The Straits Budget, 9 February 1905

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 129 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” KsTiBMSHED OVER HALF A CENTURY Cable Address Times, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits Times 15 cents VOL. LIX. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, 9 FEBRUARY, 1905. NO. 4261 IHne post free price oi the Straits Times I 1 tr The post
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 9TH FEBRUARY.
    • 53 1 kiKkt::— 1 i>n the 1st Feb. at the Central I'uh e it ion, the wif-* «»f K. J. Kirke, Straits Sctriement" Poiiee, o! a son. Cheium\N:—Ou the-3rd Ian. at Taiping, tbevifeof A K Cheriman, of a son. McIstow: ():i the _6rh .lan at Shanghai, r: wi’e "t Hilbert McIntosh,
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    • 97 1 Marks- Murk a v.— At St. Andrew's Catlieim Jdnijipoip, on Feo. 1st, Olivbr Marks, Felerated M way States Civil Service, Se* t»» the High Commissioner F. M. S., an*i Ciivate S cretary to II K. the Governor, -or ,t ::**!•> Marks Esq., of Croydon, >dTrv to Vioi.kt C
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  • 129 1 Lei«lin;» Articles.— V >1 l,M. 'I' -'i nthe Sen. 1 it>ui>les *rnfzn-!a. ’•M'liaLv aid Britain. rtu pranc e Failure ers. Loca 1 |V' V ,l "tationr. .'/“♦’I hsj; Nt-WK. hist. "•ice Nem. hi' il Finance Cl'V; V. r kl, k “—C C. Murray. C V«r Ticket I
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  • 211 1 The Straits Budget this week, is ditpatched by the B. I. s s. Palamcotta. The Budget next week, will be mailed by the P. and O. 8. s. Simla. The German mail for Europe by the Bayern closed on the 9th February. The mull from Europe
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  • 537 1 P. o. Per Simla h ailing on 16th February— Mr. C. J. Saunders, Mr F. Cameron. Per Chusan sailing on ‘2nd March—Mr. A. !v Mnihoiiand, Mr. E. F. W. Cornell, Mr. W. A. Greig, Mr. and Mrs. Braddcll, Mr. E. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Allinson Per Formosa
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    • 936 1 (Straits Times 2nd February A new departure in strikes has been made by a number of < lerks in the Vacuum Oil Co., who out of the Company’s office at tiffin time on Jan 31st, after they had deceived their month’s pay, and have never come near the
      (Straits Times, 2nd February )  -  936 words
    • 554 1 (Straits Times 2nd February.) Only a few days have passed since Reuter announced the discovery of a Wlb diamond in the Transvaal, and m w we hear of the good old scheme of winning gold from seawater being put into practical operation. At this rate we
      (Straits Times, 2nd February.)  -  554 words
    • 547 1 (Straits Times 2nd February) reappearance of the whilong secluded Czar, combined with the doubtless compulsory resignation of Trince Mirski, which our Berlin despatch plainly calls a dismissal, may be regarded as a sign of tbe complete subjugation of the revolutionary party and a resumption of decadent rule throughout
      (Straits Times, 2nd February)  -  547 words
    • 1523 2 (Straits Times 3rd February.) Th* Czar bas all of a sudden turned a complete political somersault. After resisting to the point of bloodshed the demands of his people at St. Petersburg and elsewhere for elementary religious and political treedora, he has now turned his back on himself. The
      (Straits Times, 3rd February.)  -  1,523 words
    • 719 2 (Strait* Times 6th February.) Vknfzuela is always in such a tangle of political complications that it is sometimes difficult to follow them all. A couple of years ago, it will be remembered, Britain and Germany proceeded to coerce the republic into the payment of some of its just debts
      (Strait* Times, 6th February.)  -  719 words
    • 912 2 (Straits Times 7th February Mk. Arthur Hamilton Leu, Civil Lord of the Admiralty, who appears to have made a political faux pas in his Eastleigh speech, or to have been previously misreported, is not unknown in the E ist. Fifteen years ago he was* Adjutant of Volunteers
      (Straits Times, 7th February.)  -  912 words
    • 465 2 (Straits Times, B th February) It will come as news to many have only indirectly heard of the ph# to learn that the Temperance Insti l is obliged to close its doors through 1 of non-alcoholic support, and for ol* reasons. A sympathetic correspon thus ventilates one view
      (Straits Times, Bth February)  -  465 words
    • 2621 3 (Strait* Time* Bth February) it is worthy of note that the recent lamentable affair that occurred in Hongkong and resulted in the hanging of three beachcombers. his apparently induced the authorities i: tha‘ port to take seriously in hand the question of dealing with :he beachcomber difficulty. In Singapore
