The Straits Budget, 23 February 1905

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 90 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” -shed OVER Half a Cektuby f,:. Ad*-*- Cable Address Times, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits Times 15 cents koL. lix. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, 23 FEBRUARY, 1905. NO. 4253 -TRAITS TIMES” CIRCULATES I US v IN Singapore and Penang all
    90 words
  • The Straits Budget.
    • 115 1 I s-vmolk Hicks.—On the 16th Jan. the L’re«t Hicks (Miss Ellaline Terri«s), Lr iailghtei I l i1)DLK On January, at Kobe, Ifcwiieo: Hrnen k Biddle, of a daughter |[»r**’iiat'i cly) HiRiH-On the Hist January, at Kobe, lie vite ot C. sV. M. Birch, of a son. I Neil. -on
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    • 136 1 I*\ivk —K«iBKRTS: —On the -ml February, at >r:: ii. George Paine to Margaret Agnes lK.ji.ertII GuodfkllmW: —On the 4th Feb. f !l’\v Trinity Path viral, Shanghai, by Rev. LA -i. Walker, m v, Albert Edwin House, P*- ieiier U yal N ivy, H. M. S. Sirius, '»t the !a*e
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  • 272 1 Articles. Page. i,! 1 1 I Kiutr 1 I tirade 2 I Expea 2 U.d System 9 Iron 2 I i. 1 fishermen 2 I R; Scandal 2 I 2 diamonds o I Irenes peal. f lh Week 1 I A Company 3,5, 7 h'*^w Boat 4
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  • 309 1 The Straits Budget this week, is despatched by the B. I. sB. Taroba. The Budget next week, will be mailed by the P. &O. s.s. Ghusan The German mail for Europe by the s.s. Zieten closed oa Monday. The mail from Europe of the 27th January
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    • 1196 1 (Straits Times I February.) It has always seemed a matter for regret that the cast-iron regulations laid down for the guidance of Government servants should not occasionally be relaxed in the public interest. We especially refer to the regulation forbidding Government servants’ replying to any criticism that
      (Straits Times, IFebruary.)  -  1,196 words
    • 480 1 (Straits Times 1 Mh February That the rain which baa fallen so graciously during the past six days was badly wanted, is evidenced by the fact that, despite nearly 4 inches of rainfall during the 24 hours ending at noon yesterday, the Thomson Road Reservoir only showed an
      (Straits Times, 1 Mh February )  -  480 words
    • 397 1 (Straits Times 16 th February The announcement to the effect that a meeting of shareholders of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company will be held to protest against the action of Government in expropriating their property, does not turn out to be so formidable and forbidding as it looks.
      (Straits Times 16th February )  -  397 words
    • 445 2 It is an ill w nd that blows nobody good,'and from reports now published it fceems that the war in the East tided the collieries at home over what threatened to be a very bad season Indeed the statistics show thit 1904 has rctually been a record year
      (Strait* Timet, 17th Feb nary )  -  445 words
    • 384 2 (Btraxts Times 17 ih February.) A good deal of fuss has been made by certain planters in the F.M.B. about the appointment of a rubber expert with Government concurrence for their benefit. The idea hat a’so upon H tenters in Ceylon. They started clamouring in the Legislative Council
      (Btraxts Times, 17ih February.)  -  384 words
    • 409 2 (Strait* Times t 18th February) JrDGiNG from the first operation in land purchase under the new scheme, which permits a tenant to bold Government land in perpetuity on an approved quit rental, the arrangement i 9 not calculated to give permanently satisfactory results. Abuses are bound to follow
      (Strait* Times t 18th February)  -  409 words
    • 829 2 (Straits Time t 3\si February.) Iron, though the cheapest of all the metals used in the arts, is doubtless the most universally valuable, and without it no modern country can be commercially independent. So far, save for some minor deposits in Japan, and comparatively undeveloped deposits of unknown
      (Straits Time*t 3\si February.)  -  829 words
    • 818 2 (Straits Times 21st February Port Dickson has for long enjoyed the reputation of being one of the few places in the Straits where one could secure an unfailing supply of most excellent fish, both as regards variety and quality. Seremban has profited by this, and thanks to
      (Straits Times, 21st February )  -  818 words
