The Straits Budget, 31 March 1904

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 87 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ESTABLISHED OVER HaLP A CENTURY Cable Address: Times, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Bteaits Times 15 iektr. VOL. LViIT. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1904. No. ‘#2o6 fHK “STItAlTfij TIMES” circulates largely in Singapore and Penang throughout all the Protected
    87 words
  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 31ST MARCH.
    • 145 1 Tickkll. —On the 19th March, at Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F Vl. S., the wife of GhoiiGK Tempi. kr Tickkll, of a damrhter. Zkhndkr.—On 19c h Vi arch, at Kuching, Sarawak, the wife of J. ZKHNOER, of a son. IIayskmaKM.-Oa the 29th February, at N<». Hi-a. Bluff, Yokohama, Mrs. Oscar
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    • 55 1 Howyeu Young.—On the 15th March, .*t IVnang Ethki. Mary YoUNG, daughter of thr Lev. f*nd Mrs. G. F. PYKKlT, to Rev i.'vihs McKinley Hoovkk. Kekh—Ssiiril. —On the lbth March, at IIniL:k»ug. John Kkkr Police, to Liuw vl \u K, secon 1 <1 utga er of Mr. find Mr .1
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  • 328 1 klVDIXG AkTIC E8. la. jou* Pa ar Weapons, Fori Arthur 8ir Ed vi i vrno d. Coin© e Li iOjr. Medical Aly>tery. 1 be Gai (it i.s. Rubbt-r Orowing. Lib >ur at the *> r ’ens. Local. M rxef Quotations. Nrui. Li at. 1 olice News. Tue
    328 words
  • 664 1 Singapore, 31st March, 1904. PRODUCE. .1. t 1 10 50 ilo (Cube No. 1) unpicked 15 00 .it,. m 7 51 Uo l oii!lau<* 7 00 -‘e.nper, Black buyers 29 20 •io White, {5%j 47 62 Sago Flour Sarawak 3 85 do Brunei No. > 3 50 Pearl Sago
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  • 257 1 The Straits Budget, this week, is despatched by the P. and O s.s Simli The Budget, next week, will be mailed by the B. I. s. s. Zamania. The homeward mail hy the M U. s Sydney closed on Monday. The mail from Europe of the
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    • 2394 1 [Strain Time*, 2-l'd March) The Tftnjong Pagar shareholders thf Singapore public have to John Anderson for the astounding eu pos6 ha has effected. When a geutlemu who has been tor some twenty years a Director of, and for a shorter period Chairman of such a vast coucorn
      [Strain Time*, 2-l'd March)  -  2,394 words
    • 577 2 (Strait* Times 24th March.) i Not very long since,” writes a cor* respondent.the police ..took into custody a Malay against whom a charge was preferred for being in possession of a dangerous weapon, to wit, an ordinary riding stick with a nickel ornamental handle shaped like a miniature
      (Strait* Times, 24th March.) i  -  577 words
    • 668 2 {<} traits Times, 24 th March,) P- Rr Abtbuk is still in the hands of the Russians, and the report of its capt .ire, as telegraphed from Tokyo and Cheioo on Tuesday last, is proven untrue. How the report could have been promulgated in the Japanese capital, where
      {<} traits Times, 24th March,)  -  668 words
    • 962 2 (Straits Times XMk March.) Six Bdwxx Arnold, whose literary monument will undoubtedly be “The Light of Asia,” was born in 1832; ■o he had passed the narrow span of three score years and ten, which is the Biblical lot of man. He was the second son of
      (Straits Times, XMk March.)  -  962 words
    • 1006 2 (Straits 'rimes, 2 6th March) Sir Frank Swettknham has elicited a howl of indignation from Australia by a letter he has addressed to the TFmpy on the subject of Chinese lahctffirfSouth Africa. Sir Frank all know very well, entertains'Views on tbe subject ol Asiatics wh*,#, are alien to
      (Straits 'rimes, 26th March)  -  1,006 words
    • 711 3 Striits Times, 28th March I H koI'GH the courtesy of Dr. Kirk. I president of the Malay Branch of J British Medical Association, we rn that“ At the ordinary monthly and dinner of the Malaya ■l r h of the British Medical Asso- r .j nD&gt; held at
      Striits Times, 28th March )  -  711 words
    • 1122 3 Straits Times, 29 tk March.) 1 arsimony and its stquelcr are complaints that affected theadministratiou of the Botanical Gardens during the year reviewed in Mr. Ridley’s latest, report. The one monumental feature of Governmental liberality— prodigality were a better word only it might imply contempt—that flashes across the
      (Straits Times, 29tk March.)  -  1,122 words
    • 1478 3 (Straits Times 30 th March.) Ceylon planters, and the Ceylon, newspapers, seem to be devoting considerable attention to the rubber estates of the Straits nowadays, and the general trend of Ceylon sentiment regarding the prospects of planters in this part of the world, is one of goodnatured envy.
