The Straits Budget, 23 March 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 89 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” ivSTABUSHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Cable Address Timbs, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits I imks 15 cbmts. VOIi. LVUI. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1904. No. 4205. f H h -STRAITS TIMES” circulates ■*kgkly in Singapore and Penang -qROl'GHOUT
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 23RD MARCH.
    • 141 1 Hickman. —On the 11th March, at Hongkorg the wife of l\ E. IIKRMA of a son. L, mas —On the 13th Feb. at Taiyuan fu, ->Lau-i, to the wife of Prof. K. K. LymaN, ot a •n:, Llinnn«l K > b*?rt). A On the 18th March, at E verton,
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    • 171 1 .\i\-ui\ -TAt'RNHiLL.—On the 9th Maivh. ..t Florence Eva Austin, third ituyh>: oi Edward AUS IN, of Dublin, to \j.nmv.o Mci'oak Thornhill, Sergeant of •h* Koval Knid'iew, eldest sou of John muukl’l Hi<knhill, of Southampton. Hknuhv— southon. —On the 14th March, •V. I'tiiHUg, KofchKT HENDRY, third son of Ihu* Will
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  • 180 1 l-it Lisa Articles. Ihe K* 1 p*e oruly bu'ibi^e. Hute of i 'aiuoridge he Railway ‘'“pi al M diciae. Tk Ci jover.ior. ho A i f ket (juooitioac. 'hipping N*ws. List, i mice .Yews. Re War L’hriiage \ccideut gapure F o ball League. *V»pular Orch st»al Concert.
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  • 643 1 Singapore, 23rd March, 1904. PRODUCE. iJaitbiti buyer* 10 52J tlo (Cube No. 1) unpicked 15.75 Copra Ban 7 55 do Pontlana* 7.10 Pepper, Black 29.50 do White, (5%: 47 50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.60 do Brunei No 3 40 Pearl Saco >» 6 25 Cofree, Bali, 15% basin 20
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  • 238 1 The Straits Budget this week, is despatched by the B. I. 8. 8. Zauia. The Budget, next week, will be mailed by the P. and 0. 8.8. Simla. The homeward mail by the German steamer Roan closed on Monday. The P. and O. 88. Bengal with
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    • 767 1 (Straits Time*, 17 th M>>rch.) In view of the anniversary we celebrate, and the circumstances pendant thereunto, it is admissible to use a CeliicD-m in noting that adhtioi.; 1 lustre has been shed upon the day by the occurrence of an eclipse of the sun. It is a
      (Straits Time*, 17th M>>rch.)  -  767 words
    • 563 1 I'iirail* l7 tti March.) When M j *r I'cutleiiuitt nail donned dll in® uusi-impiuvere, his h** r carl«a ami liis tumid ulate linen displayed H ilio lulteal a-.vaiitag*, l»e was wont to take his da ly walk—“ m the season of course—ami-in-aiin with my L mi I'Iiih or
      I'iirail* l7tti March.)  -  563 words
    • 539 1 (Straits Times, k March.) H R. H the Dike or Cambridge whose death at a rip« oi»i age is reported by Reuter to-day, would .iave rn-en 85 years of age had he lived until the 26th inst. He has beeu ailing for some time past, and the
      (Straits Times, . k March.)  -  539 words
    • 799 2 (Straits Time*, 18th March.) Despite the collapse of the bridge at the 11 9 mile, some weeks ago, the sinking of the pontoon at Woodlands, and finally the capsising of an engine a couple of days ago, Mr. Tearle, the Manager of the Railway contends seemingly with a
      (Straits Time*, 18th March.)  -  799 words
    • 628 2 (Straits Times '2\st March Sir Francis Lovell, whose former mission to the Far East did so much to further the interests of the London School of Tropical Medicine, and caused the creation of its off-shoot, the F. M. S. Institute for Medical Research, has again arrived in Singapore
      (Straits Times, '2\st March )  -  628 words
    • 3318 2 (Straits Time*, 21 at March Truth is responsible for some caustic and (to the untutored reader) enigmatic remarks, in respect of the appointment of Sir John Anderson as Governor of this Colony. Heaven forbid that Singapore should welcome Sir John in the spirit which Mr. Labouchere would insinuate
