The Straits Budget, 3 March 1904

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 88 1 The Straits Budget Established over Half a Century. VOL. LVJII. Cable Address Times, Singapore. Straits Budget, 40 Cents. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH, 3 1904. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Straits Times 15 cents. No. 4202 r ;i> -TRAITS TIMES” Circulates 1; V in Singapore and •Penang I V,M(»rT
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 3RD MARCH
    • 132 1 Jlfi.i.ykk.—On the sth February, at Kobe, e wife of Arthur T. Heli.yer, of a sou. Wynne.— On the Bth .lan. at Blackheath, ae wife of Major T. Wynne (formerly of Hongkong), of a daughter. (ii*LLAM>. On the 9th Feb. at Yokohama, Mr>. H. C. (iULLAND. of a son. <,n
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    • 288 1 M«»ki:r> Scott.—On the 29th February, at w Cathedral, Singapore, by the V.nerat.l** Archdeacon W H. C. Dunkerley, a M wwki.l Thkoi okk, eldest son of the T. H. Morris, formerly Vicar of M'*rton Morrel, Warwickshire, to MARGARET r.Li/ v«»ung»*>t daughter of the Kev. K. B it. K-c or of
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  • 215 1 VArticled. >*b North Borneo. r icnltore. p biplormcv. >n th* War. nig.. blu K P»nt w*** of the War. r «en Peril. CS2*- Tronble Port Arthur. Tiger Story. Local. Market Quotation!, shipping News. Passenger List. The War. Police News. Military Changes. Appeal Court. Colonel Wilson’s Close Call.
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  • 629 1 Singapore, 3rd March, 1904. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers 9 9.75 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 16.50 Copra Ban 8 00 do Pontlauat* 7.60 Pepper, Black buyers 28.12$ do White, (5%) 46 00 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.10 do Brunei No. 4 00 Pearl Sago 5 50 Coffee, Ball, 15% basis 23.00
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  • 264 1 Thh Straits Budget this week, is dispatched by the P. <k O s. s. Chusan. The Budget next week, will he mailed by the B. I. s. s. Zamania. The homeward mail by the M M. s. s. Yarra closed on Monday. The mail from Europe
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  • 2536 1 London Feb 22nd. A letter from m high official eource at Bt. Petersburg atates that the Russian Government Departments are in a state of confusion. The Russian Admiralty officials are stunned by the news from Korea, and the War Office authorities are unable to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 88 1 r free price of the Straits Timm a vear. The post free price straitx Budget is $20 a year. l0t necessary to subscribe for a year. r.i. u riptions for shorter periods are t me proportionate rate of price as 'or a rear. Ihe Shait* Budget can be sent to
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  • 56 1 DEATHS. f yU.iNs._iOn the Mh Feb. at Yokohama, ollins, aged 66 years vu Jr ctii n February, at North Boat Quay, IM Nko, the beloved wife of Mr. A1 r.N«i 1 eck, e dcst son of Mr. Sk&h V N SkaII. the 29th Jan. at Croydon, G. M. Veil 6o,
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  • 1412 2 London 23 rd Feb. According to M. Pavl.fTs account ol the fight at Chemulpo, a JApanese destroyer was sunk by the Russian and the cruiser Takachiho was s damaged that she was sunk by her Captain. Late in January, Japan ordered a number of Puiladelphia railway locomotives for
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    • 980 2 (Straits Times 2i th February) According to an announcement by Reuter—an announcement that was not telegraphed to Singapore, and therefore was not published until yesterday—the British North Borneo Company decline all information regarding the resignation of Governor Birch This is not to be wondered at, eq ecially
      (Straits Times, 2ith February)  -  980 words
    • 470 3 {Straits Times February.) Makbin, the town to which Admiral has transferred his headMrtfcrgi, is one of the most remarkable *Mucts of the Trans-Siberian RailIt is built on the right bank of Hungarr River, at the junction of I’ort Arthur and Vladivostock and lies about 500 north by of Port
      {Straits Times, February.)  -  470 words
    • 381 3 (Straits Times 24 th February.) Sir Frank Swettenham, before his departure from the Colony, agreed to certain proposals from the ResidentGeneral of the F. M. S. looking to the establishment of an Agricultural Board in those States. The outlay at the outset, that is to say
      (Straits Times, 24th February.)  -  381 words
    • 1103 3 (Straits Times 25 th February.) Russia's high repute in diplomacy stands irk many respects unrivalbd among the greater Powers. At the same time it is difficult for the unskilled observer of the trend of events now current to discern how the Empire of the Czar can derive profit
      (Straits Times 25th February.)  -  1,103 words
    • 731 3 (Straits Times 26th February.) Consuls, like ambassadors, are sacrosanct personages in the ports or towns, and indeed throughout the entire dominions of the States to which they are accredited, and any outrage upon a Consul is generally accepted by the Power he represents as a blow
      (Straits Times, 26th February.)  -  731 words
    • 1131 3 (Straits Times 26 th February.) Thk authorities that look after the time of day in the Straits Settle* ments seem to have taken the advice proffered in the Straits Times eight weeks ago, and have decided to adopt the Standard system of time for the Settlements and the