      (Straits Times, 30th March.)  -  1,478 words
    • 2822 3 (Straits Times, 30 tk March.) Some of Mr. Ridley’s offici d troubles, as Director of the Singapore Botanical Gardens, were referred to in our issue of yesterday. There are more to chronicle. Not only did he suffer because tne Government failed to rise to the occasion
      (Straits Times, 30tk March.)  -  2,822 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 90 1 The post free price of the Siraitg Tim** is a year. The post free price of the Straits Budget is $20 a year, it is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are \l the same proportionate rate of price as for a year. TheSbatf#
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    • 50 1 VLL ii »ds "f wcr» un *ttak n. plans drawn up. esunoMle', a et ifleat ons, and Mils tf q i mtiti* maut out on mod r -te terms, ai anorte t nonce. THE STRAITS ARCH I 1 ECTUk L AND SURVEYING &lt; 0. 7. Kaffl s Place Mar. 25
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  • 155 1 DtATrtS. n vki.wimu&gt;. —On the 21th March, at MayI'cnang, V. 11. S. C’HARLW' OD. LUXAT1L ka —'The remains of SiitYL Jane. wiieof K. W.GUNA ILAKA, w* re teiuoved f«*r nteim* nt to the Bukit Tuuah Road, cemeter&gt; ••n Tiieviay. Kepjiel II irbour 2Sth March. The Cortege *ill have the 1*.
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  • 33 4 Swimming Club idiiiiH pt have been an»nge&gt;i to tun fiom J ImetonV p.ei as under during the holiday HYi-iat 9; Saturday 10, Bunda&gt; 9.3 u at e 10.30, Monday, 10.
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  • 717 4 23rd March. It is p’easing f o note that operations at the Bukit Muar mine are being carried on on an extensive scale. This was to have been done long ago but the management was handicapped by want of labour which is not procurable here There 8re over
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  • 152 4 Captain A. Mill*, of the I J aroo and Cai»'*iti P. Town|. y f of the steam* t obltan, have la»ely been filed a Fremantle in Wet Australia for having*ted a breach of th« Immigration Restriction Act r&gt;\ allowing certain members of then Chinese crews to land
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  • 629 4 Puio Way. The Netherlands luoia Gov ,as long ricogrnz-d the s ■rising Irom the Achinese elm. a Jd custom, to trade with p® o the Straits dollar as o wean them from these i hed ways has ever been he authorities in Acheer f*i V «n Heutsz, the
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  • 60 4 Among the suppi* that /Ji fl* cl* cl hy the is gl hat p.ipol r nerv« low* v» r, in such great .l*'n'** f J 1 rnss p, nm f r dir JJ ••I explosives. LaiMifr re fr&lt;»ni Is r H i* at
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  • 337 5 Liki t. Dana, Nr Manchester R* giuient, leaves k»r Canada on sick leave -la rtly 4. 1 A--ENGEUS by g. fU/rneo H» rgko. l t« &gt;in4*pore Mr. and Mrj. BlaI v, M r Tud r 1 H?. 1» itidi Verm nt arrived ,,r. 21 st with 6,350
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  • 69 5 V* -D r y Yoo Aug Mota, a clerk on ti.e ss. S&lt;unh.i.? t was arrested at ;.n-to»N Pi«r for smuggling u- nopi d letters ashore. The lan •tiiiiit- lire conveyance of three letter* L*• «!ie*», but those in question were iudressed frum Pontianak to mercantile ;n Singapore.
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  • 155 5 I C C. v. Manchester Regiment. A hex these two rivals meet in the I' all field there is generally a spi■nn uul j a5 it game and last night was In &gt; option, to the rule. The Regt. ■1: now got some new bloocL in their I* i
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  • 162 5 lb mocks voiced by the Straits Erho that Mr. Yenning,the Federal Sec- t i: y, will act as Resident of Perak until F Mor E VV. Birch, c.m.g., returns from f leave in April next year. Mr. Birch I a* been gazetted permanent British I Resident ot Perak
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  • Correspondence.
    • 328 5 To the Editor of the Straiti Tima.” $ia, —Y steraay h European ex mein» er ..I the cal puhee .-.a? l fi Mr Nr b&lt; u g in a condiiion which prevented him 1 r* in being able in leke i n e ot hui.M If
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  • 172 5 It will ha remembered that the art lovers of Singapore gave an exhibition at Government H m»e some time ago but the MK*ec*s of that *how was !v aflVuted by the inclemency of the weather. Accordingly u sort ot repeat” &lt; xhibhn n was given at
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  • 125 5 Mr. Peirce, the Municipal Engineer goes home on leave on Saturday. Mr. Williams will act for him. Air Bell will i.ave sole charge of the Water Department, but will shortly have the help of an assistant engineer who is on his way out. Mr. Polglase, Municipal .Secretary,
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  • 188 5 The Zambesi after discharging coals and cargo at Keppel Harbour wharf was shifted to the P. and O. wharf on the -’lst instant to discharge the balance of her cargo. The sailer Olooscajt was towed to Keppel Harbour yesterday to discharge cargo The Arisfeo went alongside the Borneo
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  • 25 5 Shooting in the Monthly Handicap Competition will take place at Balestier Range on Saturday next 26th inst at 3 p m.
