The Straits Budget, 16 February 1905

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 81 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Established over Half a Century Cable Address Times, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits Times 15 cents VOL. LIX. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, 16 FEBRUARY, 1905. NO. 4252 T -TRAITS TIMES” CIRCULATES riv" in Singapore and Penang Kghout all the Protected
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 16TH FEBRUARY.
    • 87 1 >.vv -At Shanghai, on Pith February, the vite <»i J. M. bow, of a daughter. it i-knthal —On January, at A’okohauia. the wife of Mr. J. H Rosenthal a daughter Court On the 23th January at Kobe, the wife ot the K?v William Court, of a son. BkassoN:
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    • 58 1 Kokin Dunning.— At Penang on the 4th tVi. Mr. A. A. Robin, of Tapah, Perak, to Mi- 15. L. banning, of Southampton. Asuehsox-Palmer.—At Penang on the 1 4th Felt. Arthur Francis Gore, son of the late M»u*r Arthur Gore Anderson, both Rifles, to I I'hjllis Adair, daughter of K.
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  • 261 1 Leading Articles.— Page. Alleged Bribery. 1 LVmetery Fee:-. 1 l»"*kade Kuniiii;_ 1 Tin Trade. 2 f Hnted Rice. 2 L M. S. Law. 2 j Kowloon Railway. 2 Leaderette* 2, 3 Local.— A >Mmuary of tiie week. 1 Motor Case 1 Market Quota ions. 13 Pa>»eng e
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  • 278 1 The Straits Budget this week, i 9 despatched by the P &O. s 8 Malta The Buaget next week, will be mailed by the B. I. route. The mail for Europe by the M. M. B.s. F. Simons closed on Monday. The German mail from Europe
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  • 236 1 Fined for Furious Driving. At 5-30 p.m. on the 19th ult., Sergeant Thrale and P. C. Dickson were on duty at the Esplanade. They saw a motor car being driven at from 14 to 16 miles an hour. Soon after the car passed them there was a
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  • 128 1 For Singapore. Per P. A O. s. b. Marmora connecting with the steamer Nubia at Colombo, from London Jan 20, due 18th N. Evans. Mi s Tedlie, Misses Wilding, Eev P. Rees, Captain and Mrs. Locock, Messrs. R. 8 Fry, A. B Ward. H Conway Belfield, D.
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    • 624 1 (Straits Tinges, 10 th February.) Some weeks ago we referred to the action of the Clyde Terrace Market Farmer in extorting exorbitant and illegal rentals from the fishmongers at the market. So far as we have been able to gather, the Municipality took no action in the matter,
      (Straits Tinges, 10th February.)  -  624 words
    • 472 1 (Straits Times Wtk February.) Death and taxes we all know to be inevitable at the same time—save in respect of legacy duties-it is unusual to harass people in affliction by rendering it financially impossible for them to give decent sepulture to their dead. A certain Mr. Oliver has
      (Straits Times, Wtk February.)  -  472 words
    • 1032 1 (Straits Times 13/A February) The stranding of the cruiser Pylades at Thursday Island seems in indicate that the Admiral of the Australian Squadron realises the fact—understood by certain well informed people, though not, we believe, hitherto published—that the Baltic Squadrons are anxious to utilise some of the numerous
      (Straits Times, 13/A February)  -  1,032 words
    • 744 2 {Strait* Times 13 tk February) It is rumoured that certain American interests, formerly represented here by the International Tin Company, of New York, propose the establishment of extensive tin smelting works in the Straits. It will be recalled that the Americans, who believe their processes of ore treatment
      {Strait* Times 13tk February)  -  744 words
    • 740 2 (Straits Times 14 th February.) What extraordinary ambitions some people can entertain! Out here, where rice is the staple food of hundreds of millions of people, we realise that in no form is it so easy to transport as when it is dry and fresh from the mills.