    • 611 2 Ok what can the Municipal au% rities be atraid that they fear to proeecute to a finish such a case of corruption as that recorded in n ur Uef| columns to-day Js the iran that strives to bribe a responsible official like Mr. Nash, in order to persuade
      {Straits Times, 22nd Ftbrunrv \  -  611 words
    • 2629 3 nf the recent discoveries of i n ic diamonds in the Premier Mine Pretoria, it is interesting to learn Bear jor to the discovery of the carat st>ne last month, and the W) rat stone a week ago-the i.‘l in the Premier Mine were quoted at X80. uf;
      Times, 22nd Vebruar.) * /lionAITflrU  -  2,629 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 y Le !K1> t free price of the Straits limes y eai The post free price of the is *20 a year. It is not trv to subscribe for a year. The iiw riptions for shorter periods are at ,,me proportionate rate of price as for a vear Tll r
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  • 101 1 DEATHS. I :lv -*hi the Htl» February, at Hong* r ‘l ,r Alfv. Mm|.hy, Chief Mate of s.s. I .r.KAV < m»l»:4 lr* the 5th February, at Hongiv.’ Uue> Kirkwood, First Engineer I. M. r J->o n Ti<n, t aged 58 years. s ”b- j I riitLAi.E —Carl Hermann :>
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  • 153 3 H. H. tbe Sultan of Johore is booked to leave Genoa for tbe Straits by the German Mail on March 29th prox. E. P. C. Bartells, who has worked for a long time in tbe Detective Department at Penang, has been transferred to Singapore. We learn that
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  • 113 3 THE CINGALEE.” Despite the wet weather yesterday evening, the second performance of “The Cingalee” by the Dallas-Bandmann Opera Co. was witnessed by a full house. The scenery was beautiful and the dresses superb and with pretty faces, catchy music and good singing, The Cingalee was a big success. In this
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  • 797 3 Annual Meeting. The annual congregational meeting of the Presbyterian Church was held in the Church last night. The Rev. S. S. Walker was in the chair. The meeting wa6 opened with the singing of a hymn and a prayer. The Chairman expressed his regret that the weather had
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  • 4196 4 (By a Contributor.) Ar the last meeting of the Agricultural Association of Malaya held in Penang about a fortnight ago, and reported in these columns, the President alluded in grateful terms to the Straits Press tor the increased attention it bestowed on agricultural matters. These include a very
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  • 248 4 s. s. Stephan in the Road* The cable boat Stephan, which been lying in the harbour for severa: days past, leaves to-day to carry out c«r scheme of cable laying for which she MJ come out to Eastern waters. magnificent vessel, the thud higp cable boat
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  • 951 5 lA'sident-General’s Visit, fhc Kesiu Lipa, 10th February.* jeiit-General, (Mr. W. T. Tav1 v t..) will spend a week in Ulu n his approaching visit, for following programme has been hu Leave Kuala Lumpur by arR ,he 16th. and travel bv motor tualaKubu to Raub. (44 arriving there m
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  • 408 5 The German cruiser Seeadler left for Batavia this morning. The steamer Maristow of Plymouth, passed through the port from west to east this morning. Mr. Walter Paluser is at present at Kallang, supervising the work of making the tunnel for the reservoir. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Colman sentenced
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  • 72 5 Last night a case of theft occurred (t the Hotel des Indes. Mr. J. H. Dayie» who is a resident at the hotel, lost $35 which was stolen from a locked box containing $5O. His boy,” a Hylam, has absconded. Mr. Davie will be leaving for Australia
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  • 143 5 The Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, for January, contains the following articles: Methods of computing time for planting in Borneo by Dr. C. Hose; Notes of visits to certain parts of Siamese Malaya by C. W. S. Kynnersley; Hunting Invocations by R
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  • 664 5 A Batch of Chinese Arrested. YpTKRDAY, twenty-eight Chinese and Sikh (watchman) were before Mr. Nunn, ttie for playing in a common gaming house at 49 Club Street on the night of the 1st inst., aud the Sikh for obstructing Mr. A 8. P.
