The Straits Budget, 6 August 1903

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 123 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’ The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Pena n g, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. ablibhed over
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  • The Straits Budget THURSDAY, 6TH AUGUST.
    • 115 1 ii f _At Aahburn Lodge, Logan Koad, Vnanp, ‘he wife of A. Uechslk Esq., of ason. Ki'WKTT. On Sunday the 2&d August, at tildon, Taujong K&tong, the wife of L. R. Ei>MhTT, of a «»on. Goldmw -On the 21st July, at Shanghai, he uiie of I>. GOLDMAN, I.M. Customs,
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    • 167 1 :.i s— Wood. —At the Presbyterian 1 nrc'’, 1’enang, n Saturday, 25th .July, by iit liev Stephen Walker, M.A., WlLLUM •i.'mv (iedotif tstal p, Hagan Serai, to daughter o! the late James Wood, >’tb •>! Aberdeen. htshall—KoxiiV.— On the 18th July, at I’niaog, t*y the K*v. Fra k W.
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  • 268 1 1 Vk AttTICLK*. v Enclave. L^ e#t T^P 1 Day. ’Mh* Teuth. Local. M rket Quotations, r hipping News. pNHHcnger List Police New 6. Club Cook Cautioned. lh- N.C. -A Question o r Courtesy. Se F oy Lin»*b Golf lub. The Hindoo lempie. Singapore Sp rting Clul
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  • 614 1 aiMGAPORE, 6th August, i903. PRODUCE. Rambler buyers 13 62 'opra Bali 75 do Pontlanak 6 7$ Black 33 65 do White, (5%) f 1 00 4ago Flour Sarawak 3*5 do Brunei No. 1 4«• Pearl Sago f i 90 Coffee, Roll, 15% basl* 16 60 Coffee, Palenabang, 90% 27.«*
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  • 311 1 The Str'iits Budget this week, will be despatched hy the P. O s. s. Coromandel. The issue of the Budget next w* ck, will be mailed by the B. i. 8.8. Zatda. The M M. mail tor Europe by the s. 8. Potyiusien closed on Monday.
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  • 1285 1 London July 21th. The Reliance has been selected to defend the America Cup. The standard gives the text, published at Berlin, of a convention between Russia and Japan alleged to have been signed when General Kuropatkin was at Tokio. The House of Commons has read the South African
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 Th*- post free price of the Straits Times $:U a year. The poet free price 0 thf* Straits Budget is SiJO a year. It not necessary to subscribe for a year Ibe -ubrtcriptions for shorter periods are s t the- same proportionate rate of price as for h year. 1'he
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  • 170 1 DEATHS. A i> —At Brooine, W. Australia, on25th Ronald, late Chief Engineei, 1 oy a. a. Hi*ltan. ,16th July, at Kobe, Henry M K <■ *km an, aged 22 years, eldest son of Hl H knrv James Gorman, of Yokohama On 25th July, in the Red Sea. l*ii tk, lately
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    • 1458 2 {Strait* Times 31#$ July At Rome, this morning, the Conclave of the Sacred College of Cardinals, for the election of a successor to Pope Leo. XIII, assembles in the Vatican. Comparatively few people in this part of the Bast recognise what vast importance the result of this election
      {Strait* Times, 31#$ July )  -  1,458 words
    • 1100 2 (Straits Times 1st August.) The Straits Settlements Forest Administration Report for 1902 is signed by A. M. Burn-Murdoch as Conservator of Forests. Mr. Burn-Murdoch notes that the forests of the Colony were under the charge of the Collectors of Land Revenue, Singapore and Penang, and the District Officers,
      (Straits Times, 1st August.)  -  1,100 words
    • 916 2 (Straits Times, Ut Auqust I The Eakl of Meath I a pamphlet entitled Kmpi re rjl which embodies a circular let,e r by the noble Earl himself to'J Secretary of State for the Col .nie« 3 to the various Colonial (j advocating that May be m a L
      (Straits Times, Ut Auqust. I  -  916 words
    • 5519 3 Strait/ Timet, iith Auquxt) r at. S»kto —or, to give him his rvl r ti'ie —Pm X, was born at Piese jr freviso on June 2nd, 18.‘P*. He is r y v man renowned in the history of ,y Cardinal Pecci was equally to the world at
      Strait/ Timet, iith Auquxt)  -  5,519 words

  • 1099 4 H. M. S. Rinaldo left for Hongkong yesterday afternoon. Locusts are reported to have done immense damage to the Indian indigo and other crops in the Tirhoot district. The Captain of the P. O. s. s. Ballaarat has reported at Penang that he saw a black bu
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  • 159 4 Me threw Rubbish j n t« H Before Capt. Boldero at u* S Court, this morning Boar,f; h Cohen prosecuted Ah Sam ant cobk of the Singapore n throwing rubbish into the ,L C K| Club windows, “without the!? of the Conservator of thus having committed 'fl
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  • 327 4 IN the House of Com noni, r RJB moved the second reading of the Stmt* Loan Bill and the War Conthfi iSB followed, which largely turned on he i J **B Question. Mr. Chamberlain declared arrangement be reached betwm Transvaal and India relative to the treat/* of Asiatic*,