      (Straits Times, 14th February.)  -  740 words
    • 871 2 (Straits Times 15 th February Some remarks on the extraordinary plight of the F. M. 8.—where there are no juries and where even British subject* can find no court oi appeal from the rulings of the Judicial Commissioner —appeared in these columns yesterday. They were but
      (Straits Times, 15th February )  -  871 words
    • 4998 2 (Straits Time*, 16 th February.) We hear from Hongkong that the new railroad from Kowloon to Canton is going to be started within the next four or live months. That is to say, a beginning will be made with the constructional work This announcemeet is made on absolutely
      (Straits Time*, 16th February.)  -  4,998 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 T,.e m»t free price of the Straits Times a vear The post free price of the b ,n h'Jtly'f is 320 a year. It is not f Ilfce ,sarv to subscribe for a year. The u h> riptions for shorter periods are at tae sam e proportionate rate of price
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  • 93 1 DEATHS. I \w. *r On Saturday,the llth inst.,at the I<i'-iieuil Hospital, Howland Taylor, second ..fiie llev Robert Taylor, of the Rectory, I Monk Hesehlen, Castle Eden, XorthumberI and. aged 40. R *i;F.Hrso\ -On the 30th January, at 70, Kino Edward's Gardens, Acton, London, Mary, lio erDoo (n.'e Bowers) of Edengrove,
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  • 208 4 The Malay Mail is informed that Mr. Bradbery, the well known Singapore athlete, is to be transferred to one of the Straits Trading Company’s branches in Perak. The German mail steamer Prinzess Alice having left Penang on the 9th instant at 11 a m may be expected
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  • 102 4 Though the Chinese New ear fire cracking is now nearly all over there are complaints even among the Chinese themselves at the growing custom of bomb-throwing as distinguished from the use of ordinary crackers Small boys appear to be the chief offenders and several instances have come to light
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  • 130 4 Ax important case of theft is reported from the Hotel de l’Europe. At the beginning of the week there was a press cf visitors, and the manager, Mr. Chaytor, gave up his room so that it could be used by one of the guests. In the
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  • 135 4 A dispute has, says the Bangkok Times cf the 26th January, arisen between the agents of the North German Lloyd at ►Singapore and the Chinese rice importers. The trouble was caused by damage, to the extent, it is said, of seme $8,000, sustained by cargoes of rice
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  • 181 4 Procession To-Night. To-day the Hindu community of ♦Singapore are holding high festival over the formal installation of the idol of the great God Siva in Orchard Road Ttmple. The Tenqle has just been rebuilt and re-decorated, and the building looks remarkably handsome with its brightly
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  • 524 4 Kuala Lumpur 7th February. The Chinese New Year has been dulj and successfully celebrated, both by Chinese and Europeans in the F M. S the former by the expenditure of much gun powder on bombs and crackers, b> feasting and other delights, and the European
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  • 292 4 Russel's Infantry beat the 5. C. C. The S. C. C. hockey team had a surprise in store for them yesterday afternoon when they met a team of the 95:h (Russel’e) Infantry. With the exception of a couple of officers, the Indian regimental team was composed entirely
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  • 311 4 Second Night of A Country Girl.” The popularity of the DallasBandmacn Opera Company was clearly proved last night when A Countiy Girl” was staged at the Town Hall for ti e second time. There was a packed house and the encores were frequent The production was, if possible,
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  • 262 4 En Route to Tibet. Yesterday afternoon there left Singapore for Calcutta the two Chinese Imperial Commissioners, Tang Sio Chuan and Leong Si Yi, who are on a mission to the British Indian Government for the purpose of coming to some understanding on the Tibetan question. Their
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  • 117 4 The Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, heard several Magistrates’ appeals yesterday in the Supreme Court. In the Goodenough case in which A. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell are appealing against the sentence of imprisonment passed upon them, the husband asked for a postponement of the hearing in order to
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  • 69 4 Ladies’ Monthly Medals for Feby:— Mrs. Fowlie 48 scr. —4B Mrs. Waddell 62—10 —52 Mrs. Allinson 62—10 *>s2 Mrs. Watkins 69—16 —53 Medal won by Mrs. Fowlie. Mens’ Monthly Medal for January D. Hewan 88—4 —B4 Dr. Ford 96—10-86 Dr. Barrack 88 scr —BB F. Salzmann
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  • 2772 4 London, l~th Junta r*f. Owing to a continuance of the heavy weather recorded last week many disasters have been reported from various parts of the coast, and the list of minor casualties to small craft and sailing vessels is a long one. Three steamers have been sunk
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  • 225 5 Foresters v. S.C.C. On Tuesday evening the Sherwood Foresters met the S.C.C. in a return match on the Esplanade ar d a fast and exerting game tcok place. The Foresfprs won the tos9 and elected to defend the Cathedral end, but this was not a disadvantage to the team
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  • 342 5 February Monthly Medal. This competition which took place on Saturday last was well attended, there being forty entries, and play being possible both morning and afternoon owing to the holiday for Chinese New Year, there was not so much inconvenience caused, to members by overcrowding on the
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  • 1935 5 Single Innings Defeat. This match was resumed at Kuala Lumpur at 937 on Monday momiug, after the teams 'had been photographed. The Colony had lost half their wickets on Saturday for 67, in reply to the F. M. 8. total of 364. Reid, not
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  • 328 5 Ir is said that there are a good many counterfeit S5 notes in circulation in town. Last night burglars paid a visit to No. 6 Almeida Road. They stole a number of silver spoons. It is understood that the Thetis will pay off at Chatham in June.
