The Straits Budget, 12 August 1903

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 125 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.' The Straits Times is widely read throughout 'Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Pena n 6, throughou all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. Established over
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 12TH AUGUST
    • 15 1 \ugu>t 9th, at 4 Dublin Road, win* oi Captain .1. G. Foi.LETT of a
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    • 80 1 \l x vi.i, \i;, —Cronsiiey.—On 16th July, v Thetiord, Norfolk, by Kev. ti .1 li i'-At of St. Mary s, Kind’s Lynn, W\ lt»*\.rfr. By aril. Vi'-arof Jl&lton in Vut’.i**". Le\. U/C. Sweeting, Vicar of 'the.. nil Kev. E. W. Hardy, Vicar of St. M iv > r.etT.nil. James
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  • 212 1 Leaihsi, Articles. Pope ;m»i King. Mau'i‘uvring. Tin Export Duty. < oq raet Accountants. Briti-.1 North Borneo. Local Maivet Quotations. ‘"Lipping News. IVseager List Police News. I A Woman sent to Jail. Rikishas. Lind rtales. Mother-in-law and Revolver. Aliened Breach of Trust. A Rail way Ca~e.
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  • 600 1 Singapore, 12th August, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers f 18.00 Copra Ball 7.60 do Pontianak 6 *7$ Pepper, Black 3*2 95 do White, (5%) 49.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.70 do Brunei No. 1 4.00 Pearl Sago 6.90 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 16.50 Coffee, Palerabang, 20% basl®... ‘27.0* Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • 269 1 The Straits Budget this week, is forwarded by the B. I.s. s. Zaida. The issue of the Budget next week, will be mailed by the P. Sc O. s. s. Bengal. The German mail for Europe by the N. D. L. s.s. Pnnz Heinrich closed on
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  • 816 1 London bt/i Aurp*— Lord Curzons term of Governor-General of India has as i extended. Cardinal Sarto’s election is imrr popular in Italy. sely There is general rejoicing at It* J Mr. Balfour, replying in the Hie. Commons to an enquiry by Mr. Se of stated that Sir E.
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    • 480 1 (Straits Times 6th AugustJ Small though its consequence seems to be, the news that Cardinal Sarto’s election is hailed with general delight in Italy, is of great importance. It means that the Quirinal and the Vatican are possibly becoming reconciled. The thought may be visionary, but in
      (Straits Times, 6th AugustJ  -  480 words
    • 608 2 (Strait* Times, 7th Avgust.) Naval manoeuvres upon an unprecedented scale” in waters so crowded with shipping of all kinds as those lying between Berehaven, County Cork, and Madeira, are expensive things to the British taxpayer as well as somewha f perilous ones. But the utility of holding such
      (Strait* Times, 7th Avgust.)  -  608 words
    • 971 2 (Straits Times, 1 Uh Amount.) Thk Singapore correspondent of the ManiUi Times writing under date of July 251 hj makes certain comments anent the action of the Straits Government in placing an export duty on tin ore, whioh comments are misleading in one or more respects. Had
      (Straits Times, 1 Uh Amount.)  -  971 words
    • 688 2 (Straits Times \\th August) Now to take the other side of the question on. an issue of equally local interest, we read that the case of F. S. Allen, the accountant who came out to Manila from England under (engagement to the Chartered Bank and who was ordered
      (Straits Times, \\th August)  -  688 words
    • 4181 2 (Straits, Times lltk August.) Though the notorious Mat Salleh is f ell nigh forgotten to the world at urge, he seems to have left a legacy of nrest to a certain section of the British North Borneo Company’s possessions —a. legacy which bids fair to keep his
      (Straits, Times lltk August.)  -  4,181 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 The post free price of the Straits Times i, |:U a year. The post free price 3 tiie Strait* Budget is 820 a year. It i- not necessary to subscribe for a year. Jne subscriptions for shorter periods are nt the proportionate rate of price as for a vear. The
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  • 43 1 IN MEMORIAM. In ;d!«*rtion;ite remembrance oi Kliza, till Mcliinun. who died at Iskander Hall, .oi.-, hull \ugu>t, Iim»2. ‘‘Asleep in Jesus.’’ DEATH. Mi Mi llay. —On 23rd July, suddenly, of •fin},iti-. at Nagasaki, David McMukkay, 1 i:ifi Kngineei the s.s. A’.vo////, aged 45.
