The Straits Budget, 17 March 1904

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 86 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” I K3TABMBHED OVER HALF A CENTURY. Cable Address: Times, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cum. Steaits Times 15 cents. |;OL. LViIT. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH, 17 1904. No. 42(4 ‘STRAITS TIMES” circulates ■akc.sly in Singapore and Penang Throughout all the Protected
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 17TH MARCH.
    • 95 1 Haskin.—On the 11th March, at Wanganui, New Z aland, the wife of SKYMEN HANKIN, a daughter. China papers please copy. Kkk-On the£l2th in»t., at Woodneuk, the «:t« of J imf.s Campbell Kkk, Esq., S. M.J., nf.lohore, of a daughter. Francis —Ou 2nd March at 5, Lyeenion \iila, Kowloon, the
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    • 98 1 Hart. —On March 12th at St Singapore, by the Venble. Ounkerley. Harry EII’HICK. o! Mr-. Dalian, Singapore, to chle-'t daugh cr of Mrs. a Singapore, r: On Feb. 1 tith at, of the Chartered Bank of AKUARKT GRP!!;. Oil the ">th March, at r -:i)K Jackson, to Sam
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  • 290 1 Articles f *M*atH d of War I J f *r» at (T n u'po Kh! Fie tion. Ito. I r ’ti Fast Passage. I* ui Fxbioition. I ui**! v• j I Ln-'-irtn Hopes I Hb-titute. I Mismanagement. I 1 bgo Atrocities I th.Ts s e Us. I.
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  • 628 1 Singapore, 17th March, 1904. PRODUCE* •amhitr buyers 1 10.25 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 16 50 -opra Bar. 7 70 do Ponilana* 7 25 Pepper, Black buyer** 28 6?* do White, (5%> 47 25 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.7 > do Brunei No. t 3 40 Pearl Sago 5 25
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  • 267 1 The SfrnUg Budget this week, will he dispatched by the P. and 0 8.8. Coromandel L The Budget next week, will be mailed by the B. I. 8. 8. Zaida. The s.B. Auntralien with the M. M for Rurope left on Monday. The Ham burg with
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  • 85 1 Traffic was re-umed on the Sings-pore-Kranji railway this morning It seems that when the engine wls derailed it fell right over the bank into a marsh. The greater inconvenience was caused to a large number of people, and yesterday it was very doubtful whether the line would
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    • 608 1 (Straits Times 9th March.) The point of complaint that has been raised by Mr. Lawson Walton is liable to give riee to serious difficulties for Russia in the Mediterrai ean. Russia is indubitably preying upon neutral shipping, and judging from the telegraphed reports, the principal sufferers are
      (Straits Times, 9th March.)  -  608 words
    • 1102 1 (Strait* Times 9 th March.) Another point about the war that seems still to afford food for discussion is the problem whether or not Admiral Uriu was justified in attacking the Varyag and Korietz at Chemulpo, and opinions on the subject seem to vary considerably. It may
      (Strait* Times, 9 th March.)  -  1,102 words
    • 632 2 (Straits Times 10 th March.) The election of a representative to the Munic pal Commission from KalaDg ward was advertised to take place on Tuesday, but through the ignorance of the community on a certain point connected with our local election laws, that election proved an utter fiasco.
      (Straits Times, 10th March.)  -  632 words
    • 374 2 (Straits Times, 10 th March.) The world now begins to understanr what specific things Russia places undei the head of contraband of war, and the category seems to include almost ever) article of common use, excepting, per haps, hairpins. We make this inference from the tenour of
      (Straits Times, 10th March.)  -  374 words
    • 415 2 (.Straits Times 10 tk Marcl Marquis Ito’s mission to the Emperor of Korea must be of a nature delicate and complex in the extreme; because, if reports to hanc a fortnight ago be true, Japan has already a Viceroy at Seoul in the person of the Marquis Takagawa.
      (.Straits Times, 10tk Marcl*.)  -  415 words
    • 535 2 (Straits Times 11 th March.) Witho t aspiring to any minute knowledge of naval strategy, the Man in the Street is entitled to doubt the probability —as announced by le Temps and reported by Reuter to-dav—that the R lssian Baltic Squadron will endeavor to emulate Nordenskiold and j
      (Straits Times, 11 th March.)  -  535 words
    • 653 2 (Straits Times 1 Ith A {•trek.) The advent of Prince Pulun at Shanghai, and the courteous fuss that seems to attend his progress as Chinese High Commissioner to the St. Louis Exposition, recalls the tour of the Hon John Barrett who came out from America over a
      (Straits Times, 1 Ith A{•trek.)  -  653 words
    • 1283 2 (Straits Times 12 th March.) Various extraneous causes have be*| I known to imbue with non-inherent Mgni l ficance lines that of themselves were cl I the most manifest unimportance. lli.« tory simply reeks with illustrative inbtan I ces of the fact. We find its apotheosis vM the immortalised
      (Straits Times, 12th March.)  -  1,283 words
    • 594 3 [SlntiU Times 14 tit \1 trek.) Oenekal Kukopatkin 3 aide-de-camp naturally got sources of information it his disposal from which Mtferlv* debarred; at the sam* -one lii- x-SMirance t hat the Russian done with Japan by the end il J l ’> «?eeins aim Jot, too specific to
      [SlntiU Times, 14tit \1 trek.)  -  594 words
    • 1074 3 {•Straits Times 14th March Six#apork being the distributing centre of the world’s supply of gutta percha—practically all of which is produced in the Malay Peninsula and Arebipelago—anything affecting the 4Utta trade is of material interest to the Straits people generally. The collection of the article, as is locally