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  • 151 5 Tlis ap®cU«l#;of,si«(J*fp, and Wmmu pigj w»j«r ;jbmjL <Mfc,■#?! become coamoa as it glides along the public streets, although everyone’s eyes turned to follow it when it first made its appearanoe in Singapore. The firm have given the vehicle a very complete trial and so satisfied are
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  • 133 5 Thetis Men Capture another Monster. The harbour seems to have been infested by big sharks during the last few weeks. It will be remembered that two largeones were captured recently in the harbour, one by Mr. Bredenberg of the cable steamer Patrol and the other by
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  • Correspondence.
    • 59 6 To the Editor of the “Straits Times.” Sir, I beg to inform you for publication that under date of the 9th February, the Japanese Government have added to their list of Conditional Contraband, the following articles; Clothing and materials, coal and other fuels. The latter item was originally
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  • 393 6 First Time Played in Singapore. Last night before a crowded audiei.ct “/The Orchid made its debut in Singapore, and must be chronicled as a big success in the annals of stage life of the place. It is comparatively a new play, having been run in the new Gaiety
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  • 1347 6 Defendants Discharged. Yzsteroay afternoon, Vytilingum, Doraisamy and Hoh Yang Peng were arraigned before Meears Howard and Noun, sitting as a Bench Court, the first on the allegation of having'on 31st Deoember last made a charge of honeebreakdng and theft against Lall Chan (a Bengali) to P. C.
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  • 799 6 The Cession of Lawas. The Supreme Council at Sarawak was called together on the 16th January when the Ilajah Muda announced the transfer of the Lawas River by the British North Borneo Government to the Government of Sarawak, and his departure for that place to arrange for
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  • 183 6 Police Insp. Evans from Nibong Tebal, Penar.g, is at present in Singapore on a sbort holiday. He is looking very fit. During the quarter ending 31st Dec. last. 133 inquests were held in the Colony. In the same period there were 146 views.” Mr. L. D. Tandy,
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  • 68 6 The Government Gazette contains the following notifications by Admiral Sir Gerard Noel: The hulk Evie J Ray was abandoned off the Pratas Reef on December 24th, and is now derelict and a danger to navigation. A derelict has been observed in Lat. 9° 57' S., Long. 95°
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  • 126 6 This Straits Company, says the Ceylon Observer was registered in Edinburgh on December 6th, 1904, and, the shares went up 20 per cent, on the 27th January. We Ceylon Observer do not know what acreage the company owns nor what the age of the trees
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  • 148 6 The Hock Leons Runs into a T. P. D. Tug. At 130 o’clock this morning the mosquito Beet n steamer Hock Leong arrived from Cucob with fourteen native deck passengers. The master of the Hock Leong is a Malay. He reported to the Boarding Officer on
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  • 172 6 Yesterday afternoon at tbe Legislative Council a long series of correspondence regarding the reduction in the rent of the Penang Opium and Spirit Farms was laid on the table. In the last letter of the series, the Opium Farmers regretting that His Excellency has not
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  • 1285 6 Friday, loth February PRESENT. HIS EXCELLENCY THE G0YEBXO8 Anderson, k.c.m.g J. Hon. F.G. Penney (Colonial Sew.,. S° n R M Collyer (Attornev-lSSi Hon. A. Murray, c.E., a.i c f Engineer). > Hon. E C. H. Hill (Auditor-Gene,-Hon. J. O. Anthonisz (Acting "S; t surer). e Hon. G. S.