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  • 378 3 The fact that the quartermaster department of the Army in the Philippines is compelled to purchase coal to the amount of $1,000,000, gold, a yearshould emphasize, in the opinion of the Manila Times, the importance of prospecting and exploiting the coal lands of those lands. The major
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  • 289 3 4th August. After lingering in great agony for eight days, Mr. Juppeaux, who was attacked by Malay and Dvak gang robbers at Kuala Sat, Ulu Tembeling, on the night of the 25th, July, died in trie Lipis Hospital, at 2 a m. on the 3rd August. Miss Hoffman,
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  • 865 3 Piccadilly 17 th July. We have nearly got over our beting,” and* have returned normal condition —and the use of .pur native tongue. It was really terrible last week the way every one was to speak French, whether they could or not. I heard one maid calling
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  • 780 4 This morning a Chinese coolie was working in a sawmill at Kandang Kerbau when a log tell orf his head and killed him. Messrs. Frasrr 6c Co. inform us that the output of tin ore from the Tronoh Mines, Ltd during July was 1,.418.23 piculs, valued at
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  • Correspondence.
    • 241 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times” Sir, —I am not sure in whom the control of the Rochore Canal is vested, whether in the Government or in the Municipality, but its disgraceful condition does not reflect credit on the body responsible for its upkeep. This canal
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  • 120 4 Mr. \V. H. Frizell asks us to acknowledge the following donations to this Fond: Amount previously acknowledged f 9 596.60 Mr. Noel Trotter 10 A. M. McNoil ..10 Mrs. A. M. Sarkies 10 Mr. K. Ohga 10 jhudolf Schmidt 10 A. Diez 10 Annamalai 10 Owen
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  • 167 4 To run in Singapore Shortly. The Singapore Jinrikisha Syndicate which is introducing a better type of rikisha for public hire and which lias already obtained the sanction of the Municipality to charge an increased rate for the use of the better vehicle, expects to put about fifty
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  • 169 4 The Daphne was undocked at Tanjong Pagar at tf a.m. on Tuesday and the Laertes at 5 p ra. the same day. The &ri Wongsee was towed from Tanjong Rhu to Tanjong Pagar on the 4th August, and dry-docked there at 3.30 p.m. the same afternoon in the
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  • 284 4 Scaring a Wife. This morning, a European residing at 14, Selegie Road was arraigned before Mr. Wilkinson on the allegation of having last night fired off a revolver in the house indicated in a manner calculated to be dangerous to human life. He was also charged with
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  • 146 4 On Saturday, Louis Elisa Argoud was brought before Mr. Peacock on the allegation of having committed criminal breach of trust in respect of a quantity of furniture valued at $600, the property of Ali Hamba Bernama at No. 241 Serangoon Road. The defendant had tenanted the
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  • 149 4 On the 13th ult., owing to carelessness in felling a tre*e on the ground known as Kmerald Hill, near the railway bridge at Orchard Road, the tree fell across the railway line. This was a dangerous obstacle and had the train just then due at the spot
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  • 202 4 Dr. Leuring is, it is understood, endeavouring to recruit Christian coolies from China for the new agricultural Colony to be established in the F. M. States. The services of a Chief Locomotive Engineer for the F. M. S. Railways have been requisitioned for from India, and an olhcer
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  • 781 4 The general manager’s Report for the 4 weeks ending 18th July to the chairman and Directors of the Raub Australian G. M. Co., Ltd., is as follows: Gentlemen, I beg to submit my monthly report on your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay results of prospecting
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  • 638 4 hualaLipis, :iU t .1^ Two Malays, named respective Long bin Samah and Uda bin 8arcad were tried before Mr. Owen, the Senior Magistrate, on the 29th July, tbr the murder in May of another Malay named Musa. The Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. Sumner, prosecuted; the prisoners were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 138 4 LAND SALES. The following properties weredi* of by auction at Powell and Co 6 room yesterday afternoon leasehold land and house ther^ known as No. 4 China Street, area 2,3o3 sq. feet, bought bv VpJ CAAnronnonion C' k if f f^_ .■> M Soopramanian Chittv for $k- > 1 l