      (Straits Time*, 21 at March )  -  3,318 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 The post free price of the Straits Time is $34 year. The post free price 3 f the Straits Budget is $2O a year, it i= not necessary to subscribe for a year. I-e subscriptions for shorter periods are the same proportionate rate of price as for a vear. The
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  • 89 1 DbATnS. I b -.Kn -On the 1st February, at Owl’s I 1 **ver-Wallop, nr. Ortatley, Hants, v mn» James Barker, M.D., aged 75 years Holme-. o» ttie IStn Mirch. died in I bnneial llospit .1, UuBEKT lioLMlS, aged 3J I I hid Engineer s.s. C’iciiwj Hock hian. I H\j.kv.—Ou the
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  • 275 3 Owing to the coming retirement of the lion. C. W. S. Kynnersley, Mr. H. Conway Belfield has, it is reported, tetn selected to act as Resident-!ieneral of tiie F.M.S. Mr. Arthur S. Baxendale, m i.e.e., the Superintendent ot Po?t and Telegraphs, Selangor, has been compelled by his
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  • 176 3 A rather serious carriage accident occurred in Thom n Road this forenoon wherby several women and children, who were driving out in Mr. Seah Liang Seah’s carriagowere more or less bruised and injured. The carriage was drawn by a pair of horses and a* they were
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  • 222 3 —Malay Mail. Mk. Nelson, the Superintendent of Posts and Telegraphs, who has been ailing for some time, io proceeding on leave. Mr. Davidtuu, his assistant, is to act for him. The guards of the F. M. S. Railways in Taiping have submitted a memorial to the Traffic Manager
    —Malay Mail.  -  222 words
  • 434 3 The Nippon YiL>en *Kan>ha ha* chartered nine loreign steamers belonging to British and German companies. These include the JJeuylot, which will be placed on the Kobe-Kelung line, and the Ltt.nor and <*atiye* t which will be placed on the Yokohama, Otaru, and Bast C’oa.d service. An interesting photograph
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  • 252 3 Tub total quantity of tin and iin ore exported from helangor during the months of January and February, 1904, amounted to 49,4 !.‘t piculs, or an increase of 405 piculs as compared with corresponding period last year, but the duty collected amounted only to £541,004 which
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  • 70 3 The Guaranty Trust Company of New York and tne International Banking Corporation have conclude** arrangements by which the Guaranty Trust Company withdraws from business in Shanghai, llongk»ng, and Manila, and assigns to the Internationa Banking Corporation the good will ol the Guinnty Company’s business a! those places.
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  • 606 3 p. o. Per Borneo 26th March —Mr?. Miller, Mrs. Lowell child and infant, Mi** Cowan, Mr>. Wether-poon, Rev. mid Mr*. Haines, Miss Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Peirce child and infant, Mr. Elphk-k, Mrs. Shaw and child, Mr. K. Shaw and child, Mrs. Dis* and child, Mr. and
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  • 384 3 For Singapore. Per P. Jr s. Form a, from London Feb due 25 tb March—Mr. K W. Bean, Mis* Roberts. Per P. A O. s s Him ilayi, connecting wit i the steamer Malta at Colombo, from Lon ion >1 irch 4, due 3rd April-Mr and Mr9.
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  • 691 4 “Coinm rcial Intelligence makes wore Comments upon the Straits. Th r critical correspondent of Comrutt<nni lntellifftnre, wdio had so much to toil about the fetraits Settlements in general, and Singapore in particular, in a letter published in his of Feb. 4th, returns U) th" attack in the
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  • 250 4 L’iik Zambesi w»s taken to Keppel Harboor wharf ye-t.-r Hay to rlbclarp.* about 1865 tons coal for Paterson Simons and 0., after winch she will be sh fted to the I*. and O. whaif to discharge the halanee, about 3,50 h tons. The Paketvaart steamer Bat d, which
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  • Correspondence.