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  • 298 7 BISH OP OLDHAM AT MALACCA. A mo8t enjoyable evening came off at Br?cca on Wednesday last when the ■7 P‘ ace was invited to meet Bishop ham, who arrived there on the Sun■7 previous on his way to attend the F erei ce at Kuala Lumpur. There KL a a
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  • 1137 7 The fortnightly meeting of the Municipal. Commissioners was held at the Municipal Board room yesterday afternoon. Mr. E. G. Broadrick (the President) was in the chair and there were also presentMessrs. F. E. Jago Lee Choon Guan, C. J. Saunders, D. K* Somerville, A. J. Watkins and Rowland
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  • 1178 7 A Planter of Mark. An important influence in the development of the cultivation of Indiarubber in the Far East has, says the India Rubber World for January been exerted by Mr. Edward Valentine Carey. Going out to Ceylon from England 23 years ago, Mr. Carey addremi
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  • Correspondence.
    • 984 7 To the Editor of the "Strait* Time*” Sir, —It is a well established fact that you have done 60 much good for the public through the medium of your valuable paper, that I cannot refrain, in the interests of the poorer classes of Christians of all
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  • 2012 8 Mat Palembang is a cooly on a coffee estate and was found one day a quarter of a mile from the road at the foot of a kompas tree, with his right thigh fractured and severe cuts ou his head. What follows is his account
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  • 504 8 Second Night’s Performance by the Dallas Co. Another packed house and still another huge success met the second night’s performance of The Orchid by the Dallas-Bandm mn Opera Company at the Town Hall last night. The Orchid” is quite a new play to local theat re-goers, but the
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  • 635 8 Between Saturday night and Sunday morning 9300 worth of handkerchiefs and other goods were stolen from a Chinesegodown in town. Me. L. M. Woodward, Barrister-at-Law, baa assumed charge of the duties of Deputy Public Proeecutor, vice Mr. Farrer, transferred to Penang. We regret to learn that the
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  • 120 8 The Van der Parra 99 runs into the Cable steamer 44 Patrol.” Capt. Leeuwe of the Dutch steamer Van der Parra whidh arrived from BaDjermassin early morning, reports that at 12.30 a. m. while he was coming into the harbour, the electric lights on the Telegraph
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  • 479 8 B, To all who turn ally harbourwards the tbe roads for the past fe* been the magnificent four mg ship “Peter Rickmers -■uf** three miles out. With her and shrouds showing aesirS** 1 she indeed makes a pretty closer acquaintance di*peU adnuration which her 4 1 mg
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  • 268 8 Haji Omar bin Mahomed Salleb on Friday sentenced by the Bench Cotf to six months' rigorous imprison#* and ordered to pay a fine of $5OO tt paid to Teong Chip flok, the prosecuwby way of compensation. The case one of criminal misappropriation in f pect of $l,OOO worth
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  • 802 9 Liovernor Attends in the Rain. hpavv rain which fell on 1■ K dwindled to a Pu'eaivrn he Chinese belt P w Vear spjrts on Hong r rreen and carried out the P ,Vto the last item. Jo P ,um Jre comfortably installed Hi “umparaiy attap shed
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  • 958 9 Fir$t Production in Singapore. Ihe Town Hall w-.s crammed on Saturday night when “The Girl from K iyV’ was presented for the fGst time to the Singapore public by the DallasBandmann Opera Co. These popular musical comedies have scarcely any plot at all They consist chiefly
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  • 453 9 We regret to announce the death of Mr. Rowland Taylor. He died on Saturday in Hospital. Mr Taxlor wa«* a mining engineer and c« rtiticated colliery manager. He recently was appoint! d b> Government to go up to Kuantan to make a topographical survey of
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  • 1227 9 Infanticide. Kuala Lipis, Hth February. A Malay woman named Timah, belonging to Pulau Tawar, has been committed for trial on a charge of infanticide; she is alleged to have bundled up her new-born babe and thrown it into the river. Some people who were fishing lowtr downstream came
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  • 358 9 Appeal against the Magistrate’s Decision. Disappearing Marriage Certificate. In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton heard parties in an appeal by A Mitchel and his wife against the sentences passed upon them in the notorious Goodeuougli case. The Attorney General, Hon. W. R. Coliyer,
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  • 307 9 The Times has received a translation of a letter and memorandum sent to Mr. W. F. G. Anderson, president of the v Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom, by the Hamburg-American Line, on the subject of the Suez Canal dues. The memorandum gives a report of
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  • 3668 10 Captain Light and the “Nonyah.” The following article on the foundation of Penang appears in the Asiatic Quarterly Review, for January signed. A. Francis Steuart. “Captain Elisha Trapaud, of the Engineers, who was one of the pioneers present at the foundation of the Settlement of Penang,
