The Straits Budget, 2 February 1905

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 81 1 The Straits Budget. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” r.siAt>i- l!iHKD over Half a Ce.ntury Cable Addkks3: Times, Singah>ke. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. STKAITB Tim£B 15 I KNTB VOL. LIX. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, 2 FEBRUARY, 1905. NO. 4250 -TRAITS TiMKS” CIRCULATES Singapore and Penang ml the Protected Vj' T
    81 words
  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 2ND FEBRUARY.
    • 68 1 ;j ViMI K n -On the -4th January, the wife b P m of a eon. n i i l'* h I -iTi’iHrr, jp Kop loon, S \l M e, «-f a diOL'IUer. T n. II iiii tin J i.n lary, at Peking, 1 of a on. j.- .j.
      68 words
    • 92 1 r%v; N iedes: —On the sth January, at N y,M r_' i t Vinton, only daughter i; ;U-A mini Wildes, I’. i>. N., il I ia\«n. J Shanghai vi\ -I /R\ —on Sunday the 29th it he “*ha»d Re S. nag u*. by ~*> K ,-..i M**v» i Jo-e
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  • 238 1 Articles.— 11.? rl-!i Oi.ik r !‘r u 1 'a' »;Or. »iUh!« i| isiule. Ill l?ll rl... U Mi>< I%u -i in ubleft U i JUT 1 ?il.k O ;i kHV, r—Ii M:i k* t l rouble? 1 i u -i ait Nat Kail way Prug*e-a. ’aitrtiua anal
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  • 350 1 I lie Strait* Budget, I is week, is disra’cheu i»\ I he p ami O s.B. Coymandel. T e Bivtget next week v> i l h.i m HI, d by a B 1 si earner. r i he nrn! f.>r Kur pe by ih“ M. M
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    • 837 1 (Strait* limes, 25th Jem.) In another column will he found a letttr ot complaint from A Sufferer which fully explains why the Singapore public has of late ba in compelled to pay two pi ices for its fish. Tire market Farmers are illegally taxing the people, and
      (Strait* limes, 25th Jem.)  -  837 words
    • 496 1 (Straits Time*, 25 th Jan.) Mr. Justice Thownton writes to us in regard to the grave danger to tbe public that is afforded by the Railway bridge across Orchard Road. He is not the only correspondent who has written to this paper on that subject, and there seems
      (Straits Time*, 25th Jan.)  -  496 words
    • 1050 1 {Straits Times, Jtn) If any grave tinanciil emergencv existed, thttie migUt be s »me justifie ation lor the additional import to be levied on dogs—an increase «»l the tax ation whereof ail d« g-owuer6 hiv* bitterly eoraphinel, au-i which rami result in consilerable loss to tin Municipality and
      {Straits Times, Jtn)  -  1,050 words
    • 1205 2 Straits Times, 26 ik Jan Holy Kusj-ia is having a fantastic time of i r its tularin hiding spirited away as utterly as the Dilai Lama, the streets of its cities running in blood, an orthodox priest at the head of the populace denouncing the autocratic head of
      (Straits Times, 26ik Jan )  -  1,205 words
    • 853 2 (Straits Times 2,7th Jan.) Buys will be boys, and doubtless there are some few c-x-boys, even in this flaccid Settlement cf Singapore who can remember with a ceitain flush of pride, the black eyes that accompanied their first school victories. Such honorable scars-whether acquired in humiliating defeat or
      (Straits Times, 2,7th Jan.)  -  853 words
    • 495 2 (Straits Times 27 th Jin.) The extraordinary explanation cf last Sunday’s massacre at St. Peters uurg. as given by our special corres in to day’s despatches is l)> uo means beyond reason. It is les> -o indeed than the outrageous idea hat the Russian police authorities, a* mentioned
      (Straits Times 27th Jin.)  -  495 words
    • 795 2 (SI mi is Tints,- 28th .bin The attempted assassination of the Czar and the subsequent revolutionary riots of last week and this week were evidently anticipated three weeks ahead of time on the London Stock Exchange and at Lloyds, where the rate of insurance on the life of
      (SI mi is Tints,- 28th .bin )  -  795 words
    • 631 2 (Straits Times 28th Jan What is technically known a.-s !ulkmedicine —a branch of folk-lore—is amusingly illustrated by Mr. L Wray in the newly started Journal of :lie F. M. S. Museums. Mr. Wray, in an article, gives particulars of a Malay method of treating that common illtoothache. This
      (Straits Times 28th Jan )  -  631 words
    • 1454 3 ,Ct r ,ih Thnrf 30 th Jan) I r v Piaki* thp nvnsof a seller of B thitherto entirely unknown B* Vpve rf hete c s. a* his case Kt- evf > r v consumer of fish in this K r t ..f Singapore, and inciden‘iffec 4 s
      ,Ctr,ih Thnrf 30th Jan)  -  1,454 words
    • 710 3 Strait* Tiine*, iHfit Jan.) A recent Reuter's despatch to ti e home papers announced th it the Czar had sanctioned the expenditure of .£160,000,000 for rebuilding the Russian navy, the programme of c instructing of which is to occupy ten years. The ships which it is already decided
      (Strait* Tiine*, iHfit Jan.)  -  710 words