      (Strait* Time* Bth February)  -  2,621 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 48 1 ta -STRAITS TIMES' chxvlates j r v in Singapore and UIOIGHOCT ALE THE PllOTECTKD States or the Malay in B hne< the Netheriaxds Indies.. tHE Philippines, and French TndoChim The taper is widely read thp.oci bout Asia generalla. It was 25TABII8HF.D MOBF- THAN HALF A CENTURY \G0
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  • 110 1 HEATHS. v.MUf.i,: -Or. the -Jnd February, at '1 7 Syed e yH -Jii Singapore, the infaut son of YV. h l'att<*n and grandson of Mr. Samuel v, 6 months. Indian papers please <v.y. v iLlvi .V: >n the 1* th Dee. at*Shaughai, A "r* i \Yi kins, aired 45
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  • 620 3 Assistant Police Supt. Whitehead is to be transferred to Penang at t!i* *nd of this month. Police Sergt. Murdoch, w\\j ijaf? d pome good work while he was J l ,|,M M "*in« Station, has been Iran*ferrt»i to ilie Rochore Division. Two hundred and eighteen deajips were
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  • 176 3 Lloyd s Register Shipbuilding Returns, for the quarter ended 31st Decern ber, 1904, show that excluding warships, there were 403 vessels (steamers 371) ol 1,049,860 tons gross under construction in the United Kingdom at the close ol the quarter ended 31st Deoember, 1904, against 386 (steamers 334) measuring
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  • 2541 4 London Jan. 1th, JIMJS. storms, gales, snow, sleet and rain have ushered in the New Year with all befitting impressiveness, and during and sinoe the last few closing days of tho past year, the tale of the weather -has been a record of stress and disaster. Shipping has
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  • 612 4 First Annual Meeting* The drat annual general meeting of the Singapore Association Football League was held on Tuesday night in ihe Y.M.C A, a large and represents tive body of local footballers being present. Among the Clubs represented were the Police, St. Joseph’s, Y.M.C.A Raffles, TaDjong
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  • 199 4 His Early Advent Rather a Surprise to his Friends. Bishop Oldham, of the Methodist Episcopal Mission, arrived by the s s Malacca this morning from Kuala Lumpur The arrival of the Bisbo| was scmewhat unexpected. A telegram was received from him on Tuesday to say that
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  • 494 4 The Sourabaya Oovrant it M culars of Netherlands rni r n *Pbfl in the F. M 8. A law >■ Andel at Singapore i,r V B syndicate, financed bv \i. H Htadt, of. the NethorW l"f| Company and managed bv Mr formerly a Deli planter, to wJ?
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  • 293 4 Attack a Shopkeeper with Knives About 4 o’clock ibis morning, tore M ichos armed with knives managed* effect an entrance inro a Chinese *pi nl shop at 81 Lavender Street 1“ towkay and his little child were a=K on the premises at the time. Td* burglars apparently made
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  • 312 5 I given at the Teutonia |Ht: f rieht hv Mm Mutkens Mci« h j"Mis« Merry lees (piano), Briolor! sr f. severa l of our best Basted was a great artistic x afcli'ini’nctiy fine musically as ■access—» en ivl) ge d i<> hear in Be have been iroe
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  • 237 5 L>etc«: f i\ .''trpeant Nolan charged three Chinee yesterday with having no ostensible means of sui sistence, having bad record-, and «onsorting with bad char, teis They were all bound ov>r ter ke of good behaviour for tbr-c -i.'n'Ls, in default, three months imprisonment. The worst oftheiii a?r>d
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  • 238 5 departure of the Singapore Team. H^,n Wp rt npreg iMivt-8 ut the i t0 the Colony in the trMV r nj:i t 'v at v ua,a Lum P ur during kn>t\7> Yrar ho,lda y 8 are t0 i >n hv the s g. s* tt 4
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  • 1777 5 Mr. O. Marks —Miss V. C. Murray, A vkky pretty and largely att* n<ieu wadding wai solemn z-»d at nr Andrew’s Catbedial yesterday aLernoou between Mr Oliver Marks, pnvate secretary to H E the Governor, and Mi>sV’ioler Catharine Murray, daughter of the Hon. A. Murray,
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  • 156 5 One burning qutMi*»n in the F M 8. is that of setting apart railway carriages marked A for Europeans, and marked B. for Asiatics. The Chinese Library nd Debating Society at Kuala L impur took up the question on tue 3th Jar uary. The motior »s
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  • 988 5 Lieutenant G. M. Dundas Movat has resigned his oommisuon in the Penang Volunteers. Mbs. Mastebton, of 37 Syed Ali Road, reports to the police the loss of a large number of poultry. Mb. Michael Sabkies Martin n gazetted as having taken out letters of naturalisation here. This
