The Straits Budget, 20 April 1904

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 87 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” r. J T ABI.IBHKD OVER HALF A CENTURY Cable Address: Times, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits Times 15 cents. vofi. Lvur. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1904. No. 420:» STRAITS TIMES” circulates laK'tCi.v in Singapore and Penang THi.oi GHOLT
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 20TH APRIL.
    • 137 1 <• K.KK. On the 29th March, at Kobe, U. e d W. PiETZCKKR, of a daughter, H V.—On tne 23rd March, at Yoko- tie* Aife of \V. F. H \RI.EY, of a sou. F -it. \t the Ark, Tanjong Katong, M W A Foster, of a son. v rOr.
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    • 108 1 "v i >tkir<». -On the 12th April, igbter i*f Mr. an 1 Mrs. C. M -M r i ■> h, \Ih. John Henry Smith, son > >»’*• 1'un Theodore smith, of > > *M r.KL> —Si m PSON. —On the 12th ii- it K iini ur", I).\ sy,
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  • 170 1 r v Articles. oni. i Maknroff. r «;:n Eittie War. 1 .0:0 Q ustion. M Beau 'nprtn. 'it! nt e J g 1 <«o ?mor. r pi< Hl Medicine. ‘Ror Law IropjjA j n china. r '0- f Quotations. Pp:ng News, r a-suri'jer List. > rr ag«
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  • 639 1 Singapore, 20th April, 1904. PRODUCE. bumbler f ]0 09 do (Cube No. 1) nnpicked 15.00 Copra Bail g lo do Pootlanak M 7.40 Pepper, Black 29 00 do White, (5%) 47.75 Sago Flour Sarawak m lt 3t0 do Brnnei No. s 3 40 Pearl Sago 5 16 Coffee, Bail,
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  • 162 1 The Straits Budget this week, is despatched by the B. I. s s.* Zaida. The Budget next week, will be mailed by the P. and O. s.s. Bengal. The homeward mail by the German 8.8. Hamburg closed on Monday. The mail from Europe of the 25th
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  • 168 1 Judges at Variance. Judgment was delivered on Monday in the appeal by Messrs McAlister and Co. against the judgment of the Chief .Justice in the case brought by Mr Clifford Wilkinson to restrain them from using the word Tansan in referring to the mineral waters imported by
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  • 380 1 The Thyra which passed through from Mum la on the 5th Feb. on the way to Europe, returned on the 15th laden with oil front liatoum for Shanghai, and left the same day after bunkering. The Scalda with rice, &e from Rangoon for the north, arrived at 8
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    • 1118 1 (Straits 1 imes HlK April.) Happily the frightful disaster chronicled by Reuter to-day is practically without precedent in history, and all civilised nations will sympathise with Ru*sia in the catastrophe whereby she lost her greatest admiral and his entire staff by the explosion of a mine at Port
      (Straits 1 imes, HlK April.)  -  1,118 words
    • 495 1 (Strait* Times lfth April.) Little Wars such as those which have for years been chronic on the scattered marches of the British Empire have an ungrateful air of novelty for the Germans Jwhose colonial ‘Xpansion, apart from its heretofore unprofitable extravagance from the taxpayer’s point of view,
      (Strait* Times, lfth April.)  -  495 words
    • 613 2 (Straits 'limes, 15 Ik April) Lokd, what fl|pls these mortals be 1 A somewhat cynical Puck, whose view6 on the subject appear in another column, ventures to theorise as to what manner of garments the representatives of the male European elite of Singapore will wear in public to-mor-row
      (Straits 'limes, 15Ik April)  -  613 words
    • 364 2 (Strnife Times. I.V/> A pW I For some time back the papers of IndoChina have been teeming with announcements of the impending departure or resignation of M. Beau, and they did not seem to regret his approaching exit. We are informed bv an occasional Saigon correspondent, whose reliability
      (Strnife Times. I.V/> A pWI )  -  364 words
    • 524 2 (Straits Times 1 6th April.) Japan has ju**t celebrated a Jubilee •f a unique character. The irtrusion >f Spaniards and Portuguese there in 'he sixteenth century and early in the •eventeenth century led to such political and religious calamities that the Japanese G wernment forbade all deal'ngs with
      (Straits Times, 16th April.)  -  524 words
    • 602 2 (Strait* Times 1 6tlt April.) It might he imagined that a normal sense of the eternal fitness of things would cause the religious denominational press at home to uteer clear of the embroglio concerning the recruiting of he Chinese coolies for the 8outb Xfrican mines. Failing abstention from
      (Strait* Times, 16tlt April.)  -  602 words