    • 493 3 (Straits Tim s, t J&» \Vb understand that the contract for tha oarthw«'fk of the eJtlfillfiML-kl—Uifc Railway from Tank Road to Pasir Panjang has been awarded to Mr. S Vincent, who starts operations with a large army of coolies immediately after the Chinese New Year. Those who remember
      (Straits Tim s, t J&» )  -  493 words
    • 701 3 (Straits Times 1st February.) It is indicative of the enterprisiug activity of Singapore shipping circles that one already hears controversy anent the potentialities of the Panama Canal so far as it affects this port. That the opening of this important shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans will
      (Straits Times, 1st February.)  -  701 words
    • 3981 3 (Straits Time*, 1 d February Under heading of Will Adams,” Mr. J. H. Knight-Adkin contributes an interesting and spirited poem to the current is*ue of the Spectator. Its theme is the Kentish sailoimau whose came affords the title, and who was the pioneer English shipbuilder of Japan. From
      (Straits Time*, 1 d February )  -  3,981 words
  • 96 1 DEATHS. m:\h-* M: -On he i-t dan., at Carbrook L,,l>. N IS. d MES (Sk.AHAM. of K» r p.,lr o, f**nii-rly of Lima ;Peru) An .l >i in iMe f»,th year of h's a-ie. smith: Hu rbe D?c. at i ,i tai l Ldm llendeison-Sinith, l; II.. -it* (dm under
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  • 201 5 m A M ‘he B I Onda passed It n*•" to d 7,/ in -.vest to East. B ii Live c cargo cf rite I m-.j-! *ra writing B v V-a the re! urns of B 1904 show that, B ,xpns have increased B v ind imports
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  • 220 5 \j Pay r*.lined Abubakar rf j lt e'eue Messrs. Howard K N i.:. in tie Bench Court on an H... i:avinii on lire 11th inst BY- hhi 11-r-L* Bor.g ut a silver key I <i- ;> Mr. Farrer, with 1..., Tayiv. prosecuted Mr. BY r >pV- red
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  • 388 5 FOOTBALL. C. C. V. E. G. Co’s Foresters. Bf ;t evtniug on the Esplanade, the t- had as their opponents E. and Ht'j' <i the Sherwood Foresters and ov no means one-sided game, the retired winners by 1 goal to nil. B ttlU prompt to time, the Club pressB Merely
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  • Correspondence.
    • 243 5 To the Editor of the “Straits Times." Sir, —The Railway bridge which crosses O chard Road in the neighbourhood of Orchard Road market is proved by the numerous accidents that have been caused by horses frightened at tiains crossing it, to be a source of serious
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    • 540 5 To the Editor of the “Straits Times." Sir, —I am not sure whether the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, who are* supposed to protect the interests ot not only the rate-payeis but also those of the poor and suffering public who have to resort to their leased markets,
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  • 1681 5 London J7th December. Ouoe more the demon fog has held London, nay, England, itself in its relentless grip and Christmas of 1904 must be accounted, for many people, a dismal failure. Commencing on the 21st inst., an almost unprecedented fog-sea-son bet in, early in the week, and
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  • 1301 5 Malacca 24 th January. Malacca, I am told, is going to start a newspaper. There is no doubt it wants one badly but from what I know of the place it will never pay, and will only be discontinued after a brief existence. It may be said that
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  • 489 6 Charge of Attempted Murder. Evidence was continued all yesterday afternoon at the Assizes, before Mr. Justice Leslie Thornton and a jury, in the case of the five men Mohamed Ali) a Malay), Shaik Abdul Kadir, Mohamed Husinsoh, Abil Mohamed, and Haji Kadir Mustan (Klings), who were charged with
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  • 569 6 Bishop Hose has left for the Federated Malay States and is not expected until the end of next month. 4 A large steamer has just dit*charged a quantity of machinery for the manufacture ot ice at Port Swettenham. The Inlander arrived yesterday from Christmas Island with a
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  • 222 6 It has been reported in shipping circles at Brisbane, says the Courier that Messrs. Burns, Philip, and Co. have decided to inaugurate a new steam service between Thursday Island New Guinea ports, with the steamer which was recently withdrawn from the Sydney-Marshall Island trade. Ihe report
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  • 228 6 We (Straits Echo) were privileged the other day, to inspect a consignment of rubber which arrived here from a Perak estate for transhipment to London. The sample consists cf some four cases of what is known in trade as fine Para sheet.” It is indeed a fine sample, being
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  • 386 6 January Medal. There were thirty-five entries for the medal competition on Saturday last, which resulted in a win for Mr. A. M. Hogg, who returned the splendid score of 78. Eighteen members subscribed to the “sweep,” the first prize going to Mr. Hogg, and the second being
