The Straits Budget, 26 August 1903

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 72 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS ’TIMES.’ The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French lndo*China. Kj-.ablibhed over Hale a
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 26TH AUGUST
    • 136 1 [|!>• it k i. —At Alban Park House, Stirling, on the 20th July, the wife of D. J. Hiijikt, of a daughter. I.. IhK". —On 3lst July, at Killing, the 4 ,,t I’. i>k lists, Hankow, of a daughter. HiMKOU. —On 2nd August, at Shanghai, m* of K. H.
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    • 85 1 WodOWORTH-JALLEH. At the Chureh of r Penang, on Monday 17th Vuju.i, William Woodworth, 2nd Engineer /'■>! .'kny, to Matilda, second daughter p Jallkh, Public Works Department, Penang. Llori'.k Medina.—Ou the 17th August, at Miiih Lumpur, W illiam George, of Kuala L n.pur, to Catherine, widow of the late Mr
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  • 172 1 Leai/;no Articles. American Colonisation. K -i.-ia ana Turkey, ftie Yacht Race. A'oui Mosquitoes, i-ora Salisbury. -le Rates. 1 itty theating. Wright. h> al. Market Quotations. >bij»|*!ug News. List Police News. footing. Ihe John bam Again. Anonymous Letters to the Press. > preme Lourt Case.s M Ians. Interport
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  • 619 1 Singapore, 26th August, 1903. PRODUCE. Oambier buyers f 12.76 Copra Ball 7.15 do Ponci&aak 6 40 Pepper, Black 29 75 do White, (5%t 45 50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3 90 do Brunei No. 1 1.65 Pearl Sago 5 5*1 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 17.25 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basi 27.0t
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  • 199 1 The Straits Budget this week, is despatched by the B. I. s. s. Zamania: *The Budget next week, will be mailed by the P &O. s. 8. Valetta. The German mail for Europe by the Sachsen closed on Monday. The mail from Europe of the 31st
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  • 688 1 London 19 th August. The tourists who ascended the Aiguille Gris” fell into a crevasse. They were injured, but not killed. Reliance and Shamrock were measured yesterday. Reliance allows the challenger 105 seconds. Russia has presented supplementary demands of a political nature to the Turkish Government. The movements
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    • 1389 1 Strait Times, 20 th August.) Mr. Archibald Colquhoun, the well known correspondent, has been extending technical advice to General Leonard Wood of the United States Army, who passed through Singapore a few week* ago after studying the Native armies of India and the Netherlands Indies Ihe Americans, as
      (Strait| Times, 20th August.) .  -  1,389 words
    • 630 2 Straits Times, 21 *t August.) It is very gratifying to learn that Turkey has accepted al the demands, of Russia, and has requested that J\jwer to withdraw her forces afloat from Turkish waters. At the same time it may be permitted to express the view that Reuter
      (Straits, Times, 21 *t August.)  -  630 words
    • 605 2 Strait* Times 21 sf August) 0 The English-speaking people of the world feel excusably disappointed to-day with the news of the America’s Cup race. Neither Sir Thomas Lipton, nor Mr. Iselin, nor anybody else for that matter, can well be blamed for the abandonment of the race.