    • 408 2 (Straits Times, 18 tk April) 11. E. Sik John Andekson is now the properly accredited and duly sworn Governor of these Straits Settlements, and, if his reception on Saturday ma> be taken as an earnest of events to come, he has already achieved the foundations of a successful
      (Straits Times, 18tk April)  -  408 words
    • 689 2 (Straits Times, 181k April.) A pkopos of the efforts of Sir Franci* Lovell in the F.M.S as recorded in o nr telegrams to-day, it is interesting to note that, a paper which was laid on the table at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Friday contained from
      (Straits Times, 181k April.)  -  689 words
    • 1028 2 (Straits Times 19/A April) Within the last week or ten da)* two cases have been reported in oat lews columns wherein European visitors, strangers to the town, have •een arrested and heavily punished tor taking their own liquors from th* e*pective ships upon which they travelled here to
      (Straits Times, 19/A April)  -  1,028 words
    • 1562 3 (Straits Times, 19//*, April.) It is well known that in tne population of the Provinces of Chihli, Shangtung and Manchuria, many bad ♦dements exist wiiich unite to mainta n a perpetual menace to the peace of the country. Secret societies spread their ramifications on every side, exsoldiers,
      (Straits Times, 19//*, April.)  -  1,562 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 94 1 r:.f po-t we price of the Straits Tim** t a yenr. T he post free price -)f the Strait* Budget 19 $20 a year. It 1" not necessary to subscribe for a year. 'Ubacriptions for shorter periods are t..e same proportionate rate of price as fo? a year. I h»
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  • 62 1 DEATHS. On the 2nd April, at Shanghai, >1 .--ii}-, eldest son of John Niossop, r.ii Lane Hampstead, of Long-Sutton, 'tire, aged 4b years. I -On the 10th March, at Bridge of I ii iiUNTEH, formerly of Kobe, I »ear.4 Ki.v.s.—On the Mst March, at Tienj Ha!:**I.!>VoN MeVKRKK. v i e.
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  • 253 3 The Chilian training-ship Central Baguedano was expected to leave far Wei-hai-wei this morning. The B.I. Steamer lkhora arrived yesterday afternoon fRom Yokohama with 6,574 tons of coal to be discharged here. The German steamer Sumatra arrived this morning from Deli being relieved by the Malaya on the
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  • 95 3 Four Chinese were arrested in Fraser Street on Monday last for being in p ssession of three counterfeit dollars. On enquiry the police learned that these men lived at 64 Amoy Street and a visit was paid to the place. There, 119 bad dollars, 40 bad, some pieces
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  • 85 3 Ou Tuesday morning, a Javanese syjci named Hassan was before Mr. Seth fur driving over Cayenagh Bridge in a reckless and dangerous man ner, as a result of which a ’rikisha puller was hurt and is still in hospital. Tbre?se was postponed till the
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  • 119 3 The following extract from the Penang C hamber of Commerce to the Governor on his arrival there shows what the public expect from II. E We would especially bespeak, Sir. your favourable consideration of the improvement of our harbour by the extension of the New Pier and the
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  • 141 3 Paxgltma Ham>an, me Moro fanatic who has kept *Sulu island in a ferment, against the Americans was killed on March 4»h, fighting absolutely singlehanded against a whole squadron of P.8. cavalry. He had refused the protYer of h»« life ri he would surrender, and with twenty-live wounds
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  • 642 3 i’lie luteal risue of Fair Flag to hand states: The only branch of the coal trade that seems at all brisk is that of the .South Wales, and there only with regard to best “Admiralty’' coal, the demand for which is so sustained that stems ai e very
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  • 481 4 Opinions on Rubber. Mu L. I)ayii;s*>n, a prominent' r in Ceylon, ha** j.iftt returned to Cu!«u«f>t» from a visit to the F. M. S. At Ooiw'mbojhe save the information to **n interviewer. Mr. Davidson \w nt out especially to inspect, amors ot hr rs, theSerenribanestate,
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  • 364 4 On Monday night two men named Urant and Rapsy were arrested for trespass in the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Ground. On Tuesday, they were charged before Mr. Peacock with trespass and fined £5, in ‘Jdfault, seven days. They were unable to pay the fine and have gone to prison.
