The Straits Budget, 9 March 1904

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 110 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” K«T AH! f-TIKH OVER lIaIF A f E.N'iTKY. Cable Address: Times, Ringaioke. straii? Budget, 40 Cents. Straits Tim is ’A •k VOL. liV lll SINGAPORE, \YKI >X I*>!)A Y, .MABCiI, I) 11)04. No. 4 .t)3 -J STItU l> Tl
    110 words
  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 9TH MARCH.
    • 188 1 Mi r.hs On tbe 26th Feb. at Brickfields Uoi-d, Kuala Lumpur, the wife of G. P. Stubbs Ksv > <>* h ,on Yk»»m —On the 29th February, at Kuala Lun pur, the wife of S. C. Yeomans, of a daughter. Ar.KLkS. —On the 8th March, at 71-2 River Valley,
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    • 228 1 Kkckwith Ciiichkstkr —On the 3rd Feb. ■it Slit-ruvil. North D**von. by the Ke Krnest 0 liiv-kwith, tv\in brother of the bridegroo u, l»\ the Kev. Chitrles t hiehester, uncle «>l the hride and Vicar of the parish, and also die liev If. H IJirley. KDW «RD HORNBY -*•«•«»n«| >on
      228 words
  • 224 1 b® kbixr; Articles. I r» C« n-orxii.p. Ala. ay Labour. Mie t r al Re earch. bo« Hi W h y« Jhib t question. I he War. in I it*r*t. rati g North Boroao. k a Before Faking. l.« if u, M rk'*’ Quotations. Sbippinj N» vvs.
    224 words
  • 643 1 Singapore, 9th March, 1904. <*ROO«ICE. Gambler buyers 10 40 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 16 50 Copra Ban 8 10 do Pontian*' 7.0) Pepper, Black 29 12$ do White, (6% 47 50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3 60 do Brunei No. < 3 5a Pearl Sago 5 25 CofFee, Bali,
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  • 222 1 The Straits Budget this week, is dispatched by the B. I. 8. 8. Zamania. i he Budget next week, will i*e mailed by the P. and 0. s. a Ballaarat. The mail for Kurope by the N. D L. k a. Styditz closed on M nd*y.
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    • 735 1 (Straits Time*, Wrd March Press Censorship appears to be carried to tx'reme limits in Japan We know that a number of European and American correspondents are being detained in Tokyo through the refusal of the authorities to grant them passes for the front, whereas the foreign papers published
      (Straits Time*, Wrd March )  -  735 words
    • 1176 1 'Straits Time*, 3rd Marsh) Boms months ago we published interesting report from Perak to the ♦-flVrcfi that M r «»'.t ti\, <t e _i« v r in < harce of certain work on tbe Tanj .ng Pi m l in? branch c«n*l, had overcome the al eg* dly
      'Straits Time*, 3rd Marsh)  -  1,176 words
    • 432 2 (Strait* Timex, 4th March.) Though there is again a dearth of news from the seat of war, the outlook is by no means more calm on that account. Russia appears to be in the same parlous plight at home as she is in Manchuria, the apprehensions of Europe
      (Strait* Timex, 4th March.)  -  432 words
    • 556 2 (Straits lim?*, Atk Marcf The report on the F. M. 8. Institute for Medical Research for 190 M, has just been issued by Dr. C. W. Daniels, Director of the Institute. Th» report shows the Institute to be flourishing with up-to-date equipment. During the year an exhaustive enquir)
      (Straits lim?*, Atk Marcf .)  -  556 words
    • 1121 2 (Straits Times Ath March.) Some people are seemingly always unfortunate in their experience*, and among those mu*t he reckoned tl e correspondent who signs himself A Gridin and whose first impressions of Singapore are set forth in th6 letter given herewith. They merit a prominent place. He has
      (Straits Times, Ath March.)  -  1,121 words
    • 1085 2 (Straits Times 5 th March.) Over four columns of small type are devoted by the Times of Feb. 8r h to a review of the sensational Blue Book on the Tibetan question, anent which we received a brief telegraphed account from Router about three weeks ago. The review
      (Straits Times, 5th March.)  -  1,085 words
