The Straits Budget, 21 July 1904

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 82 1 The Straits Budget Kstabusrrd over Half a Century VOL. LVIII. Cable Address: Times, Singapore. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, 21, JULY 1904. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OP THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Straits Budget, 40 Cents. BtraitB Times 15 cents NO. 4222 The “STRAITS TIMES” circulates LARGELY IN SINGAPORE AND PENANG THROUGHOUT ALL THE PROTECTED
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 21ST JULY.
    • 174 1 Dupire.—On the 13th July, at Villa Gsllia. [irj. River Va.iey Road, the wife of L. DuPlRB‘ of a son. DarNEal. —Ou the3oth May. at Shaugbai rbe wife of H. Darneal, of a son. Of. Gray.— On the 3 s, May, at Shanghai, the wife of H Ds Gray, of
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    • 187 1 Wiijsii GkaiiAM-PaERV. —On the J,»th July. ;tt r windauddwr Church, Rhayader, Char ks Willi am Ernest Whish. Lieut. Royal Navy, H.M>. Mars,« dy son of C W. Whish, Esq., late 1.C.5., of Erineeourt, South Ascot, to Evelyn Augusta, eldest daughter of Graham Graham-Parry, F.sq., of Bray, Co. Wicklow. Cameron
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  • 191 1 Lkadinq Articles.— Mr. Kynnersley. Water Question. Water Meters. Progress of the War. Russia’s Weakness. Municipal Election, i Tamil Labour. Kallang Extension Seizures at Sea. Japanese Ambition Municipal Progress Javanese Labour Local. Market Quotations Shipping News. Passenger List. Police Nows. Overcharging Letters Municipal Election. Polo Club at Home
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  • 324 1 The Straits Budget, this week, is despatched by the P. A O. s.s. Chuta*. The Budget next week, will be mailed by the 1> 1 s.s Zamaniu. The homeward mail by ihe M M. s.s. Yarra. closed on Monday. The mail from Europe of the 24th
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    • 624 1 (Straits Times, 14 th Jvly It is with a profound regret that we learn through the courtesy of the Deputy Governor, that a telegram has been received from the Secretary of State announcing the sudden death of Mr. Charles Walter Sneyd Kynnersley c.m g one of the m
      (Straits Times, 14th Jvly )  -  624 words
    • 1685 1 (S-raiis terras, 14 th July Mr. Purge's interesting Report on the Singapore Water Supply, dated March 23rd last, has just been issued, and we think that whatever thirst for information the public may entertain in regard to the document—27 printed foolscap pages, with inserted tables, maps and
      (S-raiis terras, 14th July )  -  1,685 words
    • 751 2 (Straits Times t 14th July.) Yesterday we quoted an article which appears in the current issue*of the Malaysia Message complaining of the perverted morals of our Singapore water meters, which register a far larger consumption when there is no water in the pipes than when that now locally
      (Straits Times t 14th July.)  -  751 words
    • 639 2 (Straits Times loth July.) No more fantastic idea than that of proclaiming the slaughter of an impossible number of assailants, as a softener” for the announcement of the tall of a stout stronghold, has ever been conceived aud promulgated over the telegraph wires of our modern
      (Straits Times, loth July.)  -  639 words
    • 1539 2 (Straits Tunes, 15 th J»ly.) Apropos of the foregoing, it is worthy ot note that, under the suggestive title of Russia’s lleel of Achilles,” a writer in the World has recently been ventilating in a series of articles the fearful corruption that obtains in the Government of
      (Straits Tunes, 15th J»ly.)  -  1,539 words
    • 2964 2 (S baits Times 1 Qth July). On Tuesday next, July 19tb, the ratepayers of the 1 anglin Ward will have the privilege of voting—should they so so desire—for the election of Mr. Fredk. E. Jago as successor to Mr. A. W. Barker as representative of that ward on
      (S baits Times, 1 Qth July).  -  2,964 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 94 1 I'he post f-ee price of the Straits Time is f.‘I4 a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is S20 a year. It is not accessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate of price as for a vear.
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  • 173 1 DEATHS. Hosts.-— On the 6th July, at Bishop’s House, Sarawak, Emily Harriet Hose, wife of the Bishop of Singapore and Sarawak, aged 63. Henderson.—On the 13th -iuly, at No. 2, Wilkie Road, William Henderson, of HowKitli Erskine Ltd., in his 17th year. Deeply regretted. Smith. —On the morning of the
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  • 295 3 1 he tuiiowiiiu have am\ d per e.8 Java:— From Lond *n, M K»rkpatrick, Major J. H E. Austin, M H Case, Mr V\ J Burns, Lieut. V\ vV. Congreve, Mr. C. W. Betmara, Mi Kradgeley. Mr. A G., a fjinous Germ i p -inter, is
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  • 114 3 There is now on view at the Hotel de l’Europe an elevation plan of the new Hotel buildings, which are shortly to be commenced. The accomodation will be sufficient to meet all frequenters of tirst class Hotels,' and amongst the many requirements of a building of three
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  • 151 3 Interesting Ruling in the Chop Chiap Guan bankruptcy Case. About eighteen months ago, on the application of the official Assignee. Mr. Justice llyndman-Jones held that Tan Chin Guan was a partner in the Chop Chiap Guan and he was adjudicated a bankrupt. On appeal to the Court
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  • 168 3 We regret to anuounce the death of Mr. William Henderson of Messrs. Howarth, Erskine and Co., which oocurred at his residence at No. 2 Wilkie Road yesterday. The deceased, who was only 47 years of age, leaves a wife and young family in Singapore. The late Mr.