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  • 1079 4 Progress Report. The General Manager's Report for the month ending on 26‘h March runs as follows: The accompanying sheets of mine measurements, and assay results of prospecting voik, prepat ed by the mine manager, show a total of 275 ft. for the period (4 weeks) under review,
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  • 880 4 Ltpis Jfth April. Friday, the loth instant, promises to be a field day” in the Lipis court house, where, as a rule, most of the cases heard would relate to nothing more serious than the theft of a few’ chickens, w’ith, perhaps, an occasional “drunk and disorderly” considerately
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  • 551 4 Dinners such as that given last month t*> lae members of Gray’s Inn to one ol their number, Sir John Anderson, who has been appointed Governor of the Straits Settlements and H'gh Comini oner of the Federated Malay States, are more or less private, but to a,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 104 4 To the Editor of the Straiu Tu*. Dear Bir—We had two big very fat they were, too Ibev always quarrelling to the great arT? nice of every one, servant i nr We, the masters, did not know bo •'Olve the problem. The servants f* it
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  • 243 4 The Italian cruiser Marro f o i /t ,7 for Hongkong thi« morning. General Sir a. K. F. Dor*,, O.C T, paid a visit to the T, Wednesday. a It is understood at Penang tha* number of Chinese clerks are bein requisitioned from the Straits for* vice
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  • 178 4 The Opium Farmer’s Tester hau« pretty lively time of it yesterday in tin hands of Mr. Song Ong Siang duringta hearing cf a case brought against Chinamen for being in poesessio: of illicit chandu at No 95 Cross Street There was no doubt that the ebandc. pipes,
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  • 225 4 The local steamer skipper), which arrived yesterday aft#' noon from Hagan, brought d» wr ti* orew of tsmall local vessel //o It appears that the Ho Tong left Singapore on the 7th Bagan via ports, went ashore 1 a.ra. on the 9th on a sand
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  • 263 5 Rovers vs. I aiijong Pagar. teanid met in a league fixture un Peoples Park last night. The ground vas good, and from the start plav was fast and furious. T. P. had slightly the bettor of the opening exchanges, hut ould not penetrate the defence. The ft.
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  • 437 5 t. i r.hiiAY afternoon, the four men li with the theft of £\20 on the were called before Mr. Seth Serr 4, Connor said he was instructed u. >ay that the Deputy Public Pro* -t :ter wished the charge against two ■1 ti e defendants to be withdrawn,
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  • 128 5 Disgraceful Proceedings. i failure ut Mr. bully, tlie Cotton f tilled with anger the whole Cotton k* hange of New York, which became 1 r-jirip frenzied mass. The brokers rough and tumble fight to «te orders, and in the end the floor A covered with
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  • 249 5 Honorary Treasurer s Statement ol Account for the year ending 31st March. 1904. DjSr;t;R8BMF>TS. 1° payments on account Contracts. on Building $70,711.80 Co t of new Work- in g, Drawings. Dt tails etc. 3,935.00 Salaries, Clerk of Works etc. 2,800.00 Municipal Fees *#21 A,dv rtising 34*35
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  • 763 5 Some Suggestions for To-morrow's Function. Now* in many respects ladies have an advantage over men and in none so much as in dress where, in the latest fashions, they can call in the aid of art to beauty and make our eyes ancJ hearts bump with delight. And
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  • 429 5 A Marine Court of enquiry was held at the Master Attendant's office this morning to enquire into a charge of neglect of duty preferred against Capt. Primrose, the Master of the s.s Ban Whatt Soon while in the command of the vessel. Mr. Michell, Senior Magistrate,
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  • 357 5 lz/A April. It would seem that the orphans of- the Portuguese Mission Girls' School at Singapore have so earned the sympathy of Capt. Hudson of the Sri Muir that he is now doing his level best to supplement the fund created for their benefit. Capt. Hudson, it may
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  • 269 5 The body of a Chinaman, badly burned, was found by the police in Keppel Road last night. Yesterday the B. I. steamer Seaida arrived from Rangoon with a cargo of rice, beans and peas for Japan. The heading to the just issued Council paper No. 15 of
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  • 181 5 The collier Hydra on completing the discharge of her cargo, left for Rangor n on the 13th instant. The If. S bolbtr weather permitting, is expected to leave on the 15th instant. The Gregory Apcar on arrival last week, imported about 900 sheep and goats, 11 buffaloes, 18
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  • 72 5 Thb new Penang pier is going ahead. Pessimists said that it was not long enough, and that no British vessel would use it owing to none of the P. O. steamers utilising the pier. Ob the 9th instant these gloomy font* bodings came to naught, and theß.4. 8.8.