      {•Straits Times, 14th March )  -  1,074 words
    • 438 3 (Straits Times 15 th March.) Two millimetres is less than one seventeenth of an inch; but ti>roogn having sheila only that much too large for their guns, the Russians may yet lose Vladivostock. We cannot assume any mask of stupified amazement at the news to that effect’conveyed in
      (Straits Times, 15th March.)  -  438 words
    • 1718 3 (Straits Times J5 th March.) If it were not for the overwhelming interest that is being taken in the Russo-Japanese war, to the exclusion of all other current events, the world would be absorbed just now in the frightful charges of inconceivable atrocities that have been substantiated in
      (Straits Times, J5th March.)  -  1,718 words
    • 700 4 (*itraits Timex, L6th March) Swampkd in “a hopless struggle” with the Yellow Peril,” debauched h\ the Celestial vices which the Chinaman brought with him to the Peninsula, t; the Crown Colony of the Straits Settlements provides am ohject lesson,” which the Morning Leader expand, over the
      (*itraits Timex, L6th March)  -  700 words
    • 1550 4 (Straits Times 1 6th March From the Times of Feb. 13: h, to hand by the latest mail, we learn that: Lord Portsmouth has given notice of e question for Thursday week (Feb 25th) as to whether Crown Agents for th» Colonies receive fixed salaries for their services
      (Straits Times, 16th March )  -  1,550 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 post free price of the Straits Time < 1*134 a year. The post free price If tbe Straits Budget is 820 a year. t j sn ot necessary to subscribe for a year. |L e for shorter periods are Im hp same proportionate rate of price as T' vear. TheSf*o*f*
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  • 176 1 I DEATHS. I Van F.rmkl—At 6, Dhohie (ihaut, on llth MaMi, Willim Karel Lodi-wyk Kraft van Kkmm.. of (ion Haag, Holland, late Asst. I Re-»i«i*-nt of Kengkalis, ag**d 54 years. I March 14 at 2 Wilkie Road, I t.fLTAM liKiura; the dearly loved son of Mr. I tn, l r-
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  • 413 4 An extraordinary general meeting of the Perak Turf Club has been held for voting money to improve the weighim and dressing rooms at the Taiping Race Course. Col. Walker, who took the chair, explained that out of th* $7,000 sanctioned for the alterations t* ihe Course, a saving
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  • 425 4 The Straits Chinese Recreation Club’s Entertainment. By special request, the concert and variety entertainment, given by the members of the above Club on Hong Lira Green a week ago was repeated last Saturday night before a large and appreciative audience, among whom were the Hon Tan Jiak Kim
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  • 137 4 When thefts of plants occur, the blame is usually laid at the door of kebuns, unless there is evidence to the contrary. The delinquents, however, are always ei’her kebuns or dealers ir. plants hut there is ample evidence, ir. »ne instance at least, in which the
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  • 194 4 For Singapore T-<‘r P. tfr (>. p s.hinn, cnnn**«*t» r with t he stearnor T> .tColnm-* ,ro j; London I'J due h M r f,_ 5_ W. .Tones M r W. McKay. Mr anu >£• 't v**n« y r. and Mr« lane. Mr 'in-i -helford, Mr. J
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  • 66 4 Hongkong Suuan</ due IBh 1 Aou«tea 1. f;ti P**n ng and Calcutta, 1 »*u Mnr h, Fouptnnrt. aa h Haml'Uri, Kwniyul*** y, cn 1 ,lii Itebn Mu* **t .jj P rt Loui**, Ji hii Pavi*, ec'i ef k B G A H Ho-n'n ijj... Pr*mnK via
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  • 416 5 The Proceeding* of the Legislative Council for 1903 in book form, has been published at the Government Printing Office. Yesterday the S.C C. played a combined team of the R G.A. and R.E. a t soccer.” The game ended in a draw, neither side being able to
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  • 82 5 Ink following passengers are exported to -rrive here on Saturday next by the German “•■‘il steamer Hamburg Mr. Lutz, Mr. Hint/e, Mr. li. N. Hatriek, Mr. L. dv-'on. Mrs. 1. VV. Haffenden, Mr. von 'lei-liel, Mr. I*. K. Borger, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lori* and child, Mrs. N.
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  • 314 5 The Directory anu chronicle for the hast, which includes all places of ;in y importance from Penang to Wadivostock, has made its appearance lor 1904, and a wonderful compendium of stern facts it is. So bulky has it oeeome that it almost rivals the London Post Oflice
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  • 606 5 Singapore Opinions. There are few questions which have so vital an interest for Singapore as that dealing with contraband of war. A telegram which appeared yesterday started that in the House of Commons Mr. Balfour said Russia’s declaration of coal as contraband of war was of great
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  • 518 5 A very successful meeting to celebrate the centenary of the British and Foreign Bibie Society was held in the Town Hall, Singapore, on Monday evening. His Excellency the Acting Governor, the Hon. W. T. Taylor, presided over a large attendance, among whom were Bishop Hose, Archdeacon
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  • 289 5 Loses her Propeller at Batu Pahat. Early this morning the local Dutch steamer Mena commanded by a native skipper, arrived from Batu Pahat, Johore territory, with the small British steamer Snee Molt in tow. The Swee Moll is also commanded by a Malay skipper.