    • 401 3 (Straits Times 7th March Lvk tor the alleged retirement of Lia from the coast, there is nothing Ito-'Jay’s despatches that throws I h light on the situation in the The reported decision of I Czar's representatives to abandon I coast seems, however, to more L confirm all former
      (Straits Times, 7th March )  -  401 words
    • 751 3 (Straits Times 7th M'irch.) Bailiffs are .occasionally, in tie Jr <*f their professional duties, f wn into the society of persons beto social spheres quite alien to :lr own. Seldom, however, have these r raidons of the sheriff been entrusted h a writ of fieri facios against
      (Straits Times, 7th M'irch.)  -  751 words
    • 633 3 (Straits Times 7lh March.) Pkofitlkss as it is to try to overtake a iio when it has once got a long start }f the truth, no opportunity should be lost to nail down a false report, when such can be done to the public idvantage. From Shanghai, that home
      (Straits Times, 7lh March.)  -  633 words
    • 668 3 (Straits Times t 29th March.) When a European government official offers an ignorant pelagic aborigine a reward for a certain task, and the native—after performing the task as best he can, according to his own lights—has his reward with-helc and is himself cast into prison, there is
      (Straits Timest 29th March.)  -  668 words
    • 1265 3 (I Straits Times 24 th March.) A unique example of the manner in which an important department of the Government considers it right to discharge its obligations was fufnished at *he last meeting of the Legislative Council. In answer to a question by Mr. Stringer, anent the
      (IStraits Times, 24th March.)  -  1,265 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 i price of tii** S(i'“ Time* i/ t ;i v**;»r. *1 be {»«♦>.! {>. e pru*e t S frail)* iimitffl is 1 .‘l veal'. ;t n :ieees*nr\ t.o -uhs* »*iI»«» for a year j. ■>s.-ri|*tion* for shorter perioos are a j -:jrne proportionate rate of price as for a vear.
      93 words
  • 69 1 ohATH. vm:exv x.—On the th Feb., 1904, at 4, ran. no«* r > villas, Cheltenham, LiKUT.-Genl. Nvi.i) Cami'kki.l Vaniemen, late Royal Artillery retiied. 1 ag*‘d 81 years. M'*i»kk—tin the 10th February, at Shipley, orn.ii,ire, K lo*iRK, age*l ti i years, father IJ Mi:>. Tomlinson, Singapore. ’‘"NKRough.—On the 22nd February, at
    69 words

  • 522 4 Oxf< 11> las d**'i ated ('a infra pe n the ii.i»» Liixusr-' lit ckey Mauhby one goal t not.hircn The c i’angf.r Volunteers w ’1 go in’o camp \,n th- fV bir g H;li- noin tie 19 h to the 28ih < f is mon’h. jilt D.
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  • 149 4 At the Assize Court yesterday Chau Tung, a Chinese prisoner at the Criminal Prison, who recently attacked a fellowprisoner and struck him on the head with a heavy hammer, was brought up for trial. It was believed to be a case of revenge as the injured man had
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  • 393 4 The Yalu River an important stiat»g:c i art in the Campaign, ' stream i.* -o situited that il may It termed toe key to Port Aitnur. 1 h» Yj)u is the dividing line between Kuo ami Mancl.uria on the north-wi at frontier It is na\igable by native emit
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  • 415 4 Tbe New Agreement. The Japanese and Korean Governments have concluded a new protocol under date the 23rd February, the text of which as published by the Japanese Consul at llongkong runs as follows Art. I. For the purpose of maintaining a permanent and solid friendship between Japan
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  • 680 4 Y**stcrHh\ I* i M.ce was made to t! e -c •> w.i-<!i exist.- between the *ui i.d *h f i wd iia• r K'i'-.j-m!- i’'i'ritS. It W'as ftfittvl ihc.t ti.r R»»- i were a lortnight ahead oi t e* *»-f cr Poweis, b*ut ilia! f ****'tT Pr
    680 words
  • 177 4 The following League fixtures for this month have been arranged March. Clubs. Ground. 1 T.P. D. v. Y .vl C. Tanjong Pag&r 4 62 <!o K A v. S.V.I. S. K. C. 6 It E. r. Hangers Pain I Irani 5 A T.\.». Nondescripts Ta
