The Straits Budget, 30 December 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 84 1 The Straits Budget Established over Half a Century. VOL. LVIF. Cable Address Times, Singapore. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1903. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Straits Budget, 40 Cents. Straits Times 15 cents. No. 4193 The “STRAITS TIMES” circulates largely in Singapore and Penang throughout all the Protected
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 30TH DECEMBER.
    • 105 1 (,D>F.L. -On the 12th Dec. at Shaughai, the *if. .»j A.Giesel, of a daughter. WALTER. —On the 13th Dec. at Chemulpo, Cor.-a. the wife of CARL WOLTEK, of a son. KmvM'EL. —f>n the 14th Dee. at, 1 wife -of Bernhard Emanuel, of a daughter Rr \NT. —f fn
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    • 335 1 Daw.—On the 7th December, at m AjkD'-w’* Cathedral, Singapore, by the l,v. K. .iriliii )i Evans, Ralph Bryan Hknrv ifli:i:i\s. son of 11. L. J. GlBP.IXS, liurle\. Hants, to LoUISA MARY Davy, eldest Uagliter of \V. Ii. DAVY, of Chetwood, ''•>iiit*r>et. M <ii.ashan Kinski —On the 16th De-\ a;
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  • 133 1 Baling Articles. hHr f ast C»isis. •'jbout Thibet. Rubber. Market Quotation*. V News. PasseDger List. Prize Distribution. Weddings at St. Andrew’s Cathedral. The Hong Wan Ashore. Mr. Evans’s Departure. Singapore Golf Club. Athletic Jottings. 0 The Assizes. Christmas Cricket. A Lawyer’s Adventures. The Maharajah of Kapurthala. The
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  • 603 1 Singapore, 30th December, lfloa PRODUCE. Gamble) buyer* 12.25 Copra BaI: 9 00 do PomYui*- 8.50 Pepj>er, BL»» k buyers 33.00 do White, (52,. buyer* 50.50 Sago Flom Sarawak 4.25' do Brunei .No. 4.1/J Pearl Sago 5 50* Coffee, Bai«,15% tail* 22 00 Coffee, Pairmbang, 20?. 20 o < Coffee,
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  • 160 1 The j Straits Budget, this week, is despatched by the B. 1. s.s. Zaida. The Budget next week, will be mailed by the P. <fc 0. s.s. Simla. The German mail for Europe by the e.s. Prim Albert closed on Monday. The mail from Europe of
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  • Special to the “ Straits Times.”
  • 782 1 London Dec. 2Alh. Baron Hayashi, the Japanese Ambassador in London, announces that the offers of service with Japan from all parts of Great Britain are so numerous that it is impossible to reply to each individually. He therefore repeats, through the press, his explanation of the 20th inst
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    • 878 1 (Straits Times 28 th Deeemt^er.) If M. Kurino, the Japanese Minister at St. Petersburg, was really instructed to press for an early reply to tha demands of Japan, as stated by the Standard it is to be assumed that ho is being treated in a very cavalierly
      (Straits Times, 28th Deeemt^er.)  -  878 words
    • 970 2 (Straits Times 29 th December) Very probably the announcement no;ide ny the Daily Mail to the effect tb*t a deputation from the Dalai Lama of Thibet is now on its way to St. Petersburg, is quite correct. If 60 it is to be presumed that the only political
      (Straits Times, 29th December)  -  970 words
    • 1669 2 (Straits Times 29 th December) Mr. Henry C. Pearson, the Editor of the India Rubber World of New York, arrived here on Saturday by the English mail and is stopping at Ralfles Hotel. Mr. Pe irson is travelling for his health, and incidentally he combines business with pleasure
      (Straits Times, 29th December)  -  1,669 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 92 1 The post free price of the Straits J'irnrs is $.T4 a year. The post free price of the Straits Busiget is £20 a year. Ii is not necessary to subscribe for a year. The subscriptions for shorter periods are tiie same proportionate rate of price as for a year. 1
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  • 34 1 DEATH. ‘Nnknijkih;.—At Dove's Nest, River al* on the 28th, Dec. as the result of an l Syhii. Klla, beloved daugater of S. '•;, aged 2 years and 4 months. and Japan papers please copy.