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  • 582 3 Holmberg Pleads Guilty on all Counts This morning the case before the Court was that of Holmberg, the former Finrncial Clerk to the Super nten dent of Works and Surveys, who was c harged with: (1) Criminal Breach of Trust as a Public Servant upon 3 occasions. Having
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  • 201 3 Rikisha Coolies <**. Wayang Men. About 0 o’clock yesterday morning a :ight took place at a standpipe in Long Lim Lane between a gang of rikisha coolies and a number of wayang men. The men quarrelled over the right to obtain water from the pipe
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  • 598 4 At Kuala l umpur. H. E. the Governor and Miss Anderson, aeconTpanied by Sir William Hood Treacher, returned to Kuala Lumpur from Klang on Thursday (17th inst.) At five o’clock in the afternoon H. E. inspected the extensive railway workshops, after which he drove back to Sir William
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  • 534 4 A Magnif'Crm liluminant. The Kitson system of lighting by p troleum which has now been before the world long enough to prove its efficiency and reliability appears to scoring over rival illuminaiits all along *the line. Its latest triumph is that ike Trinity House Brethren are adopting
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  • 411 4 A Musical Treat. Lovers of good musiejiad a rare treat in store for them at the concert given at the Teutonia Club last night when they had the pleasure of hearing Mile. Willy Arendts sing. The fair artist has a splendid contralto voice and her singing
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  • 422 4 We greatly regret to announce the death at 8arawak of Mrs. Hose. The British revenue for the second quarter of 904 .€31 722,169. being 4 decrease of £2 688 044 A late telegram announces that the electric light was started at Penang lis hight and vas a
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  • 84 4 The Holmberg Case. I11 passing sentence upon the prisoner this morning the Ilonb'le the Chief Justice stated that be did not see any reason as urged by prisoner’s counsel for mitigation of the sentence, but that owing to his being so seriously ill, and upon that ground solely,
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  • 253 4 Count and Countess de Bondy Celebrate the 14th July. The 14th of July, the anniversary of the taking of the Bastille, being the National Holiday of the French Republic, .Count de Bondy, Consul for France in Singapore, and his charming wife, the Countess de Bondy,
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  • 708 4 How a Mafrfy sought to undo a Chinaman. Last night a Chinese towkay rushed into the Central Police Station m a frantic state of terror and excitement. Behind him stalked a stalwart Sikh Police constable who held a Chinese boy by the neck, with one hand, and gripped a
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  • 968 4 Contributed V 'Mir "planting friends in the Federated Malay States, there is possibly no question of such vital importance to them and indeed to the F M. 8. Government as the proper treatment of the rubbep contained in the latex of the Hevea Br»zdieusis.
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  • 1406 5 Entries for the Four Day’s Races. Penang, July. The following ire the Entries for the Penang Race?:— FIRBT DAY. Tuesday, 26th July, 1904. 1. The Maiden Plate. V alue $6OO.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10 st.) An allowance of 14 lb. to all ex-Griffius.
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  • 476 5 Du. Watson, the District Surgeon of Klang, reports against allowing pools and pits on the road sides owing to the stagnant water therein harbouring mosquitoes. He complains that road engineers make no allowance for this Dr. Watson drives the point home thU8: Education of the Engineering Department.
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  • 155 5 In June, 1,050 deaths were registered at Singapcre. The ratio pef tnofisand 50.1»>. Two hundred and sixtythree deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 9 f h July. The ratio per thousand was 55.48. The 8.1.5. N. Company have just signed a contract
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  • 173 5 Kite Flving and its Consequences. When out riding yesterday morning, Mr. Williams, who is in charge of the Railway extension work here, met with a nasty accident. He was on his way to the Racecourse, when a paper kite suddenly fell, from the clouds, startling his
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  • 190 5 It was with Sie deepest regret that we had to announce yesterday the death at Kuching, in Sarawak, on the 6th July of Mrs. Hose, the wife of the Right Revd. the Bishop of Singapore, and we tender our sincerest sympathy to Bishop Hose and his
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  • 149 5 Inferior Tobacco with a Standard Chop Destroyed. On the 15th ult., two Chinese were before the Befcch Court, charged with possession of several boxes of tobacco o i inferior quality, but bearing the chop of importers erf superior brands. Messrs Drew and Napier prosecuted. Mr.
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  • 138 5 Yesterday, P. C. A. Insp. Pestana prosecuted a Bengali for using a pony with a fractured leg. The animal had been shot, and the broken bones were produced before Mr. Colman. Veterinary Surgeon Falshaw gave evidence and the man was fined $5O. Yesterday morning, Mr. Nunn fined a
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  • 469 5 Visit to Pahang. After leaving Kuala Kubu on Sunday morning ('Oth July), HE, says the Malay by the Acting Resident of Pahang and Mr Dyke?, Senior Warden of Mines, went #u rough by motor*car to Raub, where wa? entertained at tiffin by the 1 Acting Resident. He
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  • 144 5 Before Mr. Nunn at the Police Court this morning, Mr. W. A. Cuscaden. C. P. 0., charged eight additional Sikh police constables with refusing duty yesterday. Mr. Cuscaden explained that a case of beriberi had occurred at the quarters at the Central Police Station and the Police
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  • 208 5 Subject to the approval of the Secretary ot State for the Colonies, the Governor has made the following appointment in the Civil Service with effect from the sth instant Mr. M. S. H. McArthur, District Officer, Bukit Mertajaro, in Class IV, to the Office of Second Assistant Colonial Secretary,
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  • 750 6 The usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at j the Municipal office yesterday afternoon. Mr. E. G. Broadrick, President, presided and there were also present Messrs. A. J. W Watkins, Lee Clioon Guan, Choa Giang Thye, C. J. feaunder?, O. K. Somerville, Dr. Murray Robertson
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  • 1255 6 THE FOOTBALL CUP. Manchesters Beat the S. C. C. The Esplanade was thronged from an early hour yesterday afternoon by a large gathering who had assembled to 6ee the match between the S. C. C. and the Manchester Regiment in the com petit»on for the Singapore Football Association
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  • 140 6 Tiik Governor arrived at Kuala Kubu by train ircin Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. On their arrival, H. E and party were received by the District Officer, Mr. Bowen, at the Railway Btati >n. which had been pr. tiilv decorated. The Stationuiaster spiinkied rose water over H. E
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  • 147 6 Yesterday afternoon, a Chinaman named Chua Hang Guau was brought before the Bench Court on a charge of having kidnapped from the Colony and taken to Muar a young Chinese girl apparently fourteen years of age. Mr. Farrer piosceuted. The girl was taken away in April last
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  • 109 6 Defendants Acquitted after Two Days* Trial. The case in which one Madu, who holds Army Dhoby contracts, and Oliver his clerk, were tried for forgery and other offences, concluded yesterday after lasting for two days. The Attorney-General and Mr. R W. Braddell prosecuted and Mr. Raine
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  • 85 6 Thj: following passengers arrived here this morning by the Preusstn. From Southampton:—Miss K. Pascoe, Mr. Charles A. Brodie, Mr. F. Campbell. From Genoa —Mr. Mrs. S. Gad, Mr. F. Pan, Mr. Paul Pobloth, Mr. and Mrs. Tomaszewski, Mr Mrs. Klein, Mr. W. Sraoes, Mr. F. M.