    177 words
  • 275 4 Half of th*> h.rjn firKt class carriages uPt-d n «*»‘F M. 8 Railway, are uuft .tie.l«d“Fr Chinese,” the other ha f revived ciiit fly for European avti gees B.shup Hose and his family are ii I'aipinp and intend making a short £ta\ i r iiiii. S ii e
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  • 220 4 —Pinaiig Gazette. Captain A. McL) Graham who has recently been given the new appointment of Assistant Commissioner of Police Selangor and Adjutant of the Police Depot, will take up the appointment as soon as he is relieved by Capi an Adam who is at present on leave in
    —Pinaiig Gazette.  -  220 words
  • 110 4 Tnx appeal by Christanto Lichauco from the judgment of Mr Justice Hynd tnati-Joues in the actiou of Lichauco against Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd, J tckson Miller, Robert Allan, ann George Murray Preston, came befon the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, and Mr. Justice Law in the Singapore Appeal
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  • 172 4 We understand that a case of suspected plague Las been discovered at 144 Queen Street, a ’rikisha coolie depot. A number of Chinese coolies living in the depot have beeii removed to the quarantine station at St. John’s I-land and the premises have been thoroughly disinfected. Rfcknt
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  • 1858 4  -  By G. B. Urruii. THk word bakai i b tin* H for the aborigines w| 10 f n ‘*W» -"i»- oi L ;v j- 1 tialf of the nuin ridge ridgev „1 Malay Peninsula. A- i| ie \j 9 hr first to i
    1,858 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 308 5 To tut Editor of the Strait* Timet.” Sir,--1 do ndt know if “Ex-Colonial” considers himself an authority who will go (low i to posterity, but ii he does so 1 venture to doubt it. As regards the aients c f certain cricketers now, considering the good
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  • 178 5 Yesterday', a Chinaman was before the Bench Court on a charge of giving alse information to Insp. Hickey. Mr. Raine who defended the accused said he charge could not stand unless two statements were made, one of which contradicted the other. The accused was convicted and sentenced to
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  • 181 5 Lu Sam was arres’ed on the 1st inst. for preparing chandu dross. When the man was brought before Mr. Seth, the Magistrate could not reconcile the case with his interpretation of the Opium Ordinance. The case was postponed in order that the Government analyst might give his
    181 words
  • 284 5 On the last trip of the Austruniul from Sarawak to Singapore a stabbing rt» v k place between a sailor and a seacunny. One hundred and seventy-three deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the 27th February. The ratio per thousand wa© 37 17.
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  • 160 5 Sergt. Major A Mugliston, S. V. C left for England by the P. O. mail Chusan this morning on three months’ sick leave. He was very popular with all ranks of the S. V. C. and this morning a number of the 8 V. A. went
    160 words
  • 102 5 Twenty-Second List. Brought forw trd 145,367.(X' British Ameiican Tobacco ompany, Lt». 600.00 W. Grigor Taylor, E«q. (2nd donation) 100.0b F. L Noriis, Esif 100W* K. Scott b* 25 61 A. Hull v E q. 25.0t< Balanc of m tertainme it fund to SI-Fra- Swet*enbam 8061 G. Gor
    102 words
  • 171 5 Further particulars which have been received s ow that the engineers of the steamship WiUelm made a highly creditable effmi it* btii g the .disabled vessel to port. As already biaitn, ill*Wilhelm broke down 20 miles outsioe Ampenam. She d'itied about 20o miles bffore the shaft was
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  • Correspondence.