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  • 175 5 The Bench Court was occupied yesterday afternoon enquiring into a case in which a Malay syce, Haji Osman, brought a charge of dishonestly retaining stolen property against six Japanese, one of them being a woman. Insp. Brace prosecuted, Mr. Van Cuylenberg appeared for all the defendants. The
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  • 225 5 To be Opened on the 15th of March. The new electric tramways will be opened on the 15th of March. Splendid progress is being made in the work of constructing the Power Station in Mackenzie Road. Difficulty was experienced at first in the matter of finding foundations,
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  • 249 5 On Friday, 10th February, Loh Tan was arraigned before the Judicial Commissioner and two assessors, Messrs. Bagnall and Wick war, on the allegation of having on the 27th December last* committed murder by causing the death of Oh Choon Hi at Titi, in Jelebu district. Mr. Butler,
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  • 340 5 “THE DUCHESS OF DANTZIC. The Singapore public had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. and Mrs Dallas in The Duchess of Dantzic” at the Town Hall last night when this phenomenally successful romantic light opera was staged for the first time in Singapore. That the audience had not forgotten these old
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  • 1827 5 Awful Sufferings of a Stricken Crew in Borneo Waters. Labuan, 13th Feb The following tragic incident is no creation of 8avage Landor or of Younghusband, but is stern reality and of recent occurrence. Early in the morning of 0th February last a sailing vessel with
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  • 217 6 Yesterday, a Chinaman was arraigned before Mr. Caiman for the theft of a pair of joss candlesticks value $lB at 2 Wallick Street on Wednesday. Sergt. Leonard explained that the same pair of candlesticks had been stolen on the 2nd inst. pawned and recovered, but the thief escaped.
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  • 240 6 Many people have been enquiring of late what is the meaning of the cutting up of the streets that is going on in the neighbourhood of Raffles Square and Battery Rjad. The explanation is that the Municipality are going to light that region by electricity.
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  • 110 6 This morning, Mr. Perkins (Drew and Napier) appeared before Mr. Howard in the Summons Court and said be had been instructed by the Deputy Public Prosecutor to apply that the case against Seng Heng Guan (for having about 7.45 p m. on the 3rd inst. at the
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  • 139 6 The Colonial Govenment is reported by the Malay Mail of the 16th Feb. to have expended $70,000 in the previous week in the purchase of Tanjong Pagar Dock shares which were on the market. Last night about 9 o’clock, Mr. Hunt, Assistant-Master Raffles School, was sitting in
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  • 836 6 Four Clerks Fined. Yesterday afternoon, r Maxwell acting Commissioner of the Court of Bequests sat to hear a case in which Mr. Mr. W. A. Dowley, Manager of the Vacuum Oil Coy., claimed damagwi against four clerks V. R. Oliveiro, D. JD’Souza, Yap Keng Leng and
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  • 836 6 The Ganawd Report for month ending 28th January, IMS, U as follows J The Chairman and Director*, Saab Australian G. Mg. Co., Ltd.. Singapore. Gentlemen,—I beg to submit my monthly p»port oh JP« mining and miUing operations The mine measurements, and asaay results of prospecting work, prepared by
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  • 168 6 The New Club to be A R ain Considered. The Annual General meetir» ,r„ Tanelin Club will be held at the on Friday next, 24th inn. The business of the meeting win hi®' To receive the Committee s Rei*ort Hon. TreaAnrer’a Statement ot and, if approved, to pass
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  • 254 6 The Dramatic section of the S. C. R c gave a very successful concert and variety entertainment on Hong Lim Green last night to the member* of the Club and their friends. It looked as if the heaw rain in the afternoon would spoil the
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  • 275 6 This is the list of appeals which to be heard before the Appeal Court which commences its sittings on Monday next: Grand and Solomon v. the Po Cd Marine Insurance and Godown Coy, Limited. .Koh Chiang Kim v. Tan Tee Kali Moon a Ethana Shooua Raven* Mani Muthu
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  • 372 7 HEAR IT MURMUR I often that poets bloom in I lT iS ’i D °r»il o' Vegri Sembilan, and Ibefe'jrtwith% we hail the l olloW from Seremban. Unfortunately fc'oice tro ooem were not num(be R*® es th e to be allowed to r red ’nvhow lUoes not much matter Ko
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  • 285 7 Honour to a B. 1. 5. N. Master About three years ago, the officers and ew of the B 1. S. X. Co’s s.s. Land a urn Boiled the passenger's and crew of the f rU) Manila steamer from imminent iiiger. in Philippine waters on being ught