      (Strait* Times, 21 sf August)0  -  605 words
    • 1136 2 (Straits Tunes, '2.2nd August.) Afkopos of the nirile, or Nigerian mosquito plant, which was commented upon more or less lengthily in these columns a few days ago, it would seem that the Kentish horticultural is ts who furnished us with the interesting details thereof, might well turn
      (Straits Tunes, '2.2nd August.)  -  1,136 words
    • 2078 2 (Straits Tmiet, 24 th Au 0u j. Bv the death of the MarmuM Salisbury the world loses anofiJB the greater figures in the polities J comparatively recent past 0 has his life been that of a public 9 so vast the destinies that he orrrojS during the later
      (Straits Tmiet, 24th Au0uj. ■  -  2,078 words
    • 1371 3 (Straits Timeg, 2bth Avgust Great delight has been voiced by the commercial press at home over the results of the deliberations of the Tele graph Conference which had been sitting f in London for some weeks prior to the departure of the last These results, according to the
      (Straits Timeg, 2bth Avgust )  -  1,371 words
    • 466 3 (Straits Times, 2otk August.) It may seen unchristian to say so; but it is greatly to be feared that the story of a local Chitty having duped his brother Cbitties out of several hundred dollars, will be hailed with grim delight by many persons in this community. On
      (Straits Times, 2otk August.)  -  466 words
    • 3443 3 (Strait* Tunc*, :loth Av/ju.4 Rkcter again mystifies the public to-day .with the telegram anent Mr I Whitaker Wright. If has surrendered to bail, meaning doeT^ the assertion that the whole 30,000 j has been found,” convey Ii he has j been admitted to hail it is oossibl#anci even
      (Strait* Tunc*, :loth Av/ju.4 )  -  3,443 words
  • 99 1 DEATH#. Vi.xnn »n Noth July, at Shanghai, A. M. mavn aged 19 years. Dla ai.. —Un 31»t July, at Chefoo, Marie 1 1 ili*k, widow of the late Victor L. Duval, Uus.'.Ki.L.—On 4th August, at the General Hospital, Shanghai, Ernest WILLIAM aged 24 years. "i>kn —At the Wayside Police Station,
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  • 663 4 Wk hear that a caught at Tanjong in the vicinity pf the Swim by some Chinese figherme” The Shanghai method of gamblers should be mare i that current here. There. th^Sl cha ce often get 300 blow, 1 the option of a fine. The proclamations prohihi.; I
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  • 57 4 About 8 30 yesterday morning Germans entered the premises o* German Consulate and informs? jagah that they had P®* *****8 from the Consul to do so. Tbey t climbed over a partition into* the room and proceeded to help to some clothes. They were arestea are to
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  • 96 5 I A Chinese Cruiser Sunk. I, j e kgram to the “Strait* Times. 11 Hongkong, Tuesday, 9 SO p m. 1 Chinese cruiser Wongtai has ti with the Empress of India, near E sank. r imprest of hvha has brought L the crew to Hongkong. L Captain
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  • 62 5 >c mber of men from H. M. S. L had a practice shoot at the tier Rifle Range yesterday afterl It is understood that a match Ln the llosario and the local \.six ir~ l side, will be fired at k. As there is ‘he 5.0., and i Shield
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  • 72 5 I A Javanese Syce Arrested. H-.ek or four years ago, practice Hutting up the hoods of private and eelling th% leather to Hnakers produced quite a scare H? carriage owners. Police energy H;*d it out. A Javanese syce was Hied yesterday for damaging a carK worth *200
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  • 95 5 e are just informed that the British iie John Dade, which was raensd in these columns before, on :nt of the various troubles with .rew while in port here some weeks and which left here for Mauritius •he, 19th July, had a remarkably i passage, arriving
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  • 168 5 iUt was quite a lively gathering aston’s Pier yesterday afternoon •aess the heats of the S. R. f. rations, whilst Singapore’s wet were here, there and everywhere. W hyte officiated as Judge and r Russell as starter. In the neat ot the Regatta fours, T stroked by
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  • 230 5 I Prayer at Mata Ikan. j Kainpong Mata Ikan, (Tanah a ereat feud is raging just now t n the Tans and Lims. Everyone f^ is ail >‘ sort of a man at all has either head, or is charged with breaking r ‘rise’s. Testerday Tans and
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  • Correspondence.