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  • 685 2 Mr. Parry of Selangor has been successfully operated upon for appendicitis in England whither he went to undergo the operation. M 8 Centurion, arrived from Colombo anchored in the roads ?L 0ra,r <k the wharf later InttySh^ Amphitrite, in dock proceeding apace, and is t,,. 0t <
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  • 79 2 i lie tivcivvi A telegram from Calcutta gij** result of the Viceroy’s Cup as oli l Great Scot, 1; Cretonne, 2; IJoop 3. Great Scot, according to the Indian mail papers, was first favou 2 to 1. Great Scot belongs to Mr. A A. Apgjj of the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 591 3 j 0 the Editor of the Strait Times" IBf —Will you kindly give room in o ir valued paper for the following, steamer Hong Wan of Singapore, •j hi, steamer carries the flag of Messrs. vVee Bin Co., but is in no way managed
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  • 183 3 T HE “HONG WAN” ASHORE. hk steamship Hong Wan ran ‘siiore on the Sultan Shoal thih while on her ret lrn trip to from Malacca and Muar. chief engineer, Mr. Oehleis, came 1 > ingapore in a boat early in the fore* ,1( >on to secure a tug to take
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  • 801 3 Sanderson—Dodd. Ik St Andrew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon a large and representative congregatipn of Singapore people assembled to witness the marriage of two well known residents here, Mr C. E. F. Sanderson, Managing Director of Riley Hargreaves Ltd, and Miss Constance Dodd, lately Acting Principal of
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  • 1617 3 Splendid weather and a glorious high tide were two great factors towaids the pleasant morning at the Swimming Club on Sunday. Both launches were packed to overflowing, and the water in the vicinity of the Club, soon after their arrival, resembled a sea full of corks with the
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  • 689 3 The Murder of M. Juppeaux. Lipis, 2 2nd Dec. The preliminary enquiry into the case in which the five men, who were recently brought over from Trengganu, are charged the murder of M. Juppeaux, was continued here the other day before Mr. F E. Taylor, Magistrate, and was,
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  • 143 3 In September last the steamer Fintlmry left Hongkong for Japan, an#*’ was never heard of again until tha 22nd instant, when a Chinaman arrived at Hongkong from Shanghai who said that he was the only survivor of tht crew. Hrs story was that the vessel
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  • 1486 4 (From our own Correspondent 17 th December. The figures in connection with Excise and Customs for the first 10 months of this year show a very large increase in the incdme compared with last year, the total receipts from Imports, Exports and Excise duties araouuting to /10,974,837.94 in
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  • 166 4 The first Christmas social gathering held under the auspices of the Singapore M.C.A. took place in the Institute last night and proved a great success. There was a large attendance of ladies who assisted the members in the various pursuits of the evening. The
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  • 1830 4 St. Joseph's Institution. I The annual distribution of prizes to the scholars attending St. Joseph’s l Institution, Singapore, took place j yesterday afternoon in presence of a 3 large assemblage of the parents of the t pupils and others interested in trie welfare of the school. The function,
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  • 267 4 (From Exchange#, The 1* rce Trade journals u > Chamberlain’s Commission of \j. a model tariff on the ground reduce his proposals to a 11 akln 7 U eapier to c< >mbat thZ*** The other journals welcome ths < pr^ because it will facilitate the i nation of
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  • 579 4 Address from Chinese Residents. The Hon. Tan Jiak Kira introduced a deputation consisting of fourteen Chinese residents in Singapore to Mr. W. Evans, President of the Municipal Com mission, at. his residence last evening with the object of presenting to Mr Evans an appreciation of his labour
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  • 1139 5 I Blissfo 1 Conception of a Selangor f Cabinet-Maker. \tv)T’T 'i w* ek ago the Malay Mail jailed h suggested Civil Service m_ that could be quickly got Mother if such an emergency should r a« the reception of another State Eito the Malay Confederation. Among jrntiemen
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  • 642 5 The Chinese New Year commences on 16th February. A \V ATCH-MGHT service will be held at I 10 p.m. in the Methodist Church on i the 31st instant. J f Ihe London Chamber of Commerce I has started classes in Chinese under Mr. R. W. Hurst, ex-British