    • 394 5 IS IT AN INJUSTICE To the Editor of the Straits Times/* bin,—it is uot pleasant to write of what seems to be au injustice, but I think the tacts as 1 heard them, and I oelieve them to be t uej should be known The othei*day two foreigners arrived Lere
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    • 185 5 To the Editor of the “Straits Times/* mk, —1 thought 1 understood pretty well Tommy'8 little ways and character but last night i found out I didn’t—tie seems to have broken out in a new direction. Last night on the i-ea-side of the Esplanade under a gaslamp
      185 words
  • 263 5 The gold medal, which waspla)*d for iaBi Saturday, resulted io a tie between Dr. F*»wlie tnd Mr. F H. Pearce, whuh will here, layed at a date to be arranged. The full scores were as follow Dr. Fowlie 81+4=85 F. H. tYarce 91—6=86 C. W. Darbiahire
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  • 448 5 On the 10th Feb. the Minister foe Home Affairs issued the following instruction to the Governor-General of Formosa and the Governors of each fu and ken of the Empire The Imperial Government deeply regrets that it has been compelled to declare war against the Empire of Russia. But
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  • 238 5 Chinaman Loses a Foot. Amat and Javar esi. were before Mr. Peacock ihi»- on «he allegation of having driven a steam w ggon yesterday tin rnii g along Ansr n R ad in such a manr er as to < r danger I e public with tin
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  • 155 5 The Y. M. C. A cricket XI has just closed its first season. Kit vm marches have been played, four <»f these being wins. Appended are the Club averages: Batting. Matches omplet *d Hi beet Bun* kw. intiiiijn m-OT; W. 8. Goldie 4*4 4t
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  • 388 6 Semi-Jubilee Issue. Special interest attaches to the publication this year of the Singapore a/nd Strait* Directory, for with this year tho volume celohraies its semi-jubilee It T ios grown wonderfully since the I day of its birth, grown in scope and usefulness, till to-day it is
    388 words
  • 185 6 Murder Suspected. La3T August a Chinese woman residing at Jurong went from the 6th to the 10th milestone to buy some provisions. She was never seen or heard of again. The matter was reported to the police and a search was made, but no trace could
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  • 132 6 As the Assizes yesterday, Toh Ynt was charged with setting fire to a house and damaging it to the amount of S50 It appeared from the evidence that there had been a quarrel between the accused and the occupier of the house, and the latter alleged that in
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  • 105 6 Os the 6th fceoro try, eight men Attacked and robot*! Moh Coi Ling of 8160 in notes and cash, at Pulo Obin They were promptly arrested bv In9p. Brace The man has since died of the ffonnds ne received. The defendants are now charged with culpable homicide not
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  • 1917 6 Foob more weeks will soon pass and we shall then have Easter and with Oat season the Singapore cricket matches against Perak and Penang The Singapore team has, of course, not vet. been selected hut the committee are tot likely to be dhught nipping, and some members of
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  • 495 6 Lipin t 27ih Feb. Further particulars are now available regarding the murder that was committed at Qua at midnight on the 23rd February. A Malay named Majid was living in a hut with his wife and two of his step-children— girls aged 12 and 14, respectively It appears
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  • 138 6 Mr Patrick B McGi asham, the State Engineer, Selangor, who is on leave, 'vill not continue as State Engineer Perak on his return. It is stated that Mr. R Anders n, the Irrigation Engineer at Krian, will act tor Mr. John Trump as Stat 6 Engineer rterak.
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  • 328 6 At. Mews. Powell and (v ..7^5: eale at Tanjong Pagar thi. mornin> i da ae f d c pn ex 88 Olentur,^ Md at price* ranging f rom l 95.40 per picul i T »s SC C. lawn bowline tie,H lor Monday are:—Pr o f.. S g.
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  • 159 6 S.V.I. v. R.A These teams met last night on the Recreation Club ground under the auspices of the newly formed league. On more than one occasion the Gunners' custodian had to save bis side, bat after some good play Reynolds put in a fine centre. and one
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  • 294 6 French theatrical companies somehow or another have but little attraction for the Singapore playgoer, otherwise there would have been a very much larger audience at the entertainment given in the Town Hall last night. The Gaspard and Neva combination is undoubtedly one of the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 203 7 Hr 0 the Editor of the Strait* Ttme*. p EA K Sib,—-In the interests of the 0 t this Colony I sincerely plead f m e co-operation of the local Press to aid K, m aeistratP* in frustrating the eflforth ttie Opium Farmers to have chandu with water
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  • 260 7 IfuK annual general meeting of the Inzapore Nursing Association took lace in the Town Hall, yesterday, lias Taylor presiding. The report of le Association’s work was adopted as pi'-ws: ■The office-bearers elected for the year Bre _\Jisa Taylor, President; Mrs. Friz-d, I. N;i|»i«*r, Mr. J. Anderson Mr.