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  • 319 5 A Polling Fiasco. A* the result of the vacancy in the representation of Kallang Ward on the Municipal Commission caused by the resignation of Mr. Pooles—the nomination of candidates took place last week. Only one candidate was nominated, Mr. 0 B. Buckley, who was proposed by
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  • 496 5 At the Marine Court this morning eight Chinese traders at Boat Quay were fined 320 each and costs for obstructing the landing steps at Boat Quay. A sampan coolie was this «norning fined 31 for refusing hire to a European yesterday. A Marine Police Constable prosecuted. A twakow
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  • 293 5 We have received the following circular, which is headed Declaration/' from the Buddhist Mission, Havelock Road, Singapore: “Now that intelligent people of aft the world are weary of the evil*, material civilization and keenly fe4 the want of spiritual civilization, many of them are turning their eyes upon
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  • 454 5 The Convent at Penang is specially appealing to the public for subscriptions and donations. At least $50,000 are required. —i... i The mairiage of Rev. J. M Hoover with Ethel Mary, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Pykett, at Penang, is fixed lor the loth instant. Among the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 186 5 LAND SALE YESTERDAY. The following properties were disposed of by action at Powell Co.’s saleroom, yesterday afternoon Leasehold land, area 46,322 sq. feet, together with shop houses, Rice mili and Oil mill Nos. 340, 340a, 353, 3,54, 3.57 to 360 North Bridge Road, No 351 Roebor River and No. 352
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  • 354 6 ■N rERTAINMENT AT TANOLIN Tax final rehearsal of the entertainsent to be given by the Dramatic Club of the 1st battalion Manchester Regiment was held last night in the Theatre at the Tanglin Barracks The performance will be given by permission of Brigadier-General .Sir A. R. K. Do
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  • 467 6 Chinese Heirs at Law. Ih the appeal of Wee Boon Peng from the judgment of Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones in the action of Wee Gek Neo v. Wee Boon Peng, the Appeal Court delivered judgment to-day. The Chief Justice said the appeal showed that Wee Siang died
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  • 153 6 The M'llay Hail thus forecasts the probable ‘■tufting of high F M.ft officials. Wnen Mr. T r eacher goes on leave Air. Belfl-ii will act as ResidentGeneral. Mr. Venning will as K '-ideo: of Berak and Mr. Birnes will act F-'irrzl .S-cfetary Mr. Innes (from
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  • 174 6 r t t be hoi: *jo v i- '<> e:*: -■••r i i the 1 1\ *rrr:Tn*rr.t .*m ij-r ergoing an over J 1 D. Ot he ye r eft 1 »r r i a J be Katantf e north leased y—- .v t'.-r v. .jar »*r*. I
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  • 172 6 A Bor i 7 o’clnr-k la'*: night an ernf*ty attap -«ied in s ira.-r > n R ad opposite the Kurnah Mi‘kin e station was discovered to he ir, i\ :r.c«. Ihe Fire Brigade was informed, but r .he shed was burnt out in a few minors
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  • 115 6 An Association football match was played at Tanpng Pagar yesterday afternoon between Gunners stationed at BUkan Mati and the Tanjong Pagar Football Club. From the kick-off tl o play became fast and a very evenly contested same rrjsulted. At half-time neither side had scored. After the interval the Gunners
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  • 244 6 The Gambling Farms at Menglembu and Guntong in Kinta. were stuck up by robbers on the 23rd Feb. They mingled with the crowd that were gambling, and at a given signal, all the money in the hands of the banker and others were seized at the
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  • 1027 6 Official Document Ax extraordinary number of the Goesnunent Gazette was published yesterday containing the proclamation of neutrality by H. M. the King. Appended to the proclamation is the following document which we give in full: The Most Honourable the Marquess of Lansdowne to the Lords Commissioners of the
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  • 231 6 Tiie question of whit. a:ib wh« i not a dangerous weapon pre? at- it the consideration of the public. V terdav. Det. Sergt Kelleher had a Mel Abdul R ozis. before Mr. Peaco< k f< r p« ssessioi: of a dangerous weapon in tie form of an ordinary
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  • 252 6 Good Prospects. The plans for the Yunnan railway have now been finally decided upon by the Public Work? Committee of the Ministry of the Colonies, who have chosen the Namti and Amitcheou route, and are only awaiting ’he approval of the Governor-General It hoped that work will be
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  • 112 6 —Malay Mail. Miss Andersou, who has l>eeii attached to the Girls' School here for over threeyears, has left for Singapore to take up the post of head mistress of the Methodist Chinese Girls" School. We understand that Miss Heur will shortly take Miss Anderson’s place here. Mr.
    —Malay Mail.  -  112 words
  • 2538 6 The annual meeting of t be Chamber of Commerce took place on Tburaday Among those present were Mr \Y. H. Yri7sAl, the President. (The Chartered Bank of India. A and China.); II. n J. M Allin»on. (M***rs. Barlow and Co): Hon. G. ft. Murray, (The
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  • 351 7 Unofficial Report. It is unofficially reported in Singapore to-day that Mr. S. L. Thornton, acting puisne judge in Jamaica, West Indies, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Justice Leach as a Judge of the Supreme Court in Penang. Mr. Swinford Leslie Thornton is well-known in
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  • 414 7 nth March The Chinese New Year is a thing of the past. Grace de Dieu! The earsplitting sounds, the uncouth noises and rockets have been a trial even to sound nerves, to say nothing of the ’rikisha wallahs who were a greater curse than ever. The
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  • 592 7 This morning the British steamer Virginia of Glasgow passed through the port from West to East. A Chinaman* charged in the Circuit Court to-day with misappropriation was sentenced to six months in.prisoment. -4 The I\ and O. intermediate steamer Palawan left Penang at 8 p in. on
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  • 133 7 Mr V. A. Flower is appointed a member of the committee of Raffles Library and museum, vice Mr. W. Nanson, resigned. His Majesty the King has signed the Exequatur empowering Mr. L. Dossogne to act as Consul-General for Belgium in this Colony. Mr. W. C. P. Keun
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  • 445 7 7th March. The Singapore and Johore Rubber Company, Limited, has acquired, from Mr Francis Pears, some acres of land for growing ruhber. The property is known as the Nordanal Estate. It lies on the right bank of the Muar river just opposite to the Lanadron Estate, distant about
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  • 92 7 As at tempt has been made at Tronoh to cut down mining coolies’ wages to sixty cents a daj* In consequence the coolies struck work and the mines were shut down. The Protector of Chinese and Mr. Payne were hurriedly summoned, and a settlement was arrived at to-day.
