. It is the custom for second hand lea lets to employ xvoinen on commission to sell valuables which come into their hands, and Yap Malt (Juan of No. 210 North Bridge Hoad, on the 24th of last December entrusted
    1,448 words
  • 370 13 Directors’ Report. 1 at- Directors submit herewith statements o: the Company's accounts for the half-year ending 81st Det*ember, 1905. Until the end ol November. 1905. work was continued under the Tributing Agreement with All Seng, but at the beginning of December owing to Labour troubles consequent upon
    370 words
  • 300 13 A Pahano gentleman lias recently succeeded in the difficult task of climbing to the top of Gunong Raja. Formerly this was considered an imjiossible feat, partly owing to the fact that the Malays insisted that, above a certain height, it was always raining, and the top was shrouded
    300 words
  • 1205 13 \l!r 1 'l' l yic 2.:Z: r 9 "4 Av .uid confirm thcivU,. «l^.. Vrote T ,&lt;: ,t Kritain s old poets, an I t SH tl,at ls !n »iuM*ntB arc fooli-b, Zu ,It i T to,,s A «&gt;ey not tl,fc '«*&gt;•&gt;•• a solace to the
    1,205 words

  • 990 14 An Australian Point of View. The mineral resources of Dutch East Indies are now being extensively opened up. Writing to the Perth Morning lltrald. a re aimed Australian states that the Totok goltl mines are several miles fnom the sea coast, and are at present only
    990 words
  • 452 14 Wednesday's Play. J A. Class Sinulk. F Salzmaini beat T G Treadgold 6-4. G-4. B. Cl,\SS SlNOI.K. R L Dun man v F Nelson &lt; until.) C. Class Sinolk. Final Tie —Elphiek beat Sims 6-4, 6-3. Thursday’s Ia3 r B. Class Dociu.k. Until Tie —Steadman
    452 words
  • 149 14 April Monthly Medal. Thk April monthly medal was played for on Saturday and Sunday the 7th aud Htli instant. The ground was in excellent condition and forty members entered their names for the competition. Dr. R. A. Camptiell secured the medal with a score of 37 and
    149 words
  • 75 14 An audience of close upon three hundred people assembled at the Tentonia Club last evening to hear the concert given by the Bohemian Male Quartette. It was an excellent concert throughout, the Bohemians showing themselves capable of reaching a very high degree of artistic vocal excellence. They
    75 words
  • 153 14 (By Submarine Cable) 1‘enantj, Uth April, lac’il. tit Siiiyapore. Uth April. Del'll, by lieu ter 1U.AA a.m. Uth April. Mr. James Laurie, the Government Marine Surveyor, here, is dead. Te was seized with an ajioplectic stroke on Saturday evening while taking a walk. He
    153 words
  • 1138 14 \By special arrangement with D'r Ostasiatische Lloyd" (By S ulnnal ine ('able) Berlin Hit April The Russian Government have invited tin* Chinese Government to take part in the second Hague Conference, and the Japanese are also invited to attend the same. Count Witte is getting tired of
    \By special arrangement with •* D'r Ostasiatische Lloyd"  -  1,138 words
  • 3604 14 By Submarine Cable liee'd. Singapore. It It April. I&gt;• 1 1/. by lieuter. l.'iO p.m. 4th April. A debate on the Courrieres disaster has been hold in the French Chamber of Deputies. Several Deputies vehemently accused tin* Colliery Company, which owns the mines, of neglige nee, and declared
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  • 100 15 FINANCE COMMERCE. Uth April. 1906. Thk Netherlands Trailing Society to-day quotes the 4. ms bank rate at 2 4, 7 6 The Mercantile Bank quotes it also at 2 4 ft Tut following are the returns from the Kinta 'l'm Mines, Ltd., for the month of March Output *275 piculs
    100 words
  • 234 15 Number Last of I- j t Company Buyers Sellers Tranaac* Shares 1 tions ~i r r GOLD. io,5u0 iO #,10 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd 13.50, 15.00 in, is-u 4. 4,000 #10 #10 (Deferred) 8.00 20,000 10 10 Kadaua G. M. Co., Ltd. *2 00 uom. 10,001* 1 10
    234 words
  • 157 15 400,000 1 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd.. 6.00 8.00 5U OUU itnla-ued I 2,000 9 100 .9 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. ..100.00 175.00 4,500 9 50 50 Fraser Neavc. Ltd. 08.00 w.OO 80,000 9 125 9 l2o Hongkong and Shanghai Bauk £00.10 18,000 9 100 9 100 Howarth
    157 words