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  • 334 7 I Part of the Ceiling Falls. ■Vs unusual incident disturbed for a minmes the wonted serenity of the ■gidative Council yesterday. Just ■ure the clerk started to read the ■nates an ominous cracking was ■ard; the beams in the ceiling ■mediately outside the Council
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  • 727 7 Thr importance of Sabang mainly rests upon the cheapness of coal there. The supply is largely drawn from mines at Ouibilien on the West Coast of Sumatra. But the expense of transport runs so high that it is hardly any cheaper than .English coal laid down at Sabang.
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  • 79 7 An old offender has got one yeaiV rigorous imprisorment for housebreaking at. Holland Road. A Hylam boy has been sent to jail for four months for stealing sio from his master. For stealing ten cases of soap a Chinaman has got or e month in ja l Another
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  • 1071 7 Liberal Allowances for Development Work. The State Budget for the current year shows: Revenue -'5445,122 Expenditure .8959,872 at against 8434,39* and *741,806, respectively, ♦-Mimat* d for 1903, bnii*. mcre.ises of <10,728 under revenue and *****. 66 under expenditure. The principal items of estimated receipts for 1904 appear
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  • 997 7 Caustic Comments on the ways of Singapore. Writing from Penang on Jan. 4th, the travelling correspondent of Commercial Intelligence makes some of rhe most interesting comments with regard to Singapore, and the ways of its people, that have appeared in print since the publication of Mr
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  • 291 7 THE WHO’S WHO” OF THE F. M S. What may be described as tbe official Who’s Who” of the Federated Malay States has just been published. It is not a very bulky volume, being issued after the fashion of a blue-hook. Of course that may seem the height of propriety
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  • 108 7 With the sanciton of the Officer Administering the Government, the name of Hogan Co. Limited has been changed to Hogan Co. (Old Company) Limited. Mr. K S. Ali Cohen, of Pasir Panjang, has been authorised to file a specification of a invention for u improvements relating to insulating
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  • 2301 8 Friday, M trch 4th. PRESENT. His Excellency \V. T Taylor, c.m.g., {Officer Administering the Government). Hon C. W. S. KynneisJey, C.M.G., (Acting Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. R Col Iyer l.S.O. (Attorney-Genenil). Hon F. G. Penney (Colonial Trea? urer). Hon. E C. H Hill (Aa.iitor-General) Hon. F. S. 15.
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  • 474 8 The Ladies of Penang gave a succe-s-fnl leap year dance at the Penang Club oh the 29 h Feb. Thf Football League Match at Pulo Rrani on Saturday, R. E. v. Rangers, ended in a draw, one goal each. The S. V. A. R fle Club put
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  • 97 8 In the case previously reported of four Chinamen who were tried on a charge of gang robbery, the jury f« und accused guilty. Mr. Justice Hyndmgn Jones sentenced c ne prisoner to 10 years’ imprisonment; the second 12 years’ imprisonment with three years’ police supervision, and the third
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  • 109 8 Dt king the time Mr J R. Innes has held the appointment of Deputy Public Pr» secutor, he has instituted a system which has been far reaching in its effects on ciiminals. His departure to the F.M States will,it is expected, interfere much with the success
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  • 226 8 The Gymkhana which ip to be held at the Kacecoutbe on Saturday, April 9th, promises to be a success The committee are: Mr. C. Sugden (President), Capt. W. Cortlandt Anderson, E N Buchan, 1) S.O., C.S. Crane, H.S. McArthur (H»»n. Tteasurer), and Capt. C R. Molyneux (Hon.