      (Straits Times, 26th February.)  -  1,131 words
    • 524 4 (Straits Times 2 ,th February.) One of the saddest features of the Russo-Japanese war, from a universaliet point of view, is the loss to the world of to-day, and to the ages that are to come, that will be entailed by the destruction or distribution of the wonderful
      (Straits Times, 2 ,th February.)  -  524 words
    • 510 4 (Straits Times 29th February.) RnssiA seems to have made her first really useful coup in the war so far by capturing three colliers laden with coal for Japan in the Gulf of Suez. Three fat cargoes of Cardiff steam coals are nothing to be sneezed at
      (Straits Times, 29th February.)  -  510 words
    • 598 4 (Straits Times 29 th February.) The Daily News and certain other nominally English journals, exhibit such eccentric methods in interpreting the signs of the times nowadays, that we venture—as demonstrating how a simple incident could be treated from an unsympathetic point ot view—to comment upon a recent event
      (Straits Times, 29th February.)  -  598 words
    • 820 4 (Straits Times 1st March.) No information has come to hand regarding the precise nature of the comments on Russian cruelty that have been published in the Tientsin Times and we have therefore no means ol knowing how far the threatened deportation of Mr. Cowen, as reported in
      (Straits Times, 1st March.)  -  820 words
    • 1037 4 (Straits Times Ist March Self* preservation is nature's first law, and from the context of our telegram anent the Tongkah riots there seems to be little doubt but tftat the intentions which inspired the slaughter of one policeman and the attempted slaughter of another, were altogether self-preservative, and
      (Straits Times, Ist March )  -  1,037 words
    • 772 5 (Straits Times, 2nd March.) Arthur is plainly in desperate and, judging from the tenour of •lays tie>pitches, its gallant commandant recognises the hopelessness of lus defence and only asks his garrison fight it out to the death. That is r iiy a ghastly state of affairs, no matter
      (Straits Times, 2nd March.)  -  772 words
    • 2722 5 (Straits Times, 2nd March.) Singapore enjoys a reputation in regard to local tiger hunts winch is absolutely unique among the greater ports and more important towns of the civilised world. Indeed scarcely a month has elapsed since we chronicled one among the cathedrals, shops and chapels of the
      (Straits Times, 2nd March.)  -  2,722 words

  • 228 6 Mr Robert Derry, Superintendent of Government Plantations, F.M.S., has been transferred for service in the Straits Settlements, with effect from the 7th December, 1903. Captain Troubkidge, Naval attache in .Japan, is understood to be on board the Japanese flagship. He should gather some very interesting details in
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  • 33 6 The intended military reliefs for 1904 5 include the following For India, 62 and 64 Companies Royal Garrison Artillery, Ist Battalion Manchester Regiment. This is published in local Garrison orders to-day.
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  • 82 6 R. A. v. S. C. C. The Club played a friendly game yesterday afternoon on the Recreation Club with the R. A. The ground was very hard and the fielding of the ball very difficult, owing to a heavy cross wind. Nevertheless a good game was the re«ult Both
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  • 1048 6 THE BANGKOK JEWEL l ROBBERY. Burmese* Appellant Wins his Case. Yesterday afternoon, the Appeal Court delivered judgment in the appeal of Mong Ong from the sentence of one year’s imprisonment passed on him by the British Court of Siam for his alleged complicity in the jewel robberies at
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  • 255 6 The following is the Japanese official statement with regard to the Chemulpo fight:— Our squdron escorting transports was entering the port of Chemulpo towards the evening of the Bth, when they met near Hachibi Island the Russian gunboat Coreetz coming out of the port. Thdatter
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  • 382 6 Capsized at Sea. Spends a Day on a Fishing Stake. Colonel Wilson, commanding the 73rd Carnatic Infantry at the Alexandra Barracks, experienced what might have been a fatal adventure on Thursday last, but luckily escaped after a period of exposure that would have killed many a
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  • 397 6 No telegrams were received at the Japanese Consulate to-day, a feet which would seem to strengthen the view expressed by our Tokyo correspondent that there is likely to be a prolonged lull in hostilities. Since the declaration of war, the Consul for Japan in Singapore has received a
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  • 410 6 F. J. Rodrigues, Manager of Fort Canning canteen, was arrested on the 26th ult. for criminal breach of trust in respect of $ll9, the property of the President of the canteen committee. On the 23rd ult. it was found that a window of the bar was open but
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  • 977 6 A LETTER PRO M TAlPING. th* Art Exhibition which Wa opened by Mrs. Treacher on th* brought many people here. ForiunateU Jupiter Pluvius who has been on the ascendant lor some time was propition, and there were many pretty f rock which space and time forbid to describe here now.