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  • 247 6 About 9.30 this morning the Signal Sergeants at Mount Faber and Fort Canning sighted three large black warships coming down the Malacca Straits from the we6t. The vessels showed r.o colours. Each had two funnels and two masts, and straight
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  • 267 6 On Tuesday morning the fin of a large shark was seen circling round the harbour. Mr. F. Bredenberg, chief officer of ihe cable steamer Patrol, baited a large hook with a lump of beet attached to a stout rope and threw it over the
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  • 257 6 Malay Police Constables Tonggul, Mahomed Yassin and Buggas, Nos 653, 110, and 216 respectively, stand under the allegation of theft in a sampan of $1.30, the property of Teo Ang Quab, on the 20th inst. They were arrested by Inspector Dooley on the 21st. On Tuesday they were
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  • Correspondence.
    • 153 6 To the Editor of the “Strait, T Sir,— ln addition to the i i'** and the railway bridge which b'" J the cause of numerous ares accidents, horses being drive, > the Botanical Gardens mav another evil which, however T* 4 be allowed to exist. An
      153 words
  • 426 6 Charge of Attempted Murder I Evidence was continued ves>B afternoon at the Assizes, before Justice Leslie Thornton and a j urv the case of the five men Mohamed B (a Malay), Shaik Abdul Kadir. \[M med Husinsoh, Abil Mohamed. B Haji Kadir Mustan (Kiings). whiB charged with the
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  • 465 6 The British steamer Henley of passed through the port this M jrr from west to east. A Sikh convict has died at r& aged about one hundred ye ars .J was transported from India years ago. One hundred and eighty-three were registered at Singapore during week ending
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  • 158 7 A Brutal Chinaman. An unprepossessing looking Chinaman was. this* morning, placed before V* >. roule on a charge of causing the :ea*;.oi tcaif. lnsp Sneedy prosecuted. Mr Short, Acting Government Veterinary Surgeon, said that he saw the min.a! an the 25th inst. There was a w ur.
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  • 250 7 cheerless New Year for Applicants. In the Supreme Court recently Mr. ustice Leslie Thornton heard an 31 hcation with reference to the estate, amounting to some .$2,000,000, of the e a P Kim Cheng. Certain of 9 grand-children were applying 1 r payment out of
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  • 549 7 Annual Meeting. Ihe annual general meeting of members of the Singapore Sporting Club was held yesterday afternoon in the Singapore Exchange. There was an attendance of about sixty. Mr. H. Payne Gallwey was called to the chair. Mr. G. E. Mosley, Acting Secretary, read the notice convening
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  • 239 7 The Arab Street Affair. Verdict not Guilty. Seldom has the Supreme Court been so crowded as it was yesterday afternoon by Klings and Malays to hear the conclusion of the sensational trial, for attempted murder, of the five men Mohamed Ali (a Malay), Shaik Abdul Kadir, Mohamed Husinsah,
    239 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 241 7 fo the Editor of the “Straits Times Dear Sir,—With leferenee to your paragraph of lhe 25th instant, corice* ning the boys who participated in the j game of war in out school, I wish to state that it is incorrect. The hoys at play are under the
      241 words
    • 111 7 To the Editor of tin "Strutt* Timt*. Sir, Apropos of your remarks on the increased dog tax, its unwisdom and inequitable incidence, it would appear from a reference to the Ordinance under which the Commissioners are empowered to levy a tax at all, that they have
      111 words
    • 111 7 To tin Editor of flit "Stunts Tmns.' Sik,— I notice in your issue of the 25:h insf. that a correaf ondent suggests putting a policeman cu* side *ol* Shipping ami I\»st. Others. Would it not be better to make a waiting mom ior Officers and Etjgineeis as
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    • 475 7 To the Editor of the "Straits Times Sir, —Your correspondent has furnished me a great deal of interest in his letter on Malacca appearing in your journal of yesterday s date. He touches inter alia upon the wealth of the Chinese whom he says are now
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  • 1126 7 ANGLO-CHINESE FREE SCHOOL. Annual Prize Distribution. The annual prize distribution of the Anglo-Chinese Free School took place this forenoon at the School buildings in Teluk Ayer Street. The lion. W. R Collyer presided and was supported on the platform by Mr. R. \V. Hullett, the acting Director of Public Instruction.