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  • 133 5 The police and Mr. Colman are iccounting for bad character*. A couple •f Jay* ago, this Magistrate pent three undesirable Chinese to prison for three months. Yesterday he sent three more for six months. This action, ti all times desirable, is particularly so just now Chna Kai was
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  • 203 5 Nine-Foot Monster captured off The Thetis.*’ Since the big shark w »s captured by Mr Biedenberg a few days ago from the cable steamer Patrol several sharks *iave b< en swimming about the harbour. One particularly large shark circled n und H. M S. Thetis for a
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  • 727 6 On Saturday afternoon a cricket match was played between the Y M.C A and the Police. The game resulted in a rather easy win for the former. A crickkt match was played at Tan* Cong Pagai last. Saturday between thr -foeiftte*? teafti-gfid HwS'H C^ni eleven. Scores, S
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  • 67 6 The attention of Owners is called to the fact that the Entries for the Kinta alose od Wednesday the 8t h of F* bruary Also that all races classified by th* talue of stakes won mean* at time rf Mry, £10 to the S100 will be taker Jw
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  • 820 6 Oliveiro and Cornelius again on trial. On Friday morning, Mr. 8proule tesumed the preliminary enquiry into the allegations of abetment of forgery and abetment of using as genuine a Cheque Cor *12,850 purporting to be signed by the Hon. F G. Penney on the 3rd of
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  • 2631 6 This match commenced at Kurla Lumpur on Saturday morning The teams turned out fairly promptly, Vnulei, the skipper of the F. M. S. side, taking in Hubback with him to bat, after winning the toss. The weather was all that
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  • 2141 7 FieirU Co.’s Annual the »urket During 19°4- ,eW ha a another year of activity, and BB Vc b un ce. The increased i* M-wr and other W-'To in "nr 1** Annual Renew, erred ntmued besides the consB boe3 nr i.ubber, and the supply fc. Kubber has not been
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  • 421 7 Reduction of Capital agreed to After some strong Oppesition. I An extraordinary general meeting of the Straits and General Development Company, Limited, was held on Monda> Jan. 9 at the Institute of Chartereo Accountants, B.C to consider a resolution authorising the hoard to reduce •he capital from
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  • 273 7 A Post Office Circular announces that the first mail from London by the new service via India is due to arrive at Singapore on the 25th February. The mails by this route will be sorted on board the British India Steam Navigation Coy’s Packet between Penang
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  • 263 7 Novel Experience for the Colonial Engineer. We understand that a telepram was received from Captain Murphy early this morning by the Master Attendant ro say that the Sea Mew was ashore off Cape Racbado owing to a mishap to the engines. Shortly afterwards Captain Murphy sent another
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  • 661 7 The 8.8. Oasung is due here on the 8th instant from Hongkong on her way to Sourabaya itch gunboat 8erdang arrived on Sunday from Tanjong Bali and will leave for Rhio to-day. Thk Town and Volunteer Bind will play at the H. Reservoir to morrow from 5
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  • 101 7 Last night while tne occupants of the Radio Mass mess, Teluk Blan gah, were at dinner, a thief entered the servants* quarters. One of the boys was robbed of clothing and other property valued at $14. Mr. Robb, who resides in Killeney Road, has lost a pair
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  • 153 8 kksident ot Short Street, oft Middle R<»at, complains of the lawlessness of that neighbourhood. He declares that on Saturday afternoon a Eurasian resident, Mr. G Klyne, was sitting in Uae verandah of his house in Short Street when two Malay samsenga went up to him and
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  • 180 8 All miners, says the Times of Malaya specially tho*? who have to win the ore from clayey karang, recognise fully the usefulness of pudu'ing machines. These machines have not been introduced into the country very long, yet they are universally used throughout the Native States. The
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  • 260 8 Y. M. C. A. vs. 5. C. C. A cricket match was played on t h* 1 E-plan»de yesterday between twelve or the Y M C. A. and a second eleven cl The S. C. C The Y. M. C A batted first and scored 8*2 runs. The S.