    • 209 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sib, —Mr. Carey thinks that most people will agree with him regarding his recently expressed ideas (quite recently aequired are they not Mr. Carey on the subject of anonymous letter-writing, but I do not find any of those
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  • 157 5 With reference to the late match the Pinang Gazette says that the local team consisted of Messrs G. B. Stratton, A. Wallace Jones, W. C. A.*Dainton, Alan Wilson, H. A. Neubronner and G. Cobb. The team rolled on the Penang Club alleys on Saturday evening before a moderate
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  • 154 5 Os the Ist inst. a Chinaman and a Kling, both boatmen, were engaged to convey a quantity of tin ore from a steamer to Pulo Brani smelting work§. After delivery it was observed that ;here was an obvious shortage in the quantity, though the number of bags ;allied
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  • 988 5 It has been said that the character of a people can be told by its literature and by its songs and there is a good deal of truth in the saying The Roast Beef of old England and 14 Beer ®66r Glorious Beer” are noble songs plainly indicate ’certain
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  • 283 5 The following are the full results of the last day at the Taiping meeting:— AhQueeCup:—Joan 1, Mandolin 2, Bellona 3. Five starters. Tote $47.50. Galloway Handicap:—Hilda 1, Drouleen 2, Scheherazade 3. Only starters. Tote $lO. Taiping St. Leger :—Sweet Erina 1, Spes Patria 2, Zoroaster 3. Tin Prince,
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  • 220 5 Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jonrs, in the Supreme Court, was all Tuesday and the greater part of Wednesday, engagec in a case of Teng Seng Thjin, executor of Ang Lim Tye, deceased, against Seon Sin Neoh. It appeared that in September 1899, Ang Lim Tye purchased certain property known
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  • 157 5 From the Returns, compiled by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, it appears that, excluding warships there were 426 vessels of 1,028,099 tons gross under construction in the United Kingdom at the close of the quarter ended 30th June, 1903. The return shoprs an increase in the tonnage under construction
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  • 957 5 I l\ccadilly, 24/A July. And now the season is over. Town is emptying just about as fast as it can. I Railway Stations are becoming quite unpleasant places to live near, or to go to. Their Majesties left London on Monday for the State visit to Ireland. They
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 243 5 LAND SALE. fhe following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co’s, saleroom yesterday .afternoon Seven pieces of Government land at Orchard Road, near the Railway Bridge, total area 8,943 sq ft. statutory grant, subject to a yearly rent of $12.50 per 1,000 sq. ft. Together with the seven
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  • 435 6 Kuala Lipis 1 3//i August. The Pahang Corporation's hospital at Kuaia Kuantan tumbled down the other day during a gale of wind. There were sixty patients in tlie building at the time. but. with the exception of one man who was killed by some timber falling on him,
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  • 668 6 A telephone has been established on Johnston’s Pier and now fills a long-felt want. The Islander arrived from Christmas Inland yesterday afternoon and went to Palo Bakom this morning. She brought down five Chinese prisoners who are, we understand, to be charged with murder. Telegrams received in
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  • 325 6 1 he Bordeaux Municipal Council has resolved to set up a training ship for the Mercantile Marine to trade with distant ports and carry a number of apprentices. Government aid will be solicited towards her maintenance. A similar project is under consideration at Dunkirk, and it is anticipated
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  • 52 6 The Warren Shield Shooting c»m petition will he tired on Saturday 29t' inst. on the Bale-tier Ra*'ge. Shooting will commence at 2-30 p.m. A representative of each team must bon the ground before this hour. An team not fully represented by 2-30 p.m. will not be allowed
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  • Correspondence.
    • 596 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Dear Sir, —My attention has just been drawn to the insertion in the programme for the Autumn Meeting 1903 of the Singapore Sporting Club, of three races for polo ponies. As a member of the Sporting Club,
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    • 478 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —The following paragraph from Truth of the I6th July may interest our feather-bed soldiers—“ The Royal Review at Aldershot was not a brilliant success. The Infantry of the line made a miserably poor show. Many battalions 'were deplorably weak,
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    • 177 6 lu the Editor of the Straits Times." Fir,— ln these days when rumours of war are cropping up now and again, especially in the Far East. I think it is time some of our Legislators found out from the authorities when the Ist Battalion Manchester Regiment, now
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  • 410 6 The local contingent of jockeys and traineri have returned from Iaiping. They all report the course to be very bad ar-d positively dangerous to ride on. In the big race on the day three horses out of a field of five fell. Most of the arrangements were bad
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  • 405 6 A Formidable Addition to fl Squadron *9 ihe new armoured d LeviathaX, Captain sAft B yesterday afternoon hj 9 en route for Hongkong r ~9 join the China the Argonaut. The/ 00 *9 commissioned at Port 16th for service on the She was docked her propellers
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  • 119 6 The Scratch Fours heat rowedj terday afternoon between crews strt» by H. G. White and A. Carol proved a ding-dong race through Up to about half distance both *i pretty level. Then White quicb* his stroke and Cavendish followed The latter screw were rowing sontf»; raggedly and
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  • 102 6 Much sympathy is felt not on*; Blakan Mati, but also in the Singapore for Staff Sergeant worth in the loss of his wife, to i he was married only on tU April last. She had been year and a half in tlie Colony. known as a
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  • 70 6 “THE MANSION” B URGLED. 0 f A Qf P Some time during last niga -g the early hours of tluburglars paid a visit to The River Valley Road. It appear* they went through all the roofr j out awakening the occupants an j a sweep of all the jewellery rfind.