  • 157 15 20,000 9 10 9 Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. 12.00 70,000 9 10 9 10 A Batu Unjor Rubber Co., Ltd. 24 .On 24.00 9.000 uuiaaued. I 70,000 1 1 Bukit Rajah ..£3.15.0 9,000 uuiaaued 6,000 1 1 Cicely Rubber Estate £2.5.0 6,000 1 £0-15 5% Pref. £2.5.0 1,500 uuiaaued
    157 words
  • 48 15 Howarth Erskiue, Ltd. 6% 9600,000 2% prem buyers Riley, Hargreaves, Ltd. 6% 225,000 2% prem buyer?. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 2% prem buyer.. t. 5% 1,878,000 1% prem buyers. t. 9% 602,000 par. sellers, Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Ltd. 6% 250,000 1% prem. 6% 1.363,500 par. buyers
    48 words
  • 102 15 I G *mbier buyers 7.37* to 7.20 &lt;lo (Cube No. 1&gt; unpick M.. 10 o*2* Copra Bali do Pontianak 7.3.-, Pepper, Black hirers *20.25 do White, 5° 0 2*. 50 Sago Flour Sarawak 2. so Brunei No. 1 2.60 Pearl Sago 5,40 Coffee Bali, 15°,, buyers i5..10 Coffee,
    102 words
  • 273 15 (Mercantile Bank.) On London —Bank 4 m/s 2'4 Demand 2/4 3 Private 6 m/e 2/4 j| do 3 m/s 2/4 jj On German'/ Bank d/d 2.40 Private 3 m/« 2.45 do 6 m/«* 2.47 On Fra tier —Bank d/d 2.9.3 Private 3 m/s 3.00 do 6 m/s 3.02 On
    273 words
    • 110 15 Under this beading the following abbreviations are used :—str. —steamer; sh.—ship bq. —barque sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht; Cru_ —Cruiser Obt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo H.p.—Horsepower; Brit. British U.S.United States Fch.—French 6er —-German Dut. —Dutch; Ital.—Italian; Span.—Spanish; Sar.—Sarawak; G.c.—General-cargo; d.p.— deck passenger; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.— TanjongPagarWharf T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W.—Borneo Wharf K.H.—Keppel
      110 words
    • 729 15 Ban Hin Omni. Brit. str. 243 tous, Capt Hunter, 11th Apl. From Teluk Anson, 8th Apl. G.c.. and 71 d.p. Wee Bin &lt;t Co. For Telnk Anson, 13th—Rds. /&gt;r Carpentier, Dut. str. 766 tons. Captain Pouse, 11th Apl. From Billiton, 9tli Apl. G.c.. and 90 d.p. Daendels
      729 words
    • 835 16 'bane, purr, probable date o/ arrival, and name of agents. Steamers. Aherlonr. London. Apl, 28; Paterson Simons. Aedia, Hamburg. May 9; Behn Men r A:“lie, Sydney. Apl. 24 Boustead. Aker. Hongkong. May 15; East Asiatic (’ox Ale.-ia, Hamburg, J une 9 Behn Meyer. Atnbria. Hamburg. May 20 Behn
      835 words
      • 760 16 April 3 Tamboflf. Russ str. 2517 tons. Ration. H&gt;::_ kong. S. Schokoff Cainbroman. Brit str. 3935 tons. HillorV. Yladivostock. Paterson Simons Bullmouth. Brit str. 2607 tons. Welch. Shan gliai, Sx me Yerona. Ger str. 3036 tons. Dohrontt/.. Hongkong. Behn Mever Dagfred. Nor str. (V 59 tons. Milheri;. Tuticorin. Borneo
        760 words
      • 373 16 April H Merapi. Out str. Hongkong aud Swatow Bullmontli. Brit str, Palemhang Flintshire, Brit str, Hongkong and Japan Canihroinan. Brit str. Odessa Tolv. Nor str. Bangkok Dammar. Ger str Bangkok Bajah of Sarawak. Sar str. Sarawak Bentnng. Brit str. P. S*tenham ia )M»rts Ophir. Dut str. Palemhang Ban W.
        373 words
      • 91 16 PASSED SUKDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FUR ORDERS. Flu; *V n M iDatk of t x Captain I&gt;atk. Ri».. Ships Nami:. Sulim.. i hki:i Mar. HI Nor s s Providence Oorueliusen Mar 29 Christmas N HI Ger ss Wellgunde Kuhlmann 1V1» 7 B’erhaven Rata via Apl. 1 Brit s s
        91 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 68 16 10, Blaithroyd, Soutliowram, Halifax. England. In Dec., 1899, I was cured of piles by Doan's ointment. I want to say now—20 months after—that this cure has been permanent, and that I have had no return of the old complaint. (Signed) Matthew Farrar. (Of all chemists.) TO THOSE HOMEWARO-BOUNO James Campbell
      68 words
    • 712 16 USE ONLY a bSE IWfIYS S' REFR ESHIN Gt A Luxurious Perfuwl ar Sup e ri 0r J Health. German^K^^ .oessau TORATIVE B Hf CKNESS. 1 A "'t Medicine -of the kind awarded a C«v\' rale at the Calcutta Exhibition D R LALOR’S PHDSPHQDYNE HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY
      712 words
    • 204 16 had of all chemists and inediciiK-de.i*: or direct from the proprietors, Foster- McClellan Co.. 8, Wells &gt;trr Oxford Street. London. England. free on receipt of price. MARTIN’S Ifbr Ladies3 A Franch Remedy for all Irregularities Ladies keep a box of Martin's Pillsin the house. •owets first sign of any Irregularity
      204 words