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  • 811 7 The War. 1 afternoon of Sunday, the 7th, the n Volunteer Fleet steamer Kazan wan i .to Sasebo, escorted by the battleship V n and gunboat Saiyen. It is reported thi« *teamer ha* a large number out I. of troops on board, and that *he ir:t'*o-epted in the
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  • 136 7 Sf nifty Mail. A prominent member of our Chinese community informs us that the festivities in connection with the Chinese New Year have not been as brilliant as usual owing to miners and trader? having experienced bad times in business of late. We are informed that a
    Sf nifty Mail.  -  136 words
  • 566 7 The s.s. Islander arrived nxm Christmas Island this morning with fifteen deck passengers. The Singapore breach of promise case which was adjourned until to-day has been postponed on account of the heavy Appeal Court list. One hundred ana sixty-three deaths were registered at Singapore during the week
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  • 62 7 The appeal by the Aachen and Munich Fire Insurance Co. and the Prussian National Insurance Co. against the judgment of the Chief Justice in the action which was brought by Kanisah Marican Co was continued to-day. Mr Elliott appeared for the appellants and Mr. von Someren instructed
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  • 91 7 THEHarrison liner Mromnn is reported »o have gone down off Cape Finisterre, on tlie west coast nf Spain. She had a cargo of over £200,000 in value, some of which is covered by marine offices at Hongkong. The Yeoman is a steel four-masted vessel, owned by
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  • 127 7 Cocoa is the F>»od for the Gods” and Mr. Brandon Head has written a lively and interesting account of its nature, cultivation, manufacture and history. Incidentally the writer gives a description of Messrs. Cadbury’s works at Bnurnville, and the philanthropy exercised by the employers towards
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  • 138 7 —Pinanq Gazette. Mr. T. W. Rowley, Acting District Treasurer, Kuala Lumpur, has been transferred to the Taiping Treasury. His place will hetajien by Mr. \V. Ephraums who is expected to arrive in a day or two. Mr Gibson, son of the late Mr. Tom Gibson, a well-known
    —Pinanq Gazette.  -  138 words
  • 316 7 Lipis 1 8th Feb. An incipient riot among the Chinese coolies at the Penjum mines was quelled the other d*y by the prompt appearance of Mr. Eliot James and his Sikhs on the scene of the threatened disturbance. There was a faction-light recently at Suneei Lembing among the
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  • 1079 7 The Japanese 14 Tommy Atkina.*' Several quotations from Mr. Frank McCullagh’s article in the East of Asia Magazine on the Japanese manoeuvres last year have already been reproduced, but it may not be out of place to add some of the remarks made by the writer regarding the
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  • 266 7 Yesterday a Chinese woman with her head shaved like that of a man, and who, except for the fact that she carried a baby in her arms, would have passed for a man, appeared in the Second Court to give evidence against the man under whose protection she
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  • 431 7 Opinion of the Straits Chinese. Dk. Lim Boon Kbng was the leading speaker ac a meeting of the Chinese Literary and Debating Society at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday last. The subject of debate was Measures proposed for the advancement of the Chinese.” The speaker put the
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  • 1259 8 Reminiscences of a trip to Singapore in 1864. No apologies are necessary ft r the publication of the following charmiDglv told reminiscences of forty years ag«>. which came to band by the last mad from an old-time Singapore resident who now elects to sign himself “Xeidpath”:— “It’s
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  • 913 8 The Actions on tne 8th and pth Feb. The British steamer Fuping was at Port Arthur during the attack on the Russian fleet there by the Japanese on the 8th instant. She afterwards left for Shanghai where one of her passengers, Mr. G. Curtis, an American lawyer described
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  • 284 8 In the French consular report on trade in Siam it is stated that French commercialists are beginning seriously to consider the necessity of creating new openings in the Far Ea-t In Bangkok both exporters and importers have sought to establish connections, and this legation has assisted
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  • 866 8 Fob several days past the Methodist missionaries stationed in various parts of the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago have been assembling at Singapore for their annual Conference. Messrs.Pykett, Worthington, Martin and Miss Olsen from Penang, Dr. Luering and Air. Lowther from Ipoh, Mr. and Mrs. Horley, Mrs. Meek
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  • 642 8 The latest rumour about Mr. E W Rirch is that he has been appoints Resident of Perak. P ted The strike troubles in Selangor are confined to Naichang coolies, that is labourers imported under agreement Mb. Rudolf Lobentzen, the German vice-consul at Sandakan, has had to return
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  • 901 9 Detailed accounts of the action at Chemulpo the first engagement reported lT e stiil lacking. It seems, however, according to a newspaper correspondent •hat on the 7th instant, the British Tail tot, the American cruiser ricbhurg, the French cruiser Pascal, t ie Italian cruiser Ella and two Russian