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  • 279 7 B Burned and Scuttled. IB announced at the time, Droke out on the French d a in er Tonkin on the 7th inst. l'e. f-he had just arrived from so ith The flames spread with |B'. V riiis being due to the nature of in the fore-hold—about
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  • 277 7 B A Nuisance. B the cases on the tile of the H.; Magistrate, this morning, was B aiii h the driver of a night soil B was re bred to explain why he properly protect the cart and B :r-vent a nuisance,' which Chief B jry In«p. Mayhew
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  • 183 7 i\ i nr v f gays that shipmasters i:iG2 to Port Swettenham are getting o t 0 know when quarantine will ofi from Malacca and Penang; ias; three months ships have Ejected to inspection without, 1 as he is aware, any case of “Mox, etc*, being found on
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  • 97 7 Mr. Donald Mackay, a planter on tour, writing from Perak to the 'Times of Ceylon says I am not much inclined at present to go further than Ceylon and I don’t expect to be there before the end of next month. We are very badly
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  • 56 7 i he Hong Moh, on being un locked at Tanjong Pagar on Wednesday evening, left for the roads. The A*cot brings 6,000 tons .Japan coal from Muroran for Paterson Simons and Co. The Luria with coals from Japaffis discharging at Pulo Brani. The Medan is due to-day, instead
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  • 797 7 A new seal for the use of the Straits Government has been received from borne. Mr. H. F. Bellamy, the state engineer at Selangor has been invalided home owing to brain trouble. The Government Gazette contains an order by H. M. the King regarding the minting and
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  • 67 7 In Orchard Road last night, about 6 45, the horse attached to a Victoria containing two persons took fright and bolted. The occupants jumped out. Before it. had gone far the carriage dashed into a 'rikisha containing Mr. W. M. Stewart, who was thrown out and bruised. The
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  • 97 7 Mr. \V. F. Hackman has been appointed a Surveyor in the Trigonometrical Survey Department, F.M.S. Mr. Jones Parry is leaving Perak for Pahang in place of Mr. Sumners, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. Butler taking up Mr. Parry’s duties in Kinta. Mr. W. Ephraums takesMp the
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  • 155 7 The final in the Regatta Fours was rowed yesterday afternoon and proved a capital race throughout. It was won by Cavendish who defeated White by about two-thirds of a length. The time taken was 5 min. 25 secs. The following were the winning crews scratch fours. S.
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  • 199 7 Chinese immigrants here are largely made up of Hakkas, a clan in Canton Province who speak a language that, next to Cantonese, comes nearest to ancient Chinese. The Hakkas are said to be rou’gher and wilder than the Cantonese. They emigrate in large numbers, many of the Hongkong
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  • Correspondence.
    • 200 7 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. 1 Dear Sir, —Will you alloj? me through the columns of valuable paper to ask your co-operation in stamping out what I feel sure all true sportsmen will agree with me is a pernicious and unfair practice, and that
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  • 394 7 Yesterday afternoon, Lee Ah Yeow, a lower grade prisoner in the Singapore Jail, under sentence for fourteen years for gang robbery, was arraigned before Messrs. Michell and Cavendish, sitting as a bench Court, on a charge of wilfully causing hurt to Eng Ah Tong, another lower grade
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  • 191 7 Sir F. Swettenham’s Future, The Daily Mail annouces that*—Sir Frank Swettenham, Governor of the Straits Settlements, and High Commissioner of the Federated Malay .States, is expected home shortly, and will not, it is expected, return to Singapore Few Britisu otiicials have had a more complete experience of
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  • 65 7 Yesterday afternoon, six Chinese were before Mr. Wilkinson on a charjg of mischief, bv having intentionally destroyed some gam bier and pepper plants on the property of one Sim Pob Choo in the Serangoon district. Mr. Raine (Allen and Gledhill) appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. R. W.