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  • 934 5 Presentation by Chinese Protectorate Staff. An address was presented to Mr. Evans last Thursday morning at the Chinese Protectorate by the subordinate staff of the Department. There were present Messrs. Hare and Pountney $nd others. Mr. de Souza (Boarding Officer) read the address which was
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  • 525 5 Borrett Murray. A very pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on Saturday afternoon when Miss Blanche Murray, the daughter of Colonel Murray, was united in matrimony to Captain O. C. Borrett, of the King s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. The Cathedral was
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  • 125 5 H. H. the Raja of Kapurthala and suite arrived here* from Hongkong yesterday by the Konig Alf>ert t and is staying at Raffles Hotel. To-morrow he visits the Sultan of Johore at Johore Bahru, and later he lends his patronage to the Wayang Kassim. The Raja
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  • 132 5 A -shocking accident occurred at 102 River Valley Road yesterday, whereby a child of three years, the daughter of Mr. S. Donnenberg, was scalded to deatn. It seems that yesterday afternoon, while Mr. and Mrs. Donnenberg were absent from their residence, the little girl was
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  • 616 5 Mr. Y. Tan Figures in the Police Court. Before Mr. Coleman at the First Magistrate’s Court, on Thursday* morning, Mr. Kraft van Ermel brought a charge against Mr. Y. Tan, known as the Dutch lawyer,” to show why he should not be bound over to keep' the
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  • 207 5 In the Supreme Court to-day—before Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones—the old question of the status of a Chinaman's second wife was again brought up. The second widow of a deceased Chinaman applied for letters of administration, her husband,who owned a shop in New Bridge Itoad, having died
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  • 557 6 Physical Explanation of the Sign in the Sky. Even casual observers of the heavens during recent star-lit nights, cannot fail to have noticed two star-like bodies in the western portion of the sky, or to be more exact W. by S. and at an altitude of
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  • 256 6 Straits Championship, 1903. The results of the Christmas Golf competitions for the Championship of the Straits are Ferguson Keppel Golf Club 40 S9 79 Dr. Fowlie Sepoy 1 ines Golf Club 40 43 83 Marks S’pore Go f Club 42 46 88 Longmuir do 44 47 90
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  • 2585 6 Hostile Comments Referred to by Reuter not peculiar to England. That tbe attitude of the English press in regard to the crisis in the Far 1 East should excite the animosity of the Russian newspapers is not to he 1 wondered at, though why such aniiuo-
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  • 568 6 Dan den 7, Tbe elections at Duiwj.i! *V j ham are generally reearde i nd victory for Mr Clian&'Wkijl Daily A ews admits that th D T« encouraging, but is convi nc “7, are country capnot be judeeH k tllal t J London, if he Daily CAronfe/?' a
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  • 54 6 The Chief Justice has bxei w .following dates for holding the at Singapore, Penang and Md** during the year 1904 Simrapo January, 1st March, 3rd May, enan g: 6th September, 1st November 5th January, 29th March, 1-th MJj 19th July, 20th September, November Malacca: 15th J, June, 20th
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  • 75 6 The Singapore team that Malacca beat the Sleepy Hollow* J 6 runs, after unexciting nI n( j j match started on Christina? H >* was concluded on Saturday a The match with Selangor was i by the Singapore vision J 'narrow majority of r the visitors Dun man
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  • 6872 7 IkSNUAL DINNER IN LONDON. W t ech by Sir Frank Swettenham. BP dinner of the Straits Settle-\i-.K-i.'ition was held at the Whitehall K, Hotel b-tropole, Lond<|n, on Dee. 2nd, excellent attendance was obtained. A> n IV) and 19<) members and guests a number that is believed to
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  • 306 8 On Ist inst. Mr. Justice Lawrence and a special jury heard the case of Hubback v the British North Borneo Company. The plaintifl was Mr. Rathbone Hubback, and he claimed damages against the defendant company, whose offices are at 15, Leadenhall-street, for alleged
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  • 38 8 YEOMEN OF THE GUARD." It has been decided to give two further performances of the “Yeomen the Guard, n on Thursday and Saturday, January 7th and 9th respectively. Rehearsals are to take place on January 4th and 5th.