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  • 153 5 r *o ago, *Sitee, a Boyanese -el by Mrs. Whitehead, *ne allegation of having articles of jewellery .sj-’T roperty of her mistress. B rase was heard by the M igistrates, and it was it on the 25th ult., Mr. isB r :i is family were spending
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  • 210 5 I K. U. Grove, the popular I Officer, is going to Malacca holiday. I from the Manchester Regi- r >‘kh doing sentry duty at .ml Prison during the last I•. p.v. was yesterday very B ri rly surprised when Mr. Wil- -,iered him to pay a fine
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  • 114 5 kuddock-Sellars. a pretty wedding at St. ithedral yesterday aftdrMr. M. C. Ruddock, the •>ri'ient of the E. E. A. and C. "inpany was married to i young lady who arrived M d lew days since. The cereconducted by the Rev. B A. The bride, who linjly attired in white
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  • 68 5 I 1 “/Kij. asks us to acknow- >li >wing contributions to 4 I 0 acknowledged $9,791.60 !>• T lv Walsh Ltd 10 I 10 e, io 10 -.10 "iin-me Co. 10 Co 10 Piano Co. 10 Uhee 10 v,:: io 5 U J n .10
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1406 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sir,— Still harping on one frayed string—a string that, seemingly, can emit no melody—I turn to thediscussion of law, the handmaid of justice, in the Native States. Have not the States been in conference and thereby invited
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  • 242 5 THE INABA MARU’S” CARGO. To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Dear Sir, —With reference to your paragraph in yesterday’s paper regarding space booked in the s s. lnaha Marn for Japan we beg to inform you that the rice is still in Singapore, that the shippers received instructions not
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  • 667 5 Further Reminiscences of Interport Cricket appear in the China Mail from the pen of J. A. L.” After touching upon the necessity of practice before all matches (but not before members of other teams) the writer proceeds In the matter of fielding, Hongkong, in ray time, was always
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  • 191 5 Great exeitment has been raging among the Sikhs at Blakan Mati since the arrival of th$ Malay States Guides, who had been formally challenged to a tug-of-war by No. 2 Company of the Hongkong and Singapore Artillery. Feeling is said to have been high in
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  • 1328 5 There has been quite a slump it 1 local cricket during the past week no match being played on the Esplanade either on Saturday or Monday. Mr. Dunman, however, did not allow the game to be quite lost sight of and by taking a team to Seremban afforded
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  • 335 6 THE HYLAM BOY AGAIN. For some time past Pilot J. Thompson, residing at 287, Campong Bahru Road, has been missing small sums of money from his Chubbs’ safe. On Wednesday, he had Sl3O arranged in thirteen piles of ten each. He marked thirteen Mexican dollars and placed one on each
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  • 1593 6 A Glimpse at the State of Kelantan. Most men engaged in business at Singapore, buying and selling commodities that are gathered from every nook and corner of the Peninsula and neighbouring islands, would feel slightly nettled if a stranger were to suggest that their knowledge of the
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  • 119 6 During Wednesday night, the godown No 34, Robinson Road, now being occupied by Messrs. Gosling Co. was burglariously entered and about 50 boxes of cigars, la pipes and some matches taken. Y'esterday, Ug Chwee, an itinerant cigar vendor was seen smoking a pipe which raised suspicion, and on
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  • 306 6 The British Consul at Copenhagen, in his report on the trade of Denmark for 1902, remarks that the business carried on by the enterprising East Asiatic Company during 1902 was most satisfactory, and in spite of low freights, which appear to have been universal, the
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  • 788 6 The price paid by Mr. Alma Baker for Cadenas is said to have been S4,500. The Malay Mail says that the Sultan of Pahang was simply enchanted’’ with his visit to Kuala Lumpur. It is reported from Japan that Mr. John Barrett has been appointed U. S.