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  • 70 7 The Pvh Ann arrived this morning from Malacca. When she was at Malacca a Chinese passenger, a woman, slipped and fell into the sea. She was picked up by the mate of the vessel. The woman, however, died early this morning on board the Pot, Ann, from
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  • 107 7 THE LEVIATHAN.” Contrary to general expectation Vice-AdmiralCurzon-Howe, who avived by P. O. mail this morning, diu not hoist his flag on the Leoiathan. Instead that monster cruiser finished taking in her supply of coal yesterday afternoon and was floated out from the wharf about 6 p.m. She awaited the arrival
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  • 156 7 Prom a 4< bull point of view, says the Corni*h Post of the *23rd July, the tin* market has been disappointing, the recent acute depression having forced the price of cash tin down to £122, regardtess of what is generally looked upon as a sound statistical position. Although
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  • 368 7 MR. J. G. MACTAGGART ’S WEDDING. The following account of the wedding of Mr. J. G. Mactaggart and Miss Ethel May Cronshev who were married at 'rtietford on July 16th, appears in the Lynn Adcestiaer On Thursday afternoon a marriage was solemnised at St. Cuthhert’s cnurch between Mr. James Guthrie
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  • 1429 8 The annual general meeting of the numbers of the Singapore Cricket Club j •was held in the upper room of the Town Hall yesterdajfefternoon. There was a fair attendance of members, Mr. Fort presiding. The Annual Report. The following is from the committee’s report Finance.—As will be
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  • 493 8 The report of the Alien Immigration Commission recommends the establishment of an immigration department; the exclusion of undesirables and destitutes and the registration of immigrants, making all becoming undesirable and destitute within two years liable to expulsion and repatriation at the cost of the shipowners who brought them.
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  • 1961 8 The Gymkhana of Saturday last at the Raffles Reclamation proved a great success, although the ground waa slightly on the heavy side for some of the events early in the programme, but with a good scorching sun it dried rapidly, and towards the end was all that could
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  • 161 8 A return of mineral prodatijll the Dutch hast Indies duringtbejSSi year 1901-2, compiled by the §6c?91 of the Colonial Department of® Netherlands, states that the mi®| production of Java was limited to irj petroleum, of which 102,797,3001® were produced. In Sumatra the duction of gold from the
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  • 550 8 Capt. E. N. Fisher has been graca leave from Bth prox. till March ner: proceed to England. Mr. Naylor, a well-known Bangu lawyer, was reported to be very seriois ill when the last Bangkok H. E. the Governor left Penans the Sea Belle yesterday afternoon u is
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  • 43 9 Th a ms representing Howarth Erskine and the Y. M. C. A. met on ihe People's i'ark on Saturday, and, although •reformer were without several of their regular players, thev managed to win by tj* to love after an exciting match.
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  • 58 9 Saturday, one Ismail Merican was nested for possession of a quantity of It would seem that the parcel ns received from Bangkok through st Post Otlice. Intimation of this put .5e Opium Farruor on the alert. This Mr. F. K. Jennings, as agent :r. the Farmer, prosecuted the man
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  • 97 9 Ai South Kensington Museum on ily i'5tli, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the presence of a large conzreii'ition of scientific men and others, r.wiled a memorial bust, the work ot Mr T. Brock, R.A of the late Sir W. H Flower, K C B.,
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  • 276 9 {{’>*>fore Mr. Michell) Leaving Service. ih■> morning, a Japanese named taiuaraki, an assistant to L. Sabatier, iiairdrtfser, resp >nded to a summons r leaving service without giving due aoti. p Complainant said he gave the defendant a month’s notice on the lSth In^t but that he left at
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  • 918 9 Piccadilly 30 th July. On the lips of everyone this week there has been but one exclamation, j and that has been What a good chap the King is.” Now this requires a i little explanation. The solution to the i riddle —if riddle there be—is the
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  • 651 9 Kuala Lipi* 17th Auguil. Kechai* is maintaining its reputation 1 What with wild elephants disporting themselves round about therg and a tiger frequenting the place in search of th0 General’s sheep, they have had a lively time of late. But the very latest is that the General has
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  • 107 9 Ox the 18th inst., a Government notice was posted in Labuan declaring Brunei, Trusan, Lawas and Provinces Clarke and Dent to be infected districts, “choleraic diarrhoea’’ being prevalent there. Consequently all arrivals from these places would be quarantined. I is stated that some suspicious deaths have already occurred