    • 204 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times.** Dear Sir, —it is quite a common oc curence in Singapore, to hear of ricksha accidents, and it is a wonder to me how there are not more. When the Government has tacts line these repeatedly brought to its notice, through
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  • 636 4 The Use o! Op<um Residue. On the 1st lust, u Chinaman living at 66 Tank Road was ariested in the act, 80 it is alleged, of manufacturing chandu from smoked chandu. When the case was brought before Mr. Seth, that gentleman raided the point whether a man who
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  • 425 4 1 Mr Buckley s New Appointment. On Wednesday evening, at the J 'bore H tel, ihe Prniangku Raja ('he Hon. Into Bes tr) entertained a largi puriy at dinner n order to wish lor voyage to 11. II logku Suleiman, DK the Hon. Dato Sri Amar
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  • 316 4 Seven hundred aud eight deaths were registered at Singapore in Febluary last. The ratio per thousand was 33.48. The British steamer Ivy dene arrived lrom Calcutta this morning with 5,500 tons of coal consigned to Buttons. The British steamer Trintham llall arrived from Batonm this morning wi
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  • 63 4 Mkssms. Patkki?. x A Co, th* local agents of die Dull Dev. loprnei syi Hi itt*. inform ui they nav* receive* ihe fo.lowing wire from ,ne M diagei: working 12 > hour-*, blame* 40 .Z 8 gold, profi. XI This is cm* sid rel very satisfy
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  • 201 4 I In connection with the additional armament for Fort Palmer in the shape <f a ton gun, which was brought rom London hy the Monmouthshire on he 10th inst., and landed at the Sheer 9 •vharf as Tanjong Paear this morning under the direction of an
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  • 262 4 The Queensland Meat Export and Agency Company held its annual meeting at Brisbane on the sth February, with Mr. J. Cameron, the Chairman as president. The balance-sheet showed that shares had been acquired in the Singapore Cold Storage Company, Limited, a company promoted by the Queensland Meat Export
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  • 365 4 The results of the last week’s matches in the Singapore Football League are as follows: Fanjon Pagar r Blakan Mati—B. M. won 2to 0. Nondescripts r Rovers Nondescripts won 2 to 0. In the first named match T P D protested on the ground that Blakan
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  • Correspondence.
    • 167 4 To the Editor of the Straiu SIR,— «»i» mre that u ie made by Nil Desperandum aDr of a properly constituted and able Club are endorsed by manv r/ sons who like myself are consequently without the social life, etc., of a Club. It i g hoped
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    • 288 4 To th Editor of the StraiU Ttmn Dkak Sir,— lt seems a pity that youcorrespondent 41 Trap should that because he is the owner of carriage he should be allowed the whol< width of the road to drive along in ant that the humbler individual who
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  • 274 4 This morning, L O'Brien wms l*fcrt Mi. Beth on a charge of the theft '5O from a handbag, the property c: I J. Hudson, a passenger on the I’m Seng. Both were passengers fronang to Singapore. They left on the evening of the 15 h. They were drinking
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  • 47 4 P. O. PASSENGERS. Thk f Hawing psuM-ngnis Arrived by f'o oman'lel yenlerdn Fern Shtngb* Singi |*or»* —Xlevnr*. A. G Cowdrey, u Meyer and C. II From IlongK^tL Sirynpote Mr. A F Wei zon, Mr. Kem bail, Mi»* Hanmion, Mr. Msj ß4r Carver, M>. K. Gu tier res.