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  • 117 7 The following is the result of the March monthly medal played last Saturday J. Scryrageour 45-r 51 —l6 =BO Sir A. Dorward 49 50-14 =B5 W. W. Mctnillan 47 47- 9= 85 Dr. Fowlie 39 +43 -r 3= 85 E. D. Hewan 48 48-10 -86 A. P.
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  • 179 7 The ohl 67/oc- Phya, which was taken to Keppel Harbour on the 25th ult. for docking etc., left the wharf on the 9th inst. The Paketvaart steamer De Klerk was undocked at Tanjong Pagar yesterday and started to bunker and take in cargo preparatory to leaving. The Shimoxa
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  • 1148 8 From the Wat?rford Standard ol Jan 3Utb, we take the following details of the wedding, on the Wednesday preceding, of M ias Maud Ethel Morley, eldest daughter of C. Morley, Esq, D L, of Milfort. Portlaw.and Mr W. 11. Shelford. of Singapore, eldest son of
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  • 361 8 A telegram has been received b> the agents in Singapore of the Xipp* Yusen Kaisha, Messrs. Paterson Simoi A: Co., to the effect that the steameh Wukusa Marti (Captain Macmilla» arrived at Hongkong on the 9 h ins» She sailed from Colombo on Sunday, 20th February. Singapore cargo
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  • 836 8 Interesting Mercantile Decision. Judgment was delivered in the Singapore Appeal Court to-day in the case ••.t Tan Tang Xiah Chop Chin Hong v. Camp-bed A »„u.. appeal by the plaintiff from the decision of Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones. The Chief Justice, Hr Lionel Cox, said that in this
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  • 599 8 Christy Minstrels Black Justice. Under the auspices of the Dramatic Club of the 1st Baf t. Manchester Regiment, an entertainment of the olla podrida type was given at Tanglin Barracks theatre last night. It is a long weary journey to the theatre, but that alone did not account
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  • 792 8 (From Exchange*.) The Times, cmimentin" upon the Japanese reply to the Kuhnian Not* to the Power.', 'ny« there is Miiall wonder that Japan on the Oth ultimo announced that >he would resort to independent action. The Japanese statement has no ditliculty in of KiissiaV childish suggestion that Russia
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  • 311 8 Ox March 1st Reuter wire! “The Liverpool collier Oriel for Singapore, has been seized ty Russians in the Red Sea.’’ Since the subject was dropped, and no* more was heard about the >rni she calmly dropped into Sin*-' this morning, with a cargo oi from Barry,
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  • 186 9 The Buddhist Boys’ School will open n Monday first at Havelock Road. E I’.rs Thralk, Macnamara, and \1 ’issel 1 have been promoted to LanceSergeants. There was a big jungle fire on one of die neighbouring Dutch islands last a ight. The glare could be seen from
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  • 119 9 X,if barque ll'oo.M/nfj was undocked at v-j *1 Harbour on the loth and towed to the the -ame afternoon. The Said and Eta A ,r*. undocked at the same time. The Han > was dry-docked on the 10th instant, ,i. iii:d«K-ked yesterday when the Jinn I'nh and were
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  • 481 9 Lift*, 7fit March fhk Gold Fields Syndicate :it> now got its new lti head battery in working order, and flushing was recommenced the other day* lhe new battery was erected under the supervision of Mr T. Whiting, formerly of ILub The European stall'on this pro pt-rty consists at
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  • 587 9 One of the most charming entertainments ever given in Singapore was held at Ardmore on Thursday afternoon, when the spacious grounds were for the time being trandormed into the scene of a floral festival. Ardmore is one of the few places now left in the town
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  • 199 9 C UP PRESENTED TO MR. KYNNERSLEY. Yesterday afternoon at ♦"> 30 o’clock, a gathering of fi lends, which included the Acting Governor and Miss Taylor, nearly ail the local members of the Straits Civil Service, and several ladies, assembled at the residence of Mr. F. G. Penney at Nassim Hill.
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  • 1759 9 Centenary Celebrations. A meeting in connection with the centenary celebration of the British and Foreign Bible Society was held in the Town Hall last night, and was presided over by Mr. W. II. Frizell. There There was a large number of people present. The
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  • 270 9 The following subscriptions to th# above fund are acknowledged:— Arthur Knight, Esq. $100.0# A Friend per Miss Kjan 100.00 Anglo-Chinese School 70.00 Hon ble E. C. Hill 50.00 R. D’. Pringle,fEsq 50.00 Mr. T. Eldridge 50.00 Miss Blundell 50.00 Miss Pugh 53.00 Miss White
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  • 361 9 The big fire at Penang which broke out at 7 o'clock in Cornfield's store, Beach Street, Penang, on Tuesday evening last, and details of which were given in our special telegrams of Wednesday, is described as probably t he biggestandmostdestructiveblazeit hasever been the misfortune of Penang to
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  • 1246 10 The fortnightly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners took place yesterday afternoon, Dr. Middleton (Deputy President) in tbe chair. There were also present Messrs Saunders, Allen, Cboa Giang Thye, A. Barker, Lee Choon Guan, Dr. Robertson Mr. Polgia-e (Secretary) and the Engineer (Mr. Peirce.) The President's Statement. The President
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  • 422 10 An Australian pearl-fisher, named Clark, has got into trouble for fishing in the waters of the Aru islands near Netherlands New Guinea for which he had obtained permission from the Netherlands Consul at Melbourne. The authorities at Aru forbade him to fish because that the pearling grounds there
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  • 2646 10 Last Wednesdays Hockey match between the S. C. C. and 11. M. S. Eclipse was not such as to rouse any j undue enthusiam in the followers of the game the Club won by 4 goals to 3 but their play showed a marked deterioration from the form
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  • 2797 11 I Friday, March nth. I PRESENT. I kij.ESCY W. T. Taylor, c.m.g., r \u ministering the Government). \V. S. Kynneraley, C.M.G., (Acting J-.loniai Secretary). j; 1'ollyer i.s.O. (Attorney-General). (i Penney (Colonial Treasurer). H. Hill (Auditor-General). y <. 1*. Gaffney, (Acting Colonial Engir&T f >. Murray. \V. -I- Napier.