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  • 280 8 This morning, Harcourt Ansell alias Harry Anson i>rown was charged before Mr. Sproule by lnspt. Dunne on an allegation of cheating in respect of a Panama hat value the property of Robinson Co. An assistant at tvobinaon’s, said that the defendant called at the godown and
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  • 1456 8 JeaSolUm, 3U tk January. Jesselton —that flourishing town established by the late Governor Birch as the port and terminus of the most renowned B. N. B. State Railways to open up trade between Singapore and the interior of British
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  • 240 8 By the death of Mr. J. Cooper cn Thursday last at the advanced cite u. Hi years, another link wiih the past ol Singapore has been severed The lau Mr.Cooper was Deputy Registrar in th« Shipping Office, Singapore, and retired about 30 years ago on a
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  • 904 8 About Clubs. A« la Lrpi 31 tt J n. The annual general meeting ot the members of the Pahang Club was held at Lipis last week, and a most satisfactory state of affairs was disclosed. There is a substantial credit balance running into four figures; there are no
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  • 545 8 BATU CAVES RUBBER C O. LTD. New F.M.S. Venture. This Company has been floated capital of £3d,uiX), in 3u,u0u thal each. The present issue is 18 of which 11,0011 are available L*?® ment. r The Company has been ior.oed f J chase the Batu Caves E stat acquire such other
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  • 177 8 A trial run of 30 to 4U miles of 1 above vessel, a production of Pagar Dock Company, took pl 0 Saturday morning. The vessel has w** built for the btoomboot MaatschappJ Blitong, at the Keppel Harbour the contract time being eight
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  • 959 9 An lmpre**ion. M1 that remain? Ttie **tr t hmt he Chinatown c ,[e V-m-’.l is that it consists only hDlih-y "*<' rC(1 elotli decorations, 0 f cractier n T( ere ig an i nner side ,2$ toru-tci chinatown Fair, and however. d and curious. This that when
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  • 537 9 Annual Meeting and Election of Officers. I he annual meeting of the above branch was held at Penang on January oOth and 31st and February 1st Ihe officers elected for the coming year were as follows President Elect Dr D. K McDowell. Vice Presidents, Singapore
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  • 106 9 This mornitig, a representative of Boustead <fc Co. was before Mr. Howard in the Summons Court to explain why the firm continued to maintain an obstruction in Clark and North Boat Quays on the 11th ult. A fine of $25 was imposed in each case. Mr. Lederer (Katx
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  • 237 9 A Good Samaritan. One E. H. Cowie, the other day received punishment at Calcutta, the Chief Justice of Bengal having sentenced him to six years’ rigorous imprisonment for the share ho took in certain fradulent transactions. The general opinion was that the sentence has not erred on
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  • 538 9 The Hon R. N. Bland arrived this morning in the Hye L*>ong from Malacca. Quarantine against vessels f rom Singapore has been removed at Bangkok. The German mail steamer Brim Regent Luitpold left Port Said yesterday outward bound. She is due here on Friday the 24‘h instant.