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  • 441 5 ft is with a sorrow which Time can never wholly efface, that we have to announce the premature demise of our e-peined and deservedly popular rorr; '-pondent, who, as a matter of prei tu’i n or fr* m the innate modesty ,f hi- disposition, we
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  • 170 5 1 Sirgapore Philharmonic Society oe i e of its series of popular orchesMa: concerts in the Town Hall last n *shL before an appreciative audience. 1 ™ier the Mon »>t Mr. St. Clair, the "H:he»trH acquitted itself very rr wiitahly in the following pieces:— Mart};, Mar hattan
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  • 157 5 r C < n^ eC^°n the forthcoming th<- b cricket match at Singapore, r hears that 6 the ent h*men ha\e been asked >'*m th- Cpt p d tHe invitatiou to ftarrttt team: Captain Hvv v M SSrS B F Barnard. W r hn ronner R
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  • 250 5 i HL lKinn*wfir<i Spanish n ail .Mi r nriti U expected to arrive frc-iu Manila at on Sunday, and will l unker h**re betore renaming h< r vo\ ;»g«* »o Barreh»ua Ihe <i«*rtn»n tran*p*»rt may 1»»* looked for at flic end oi the niontli from huii>j>*- I In:
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  • 416 5 IApi* 12th Hart ft. 1 be bullock bu.s that goes between Raub and Lipis, is on its last wheels They have now reduced their trips to one every other day, and will probably soon stop altogether. Since the arrival of the motor car, the few gharries that are
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  • 231 5 A tfndkr of'S:w t 7OO, for e erecfch n of quart* rs and wants at t Reformatory, has been accepted. TrfK airiv«d from Malacca tiiis morning with Mr. Jii>tice Hyndman J n*«, Mrs Hy ndm *n Jon* 8, Mr. and Mrs. R N Biand, and the H
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  • 245 5 THE ley dene arrived from Calcutta on the lHth with a cargo of Bengal coal, reported to be S,S'JU tons, for diacliaige h»*re She ha* Iven accommodated at Tanjong Pagar heetion. I'wij *hipH laden with coil* are expected to arrive from Japan within a we**k, the Obra which
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  • 172 5 New Hell Proposed. A meeting of the Catholic Club was held last night for the purpose of considering a scheme for the erection of a Mall in connection with the Club Father Rivet presided over a large tttendance of members. It was explained that the building was
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  • 463 5 15/ h March. A Chinese gardener has been murdered at hi« house at Sungei Jorak. The unfortunate man’s box appeared to have been roughly bandied and the motive for the murder is attributable to robbery. The disordered state of the house with the murdered man's blood spattered here
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  • Correspondence.
    • 185 5 To the Editor of the Straits Time*.” fMK, —1 w iuld be graieiul it you would assist me in corr*-cting a unhiding impression which t>eems to have pot abroad to the effect that no Chinese or non-Catholic boys would he idmitted as boarders to St. Joseph’s Institution.
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    • 159 5 To the Editor of the “Straits Times." Dear Mk. Ed. tor, —An item of news in your yesterday’s issue concerning an attempt to induce uncertificated teachers to qualify is misleading. Let me correct. There is in the schools referred to a Teachers’ Association, the 6 rst
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  • 251 5 Twenty-four Chinamen are to be banished from the Colony by order ot the Governor in Council. Their removai is deemed necessary for the public safety and welfare The Governor has appointed Mr. W. Presgrave to be an unofficial member of the Legislative Council during the absence of the
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  • 172 5 i The Mhy M til says that tigers have ag on appeal ml in the neighhuurhoon of Kualt Lumpur. A short ti ne ag< a Cnmaman was badly mauled by a man-ea er at the 7 h mile on the R twang road, whiie over a week
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  • 551 5 Blown ss and sureness go together in tl»e iterations against the enemy in Acheen General Van H-ut>r, the Governor, leaves the entiuy no ie»t ao4 follows them up into their inmost fatnesses This policy is carried out withut slackness. The troops have often to proceed far inland into
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  • 173 5 The Local wcntcnary Fund. 81 C »N I) LI-T. Brought forward S1.2U.78 If Excellency W. T. Taylor, bnij C.M.t;., 50.00 Mr. Thohurn 10.00 Collection at St. Andrew'* Ca-hedral 216.35 Presbyterian i'bj&pti 83,65 Town HaH MeVuug 7.. ul4) ti (Second) 8u.u3 Met hodi-t bpi.-con! Church 32.52
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  • 788 6 Friday, March i8th. PRESENT. Excellency W. T. Taylor, c.m.o., Administering the Government). Mod. C. W. si. Kynneisley, c.m.o., (Aeting Colonial Secretary). too. W. R Collyer i.s.o. (Attorney-General), on. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). 4ra. E C. H. Hill (Auditor-General). Hon. F. S. B. Gaffney, (Acting Colonial Engineer). ■on.