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  • 466 9 This morning, Mong Pin Num and Cheong Siew Kwong, Chinese doctors, of 21 South Bridge Road and 22 New Bridge Road respectively were before Mr. Michell in response to summonses issued at the instance of Chief Sanitary Insp. Mayhew to explain why they foiled to report a case
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  • 394 9 Now that Sabang is more resorted to than ever before, malaria is found to be rife tbere. Mosquitoes are said to be the prime movers in spreading the disease, and measures have been taken to curtail their powers for mischief. The medical authorities also give a small dose
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  • 1547 9 I never had a very close acquaintance (writes a veracious correspondent to a London contemporary) with sharks—at least, not the sea kind. Never, as you may say, a shaking-hands acquaintance, like a Malay boy I once knew, who was actually seized by a Carcharius
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  • 132 9 Mr. S. W Car iwright, of Edward Lloyd Ltd, arrived by the Pundna from Penang this morning. Among other items of news concerning the big paper and newspaper concern he represents Mr Cartwright informs us that the Daily Chronicle is to be made a halfpenny paper from
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  • 436 9 Madame Blanche Arral. Sbldom are the lovers of music in Singapore treated to so. rich a feast of song as they enjoyed at the Teutonia Club last night, when Madame Blanche Arral, a distinguished French artist, at the desire and expressed wish of many residents,
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  • 411 9 The Tansan*' Case. The appeal by Messrs. McAlister and Co. from the judgment of the Chief Justice in the action by Mr. Clifford Wilkinson, of “Tansan” fame, against Messrs. McAlister Co. came on for argument yesterday afternoon It may be remembered that Mr. Wilkinson brought an action to
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  • 367 10 The French cruiser Infemet which wis li.tely at Penang has gone to Rangoon. The Stanley Hall arrived this morning from Bitoum with 151,520 cases of kerosene oil for Shanghai. The strike troubles in Selangor are lessening owing to the Cantonese and Keh sections of the contract coolies
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  • 49 10 Sherwood Foresters for Singapore. The orogramme of forthcoming Army reliefs issued by the War Office contains the following:— 1st Manchester Regt., Singapore to India. 1st Notts and Derbyshire Regt., Hongkong to Singapore. 2nd Royal West Kent Regt, Ceylon to Hongkong. 2nd Worcester Regt,, South Africa to Ceylon.
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  • 94 10 The annual of the members of the Tanglin Club, Singapore, was held in the Teutonia Club last evening. Dr. Glennie presided over a crowded attendance of members. The principal business before the meeting was the question of re-building the present Clubhouse and a prolonged discussion took place on
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  • 81 10 A Chinaman has got six months’ rigorous imprisonment for being in possession of two counterfeit British dollars and for attempting to pass one of them An old offender has been sent to jail for one year for attempted housebreaking I Last December a Chinese coolie at Ptrio Tekong
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  • Correspondence.
    • 294 10 To the Editor of the “Straits Times.” Dear Sir, I should like to call the attention of the local authorities through ycur columns to a very grave street danger now existing in the Colony—viz., a traction engine belonging to the Singapore Carting Syndicate. While driving along
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  • 286 10 The following passenger* arrived here yesterday afternoon by the German mail steamer Preussen. From Bremen—Mr. <). R*u. From Southampton—Mr. and Mrs. M. Keech, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cox, Mr. W. Bircham, Messrs. A. G. Crane, P. Mathie, F. Maeiker, G. Campbell, Mrs. Bertram, Mr. B. W.
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  • 256 10 Under the Societies’ Ordinance 1889, the Officer Administering the Government. has ordered that the Porkbutchers’ Guild registered at Penang be dissolved. That Guild therefore becomes an unlawful Society. Surgeon-Major T. C. Mugliston, S.V.C., is attached to the Penang Volunteers during his stay in Penang. Mr. L. H. Clayton’s
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  • 1160 10 PORT ARTHUR RUMOURED 9 BLOCKED. I Early this morning the Japanese I Consul here received the following I news: I A telegram frora*the Foreign Office, Tokio, I received at midnight 26th Feb. states. “In I the early morning of the 24th three .or four old I steamers being
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  • 506 10 Home. London lJfth February. At Blackheath, on the. 13th February, England and Ireland met, before a tremendous crowd, in the Rugby Championship. The English forwards were splendid and the backs also were good. Vivyan was the hero of the match. The final score was England 2 goals and
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  • 142 10 The following Ceylonese have been appointed as surveyors and draughtsmen in connection with the {Singapore re-survey viz:— 2nd grade surveyors.—Messrs. W. Nitchcnck, N. E. W. Koelmeyer. and C. L. Wijaratne. 3nd grade surveyors.—Messrs. T. C. Nook, J. M. Jayatilleke, and P. N. Daberera. Chief draughtsman —Mr. B.