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  • 64 6 Yesterpav morning: three A were chareed at the Marine Vji® absconding from the s s. The men were sentenced to H R. I. each. I For a similar offence anotber got 10 days’ R. I. I Betore the same Court Kling tongkang owner was on a charge
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  • 101 6 The annual general meetisz* Singapore Cricket Club will be the Town Hall on Friday the at 5 p. m. Tlie committee rep* financial position of the Ch“- 1 satisfactory, there bein£ balance on .June 30th last ots® During the year 166 new aj joined, bringing the total
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  • 133 6 The Penang t.ur! club r on 1 1 from 10.30 on Saturday w° rr (J considering the running Ah Yong’s griffin Current Ist and 2nd days racing. Griffin Rare, Ist day. second, ridden by Hoik*}-. t j on A. B. C. won, an 4 A Vanguard was
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  • Correspondence.
    • 247 7 Straits Times. 1 4 r >er movement, as it IB" t been much discussed .iisli a good deal lias III ,-ry li r tie to the point H U'e liave been picking (m absolutely unim- :ers when we ought to nkinc of, bin actually r est to arrive
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    • 244 7 i f the Stmifs Times H;-. i -r in your paper of The H.- a piragraph beaded “The -bon In Australia and H,-- a. i wliich :t is stated that x v die vi-e-president, and of ‘lie executive comH;- the Arab Llub met Mr. C. F.
      244 words
  • 149 7 •ian coftee crop for the n the .‘fOth June last is in M expectations entertained twelve months ago, and '>■*pares favourably with n "er years excepting, of when production -'nous scale, and passed totals. In the season Uio and Santos receipts bags, or nQore '"•i bags above
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  • 410 7 Spoff Drummond Fights a Draw. Many of those who saw the fight at the Drill Hall between Spoflf” Drummond of H. M. S. Thetis and Drummer Cain of the Manchester Regiment, may be interested to hear of SpofFs doings up north when he met Billy Bellew, an
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  • 439 7 As previously announced, M. Juppeaux died at Kuala Lipis early on the morning of the the third instant. The Malay Mail gives the following details of the events which led to his demise. They are from Malay sources. It appears that M. Juppeaux was in his native
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  • 593 7 The recent Penang meeting seems to have been a great success, and the races were got through without a hitch. From the close finishes and large fields, the handicapper must be congratulated on his work. Excepting in the Griffin Races Mr. Bratt seemed to have the form of
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  • 268 7 ACCIDENT TO THE SULTAN.” The Western Mail (Perth, W.A.), of July 18th says: —A telegram was received from Broome on the morning of July 13th by the Collector of Customs at Fremantle, reporting serious damage to the steamer Sultan. The steamer left Derby at 2 p.m. on the 11th for
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  • 1549 7 Mr. Donald Mack ay, a well known Ceylon planter, who lately paid a visit to Java, has just published an account of his tour in which he thus sums up his impressions Wonderful Results. The wonders of Java are numerous, and the increase of population is
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  • 142 7 From the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha we have received two well got-up little books, “The House of Mitsui” and Miike Coal and its shipping Port, Kuchinotsu.” Bofh are excellently printed and copiously illustrated. The House of Mitsui is undoubtedly the biggest trading corporation in Japan It goes in
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  • 404 8 An article in a late issue of the du Commerce Exterieur of Paris, is summarized as follows in a l nited States consular report Singapore occupies the roost ad\ antageous position upon the great route to the Far East. It controls the entire Malay Peninsula, with
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  • 542 8 The letters which have appeared in cur columns alluding to the administration of justice in the F. M. S., over the signature of “S C are backed up by the J’erak Pioneer. That journal points cut that, excepting in the F. M. S., the