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  • 2042 5 VERDICT FOR THE DEFENDANT This »dj u&gt;n**d ii»»* of ri&gt;rb*eir f profit i;** C 1 Jui r J •It-eil H rat -n tor $l ,Im»0 -i Una.*-', w&&lt; it-uinr Or Supreme Court, r»elo«* Mr. JuMie»- Hv'dinar. J »nes. D. .Souz i, of t- e I eleptiOfjf*
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  • 480 5 The following list- of thr )wrsoanel of the Tar j »n£ Pagj'.r I&gt; ck Company's 1 .cal B *ard of Directors and London Aivisory Committee*, ai* inT'-re»iing in view ot Mr John Anderson’s remarks at the half yearly general meeting of the Company held yesteriay. B ARD
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  • 108 5 Yesterday morning, Mr. F. K. Jennings, on behalf of the Spirit Farmer, prosecuted a Chinaman for remoying three cases of brandy without a permit. An assistant in the employ of Meson. Cadonau and Co. gave an explanation of the matter, and said that the liquor was valued at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 lanlTsale. Thk following pro| erly whs disposed bt l*&gt; Aucfiin lit P&lt; well Co’s, ftalercom ferday Fre held Building HU* Innin.g Barker Road, Dunedin Km at 1-ukit Til).ah Road, area iprne fee* maikwi lot 14-A ol Liciii’ N H 7. Bought by Wee b'eck [riu.;.is t 0 cents per square
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  • 3540 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE &gt;KiS Mr. Anderson’s Eloquent Speech. There was a nu'u •x, *itancy among the Tmj »&gt; 4 i\r D *ck suare-bold-Ts yesieruay. Everyin«t\ was on the qj.1 live for strrnge developments, but it may be reckoned tnai thry gut more than they birgained
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  • 594 6 The Acting Guvernor and party let: for Malacca in the »S 'ea Men yesterfhv afternoon. The Sultana of Selangor died, the other day. She was buried mtueroyai cemetery at Jugra on the 17th instant. This afternoon a big twakoic capsizes near the Shipping Oliice. The cargo consisted
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  • 61 7 r. v; Council meets or. »y !»*-xr Ht 230 p.m Tli :r u* unai Secretary w ill mov vm! «»f the appoint inert i*&lt; wGi it Co. t&lt;» make a valua- rr»‘i ure, Ac., in tiie private ,wr&lt;im' nt Ho'i'C as required p &gt;v!M of the (tjveinor s
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  • 67 7 dny Mail announces that the r v tiiuehe Chamber of GVmr, K i.-iw sab ly on its way to being ,i. eing tiiar the rules for iie -:r rr.ent have already t een issued e j;,i -t important of these rules is h gives the Chamber
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  • 89 7 u d t y the .--eiangor D’vi-ion of ,1 1'. &gt;tat?«i Volunteer R fl-s wen* tJ p lor a week at Kuala Lumpur, ,ament Road. The camp contt»ap hu’ comprising nine fm i jininudat ion of 41 men, officers’ .1 ‘•erceant-maj .r’s room and ,r- lard-room, canteen,
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  • 106 7 m and constant changes are almost daily among tin .al- if;d the following are reported hi- St nit is Ac Ac. Mr. C. V. Dysor r. .t- jn-t returned fror n leave is U* ?&lt; rcl assistant District Officer r/. in-J not Mr. Fonseca as was. v proposed.
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  • 106 7 ia&gt; b n. yesterday, prosecuted a a. in in before the Bench Court thrtiifit of '‘even fowls. He was m i i\ in default three weeks, lot using t false charge; the mdney, il jo to the defendant. A fic-s n the ea-e was lined 526, in iv
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  • 275 7 —Malay Mail h n»Kh *n very unweil and has to home r unee Mr. Barnes will pro)JV i 1 *r liin* and will therefore Janie for the Federal Seere *Wio is available? At all wll be interesting to see who 5 :ii c ailing appointment Mr. iU,)R
    —Malay Mail.  -  275 words
  • 418 7 I uk ai mini meeting of the sharehol of ihe S nuapore Slipway am hn. ineering Company,* Ltd., was tieid t’ 6 C*.flyer Q lay to-day, Mr. P. A a ided. chaum-n of directors, pn 'Uur l heothers present were J R. N cholson, J
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  • 236 7 The Hamburg-American liner Sambit having left Hongkong on the 22nd instant, is due on the 27th idem with general cargo. The Glaucus arrived alongside Section 6 on the 22nd instant from Hongkong with about 3,000 tons of Japan coal which is being discharged for Mansfield and Co., Ld.
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  • 168 7 Towed to Singapore in a Damaged Condition. About 10 o’clock this morning the local steamer Hong Li an which had been sent to the assistance of the Bintang Timor which went aground on the Sepang Bar, arrived with the latter vessel in tow. It appears that while
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  • 592 7 Ia/jis, 1 5th March. Tub irst private inuior car to b» u y ed in Lipi- belongs to Mr. Owen ii h a run-about and can seat two the driver, it is in daily ust tuj appear** tn work vvrll Mr. A Wat-on, who has acquired i hundred
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  • 215 7 At an inquest held in a New Zealand township on the 19th Feb. in connection with the suspicious death of a patient in a doctor’s hands, the latter gave evidence He stated that the chemist who had supplied the deceased with medicine had told him that be was
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  • 1126 7 Dep; rture of 1 r«&gt;o| s to the Front. (F coin our Special f'orrt*/iontltritJ Tokyo, Oth March JOOj. Ihe attitude of extreme secresy observed by the imperial Japanese Government. whilst perfectly laudable when the end to be "lined is considered, is nevertheless particularly galling to a war correspondent
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  • 346 7 Mr T. R. Jernigam, formerly U. 8. Consul-General in China, has published, through Messrs. Kelly Walsh, a handy volume entitled China’s Business Methods and Policy," which ip most timely at the present critical epoch in the development of the Empire. It is an excellent bock —far better,
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  • 378 7 The Acting Resiaent, Mr. H. Conway Beltield, returned to i'aiping 9th March from Kuala Lumpur where he bad to eo for the Conference of Residents. The Residents were to have discussed many important mat ers in connection with the administration of the States; and it is
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  • 243 8 Thi* morning the &gt;/mntitit7 arnvto v.ith ft C'triT' o» 3 GOU r -ns ofKuehinn-sn coal consigned to M-ssrs. Mantfkw Coy, Ltd. It is understo jri that oa] t. 1-lte, the A'- iug M ;ster Attend, in*, i- cmhere fr* IV nang by the &gt;Vv. !'■'.V on Sunday
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  • 105 8 We understand that the local steamer Binfang 'Jimor, which her back on t he JSepang Bar, has been condemned by the owners, M* ssrs. Wee Bin Co., as she is not worth repairing The Bluffing Timor ill be towed to Tanjong Rhu to be broken up.