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  • 163 5 Capt. Primrose Exonerated. The Marine Court of enquiry J yesterday to investigate the ch*?.. A neglect of duty brought again»t < c. Primrose of the s. s. Ban Whai yon continued all day and was conch < ed late in the afternoon. More witnesses for the
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  • 229 5 1 si iwerenri ge.itkmat. eferred to in tbc iuuovwn 0 c-Urac* from the Strai's Echo of Penang, rnt us an earnest request to republic it in the Straits Times. In comply with the request, we would reitcr* a the adage to the effect that mere is no
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  • 335 5 Dr. Lucy, the State Surgeon in Pahang, reports that, in 1903, malarial fever was very prevalent. The Mala}’* look upon attacks of it as certain and unavoidable. Bowel complaints carry off many. There were i‘\"> cases and 67 deaths, as against 241 cas< s and 67 deaths
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  • 543 6 A. the meeting tieiii yesterday afternon there were present:—H.E the officer administering the Government, voting Colonial Secretary, Hon. F. G Penney, acting Colonial Tieasurer, W. R. Collyer, Attorney General, the Hon J M Allinson, W J Napier Absent: H. E. Officer Commanding the Troops, the acting Resident Councillor
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  • 162 6 fur registering imported and exported sugar in the Colony whether raw or refined are notified, ihe steamships of the “Nederland” Company are exempted from the oporati m of the Sunday Labour Ordinance. Mr. W. D. Barnes has been appointed to be \eting Protector of Chinese in the Colony
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  • 2253 6 (By Tnraband and Old Port.) In our last article we referred lo the conservative spirit which exists in racing matters here. We now state a few facts to show’ what a change has come over home racing in the last thirty years or so. It is within our
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  • 445 6 Aii Italian named Rosario Ferrara, by profession an organ grinder, was before Mr. Peacock yeasterday on the allegations of (i) living on the proceeds of prostitution, (ii) fraudulent possession of property (iii) having no ostensible means of subsistence. Chief Dept, lusp: Perrett conducted the case for the Crown,
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  • 79 6 Yest*. RD*y aft* moon, Jnsp. Dooley produced further evide ce in theJurong Koad murdtr case Y aw Ah Yoong, who occupied the fame hut with the *ii. ged murderer, wo e that the haju fuu *d the body of the murdered •voman belonged to the accused.