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  • 867 10 Kuala Lipit 22nd F,k Mb. F. B. Tatlob, the Acting W* ant District Officer, Lipis, went Budu and Sepan last week on a rent collecting mission and, while there was the victim of a theft. His box dieapp4 r J one night, but was subsequently in the jungle
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  • 2738 11 r H y remarks we were requested to rt j n our last week’s notes anent r ihery and Peacock not being in any of th 6 League teams, \r to have caused considerable r .in football circlee. The 1: of this is that we have received r
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  • 601 11 The Singapore Municipal Commission met yesterday afternoon, Dr. Middleton, Deputy-President, in the chair. The members present were Dr. Murray Robertson, Messrs. W. A. Cuscaden, (Deputy I. G. P.); C. J. Sounders, A. Barker, A. J. W. Watkins, Choa Giang Thye. Mr. Barker* gave notice that be would move
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  • 307 11 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce holds its annual general meeting on March 13th. A fire at Queen’s Road, Central, at Hongkong on the 20th inst. f consumed two Chinese godowns, insured for about 531,000. The Bengal Chamber of Commerce has again addressed the Government of that province
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  • 45 11 At the general meeting of the Teutonia Club held on Satufday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year President DrDeVo* Vice-President A. Jahns Ist Sectetary G. Reass 2nd O. ElmenhorstTreasurer A. Schomberg Accountant K. Moiler Member of C’ttee... C. Bruderer
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  • 174 11 A Half Year's Cricket. During the half year just ended the Pagar Dock Co. Recreation 'Club cricket team played 18 matches 13 were Ist eleven matches and resulted as follows —Won B,lost 2, drawn 3. 1087 runs were scored for 101 wickets, averaging 10.76 against opponents'
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  • 195 11 The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank held its ordinary half-yearly meeting at Hongkong on the 20th February, with Mr. A. J. Raymond (Chairman) presiding. Mr. Raymond dwelt upon the prosperity of the Bank despite the war and the consequent dislocation of business. The accounts had been adjusted to meet
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  • 945 12 VARYAG’S” CREW IN SINGAPORE. RUSSIAN REFUGEES FOR COLOMBO A Cheerful. Contented Crowd. The London steamer A am Sang which trades between Hongkong and Calcutta, arrived at Singapore to-day having on board 267 members of the crew of the Russian cruiser Varya,g which was attacked by the. Japanese at Chemulpo and
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  • 428 12 The English papers received by the latest mail show that the ratification of the treaty between France and Siam was not unexpected. The Globe correspondent, writing on the 18th till., stated that rapid progress was being made with the negotiations betweeq France and Siam. The recent agreement
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  • 209 12 At midnight on Friday, Insp. Tyrell raided a house in Lavender Road and arrested twenty-one Chinese for alleged membership of a secret society. These men wepe ’before Mr. Peacock on Saturday, and the case was postponed. Last night thirty-four Chinese were arrested in an eating house in Hokien
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  • Correspondence.
    • 275 12 To the Editor of the 44 Straits Timesr Sir, —Referring to a great deal of rubbish which has recently been contributed to your columns by Sinews with regarcito the merits of Mr. A S. Anthony as a first-class cricketer in the Straits Settlements, I beg to
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    • 170 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —With reference to the questions asked me by “Sinews” in his “Athletic Jottings” of Saturday last, I take pleasure in correcting the false impressions he mentions. The questions, severally and collectively, are answere-i by the fact that no player
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  • 346 12 —Perak Pioneer. A “Benefit Fund” for F. M. S. Railway servants has been constituted. The Fund is to consist of all amounts recovered by way of penalty from officials employed on the Government railways for breach of by laws under Section 72 of “The Railways Enactment”;
    —Perak Pioneer.  -  346 words
  • 710 12 The Actions on the 8th and 9th inst. Captain Gray of the steamer Fuping, who was at Port Arthur during the Japanese attack the moment war broke out, gives the following account of his experiences there: The Fuping arrived in Port Arthur on the 5th February. At
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  • 145 12 AUKtVKD yesterday by La Seynr. From lmbert, Ohler*, C. Daron and companions, J. Haruernik, A. H. Green, Mrs. Leroy Liberge, Messrs. W. I!illiern. IX Petitjean, V. Durand, C. F. Maxwell. Arrived to-day per Yarra. From Kobe— Mr. T. Magai, Mr. H. Tanaka. From Shanghai —Mrs. Kraur and
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  • 493 12 THINK IMPERIALLY.” To the Editor of the Spectator Sir,— Among the master-builds the Empire Sir .Stamford Raffles it? I second to none in foresight and To him we owe the maritime sunr^, 8 of Britain in the Far East. In hoisted the British flag at Siiig arr then “an almost
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  • 336 12 Lipii 2ith Feb News has reached Lipis of the of a Malay woman an herch Id at apu called Gua on the Jelai, a short dist*n upriver from here. Details are avv al but it is said that the mur-erer Is woir-ams husbar.d and that jealousy motive for
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  • 1070 13 Japanese Official Telegrams. I hk J ipanes#-. Consul has received the following telegrams from the Foreign Received on Saturday afternoon: Vliniral Kainimura reports on26ih inst., 3 follows On the night of 24th inst., number of our torpedo-destroyers attacked Port Arthur, Talienwan and Pi-eon Bay (close to Port Arthur);
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  • 350 13 Visits Singapore. The Messageries Maritimes s. s. Yurra which leaves to-day for Europe, lias on board Baron Rosen, the recalled Russian Minister to Tokyo, with Madame Rosen and their daughter; M. fle Sivers, Russian Consul-General at Yokohama, the wife and family of 4; M. Wassilief,
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  • 327 13 The annual Chinese New Year Sports took place on Saturday on the ground of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club. There was a very large attendance of spectators, and excellent arrangements had been made for the sports, which were carried out by a strong committee The ground
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  • 282 13 Observance in Singapore. Nj-xt Sunday, March 6tb, is Bible Sunday, and as such it will be observed throughout the whole civilised world. Ax St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, where the Archbishop of 'Canterbury will advocate the Society’s claims on that date, the King and Queen have very graciously consented
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  • 196 13 THE BINGO MARU.” The N. Y. K. liner Bingo Mara will be remembered as being the last westbound Japan mail packet to pass Singapore en route to London. The Tamba Maru which followed her a fortnight later being recalled from Singapore to Japan. The Bingo gave a splendid entertainment here
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  • 60 13 The Committee of the Singapore Philharmonic Society has decided to /ecoromence the choir practices, and provided a sufficient number of members attend it is suggested that, amongst other things, 44 The Holy City be again rendered. The first practice will be held in the Town Hall on Monday
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  • 473 13 The war has sent up the price of Japanese matches one hundred per cent at Bangkok. Nominal fines have been imposed at the Marine Court on several twakow tnd tongkang men for obstructing the Singapore River. Messk3. Bagnall and Hilles have removed their office and godown from No.