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  • 74 6 The United States cruiser San Prancitco Capt. S. W. Very, arrived from Bombay this morning and exchanged salutes with the port. She is of 4,500 tons displacement and has a crew of 350 She haa 28 guns in her main and secondary armament and is of 10,000
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  • 385 6 The Portuguese cruiser Adamaslor 1 t left for Macao on Saturday. Mr T. McC. Browne), the agent of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Bangkok, has gone on holiday, being i relieved by Mjr. A. M. Bruce, of Hongkong. On Sunday night a magic lantern exhibition was
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  • 241 6 The race yesterday was one of the best that has been seen at the Club. From the start it was difficult to tell who was likely to gain the day, three men, Jensen, Lloyd and Henderson, being in good form. Lloyd and Henderson raced neck and neck,
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  • 2931 6 (By Taraban and Old Port). This afternoon the saddling bell will be heard ouce again on the Carholme, and before we are many days older the fiat racing season of 1904 will be in full swing. It will be thirty years to-morrow since we saw Tomahawk beat one
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  • 113 7 P. O. PASSENGERS. following is the list of passengers by lUnq'il. From Colombo to Singapore.— H. in ,l Mr. Adams, Miss M. Ward. Capt. H*' \j Fairfax, Mr. von Knim. From to Singapore—Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Mr G. W. Jones, Mr. \V. Mackay, kn ,J Mrs. Ross, Messrs. G.
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  • 195 7 following passengers arrived here lyd.yv afternoon l»y the Kerman mail str. v Krotn Yokohama—Mrs. S hulz, Mr. K>aki. From Shanghai—Mr. Ch. B. Kalian, Mrs. Beauchamp, Mr. E. J. Bayhun. Br/c Hongkong—Mr. J. C. Kit/manal, Mr. S. tca-nberg, Mr. and Mrs. Abbot, Mr. and Br* Mr. Gidley,
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  • 225 7 I A naval petty officer, named Martin, Hcployed on tlie Naval Headquarters ■;a;: in Paris, has been arrested owing ■,’he interception o'’ a letter alleged to me from the Japanese Naval Attache fcerring to the otFer of Martin to ■apply confidential documents. I The Legation has issued an
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  • 242 7 I Srmrt Capture by the Police. Ab*u r 1 30 on Monday morning a consisting of six Chinese robbers 1 Ke into an opium shop at 132 South J 2e Koad The robbeis were armed J»n long pig-sticking knives, and P r *atened to kill the occupants
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  • Correspondence.