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  • 724 8 u Z^" 4 u, »«rreed. In the Court of appeal to dav Chief Ju-tice, Sir Lionel Ct* afrtt Justice Law on the bench-i-ww was delivered in the appeal hv Kr Wallace against John Little The case is well km.wn in and the grounds of appeal and ti
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  • 145 8 Tot London l'imex reports on 10th ult. that the Hvngo V 1 the 12 large steamers engage! n» ‘M Japan* European trade, and re the two which had to he rc min for, arrived in the in due course entered the Docks, taking up a
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  • 290 9 This morning a Chinaman was fined #20 for being in possession of illicit obandu. Judgment was given by Mr. Seth on Saturday in a case of causing hurt on bo trd the s. s. Ertctrxa in the harbour. A fireman named Monses was charged with at and wounding
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  • 195 9 Early yesterday morning, the Singapore Volunteer Artillery to< k out theii new batiery of 10 pr b 1. guns to Tanong Katong for practice The gun* w*re Hung into tongkangs at Johnston’* Pier, and the gunners went with them AlTuj >ng K ttong the guns were
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  • 295 9 Goz* tie. CoNSKqrxNT on Mr. R. G. Watson’s proiuoMon, Mr A L. Ingall, the Senior M itidraie, Selangor and Negri 8embilan, li as been appointed Senior Magis Irate, P-rak, and will take up his duties ass*on ha he i* relived hy Mr. Ebden, the District Officer,
    —Goz* tie.  -  295 words
  • 59 9 Hk h'lh.uing pap engers arrived here this I, 11 r *’V ifit- (jtiiio*i. mail stan er Scydlxtz. V* kohama—Mr. Kattooniall, Mr. 0 Krom t^ohe— Miss Hancock. From jj^ 4 *aki—Mr Kadoya. From Shanghai— W Raiikin, Mr. Kranae. From HonglljV Br C. M. Phillips, (’apt. Ifj. Mr
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  • 152 9 The following notifications appear in the British North Borneo Gazette of the Ist Feb. Wing Officer Mr. W Woodyear Smith, 2nd lieutenant, to be wing officer with the rank of lieutenant vice wing officer Mr A B. C. Francis. Mr R M Anthony to be inspector of telegraphs,
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  • 451 9 RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. The annual meeting of Messrs Riby Hargreaves it Co. Ltd. to. k place at r*»on on >aturday Mr. >anUer*on was in the chair and t here were also present Messrs. Ellis, Resting, and Aliins. n (directors), Drysdale, L). Miller, Edlin, Goldie, and T C. B. Miller,
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  • 881 9 Capt W K paid a a visit to H MS Vestal this morning. Serqt-Majok Careless R.G A has been appointed Sergt. Major S V C vice Sergt.-M jor Mueliston, on leave, and took chaige of his duties on Saturday last Mr Reid, the Municipal Engineer at Penang,
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  • 144 9 The Muni«*i|t.,|i; v «.i Penang ha* hao under considi ration a draft Ordinance of its own devising he intention wa* to deal with insanitary areas thereby buying them with money raised by a special rate, improving the laid, arm then Felling it at a pr« fir.
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  • 341 9 (By Wires.) News from Port Arthur to the 21st ultimo is that the battleship Rctvizan stranded at the mouth of the harbour, ii being dismantled as rapidly as possible, the Russians working night and da taking out her guns, fittings, etc. On< of the damaged 1 ussian cruisers
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  • 173 9 Bakar, a rikisna peon, yesterday got hree months for receiving 11 cents as «n illegal gratification from a puller The puller got three weeks for l iving it L«»h Cheng was yesterday brought t*rt<»re Mr. Seth on the allegations < f using a.*- genuine a forged document, forgery,
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  • 80 9 At the Assizes yesterday, tl.e Chinaman who was brought up on a chaig< of attempted murder by striking his wife with a hat< het, was f* und guilt} «nd sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment. Another Chinaman was tried on a charge i f stealing from a dwelling house.