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  • 138 13 Arrived yesterday by the Armand From Marseilles—Messrs. P. A. D. Boogart, K. Pels, Gadelius, Debieux, G. and A. de Guigne, W. de Kooy, Goudcliaux, Mr. and Mrs E. Guerin, Mr. Gueriot, Mr. Pilatrie, Mr. Dollev. From Port Said —Mr. Adams, Mr. Jani Vassili. From Colombo —Mr. and
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  • 185 13 Mr. PalliBßß requests us to correct the report that he is hot going to carry out the contract for the completion of the Kallang Tunnel. Though the contract has not yet been signed the delay was due to mere technicalities, and these will be arranged forthwith By
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  • 219 13 Germans and Americans Ahead. A.A correspondent who signs himself. o/W. Lloyd, thus accounts in the Times Ceylon for German success commercially in the Far £ast: When in the Far fiast, eighteen months ago, I met several men travelling for British business-houses, one of them belonged to a Manchester
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  • 85 13 Thb Assizes commenced at the Supreme Court this morning. There are only fourteen caSe* on the calendar, one of murder and two of attempted murder. The other charges are gang robbery, housebreaking by night, mischief by fire, theft, concealment of birth, counterfeiting current coin, thefc as a servant,
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  • 118 13 Ihe Penang Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting on the 23rd February with Mr A. G Stephen in the chair. The Chairman du>lt upon the fact that the Penang Pier had been pushed forward during last year, and that the manner in which ocean-going steamers
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  • 157 13 A juvenile was yesterday awarded fhree weeks’ simple imprisonment for escaping*from the Reformatory He is to be sent back to the Reformatory on the expiration of this period. Lee In, who is serving four months in the Criminal Prison, was yesterday sentenced to an additional four months for
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  • 522 13 mil Feb. The Chinese New Year festivities continue right merrily and there Fs a cessation of the bustle in the business quarter of the town 'lhis inactivity mav last u;» to the 15th of the moon. The Malays iu the Ulu, knowing this, are also h iving a
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  • 1087 14 GLENTURRET 99 BURNING IN THE ROADS. Exciting Scenes on Board. A di-astro s fire broke out on board the Glenturret of Glasgow—one of the Glen Line boats, trading between England and the Far East—which was lying at Tanjong Pagar Dock this morning. Whether the vessel will become a
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  • 826 14 From privaie advices which have bern received by Mr. G E Mosley, the representative in Singapore of Messrs M Ginzburg and Co, it appears that no branch of the firm is now at Nagasaki which was the headquarters of the business All the members of the Nagasaki staff
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  • 1624 14 London, Ist Feb. The case of Mr. Whitaker Wright would, for a week past, have monopolised public interest without the added iragedy of his suicide, it is safe to say that,* later on, public opinion will -peak more kindly of the deceased than many of the
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  • 760 14 On Saturday morning an in'erestjn ceremony took place at Xa. 7 \j Sophia, when Bishop Thoburn rj e <Ji. eated that building a- a training c i loo j for native preachers, for which purpose it has been purchased t hrou 2 h the generosity of Mr.