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  • 232 7 The annual gfneial meeting of the Singapore Chess CJu» was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. E E. Colman (champion) in the chair. There was a fair attendance. The reports of Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treasurer were presented the latter showed a satisfactory balance.
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  • 176 7 There ae a fairly large attendance at ti e Scott sh concert given in the Town Hall last night (the occasion being Burn«’s anniversary). H E. the Governor (Sir John Anderson) and Miss Anderson were among those present, and the programme, which was entirely composed of Scottish music,
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  • 3150 8 The Reconstruction Scheme. We have received a report on the proposed reconstruction of Wharves, and on extension of Dock Accommodation at Tanjong Pagar. The Dock Company intended, early last year, to start a Scheme of this kind, and we gave full particulars of the changes and impro.jments
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  • 91 8 Straits vs. F. M. S. The eleven to represent the Straits (Penang and Singapore) in the cricket match against the F. M. S. during the Chinese New Year holidays have been selected. The team consists of (Singapore) W. Dunman, W. E. Cleaver, R. T. Reid, H.
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  • 775 8 Manufacturing of Beachcombers Three weeks ago twenty European seamen End firemen ot the stea Spondilus were arrested in at the request of Capt. Moses for retC ing duty and were charged before Can* Boldero, Master Attendant, at h Marine Court. The men svatei tij
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  • 393 9 SA TURDAY, 28TH JANUARY. i, >»>(|iion of be Anglo AT- J y ,1 ..ev■•■nil'. .Mr. e*'* p v iS liiC only trusttk Ve> Jl *e Pir;v, now M k Yi will oi*en, it D f-ai*’, tour 1 *2 J'f in f > nanz i- March, *r> ■> g *rvTe and
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  • 146 9 *w; inve to a<-Kin>wh dge from thf M -iu i>m K o-iia 'tie rect-ipi *1 I U‘g M*rJ 1-8H t *r J HIM l* V i Uu»o J'lpm ese ll u> bullu I ms I* I 1'iiipitctl -y int Kinkt'U i v ii 1-ikyo. Iu
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  • 267 9 I an nual general meeting of the I A-sociation Football Leagu* the Y. M. C. A. on Tue. ■jj,’,. lC instant at 9 p m., when J 6 lax last year will b-read, and e f° r 19(*5. The ■s U lfe^ers are sending repre- Li 1
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  • Correspondence.
  • 266 9 In the Supreme Court yesterday, Mr Ju-tice Thornton, heard a cas« ii which Peh Nah and two others claim* c <500 from Chop B»an Lee in re-poet <>» wrongful 8*uzer of property. It appeared that the defendant had obtained judgment against a man named Ta» g
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  • 1756 9 i he u«u*1 forti.iy.iiUy meeting of the uuni -ip-tl C*»iiirni-Muu« r h was held a Municipal board room •fternuon Mr. K G. Broadrick h IVsi lent) was in the chair and to* following were also present :—Dr i Murray R hertson, L'etit Col. Pennef r her, I.G P.