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  • 248 11 Select Committee’s Report Against the Bill. The report of the Select Committee appointed to examine and report upon “The Steam Boilers’ Ordinance 1887 Amendment Bill,” has been published. It states that the Committee sat on the 29th February and 1st March, 1901. The following gentlemen attended and
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  • 109 11 An advertisement offering a reward for an est rayed navy blue silk parasol has been withdrawn and it is interesting to learn that the advertisement brought back the parasol without any further expense. Even the identity of the lady or gentleman who had been protecting it during
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  • 336 11 The British steamer Rosalie arrived from Kuchinotzu, Japan, yesterday with 6,000 tons of coal. Mr. Justice Law has returned ta Penang, so that several judgments which are due from the Appeal Court will probably have to stand over ft>r a time, including the Tansan case. A storm
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  • 127 11 Mr. Davis, one of the promoters of the syndicate formed to construct the Singapore tramways, arrived here last week and left by the German mail to-day for Hongkong, where he is also engaged in a tramways enterprise. It was at first believed that Mr. Davis had come to
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  • 119 11 The wedding was celebrated at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on Saturday afternoon of Mr. Harry Elphick to Miss Dorothy Hart, daughter of Mrs. Cowan, Cliff House. Mr. George Grey acted as best man and Mr. S. E. Amsberg was groomsman. The bridesmaids were Miss Daisy and Miss Winnie Cowan.
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  • 175 11 In its Sporting Intelligence column, on Feb. 25th, the Melbourne Ary us published the following note anent the shipment by Mr. Abrams of the unique lot of horses which were landed here to-day from the s.s. Argus: Mr. 11. Abrams shipped to Singapore by the
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  • 60 12 P. O. PASSENQERS. Thk following pa**engera have arrived l>y the P. and O. Palawan :—London to Singapore Mr. .1. C. Darby, Mr. E. C. Cooley, Mr. K. T. Nicol. Malta to Singapore Captain Packer, Messrs. Tilmont, J. Vtussell, McCabe, A. Hughes, F. Ross, A. Massy, R. Driscoll, G. McLean, J.
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  • 65 12 A* correspondent informs us that for the last five days he has seen an emaciated Kling woman lying in the verandah of an empty house at 8 Bukit Tiinah Road. The woman, our correspondent asserts, is dying slowly of starvation' The house in question is nearly opposite
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  • 66 12 The output of tin ore of the above mine for the month of February was about 36 piculs, of which 27 piculs were sold for SI 182.6&. The reason for the low output is given as the monitors having cut into a run of very poor ground,
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  • 95 12 A yeky successful smoking concert was given at Blair Lodge on Saturday night under the auspices of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company Recreation Club, Mr. W. King being in the chair. The members mustered in strength and spent a very pleasant evening in the Club building,
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  • 138 12 Owing to rain the tnatch at Tanjong Pagar on Saturday had to be abandoned. The Dock team scored 108 runs for 2 wickets, Park 42 and 33 runs, both not out. The SCO. 2nd eleven did not bat. Y. M. C. A. v. Royal Engineers. This match was played
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  • 142 12 The Ismailiu arrived from Japan via Manila yesterday and is discharging about 1,000 tons coal for the B. I. Co. There are three colliers out in the roads with coal cargoes awaiting orders for discharge, viz the Lain/an with patent fuel for the Admiralty, the Bosale and a
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  • 267 12 TllK following passengers arrived by tin* German mail steamer Hamburg yesterday morning:.— From Hamburg Captain H. I)abi, Mr. G. Stock. From Antwerp Mr. C. Den Haan. From Southampton Mr. M. Beech, Mrs. Haffenden, Vlrs, Patcbitt, Miss D., Mr. and Miss Webster. From Genoa Mr. and
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  • 750 12 Soldiers leaving Nagasaki for the j front. (Special Correspondence of the Straits Times Inland. Sea, 17 th Feb., 1904. Nagasaki is an old fashioned port lying at the head of one of the most beautiful fiords in Japan. In the old days the Dutch, v ho were the
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  • 104 12 About 7 o’clock this morning tlie .Shell and Transport Trading Co.’s steamer Hull mouth arrived from Palembang with the same Co.’s steamer Miner in tow. Both steamers are oiltankers .It appears that about 8 o’clock on the morning <m the 6th instant, while the Miner was
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  • 1573 12 JAPANESE OFFICIAL NEWS. The Consul General for Japan in Singapore received the following telegrams from the Japanese Foreign office early thi» morning. Admiral Togo’s Report. Admiral Togo reports as follows: On the lOtfl March we attacked Port Arthur as previously arranged. Our two flotillas A and B, consisting