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  • 558 8 and outfitting department.— Pirwvg Gazette. Mr. Lokb Chow Kit will erect half-a-dozen respectable shop-houses near the F. M. S. Hotfil, suitable for Chinese who are employed in the Government service. Mr. Scrivenor, the newly appointed Geologist, Federated Malay States, is on a lengthy tour in Kinta, where
    and outfitting department.— Pirwvg Gazette.  -  558 words
  • 117 8 M. Brasier de Thuy, M. M agent in Australasia, has been interviewed at Sydney. In conclusion, M. de Thuy stated that the Company’s business had shown a decided improvement during the past year. The great increase in the Far East traffic quite justified making the .Chinese line
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  • 114 8 Shipments from the East for the first half of the month, says the London Report of the 21st Nov., amounted to 1,660 tons, made up as follows 1,300 tons to England, 120 tons to the United States, 240 tons to the Continent. These figures are small, but laiffe shipments
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  • 135 8 Mr. Pearson of the India Rubber World who is shortlv expected here i 9 of opinion that the fear of rubber being over-produced is infinitesimal; though there is little doubt that the high prices so long prevailing have done much to encourage planting extensions. Rubber i 9 different,
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  • 227 8 The American gunboat Don Juan de Austria left for Colombo yesterday. The Municipality of Saigon has decided to borrow 16 millions of francs for the construction of waterworks. The appointment of Mr. Egerton as High Commissioner of Negri Sembilun was gazetted in London on Nov. 27th. The
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  • 177 8 The following passengers arrived on Sunday afternoon by the »mperial German ma l str. Konig Albert. From Yokohama— Mrs. Day, Mr. James Robert. From Kobe —His Highness The Maharajah of Kapurthala. Her Highness the Rani of Kapurthala, Dr. Paira Mall Mr. Lala Shiv Narain, General von
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  • 247 8 Fun and Frolic at the Town Hall. The bright and joyous faces of a multitude of the children of Singapore gave an unwonted air of happiness to the Town Hall last night. It was the occasion of Mr. C. B. Buckley’s annual entertainment to the little ones
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  • Correspondence.
    • 291 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Dear Sir, —You were good enough, some six months agoj to write a leading article on the advisability of the establishment of a Y.M.C.A. Residence in this city. I am sure you will be glad therefore to learn that the
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  • 259 8 The public generously contributed to the W. C. T. U. funds to give Christmas cheer to the various public institutions. The allowance for the Leper and Tan Tock Seng Hospitals wasjfeo. This the committee spent carefully that they might reach as many as possible. The women in
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  • 232 8 Says the Evening Standard Dec 4th:— There is much to note with profit in Sir Frank Swettenham’s speech at the dinner of the Straits Settlements Association. The record of such prospects as he described is vastly encouraging in these days. The Federated Malay States, which came
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  • 550 8 1903 was played last favorable circumstance* r during last week ken, m, work on links a n H P Dd ahead and these were aC°*® in very good condition lei made about 3 o’clock 0r Cv 8:art ®91 and at that time the doJd>® roll over towards the
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  • 134 8 For Singapore. Per P. A O. R.8. .Vo/rfe«'Y°“^ tl S^ tho etpamer Malta from *;u2^ due iOtb Jan. —Mr an .hildr«i Mr. and Mr S C. T. W»then.andI ch.l For b. a. Dec. 24. due 29th Jan.—Mn eQ Mr and Mrs. Per P. AO. b. b. A