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  • 1102 9 Indian Budget. London l.fth Augu*t. In the House of Common*, this evening. Lord George Hamilton brought forward the Indian Budget, and said he wax glad to anticipate considerable additions to the estimated surplus. The rainfall had removed all fear of defective harvest. He dwelt upon the recuperatite pow’er
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  • 87 9 It is satisfactory to learn that the members of the 8. V. R in conjunction witji their popular commanding officer, Lieut. Elliott, have made up their minds to work with a new lease of esprit de corps and to show that the corps exists in fact
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  • 352 9 Friday being tn* jour de fete of the Rev Mother Superior of the Convent, lie Sisters and their young charges arranged an entertainment in* honour of the occasion which was thoroughly enjoyed by the pupils and orphans, as well as by a large number of lriends
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  • 224 9 The old peddle wheel American gunboat Muuoeacy is advertised for sale at Shanghai. Penang now boasts gf a Swimming Club. It has 87 members and mixed bathing is suggested. The French mail steamer Touquin which was recently scuttled at Kobe on account of her being on fire,
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  • 85 9 The following passengers left by the Sachsen this morning For Penang Mr. O. Sielcken. For Colombo: Mr. M. Rentiers, Mr. W. L. Smith. For Aden u Mrs. Friemau. For Naples Mr. and Mrs. Vinaceia Vassalo. For Go.'©* Messrs. A. E. der Kinderen. J. H. K.iofooveu Gaston I)e Decker,
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  • 329 10 Acheer* The situation of Acheen continues to wend. Tne enemy havefeeen pushed hard since the Sultan submitted, and theii leader, Panglima Polem, has been hotly pursued. The enemy’s-numbers had been considerably thinned in sue cessive encounters, when a flying column came upon Panglima Polem’s lurking place and scattered
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  • 282 10 After remaining inactive for a considerable time i be burgling fraternity have apparently commenced proceedings again in Tanglin. Two off Tanglin Road and in the vicinity of Mount were entered between! and the early hours j of this morning. of the houses burgled wa<* Dr. Middleton’s residence,
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  • 140 10 The Endan arrived from Saigon on Saturday in connection with the outward mail and leaves to-day. The steamer Kian Ann and Cheang ffocl: Kian were drydocked at Tanjong Pagar on Saturday in the dock vacated hy the cable ship Patrol. 1 The Apenra/ie was towed to Keppel Harbour
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  • Correspondence.
    • 404 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times” Dear Sir, —In your issue of August I had the pleasure of reading the. description of a trip through Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway and, as there are a few remarks which, to my mind, are a trifle at fault, I
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  • 347 10 22nd August On Saturday evening last some 70 coolies from a tin mine at Bukit Muar, 12 miles from town, called on the Towkay, at Jalan Sisi, for their wages, which wer$ several months in arrears. The Towkay told them that the krani was out and he would
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  • 70 10 Alteration in the Programme. The Singapore Sporting Club has decided to strike out of the programme of its coming meeting 1 the polo races, one ot which was set for each day of the meeting. The alteration has not bfedri made in the advertised programme which appears
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  • 2456 10 Bad Results Apprehended from Mr. Rhemrev’s Enquiry. Medan Deli 22nd August. Sinc» the letter appeared in the Straits Time* anent Mr. Rhemrev’s inquisitions at the various Deli tobacco plantations, many new things have come to light in connection with the matter, and the planters venture to discuss
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  • 65 10 vMoribo au Penang and Calcutta, A. Apcar,6 u e Aug, Paterson Simons. t b Sydney via ports, Moresby 0 Augt., Boustead. i^qo Hongkong, Ischia, due 2#th AQK 1 Meyer. j. n +*h Fremantle via ports, Saladm o Augt., Mansfield. Port Artbus and Vladivostok h* r 1st
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  • 221 11 jpjpi r in which the statutes l n tr!H8 are nipped to suit the requirements ot the F. M wm\ 'iou«ly illustrated by section '...Criminal Procedure Code, ts from liability to seive x Cthe following persons:— fliiibness the Sultan, the Ko, neral, the
    — j- j- 7 i —Perak Pioneer.  -  221 words
  • 237 11 Thursday’s Results. LADIES SINGLES. I l».Mt Mr- Robertson, 6 1, lio. ji-j’j l.-:it Mr-. Somerville. I b, LADIES DOUHLE.S. t i Mi'. l.inu'liiim i 'inter beat .r;** .m«l Miss llradilell, 6-4, 6-4. I, m II* DOUBLES. BB I. t-id Mr. A. Robertson heat Mis* l
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  • 93 11 B For Singapore. s h K, nu > connecting with ',,*1* ,it Colombo, from Londun Hili Sej t. Messrs. M. G. 510,1 A. Brown. v *0 a. p. a rvt.ti it i connecting with B. V‘ >r "rumndrl at <\ lombo, frojn Vnyt 21, due 20th Sept.