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  • 597 12 Mr. S. Wooley of Pulo Brani repor to the police that $50 and two gold rim belonging to him have disappeared has his “boy.” The body of a Chinese male child fc; been found in Java Road. The bodv a Chinaman who died from beri-ben b also been
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  • 330 13 patrol Goes to Her Assistance. f H g Manager of the Eastern Extenion Telegraph Co. in Singapore has received a telegram stating that the steamer Scotia has gone oD the Ladrones. We understand the crew were all saved. The Scotia was commanded hy Capt. Rushan
    330 words
  • 414 13 Ir i« said, in connection with the concentration of the Guides at aiping, that the company stationed at Penang will remain there permanently. Another teacher has arrived from home to i »in the V c f oria Institution at Knalfi Itmnpur. He is said to have pa««p(l
    414 words
  • 54 13 IiK first round for the ehampionlihft VlK completed last Sa f urd»y. I tlew f** r tHe sec *nd round are as llV R Walker and Capt |n <\w. D rhisbira b\e O. Ifcd i 11,1 Stevens, F. Ferguson I tl- F This tie must be
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  • 103 13 New Coast Light Sumatra East Coast. The white fixed light (petroleum incandescent light) at Edi has on the 23rd June, 19u3, been replaced by a group flash of the 5th order. This light shows two very short flashes every 10 seconds. The Light is 20 metres above
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  • 145 13 We hear that Huttenhach Bros. <V Co are selling a at nt roofing and rei?iDg m iterial, called Uralite which uould seem to wonderful proper ties. It i guaranteed proof against fire, insects and weather, and if buyers ate dissatisfied after 1: months trial, they ma> r turn it.
    145 words
  • 122 13 The fo lowing are the scores in the return bowling match .between “The Veterans,” Over 3T>,” and The Y ungsters,*’ which took place at the Tanglin Club last Friday. The result was a win for the Veterans.” Veterans. Over So. J. Anderson 226 E. L Hunter 217
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  • 251 13 Toe half yearly ordinary meeting rl Far i *n j Pm gar l) >ck Co will be hel. ;>- tiirj i. .uupatiy s town ollice. Co'lvi r Q i?iv, on 1 ihimlmy n» xt at noon Tin statement < f account for the half yea* ended
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  • 240 13 Tn connection with the disaster to the Eastern Telegraph Company* steamer Scotia, the following cutting trom the Times of Feb. loth is interesting: —Mr. trank E. Wootton, of 43, Earl-street, Maidstone, has written a letter to us in which, feeling that it may be a source of
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  • 163 13 A serious accident, which delayed traffic for a considerable time, occurred on the Singapore railway this morning, as the result of which no trains from Jobore arrived here to-day. According to the meagre particulars to hand, it seems that a ballast engine left Woodlands for
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  • 240 13 According to Messrs. Robert Katz and Co.’s metal report for the week ending February 13, tin declined at first under free sales by dealers and cheaper offers from the East, and touched X 124 12*. 6 d. cahs, X 124 10*. three months. Later, however, the
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  • 338 13 ARRIVED on Sunday from Bat i via by La Seyne Mr W. 11. Young, Mrs. Tunuink, Mr. and Mrs. Guerin, Mr. Guenot, Mr. ilatrie, Mr. Dollev, Mr. Loir, Mr. \ajj Soe Seng, Mr. A. Beaume tie Leseout, v *r Ferrand, Dr. Huud hausen, Mr. van Engel, Miss
    338 words
  • 126 13 The foMuwing announcempnt appeared in the London Gazette of F* b. 12th:—The King has been pieaped to appoint Sir John Anderson, K.« M o to he Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Straits Setllernents and theii Dependencies. As Governor of the Straits Se’tlemen»s. Sir John Ander*o» wi 1
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  • 507 13 JAPANESE OFFICIAL NEWS. More Particulars from Admiral Togo. We are indebted to the Japanese Consul, Mr. Tanaka, for the following telegram which was received last night: Admiral Togo further reports: Supplementary to my report on the attack of Port Arthur of the 10th March, the torpedo flotillas under
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  • 234 13 The safes are all, says the Straite Echo, that remain after the conflagration. One was broken up like matchwood O hers are expected to mve stood the trial very well. Tn» ate belonging to Messrs. HowartlErskine was left resting upon the •narred beams forming the second
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  • 830 13 A curious superstition among the Chinese workmen and their strong antipathy to having anything to do with the construction of the gallows had, Hays the Perak Pioneer lately to be overcome by an ingenious ruse. Owing o this feeling among them their *cruples were got over
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  • 604 14 Numerous Openings for Trade. The publication of the text of the new Treaty between France and Siam 9 lends especial interest to the report oi Hhc French Commercial Attache to ig&ain on the trade and commerce of •that, country for the year 1902, which *fcas recently been
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  • 188 14 Mrs. h Mr. ams. Katz Bkothers have JURt and Mrs# he following telegram from Handc. w ho is at present at Mr. H. Hv Oherlbinder, Dr Bergsma,™!! belonging to Messrs. Mr. A. Hamaivo., has been totally .Jacobsen. Mr. a” Mr». SoUmann, Aiq the chief partner h.