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  • 260 9 On the rn >rning u* the 3 d inst, Goh Ah Bue accuse* 1 Kw.* Wdii Seng ot bribing him if $5 i High Siree*. Yesterday, Mr. (.'olfmn the case ♦nd thought it might e ccim romised Com pi unant indignantly refused to cunsider. The Jesuit of
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  • 588 9 On the 22nd nit Miss V. Younr eliding at 215 Diehard R-ad leit hei •ouse just before 7 a.m to go to thtrelephune Office. Her mother remained n the house. She returned short 1} dter 1 pin, her mother being in thf house. A little later she
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  • 401 9 Remission of Duty on Pepper and Gambier. Sandakan 26th Jan. At the petition of Townay Koh Hin, f he Kapitan China, and several others, the export duty on gambler and pepper has been remitted by His Excellency the Governor for three years commencing from 1st January, 1905.' At
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  • 129 9 A Japanese named Bukurai Husotichi was this morning placed before Mr. Sproule by Inspector Dunne on, he allegations of cheating. It stems hat the defendant presented himself a short time ago at a pawnbroker’s at so. 163 North Bridge Road, and wrsuaded the assistant, Tan 8 >o
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  • 248 9 Fortune Teller Kobted of 790. About 8 o’clock last night a very daring gang robbery occurred in Uokien Street. It appears that at that hour a Macao entered house No. 19 Hokieu Street and said he wanted his fortune told. The men of the house
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  • 940 10 THE DALLAS COMPANY. First Night Performance A Country Girl.” A Big Success. r ingai\>reaks can boast many pat times, Lot play-going cannot be said to rank as foremost —it is a luxury which is piven us only occasionally, and by ©nl> one company. For we are almost entirely dependent upon
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  • 523 10 Goldenberg- Montor. Yesterday afternoon a very picturesque scene was witnessed at the Jewish Synagogue when Mr. Alfred Montor was married to Miss. Anna Goldenberg. There was a very large company of guests present, the number of invitations issued being about two hundred. Among the guests were
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  • 256 10 For Singapore Per P. O. a. s. Ma’acc i franrj London Jad. 7, due luth Feb Mrs. WV-abor, Corn ad Mrs. T Ring, Messrs. B,rae, F W I ones, C pUin Shipman .and Mr*. Shipman. Per P. <fc O. 8. At arm or a connecting A’:t'i the
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  • 809 10 The Largest Steamer Built at Hongkong. The Glasgow Herald Shipbuilding and Engineering Annual for the past rear gives some very interesting information regarding the progress of Colonial shipbuilding in various parts of the Blilish Empire Speaking oi Canada that journal says that progressive as that
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  • 292 10 Hongkong 7th February. The Ilev. Father J B. Martinet, formerly Procureur des Missions Btraugores at Singapore, died here this morning. Kuali Lumpur 7th February. The Colony’s first innings concluded with 243 runs: Reid 107 Mugliston 37 Carver 8 Noon 13 Bradhery 20 Treadgold 0
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  • 410 10 Berlin let- February. Prince Sviatopoiek Mirski, the Russian Minister of the Interior, has been dismissed in consequence of sickness. In spite of the serious riots at Warsaw and Lodz, a general Polish insurrection is considered improbable. This belief i* based upon the attitude of the citizens and
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  • 259 10 We are indebted to Mr. Tanaka, the Japanese Consul at Singapore, far the following official telegram from the Foreign Office at Tokyo. Received Wednesday night Marshal Oyama reports he Russians engaged our Right Centre with a bombardment on the 30th Jany., while their small detachmenu attacked us
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  • 2378 10 London, 2nd FelrW r V The correspondent of the Daily graph at Tokio says that the R uB 1 casualties on the Shaho, from the s> to the 29th January, are estimated a from 36 000 to 42,000. The Japanese casualties are 7,°°°. tbe General SakharofT estimate* Japanese