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  • 550 8 AFTER an animated debate the Sugar Convention Bill was read a second time in the House of Commons by 2*24 against 144 vote-. Mr. Chamberlain,contended that the Bill would secure tree trade in sugar and protect ns against monopoly, and that it was a tardy act of justice
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  • 329 8 The Venetio, arrived from Barry yesterday, en route for the north, and left after coaling at the wharf. The Volunteer steamer Kiev is expected to arrive from Odessa early on the 11th instant, and will resume her voyage northward after coaling. The Daphne after undergoing docking at Tanjong
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  • 388 8 The 1st King’s Own (Royal Uncaster Regiment) is to be moved from Malta to India during the coming trooping season. A large tongkang sank in the raoutji of the Singapore River. yesterday afternoon and was still thc r d this morning. A small fire broke out in
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  • 364 8 At Bourabaya on the 28th July the Alluvia Mining Company held a special meeting to hear Mr. Toby, the late manager of its mines, who had been discharged by the directors. Since the discharge the voice of rumour has been busy with the affairs of the Company. The
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  • Correspondence.
    • 495 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. g IBr x-As there is certainly much want of information existing as to the position of the Singapore Sporting Club, a few details may be interesting to some of your readers who are members thereof. Racing on the
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  • 320 8 To the Editor of the 11 Straits Times. Dear Sir, —I am sorry that in my short letter to the Malay Mail which you have done me the honour to notice, you should think that I have allowed my indignation get the better of my English,
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  • 427 8 T« Tanjong Pagar IW r ®H tion Club spread iw, on Saturday last when 'SI anniversary smoker at «8 Mr. There was a big from first to last went tact, a more successful the kind it would be h**® Everybody was there ana' 8 emed u,
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  • 285 8 Sir Alexander Swettenham not seem to be encountering a can! untramelled peace in British 0 Truth notes that a large number M inhabitants of that colony have ded a memorial to Mr. (bamt! 1 protesting against their being tai*® i provide qoolies for sugar present 130,000 persons
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  • 621 9 jay at the Swimming Club rji/will long he remembered by present. The occasion was a ‘tiffin to commemorate the complement of the building of the new ?°r house, which is about to be 0 n the site of the present one, v to be demolished. Launches Johnston’s
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  • 180 9 hen the dredging of Manila harbour inj>!et«-d 350 acres of accrued soil luve been added to the limits ol *ty, one hundred and fort£ acres will be in the limits of breaknow constructing, and will rnu a the base for the creation ot IJ; anerable warehouses for govern1>f
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  • 484 9 H. H. Ex-Sultan Abdullah of Perak for Perak yesterday by the s. s. Penang. +> The Balgownie Coffee Estate in Selangor has passed into the hands of Tamils and chetties. A new’ firm, the Trading Co. Holland,” has opened a branch here at 14 Collyer Quay. The
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  • 114 9 The tiger which was seen on the Chu Chu Kang Road on Sunday afternoon by Messrs. G. S Thomson, Owen and Maw, is still at large. Mr. Owen who went out yesterday was unsuccessful in tracking the animal. It seems that the three shikaris had gone out on
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  • 76 9 A practice game will be held tomorrow (Wednesday) when the following will play: Colours. White. C. V. Pritchard A. Morrison C. G. May F. Kochwaldy E. F. H. Edliu J. A. B. deCourey D. Robertson ri. Adamaou W. Peacock C. M. Curtis H. A. Mason H. Tillard E. Bradberv
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  • 403 9 A junior District Officer of the Chartered Company, Mr. G. G. Warder, has been killed by a Dusun in Province Keppel near Kudat. It is stated that the deceased was engaged in collecting the Poll Tax amongst the Dusuns, and on certain of them refusing to