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  • 442 6 The sameness of the news f roi Acheen —submission of chiefs. leaders and petty encounters with the enemy —have been varied by news of havoc and carnage among the enemy sy mpathisers. The Gayoos, a triU hillmen had long been giving hostile Achinese aid and comfort The
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  • 219 6 Yesterday morning, a Eurasan named Hughes, a stranger here and hailing from Perak, was before Mr Seth on the allegation of pretending to he in t lie service of the Chinese Protectorate, for the purpose of inspecting the books of licensed opium shops. According to the prosecution,
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  • 154 6 Mr. E. A. Cufcaden, Assisi Superintendent, prosecuted in a cose of theft before the Bench Court yesterday Two ’rikisha pullers had lived together, but they had separated. The one wb remained in the house locked it on the 9th inst, and went to Johore. When he returned in
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  • 395 7 I. :i Table nnderueath a Tree, oi cards Cigar and Three th .laying in the Wilderness, w were Paradise for me II. v !ihin the Tavern and 2 saw \V i laying do wn the Law and discard' from *iren>!tb Trump declaration- to the score. III. u
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  • 974 7 output in 1903. y.Li tlu Straits reached a record pit tin The total for the four w:i') pikuls. or 10.988 tons. r wa' an increase for the year of The previous record produc•v;»' iii 1895, when 49,215 tons, or |»u-u!s, were produced. The in•'■i' chiefly from the older
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  • 564 7 A Present-Day Parable. “EEuropeen” contains among its Echoes” the following timely sketch, admirably translated by the Westminster Gazette. Scene. —On the banks of the aiu. A serene, star-lit night. Towards the East are massed the* Sombre ridges of t he Korean mountains. At the bottom of the
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  • 2357 7 Mr. 11. 11. Hipwell tiius describes in the Field his shooting sperienees in this parts of the world —Barely a month ago 1 had landed at Singapore to take up a position as assistant in the old-establish-ed firm of Grindem and Co., niy mind full of
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  • 92 7 Th*’ cable?h p lltrwder went along «irte Keppel harbour wharf on the 12th. inst. The Kvdaf was taken to Tarjong Pagar on the 13th and dry-d n-kec there. The lk l ona arrived from Japan on the afternoon of the 13 h laden with over 6 500, tong
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  • 266 8 he question of badges for jinrikisha puilers is one that from lime to time asserts itself in various parts of the Colony and the Malay States In Taipir.3 the jinrikisha owners have petitiored for some concession owing to -<iifaculties thrown in their way by the pullers. Each puller's
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  • 119 8 For Singapore. e'er P. A O 8 s. India, connecting with the st Baflaarat at Colombo, from London Mar 31. due 1st May.—Mr. A. E. J. Lewis. Mr. L. .1. C. Audersou ?er P. O. 9. s. Ceylon, from London April 2, due 6th May —Mr. and
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  • 37 8 Manila, A. Lopez, due 20th April, Barow* Penang and Bombay, Capri on 2Srd April, Behn Meyer. Penang via ports, Rotorua every Wednesfay, Khoo Phee Soon. Penang and Port Swettenham, Ktitna V Wednesday, Boustead.
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  • 473 8 P. o. Malacca 20th April:—Mr. G. Hewett Miss Ellerton, Mr. T. Clarke and family, Mrs. Vlnoa Baker and child, Rev. R. Richards, Mr A. H. Marshall, Mr. and Mis. Reid, Mrs. Mrs. T. Eldridge and infant. Per Bengal 29th April:—Mrs. Misses Polglase, Mr. and Mrs. Dare, Mr.
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  • 484 8 The British steamer Simoon cam» from Cardiff yesterday \vi:h 6 o«»o ton? of coal for Hongkong v The Norwegian steamer Orange* arrived frem New Port yesterday wiib 3,250 tons of c v d for North. The British steamer Westminster arrived here this morning from Philadelphia with i1ia,147
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  • 33 8 Judgment in the above case was given this morning by Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones in favor of the plaintiff, Mr. Powell Robinson. Particulars will appear in tomorrow’s issue.
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  • 64 8 The s. s. Sri Tringganu arrived this morning from Bagan with the Captain and five of the crew of the s s Ho Tang which sunk on the Bakal Tua bank, off fanjong Ketam. The Captain reports that the Ho Tang is rapidly breaking up owing
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  • 78 8 The Telegraph steamer Patrol arrived from Guam on Saturday afternoon with he officers and crew of the wrecked Telegraph steamer Scotia on board. I» ippears that the Scotia was entering r he Guam harbour early in the morning She went on a shoal and stuck f «st
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  • 52 8 The following passenger* ar ived here b> the Imperial (Jetman mail nteamer Hamburg. Prom Yokohama—Messsi*. L. Thompson Moohamdabs, Chootermnll. From Kobe— Mr. P. Gowey, Mr. Jasni, Mr. and 'Mrs. Benari, Fiom Shanghai—Mr. Mahler*eio, Mr. Mar all. From Hongkong—\1r and Mra. H Joseph, Mrs. Douenberg, Dr. Danlop,
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  • 4140 8 SiNCfAi uhe wore an unwonted air of festivity on Saturday on the occasion nf the arrival of His Excellency Sir John Anderson, the new Governor of fhe Straits Settlements and High Commissioner of
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  • 844 9 Dorothy.’* Saturday night is always a good one for Singapore audiences,and the opening performance of the Stanley Opera anu Dramatic Company at the Town Hall on Saturday night was played to a packed house. The Company reproduced the well-known “Dorothy,” a comedy opera in three acts
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  • 27 9 Shooting in the monthly handicap competition for April will take place on Saturday next the 23rd intt., B dustier Range, at 3 o’clock.