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  • 256 10 This morning before the Marie* Court Edward Martin wap charged ritk having no certificate of discharge. Taccused was fined $25 or twenty-on* days’ rigorous imprisonment. Residents of Bain Street error 1 58 that the loose laterite scattered o'* the roadway, while being an imp** 1, ment to
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  • 443 11 W Report of the Sipiau; rat ,ho half year ending rm c 1‘ i „0-. cheerful docum-j )e-' three months of the i,en worked at a loss of owing to the drought, iw’ish bating that figure. Two -rod: ol f t of the three on the I
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  • 376 11 he Ajficiitural Bulletin for Decernr has in article on the white ants j at ac k *-he rubber tree. The evil T bribed as increasing. None of t ried have been very ()ne fact about tn*i'v lnSeji3 i iS t* 1 they do not e 'n sar ld
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  • 98 11 Last night burglars paid a visit to Leonie Cottage, the residence of Mr. Drysdald who, with Mrs. Drysdale, was drining out. On returning home at about one o’clock this morning Mr. Drysdale found that an entrance had been effected to his house during his absence and
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  • 91 11 THEBritish steamer Courtfield arrived from Chin-Wan-Tao yesterday afternoon with 1,342 Chinese emigrants for South Africa. The Courtfield was to continue her voyage yesterday, but had not left up to to-day. It appears that some trouble has arisen among the coolies. The Captain came ashore yesterday
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  • 143 11 Housebreakers Leave a Trail. On Sunday a report was made at Rochore Police Station that some person or persons had committed housebreaking by burning a hole in the door of 19 Victoria Street and so had effected an entrance. Sergt Murdoch proceeded to investigate. He found
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  • 210 11 DOING THE PAWNBROKER. A few days ago there appeared in these columns some particulars of a case in which a respectable looking Japanese named Sakurai Husokichi was alleged to have cheated a pawnbroker at 163 North Bridge Road, by inducing him to take in pledge for $100 a watch chain
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  • 215 11 In the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton heard parties in an action in which Seet Yong Choon, sole proprietor of the firm of Yong Joo Guan, sought to recover insurance money from the Palatine, the North British and Mercantile and the New
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  • 1122 11 Mitchell’s Case Sent Back. “A Nest of Immorality. The hearing of the appeal in the notorious Goodenough case was concluded yesterday afternoon, A Mitchell and his wife seeking to escape the sentence of three months’ rigorous imprisonment passed upon them at the Magistracy
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  • 161 11 On 10th inst. two Malays, Puteh and Kichi, were proceeding from Malacca to Singapore by the Poh Ann On board a fellow national named Ismail got into their confidence, ascertained that they had $lBO and $7O respectively and that they were going to purchase cattle. He easily
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  • 290 11 Thr harbour was covered with a heavy rain mist this morning which made it rather difficult to note the arrival of steamers. Orders respecting the departure of H.M.S. Vengeance for home are said to have been countermanded. It is said she is to be detained on the
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  • 241 11 STRAITS CHINESE JUBILANT MINSTRELS,” The Straits Chinese Jubilant Mlnstrals," a oewly formed company, cave by invitation a Chinese New Year enteitainment at Mr. Oon Chin Soon's house last night, at Japan Street. Tne mi;.s>rtl? arc ull Straits Chinese tanas and fVt v ware attired t? *ne characters whom they tepreser'ed.
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  • 227 11 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Singapore Polo Club was held yesterday evening in the Exchange. Mr. E. L. Brockman presided over a small attendance of members. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman in moving that the import and accounts be
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  • 290 11 Figures of January. The following return is compiled irom figures supplied by the Gold Mine Managers: Naiu. of Company. Malaysian Co 1,588 526 21,(40 Kaub Australian Gold Mining Co. 3,621 414 6,600 Kechan Gold Fields, 404 84 3,2000Batu Bersawah Co., 200 118 4,250 Kechau Gold
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  • 324 12 Theatre-goers in Singapore had an opportunity last night of seeing the much talked about Cmgalee which, although it was a great success at home ;,ud which drew crowded houses nightly at the Gaiety, met with a rather poor reception in India and Ceylon. t Cmgalee" went very
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  • 211 12 HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANK. The statement of affairs of the llongk >ng and Shanghai Banking Corporation, f the half year ending 31st Deoember list. reads as follows The net profits for that period, includi g $1,492,554.31, balance brought forward from last account, after paying all charges, deducting interest paid and due,
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  • 276 12 Two Millays Palap and Naiap were bei re Mr. Sproule yesterday for the theft cf $165 at No. 72 Sultan Road on 5th i ;5t. Insp. Branagan withdraw the marge against Nasap, expecting him to eive evidence for the Crown. The man gave evidence in the opposite direction.