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  • 1128 9 The Match at Malacca. Never has a cricket frip been more or enjoyable than the one to Malacca this Christmas. This was the feeling of the team to a man, and not qf a solitary induTThial, which means a good deal in a climate such as this, where
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  • 720 9 ***< port, probable dais of and name oj agenl* BTIAMKR8. J 2 n Borneo Coy- H n kon e. Feb 12; Bebn Meyer Ambna, Hongkong, Jan 16; Behn Mever Ara/oni’a gk< T g Ja n I8; M Maritime^ i )e C W Behn Meyer Avoca w’, 0 0
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 565 9 FELL THROUGH A SKYLIGHT. Sleep-Walker's Rude Awakening. Whilst walking in his sleep Mr. C. B Edwards fell through a skylight and sustained considerable injury. Mr. Edwards had retired early to rest, and about 10 o’clock his people were started by a crash of breaking glass. They found him lying stupefied
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    • 120 9 g COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELIS Mi* medical wor«t on the causes and m-e: -<u.ntififlC| *ml effectual means ol seif cure ever discovered igr nervoca n and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of V spirits, Ac.,with p’l ucal observations on marriage and full directions for removing certain disqualifications tfeat dee troy the
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    • 466 9 LEA PERRINS SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that labet 04^ 6 bear8 upon it8 RED J-jArJELi, the si gnat ora in WHITE of Lea Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire aD 1 v. u be prosecuted. lea PERRINS’ SAUCE. Ihtcfilf Medicine of the Una ;a MS.", open
      466 words
    • 95 9 DRINK R f SEE THAT you get the Genuine Article BOTTLED BY CLIFFORD WILKINSON, **OBE, JAPAN. Of all Dealers BOTTLES FREE" Wilkinson’* j Wilkinson's Taman does not Iowan the -y-teA bat Imngorates it, ride report on this Wuer by eminent London "hys’.clars and analysts. TANSAN is ou sale at all
      95 words

    • 130 10 Under this heading (he following abbrevia?5“ «**i:--«tr.-etearaer; sh.-ship; bq.— Wque; ech.^-schooner; Yet.—Yacht; Cru.— Cnnaer; Obi*—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. Horse-power Brit.—British U. 8.—United States; Fch—French; Ger.—German; Dut.— twitch; 6.c.—General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger; U.—Lnoertain T. P. W.—Tanjong T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock K.H —Keppel Harbour r.B.—Pulo Brani; Rds.—Roads. Where no month is named,
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    • 1321 10 arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Auetralind. Brit. str. 545 tons, Capt Moxon 29th Dec. From Bangkok, 27th Dec. G.c. and d p. Huttenbach Brothers A Co. For Bangkok, U—Rds Both, Dut. str. 1,831 tons, Capt Harthoorn 28th Dec. From Batavia, 26fh Dec. G.c., and 15 d.p. Daendels
      1,321 words
    • 1276 10 FLAO 1 5 Vxpsri.'s Name A Tons Canair From Sailed Con^* B** 8 3 Rio. j j Dec i *j J 22 Awa Maru Jap str 8912 Trennt Colombo Dec 16 P. 8® n e Co. 22 Polynesien Fch str 2916 jCoispellier Marseilles Nov 22 M. Mttimes 22 ,D.J.
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    • 825 10 is Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag A Uio Tons. Destination. i I Dec 23 Ujinat Brit str. 3426 1 Calcutta 23 Kum Bang str. 2078 Penang and Calcutta 23 G. G. Meyer Dut str. 441 Muntok and Palembang 23 Palermo Brit str. 4908 Hongkong,Shanghai and .7 23 Sultan str. 102
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 18 10 ihi Best s hrest COCOA. “Now especially packed in double-lidded canisbers ensuring frethness for years, in all climates.
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    • 64 10 English nur«?~~-== J. av desires 8it u at pre*, returning to England B^ n with A pp'y to sxjBar The WEWJRENCH Um jp?^K35Wg imution nlth* i aiaeaset. In d\ *a found ■wuna iBUJH’.tn'.r.gly rftciciona ,«Tj B where othe^ well-hied reaedies h!^^ j.rejtoriw.trragth u'd {J5J IMsSA?!9 f iSS l£feofvon! “Thikapiov"uit Z1
      64 words