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  • 184 11 Japan via ports, P. Alice due 10th Feb Behn Meyer. Fremantle via ports, Sultan on 10th Feb., Mansfield. DunkirK, A. Olry, on 16th Feb, Moine Comte. Odessa, P. Mar:*, due 20th Feb., E. A Co. Baltic ports, Rugby, due beg. of March, E. A. C). Fort
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  • 14 11 FINANCE COMMERCE. 8th February, 19 i. r fv> d.i>’s 4/in bank rate is 1/1
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  • 492 11 The following report on the London tin market for the week ending Tfec. 30th is from the Mining Journal: This article has also shared in the prevailing wave of optimism, and on balahc* •hows an improvement of fully 20s. for cash and 30s. three months since we
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  • 138 11 The returns from the Pahang Corporation's Mines for the month of December Were as follows: Sungei Lembing.—Tons of 8 tons crushed 2,230; Oxide of Tin produced 40 Tons. 55 heads of Stamps ran for 23 days. The working expenses were 929,250. The Pahang Kabang Limited.—Tons of Stone crushed
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  • 682 11 HADDON’ S PRODUCE LETTER. The following is the General Prodme Letter kindly furnished to us by Mesero Jehu Haddon A Co., the well know! Colonial Produce Merchants and Cow Mfiwfcm Agents of Salisbury Bquart, Lc^ 4ou, E.C., aud carrying price- up to the date of the departure of the mail
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 199 12 ohdop hi h Jarman. Para. We have had a very firm market during the past week and a fair business has been done as follows: Fine Hard spot and January delivery i/2 to 5/2A, 5/3 now asked. For forward delivery there have
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  • 150 12 If 19°4“ 1 9°3- fV rak Pioneer gives the combined tin output figures for the whole F. M. 6. published by the Financial Department The total output during the past year amounted to 856,238 piculs (50,966 tons) against 830,648 piculs (49,443 tons) in 1903. Below is
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  • 100 12 Gambier 9.12$ do (Cuta. No. I) nnpioked 12 371 Copra Bali S fHt do Pontianak v8.40 Pepper, Black 26 50 do White, 5 1 39.09 Flour Sarawak 3.15 do Brunei No. 1 3.30 Pearl Sago 4.60 Coffee liali, 15 c basis 23 00 Coffee, Palenibang, 20% basis 24.60 Cnff«*e,
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  • 136 12 Oh T.ondon —Bank 4 m s 1/11$ Demand 1/11! 4 Private 6 m/s 2 do 3 m s 2/- i Germany —Rank d/d 2.0 i Private 3 m/s 2.04 do 6 m/s 2.06 On France —Bank d d 2.48 Private Sms 2.52 do 6ms 2.54 On India —Bank T.
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  • 271 12 Number j p i Lam Valne (opto Company Buyer. Sellers Transac siuros i j j t ionH GOLD. 8 I3,6u0 IU $7 6‘.‘ Uer.iHwnh (4. VI. Co., Ltd... ...j 14.00 13.00 .■00 BiiMOed..; j 10 10 (Deferred) 1 8.00 2),000 j 10 10 i Kadana t=r. .Vi. Co., Ltd.
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  • 126 12 1 i Dutt Development Co.. Ltd. 13.00 nom 2,000 8 100 8100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. I 185.00 4,500 8 50 8 50 Fraser Neave, Ltd. 100.00 101.00 80,000 8126 8125 Hongkong and Shanghai Bank ...716 00 715 00 12,000 8 100 8 100 How&rth Erskine, Ltd. -ilo.00 205
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  • 50 12 H .warth Erskine, Ltd. 7% 260*000 »v prem lt,ley, Hargreaves, Ltd. 6% 226,000 2% pram ouvtrs Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 2% prem buyers 1,873,000 1% prem buyers T T if. 1 665,5o<< 2% dis. nom. 1 .nioiitf r.ear IWW < Lin 6? 250,000 2% prem buyer. 1.886.WE* prem t
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    • 170 12 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship; bq.— barque; sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht; Cni. Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit. —British; U. oi—United States; Fch.—French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch; G.c.—General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W.—Borneo Wharf; K.H.—Keppel Harbour P,B. —Pulo
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    • 1442 12 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Ayuthia Brit, str 694 tons, Capt Curtis, 7th Feb. From Bombay, 27th Jao. G.c. Borneo Coy. For Bangkok. 8th—W. Batavier Brit. str. 216 tons, Capt Mellor, Stb Bet. From Palrintang. 6th Feb G.c and 4 d.p. Swee Seng. For Palembang 10th—Rds. Brouwer