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  • 380 12 Berlin 8th February. The German press heralds the anniversary of the first action of the war with praises of the Japanese successes, and hints at the critical position of Russia. On every side there are reports of disunion among the Russian Chief Commanders. The British Ambassador at
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  • 50 12 We are indebted to Mr. Tanaka, the Japanese Consul at Singapore, for the following official telegram from the Foreign Office at Tokyo. Received 10.30 pm. Satin day. Marshal Ohyama reports Up to 1 lie 10th inst. we buried about 2,000 Rushan corpses in the vicinity of Heikontai.
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  • 2273 12 Ijondon 9th February. Reuter’s correspondent at St. Petersburg says that Father Agaphon, one of the leaders of the Russian revolutionary movement, is known to be in Switzerland. M. Trepoff, Governor General of St. Petersburg, has summoned the Curator of the Education Department, and has informed him that he
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  • 148 13 FINANCE COMMERCE. j t\briuiru, 1 I i (j] bank rate is 2A I i lurP ,mutation ch»«?e* are. P day K S er.nld S-»ve *101* s ra,u |Ho* art A,;r ladings I llv Barnard of Lime hlf al leprriB that the visible bn .he 31« n<*eembtr Inply oi i|
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  • 36 13 ofwoika-.MpiHUn- January is Jfolitill 01«, I’U. 17C 41, sold for 7.674 'five a»rivet! yesterday from lOJ i with 7,462 tons ioal for Singapore. The German steamer Stephan arrived resterday irom Holland with cable for Macassar.
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  • 529 13 1 q r Walter ily. Barnard reports undate 13th January Monday 9tb Jan.—A small business ■ioing. about 150 chaugiug hands ■nth an easy tone, closing Hat. Busi■ntc; reported doue in the hast at XI32 Importers here seem to have sold ■cheaper. Sales were chiefly against this I business, the
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  • 70 13 "’"•VC*. 15 < C »l*Ko i,„ I’ 0 ••7* 1> unpicksd 12.974 g J 2. f i e w& bnyerB s*g*Flour Sarawak 3171 do Brunei No. 1 3*30 (VMSago Coffee Bali, 15 basis 23*00 Coffee,PMembimp, 20% basis 84.60 23.00. lar.i>ca, small Flake 4 e,| do med flake do small
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  • 135 13 On London —Bank 4 m/s 2/Demand 1/1153 Private 6 m/s 2/do 3 m/s 2f’i On Germany —Bank d/d 2.03 Private 3 m/s 2.05$ do 6 m/s 2.07$ On France —Hank d d 2.494 Private 3ms 2!63$ do 6ms 2.55* On India —Bank T. T. 1474 Private 30 d s
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    • 189 13 m ß u 7 < S° h P C*P*J-C A. Wilkin,on. >OvbJ«n. From Hongkong, 6th Jan. Senior Naval Offloer. Unc—Rds. Under this heading the following abbreviations aroused:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship; bq. barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht; Cru. Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. Horse power; Brit.—British; U. S.—United States; Fch.—French; Ger.—German; DakDutch G.c.—General-cargo
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    • 1476 13 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. AbrrgeidieBn *lr 8,458 toot, Captain K ith, 14th Feb. From Coxhaton 21st Jan. Cement. Paterson Simone A Co kor fiongko* g 15th—W. AtLito Brit, str 2,145 tons, Capt Bro lei 14th Feb From Bombay. 2nd Feb. CotHuttenbach Bros. For Kobe, 15th Hnnyknk,
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    • 231 13 Number jjgn© Paid I^et Value up to Company 3.11m Transae gftfrrea toons GOLD. i 13,600 10 $7.60 Bersawah G. >4. Co., Ltd... 13.00 13.00 ,100 unissued. 4,J00 10 $10 j (Deterred) 8.00 20,000 10 10 Kadaua G. M. Co., Ltd. 10.00 nom 10,000 10 8 (Pref.) 8.00 nom. 6,207
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    • 128 13 400,000 1 1 Duif Development Co., Ltd. 13.00 bob 50,000 n moaned. 2,000 f 100 $lOO Federated Engineering Cow, Ltd. i 186.00 4,500 $5O $5O Fraser Neave, Ltd. ...j 101.00 101.00 80,000 $125 $125 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank 715.00 715.00 12,000 100 100 HowarthErskine, Ltd. 210.00 212.50 210.00 3,400
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    • 51 13 I p Howuth Enkine, Ltd. 7% 260,000 v Riley, Rtrgmvrs, Ltd. 61 226,000 2% |.reiu l.njer. “njS-Mfl (SauiMfV t00,00<» 2% prem b«ye*» 4 1,878,000 1% vnmi b«yw» »i *66,600 di». nom. T„L I— .«M 260,000 T% prem «J«* i.Mil.Kno 12 *n»m te" 1 r**C rtn t 1 u ~-y.