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  • 278 9 The A it Hhen <Ma t Captain Beulahs, (fo»m»* ly ot the Kiaudou) arrived yesterday fom Europe on htr maiden trip. V^S'f.tdfij i*as also a v i■ tv**rsary of hinhday of the K Wilt? m and a well at tended and
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  • 496 9 Ye c tf.kdjy. Messrs Howard and Nunn to k evidence in a cine in whicti Tenng Chin Ho*<, produce hr. ker at 5 II B*\*ich R »ar), hr *ugb» an all* gi’ion of cheating against H-ji Omar Bm Mo* hamed S .lleb i»» respect t 121 hags of
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  • 397 10 Yesterday was the anniversary of the birthday of H. I. M. Kaiser William, and ihe German community in Singapore celebrated the occasion with all due ceremony. Many of the ships in the Harbour were nying bunting. In town ihe offices and premises of the German firms had
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  • 280 10 Batting and Bowling Averages May/ December, 1904. BATTING. High* st Times T tnl score iu Id’s, not out. runa. un In’-. Avenge J. Simmons 6 1 8’J 1'7* 1K.40 D. M. Dent 17 2 138 24* 9 *2o J. Paterson 8 70 37 8
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  • 150 10 5een by the Dutch Steamer “Ophir«” t aPi Ko>lig »i tu»-. Duicn steamer Oplnr wii.cii ai nved this morning from Dmgai i, Mum ok and P dembang, reports that at daxbght yesterday he saw tl re* 1 *r?e warships in the Durian Btraits They were ot a
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  • 541 10 A very ei j sb.c “smoker was held at Police Bah?u on Saturday night. Mr. G. P. Owen arrived by the Zamania fr< m Penang this mornii g He jeturned from home by the last German mail. t Major General sna-ie, Inspector of Royal Garrison Art ill*
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  • 111 10 Success of a Singapore Boy. We are elad tc hear ol at the Madras Bark Fair Spor*s of Mr. Cecil Liporte. a son of Mr 1/rp >rle of Singapore. Mr. C Lap«*rte recently w-»n the sports championship at the Raffl-s Institution He has been s* u lying
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  • 165 10 On Monday, the 2nd of January, the Hindu community at Malacca entered into the New Yt-ar sports with great spiri r nor did they allow their holiday ardour to cool with the finish of the athletic contents on the fi-ld F *riviti#-s were
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  • 2476 10 Prize Day. The prize*giving at St. Joseph’s Institution took place on Saturday afternoon. Miss Anderson performed the ceremony. His Excellency Sir John Anderson presided, and there were also present Count and Cviuntess de Bondy, H »n VV. R Collyer, Attor-ney-General, Mr. Mirks, P'ivaie Secretary to H E.,
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  • 101 10 The Diilas <J. n i ertoiin'ru! a« d UH ,0 Mnre onTue*da> tin 7u Feb nl w*ek—and will open n ,rt l|1^1 w A Country Qtrl. may 9 t* the Robinson Pian«» mnp 11 "anal. 1. in just as luokv, af r a hey have not yet
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  • 976 11 small-Pox* ipi*i 24/ n Jan. nur*"iic cases of small-pox of /p'* a? e reported from Keta- niI wlla* r e close to lVkan on the rf ;V being Malays The C rv ijrtvaut ions have been taken, J )h X that the disease It spread. Penjum l.ease Cancelled.
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  • 1307 11 Bound for St. Petersburg. General Stoessel, the brave defender of Port Arthur, arrived in Singapore today, on his way home to St. Petersburg, lie travelled from the north by the French Mail Australien and is accompanied by Madam Stoessel and many Russian officers who have taken advantage of
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  • 176 11 The Emperor's B hdiy dinner Riffles Ho T el, on Saturday evet i ig, was a most nnd <Brys*«.ps function. The big dining hall was crowded to its host capacity, and a number of special German p H r ies made a featured the feast The menu which
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  • 275 11 (Jhtxmg Kim Seng, a mere lad, was arrested by Detective Sergt. Kelleher at the Commercial Bank tor presenting a cheque purporting to be drawn by Kim lioey Co. for $/uO. When the cheque was presented, suspicions were roused, and the Police sent for. The lad states that the
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  • 515 11 The s s Laivnng is due here on the 5 f h inst. from Calcutta on her way to Hongkong. The recurrence ol plague at. Bangkok, about a week ago, resulted in stringent measures being taken to isolate the disease. The annual general meeting of the S
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  • Correspondence.