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  • 109 9 The elec ric installation at Penang, under Municipal management, is now ltm*st read\, and the current will pr« 1 ably be laid on this week. The -cale of thargts is so framed that consumers using a lew lamps three or h*ur hours a day will be charged 24
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  • 107 9 The match b«» J. B fl »h#»rtnonV team and ti e Golf Club w.»8 t>|»y»d on w umta> mnrninp, on the K» pi el lit k* ai d in a win for he Im m»- C*ub ny three h“lefl. O. Marks 0 P. Perjrusoa 2 T. P.*
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  • 855 9 Head hwUf» at Work > Labt3rd Mmrch, Two Chinese coolies -ateljr es :ap4 from Melalap Rotate, and the lent of Ttnom Mi. F. W Fraser Was to exercise his authority with the frte# of sect*ring the return of the truints. Accordingly be called in the aid of tie
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  • 258 10 Music and Drama. In aid of the fond for repairing the roof of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club on Hong Liin Green, the members of mat ClJb gave a concert and variety entertainment last Saturday night before a l<nge audience, chiefly composed o Straits Chinese ladies
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  • 234 10 Japanese Order. A* Order to the J «panet»e Navy Department has been issued specifying wha? c hail he regarded as contraband of war during the present hostilities. The O r *ier is as follows: 1. —The following articles shall b» treated as contraband of war when intended
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  • 281 10 Admiral Togo, Commander-in-Chief of tlm main Japanese squadron, haj* forwarded the following official report with legardto the recent a'tack on Port Arthur wilh fireships. Five merchar t ves-els were despa'ched with instructions to their crews to scuttle them in the entrance to the Russian port.
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  • 235 10 The British North Borneo Herald forecasts a policy of wise” economy in Government outlay there in the near future. The Chartered Company has «pent money freely in opening the country That journal makes out that, for a company of limited means, this expenditure can only he described
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  • 660 10 P. o. Per Ballaarat 18th M<m*h Mr. H. A. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Huntei and family, Mr. J. Mitchell, Miss Bahiwin, Mr. Waujjh, Mr. W A. Cad ell, Mrs Oliver Smith, Miss Brown Webber. Per Borneo 26th Mar h-.—Mrs. Millet, Mrs. Lowell child and infant,
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  • 81 10 P. O. PASSENGERS. The following passengers arrived her# on Saturday by the a s. Simla. From Bombay Mr. and Mrs. I nlloch. irom Lo don i apt. John Hoj*\ R N Mrs. Hope, and Mina Hope Mi*» K. Ta\lor. Prom Marseilles i Means A. Moir, D. Pyfe, A Coa, P.
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  • 546 10 A Tragic Storv. The following tragic little story has been going the rounds of the papers lately, and Mr. P. J. Viviers, who is responsible for it, vouches for its absolute truth, as he is well acquainted with the parties concerned. Mr. Thomas Theron,” he writes,
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  • 139 10 Wednesday *s Play. Ladies’ Doublis. M sses M. and E. Abrams beat Mrs. Cum* min<j and Miss Stringer, 6-1. 6-1. Misses Gunn beat Mrs. Salzmann aud Mrs. Dare, 6-0, 6-0. Championship Pairs. M Ms Gunn and Mr Braddell beat Mrs. Waddell and Mr. F. Salzmann,
    139 words
  • 164 10 The followi morning by ’S paftsengeis left lee this Se tfdlitz —For German mail steamer Colombo Mr Ecnang: Mr Turner. For Said rC. E. T Wolff. For Pori on. Mr* Moiler’ e n r or Genoa Mr. NanGiard Mr. It. l ,,>ann and child, Mr. Al
    164 words
  • 866 10 Special Telegrams to the Straits Times.” Shanghai, 2nd March. It is reported from Tientsin that the block ide of the Russian ports by the Japanese is causing a terrible shortage «if provisions in Manchuria and at Vlaoivostock. Fabulous prices are being offered for provisions delivered at the Russian Railway. Chefoo