    • 290 7 To the Editor of the Straits Timet.” Dear feiß, —Referring to the several letters you have published in this con-nection-more particularly to those appearing in your issues of the 17th and 18th instant, —it seems to me that there is no occasion to take up your valuable space
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    • 135 7 To the Editor of the Straits Timet." Dear Sir, —In the Straits Budget of 27th ult., there is an account of a speech made by me at Nottingham. You, Sir, in your editorial capacity, know that the modern reporter may be taken as the reincarnation
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    • 185 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times." .Sir, —The dangers that we are beset wit h on our roadsare enough in all conscience but to add to them, this item is worth remark:—This morning, at 9 o’clock, a flock of sheep about a quarter of a
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  • 145 7 This morning Mr. F. K. Jennings, on behalf of the Opium Farmer, prosecuted a Chinaman for possession of $645 worth of illicit chandu. The man was fined $5OO, in default six months. The drug was confiscated. king Ah Huah, who was arrested at Johore on the 20th ult.,
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  • 290 7 (From Exchange Wires.) The Russian East Asiatic Steamship Company’s steamer Manchuria haa been condemned as a prize of war. It will be remembered that, when the war broke out, the Manchuria was in dock at Nagasaki, where she has evidently been detained by the Japanese. The Manchuria is
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  • 322 7 —Perak Pioneer. On the evening of the 9th instant Bagan Serai was visited by a smart shower of rain accompanied with lightning which struck a tall casuarina tree. As the hospital water cart was then passing by the spot, the shock considerably damaged the vehicle, and threw the
    —Perak Pioneer.  -  322 words
  • 890 7 New Land Rules have been published in the Perak Government Gazette. The Austrian steamer Aristea arrived yesterday with 131,10 u cases ot petroleum from Bitoum for Tientsin. She is expected to leave r,o-day. The Municipal Commission meets on Friday with agenda including water supply main on R
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  • 106 7 Launched at Saigon. On the 29th ultimo, a new first-claas* torpedo boat constructed at Saigon waa launched from the Naval at that port. This vessel is known by the name of the 9S and is the ninth of a flotilla of similar boats built in that
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  • 86 7 The Annual Gold Medal Competition was played on Saturday last. The results were: Hon. F. G. Penney 95—18 =77 Medal Major Terry 90— 6= 84 Mr. F. Ferruson. 84+ 3 =*B7 Lieut R. Walker 91— 4—87 Sir A. R. F. Dorward, Capt. Bankes and Lieut. Tillard
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  • 545 7 The British steamer Jerseymoor arrived on the 19th with 3,500 tons cf Cardiff coal for Sasebo. She left tbs same evening. There were no telegrams at the> Japanese Consulate to-day, and the news that Port Arthur had fallen remained unconfirmed from official sources. A private letter received in
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  • Correspondence.
    • 192 8 -To the Editor of the "Straits Times.' Sir, In view of »he eeiebration of the Oiamond Jubilee this year, the Council <jf the J-ehool Union, and Shaftesbury Society, (formerly of Kx-ter Hall, and r.nw of 32, J »hn Street, Theobalds Road. London, W C
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    • 112 8 o the Editor of the “Straits Time*.’' Sir, Will you please permit me *.arough your columns to call the attenaon of the department in charge of Johnston’s Pier and landing places connected with it, to the dangerous projection of a long beam of wood over che stone steps.
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    • 307 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sib, —Re the flock of sheep referred :o by your correspondent I. B. P. in your yesterday’s issue I would like to that I mat the flock in North Bridge R >ad, just above Elgin Bridge about 915 p.ra.
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  • 136 8 ..ate yesteiday ~t .n>on a telegram was received by the acting Master Attendant at. Si’giro r e from thp Harbour Master at P .rt -n stating .hat the local steamer Hi,,fang Timor nad gone ashore on the bar at 'S.. pa ..g which is close to Port Dioksnn
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  • 1762 8 (letter from our Special 1 orretpotvieiif) Tokyo, M'i Toby. 19u4. Anyone passing by train between Tokyoand Yokohama tuege last fewduys cannot have failed to notice the festoons of lanterns and fl ig-*, and the cheering crowds
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  • 359 8 The U. S. cruiser Bin Francisco coaled at Tanj mg Pagar Wnart on Sunday morning and left for the man-of-war anchorage at 2 p.m the same day. The Hutch mail Lhravje arrived from Batavia at 5 pm. on Saturda} and left for Amsterdam at 6 p.m. the same
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  • 412 8 Japan’s Note to the Powers. The following particulars have been published by the Japanese Government of its negotiations with regard to the neutrality of China in the dispute between Japan and Russia The question as to the attitude China would take in the event of hostilities
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  • 161 8 A VERY destructive fir*} brokeRhio yesterday. About u ,esterday after oon the inlands were suddenly alarmed pealing of fire alarm bell* an 4 frantic blowing of steam whistle* 4 *oon discovered that a hu ye fiJ* broken out at Kampong China.