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  • 95 7 L Annual Meeting. Isapore r v 1 Deral meeting of the P y®3terdaV* rs I Association was fmber r Municipal Council l small a n! d e P fesided There f re Port and endance 0 members. 1% a Ppearf.^ Gt:GU u t3 as y*** have h 'inaiiunoiKi
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  • 1854 7 London 19th Jan. Yet another blizzard, e xceeding in severity, the one recorded a fortnight ago, has descended upon us during the last week, and has carried wide spread disaster in its track. Ships have been sunk on every coast and even on* land a number of
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  • 165 7 On the 26th of June last, the death of a young baba named Cho Tek He was, it was alleged, caused by Lini Cheng San stabbing him in the back with a penknife while the parties were, with a large crowd, watching a show at Ann
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  • 239 7 We beg to acknowledge receipt from the Hongkong Daily PrsBs t per Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, of a copy of the 1905 issue of the Chronicle and Directory for China, Japan and the Straits, etc.” This is the 43rd year of the publication
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  • 184 7 H. M. 8. Thetis left for Penang yesterday morning. The death is announced of Engineer Commander D. Hatelie, of H. M. S. Siriug. Assist-Supt. C. B Whitehead of Straits police leaves for Penang to-day, to which Settlement he has been transferred. It is satisfactory to learn that
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  • 36 7 On Saturday night the Dkjiae-Band-mann Op** Co. produeM The Orchid" at the Town Hall for the third time. There was a large aodienoe and the piece was as great a wwooeas as ever.
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  • 82 7 About 4o'clock this morning a fire broke out ip a Kling cloth shop at the comer Of Beach Road and Arab Street. The outbreak was extinguished before much damage was d6ne. Mr. Cuscaden, the Chief Police Offioer, Insp. Branagan and Bergt. Murdoch found a number of bottles of
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  • 118 7 This is the play in the mixed doubles in the Tennis Tournament on Wednesday next: A Class. Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs* Han bury v. Miss J. Gunn and Mr. ClANrfck. Miss Newton and Mr. Miles v. Miss Gann and Mr. Bailey. Mrs. Wathen and
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  • 176 7 Despite the heavy rains which have been pouring down during the last few days, the weather on Saturday evening was quite dear and so the special dinner at the Hotel de l’Europe was quite a success. The Band of the 95th Russell's Infantry was in attendance and
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  • 310 7 The Appeal Court began its sittings this morning. Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justice, presided, and the other Judges on the Bench were Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton, Puisne Judge of Singapore, Mr. Justice Law of Penang, and Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones of the Federated Malay States. Mr. Carver mentioned
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  • 1923 8 AT THE RAFFLES SCHOOL. Evidence at the Inquest. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. A. Gentle the coroner held an inquest on the body of Hoh Ah Hone, a Hylam lad aged 18, who died from the effects of an expanding bullet from a Winchester repeater passing through his
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  • 2007 8 Raffles Girls’ School. On Saturday afternoon, the annual distribution of prizes took place at the Raffles Girls’ School. Shortly after 4 o’clock, those invited, mainly parents, guardians, and old pupils, began to fill the seats assigned to them. Among the visitors were Miss Gage-Brown, Rev. W. Murray
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  • 244 8 Perhaps there are a lot of who desire to know what the CIC “Fass” means as applied to heer Some might say that it is some kitbeer or name of the brand but thatwrong. It means draught beer wooden casks. Lately there has lot of importation of Fass
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  • 792 9 Liberal Allowances for the current year The 'i- lU 1 no irs 418,566. Revenue sl ,245,772. bspc «o 6 556 less than the T l for' 1904, but shows a hi. 11,11 1 650 over actual colsmaU h*"** itcU nS ‘."iniated expenditure for 190o is The
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  • 1198 9 Piccadilly 10th Jan. Dear Sam, —For one brief moment I was a Carnegie—I was a Napoleon of Charity—unaided and out of my own money I have paid for the up-keep of The London Hospital —for the space of one second! The cost was one penny. The calculation
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  • 564 9 CHENG HONG KOK” CLUB CASE. The Defence. In our issue of Thursday ]*st, there appeared an acc oui t cf a raid made on the Cheng Hone Kok Club at 49 Club Street by Messrs. Barnes, Bailey and Gibson of the Chinese Protectorate <trd Mr. Wathen, Asst. Supt. of Police
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  • 471 9 Chinese New Year. Sandakan 9th Feb Chinese New Year and its consequent holidays passed away with crackers firing, and dragon processions and the vnits of the ('hinese to one another with flowing robes European friends visited some of the leading Towkays and partook of their hospitality and champague.