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  • 237 9 Promising outlook. Entries comingin. Judging from the present outlook, the Horse and Dog Show now being arranged for Sept. l‘Hh is going to be a huge success. Already the entries are good, and before the end of the month they will in all probability be
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  • 151 9 U. S. S. Wisconsin beats British Naval Record. A Chekoo despatch dated July 27 states that the United States flagship Wisconsin has just returned from three days’ target practice at sea. Her wonderful recoid is as follows: twentythree hits, out of thirty-one shots. Target, twenty by seventeen feet
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  • 357 9 THE “SPARTIATE.” COAL -EATER.” -Thd Globe. It is stated, on what appears to be good authority, that the Spariiate on her return voyage from China, burned 1,400 tons more coal than on the passage out. That is very nearly one-half more coal than she used on the outward bound trip,
    -Thd Globe.  -  357 words
  • 246 9 According to an editor of an American newspaper, the life of a man doing his best to edit a newspaper, is not at all times a 44 bed of roses.” 44 Editing a newspaper is pleasant business —If you can stand it. If there are
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  • 221 9 This will of General Sir Hector Macdonald has been lodged at Edinburgh. Tbe movable e*tate is 4,402/., made up of Russian, Uruguay, Argentina and African Bank shares and bonds, and a balance at deceased's bankers of 875/. The testator bequeaths everything to his son Hector, and
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  • 1189 9 C+ffee and Rubber. The Anglo-Ceylon and Genera}. Estates Company held its seventeenth yearly meeting at London on the I6th July with Mr. H. K. Rutherford presiding. The working of the (Company had been unprofitable in the Mauritius owing to the low price of sugar and cattle disease,
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  • 332 10 T he Siak which was dry-docked at Tanjong Pagar on Bth instant, rndocked on the 10th and loaded cargo at the wharf. The Cable ship Recorder left Keppel Harbour for the Roads on Saturday. The Rajah of S irawak was dry-docked at Tanjong Pagar on the morning of
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  • 691 10 (Manchester Courier 14 1h July) The report ot the Currency Commission sin^a P° r (writes yjf tuc ua companies in the Far East lies in the combination of European shipowners -wo-oholders with Chinese capitasecrecy was obsfc*.'<»fs j and merchants. with it, which unaomr^sr—trade. The Commission reports
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  • 283 10 Datoh Mohamad, the State Commissioner, has been transferred to Johore. He is succeeded by Datoh Sri Stia Raja, Chief Commissioner of Police, Johore, who arrived here on 3rd inst. in the Ys. Pulai, accompanied by Datoh Mohamad. The new State Commissioner was received on board by luche Ismail
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  • 97 10 For Singapore. Per P. 0. s. s. India conuec ing with the steamer Ballaarut at Colombo, from London July 24, due 23rd Augt.—RearAd iral the Hon Ashton G. Curzo C.V.O., C B., C M.G., Mr. VV. Bain, Mr. E St. J. Lawson. Per M.M. s.9. Australian from
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  • 167 10 For Melbourne, Airlie, due early in Augt.. Guthrie. Pe ang and Calcutta, Nams'ing due 11th Atigt., Bout-tead. Fremautle via ports, Paroo, oa 16th Aug., Boastead. New Zealand via ports, Fortunatux, due 15th Augt., McAlister. Penang and Port Swettenham, Kistna every Wednesday, Boustead. Odessa via ports »Vorone]
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    • 93 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship; b<|. banjue; sch. —schooner Yet. —Yachti; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. Horse power Brit.—British; U.S.—United States; Fell.—French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch G.c.—General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger U.—Uncertain T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar Wharf T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W.—Borneo Wharf; K.