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  • 360 4 Kuala LipU 21th J '/t/ A Chinese lunatic has been srnt frum Riub to the Kuala Lumpur Asylum Owing to there being no suitable accommodation for them in Pahang, all lunatics found here are transferred u Selangor. At the junior clerical examinatioc held here the other day, there
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  • 1253 5 Piccadilly lOf/i JWi/. gg| vl lt of President Loubet is a tll e j»4St! Never has London |§B^ tranquilly gay than during ,'M' fe w days There was certainly escitement, hut there was a IjB.j uf |UiHt enthusiasm over the Kt of the French Republic K’;.« IV the
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  • 369 5 In Australia and South Africa. On Saturday evening last, at the rooms of the Arab Club, the president Sayid Omar Alsagoff—the vice president Saith Abdul Kadir -and the members of the executive committee met Mr. Charles F. Sievwright, of Melbourne, Australia, for the purpose of hearing his
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  • Correspondence.
    • 363 5 To titA Editor of Ulc Straits Times p Sir,— Now that the question, “Why volunteering is not popular in this Colony has been opened up, may I, as one who has volunteered in several portions of the Empire (but certainly under existing conditions don’t intend doing
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  • 297 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Dear Sir, —If you can afford the necessary space, will you kindly allow me to express ray ideas re the Singapore Sporting Club meeting of Friday last, 24th inst., and the future one of the 4th proximo. As a
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  • 167 5 To the ElUor of the Straits Times.” Sir, —As I was coming down Institution Hill last night about 6 45, in a single ricksha, m\ puller bad to make a sharp turn at the foot of the hill to avoid a large victoria containing two Europeans.
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  • 166 5 First Day. (Special Telegram to the StraiU Timex n The following were the results of Tuesday’s racing at Penang 1. Maiden Plate. Senator (10.0) 1 Waratah (9 0) 2 Won by two lengths. Totalizator $20. 2. First Griffin Rice. A B. C. (.0 0) 1 Currency Lass (10
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  • 109 5 Recent Perak notifications include the following official changes :—Mr. R O Winstedt, cadet, to act as assistant inspector of schools, with effect, from the Ist June, 1903. Mr. J. Trump, *tate engineer, Perak, reported his return frpm leave and resumed the duties of his appointment, on the 26th
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  • 438 5 Labuan, 23 rd July. The cholera ~^ptdefinc —wlricir-'wEr-menced in Sarawak some few months back has gradually worked its way up tiere. Brunei is now scourged by this »eel disease. In. Brunei City death* t. we until lately been at the rate of 50 di.ily, but an improvement has
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  • 917 5 The other day 1 landed for a few hoars at a foreign port and in fulfilment of a promise to a young lady, or rather to several young ladies, I set out hunting for picture post cards. What abominations these things be Every eirl at home
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  • 3757 6 SOME NOTfiS BY THE WAY. Interlarded between the elvee and the ball, thsre was a polo match at the jlace Course whereunto assembled all! that was beautiful and fashionable in Kuala Lumpur, and whereat H. E the Governor and his team fiom Singapore completely obliterated the Selangoi i*oio
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  • 104 6 sporwmen 'rr~r, will lean, with 1 > >n W Shanahai ontbefl i of Mr Hector Sampsan H^ m Hongkong a ,,i He V Government, Cent ra i d ei<i After leaving fchool h c HJ to Messrs I. .r, e and Crawfos* time and then,
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  • 206 6 The Secretary of State bag, J the appointment of Mr. A district treasurer, Lower Perak district treasurer, Kuala Lunu* the 1st January. Mr. s/r* assistant district* officer. Kuala* to be district treasurer, Teluk fl from the 1st January. Mr.fl will continue to act as district*
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  • 249 6 A rfpokc on samples gutta (G fall .Mutoni) tr«»m by Prof. V\\ R. Dunstan of the Ian Institute has been published. k Jelutong, sa)s the report, well kn*>wn in the European American markets under the f of Pontianak. but itscommeMaiQi lion ib chi* Hy confined to the u
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  • 644 7 ■fjerstand that H.M.S. Rosario ■Remain here for about five I either, I.G.P., inspected 1? Orchard Road Station this ■j b iy of a Chinese pauper 'j*, v tue police at Kreta Ayer I j ne man died of a ruptured I I Bailky Ol the International B.