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    • 509 13 Arrived. Bth February.. Her 11aura :—From Bunn—Messm C G Newton, G. Stillwell, McGraer, Morrison F C. Macdonald, B. M. Wilson, V “elwin, Mr. and Mrs. Natali, Mrs. M. A Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Mew rope, Misses M. A E Crani Meeerope, Messrs. 8. L and G. L.
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    • 1027 14 Flag d In* i *m k\ Co»M«;s*r- KIG. Feb 8 Purnea* Brit str 21*7 Pearson Rangoon Feb 8 Boustead and Co. 8 Van Outhoorn Dut sti 827 Grooth Padaog* lan 29 Daendels and Co. 8 Halvard No** str 1088 Andersen Moji lan 27 BG. G. Meyer Dut str 442
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    • 678 14 M Date Vessel’s Name. Flag A Rig Tons. I istimatiox. H Feb 7 Teroniat Brit sir. 19 0 Sourabaya 6 Eridan Feb str. 926 Saigon 7 Ocean Monarch Bnt str 2945 Kobe 8 china Aus sti. 3855 Bombay via ports K9 8 Ophir Out str. 205 Palembang 8 Boribat
      678 words
    • 77 14 PA83ED 8UNDA STRAIT8 OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS Fl»g a. Date of Dkstin- Dats Bio. Ship’s Name. Captain. Sailing. From where atio*Feb 8 Brit. s.e. Ikbal Port Natal .Hongkong 8 Lothian 'Port Natal 'Hongkong 3B'U.m. Islander Wright Feb l|8ingapore Cbmtm w 5 Brit. bq. Ancenis Salter Jan 10 Hongkong
      77 words
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    • 158 13 >We Sew oi Hmm sAssssus&Jssa. US2.Wf4S5.5A) jS°Dioe.TTiy.w«yoo« attti 8T. ANDREW’S HOUSE. Church of England Boarding Hoom for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew’s House; or to the Colonial Chaplain w. s. u. e.
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    • 752 14 asleep in their saddles. “In hand-to-hand conflict men shoutad, struggled, wrestled, thrust, advanced, anawithdrew. By dusk the cannon and muskets were almost useless, and, as darkness came down, the survivors fell asleep where they stood riders in their saddles horses in their tracks It was an infernal battle. Grape and
      752 words
    • 319 14 DINNEFORDS Ihf l'h)Mi .an t Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Uni.ersal Remedy for Acidity m' t.oStomach, Headache, Heartburn, indigestion. Soar Eructations, Bilious Affections DINNEFORD MAGNESli Safest and most Gentle Medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and the Sickness of Prefnancy. MAGNESIA Uedlcli >• of ths kind awarded
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    • 46 14 Wsi •V mm WMMNT Tt NM wn TM nm. LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE The Original and Genuine Worcestershire. iqggiHiBfei'imwm *od Hfectofcl mmaootm sttSCiES!?, goytt»l»«pptan—ol toPWCMMB^ *c., «ad p« MUi«i teat** «tx X S| llNtf Mnorvrtd for i ol TiteUtj. Urrtmkfm CQ«MTtac«UHlfq| Uf*. Itfttoo HU* on* cam Mt
      46 words
    • 20 14 MARTIN’S 'B1 fw Ul iMhritMMartin PiIlfTn the kou* tea rJ A bOX 0 At %I1 Chr n‘«t« it I JOTHAIPTOM*
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