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  • 344 9 P. O. PASSENGERS. The following passengers arrived by the Chusan. From London to Singapore—Messrs. A. K. Robertson, V. J. Martin, L. Townley, Mrs. If. L. Chittenden and infant, Mrs. F. E. Main, Mr T. VV. Allen, Mr. C. T. M. Mat thews, Mrs. Mrs. Adams and infant, Mr. 6. S.
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  • 2123 9 8himonoseki, Japan, Feb. 29. Shimonoseki is to Japan practically what Dover is to England—the gateway of the island kingdom facing th<: continent. Like Dover, Shimonoseki has witnessed the arrival of early invaders who settled in the country, and it has witnessed also the departure cf there
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  • 311 10 The British steamer Senega arrived vee’erday from New York wit h a cargo of oil lor Yokohama. 1 he dodlh registrations at {Singapore in Maiidi amounted to with a ratio ot ‘J7.or> per thousand. The Brit is 1? steamer f Vo/cji of A arrived yesterday from Cardiff’
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  • 162 10 His First Official Notification. A Gazette Ev&r a ordinary was issued yesterday, bearing date the 16th April, and stating that the Notification it 'cents ned was, by command of th«Gove' lor. published for general informatics. The Notification was a? follow 41 H is Excellency Sir John Anderson,
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  • 490 10 The Mikado.;* Only a Rip Van Winkle is unacquainted with Gilbert and Sullivan’s delightful comic opera "The Mikado.” its tuneful numbers have come jingling down the years and have been rattled on every piano that stiff exists, but iu spite of these attempts at felony —or
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  • 316 10 Mr Ai,r. ms latest Australian Purchases. 1 he Melbourne Argus of March 21st has the following:—Mr. II. Abrams will return to Singapore to-morrow, lie bad not made up his mind on Saturday what he would do with Sea port, who is still in the Sydney Cup.
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  • 995 10 Wednesday’s Play. PhoP? 8-JON PAIR*. s Tel: I Huge Saunders beat H. T. White 1 Kuchwaldy Mer: 111,6-3,6-2. J. Robertson Noon Mer V beat Mer II Aug. Diebn Baascb, 6-2, 2-6, 6-1. A. J AS D lUBLfcS 1 A. M. Gibbon A C. J.
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  • 2330 10 (By Torn b no. awl Old /y, r p The flat racing season of 13o^ r at Lincoln in fine wheather, and e large attendance. 10 jl Aiadcien s mu a at 1 appy M, fr made a 6-4 favorite for "the event, hut Griggson Golden C him
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  • 363 11 The Value of Police Investigation Statements. A specially tormed Court composed of the Cimf Justice and Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones was held yesterday to determine a special ease sent up by the Bench Court. Ng Keng Chong was some weeks ago convicted by the Bench Court
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  • 192 11 On Saturday Messrs. Fraser and Neave prosecuted an employe for criminal breach of trust in respect of a dozen aerated water bottles. Mr. Col man sent him to prison for three months. Two other men were found guilty of retaining stolen property (the bottles) and were sentenced to
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  • 1164 11 Shanghai, 13 th April. Chefoo telegrams to-day mention various 6hip reports to the effect tnat the Japanese have renewed their attack upon Port Arthur. A Newchwangsteamerthat hasarrived at Chefoo heard firing in the direction of Port Arthur at 7 o’clock this morning (13th). A
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  • 2469 11 London, 13/4 April. Senor Maura, the Premier of Hpain,: was I* aving the palace of the General Council at Barcelona when a repork arose, at first, that he bad b»exa attacked and had been wounded with a dagger. It turned out that he bad been only attacked