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  • 153 9 Cricket Fixtures* FIRST ELEVEN. Feb. 26th S. R. C. Versos R. G. A. Mar. 4th Garrison. 11th Sherwood Foresters. 18th N. C. Q. Men of Garrison. SECOND ELEVEN. Feb. 4th S. R. C. Versus T. P. D. R. C. 6th Sherwood Foresters, 2nd XI. 18th S. C.
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  • 1328 9 I* f he r that the 8 8 an Whatt Hin is a few days overdue from KelantaD. Quarantine restriction are in forc« nnth •W Shanghai owing to the outbreak of smallpox there. P GoopaR,*Financial Assistant Police Department, at Penan*, has it ii said applied for pension
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  • 230 10 Arrived 16th February. Per Simla —From Shanghai—Mr. A. W. Prior. From Hongkong —Mr. C. M. Phillip?, ami Mr. F. Mentinor. Arrived 18th February. Per Sappho —From Telok Anson—Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. Agassiz, Messrs Koenitz, T. C. B. Miller and A. H. Donaldson. Arrived 19th February.
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  • 73 10 Chia Sing Peng, a Chinaman who is alleged to have fatally stabbed another Chinaman in Garden Street about six weeks or two months ago was brought up at the Magistracy this morning and charged with the offence. After the murder it is alleged that he
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  • 140 10 The Directors* Report presented to the annual meeting of the Co-operative Coffee Curing and Trading Co., Ltd., at Port Dickson on the 11th inst, showed a very pleasing state of affairs in that unostentatious industrial of Negri Sembilan. Though coffee is now almost overlooked in the
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  • 154 10 Java is comparatively unknown to tourists and globe trotters, though it abounds in grand and imposing scenery. It furnishes also a striking example of how the people of the Malayan race can be ruled by natives under European control. The island has hitherto been out of the
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  • 187 10 On Saturday morning a number of Chinese spoiling for a row went in for it in Muar Road at 6.30. Sergt. Murdoch with some assistants plunged into the melee and arrested twenty of them. Yesterday, they were brought before Mr. Sproule, and were fined $6 each, in default
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  • 220 10 Port Dickson 20 th February. There were several robberies at Port Dickson before the Chinese New Year. The police were busily occupied in investigation and search for robbers At Sendayan, a place 8 miles from Port Dickson, an old man, who was employed as a gardener by
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  • 497 10 Nearing Completion. The Victoria Memorial Hall is nearing completion and is expected to be ready for formal opening in about a couple of months It is rather difficult yet to judge of the beauty which the completed structure will present, as the scheme of construction provides tor
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  • 198 10 The Question of the Marriage. Pursuant to the direction given by the Supreme Court on the 14-th insfc. in the appeal presented by A. F. Mitchell in the case of the King on the prosecution of James Goodenough against the adjudication and conviction of the Bench Court,
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  • 105 10 The monthly medal of this Club was played for on 11th iost. The following members returned cards W. M. Sirae 81 Scr.= 81 J. B. Robertson 83 2 81 F. Ferguson SO 2 82 Major Wilson 96 —l2 *B4 T. F. Longmair 85 Scr. =B5 A
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  • 348 10 A Company is now being organised with an authorised capital of $200,000 —of which, however, it is proposed to <sue sloo,ooo,—to take over and work lire B.ilgownie Rubber Estate at ivajang, about midway on the line from Kuala Lumpur to Seremban The total ucreuge of ihe