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  • 170 8 The following passengers arrived here this morning by the German mail steanie Print m l!cinrich. From Bremen —Mr. Naj Son From Antwerp —Mr. F. Moritz. From ISouthampton—Mr. and Mrs and Miss Holloway, Mr. \V. H. Newitt, Miss E. Newton, Mr. Nai Rune, Mr. J. Cook. From
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  • 161 8 Cricketers in Singapore may look forward so a lively time next week during the Easter holidays. A cricket eleven from Perak has arranged to visit Singapore and play against a local eleven which has now been chosen. Several entertainments will be given in honour of the
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  • 1116 8 How Deparln.cris are Run The people •&lt;* L t&gt; .m *ere keenly mtt feoieu the t:.rr d-*y in to a&lt;*l.mi t&gt;e?&lt;&gt;re the 4cffr;g Jaliei »1 U-Jiuini*, Mi C J. skinner, at me i:j8.u:&gt;cc j »t M; I’ J C. vVmte, rhe iMts’Uer 1
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  • 205 8 Tuesday's Bombardment of Port Arthur. The Japanese Consul-General at .Singapore has received the following message i &gt; Admiral Togo reports to the Japanese Foreign Office as follows Our combined squadron manoeuvred as previously arranged. From the night ct the 21st inst. to dawn of the following day
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  • 324 8 WHO KILLED THE BULLOCK Action for Damages. Chinese remedies are often supposed to be more deadly in their effects than the evils they are intended to cure, but it is seldom the Court has to consider that particular question. However, in a case which came before Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones in
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  • 571 8 The Grounding of the s s. ‘‘Borneo A Marine Court of Enquiry was held at the Piaster Attendant s Onice yesterday to enquire into tne grounding ol tue fc.s. Borneo on the Arratoon .opcar hhoal on the 3rd 1 ebruary on the way irom iiangkok to
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  • 304 8 The Siak on being undocked at Keppel Harbour on the 23rd instant, left for Tanjong Rhu. The Alleuga i* expected to arrive to-morrow. Th* U.S.S Fan Franciso left for Manila shortly before 5. p m. yesterday. Th* Mumc after discharging her cargo ol oil at Pulo Sambu, was
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  • 408 8 Last week saw the .vial «c&lt; a V lrj ui dt r canvass hr tLe fi. s camp was at Bukit S huk.r ibeiifle rarige and ab*.ui 4 n,\/{ 1 mva u Ou F. iday mi 4 p.u c mrii assembled and started Miit, but the Tampiu M
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  • 289 8 Malay Mail The new law as regards mia timber and fuel for mitiing Pahang presFes heavily on tti ompanies which have no timber their own It seems hard, says correspondent, that mining folk in Pahang have to pay duty n miu timber and fuel while thote
    .— Malay Mail  -  289 words
  • 72 8 On enquiry from the Mala) of the small local vessel t runs between Rhio and Sin^P which arrived from Rhio lafc pre ]i it w’as elicited that no lives as far as the skipper was aw the great fire which broKe Kampong A f ew slightly
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  • 866 9 Annual Meeting. The sixth annual meeting of Fraser and Neave, Ltd Singapore, was held in the offices of the Company at noor to-day. There was a small attendance, Mr Alexander Gentle, chairman ol directors, presiding. The others present were Messrs. Hans Becker, Alec, humming, and C.
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  • 903 9 Singapore Ahead of Colombo. Mr. E. D. Pearman, lately assistant manager of the Oriental Telephone Electric Company, Singapore, was in Colombo, says the Times of Ceylon en route to Mauritius. Although his time in Colombo was very limited he made good use of the opportunity of examining our
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  • 91 9 The Besident-G io nut ua.u p for home until Octoher. In vita* ions have been issued for the Bachelors' Ball, which will be held at the Town Hall on April 29th. The Poh Ann arrived this morning from T. An*on with 8 police escoits and 10 prisoners.