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  • 496 6 The field force which, under Colonel Van Daalen has been campaigning in the Gayoo country marches from victory to victory. It started to punish the abettors and allies of the Achinese in their long war with the Netherlands. The column has now entered the country of the Allas
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  • 172 6 The British steadier Vena? arrived from Cardill yesterday with 5,170 tons of coal consigned for Shanghai. Clearing operations on the Jobore railway route at Segamat is going on apace. Some 20 miles or so have now been cleared. It is understood that the whole of the Nordanal
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  • 711 6 The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Echo de Paris states that the Em* peror will go to Libau on 24th inst. to say good-bye to the first part of the quadron which will leave for the Far East under the command of Admiral de
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  • 111 6 A carriage accident occurred in Orchard Road about 6 pm. yesterday. Nearly opposite the Hotel Van Wijk a rikisha coolie swerved across a high gig containing a lady and caused the horse to rear, and run into a gharry. Both animals became restive and bolted. Thev banged into
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  • 3228 7 L 7 JtiSf 'Jtil J O 1 A r present At 1 vo meeting, convened bv ■Hu* Resident, was held to-day at the ■Club to decide upon the steps to be ■a ken to offer a fitting welcome to Sir ■Join Anderson, K.C.M.G Governor of ■the
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  • 323 7 Forty Tons An Hour. Mr. ilerbert C. Fyfe writes in a recent number of the World's H ork on thi9 question, one which is all-important to Russia at the present moment if she really intends to send out her Baltic fleet to the Far
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  • 224 7 Os Thursday, says ihe Strait w Echo, for the first time, Penang was illuminated by electricity. The current was r urned on shortly before sundown rnd fie first intimation given to the public hat the new illuminant had r< nily fawned upon the town was the
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  • 382 7 A case which has occupied the Third Police Magistrate’s Court" for some weeks was concluded on Satu day, by Mr. Nunn. It will he remembered that four Bombay men, traders in a firm in North Bridge Road, were charged with assaulting Sergeant Reynolds while in the execution ol
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  • 858 8 Account of the Marriage, at home, Mr CharlesAbrama. The Slough, Eton and Windsor Observer of June 25th, has the following &o•ount of the wedding of Mr. Charles W. Abrams of Singapore, eldest son of Mr. H. Abrams, which will be read with great interest by the happy groom’s
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  • 176 8 THE GOVERNOR’ S TOUR. la Per*k* H. E. Sir John Anderson, High Commissioner of the Federated Malay States and Miss Anderson, arrived at Ipoh in Perak on the 14th July There were large assemblies ol the European and Native Communities Addresses were presented, firstly by the European Community, secondly by
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  • 74 8 Tiie match between the Law and Civil Service and the Officers of the Garrison was continued on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon ihe Garrison had to finish their innings They scored 27 runs for the loss ol seven wickets when stumps were drawn The Law and Civil
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  • 392 8 We understand that the order fm the tUrl twin Ft ri w steamer for tiu Penar.g Harbour Department has been placed by Government with Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd Two hundred and thirty-two deah* were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 2nd July. The ratio
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  • 139 8 The last case on the Assize list was reached to-day when a Chinaman named Teh Gan B woe was brought up on a I charge of attempting to pass as genuine a forged bank note on the Batik of Java, purporting to be worth 500 guilder*. The Story
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  • 421 8 ROWING. It is a great pity that members of the Rowing Club do not take more interest in this 6port. There is no excuse that they have not sufficient craft for what they have is barely evei used. We believe that some races are under consideration for September
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  • 399 8 Final of the K. O. k. Cup Tournament. Yesterday afternoon, despite the heavy rain of the earlier portion of the day, a large number of people the invitation of the Polo Club to witness the final game of the K. O. R. Cup
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  • 520 8 Lkpiny loth July. The Resident has returned to headquarters after taking leave of Hig Excellency the High Commissioner at Kuala Kubu. Mr. Wray w.os away from Lipis during the whole of last month, having paid his first visit to the coast districts. While at Kuautan, he went up
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  • 104 8 Arr vals. Pick Toutanoi From Marseilles Mr. D. Convghain, Mr. S. S. Logan, Mr. H Zerner. From Colombo: Mr. O. Stalf, Mr. Stanley T. Wait. From Madras: Mr. P E Havet. Departures. Per Tourane: For Saigon. Mies E. Lloyd, Mr. Panourinie, Mr. and Mrs. Steinmetz. For Hongkong.—Mr.