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  • 568 10 Interesting Researches by a German Professor. In the latest issue of The Hospital there is a highly interesting article on “Insanity in the Malay and Egyptian Races,” based upon the researches of Professor Kraepelin of Heidelberg, who recently availed himself of an opportunity to study insanity among
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  • 65 10 Captain E. P. Martin, of the B nta schooner Japan, 2,795 tons, hareported at Hongkong that on Febniil 8 in latitude 15.19.30 N„ 112.38. 15 E, in the vicinity of the FV oela, he passed a spar or mast, cov«« with barnacles, which was project about
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  • 343 10 The Appeal Court continued in sittings in the Supreme Court tha morning Sir Lionel Cox, Chief Justioi, presided, and the other Judges on the Bench were Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton, Puisne Judge of Singapore, Mi Justice Law of Penang, and Mr Jusii« Hyndraan-Jones of the Federal* Malay States.
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  • 195 10 Mas and the Misses Abrams returce». from Australia yesterday by the ir H. M. S. Hogue leaves Hongkong* the 25th inst tor Wei-hai-wei, to rt the Amphitrite which is bound for land paying off, having complete time on this Station. The new Singapore branch of 1 Banque
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  • 673 11 ii Fine for Bribing a Officer. municipality loath to CORRUPTION? Hesg Gcan, who rents the s X T.rrace Market, supplies water nvdelerra har bour, and has the to ply the Municipality C was yesterday arraigned b ffhe Bench Court on the charge f n t hy instigation of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 920 11 To the Editor of the “Straits Timet. ,r Dear Sir, —As an engineer, and a comparative stranger in your Colony, I have been struck by some of the remarkable leaders and letters that have appeared in the Public Press respecting Boiler Rules. At one time of my
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  • 450 11 H. H. The Sultan Accepts the Post of Commandant. Joh ore, Jlst Feb The first function of a public nature iu which the newly-formed Johore Volunteer Infantry took part was held at Johore yesterday, Monday, afternoon. The occasion was to announce to the Johore Forces and Volunteers
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  • 161 11 Batavia vs. Singapore. The Chess Match by wire between Batavia and Singapore which commenced about four months ago, terminated to-day by Batavia wiring “Resign Compliments. This means that the game has gone against them, and that it is useless to continue further. The first match between Batavia and
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  • 74 11 January Figures. The following return is compiled by the Mines Office at Kuala Lumpur from figures supplied by the Gold Mine Managers. Pahang. Tons. Oza. Value Malaysian Co. l.*» *26 *21*40 Ranh Australian Gold Mining Co Pahang 3.621 414.4 16.000 Keshan Gold Fields, Pahang 3,200 Kechau Gold
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  • 588 11 The Appeal Court yesterday afternoon heard parties in the Bangkok case, Rex. v. Mong Pahn, a murder case, Hon. W. R. Collyer, the AttorneyGeneral, appearing for the Crown; Mr. van Someren for the other side. Mr. van Someren’s contention was that the conviction was wrongful and should not
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  • 186 11 Report for 1904. Mr. C. E. Velge, the Supreme Court Registrar, thus reports on the working of the Registry of Joint Stock Companies in Singapore during the year 1904. There were registered during the year eight Joint Stock Companies, seven of which were Companies limited by
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  • 646 11 Mohamed Yusuf and Mohamed Alydin were placed before Mr. Sproule yesterday morning on the allegation of having set on fire 294 and 295 Beach Road on Monday morning. Mr. Delay, who had been retained for the defence, applied for a postponement for a week. This was agreed to;