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 658 11 HOW MEN HAVE MIS8ED MAKING FORTUNES. It is astounding how many men may everywhere be found who are discontented—who feel instinctively that they were born for better things who in some wav they scarce know how, have allowed life's golden opportunities to pass them by, failing to achieve what they
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  • 1418 12 London, Wth April. A telegram from t. Pet. reburg stales that the Japanese fl et having appeared off Poit Arthur, the Uussian fleet to sea. aud pursued a portion of the enemy’s force. The enemy were re-in forced to the strength of 29 ships. On the Russian fleet
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    • 236 13 Und r this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—«iearner; ah. —ship; bo.— barque; sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht; CnL— Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.— l erpedo; H.p. Horse power Bnt.-British U. frXS'’ f® h ~S rench r -0«nnan; Dut.— Dutch G.e.—General-e irgo d.p —deck pas* a ngCr^iT *r L 5. C ?f
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    • 1268 13 TRADING VESSELS, c. wrlftli since Noon of Yesterday Aoorima, Brit, str 3,894 tons Capt McDonald, 19th Apt. From Cuddalore, lltb April O.c nouveadACo. U—Rds. han Hin Gunn, Brit. sir. 199 tons, Capi eott 19th Apl. From Port Rwettenham 8 h Apl G.c., and 94 d.p. Wee Bin A Co For
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    • 685 13 Name, port, probable date of arri*a and name of agent*. Stkambrs. A de Larrinaga. Parrv A pi; Borneo Coy. Adour, May; M Maritimes. Airlie, 8y iney. Mav 23; Boustead Vli.oin, Bangkok. May; Borneo Coy. Angus. Barry, Apl; Borneo oy \nnam, Hoog L ong Mav 9; M. Maritimes Vustralien,
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    • 1272 14 B Vessel's Name. Tone Captain From Sailkp Consignees. 5 I Bxa. A U Macbew Ger str 996 Harges *watow April f-Bohn Meyer ACo 18 Ikhona Brit Btr 8383 Willtber Yokohama Mar B°a*teßd 18 Lord Ormonde su 2688 Hicken* Barry Mar 6£• Simons and t*u. 13 Ophir Dnt str 205
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    • 755 14 Date. Vessel*# Name. Flag A Rig Tows, j April 13. Farfalla ttal str. 147 Muar and Malacca 14 Van Hogendorp Dut str. 377 SaubAs 14 Van der Capellen str. <73 j Bandjermassm 14 Kong HeDg i Gter 862 Ternate via port? 14 Isabella Dal str. 84 Rbio, Singkep and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 458 13 DINNEFORD’S T%t Phyticita** Oort for Gtoft, Fhiwirti Otoft u4 OrmL Tto Uoi*mtl lioify ftr Aadity of the Utodathc, HMrtbtn, UdiftitioB, Broil tint, Bilio— ilvctioM. DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA tetk Me4kiat fat nfutt, CliMreo, Delicate ao4 the tf MAGNESIA Mid Idas if the kind ewtrJ-r ‘'z:e at the Caict'ti Exhibition, 1663-S4, open to
      458 words
    • 273 13 COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL nlw medical worked the causes and most scientific •'.o<l effectual means of self-cure ever discovered for nerroos and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of spirits, Ac. .with practical observations on marriage and fall directions to, removing certain disqualifications that dsntroy the happinsss of wedded life. It also
      273 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 495 14 I. FUJISAKI, JAPANESE PHOTOMAPNEN Nd. jSi VICTORIA STREET. Orders P omptly Executed. CNARDES MODERATE. ltt 80*4 SURROSH K. R. CAM A V CO* ijjfciniif export buying s, SARK LANE, LONDON E. C. are prepared to represent firms, a id to act as buying agents for all irdenis of general roe
      495 words
    • 139 14 OILSEEDS, COPRAH, SPICES, Ac (POTOTSCHNIO A FRANKEL, TRIESTE, AUSTRIA.) Agents and Produce Brokers specially for such shippers who havinp uo Office on the Continent, wish to have VERT energetic and VERY reliable Representatives in Pototschnig and Frankel are General Agents for Continental Europe of some of the most prominent shippers
      139 words
    • 53 14 John Little Co., Ltd When PURE MALT WHISKY is Want«l Ask For t| I* I Ouawmtasd Sowarv OH Bl I Cl£NLimwmSEl|' I MMWM anmw m I JOHN UTTLK y UNfftj. MWANM. Pommery Greno’s Champagne. “Extra See" or “Nature.” At all First Class Hotels, Clob^ April 19 V*v< .w a ...v
      53 words