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  • 158 8 The Trooping Season for Chinese students from China to Liege in Belgium, is apparently in full swing, for during last week, in addition to those whom we reported as being homeward bound by the. Himalaya there also passed through this port,—on the German mail steamer Zieten— 2o
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  • 488 8 Allegation Against a Postman. Fraudulent Taxation of Letters. On Friday, a case of some importance to the general community was heard by the Bench Court. Raju, a Kling postman was arraigned for a breach of the Post Office Ordinance in putting a foreign mark on an article passing
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  • 365 8 Yesterday, the case of Sany. Insp. liar ileet versus. Tan Teng Leng, Oh Boon. Swi Hi, Tan Han, Ong Pai and Lim Loh was called before Mr. Colman in the Summons Court. Mr. Raine appeared for the complainant, and Mr. Carver for the defence. Mr. Raine opened the
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  • 1334 9 AT PORT ARTHUR. (Tiorii Oar Special Correspondent.) < Refugees’ Tales. Chefoo, 3uth June. During the part three or four weeks the arrival of junks filled with refugee Chinese from Port Arthur have been of almost daily occurrence. Several thousands have been landed at Chefoo and a i{Ood many
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  • 289 9 Forthcoming Theatrical Season. One of the attractions promised during the forthcoming theatrical season is the visit of the Dallas Raodniann Opera Company. Mr. Dallas has lately joined forces with Mr. Maurice E. Bandmann who is piloting an Opera Company through South America the West Indies
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  • 935 9 Waiting for the First Voter. At the offices of the Municipal Commissioners a tiny placard stuck in tin centre of a vast expanse of bare yellow wood which leant against an open dooi announced to all who cared to listei hat au election was taking place. It was
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  • 591 9 Malav Royal Sport. One of the items on the Programme of the Governor’s visit to the Federated Malay States is that of Meng-Gelun-chor or a water-sliding game, which His Highness Idris Marsidet Aazam Shah, g.c.m.q., the Sultan of Perak, will organize for the amusement of His Excellency
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  • 495 9 Under the above heading, the Malaysia Mr**ayc calls attention to certain di screpancie3 of the Singapore system of water supply, which system now seem* based upon the theory of charging the ratepayer the more the less water he f*et* Thus our contemporary states its case
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  • 99 9 Commander C. E. Monro, H. M. S. Rambler reports the existence of a shoal patch in the approach to Amoy Harbour, with Chapel Inland bearing S. E., 6.1 miles, and Chin Ha point. (6. E. point) N. 87 W., 4fl miles. The least water
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  • 99 9 Sad Accident to Mr. Bettington. The friends of Mr B. Bettington will be sorry to hear that this gentleman met with a terrible accident whi> examining some guns recently—cna exploded and very seriously injured Mr. Bettington’s face. The* sufferer is showing the greatest fortitude, and is thus aiding
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  • 128 9 On the 10th inst. Mr. Blokzeye of the Netherlands India Commercial Bank engaged licensed gharry syce No. 2*. Ismail, by time. lie was driven to the Botanical Gardens. He desired the syce to drive into the Gardens. The man refused to do so unless be was promised
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 176 9 LAND SALES. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell A: Co’s Saleroom yesterday afternoon. $99 years’ Leasehold land off River Valley Road, at back of Institution Hill,area 43,577 square feet, together with the European residence thereon knows as “Belair” Municipal No. 98. Monthly rent $60. Bought by
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  • 819 10 FOOTBALL. The Cup Competition. Harlequins beat Tanjong Pagar. Tho first game in the second round of Mic Singapore Football association Cup omoetition was played on the S. „,i of the Esplanade yesterday alter ,or.n between the Harlequins..who chained a draw in th- first round, and the Tan*00® Pagar
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  • 493 10 Mr. Cherry refuses to collapse under Cross Exam nation. YhST*kday afternoon, a case of some interest to proprietors of Printing Office* was before the Bench Court. Mahomeo Ali was arraigned on the allegation o* having itolen paper and type irom tl c Store room of the
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  • 999 10 THE GOVERNOR’ S TOUR. At Kuala Lumpur. (From Exchange* 8ir .K nn Anderson, Governor of ibe .Stra ta Settlements, arrived at Kuala Lumpur, the Federal Capital, at 4.40 p. m. on the 6th July. The railway station was gaily decorated and the roads were black will an immense crowd. Sir
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  • 107 10 H. E. at Tronoh. On the 15th July, the Governor visited Tronoh, passing through Lahat and M englcmbu. All the places through which he passed were gaily decorated. He visited the French mines at Lahat. H. E.was received at Tronoh by Towkay Foo Choo Choon, Mr. Edgar,
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  • 402 10 Eulogy of Mr. fc. E. Williams. 4 The following is a copy of the Address presented to Mr. S. E. Williams, Superintendent of the Government Printing Office, Taiping, on the eve of .his departure to take up a similar ppst in the Singapore Government Printing
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  • 154 10 The 1»i itish Resident, Peiak, Mr. K. \V. Birch, is expected in Perak by the 10th of August next, when Mr. Birch takes up the Government, Mr H. Conway Bellield, the Acting Resident will revert to his substantive appointment in Selangor. When Sir William Hood Treacher.
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  • 171 10 The Ri vd. W. II. C. Dunkerft Jouhas been unwell for some time Howes, j gone to Penang for a change. He stay at the hill. 1 It will please many readers to 'earn that Mr. A. Robertson, of Messrs.*' Lyali and Evalt, is slowly recover *jj
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  • 50 10 PENAN G RACES. handi; ca p S j tr the p. W. Plate. The fallowing handicaps for the Province# \Vellesley Plate, to he run for at tl^ e ne xt penang Race M* eting, 1 fenced Jidda, 1 1 0 Millirfivt 10 7: Droulren 9.12; Dux 9.12: M'tfl/s.10: Kirtvn 7.0.
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  • 873 10 Biblical Story Re-enacted on the Kallang Ri v er. When Pharaoh’s daughter, with her handmaidens and footservants and all the rest of tho appurtenances which properly belonged to a royal highness of those ancient days, went down to the river to bathe she little expected to find
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  • 957 11 beat the Manchester Reg t. Thh final game for the Football Cup was flayed off on the Esplanade yesterday afternoon between the Harlequins (a combination of the 64 Coy. R.G.A, the HK. and the Rovers) and the Mar"hester Regiment. By 4.30 the Esplanade was thronged by a
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  • 322 11 EXCITING SCENE ON CAVENAGH RR DGF. About 9.15 this morning a Malay stopped on the middle of Cavenagh Bridge and began hitting with a stick he carried at every 'rikisha coolie and every horso that passed. The Sikh Police Constable on duty on the bridge went up and
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  • 109 11 RACINQ. The first contingent of Singapore and F M. 42 engaged at''Ihe forthcoming Penang races, have according4.0 Selton arrived. Fssingtoa, Starlight, liaihnm, I ntcug, Marie, Postman, and Joan went up in charre of Bryan. Woods’ comprises, Meros, Architert, Barchester, Cade, Marigold, Boree, Victory and a Taipeng Griffin.
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  • Special Telegrams to the “Straits Times.”
    • 101 11 Shanghai, 12th July. News from Chefoo report* that the R Titian* re-occupied the position captured by the Japanese to the eaet of Port Arthur. One battalion of infantry attacked the Japanese, and was assisted bv the warship* Novik, Gilyak Bohr, Gremiatchy, and Otvagny. The shells forced tho Japanese
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    • 79 11 Shanghai 13/A July. A special wire from Chefoo mentions a report, based on Japanese sources of information, that the Japanese attacked the wp«t fort at Port Arthur in force on Bttn4ay. li<e Russians exploded a series of land mines and repulsed the Japanese with fearlul havoc. The
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    • 18 11 It is further stated that several merchantmen are simulating to be cruisers among the blockading squadron.
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    • 12 11 The trains on the Siberian railway are receiving wireless installations.