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    • 174 11 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship; b<|. barque sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht); Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; If. p. Horse-power |Brit. —British U. S.—United States; Fch. —French; Ger. —German; Dut.— Dutch G.c. —General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger U. —Uncertain; T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf T. P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock
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    • 1412 11 Arrival! since Noon of Yesterday. Alting Dut. str. 704 tons, Capt Smith, 25th Aug. From Baodjerma38in, 2lst Aug. G.c and —d.p. DaendelsACo. forSouiabaya 28th —Rds batavier, Brit. str. 213 tons, Cant Mel lor, 24th Aug. From P.Swettenham, 2/nd Aug. G.c., and 83 d.p. Wee Bin A Co.
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    • 528 11 flame, port probable date of arrival and name of agents. STBAMBR8. A. Exelraans, Marseilles, Aug; M. Comte. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Aug 31; Mansfield Annara, Colombo, Sept 14 M. .Maritimes. Australien, Colombo, Aug 31; M. M 4 .imes. Awa Maru, Japan, Sept 10; P. Simons. Ballaarat. Hongkong, Oct *2; P.
      528 words
    • 1105 12 i*. Fl.U. V vf Namk A Ton.' Cattais Fko?i >aimo ('.ossicf; es. Kig. i Aug 9 B-jften Hall Brit str. 1378 Weppener Morornn July 31 P. Simons aDd Co 19 Ijhwadn str 82fl9 Henderson 'Amoy Alin H Boustead and Co. .Wong Koi Ger str. 1115 Beher Swatow Aug It?
      1,105 words
    • 673 12 Pat*. Vessel's Name. Flag 4 Rig. Tows. Aug .20 Van der Lyn Dut str. 661 BandiermATT; .B 20 Giang Bee Brit str. 1198 Bamarang n I 20 Bantam Dot str. 1484 Padang via p* I 20 Chakrabhongs Bia str. 862 Bangkok via 1 I 20 Resident Sehift Dut str.
      673 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 462 11 WHY I AM WELL. An Intelligent Englishman tells how Or. Williams’ Pink Pills cured The Agony of Indigestion. Food is worse than wasted when we eat and cannot digest it. The stomach rebels against its presence. Miserable pains at the waist, a w’eight on the chest, severe headaches a foullycoated
      462 words
    • 459 11 COMMON SENSE""NUTSHEU Ntw medical worfc on the c*uw and rmef MuTntinc Hhi effectuaJ of self cure ever discovered tor and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of •pints. Ac., with practical observations on marriage and full directions fo. removing certain disqualification* that dew troy the happiness of wedded life. It
      459 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 69 11 ATHcR report. K T, "<u Hospital, 2',th Aug, 190S. f ip m npm Kemareh. 5r 29.8M 29 »37 M orn i n g HI n 59 lr *r :u\ 80 5 746 77 O 74.0 W,V N W W -K.W 8 B. E f 'P t 74.5 1*0.1 71.5 overcast,
      69 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 504 12 SCHWEITZER’S Tiis Best s furest •COCOA. especially packed in double-iiaded at treshne>s for years, in all climants. The NEW FRENCH REMEDY m TRADE THERAPION MARK Tbit successful and highly popular remedy, used in the Confnental Hospitals bv Kicord, Rostan, Jobert. Velpeau And others, combines all the desiderata to be sought
      504 words
    • 84 12 EmpText T ENGLISH NURSE, at present in j Java, desires situation with famly returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, Straits Times. ft MARTIN’S STEEL A French Remedy for nil Irregularities Thousands of Ladies keep s box of Martin *P.:» in (hr Iioumv so Mint on the first sign of
      84 words
    • 35 12 KEYSTONE ELGIN watches Durable and Accurate The Keystone Witch Case Co. KiUMUM IMS Philadelphia* TJ.S.A. AMERICA'S OLOEST ANO LARGEST WATCH FACTORY For sale by The Principal Watch Dealers in Straits Settlement T. 1 A ut
      35 words
    • 255 12 The Uni.ersal Remedy fur Acidity o tn.* Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, indipe'tiou. Sour Eructation*, Biliou* Affectioi.* lue 1'* Cure tor Gout, Kheumktic Goui| ami Gravel. Sufet-t and ni(e" Gentle Medicine v Infants, Children. Delicate frcii.eand the Sickness of Pregaar. DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA n£3 Food is Poison DIGESTED UNLESS V V;i \V A\
      255 words