    866 words
  • 369 10 London March 3rd. An official despatch from Port Arthur dated the 2nd inst. state- that the Japanese have not been seen there since the 27th February. Cruisers and destroyers have reconnoitred to a radius of 60 miles without discovering them. The Japanese Guards division and the General
    369 words

  • 976 11 London 2nd March. jeneral Kuropatkin starts for Mantis on the 12 h insfc. r Russian torpedo boats have left rt Said for Algiers. t j a reported that they are directe 1 wavl*y and search vessels in the hiiterranean for contraband of war. ipan has issued a reply
    976 words
  • 175 11 For Singapore. Per P. <fe O. s. s. Hamw in from London Feb 6, due 11th Mar»*h Mr. J. C Daroy, Vfr. E. C Cooley, Mr. R. T. Nicol. lo Penang—Mr. O. V. Dyson Per P. A O. s. China connecting wi*h with the steamer B'wml t
    175 words
  • 195 11 The Russian peatauis, says a writer, are awful when once aroused, as they have no understanding to enable them to be reasoned with. The m -uuted Cossacks can handle them up to a certain point, hut when the peasan s have stood enough seize the Cossack and
    195 words
    • 208 11 Und-r this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str. steamer; sh.—ship; bq.— barque sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.—Ganboat; Tor.— Terpedo; H.p. Horse-power; Brit.—British U. S.—United States; Fch.—French; Ger —German; Dut.— Dutch G.c.—General-cargo d.p —deck passenger U.—Uncertain; T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B
      208 words
    • 1139 11 /dvili since Noon of Yesterday. Bentong Brit. str. *’40 tons, Capt Turnei. nth Mar. From P. 8wettenham, 6th Mar G.c., and 64 d p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd For Port Swettenham. 10th—Rds BtUy Dut. str. 107 tons, Nacodah, 8tl Mar. From Hagan, 6th Mar G.c., and 55
      1,139 words
    • 690 11 /Varar, rrrhnbl r date of arrival mod name of ageni*. 8TBAMBB8. L»v«»*nonl. M i* *29: Mansfield. \jix China. Mir 25; Mm field Albrng* H'-ong, mid. Mar; Behn Meyer. \l oiu. Bombay Apl; Borneo Coy. Vlting Batavia, Mar i7; Da<*ndel«. \imm, Colombo Mar *23; M. Maritime* \n»enor, Liverpool Mar
      690 words
    • 1061 12 I I LAO I i NIMI A I’oiss' Oaptaib Fkom Hatlbi* (>okhionkk- I I 2 Rio. Feh I i 29 Pal oJ Brit str 1229 Dunmall b'wHUjJe Pc' 2 Telegraph Coy Ltd H*« I I 2 r*'roha* Bril str 3656 Nailer 'Rangoon 2' Roustead and Co. 2i <e ledi
      1,061 words
    • 836 12 Date. Vessel's Name. Flag A Kio Toes. Dbstuutioh. Mar 3 8alahadji Dut sir. 1 35 Calcutta 2 1i* ho a brit sir. S3-<3 Yokohama 8 Malacca sir. SHIS Hongkong,Shanghai and j.*, 3 Teiemacbus i 4 >, 0l H ongkong, Shanghai an<jj»* 3 Will otho Wisp sir. 148 Pontianak *8
      836 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 ea errins auce delightful fqoaaqr. Is the most delicious Sauce known. For Meats, Game, Fish, Soups, ffe. THE ORIGINAL A GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. MAGNESIA “1 r f Item IP if* fir B o z z m -n O 73 o CO Its wWU »U We Send oi Approval a»f« daUmr wamotti.
      90 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 462 12 At present in Ti Java. desires situation with famly rsturning to Bngland shortly. Apply to NURSB, c/o Strmitt Ttme*. ifcARTltt’S ]P fcr Ladies. IL?E 1 fnoon B mfdr J.r M Jrrrgj i* at f kHp tboiOf K'r* T »r..‘ b no that <t# thf Inn n|i o *ny I tfii
      462 words
    • 139 12 JAMES WATSON CO.’S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET ’'LAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: $12-50 per case. Duty extra V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per case. Duty extra >?TAtis/ :;u; Flam uetail dkalrrh, McAlister Co„ Ltd—sole aofn^ BW M Digest! n ro!»\r*rts firxvf Into bl» t, l»rai!t. vives
      139 words
    • 269 12 ii ictE £)fomune Co. kpanese curios ANU general ST«»RE. wholesale and retail dealers. t No. 1-2, HAFFLES PLACE. UmOMy Medicine of the kind awr. <. Registered *r* Caivif:.! tn.fbifion, 1883 84, open totll& t r *I Trade Mam. FHDSFHDDYN HAS THE LARGEST 8ALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD
      269 words