    188 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 362 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times** Sib,— ln a leading article which appeared in your issue of the 13th January last I find that Mr. Birch is credited with the following Referring to the Petition of February of 1902, which he had reported upon unfavourably,
      362 words
    • 742 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times.* 1 Dear Mr Editor, —Is it not time that '>orae cfL.rt was made to add to the natural beauties oi Singapore som** attractions in wsy of social recreations For the size of the place we possess undoubtedly many clubs, but
      742 words
    • 1594 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times.'* Dear Sik, Enclosed is a reply to the Chairman’s speech made at the first annual meeting of the Tron h Tin Mining Coy., Ltd.,” Straits Settle merits. That gentleman lias evidently designed me for the scape-goat for their shortcomings in their
      1,594 words
    • 722 14 Kuala Li pis, 10th Mara Majid, the Gua murderer, has bet committed for trial in the Court of tb Judicial Commissioner. His version a the tragedy is that on the night in tion he had occasion to leave his sleep:: place for a while, and that when
      722 words

  • 943 15 I f H E General Manager's report for the L nt b ending 27th February to the Ibairman and Directors, Raub AustraLjj G M Co Ltd., is as follows:— |I beg to submit my monthly report L your mining and milling operations. I The accompanying sheets of mine
    943 words
  • 256 15 Japanese newspapers are full of notices of the closing up of the Russian mercantile firms, of which there have been very many throughout Japan. The Telegraph Co. have no further details as to the loss of ttieir steamer Scotia which struck on the rocks at Guam and
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  • 105 15 Owing to the heavy rain on Saturday evening last the annual gold medal compelition could not be proceeded with. It will be played off on Saturday next, 19th inst. Play for the March silver medal was completed on 14th inst., 26 members competing. The felb wir g
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  • 299 15 Thk U.S.S. Isla dc Cuba was undocked at Keppel Harbour yesterday morning and towed to Section 111, Tanjong Pagar, where she took in 164 tons bunker coals. She went to the roads at *2 p.m. yesterday and sailed westward this morning. The U S. X. transport Kilpatrvk which
    299 words
  • 234 15 The British collier Swanley was xpected to arrive to-day from Cardiff vith a cargo of coals. On arrival here he will await orders as to her destinaion. Guthrie Sc Co. are her local <gentB. The British steamer Z imfesi arrived from Moji* yesterday with a cargo of coals
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  • 429 15 Mr. W. A. Cuscaden, Chief Police Officer, is laid up with an attack of dengue fever. Mr. E. A. Gardiner will act for him until Friday when he goes on long leave. It is hoped that Mr. Cuscaden will be well by that time. On the sth inst.,
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  • 142 15 Numerous Complaints. Before Mr. Hooper at the Middle R »ad ’rikisha depot yesterday a resident prosecuted three ’rikisha coolies for keeping their ’rikisha* at a licen«ed stand while they were non est. One man pleaded that he bad just cone to change a dollar and was let
    142 words
  • 853 15 Proposed Bridge Across Singapore River. A special meeting of the Municipal Commission was held yesterday afternoon, Dr. Middleton, Deputy President, in the chair. The members present were Dr Murray Robertson, Messrs. A. Barker, C J Saunders, Choa Giang Thye, Lee Choon Guan, Colonel Pennefether, and Mr Polglase, Secretary,
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  • 2878 15 Some Remarks anent Government House, the Irish Patriarch, and a Lady of Japan. Maybe,” said he—and his implied query had a 1 taste of the brogue in it» Maybe you’ve been noticing the seasonable improvements at Government House gate No, I don’t mean the street they tore
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 56 15 LAND SALE. The following property was disposed of by auction at Powell Co s saleroom yesterday afternoon: Two undivided equal fourth shares in a piece of freehold land situate at the corner of Thomson and Syed Ally Road«, containing an area of 110,400 square feet, bought by S. M. A.
      56 words

  • 157 16 Mr E. D. Prarm us, lately assistant manager of the Oriental Electric Telephone Company at Singapore, called at Colombo on the 7th March on his waj to take up an appointment at Mauri tius. At Colombo he was interviewed by a press representative, 4 o whom Mr
    157 words
  • 153 16 The B. I. 88/ Momltassa arrived at Colombo on the sth instant and reported that, on the 22nd February, she had an exciting nigh* on the Red Sea, on being stopped l>v Russian rnen-of-war, sliof* being fired for he*’ to heave to. A torpedo boat hailed her
    153 words
  • 138 16 The report on the working of the Currency Note Issue Department in I9<»3 shows that the number of notes in circulation at the end of last year, as compared with the preceding \ear. had risen from 1,805 5<»8 to 2 117.239, and the face value from $14,303
    138 words
  • 214 16 It is sta>ed thar. the business of t»*e Mesageries Maritimes Company maik d an appreciable improvement U«r year, especially in the direction of South America The increased traffic, accompanied with grea er economy in r»w> expenditure, will result in a gain o< 2.500,000 francs compared with 1902
    214 words
  • 667 16 All thinkers are agreed that the ultimate destiny of this continent [South Africa] is ra agn ficent. They differ in opinion in respect of its transitory changes, not its final farm. That the Dutch and British elements here will eventually merge into one virile race strengthened by