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  • 101 7 Said to be dying. Special telegram to the Straits Times. Kuala Lumpur July 29th. M. .J uppeai’x, an employee of the French Tin Mining Company in •Kimpar, Perak, was attacked by gang rob jers (including three Malays and six Dyak-) at Tembeling (Pahang)
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  • 89 7 The many Singapore friends of Mr. J. L. Loveland will regret to h»*ar that a telegram announcing his death waR received this morning. Mr. Loveland, who was d7 years of age came to Singapore about 15 years ago as accountant to Messrs. Little
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  • 138 7 -Malay Marl. Mr. Hale has be«n appointed D. Ulu rSelangor, hut will at present continue to act as Collector of Land Revenue, Kuala Lumpur, and Registrar of Title?*, Selangor. The Director, P. W I)., has gone on an exploring trip to Bentong via Ulu Gorabak. There is evidently
    -Malay Marl.  -  138 words
  • 536 7 Reuter, in a despatch from Peking says the j gravest factor in the situation in the in- creasing danger of war between Russia and Japan. It is becoming plain that Russia is willing to light Japan if she is convinced that no other Power will assist J tpan.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 341 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times” 8ik, —With reference to the present slump in Volunteering, may I be permitted a few words Now I do not exactly know what dispositions the Authorities have made in case of an attack on Singapore by a hostile force but, of
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  • 197 7 Straits Times f Editor. Dear Sir, It is with much angry feeling that 1 was reading in yesterday’s journal a letter re S. V. C. By what reason Mr. Seuthes was calling us, i e. S. V, I., as beastly It is easing much
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  • 420 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times.'' 2$ir,— As an unbiassed member of the Sporting Club, may I ask this question Why has the adj jurned Special Genera) Meeting advertised for Tuesday nex» at 5 p.m. been described in the advertisement as the adjourned general meeting instead
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  • 436 7 Singapore Branch. The annual general meetini of the Singapore branch of the Straits Settlements Association was held at the Exchange this afternoon. In the through indisposition, of Mr John Anderson, the President, Mr A. Gentle was unanimously voted to the chair. The minutes of the last
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  • 204 7 The Julv monthly medal of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club was played for last wi»h the following results Dr. P. Fowlie 43 37= 80+ 2=82 G. SetQ 53 44= ft/—14=83 F Pearce 46 42 88 2=*6 Hir A. Dor ward 43+60= 9H— 5=88 C. W. Darbishire
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  • 895 7 At the present moment, says the Mining Journal the Tinplate industry of South Wales is experiencing some reaction from the favourable conditions which had previously been experienced. During 1901 and 1902 prices fluctuated considerably, and coke tinplates were sold during that period as low as lls.
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  • 647 8 In the second of the China Mail articles on Reminiscences of. Interior t Cricket (by J. A. L.) the writer netakes himself to the new year festivities of 1891, when Ceylon, Hongkong, and the Straits met together at Singapore. The Hongkong team met with the worst of luck
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  • 118 8 H. E. the Governor ai.u auu* «vcm present at the Papal Requiem Mass held at the Church of the Assumption, Cenang, on July 28 h During the munui of July, the output of tin-ore by the tributors of the Royal Johore Tin Mining Co., Ltd., .iggregated 425
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  • 64 8 Ihk American cruisers Altumy. i inciimoh, and Raleigh arrived to-da\ r f ID Colombo en route for Manila he AIhanv is ot 3,765 tons displace* Ll i e UJ». horse-power, with a speed *1 20 knots and a crew of 260 men th. an< deigh are
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  • Correspondence.
    • 322 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times.'' Sir, —In the interest# of the Hindu Community in Singapore, I wish to give publicity to the following facts regarding the management of the Hindu temple situated in South Bridge Road. A few years bat k the court appointed a
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  • 126 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —As there appears to he even prospect of the adjourned general meeting and special general meetini of the S S.C., set dow r n for Tuesday next, proving rather lengthy whet taken together and as there is n< way
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  • 225 8 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Sir, —I have read with much regret in your issue of yesterday a lettei signed A. S V I. It is hard to believe he is a membe* of the S.V I, but I must assame tha vou have satisfied
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  • 127 8 The Director of t.he Institute foi Medical Research. F. M S., has sent in a report embodying the results of the nvestigation regarding the prevalence »f mosquitoes at Treacher’s Hill. Bukit Kutu. It suggests several preventiv* ueasures to minimise risks. Accumulaion of water in wooden tubs anti buckets
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  • 1403 8 The final match of the Cricket Tournament was commenced on Saturday last when the Garrison crossed swords with the Law and Civil Service. The wicket was exceedingly fast and played very well all through the afternoon whilst the out-fielding was hard and the ball travelled with great rapidity.