    • 358 11 To the Editor of the “Straits Times DhAi; Sik, Ten or eleven years ago the Singapore roads had the reputation (a nd justly e< of being altogether as fine nnd weli-kept thoroughfares as it was po*gih|*» to find anywhere Unfortunately many of our ronds near town mav now
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  • 369 11 Yu Ah Kenq, quite a youngster, was yesterday arraigned before the Bench Court on allegations cf housebreaking by night in order to commit theft and for causing hurt with a pnrang to a Chinese woman named Ng Soey i> ga and her husband Koh Siang Sing
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  • 89 11 Rfgi!>tck>d mfvr 20 h, capita) £l2 OUO in £l shares (*5,000 prvfereuc O ject, to acquire land known as the Oicdv E-tate, near TVluk Anson, io the Federated Malay State®. held from the Government by 11. A \V. A> let bury, to adopt an agreement with the
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  • 108 12 We Lave iifi'* many as f'Hi' admiral? at a nine in Singapore but it is open to doubt that live generals am an admiral ever Fat around the snnrn table oil any occasion in Singapore unti 1 yesterday The tiffin-party, which wa* given to G-*ner d 1
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  • 122 12 A Ma v ilam\n iiHimd Clementi, servant to Air Nichi 11, marine enginec-t, Wcl'* b ond in the stable-* of Mm il«> i -do La P.i’x yes** rday evening in poshes gion r-t a h*x containing properti belonging to his ma-ter, valued at S!l<». He was handed over
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  • 168 12 Bowling Championship. iHI8 event took place on Saturday evening and was won by Mr A. H. Withers with the excellent score o’ J025. Tuis is the highest score cvei made on the Club alley?, tin previous best, being 913 made by ?»!r J G. MuctaizgHit me years ago,
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  • 363 12 Ryan-Bailey. The Cornish 1 imes reports —Considerable interest was evinced in a pretty weuding soiemmsed at Looe Pansn churen on vv eanesuay. T lie contracting parties were Aur. William Joseph Ryan, of the Chinese Protectorate beryioe, Singapore, son of the late Mr. T. Ryan, Singapore, and Sybil
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  • 514 12 His visit to Singapore Fraught with little incident. General Stoessel continued his voyage by the 1 rencxi mail yesteruay aiternoon Witaout any iucideut cl import having occurred to parc»culaily identify his stay. Le courteously declined to be interviewed, 011 the legitimate ground that be could not discuss any
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  • 293 12 General St* essel w r as given a nuignificent reception at Saigon when the Australicn called at that port. A great number of the French residents visited the ship. In the evening the General wdth Madame Stoessel and suite w r ent to Government House to dinner which
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  • 464 12 This morning, the Hingapr re-K'at j’ Railway Jerry launch cai out of tlie *S«"uai;ure Slipway ion. doi at Tar j>r g Rhu She left for Joliore today. The St.'‘re cricket contingent of the s. i; f who will represent the *ol u»v against thf F.M S on
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  • 112 12 SoMi nine •u i hsi nigftit or in the eail> hours of this in »risir»rj burglars paid a visir to “Clayton", N >. 6 P.iters n R *ad. The occupants of this “mess s the police duel ire, sleep with all their windows and open. This
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  • 283 12 !Serem*>aii, II th, January. l’he Right Re\d. Bishop oft Singapore and Sarawak has been paving a pastoral visit to Seiemban, and on Sunday, J iiimry 29th, the new church of Bfc. Mark was c msecrated by him. Tne senice ot consecration tock place at 8 a m.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 79 12 To the Editor 0/ the “Straits Times.” Ur.AK .mk,— i wonder *uo;e p r*ce it it, to alter tbe pi 1 tea over ilie rcri iviiw box in the GPU A person cannot tee the Wurd pml iur tn« oir'iness ol the hi ass. 1 won Jer