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  • 65 9 ANexceedingl) pieity wedding,which was attended with all the glory associated with military splendour, was celebrated at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on Thursday afternoon The contracting parties were Mr. G. L Murphy, of the 73rd Carnatic Infantry, at present stationed in Singapore, and Miss Magaret Mabel Lind. A reception was
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  • 153 9 A warbling voluneer, who is accustomed to deal with maxims other than Sir Hiram’s, has been keeping an eye on the local incidents of the week and he suggests that the following verse might he useful for Camp purposes It seems that Mr Rutland Barrington is
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  • 243 9 Yesterday afternoon’s Government Gazette contains the official obituary of that once most popular Corps, the Singapore Volunteer Rides. To quote the notice in question:—“Under the pro\ision of paragraph 10 of the Volunteer Ordinance, His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government has directed that the Singapore Volunteer
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  • 800 9 Lively Night at the Drill Hall. The memt ers of the Hw mining Club, 8ingapoie, tilled the Drill Hall last night on the occasion of their annual meeting. It is always certain that at these meetings the pioceed ngs will be lively, and, indeed, some members
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  • 450 9 I The Pinang Gazette, which was beret out in the recent conflagration at the Northern Settlement, has been pluekilj| struggling along as best it could ever since—printing little sheets at varieec local printing offices in its efforts to i** faith with its subscribers, many ci whose names
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  • 352 9 Sale of Work. A salk of work in aid of the funds of the Young Women’s Christian Assertion, Singapore, was held in the Town Hall last evening. Primarily the proceeds of the sale are intended to form the nucleus of a fund to he applied
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  • 1618 10 Sir Frank Swt te ham on the Situation. The following is Sir Frank Swettenhani's letter to the Times referred to in oui ditorial columns to-day To The Editor of “The Times." Sir, —The responsible authorities, anti the majority of those who have a voice the
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  • 521 10 Seised by Russians in the Red Sea. How the Russians were cheated. The British collier Capt McKenzie, arrive*d this morning with a cargo of 5130 tons of coal from o* consigned to Japan. The reports that he left Barry on h£ c s 'y&. All went well
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  • 1427 10 New Scale of Custom's Charges. Lipi 21st March. A new sc&ble of Customs duties is now in force in Pahang. The list of import duties includes only five items, viz Opium $440, plus a weighing fee of $1.60, a chest; spirituous liquors 50 cents a galion; vermouth 25
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  • 709 10 The Adjourned Meeting. Result of the Poll. The adjourned meeting of the shareholders of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co Ltd held for the purpose of taking a poll of the votes in favour, respectively of the motion proposed by the Chairman, Mr. J. Rumney Nicholson, and the
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  • 403 11 L E usual fortnightly meeting of the fcicip'H Commissioners was held at Municipal Office yesterday afterI Dr. Middleton, the Deputy L dent, presided, and there were also f f -Lieut.-Col. Pennefather and Arthur Barker, Rowland f Saunders, Choa Giang Thye Choon Guan, and Mr. J. PolL the Secretary.
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  • 218 11 I Banishment orders against 34 aliens le notified. The Hon. C. W. S. Kynlerdey is appointed Deputy-Governor. Br U. Nunn, Cadet, is a Magistrate at irigaport*, besides being assistant Irotector of Chinese immigrants, and Iroteetor of emigrants. Mr. W. A. lay ward acts as shorthand writer to lie
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  • 806 11 *HE Shanehai Spring Race Meeting Wju be held on the 3rd. 4th, and sth P*y- K \V Nicholson, late Assistant of Mines in Perak, has just »n England. Mh. Hr hson, the Managing Director M„j U y Press, Limited, is ■Verted to be going home shortly. Jlmblk
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  • 71 11 Mac I ntyre Biggs. A very quiet marriage was celebrated at St. George’s Church, Penang, on Wednesday afternoon. Captain Mac Intyre, R N R, Harbour Master, being married to Miss Violet Frances Biggs, who arrived from Europe by the Prince Heinrich. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Frank
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  • 54 11 Capt. Vos of the Dutch steamer G G. Meier, which arrived Pabmbang this morning, report that the oil mills at Palemhang caught fire and have been burnt to the ground. No lives were lost. The damages is estimated at $130,000, but it is not whether the property
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  • 95 11 The following passenger* left here on Saturday morning by the ernian mail steamer Prinz IJcinru'h. For Hongkong Mr. J. Vlencarini, Mrs. E. B. Kimball, Mins G. Hammon, Dr. Duncan, Mr. and Mr*. C. Hannig. For Shanghai: Mr. 1\ I), /alio, Mr. P. P. Osinalde, Mr. P.
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  • 75 11 This morning the signal sergeant and his assistants at Mount Faber had a rather strange experience. While the ordinary every day routine was being carried out a Jew, who was understood to be a lunatic, escaped from the aslum at Pasir Panjang, suddenly made his appearance
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  • 149 11 The new British s« rew sloop Clio Capt. Wilkin, D. S O, from Sheerness via the Suez Canal and Colombo on Saturday afternoon and anchored in the roads close to the Vestal. The Clio is a smart looking little vessel and is painted grey all over
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  • 149 11 Germans Advised to Settle at Sabang. W. von Hanneken, a German writer whose pen is occasionally employed in writing commercial articles, calls attention to the Dutch port of Sabang, on the Isle of Way, north of Sumatra, where he thinks German traders might advantageously settle. Within the last few
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  • 273 11 Woman sent to Prison. On the 5th inst. the Chinese juuk Hin Sheng Lee arrived here with immigrants who were allowed to land before intimation was given to the Chinese Protectorate. For this the Taikovg (Captain) was prosecuted and lined $125 Enquiries were then made for the passengers,
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  • 1140 11 Interview with Mr. E. W. Birch, C.M.O. {(.'ommtrcial Intelligence.) Dating from the Straits Settlements, our Travelling Correspondent in the Far East wrote as follows In April 1902 you published a letter from me on the subject of British North Borneo. An apologist of the Company attempted to
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  • 212 11 Found Shot Dead at Bukit Tinggi* It will be remembered that some dayt ago it was reported in these columns that the highly decomposed body of a Chinaman had been discovered in the under growth at Bukit Tinggi. The police had the body removed and
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  • 116 11 The Norwegian steamer Mathila* arrived on Saturday afternoon with a cargo of 4974 tons of Cardiff coal con dgned to Japan. The British steamers Calliope and Swanley also arrived on Saturday both from Barry. The Calliope is consigned to Sasebo and has 5.J00 tons of coal on
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  • 383 11 The Dutch lighthouse tend*,- ZecJnif Arrived from Rhio on Saturday afternoon. On the 27th instaut the (Jueen Mary arrived with a cargo of rice trom Saigon for Dunkirk. The heavy shower of rain this morn* in.*, which wat* very welcome, flooded a j .nsiierable m mber of
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  • 80 12 The following passengers are expected to arrive here by the Imperial German Mail steamer Oldenburg due here on the Nth prox. Ur. and Mrs. L)avid Collins, Miss Alice Collins, Master Frank Collins, Mr. O. J. Davies, Mr and Mrs. K. VV. Still, Mr. and Mrs. A.