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    • 49 11 Bombay 13/A July. Despatches of a very reassuring tone have arrived from the Thibet Expedition. It is stated that the enemy is completely cowed, and negotiations are probable in the immediate future. No definite settlement, however, will be entered into except with the Dalai Lama and at Lhassa.
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    • 21 11 Shanghai 14/A July. A special telegram from Peking states that the Emperor Is dangerously ill with dysentery.
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    • 25 11 The Chinese Imperial Customs authorities report that four hitherto unreported mines, and several waterlogged junks are adrift in the Gulf of Pechili.
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    • 40 11 Chinese report that an outbreak of spotted plague has attacked the Russians at Sunyang. The doctors are unable to cope with the outbreak of small-pox that is raging among the Russians and Chinese at Mukden.
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    • 24 11 Shanghai Hth July. News has reached Chefoo by wire from Newchwang announcing the occupation of that port by the Japanese yesterday.
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    • 28 11 Shanghai 15/A July. Mr. Middleton, the Associated Press correspondent, died at Liaoyang on June 26th and was buried at Chefoo on the 13th inst.
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    • 28 11 Japanese cruisers which were searching vessels north and south of Chefoo yesterday (14th) seized the steamship Tlsiping alleging that she carried contraband of war.
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    • 18 11 No refugees have reached Chefoo Bince Sunday. It is believed that the Japanese are intercepting everything.
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    • 25 11 Shanghai 20/A July. The Japanese have seized the steamer Pei-Ping off Wei-bai-wei on the allegation tba* she carried contraband of war
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    • 21 11 It is rumoured at Chefoo that the Russians sank a merchantman off Port Arthur on the 14th.
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  • Reuter’s Extra Service.
    • 104 11 London, 1 2th July. Despatches from General Oku, regarding the action at Kaiping, state that the Japanese casualties on the 5th, 6th and 7th were 34. The casualties on the 8th and 9th are not mentioned. Natives state that, on the 7th, the Russians about Kaiping were
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    • 25 11 London, 13 th July. Newspaper comments upon the Uganda correspondence condemn the tone adopted by Sir Charles Eliot in corresponding with his superior.*
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    • 20 11 Reuter's correspondent at Chefoo states that there were two terrific explomods at Port Arthur yesterday evening
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    • 31 11 The visit of the German squadron to Plymouth is being made the occasion for numerous hearty gatherings and festivities ashore and afloat there. The squadron consists of five ships.
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    • 14 11 At lauDton, the South Africans beat Somersetshire by an innings and 86 runs.
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    • 30 11 London, 13 th July. The Anglo-German Arbitration Treaty was signed at London yesterday. It is identical with the Arbitration Treaties entered into with France, Italy, and Spain.
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    • 34 11 London, ljth July. General bakharoff reports that the Japanese are fortifying the heights between the railway and the road from Kaichan to Ashechian. The Japanese are also massing between Sinyen and Feng-huang-cheng.
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    • 18 11 There have beeu encounters between Russians and Chunchuse9 [mounted bandits] in the outskirts of Liaoyang.
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    • 44 11 Mr. Brodrick said that the Tibetan question was one of specially Indian interests. India must hence bear the cost of the war with Tibet. Mr. Schwann has put a question in the House of Commons regarding the transportation of convict* in Ceylon.
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    • 54 11 Mr. Lyttelton, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, replied that his predecessor in office had decided against transporting Ceylon convict* to the Andamans [an Indian penal settlement]. Personally, Mr. Lyttelton was willing to give the matter further consideration, but he was not prepared at present to
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    • 44 11 The German Arbitration Treaty is regarded as the outcome of H. M. the King’s visit to Kiel. Germany broached the subject of entering into such a treaty some months ago, but her proposals were coolly received by Britain at the time.
      44 words
    • 49 11 Middlesex beat Essex at Lord’s, Notts heat Leicestershire at Nottinp ham VVarwickshira.beat Surrey at Birmingham. Yorkshire beat Hampshire by on imings and eighteen runs at Portsmouth. Lancashire beat Worcestershire by nine wickets at Worcester. The match between Kent and Sussex' nlaved at Tunbridge Wells resulted in a draw.
      49 words
    • 21 11 Ijondon, 15/ h July. Reuters coriespondent at Tokio mentions a report that the Japanese have occupied Yinkow, unopposed.
      21 words
    • 223 11 Mr. Arnold-Forster, in his speech on army reform, said that the three years’ service militaiy system had broken down, and that it must come to an end because time-expired men refused to extend their terra of service. Already, the War Office had to send abroad many nun who
      223 words
    • 21 11 London, 14 Ih July. Reuter’s correspondent at Aden states ~ttfht the Mullah has been reported fifty miles from Berbera.
      21 words
    • 57 11 General 8akharoff reports that, oa the morning of the 12th inst.. a Japanese force from the Bast opened aA attack upon the Russian position at Kutiatsia, which is apparently a place only eight miles ea3t tri m Tashiehiao. Lloyd’s agent at Newchwang states that the Japanese scouts were
      57 words
    • 91 11 London, 14 th July. The Morning Post announces that a Chinese Imperial Railway lehn of 24 millions sterling, bearing interest at 5 per cent, guaranteed by the Chinese Government is to be issued to-day at 971 for the construction of a line fnn Shanghai to Nanking. Subscribers
      91 words
    • 250 11 London, 16/A July. There has been a debate in the House of Commons on the army reform scheme Mr Arnold Forster (Secretary of State for War) said that enlistment for general service would be for nine*years with the colours, and three years in the reserve. It was
      250 words
    • 33 11 llie-dbject of abolishing the linked battalion was to secure a much larger number of'.men to serve under the colours to be kept abroad rather than to be kept at home.
      33 words
    • 18 11 Sir William MacGregor, the Governor of Lagos, has been appointed to be Governor of Newfoundland.
      18 words
    • 48 11 Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, next week, will ask Mr. Balfour to fix a day for the discussion of a vote ef censure on the Government in the House of Commons. The vote of censure will be moved on matters in connection with Mr. Chamberlain’s recent speeches.
      48 words
    • 15 11 England won the Blcho Shield at Bisley. New Zealand won the Kolapore Cup.
      15 words
    • 46 11 London 17 th July. The Chronicle, while still concurring in the general ideas of the proposed Army Scheme, finds that* i he more the matter is considered in detail, the more doubt 8 it suggests. The insistance upon long service recruiting is the difficulty.