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  • 101 15 7 H 2 January crushing at the PuDjom %ji ne is as follows:-67 ounces gold r >m 950 tons ore crushed, estimated ‘.jjue being $2,500. A subsequent wire received on the Gth instant announced n frnportant discovery at Manik, likely v, pr jve a valuable ore body.’ The tors
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  • 109 15 .cavki.ung correspondent of Co/w- r ~i/ InteUiyvnre, after a trip through r; iin, *■ays 1 noticed that some of A’noa-sadors have a very ea.-y time BiM'kok. Of course, Russia has a m r residing at the capital, and so lV> some of the smaller European Some ofthesegentiernenappear
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  • 138 15 M r B. W. Elies, Passed Cadet,acts as S‘< v to the Resident-General. Mr. .1 N. Nhefiield of the Trigonome-»r:i-d Purvey has been granted twelve month® Lave Mr S\ heger P irsons. District Traffic vi|,fr Ti’Hi lent, F M S. Railways, hae .hr;itried an extension of leave for
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  • 424 15 !t i> t>}>. d that Lord Kitchener has ;i!r:»o-t regained his health and i® ah in m take short rides on his favourite charter. The lloib crushing returns for the •ir \w-ek® ending on the 26?h February 't't. show 2 600 tons of stone for a of
    424 words
  • Correspondence
    • 224 15 To the Editor of the Straits TimesT Sir, —“Colonial” on “Sinews” will not go down to posterity as an authority. In criticising, it is as well to stick to the point atf issue which, in the present instance, is the merit of certain cricketers now and
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  • 191 15 The Directors of the Y.M.C.A. entertained the members and their friends in the Association’s new residence, Zetland House, Armenian St. last night. The drawing room, which is a very spacious apartment, was gaily bellagged and beflowered, and presented a very pretty appearance. The President (the
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  • 169 15 The Assizes*continued before Sir Lionel Cox the Chief Justice in* the Supreme Court yesterday, Long ilai Gin got three years’ rigorous for ‘theft and fradulently altering characters in an account book. A young Chinese woman named Tan Kein Neo who pleaded guilty to a charge of concealment of
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  • 232 15 An >ut 10 o’clock this morning a nasty accident occurred in Stamford R ad near the junction with Bencoolen Street. A number of Chinese coolies were hauling a couple of tramway linrs in a hand cart and when going down an incline near the bridge, the cart
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  • 678 15 The only effect of the silence which is being preserved regarding the opera* tions on Russia’s eastern seaboard is t stimulate the rumour monger to still greater Rights of the imagination •Surely th*?re must be seine genius in this line resident ir: Singapore for never a day with
    678 words
  • 129 15 Towed to Singapore by the Charterhouse.’* (’apt Richter of the British’steamer Wilhelm which arrived from Ampenan in tow of the s. 8. Charter home yesterday, reports that on Jan. 27th when about t wenty miles from Ampenan the tail-shalt broke The Chief Officer was sent to Ampenan
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  • 577 15 The First Match. The opening game under the auspices of the Singapore Association Football League was played yesterday tfeernoon between ’teams representing he Tanjong Pagar Football Club and he YM.C.A. on the ground cf the former. That a great amount of of interest was taken in
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  • 222 15 A China boy who escaped from the Reformatory and then snatched a pair of ear-rings has got two months* imprisonment for escaping and ten cuts for the theft. Fines of $lO were imposed in cases of circulating*Sarawak copper coin. For possession of a whaway lottery ticket, a Chinaman*was
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  • 186 15 The fire on the Glenturret was extinguished at two o’clock this morning, having been burning for nearly 20 hours. The firemen managed to keep the outbreak confine d to the main hold, but they had to fil! that section up to the hatches with water before the
    186 words
  • 265 15 About 8 45 last night the native police constables on duty in North Bridge lioad discovered that a lire had broken out at Haut Hin Co., a general store and spirit shop at (>67 North Bridge Road, at the corner of Malay Street. E. P.
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  • 350 15 (tracker Firing Last Night. Last night was the 15th day of the Chinese New Year or Chop Go Mee and was celebrated with much cracker firing by the Chinese community. The whole of the town was given up to them for the occasion and pandemonium reigned
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  • 475 16 The wedding of Mr. F. D. Mactaggart and Miss D. F. Massey was celebrated at KUham, Kent, on Tuesday Feb. 2nd. We take the following account of th« ceremony from the Eli ham *nid Uisf rirt Tim** of Feb sth The marriage of I).
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  • 436 16 Incidents at Chemulpo. The Nagasaki correspondent of the South China Morning Post gives particulars of the Chemulpo fight from an eyewitness. It came off on the 9th instant. The Japanese squadron appeared off the port and called upon the Russian men-of-war, Koreitz and Varyag, then in port to
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  • 1037 16 Mr. Birch's Views. To a representative of Reuter’s Agency Mr. E. W. Birch, Governor of British i North Borneo, who, as our readers are aware, has suddenly returned in consequence of disagreements jvith the British North Borneo Company, said My term of office expires in April next,
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  • 423 16 Tuesday's Results. Cha mpionsiiip Singles. Mr*. Salzmaim W. O v. Mrs. Dare. Championship Pairs. Mrs. Waddell and Mr. Fred Salzmann, beat Mr*. Napier and Mr. f'erkin 6-4, 6-5. Mrs. Gan*loser and Capt. Sharp beat Mr*. Cumming and Mr. Motley 6-0, 6-5. Mrxn> Doubles-A. Class. Mrs. Braddell
    423 words
  • 254 16 For Singapore. Per P. A O. s s. Mongolia, connecting *ith the steamer Simla ai Colombo, from Londo Feb 5. due 6th M irch—Cant., Mrs. Miss Hope, Miss G»ge Brown. Miss K. Taylor. Dr. and Mr-. Freer, Mr A Mo»r. vfr. Hirvin, Lieut.-, ol. Pennefather, Sir Percy
    254 words
  • 22 16 Pa duo, ria ports JUtrua, ararj Wedoaaday, Rhoo Pbee Soon. Penang and Port 8wettonham, Zishsm. •very Wednesday, Bousteau.