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  • 110 12 About 12 o’clock last night the police patrol on duty in Serangoon Road saw fire issuing from the back part of the kitchen belonging to a house near the fifth mile. The patrol rushed to the scene and managed to extinguish the flames. One of the
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  • 112 12 As previously staled, every effort is being made hv the promoters of the Singapore Gymkhana, which takes place on Apr) 9 h, to make the meeting a Buccess. Ir is not yet known how the entries are likely to stand, but as a good many owners have indicated
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  • 97 12 Thk following cards were returned for the Ceptair.’B Prize W. P. Waddell 101-18 83 4. H. D. Jones 95-6 8 N. .WeatheiHtone 111—22 89 L M. Hli* 102-12 90 F. H. Thomas lib-20 90 P. Fer*»u*on 89+2 91 H. B. Saiuioiid 101 —lO 91 JR. H. Ellis
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  • 265 12 The success of the Football Leagu recently established iR evidenced h\ the interest whi&lt; h the teams are ing in the matches and the suppor given by tl ose who appreciate gooi sport. 'I 1e f* lit wii g gentlemen havt agreed to act as j atr«
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  • 3069 12 (By Tnrtihand ond Old Bn*i We can imagine the trainer, who presides over the Netheravon establishment, sitting down to dinner last Tuesday at Lincoln, in the most comfortable frame of mind. To finish up one season by winning the Cambridgeshire, and to start the next by taking the
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  • 165 12 JolL Programme for Easter Week. We notice that the Singapore Cricket Cub Committee are making somewhat elaborate preparations for the entertainment of the visitors f*om Penang and Perak at Easter. In the first place arrangements have been made for an excellent Smoker to be given at the
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  • 89 12 Before Mr. Hooper at the Middle Road rikisha depot this morning Insp. Ilarfleet had two coolies up for leaving before taking him to his destination. One of them, who went off with two Chinamen while insp. was in a photographer’s studio, w’as fined 82 The other coolie,
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  • 233 12 A Disgrace to Europeans. W. Bl.-ck a E impean who for sod tim** h i.een leading an existed leer lly i)io meann creditable to itself, tump his fourth appearance J y*ar Ufore Mr. S«fh yeetew This time he wa« charged with b*0P for alms in public; on
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  • 335 13 Ihkhe was a large audience at the Town Hall, Singapore, last night tr, witness the performance given by Mr &gt;4. Leavitt’s Anglo-American Troubadours A capital programme ot th»* vaudeville order had been arranged, but owing to local difficulties one or two items had to be dispenser) with at
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  • 149 13 Mk. F M. Jennings on behalf of the S; r. r F tr-: er. summoned the manager oi die linn Yong Lee »Seng, yesterday for i irni' incorrect returns of txp rt- ot 1 quors during the past year. P v.\i&gt; M.‘ir *ii »hat the return showed
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  • 155 13 bullock Killed by Medicine. In the case reported on Friday in "'hsri: one Chmuman sued anothci I ki!.am m for damages, in consequent*. °l 'ruing k lied hi3 bullock, Mr. Justice Hyruhiiajj .1 »nes gave judgment in the &gt; q-i'eir. Court yesterday. The judgment wry long one, but
    155 words
  • 153 13 ,)N the lo h inst., Majid bin Ali was r,v '*e&lt;l in Arab Street at the instance 0! II tuji Abdul Rahman charged with b j n. t-picking and assault. On Mon4K&gt; afternoon the defendant was *m.-d before Messrs. Michell and The prosecutor swore that lie defendant put
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  • 189 13 1 he Lm itish steamer Sftmynfi arrived yesterday from New York with 20.0(0 cases of kerneine oil for Singapore. She s taking 70,000 to Shanghai. The Brit ish collier L'ragoswald arrived from Cardiff this morning with 4 790 tons of coal consigned to the Admiralty. She will
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  • 181 13 1 he Men s Monthly Medal for Marcfy was played for last {Saturday and re* suited in a win fur Mr. Jones. The -O'-r* s returned were as follow®: J. H. I). Jones 38 43 6=75 Hon. F. G Penney v 47 44—14 =77 F. Ferguson
    181 words
  • 140 13 A rfsidknt of Singapore, wh &gt; is at niv-ent on a visit to Rhio, writes to say it»c. i about 250 houses were burnt om hiring the recent great fire which broke out at Rhio some days hack. Two young girls anti one boy were burnt
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  • 323 13 A dastardly murder was committed in the jungie off the Jurong Road abou* ten miles from Singapore, on the 14 h ult. The victim was a Siamese woman, ihe wife of a Chinese cultivator named Neo Ah Soh. Living in the neighbourhood of this man’s hut
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  • 237 13 Hfng Yecng, a discharged servant c&gt;f Mr Quan set r, was yesterday ordered by Mr. Peace&lt; k to find a surety of $5O to be of good behaviour for six months in default to go to prison fur that period Irmp. Cahoon shewed that from the time of
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  • 345 13 The Deli was undocked at Tanjong Pa gar on Saturday afternoon and left straightway for ihe roads. The collier Jiurmah was taken alongside Section 3 on Saturday to discharge 3,800 tons Yulvri «oal for Paterson Simons and Co. Ihe Shir/ei/ is reported to have lett Calcutta on the
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  • 330 13 Its Future. The Times of Ceylon takes a hopefu view' of rubber-growdng there. In it. 1 opinion there is no likelihood of am great reduction in price. The demand; of the markets of the world, even at tin high prices now ruling, are ever on tin increase,
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  • 126 13 Thk Volunteers go into Camp at Tanjor g Katorg fn-mo&gt;row afternoon to undergo their annual training under Tent** have pitched, we on a sni’able piece of ground adjacent, to the old fort and everything has been done to make the men comfortable The men fall in at
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  • 117 13 A carriage accident that might have resulted seriously occurred in front of the Singapore Club yesterday afternoon. A syce in charge of one of the carriages left his horse alone, and began chatting with some friends a little distance away. Presently, a fly or something disturbed the horse,
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  • 146 13 WAYANG KASSIM. In Fair yland. East night the play “Hawai-Majlis—-a trip to Fairyland” was produced at the Wayang Kassim and it proved one of the most ambitious efforts in the way of scenic shows that the Malay theatre has yet attempted. The fairy land to which the audience was introduced
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  • 408 13 A Private Seance. Away from the glare and fascination »f 1 lie footlights, the wonder worker and mystery-maker is usually chary of cxnibiting his powers. Let the audience ay, if it will, that everything is done 6y legerdemain, the performer prefers to keep his little secrets to himself.