      46 words
    • 37 11 London 18th July Reuter’s Tientsin correspondent wires that the Chinese Minister at Tokyo has telegraphed the Chinese Foreign Oificp to the effect that the Japanese have presented a scheme for the administration of Manchuria.
      37 words
    • 41 11 The same correspondent it informed that unless China wuppresses «he rebellion in the province of Kwangaj bordering on the French colony Tonquin, the French Government threaten* to land troops there. The Chinese Government is much perturbed in consequence.
      41 words
    • 102 12 Viceroy Alexeieff -reports that the Japanese suspended their advance on the 9th inst, and entrenched the positions they were then occupying. The Japanese are repairing the dock. 1 at Dalny. Viceroy Alexeieff reports that in the fight of the 3rd and 4th instant, for positions at Lunvanten
      102 words
    • 53 12 Reuter’s correspondent with General Kuroki’s headquarters states that tin rains have ceased and the country hadried rapidly. The army is now living largely upon fresh vegetables. Japanese Headquarters officially and absolutely contradict the reports of a battle on the 10th inst. wherein th»Japanese were al’eged to have*
      53 words
    • 40 12 Russian despatches iudicate that the Jap mese have halted and are entrenching themselves to the south of Tashichiao while transferring the bulk of their southern armies to the right flank in pursuance of General Kuroki’s enveloping tactics.
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    • 15 12 The South African team beat the All England XI, at Lords, by 189 runs
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    • 16 12 London, 19 th July. The Japanese have suspended their advance upon Port Arthur.
      16 words
    • 33 12 Reuters correspondent at Tientsir gives particularsof the Japanese scheme fur governing Manchuria. The scheme provides for Japanese to govern the country with the assistance of a number of Chinese troops.
      33 words
    • 36 12 Telegrams from Newchwang and Yingkow 6how that the report of their occupation by the Japanese was premature. The pause in the advance of the Japanese army since the occupation of Kaiping continues.
      36 words
    • 18 12 The Russian gunboat Sicoutch as- cended the Liao River to within forty’ miles of Liaoyang
      18 words
    • 25 12 Nineteen foreign correspondents at Tokio will be permitted to sail on the 25th instant to join the army investing Port Arthur.
      25 words
    • 51 12 Lord Milner has made a speech at Krmelo, in the Transvaal, regarding the admission of Asiatic traders there. He said that permits would no longer be granted to Asiatics to enter ‘he Transvaal. They, so Lord Milner concluded could not be allowed to^JJ i w*«,bd the country. a
      51 words
    • 28 12 \*ou the match against at Taunton by 222 inns. The matches between and Yorkshire, Worcester and Surrey, and Warwicks lire and London County, have all been drawn.
      28 words
    • 20 12 Later. General Kuroki reports that General Keller desperately assaulted the J apanese positions around Motienling. and was repulsed.
      20 words
    • 53 12 The ice-Governor of Elizabethpol (whose assassination wa3 reported yesterday) was hit by six bullets. The tragedy took place in a ‘frequented thoroughfare. It is believed that the murderer was an Armenian who escaped. It is supposed that the murder was the outcome of the Russian policy of confiscating
      53 words
    • 32 12 Reuter’s Tokyo correspondent states that the Japanese destroyer Hayatori seized a junk conveying mails to Port Arthur from Chefoo, and obtained thereby much valuable military and naval information.
      32 words
    • 30 12 Si r William Houldsworth, Conservation M. P. lor the North-West Division of Manchester, has resigned. Mr Winston Churchill will be the Libera] candidate for the vacant seat.
      30 words
    • 55 12 Replying to a question by Mr I Lawrie in reference to the I Status of the Russian Volunteer Fleet •ruisers, Lord Percy stated that the question was one of the utmost un portance, and the Government was i giving it the most earnest attention, but information on
      55 words
    • 29 12 London, 1 Of A July. it is expected at St. Petersburg that the P. it O. 88 Malacca will be taken to the prize court at Libau.
      29 words
    • 31 12 The Aden correspondent of the Daily Mail states that the British steamship Woodcock and Dalmatia have been detained for three hours by the Russians in the Red Sea
      31 words
    • 103 12 Mr. Brodrick, replying to a long question by Mr. McNeill, stated that Russia had been informed, at the begin ning of June, that Britain would adhere to the policy enunciated in the despatch offish Nov, but that, obviously, her action mu3t depend to some extent upon the attitude
      103 words
    • 78 12 General Kuropatkin reports that a force under General Keller attacked the Japanese positions around Motienling and were repulsed. The Russian force consisted of eighteen battalions exclusive of reserves. I» attacked in three columns, but, finding the enemy in overwhelmingly supeno force, it retired. The Japanese then attacked.
      78 words
    • 41 12 London, 20 th July. The French Legation at Peking denies the report which stated that France threatened to land troops in Kwangsi unless China suppressed the rebellion in the province of Kwangri, bordering on the French colony of Tonking.
      41 words
    • 21 12 The Japanese have seized the British steamer Peiping which was on a voyage from Shanghai to Newchwang
      21 words
    • 14 12 The loss of General Kuroki’s army at Motienling is stated to be 300.
      14 words
    • 29 12 General Kuropatkin explains that the attack on Keller’s army was necessitated by the inadequacy and contradictory character ot the information regarding the movements of the Japanese.
      29 words
    • 47 12 The Daily Mail's correspondent --WT Aden states that the captai*' *of the Petersburg has notified „ue Resident at Aden that he intP” ’.uds to seize British steamers for the Far East if the o"of their packages are not clea**’ *liy shown in the manifests.
      47 words
    • 35 12 The German protest raises up the question of the status of volunteer cruisers which merely demand the return of the mail bags. The British press insists on an investigation of the status.
      35 words
    • 64 12 The Daily Graphic says Britain might wed send a warship to the Red Sea to inquire of the cruiser Petersburg by what right it detained the Malacca. The Standard holds that the Government must refuse to allow the volunteer fleet the benefits which belong to merchant vessels.
      64 words
    • 65 12 Mr. Balfour has fixed the Ist August for the discussion of Sir Henry Camp-bell-Bannerman’s censure c n a motion that the House regrets that certain Ministers have accepted official positions in a political organisation which formally declared in favour of preferential treaties involving the taxation of food.