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    • 1430 10 /rivals since Noon of Saturday. Choet, 'riam str. 86 tons, Capt. Nielsen, 10th Aug. From Ba gkok,5th Aug. G.c. U —Rds. Deli, Ger. str. 726 tons, Capt Lenss, 10th Aug. From Bangkok 6th Aug. G.c, and 21 d.p. Behn Meyer A Co. For Bangkok, 14th Rds. De
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    • 555 10 L ame, port probable date oj a-rira: I and name of agents Stkambks A. Exelmans, Marteil'es, Aug; M. Comt* Agamemnon, Liverpool. Aug31; Mansfield Alboin, Bombay Aug; Borneo Coy. Alting, Sourabaya, Aug 24; Drendels Annam, Colombo, Sept 14; M Maritime* Apanma. Calcutta, Aug 12; Boustead Arabia. Hongkong, Aug 22;
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    • 1126 12 M i #Lm» j 7” I 5 Vxsskl’s Namk A To** Gavtain From Pailid Oorr8R,.Nic*». Z Rio. Aug 6 Lalpoora Brit str t 2124 Windebank July 28 Boustead and Co. 5 Wurzburg Ger str 8246 Brinzer Hongkong July 30 Behn Meyer A Co. 6 R. 8chiff Baroe ]Dut str.
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    • 112 12 PASSED 8UNDA 8TBA1T8 OB 4&&IYSD Flag A I (Date of fl Date. Rig. Ship’s Name. Captais. 'Sailing. Fromwhejlb July 28 Brit bq. Umroti Hay June 11 R. London •-H SO Brit 8.8. Surada London fl SIGer bq. Schiller Comer April 18 New York it, fl Aug. 2 Brit sh.
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    • 619 12 1 Date, i Vessel’s Name. Flag A Rig. Tons. n Fi T B UWTIHaxkj, Aug 6 Yangtsze Brit str. 4148 Liverpo^TriTi^ir^B b ChiengMai Ger str. 767 Labuan and iKSL fl 6 Zweena Brit str. 941 Samarang via nn! B 6 Redang Sia str. 298 Bangkok via nnn I 6
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 629 10 THE POTTER’S WHEEL Potter's Oven Egypt. The Potter’s Wheel is one of those implements, like the Spade, of which the origin is hidden in mists of time, but which invention has hardly availed to improve upon. The highest class of pottery is made to-day substantially as Egyptian inscriptions show it
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    • 88 10 COMMON SENSE- NUTSHm A >fc* medical work on the causes end mow sad effectual means of self<eure ever disci” r r< “f 4 and functional debility, waste of vitality, .iyi t»f 1 •pinto. Ac.,with practical observation* 4* directions fur removing certain mri*H ".toy the happiness at wedded life. It tir*"
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 237 11 \VATCHES Dur0 hl« «nd AocuraU Keystone Watcb Use Co. K<UblUk«4 1 Ml Philadelphia, U.S.A. AMERICA’S OLDEST AND LAR6EST WATCH FACTORY For sale by The Principal Watch Dealer** in Mraitu Settlement SCHWEITZER’S d lie Best s Purest COCOA. illy packed in <ioui>ie-lm<led at re-!ine.-« for years, in all eliinantfl. ;jJSH NURSE,
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    • 302 11 ABRAMS' Horse Repository A N 1) VETERINARY ESTABLISHMENT. HORSES, COBS AND PONIES 71 JUST LANDED 7j Ex. s.s. Sealda and Argus Splendid pairs, high stepping Buggy Horses, handsome pairs of Cobs and Ponies and Several Polo Ponies guaranteed height and mar tiers. Also a large consignment Australian Fodder. Harness and
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    • 219 11 Katz Bros., Ltd. Have received a fresh shipment of their well-known EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES: ANUBIS do ATUM do ASM A CORK do ASMA GOLD do NECHO MENA air-tight tins of do do do do do do do do do FIRST CLASS DUTCH CIGARS. DORA in boxes of 50s per hundred $3.50
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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