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  • 159 13 The cricket eleven from Perak which will play the Singapore representatives are expected to arrive here on Friday, morning by the Government vachfr Mtrun. Play commences at 10 a.m.*, and it is expected that the match will last until Saturday afternoon. On Monday morning the Penang
    159 words
  • 226 13 Ihe Russian ba’tleship Kniaz I* t nJcin Tavritchesky, which was laid down more than six \ears ago at N kolaieff, has just succeeded in getting through 1m r &lt; fficia! trials satisfactorily, hut beyond the bare statement that, the designed horse-power (10 600) was considerably exceeded, no
    226 words
  • 154 13 Considerable uit-rest is being taken this year in the Richard Warner Festival at the Prinzregenten Theater and iri the Mozart Festival at the Royal Residenz &lt;te Royal Hof Theaters in Munich and large numbers ot t jkets have already been ordered from all tarts of the
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  • 61 13 Ihe Soud-n Gazette contains a notification, issued by direction of the Sirdar (Sir Reginald Wingate), summarily abolishing, as far as the* Government is concerned, the use of the name Faslmaa. Henceforth, says the official notification, “the province of Fashoda will be known the Upper Nile Province the town
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  • 181 13 The Ca T cutta Racing Season has ended and Mr. A. A. A pear heads the list of winning owner? with rs. 32,500; The Koer Sahih of Patiala is second with rs. 23.500; Dr Spooner Han third with rs. 19.0&lt; 0, Mr. J. I) Scott fourth w
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  • 664 14 Mr. Powell Robinson's Lease. in the Supreme Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones, an important action in connection with the iea-e of certain land in Battery Ro;td was commenced. The plaintiff is Air. Poweil Robinson and the defendants Cbiang Ben Siew, Lim Quee Eng, and Cheong.Jim
    664 words
  • 232 14 Arrived on Sunday by the La Seync from Batavia :—Mr. J. H. Starey, Mr. T. Sternberg, Mr. van der Kooi, Mr. P. van Dinter, Mr. P. Gastaux and Mr. W H. Sharp. Arrived on Monday by the Sydney from Shanghai:—Mr. M. Swartz, Mr. Schraeten, Mr. R. T.
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  • 501 14 S.C.C. v. Manchester Regt. Club win by 4 goals to 1. A large crowd lined the ropes yesterday afternoon on the Recreation Club ground, to see these old favourite and a splendid exhibition of the game was given. The Regimental team is now considerably strengthened, hut Townsend was badly
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  • 448 14 Inadents at Singa 'ore. It is a truism, says the Finang Gazette, that the natives in Singapore regard the police force as an agency got together for the special purpose of being bribed, or at least used so to regard it. it was also one of those
    448 words
  • 1416 14 Shanghai, 2 2nd March A detachment of Japanese troops disembarked at the e»trance to the liver at Newchwaug and made a reconnaissance, after which they took to their ships again. Shanghai, 2ftlt March. An official despatch from Mukden, d ited yesterday, confirms news of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 600 14 HE WAS YOU CAN BE Cured of Ir digestion by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Most people suffer at one time or another from disordered stomach. The stomach, through overwork or tor some other reason, becomes too weak to do its work, whilst the blood, whose duty it is to eive
      600 words

  • 1792 15 London 23 rd Morcli Pencil (Chamber of Deputies the debate on the Govern* t p, ]l -upnrcs-ing clerical teaching. \*i mimidment for maintaining -tabiLliments for Frencl j &gt; i* »br»td and in the Col onies wut i u d by 2&lt;&gt; to 213 votes, purir" the animated
    1,792 words
  • 1340 15 London, 22nd March. The censure on the Government moved by the Leader of the Opposition, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, has been rejected by 299 votes to 242 —a majority for the Government of 57 votes. The House of Lords rejected the motion proposing to defer the introduction of Chinese
    1,340 words

    • 223 16 Und°r this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.— steamer; sh.—ship; bq.— b&rrjue seh.—schooner Yet. —Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. Horse power; Brit.—British: U. S.—United States; Fch.—French; Ger—German; Dut.— Dutch G.c.—General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger U. —Uncertain; T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock :&gt;.W.—Borneo
      223 words
    • 1218 16 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Amherst, Brit, str 135 tons, Capt Hunter G »th Mar. From T. Anson, *J8»h Mar. Q c. .and 45 d p. v\ ee Bin A Co. For T. Anson 1st -Kds. Hernicia, Brit. s‘r. 2,17» tons, Captain Faulki er, 29ih M ir.