      65 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 298 11 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co.’s saleroom yesterday afternoon —999 years leasehold land at Arab Street. Singapore town, area 655 sq. ft., quit rent SI. Together with the shop house thereon known as No. 49 Arab Street. Bought by A. T. P. L.
      298 words

    • 59 12 London, \2th July. The German semi-official papers see m the Kaiser’s telegram to the Wiborg Regiment only per*, nal courtesy towards that Regiment with which he is connected. It is, they say, in no wise due to illwill towards Japan. They refer, in support of this view
      59 words
    • 48 12 London, 13 th July The newspaper, Neueste Nachrxchten, announces that representatives of the banks at Berlin signed, three weeks ago, a contract for a loan to be delivered at St. Petersburg. Tbe aipount is fifty millions of marks. The rate of interest is five per cent.
      48 words
    • 70 12 London, 13 thJuly Reuter’s correspondent at Perim states that the British steamship Menelaus reports that the Russian Volunteer Fleet steamship St Petersburg, with eight guns mounted on 1 er deck, stopped her. and also the British steamship Create Hall on the 11th inst., at a point
      70 words
    • 97 12 London 14 th July. An official communication has been received at .St. Petersburg by the i General Staff. It says that Admiral Alexeieff and his military stall have received reports from Japanese sources. These reports allirui that the Japanese a'tacked the positions at Port Arthur on
      97 words
    • 65 12 Mr. Lyttleton, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, has replied to a question put in the House of Commons byMr. Henniker Heaton regarding the railway through Johore. Mr. Lyttleton said that the Convention providing for the construction of the railway, by the F. M 8 Government
      65 words
    • 71 12 Ijondon loth July. Kx-President Kruger has died of pneumonia in Switzerland. The relatives of the deceased have applied to the Imperial Government for leave to bury him by the side of his wife in the Transvaal. The report oXthe slaughter of 30,000 Japanese at Port Arthur is regarded
      71 words
    • 88 12 Mr Arnold-Forster has introduced into the House of Commons, an army reform scheme. He proposes, to reduce th**** army by fourteen battalions andj«( to leave the militia untouched, the country is not yet ripe for ji. trcnange in its orgapissrnsation. The Volunteer Force will be reduced
      88 words
    • 120 12 London, 16 th J uhj. Mr. Chamberlain presided at the first meeting of the reconstructed Unionist Council. 1800 delegates were present. Mr. Chamberlain was received with immense enthusiasm, and was elected President of the Council. Lord Lansdowne, and Lord Seibourne were elected vice-Presidents. A resolution in favour of
      120 words
    • 23 12 The King’s niece, the Princess Victoria of Schleswig Holstein, has been operated upon for appendicitis. She is progressing favourably.
      23 words
    • 22 12 Telegrams published at Tokio say that Yinko w wa3 occupied by the Japanese at midnight on Wednesday, unopposed. r
      22 words
    • 56 12 London, 16 th July. t r h frying is the result of the race for the Eclipse Stakes. DarleY Dale RydaJ Head Henry the First £hINA LOAN. f i he prosriectus of a Chinese loan has been issuecl The amjlint is 1J million sterling, being the balance of
      56 words
    • 41 12 Telegrams from Russian and French correspondents concur that there was severe lighting in the environs of Port Arthur on the night of the 10th instant, when the Japanese lost most heavily. The Russians lost one thousand men.
      41 words
    • 34 12 General Sakharoff reports that General Rennenkampt was wounded in the combat near Saimatse which resulted in the repulse of a Japanese attack. The pass there was occupied by the Russians.
      34 words
    • 13 12 1 ancaTire defeated Derbyshire at Derby by an innings and 129 runs.
      13 words
    • 37 12 London 17 Hi July A despatch from Perim states that the steamship Dragoman, bound from Bttouni to China, signalled that she had been delayed in the Red Sea by a Russian cruiser
      37 words
    • 45 12 The Morning Post published a Shanghai despatch of the 15th inst. to the effect that the Russians had seized the American press steamship Fair an and towed it to Port Arthur, 'ihere was a naval engagement oft Port Arthur on that day.
      45 words
    • 150 12 London 1 6th Jalt. Two Russian volunteer cruisers accompanied by a torpedo boat are cruising in the Red Sea. It is believed that they are looking for a particular steamer hound for Japan. The newspapers are raising an outcry which has a double character It appears that the
      150 words
    • 13 12 The vice-Governor at Elizabethp »1 in Russia has been assassinated
      13 words
    • 22 12 TheBriu 1 t'ttsfi Government has cons£u>:/rocl to the request that ex-President Kruger should be buried at Pretoria.
      22 words
    • 54 12 Loudon, 19 th July. The British steamer Waipara which has arrived at Aden was detain* d by the Volunteer Fleet steamer Petersburg yesterday for four hours. She was informed that the P. and O s.s Malacca was seized on the 11th inst. because the latter was carrying arms
      54 words
    • 52 12 “IS VISIONS ABOUT The correspondent of the Daily Mail at Singapore states that a large armoured cruiser and two colliers were sighted near the Straits of Malacca on Thursday, going west. It is supposed that the cruiser is a Japanese warship Pit route to capture the Volunteer steamers in the
      52 words
    • 67 12 London, 19'/i July. The relations between France and the Vatican are now most acutely strained. The French Cabinet, under threat of immediate rupture of relations, has required the Vatican to withdraw letters ordering the Bishops of Laval and Dijon to come home to answer for their
      67 words
    • 87 12 The P. and O. s.s. Verna was forcibly detained for an hour in the Red Sea by the Volunteer Steamer Smolensk. The Smolensk transferred to her the Japanese mail ex Vri,iz Heinrich. The Smolensk confiscated two mail bags intended for Nagasaki. Germany has lodged a protest at
      87 words
    • 29 12 MALACCA” AT SUEZ. London, 20 th July The P. O. -8 s Malacca arrived at Suez, flving the Russian naval flag and commanded by Russian naval officers with crew.