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  • 294 12 ACCIDENT TO THE DUMBEA.” Unholy Glee of certain German Residents of Singapore. J UK t* it I i It 11 inti t JjfTlil/i O winch hit £ii gMpcre, for Cob lutur on J:»ij 16 b, lithe the bolts <1 01 e tl tne ci upiir £S if her main
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  • 283 12 The occupiers ut Newu n Cottage,” Bukit lnii.i: Road, wire the viciuis o! a r«»bbtr} .11 broad day! ght on JSund.:} l ist hi t ween tea and hreaktiS tin e A j r.rsts containing no es ano silver was Bt.olt n from one ot
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  • 215 12 The annual meeting of the Singapore Nursing Association is fixed to be held in the Municipal Board Room on Friday, Feb. 17th, at 4.30 p.m. The committee s report of working of the Association, to be presented at the meeting, is in the following terms: The omoers
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  • 428 12 On the 11th Dec. Cn S Ti 0 lj t i lor ui bouses, u 1 °ur tnree pair* oi wheels, ax pair> tiirte pa A rs ox fc cC. Allru Wxire irauied against the defendant^ V* teruay, tae ca_e was iai u hy by i*xr. xNuun
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  • 287 12 7 raced to Jcl ore by Energetic Police Officers. On Friday a'ter: < i> a chirtirg s:«w a Ci ir en an b rd r r r Cho Terrace m«»ket with a smpici n« Y. ldig lag < er bis sl-ouldfr. T inking 11 at ought contain epiun
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  • 174 12 S'C.C. V8, Sherwood Foresters. The game cii tl.F K-| lanaoe day afternoon tie he Sherwood Foresters attractfd a mod deal of interest. P!a\ commenc* punctually, tt<e Foresters dehndiPft t* 1 *ea and with a rafhfr strong hui *aciog them. Mr. Apps refereed. lhet(«® g were well matched ard a
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  • 958 13 Talk abviut the Philippines. lif >uV B MtxuY ir-rn L nK r y „f »ta}ii*t£ R ffl Mi n,i 1 f j. McC*y i*- l>-piit> H •ti-l 1 .ms it ibe Pi ilippine l tne very nature ot r United Slates Colon} p 11
    958 words
  • 2572 13 In the Mining Journal of date 7th instant, Mr. Walter Hy. Barnard reports: 1 Uosday. —A fair business doing, about 000 tons changing hands with an irregular tone, ine ocraito price was £i5i 1 at business was done; tins had its enect ou prices here, the
    2,572 words
  • 501 13 Arrived 27th Jitn*i»rv. «v.rkok-lw r nii Williamson Capt. Hawke* Mr Van 'Vj>\ <-n »t..< \i r Rn-h. n I'.r Sappho Pr.. m T-lok An ..n-Rishop Mr Znm iorntiiiti r -.t 'I rkin.nn. S .torM. H.-1i..-, si i, rl' „,eni‘ It' k l>- hr- -r aLlln iiiuilier neiiim
    501 words
  • 90 13 Departures, 31st January. Per A fralten ;—Pur Colo rut.o Mr. Batho«»i.eu82, Mr. res pi. Fur Poit SaM—Me-trs. diko«* and Beloo. For Mar eill.«— Hr and Vlr*. HareDs Mr. Adler, Mr. V. Marsot. Mr. Picard. Mr W. V. »oning, Mr. K. \ikin--‘••n. Mr. Zuiiii.eiinann, l)r aid Mrs. Hirmt, •’uunt
    90 words
  • 254 13 For Singapore. Per R A 0. 8 8 Oceana, w tb st* tirng- l at Colombo from oodjQ tti Jan, due **tb F b—Mr GoMie Vlr. and Mrs. J. A. liark, Mr. W. P«el’ vlr. H G moo, Mr S. Dunn, Mr K. Men. *»r. D. Kerr.
    254 words

  • Special Telegrams to the “Straits Times.”
    • 702 14 PfHftig, 2Wi Jann ry 531 p.m The Penang Race Meeting opener this atu moon in hue weather and on i fmt Cwui&e. Tli*-re was a large alien day ce of sptctaiois. The results wen as follow-: 1. The Maiden Plate. Rl. et*‘ ;#-q 1 Diplomatic 2 V•• Mar*
      702 words
  • 3328 14 London 'loth January Tiie strike at Moscow’ is spieaum, rapidly 1 lie’ police have e’eartd the gun smith s shops. There is a terai oiary lull in the d s turoiihu s at B>t. Beierabuig The general strike movem a nt it 1 also broken out at K
    3,328 words

  • 152 15 p Her I in. Msf January. B- r,Ii Kit el Friederich, wfo has ferionslv ill, is nut of danger. (nwn Prince is proceeding on e l Ital y a bc beginning of Hj nuts at Warsaw are of eonsi i-xtent. Bl’"' i 'in ire*i persons are reported
    152 words
  • 467 15 M r Tanaka, 'h<r* 1 for tlxB r^n Oifio ,f *'gr*m from the <Sui day. a ,t P iu K" Cn r th l"" 1 'of tie m i,.,,, fih,,w '"g activity situ* v 5 c fp- lpaflt n .'"e'l'y ciiht in'e* Wh ‘-mih.'f r a,,lB Heiki.uiai
    467 words
  • 12 15 FINANCE COMMERCE. \U February 1905 io days 4/m bank rote is 1/11^#.