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  • 423 8 At the close of the Hague Tribui; proceedings, which were held to di«poi of the Venezuelan claims, the preside: M. Muravieff, declared that the Con had arrived at its decision after minute examination, which was coi ducted in a spirit of strict impartial He deplored the fact that
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  • 165 8 A match was played yesterday ween the Kej pel Go f Club at a 3 ri capiained hy Mr. J. H. I). J^ B Club defeated the vigors h\ tweh J. H. D .Jones 0 R. T. Reid s F Stevens 0 C. Sir KF. Dor ward
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  • 1045 9 Delicate Point at Law Still Unsettled. correspondent writes 1 The question now raised and submitted to the Supreme Court re chandu dross, or the residue of chandu after smoking, is one which must interest all those who .onsuine chandu privately, as well as those who keep opium shops
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  • 397 9 Cuts a Schooner in two, lengthwise. Five Lives lost. The N. Y. K. liner Bingo-Maru, Captain Davies, which was the last London bound Japanese liner to pass through here prior to the outbreak of the war, ran down a schooner off Hastings on the night of Feb.
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  • 130 9 At a recent meeting of the Literary and Debating Society at Kuala Lumpur, Dr. G. F. Leicester read a p iper on mosquitoes as causes of certain disease such as filariasis (minute wjrms in the blood) and malarial fever. The latter, of course, was locally of greater importance.
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  • 129 9 In a report on Philippine trade in i* is stated that on the import -dde British shipping have suffered a loss of nearly fifty per cent. British vessels have carried nearly all the silver coin imported, and the imports of silver coin being very luavv in 1902 and
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  • 1017 9 Shanghai, 16? h March. Bhip6 arriving here to-day report Port Arthur as being still in full occupation of the Russians on Sunday, 13th inst The Japanese fire during the bombardment ol the 10th, was accurate damaging the town and shipping badly All the merchant
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  • 1222 9 fjondon 17 th March. Reuter’s correspondent at Seoul wire? that the Japanese authorities have ordered all the newspaper correspondents now at Pingyang and Seoul to return to Seoul, and have withdrawn the permits to go to the front. London 17/A March. It is generally considered that yesterday’s
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  • 1410 10 London 16th March. The Opposition moved to report progress. Mr Bilfour treated the matter lightly and refused to accept the motion. The motion was rejected by 171 to 148 votes. The House subsequently proceeded t> business. The excitement arising therefrom has subsided, and thie incident has apparently closed.
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  • 698 10 By* One Who Qot the Better. A woman always gets the worst of it,” said a girl to a newspaper man. she has to do the hardest work: 4 Man's work’s from sun to sun, Woman’s work is never done.’ A man has
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    • 185 10 U*4er this heading the following fc bbr* tions are used: —str.—steamer; sh.—«hin- C* 44 sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor.—Tart»©d 0 r~~ Horse-power Brit.—British U. 8.—r n iti States; Fch.—French; Ger —German• u., Dutch; G.c.—General-cargo d.p dVrJt senger; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.— Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pae&r Iki.
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    • 1133 10 TRADING VESSELS, c since Noon of Yesterday. Arietta, A us. str. 2,159 tons. Cap: Cosolich, 21st Mar. From Baton m, 13th fet> Prttroleora. Syme <fe Co. For Tientsin 23rd—W Bentong, Brt. str. 240 tons, Capt Turner 22nd Mar. From P. Swettenham, tfi.h \f r G.c., and 56 d p. Straits
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    • 795 11 v ,fX ramble daip or arriva. and non* of agent*. STEAM KRS. p- a. Hongkong, Apl 11; Behn Meyer i'll L v»»rpool, Apl 3; Mansfield. Vix rhina 5i Jir .*4; Mansfield kr-enjj:: Ho-igAong, Mar 24; Behn Meyer, khoin, Bombay, Apl; Borneo Coy. f'.'- no;i- Live*pool. Apl 6; Mansfield.