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  • 181 11 Alleged Assault by Policemen. On the 24th ult., a disturbance occurred at a village in the neighbourhood of Pasir Panjang, the result of which was that a Malay named Kohnil, it is alleged, received such injuries about the head from blows with the buckle end of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 120 11 land sale. The ►d ov ’'*pg properties were disposr%m u j 1011 at Powell 4 Co’s Sale-Xo-^T ay aft€ 'land j“i°"8 Pa s ar Road- Freefett i{, ni1 Louse, area 1,059 square kkar f w 2 g0 b 0 >' Shalk Lajam Abufold Lane 999 years’ lease&*t. Hr,nr u i
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  • 100 12 Special Telegram to the Straits Times.” Shanghai. 17 th February. A cable from Chefoo reports that 150 non-combatants (Russians), including women and three Chinese have arrived there and have landed. The Chinefce are believed to have been implicated in tbe death of the German attache with the Russians, who has
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  • 346 12 Berlin 16th February. Prince Leopold is visiting the Czar at Czarkoe Selo prior to his departure for the Far East, where he joins the Russian forces as a German Military Attache The Prince will sail for the Far East from Genoa by the Norddeutscher Lloyd. He will
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  • 3708 12 London, 15/A February. The following are the main points in the King’s speech from the Throne at the opening of Parliament. Fvelations with foreign Powers continue to be friendly. The war in Manchuria unhappily continues. The Government has been careful to ebserve neutrality in the strictest manner. The
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  • 11 13 FI NANCE COMMERCE. r «lav’Ri Befruary, 1905 nank rate is 2/-
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  • 189 13 Sami 1 Co.’s Report. onn h 011 January. l-r t vailed e T' a dense fo 8 Action, i Fr,da >’ *a8t, the K ,tlj «f<.'llowineT t0 be postponed "e«day, when the f 1 ia ***** and only »ot ,d ew and exporn, ck a v 'fclmation to
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  • 114 13 Messrs S. Figgis and Co. of Fenchurch Street, London, supply us with the following particulars of the plarita-. tion rubber put up there at auction on the iOth January Doianakande...l eaae line bUeuit per Kaisow ’’6 1 Eleton ...1 6/1 Ingoya ...1 “Jason” 6/1 1 yy y, 6/1
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  • 547 13 Lewis and Peat's Report. London, tOth Jan. Para. The market has been very firm during the past week. Sellers have been very few and not much business has been done. Spot Hard has been firm at 5/3£. Feb/March sold at 5/2£ closing, sellers. Soft has been scarce with
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  • 101 13 Gam bier buyers f 8.70 do No. 1) unpicked 12.37$ Copra Bali 7.90 do Pontianak 8.07$ Pepper, Black buyers 24.75 Jo White, 5X I 38.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.17$ de Brunei No. 1 3.30 Pew-l Sago 4.60 Coffee Bali, 16a basis 23 00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 24.50 Unffra,
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  • 133 13 On London —Bank 4 m/s 2/Demand 1/Ujj Private 6 m/e 2/- ft do 3 m/s 2/-$ On Germany— Bank d/d 2.03 Private 3 m/s 2.05$ do 6 m/s 2.07$ On France —Bank d.d 2.49$ Private Sms 2.63$ do 6ms 2.65$ On India—Bank T. T. 147* Private 30 d s
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  • 268 13 Number I-Ue Plid it, Lut Sh Vulu. up to Company saw. Tramae onareti tions r~ 9 SOLD. 6 6 13,500 10 67.60 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd... ...1 12.00 13.00 ,500 unissued. J 1® 10 (Deferred) 1 8.00 20,000 6 10 10 Kadana G. M. Co., Ltd. 10.00: nom.
    268 words
  • 51 13 6 Howarth Krskine, Ltd. 7% 260,000 3Y pram. Riley, Hargreaves, Ltd. 6% 225,000 2% pram buyers. Singapore Municipal 6)& 400,000 2% pram buyers. M tt b% j 1,878,000 1% pram buyers. t 4% .J 666,600 2% dis. non, |»o..k <To Ltd. 6Y 260,000 2% pram buyers. 1.3MJI.IMIO I* prpm.