    12 words
  • 140 15 Output for 1904 Less Than for 1903. Last year, says the Perak Pioneer the Negri Sembilan exported 84,849.58 piculs of tin (5,05 u tons) against 85,485.54 piculs (5.U8/ tons) in the year previous. The duty collected amounted to $883,393.79 or less by $98,669.24 than that obtained in
    140 words
  • 263 15 A tklforam from London to the rimes of Ceylon dated lath Jan. Bay 9: Rubber in London has gone higher again. Messrs. Figgis &Co have sold a ton of Ceylon rubber a* 6s Id sent from Culloden estate, the Yatipauwa Government plantation and Nikakotua estate. THE ESTATES
    263 words
  • 256 15 f Issue Paid n 1 Value up to Company Bujsn Ssifen Transao- i tione i f GOLD. f 13,600 $lO |7.60 Bersawah G. M. Co., Ltd.. j 14.00 13.01 tf, jOU unissued. 4,j00 $lO $lO (Deferred) 1 s.ijm 20,000 5 10 10 Kadana G. M. Co. Ltd. 10.00 nom
    256 words
  • 156 15 4(K»,uuu 1 1 Duff Develop went Co., Lul. j 13 o*' now. 60,100 uumaued. 2,UUU f 100 4 100 Federated Engineering Co., Ltd. 185.01 4,5U0 4 60 4 60 Fraaer Meave, Ltd. ...i IOuJK; lul.Ufj iO,UUO 4 125 4 l-o llougkong and Shanghai Bank 715 "0 715 Ot I2,uuu
    156 words
  • 54 15 iliwarth Erskine, Ltd. 7% 260,000 3 V prem. Li iey, Hargreaves, Ltd. 6£ 225,000 2% prem buyers S ugapore Municipal 6% 400,000 2% prem buyers M 6% 1,878,000 1% prem buyers it »i 1% 656,600 2% dis. nom. r*njom* I’ftfcfar Dock 1:0., Ltd 6t 250,n00 2% prem bnveis I.s*R*vßiS*
    54 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 272 15 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co’s saleroom yesterday afternoon Estate of Sheriff a Noor Deceased. Nos. 49 and 50 South Bridge Hoad and No. 1 Nankin Street, Singapore, total area 2,495 square feet, 999 years lease. Total monthly rent $131. Bought by A.
      272 words
    • 351 15 to a quit rent of $4. Bought by M. C. Somasundarum Chitty for S2UO. Freehold land off Gaylang Road, Singapore, area 2,000 square feet! Bought by Somasundarum Chitty for £l5O. Grand total of sale 886,400 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at roweii u Co s
      351 words
    • 650 15 SICK KIDNEYS MAKE YOU Unfit For Work. It is the constant strain of every-day duties that makes bachache and lame back for both men and women. The salespeople standing on their feet for hours at a time, reaching to high shelves and lifting heavy rolls of goods; the housekeepers in
      650 words

  • 1488 16 tli iVWBRI’P ,NaM> i tV Its*' (’AHIIS bUOtt r*AlL*l COKMONIE* < t I Rio- j_ j J *%oVda Krit *it 34:8 rows O. W\ Tto jj n 1 P Pinions and Co 21 Redarg Sia si 289 auu -angknk lan |7 Fas. Asiatic Coy Tolv \’or t» 740 Mi>:er
    1,488 words
  • 107 16 P*H.«KD I R UT* OK XKHVRI F< »R OKhRKs j H° <* e I>AU u* litMATk Rig. Ship's Name Captain. Hailing Kkomwheki ation. karkf Jan i*Fch frq ?*M>nt Donation Bertrand Nov SON't tq Pardeo Phalroeiad Nov 2* »ah*e Pay \rjerfo s 8 N»* f or D y D<*c 1
    107 words
  • 987 16 vt.Tni YSSbEL’s NaMK, FLAO A till; ToNh DESTINATION. I Jan 24 Glerogle Rrit str. 2-°P6 R H 23 Siac i>Vi' *ir. :'JO l}»ngi>at H 23 sru- atra fJ er str. 497 j |)i 24 Kuril Kins Brit sir. 2 77 H 24 K;«jah of Sarawak car -ir. 892 Samwak
    987 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1038 16 A KINDLY PUBLIC OFFICER. Some months ago a letter from Rai Maya Das, R.i>., Magistrate of the hirst Class and Manager of the Mamdote Estate in the 1 erozepore District, Punjab, was received in London, by the proprietors of Mother Seigel’s Syrup, in which the writer ordered some ox the
      1,038 words
    • 39 16 The Uni.ersal Remedy for Acidity ul Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion Sour Kructations, iWlious Atf ct:«ms Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Safest and most Gentle Medicine for Infants, C t ildren. Delicate Female?, and the Sickness of Pregnancy.
      39 words
    • 20 16 67 ROYAL WARRANT TO Nit MAJESTY THE HS& LEA PERRINS SAU C 5 Tho Criminal and Genuine \7r rtrrrhire. -SC
      20 words