      795 words
    • 1090 12 jij F Lao I t Vzppfi.*.® Nam► A Ton-. C*4*tjix F < okm« n h«i. M H» 13 \rgus Brit btr j 1 822 Until* i laud %Ic.;*c n < g-VMc Mister and Co. 18 Optir Dut str.! 2**5 Koenig j Pa'err. ban;. M-i«* 15 Eng 8eng Guar. 18
      1,090 words
    • 701 12 Jmtk. Vessel’s Name. Flag Kio Tons. Dkstisatiof Mar! 17~ Brit str. 3896 Antwerp via ports 17 De Sock l>ut str. 336 Pontianak 17 j Van Outhoorn str. I 1001 Padang via Penang 17 Van Hogendorp str. 377 Samba* 17 I Bentong Brit str. 240 Port f'wettentiam via poru 17
      701 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 326 10 ENGLISH NURSB, at progent in i Java, desires situation with faiely returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, c/o Straits Times. MARTIN’S STEEL M'flsj PI LLS R'-nmf -it '.J ■rii'ifuUriU.'fi. 11 n<’»an<jf of Wi-*r> ..t i‘Mr. Hi|h(toothf t Rl ‘V i v -w. dm« (M admin.*t*.- i I ihai one
      326 words
    • 271 10 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY THERAPIO N MARK Tbit successful and highly popular remedy, used in the Cootwntal Hospitals bv Kicord, KoiUn, Jobert, Velpeau and others, combines all the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. THERAPION Np.11^, snort i me, often atew
      271 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 190 11 Purest and Superior quality of Citronella Oil, FROM Creseent Estate, Tampin, Halaeea. Certified to be Genuine BY Government Analyst, SINGAPORE. OIL SOLD AT No. 39 Upper Cross Street. SINGAPORE. For terms apply to M. C. S. MOHAMED CO., Self Agents for the (reseent Estate Citrouella Oil, No. 8 High Street,
      190 words
    • 275 11 1 I ;’l lf lleiued; Vor A* itl tv «i Storaa<l.. Headae!;-', If'*aribur:i. imiiiv > Sour Knu-s; :or. .i<T i l he rhywcian’* Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Safest and most Gentle Medicine for Infants, Children. Delicate Females, and the Sickness of Pregnancy. 1. DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA A NO
      275 words
    • 435 11 COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL A mw medical work on the causa* and most vjem.fn; -nd means of re!f care erer discovered for nerw, 4iid functional defcihry, waste of vitality, deprr >d i 1 •pint*, 4c.,with9»»ctioal obeerratloni on marriage ardtoT •tirr- :Uoni fo. re mo ring certain disqualifications that c*w •roy the bappir.eas
      435 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 323 12 Finest Victoria Butter “ORIENT” BRAND Trial Ilk. Tins. 60 cts. Of all Dealers. U.C. McAlister Co. LIMITED. Hiitr jufct rewind a fresh shipiueot BEST FAMILY SALT BEEF Price 40 cts, per pound. Pride Californian Salt Beef Price 30 cts. per pound. BEST SALT PORK Price 40 cts. per pound. Californian
      323 words
    • 70 12 WATTS 9 CO. It> ap|>oiiitm<*«il <« His Excellency The Viceroy and Governor-General of India. MILITARY SADDLERS, Harness Boot Makers. Calcutta Branches: Simla, Lahore, Rangoon, and Singapore. BFST HAND-SEWN CARRIAGE AMD SINGLE HARNESS In stock or made to order. SADDLERY AND POLO REQUISITES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CARRIAGE AND GIG WHIPS. Rilling,
      70 words
    • 309 12 ftmmfy Hedlclne *f the kind ewerdtu cazr dl V <* Calcutta ixHbition, I6£3 8J, open to ell Cow Registered D H lALOR’S Tmd« Mam PHDSPHDDYHE HA3 THE LARQE8T SALE OF ANY PHO8PHORI0 MEDICINE IN THE WORLO.g fm forty |«an hu molotwooA iu worldwide reputation as the Best IM Mlj safe
      309 words