    51 words
  • 159 13 400,000 4 1 4 1 i Duff Development Co., Ltd. 13.00 nom 50,000 unissued. 2,000 f 100 6 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. 176.00: 185.00 4,600 60 1 50 Fraser Neave, Ltd 101.00 102.00 102.00 80,000 1125 4 125 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 720.00 716.00 12,000 6 lOO $100
    159 words
  • 75 13 Men-of-War, etc. Esmeralda, F.M.8. yet. 171 tons, 22 crew, 46 h.p. Capt Chik. 8th Feb. From Port Swettenham, 7th Feb. F. M. S. Govt. For Port Swettenham, U.—T. Rhoo. Sea Belle, Light-house tender, 48 tons registered, 89 crew, 100 h.p. Nacodah, 12th Jan. From Malacca, lltn Jan. Colonial Government
    75 words
  • 926 13 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Airlie. Brit. ttr. 1,492 tons Capt Williamt 582nd Feb. From Sydney, 19th Feb. G.c., and II d.p. Bonstead A Co. For 8ydoev. 26th—W. J Uanka, Brit. atr. 127 tons, Capt Backhouse 22nd Feb. From Natona Is, 20th Feb. Copra, and 28 d.p.
    926 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 255 13 Medicine of the kind awarded a Ccr'i r cate at the Calcutta Exhibition, 1883-84, open to all Country 31 stereo D R LALOR’S .1 I RADI MAKK, PKDSrHDDYHE HAS THE LARGEST SALE OP ANY PHOSPHORIC MEOICINE IN THE WORLtt J r« tttf JTM n kH m*i,taioW iu |rorld-wide reputation ss
      255 words

  • 1003 14 M k I h Vxsssl’s,Nins 1 a Tom'* Captain From «*ailm» lomign* r* 3 Rio. j b 14 Abergeldie Brit sti 2438 <eith Cuxbaven Jan 2*P. Simons and Co. 14 Saxon Prince sti 2235 JamierOQ Now York Oe: lljßoustead and Co* 15 Pelayo str 1100 Prynn PSembilan Feb IS;
    1,003 words
  • 124 14 PAS3ED SUN DA STRA1T8 OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS Flag A Date of i Destin- KeI>ate Riq. Ship’s Name. Captain. Sailing. From where ation. makes 1 Feb 7 Ger s.s. Fiensburg Suhr Feb 6Tjilatjap Batavia 7 Dut 8 8 Sindoro Guthrie Feb 8 Batavia Rotterdam 9 ler s.s. Bulgaria Nov
    124 words
  • 626 14 1 >ATE. VESSEL’S NiMI. fLAO A RlO. TONS. I DESTINATION J I Feb 16 Van der Lyn Dut str. 661 Billiton and Poati.iiuk 16 Ophir str. 205 Palem bang 15 i Stephan Brit str. 2467 Macassar 15 Chakrabhong* Sia str. 362 Bangkok via ports 16 Abergeldie Brit str. 2488
    626 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 396 14 PARA RUBBER SEED, Orders booked for delivery from May onwards. $*.60 p8r 1,000. Apply to Manager PATALIN3 E8TA1E, Selangor. Feb 1* We Send on Appnovai sad fOMtalM safe ddhtiy Higbeet grad* CtcIm fully warranted. Z2L£*»£5.64> Dunlop Tyre*,W **twood Steel Bine, Free Wheel*, Mod Guard*, Brake*. Care and Motoeyek* ....tfS'SpSS 1
      396 words
      138 words
    • 112 14 and Perrins’ Sauce. By Royal Warrant to Hta Majesty the King. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. MARTIN’S box PILLS tor all ImIwUIm. Martin PitlaTn tlis bou* »■> house, so lhat oa the •ny IrrefuiAHtr 1 f tli« System a t mcly <V<f sitf T'los* who uso them rerommend them.herd ma,M
      112 words
    • 65 14 COMMON SENSE -NUTSHELL A »v medical work on the causes and nma ind effectual means of self-cure erer discovered r J* j and foncttoaal debility, waste of vitality df P rf t _j Virile Ac. .with practical observations on maiTiage an UredkiM for remoTinf certain disqualification* thj 0>y fee happiness
      65 words