    22 words
    • 190 16 Undpr this heading the following .u lro tions are ».edstr.—«te»!ocr; ih.Ahm l' barijne; sch.—schooner Vet. Va.-ht c Cruiser; Gbt.-Gunboat; T«r._r, r ,W.-hT Horse-power Brit.—IfritUh I' s i State.; Fch.-French; Uer Dutch; G.c. —General-cargo; d.p-deck senger; U. —Lncertain; T. p \v PagarWhiWf; T.P.D.-Tanjong B. W.—Borneo Wharf; K.H —kennel
      190 words
    • 1225 16 Avriralf since Noon of Yesterday Bullmouth. Brit. str. 2,607 tons, Captiii Stratton, 1st Mar. From Shanghai, Feb. Ballast. Sjme A Co. For Palec bane, 2nd—Rds. Charterhouse, Brit. str. 1,278 tons. Captii: *Cingborn, 1st Mar. From Macassar, 1*C Feb. G.c., and 42 d.p. Wee Bin A Co. Fo‘
      1,225 words
    • 1301 17 British. NAME CLASS. TOMS. GUM*. H.P. CART AIM. Alacrity despatch-vessel 1,700 3,000 O. ds B. Breek Albion battleship, Ist class 12,950 16 13,500 T. H. M. Jerram Algerine sloop 1,150 6 1,406 R. Nagent Amphitnte cruiser, Ist class 11,000 12 16,000 Charles Wiadhaai,
      1,301 words
    • 101 17 PA8SED 8UNDA STRAITS OK ARRIVED FOR ORDVB8 |Fl*gA Date of DbotieDate Rio. Ship’s Name. Captain. 8ailut6. Feomwheeb atioe. mabie j i i Feb 12!Ger s.e. Bielefeld Kraus fc Feb lOTjil&tjap Batavia H lS'Dat s t 8indoro Guthrie Jan 10 Rotterdam Batavia m 14 Nor 8.8. Hugin Bombay Sourabaya j
      101 words
    • 1513 18 FlAO Vessel's Name A Tosn- Captaie Fbom Sailed Cohsigbees. 3 Big. ►Feb 23 Farfalla Ital str 147 Taylor Malacca Feb 22 Gaggino and Co. -'3 *ri Tringgann Dut n» 81 Nacodah (Bagan Feb 21 Kim Hock Hoe 23 1 abella gtr 84 Nacodah Singkep Feb 21 Tan/h (boon 23
      1,513 words
    • 1037 18 I Date.*; Vessel’s Nam*. Flag A Rig. Tons. Destieatioi I Feb 24 i *Clamt Brit str. i 2311 Balik Papan 24 Omapere str. 340 Port Swettenham anH d 24 Carolina But str. ?01 Palembang 24 Medusa 8ia str. 609 Bangkok 24 Flevo Brit str. 186 Tiingganu via port| 24
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 956 16 THE WRECK OF THE ••PEEP O’ DAY.” Skipper Saved Interview. Captain James Saunders, skipper of 'he Ptep o' Day has related his experie» e*« to a journalist. He began: A sailor never knows when he may be run down in a fog or east upon a rock-bound coast in a
      956 words
    • 204 16 l£ chronic indigestion, a vcr\ ri> in itaelf sufficient to destroy an- 1 which neglected lend, to aUVru?,!," complications. Mother Seieel’si onljsorecure Itisa,,ertectly 1U made from fruits, roots, and herU no noxious drugs whatever t7 Conu u>»n* qualities of the plants are’extr scientific process know» only u 1 h j
      204 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 165 17 pMilJSH NURSE, at pre»ent is U JtTt, desire* situation with fasaly lQrQlri S to England shortlr. Apply to NURRE, c/o Straits Timss. SOKKiOS SENSE--RtITSHELI. ll t.i i fc ir> tn<* f«us«s and scientific in* cure ever discovered for nervous *•»< t j waste of vitality, depression of t-<fe w•* lU
      165 words
    • 112 17 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. PurcihaMrs ms roqmeetad to mo Hut every bottle bean, upon its RID LABEL, the signature in WHITJI of Lea Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will* be prosecuted. LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Jiotftfr IMMn §f loa.-a** i Ctr'rettt it tr*
      112 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 585 18 ORCHIDS. A SPLENDID opportunity for lovers of orchids. Messrs. J. Waterstradt sod H. Rimestad, at present at Malang, Java, are proceeding to Europe next spring, with one of the finest and largest collections of orchids ever brought to Europe from the Far East. They offer to de i cr collections
      585 words
      40 words
    • 25 18 DINNEFORD’S TV# Umi. f*r Attditr of ■wrtfcara, i&digOT«i«n tv# nj*** ,f Otr# (tf ftktuuk* 1 U d ©T#*« Ulmt mi •pitl# lafuto, Mm#m mi MAGNESIA
      25 words