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    • 465 12 Name, port, probable date of n fr r and name of agevti. Stbamsks. 1 Agamemnon, L’pcol, Mar 27; Mancfi# 1 Aker, ALlwerp, Feb 16: East Araticfl Alcinons, Liveip* ol, Mar MaD«£elrl Airlie, Sydney. Feb 16; Boustead V A]bX, China Feb 25 Mansfield. Vudalusia H» Dkkong, Altenor, Liverpool, Mar
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    • 1116 14 I FLAO 2 >am» A Ton* Cactus* Fko* *aii.R1*i Rm 1 /'bow Fa sir. 1065 Spiessen Xwalow ,.!an 2 r Bebn Meyer A 0> 1 KajahofSarawak 8ar *tr **92 vfoxoiv Sarawak Jan SOOng fcwe Hai i Fuh Wo Brit str 446 Tad d Batavia Ian 29 Katz Brother* Ltd
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    • 714 14 flATi- i Visut’i Stitt— FlaOkA Bio Tong. l‘tsnr lT(UJ '"fl Feb t HecU r_- r 8008 l.iverpool vi s -~J 1 U.W.NHM. !>£•*«■ I «l Muntok and I I Ho-ffW*’ BrttgU. I SOM Hon|.ko«rw' n S I s f* V* i *Z I Clangor lJrtt etr. 444 lelnk Anson
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    • 75 14 PA88BD WNDA«wTBMTO OB ARRIVED FOR .ORDERS Fl*G t)ATK OI UMTDf- Date Rio. Ship's Name Captain. Sailing. Feojawheeii atioj»\ Jan 27‘Ger. s.s. Bielefeld Krause Jan 27 Batavia Amsterdam 29,Nor bq Oatbarina C’tofferetn Sept *> Feroaudioa Ai jer f.o. SuDut. as! Flores Ouwehaad Dec 2: Amsterdam Batavia SO Dut s s’
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 48 12 WEATHER REPORT. Morni# day light The standard time ball at FortO*® 8 fell correctly; also that at Fulo d* WEATHER TELE6BAW. (B. B. A. A C. Telegraph Von? 8th Fibbuabv. HONURONd.Barometer Direction of Wind Force of Wind Max Temp in Shade MANILA—764. w ft. 2 30. CAt# 0 ***>
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  • 216 13 Arrived 2 nd February. Port Swettenham— Per M'f"* Me-srs Heil.HaikJtib H a r d s'.-.' i: K«\, I> Tam pi *h aod frther-. West AuatrallaPer e K L Blaw, tlcStay, Enter, Uessr* anrt C. Miller. ,rd February. ,—From Messrs. rafale* •\v. Vnlcheis, J v jcbiaur. 1 t
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  • 308 13 Tht Bucknall L.uer Swan chartered •v the X. V. iv Co, put mto Colombo a davs agu on her way to Japan. A rtprtsc’niat.'.f oi the 'i hm* oj Ceylon yeaned the nitormation that the vessel wa> three whole days m company with Kussiau ships in
    308 words
  • 198 13 Fisher, bays Leyton, formerly practised le kft C®ylon fourteen to Ceylon twenty icti a rtm Ja,lllar 188.3, was ►a Wn Counsel on the Northern ies ar a ear also fulfilled duandy a ud Kurunegaia, and fur it Mat 1 l Was aetin g District Judge £p t
    198 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 18 13 fgfeiifflHI kilt* 7-- -i-jrm+mJL 4 0 ®»1 f* fcu« 3&fe3u&S3e33Ssffi tied for cerrooi Wit/ r i-&-,5 ’•vk 0
      18 words
    • 587 13 LcSt and Perrins* Sauce. By Royal Warrant to Hla Majesty the King. THE ORIGINAL AND 6EWIINE WORCESTERSHIRE. IP YOU SUFFER FROM HE AD ACMES, FLATULENCY t PALPITATION, INSOMNIA, INDIGESTION, LANGUOR, SILIOUSNESS. ACIDITY, LOSS OP APPETITE, ON CONSTIPATION, A course of Mother Sbiobl’s Syrup will quickly set you right. It is
      587 words
    • 232 13 OLDHAM H-A-IiL. A BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Healthful location, fjod the b s f large play-ground, strict discipline, daily stndy claeees under personal supervision of the Superintendent. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ENGLISH The very Itest place to sen 1 your boys after the Chinese New Year. Address 1<L E. PEASE, Supt
      232 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 677 14 HAVE YOU SUSPECTED YOUR KIDNEYS? When the Kidneys get ill the back gives out. Bat the back is not to blame. The ache comes from the kidneys, which lie under the small of the back. Therefore dull pain iff the back, *>r sharp, quick twinges, are warnings of sick kidneys-warnings
      677 words
    • 83 14 Compania General DE TABACOSi DE FI LI PI NAS. Vast Johacco Plantations fn the Philippines supply their choicest leaf rnl. for the manufacture of La Flor de la Isabela” Manila Cigarettes, I with which, as regards excellent quality and low price, no other Manila Factor) can compete. Our sales are
      83 words
    • 119 14 R. A K. Kuhn Komor Th# leading &3t. 4- Curio dealers in the Far East Fine Art Curios of every description 1 always on hand■iLvenwawg, a meittiTY Inspection, is Cordially Invited. A Visit to wu-*mic i« KUHN <Sb EOMOB 25 Raffle* Place. 8cpi SI •;3*P THE GRAND HOTEL LTD :o:«
      119 words