      29 words
    • 16 12 The London Gazette contains an Order in Council making Shanghai a port of registry. A*
      16 words
    • 19 12 The Chinese loan is fally covered, but un df rwrit* re have to take up a part
      19 words
    • 64 12 Sensational rumours of internaliona. complications owing*to the seizures in the Red Sea are sending Consols down These rumours are unfounded. But it is understood that Britain has approached the signatories to the Treaty of Paris of 1856 on the subject of the seizures. Britain looks to insisting upon
      64 words
    • 28 12 Britain may claim damage and compensation for the seizures made hitherto but. she will confine her action chiefly r* r» r n n rp
      28 words
  • 45 12 JAPANESE OFFICIAL TELEGRAM. AC TION AT KAIPING. Tokyo, l4tA July. General Oku reports In the occupation of Kaiping our casualties, from the sth to the 7th July weie 24 whereof 4 m*-n were killed. Those from the *tli to the 9tb July were about 150.
    45 words
  • 77 12 General Kuroki reports that, under cover of a thick log, at 3 on the 17ih iust., General Keller, commanding a Russian Army Corps consisting of about two Divisions, commenced a fierce attack upon Motienling and the ad jacent positions occupied by a portion ot the Japanese
    77 words
  • 1963 12 July IfO, 1904. To*du>’s bank 4/m rate is 1/11 ft Shares in the Straits Trading Co. have been sold at $36, an advance of 75 cents Sales in Tanjong Pagar Dock shares show an advance of $7.50 on the last transactions. There are buyers for them .it
    1,963 words

  • 106 13 'Jam bit i buyei> t stiti do (Cube No. 1) uupicked 11.75 Copra Bail 8.75 do Pontianak s 00 Pepper, Black 24.50 do White, (5%; 34 0*) Sago Flour Sarawak 3.2o do Brunei No. i 2 05 Pearl Sago 4.40 Coffee Ball, 15% basis 21 00 Coffee, Palembang, 20%
    106 words
  • 127 13 Or —Sank 4 m/s 1/1 1 Demand 1/113 Private 6 m/s 1/115 do 3 m/s 1/11:; On Germany*— Bank d/d L9S$ Private 3 m/s 2.02$ do 6 m/t 2.04.1 Or France Bank d/d 2.451 Private 3 m/s 2.48$ do 6 m/s 2.50$ On Jndia—Bank T. T. 14o$ Private 30
    127 words
  • 417 13 N uni her I Last of s nc JU Company Huv, r Sellers Trapsac* Share* alue lo lions I GOLD. 13.500 s 1** *75° ISristwali CL Nl. Co., Ltd... 14.oO t.*M) utmaiuM. 4,000 S lo S 10 (Deferred) V**»* 20,000 S 10 lo Kadaua CL M. Co., Ltd. 10.***)
    417 words
  • 46 13 s Bowarth Er.kine, Ltd. 7% 3% prem. Rilev, Harjrreavee, Ltd. 6% 225.0U0 jrem buyer.. Singapore Municipal 0% 400,000 2% prem buyer-. 1 5% 1,878,000 1% prem buyers. 4% G5o,500 2% dU. nom. Tanjong PagarDock Co., Ltd. 6;;. 250.«*00 2$% prem buyer-. 5 1,365,500 par. buyers.
    46 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 463 13 sife tf mu w>w to m www m nw LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE The Original and Genuine Worcestershire. —f jJlUuiMliiii* mil > .*jfr, (ml/ Medicine of the kind emended a Certificate et the Calcutta Exhibition, 1883-6* open tc tH t 'our: H Registered I3 R LALDR’S T 0E PHDSPHDDYME HAS THE
      463 words
    • 750 13 HAMMERS AND EGGS. 1 have been hammers, weighing i»u*l v tons each and operated by steam, that would crack an egg without crushing it, and yet at one blow smash a lump of iron as big as your head as flat and thin as this sheet of paper. There are
      750 words

  • 51 14 Mett-of'TWar, #tc. sea Mew Govt, yacht, 376 tons, displacement, 22 crew, 600 H.p. Capt Murphy, 4th July. From Port Dickson, 3rd July. Colonial Government. Uncertain —Rds. Sirius, H. M. cru. 3,600 tons, 276 crew, 8 guns, 9,000 h.p. Captain Moore, 15th July. From Port Swettenham, 14th July. Senior Officer.
    51 words
  • 1117 14 »*rlvali since Noon ol Yesterday. Baud, Dut. 9tr. 1,689 tons, Capt Dorasen I9tb July. From Batavia. 16th Julv. G.c. and 190 d p. Daendela A Co. For Batavia, f2od—Rds. Heim Nor str. 757 tor..-, Capt Ariksen, .9th July. From Sarourang, loth July. M.S.E. Augullia. For Bonibiy, 19th—
    1,117 words
  • 783 14 D*j*. Vassu’i Ham. Fnp* Bto] Toa|: dmtibatioh. i «T 1 1?: 3 «ft 1 as! ffIBJKSd 12 Resident Schift Dut str. 68 Rhio 12 Nam Sang Brit str. -*SUI Penang and Calcutta 12 Purnva s tt. 21F7 Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta 12 Ban Poh Goan „W. 676 Port Swettenham
    783 words
  • 1264 14 |f[viMSL'BNam* Tons Oaptaih F*o* jBAxt*D. Oootiobsm. I j J }2 Prineesee Marie Dan etr 8517 Berenteen (Yokohama June 21 East Aeiatic Cc,) 3 Yeddo Brit sir 2944 Baird 3>i td--3 Titanm Ger tra 1246 -J^P e Meyer 4Co r rjinra Brit etr 8863 Kendall RanS>on July TlftoustCad and Co.
    1,264 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 329 14 Cycles FREE* €.’>«■ I, v, M» .!>. nn«l Accessories (Jirtrl lrotii Factory to Hitler. '•‘WMI in v. hmiI second-hand me.* "c!i»n*'Sin tnailyii»sU«ck from 30 en<»h. ]’.> A A. KsdifN marvellous bargains in neceysories. Post fiv*-, 80 page Catalogue-Whole- Me pi le**-. to all* 60 ch* rtp. ••U.t-I 'i. A\.-uU»wanted.
      329 words
    • 69 14 DINNEFORD’S The Physician** Cure lor Gout, Rheumatic Gout mad Gravel.' The Uni.ersal Remedy for Acidity of th» Stomach, Headache. Heartburn, Indigestion. Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections Safest and most Gentle Medicine fer Infants, Children, Delicate Females. DINNEFORDS kGNESlAi and the Sickness of Pregnancy. MAGNESIA DIABETIC Patients will hear of something to
      69 words