      1,218 words
    • 750 16 Name, port, probable date of arrt'm and name of agents. HTBAMSRB. Abessinia, Hongkong, Apl 11; Behn Meyer Achilles, Liverpool, Apl 2; Mansfield. All&gt;oin. Bombay, Apl; Borneo Coy Alcmoua, Liverpool, Apl 6 Mansfield. Alting, Sour baya, Api 13; Daendels. Ambia, New York, Apl I Behn Meyer. Anamba, Bangkok, Apl
      750 words
    • 153 17 PASSED 8UNDA OR ARHIVED FOR ORDERS Fl g Date of Dmtim- KkDatk Kio. Ship’s Name. Captain. Sailing. From where ation. mabis M*r lOltal ah. Gio Batta Repetto Brigneti ‘&gt;ct 19 Philadelphia Anjer f o. lOBritcru Euryalua Napier Mar 10 Batavia Australia 11 Brit a a. Volga Hongkong 11 Dufc
      153 words
    • 1554 18 H tUO 5 i Vessel’* Name. Tor* i Captain From Sailed Consignees. a Rio. Met j j 22 Tsintau Ger str 1002 Koch Swatow Mar 10 Behn Meyer A Co. 22 Borneo Brit str. 4572 Gordon Yokohama Feb 29 P. and O. Coy. 22 G'ancus str. £5OO Baker Amoy
      1,554 words
    • 1039 18 Date. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio. Tons. Destination. Mar 22 Aristea Aus ati. 2169 Tientsin 28 Radtey Brit str. 1984 Christmas Island 28 Glen art ney str. 1*44 Hongkong, Shanghai and 23 G. G. Meyer Dut str. 441 Mantok and Palembang w 23 Omapere Brit str. 340 Port Swettenham
      1,039 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 202 16 1 ENGLISH NURSE, at present in J Java, desires situation with famlv returning: to England shortlv. Apply to NURSE. c/o Straits Times COMMON SENSE--NUTSRELi medical wi.rk on the causes ami wi&lt;*ntj» .«n&lt;. effectual means of self cure ever discovered for ucrvno* ar.«t functional deb.iity, waste of vitality, depression r
      202 words
    • 317 16 MARTIN'S Ifor Ladies.} A French Remedy t*r Ml rhanfian* ot Ladies koep a bo. o* Martin 1M» u tr\e how*, on .nf fr*t sign of anv I* -ja.ur.t;' i tin y d( v bo adruiD»ster*Mi i o**i u Hr. i -4 them rcvpiiinend! ineir enormous t« Uaiir ore-sOt poet
      317 words
    • 230 16 J. MOTION co WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS, OPTIC? ANS. BS PAJFF PROMPTLY EXBC0T|| food? CRUSHED TEY IT Alin YOU Will B* BATOpnn J. R. toinrorm the that his factory for 1 •»/%&lt;! «vfc "Mr. 1 RAiilin: u *5| Food, at No. 1, Beiilios liDaS, U Firat Claaa Frosb Crushed too r. c.
      230 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 437 17 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. ~i Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its KED LABEL, the signature in WHITE of Lea Perrins. None is the original and genuine V/orcester shire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. m i s r Jar I'ni.prsal
      437 words
    • 160 17 0 2 ii 0fomune Co. JAPANESE CURIOS AND OENERAL STORE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. No. ;jc3r jfcrjfcSU ASK FOR i \s Z7, The most palatable and wholesome natural min* oral water known. Sole Proprietor. J. CLIFFORD WILKINSON. Kobe, Japan. TANSAN The renowned Table Water of Japan. An unsurpassed drink where
      160 words
    • 557 17 ORCHIDS. A SPLENDID opportunity for lovers of orchids. Messrs. J. Waterstrsdt and H. Rime'tad, at present *t Milang, Java, are proceeding to Europe next spring, with one of the finest and largest collections of orchids ever brought to Fnrops from the Far East. They offer to deliver collections of these,
      557 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 795 18 THE-TANJOIMO PAOAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwbightb, Exonmns, Isos asd Bbab Fouhdxbs, Whastisgsbs, Ac. This Company execute Ship and Marini Engine Repairs of all descriptions in tbt mast efficient manner under the snperin teSoence of experienced European Ship wrights end Engineers. Oral iving Docks up to 500 feet in lengt) and
      795 words
    • 45 18 A. HERRMANSON Co., 60. WILSON STREET, FINSBURY, LONDON, E.C. &lt;*• &lt;EM*ISWS, l»!« to ((in' put.«r i. B. It. t to., Loxioo i. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS. Desire for imports sole representation for England and European Continent. u Bank Credits, if required. Msr 2 i e.w. 35-5
      45 words
    • 75 18 OILSEEDS, COPRAH, SPICES, &c (POTOTSCHNIG ft FRANKEL, TRIESTE, AUSTRIA.) Agents and Produce Brokers specially for such shippers who having no Otiice on Continent, wish to have VERY energetic and VERY reliable Representatives in EuropeI ototMchnig and Frankel are General Agents for Continental Europe of some of the prominent shippers of
      75 words