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  • 2151 16 Paris Bth March Sr. Petersburg telegrams give derails •>f the Japanese bombardment of Vladivostock on the afternoon of March 6th. They say that there were 6even ships in the attacking squadron, and they discharged 200 shells within an hour A fa»r proportion of these
    2,151 words

  • 1556 17 London, 81 h March. Reuters correspondent at A ien siates th tt the season’s operations in Somaliland are expected to be over about the middle or end of April The trimport is practically worn out, and »h* Indian troops are beginning to be legweary. An Arab in
    1,556 words
  • 1705 17 London *tk M rch. f Further despatches from Vicerdy Alexeieff state that the bombardment of Vladivostock did no serious damage. There were no losses in the iortmcatious. In the town a woman wail killed and some seamen were wounded. The enemy reappeared for a short time off the
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  • 193 18 The Suppression of a Paper. Ij Echo de Peking a French daily new spaper recently established in Peking city, h :s been suppressed by the French Minister for publishing slanderous articles against the Chinese and French Governments. About two years ago, the French Minister, while riding in
    193 words
  • 195 18 A Popular Orchestral Concert will be given at the Town Hall to-morrow night by the Singapore Philharmonic Society, and a programme of pleasing music has been prepared, including the following selections by theorch* stra March “Manhattan Beach” (Sousa); Waltz “Hylle” (Waldteufel); th«Allegro from Beethoven’s “C Min* r
    195 words
  • 851 18 In n few week*’ time, to be precise, on the 16th April by the 1*. O. Mail, 11 is Excellency Sir John Anderson should arrive, and with the aid of the above photograph, the first published o» him in thi9 part
    851 words
    • 275 18 Usd*r this heading the following abbrevi*. dons are used: —str.—steamer; ah.— ship* bo barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht Cn7 Cruiser; Gbt. Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo* H I Horse-power; Brit.—British U. S. UniJj States; Fch.—French; Ger —German; Dut Dutch G.c.—General-cargo d.p —deck n*T senger; U.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tanioi,.. Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong
      275 words
    • 1335 18 it rivals since Noon of Yesterday. Amh'rst Brit, str 13 > ton9. Capt Hunter* 16th Mar. From T. Anson, 14* h Mar. Gc. and 2* d p. Wee Bin A Co. For T. Anson. 18th —Rds. Reaalder, Brit str. 1.933 tons Captsin McIntosh, 16th Mar. From Lo
      1,335 words
    • 730 19 Jason, Liverpool, Mar 28; Mansfield. Java, Hongkong Apl 4; P. A O Kedah, Borneo, Mar 21; Behn Meyer. Koning Willem 1, Europe Mir 2* D’dels. Kudat. Philippines, Mar 14; Behn Mever. K. Wilhelmina, Europe, Apl 1«; Daendels Laisang, Hongkong. Mar i 5; Boustead. Lord Antrim, Cardiff soon P
      730 words
    • 113 19 1‘vS^KD -IRAJTs oh \K< 1VEI> F >K ORBKRS FiTo o, I 1 'A I fc of Ukstih- KeDate Kig Ships Name. Captain. 'Sailing. From whert ation. marjs Feb 29 But r Amberton Williams Jan A Barry Hongkong M .r 1;i>ut as t -alak .'"harp llan 24 Rnt’erdarn 'atavia 2!Dut
      113 words
    • 1522 20 m r Lao i t h: V xhubi.'o Nam* a -Tosh, Daptain From i Sailed. Consignee?*. Z j Rio. I Mar' T 4, 8 Katanga .Brit str 2160 Mcßride ,B ftrr v Jan 27iBorneo Coy. Ltd. 8 Macduff str 1882 Glegg (Yokohama Feb FdP. Simons and Co 8 Shan
      1,522 words
    • 999 20 Date, j Vessel’s Name. Flag A Kio. Tons. Drfti nation. Mar 9 Baron Balfourt I Brit str. 2562 Basaim u 9 Q. G. Meyei Dut str. 441 Montok and Palembang 9 Omapere Brit str. 840 Fort Hwettenharr and Penan# 8 i Betsy Dot str. 107 Bengkalis and Bagan 9
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 71 18 BY APPOINTMENT TO IT. M. THE KING B$chstem_-~ Pianos Jis supplied to government Jiouse. ROBINSON PIANJ Co., Ltd., A.fsLv A New Piano THE “China Model’’ The Robinson Piano Ca. invite inspection of this New Model, which eomb nes all the qualities necessary for this Climite and which means a direct
      71 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 401 19 NURSE, at present in j Java. desires situation with fainlv returning to ingland shortly. Apply f o v URSK. e/o Straits Times. MARTIN PILLS M Frsnoh B tasiy Ijr nil Irregularities. ri ouaanrf# tS L*di«*s k.*«p bos of Mm-h* h hot>M\ nolhntoa the Of lr #!!»> the SvsU-tn u «nite'y
      401 words
    • 620 19 i r LEA PERRINS TJtsfe b I fcRA Sc PERRINS beg to announoe that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their worJd-renownad Original Worcestershire Sauce, the> are now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper pe-rt of the !ed label on each bottle. Anyone copying the
      620 words
    • 449 19 ORCHIDo. A SPLENDID opportunity for lover? of orchids. Messrs. J. W iterstradw and H. Rime* tad, at present at Mtlang, Java, are proceeding to Europe next spring, with one of the finest and largest collections of orchids ever brought to Furope» from the Far East. They offer to deliver collections
      449 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 323 20 MMMONSENSE §nOf 3rf"H JL w on r <n4 rtfertojU mean* of self «|»fwr nfffOUl functional debility, *Mt* of AtMn* ia*>r.»won 4c with practical observations on ir.arna*re ana ful' Arntiom i'- removing certain disqualifications that des m the happiness of wedded life It stoo treat* on urinary tftacaMnt1 discharges, secondary symptoms,
      323 words
    • 54 20 GRAND HOTEL, Ltd., Nos. 18, 19 20, BUND, YOKOHAMA. Situated in the FINEST PIN WIN on the BUND, commands an unbroke View of the Harbour and Tokyo Bay. Caters to First Class Travel Only A St jam launch under supervision of a competent Agent attends all incoming and outgoing steamers.
      54 words
    • 23 20 C. A. RIBEIRO&CO WAR" MAPS. U amounted 60 cents eachMounted 80 Mounted, with flag indicators $1.00 Feb 14 ni* 44 f a a-
      23 words