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  • 162 8 The following passengers arrive here yesterday morning by the Germsn Mail Steamer Ki^utgchon. From Hamburg—Mr. H. .luedlz From Antwerp—Mr M. C. van Weyk. From Southampton—Messrs J. Timnins, W. B. Henw«>od, W. Menadne. G. E. Hodwell W. C. Mckean and M. B McKean From Genoa—Messrs. Mom Chow
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  • 352 8 SHIPP ING NEWS The vJtkTL B Harbour about th? month to have certain re’> B left on the *9 h instant" 1 The Shimosrj i 8 Hw from New York anchor at Pasir Pan B naphtha hef .re cornin’ ln? Th. ft*. arrive en route f or p y
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  • 153 8 M. Juppeaux, who has been attad and seriously wounded by Malay Dyak gang robbers at TVmM Pahang, (vide yesterday's StraiU h is an ernplo\ of the Societe dea Ett de Kinta. He first came out to East as an Engineer for the Societe mines d’or
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  • 182 8 The annual general members of the Singapore ire n9a Association took place at the 2 pore Exchange yesterday afternoonFriedrich presiding over a fairly c ousattendance The reportandac were unanimously passed, ar officers for the ensuirg y e r: ♦elected. Stress was laid on t that the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 106 8 LAND S\LES. The following pr »perties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.'s gsle-room on Wednesday afternoon Freehold land and bungalowXhereon known as No. 6, All Hood Road, off Balestier Road, Singapore, area 72,450 square feet. Bought by R. M. P. Adavgappa Chitty for $6,100. Ten freehold buildings
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  • 134 9 Second Day. w i t the Strait* Times weather at the second day’s 0 f the Penang Turf Club was and there was a record atten JB^ 1 1 he following are the results M Horse Griffin v Handicap. V Currency Lhbr 1 A’va Totalizator $19. H j
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  • 434 9 I Annual Meeting. I night, the annual meeting ot I "ingapore Temperance institute ft j la 't at the institution itself, in ft; i; .-rrnf-t The object, of the meeting ft. sv before the public an account I receipts and expenditure of the I .rit'ition for a
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  • 186 9 i ik M. S. Railway report for 10U2 n that the principal surv ey underwas that of the extension of the i'melrom Seremban to the Johore f > in iary The instructions of (Jovern»nn t were to take the Kuala Pilah and work commenced on it in with
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  • 716 9 Tllh House ol I have adopted, hy 1 IS agaio>t 6$ vote*’ the* resolution of Mr. St. John Bronntk authorising the expenditure of five millions for mifitaiy works, im-luding the provision of huts in South Africa, j The Londoa correMtondent, of lh** Indian Ifa 'tltj Se"8 telegraph# that
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  • 279 9 The Selangor Public Works report for 1902, states that work commenced in the latter part of 1901 for the improvement of sanitary conditions at Port Swetteniiam was completed during the year and the bunded or protected area extends to ldO acres or thereabout length of bunds
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  • 733 9 (Mofaj -<3/ ml) I The following comparison of prices i« interesting S 2. *> i Z i, u. S, o 5 3 •d 3 -3 > td 5 -c x I< a < 1.12.02 £llO.lO/. l/t> 11/ltf 2. 1.03 121. U/. 10% 1/7 9/16
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  • 108 9 This morning, Mr. broadrick, sitting in the summons Court fined a Chinaman $20 for working two bullocks which Mr. Kalshaw declared were quite unfit for any labour. The defendant said they were purchased only two months ago Lim Gek Muah was summoned by Insp. Scott (Building-) for using
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  • 1637 9 The Sarawak meeting was held at Kuching ou the lath and I'Oth instant and proved to be one of the moat flue* cesslul gatherings ever experienced in Sarawak. The races were attended by Their Highnesses the Rajah and Rajah Muda and by the majority of the European population
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  • 88 9 The Jtangkok Time* states that, on the 22nd instant, the Siamese Government notified the Banks that until further notice the Treasury selling price for finals will be at the rate of 18] to the pound sterling. For nearly .tnree and a half months the rate has been
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  • 164 10 The Shell steamer Said has arrived in Penang after a rough experience in the S. monsoon, says the Pinang Gazette of the 28th instant. She is a vessel of but about 170 tons and left Rangoon about a fortnight ago for Penang, but suffered very badly shortly
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  • 316 10 Rushing Mexicans into Singapore. Thk Manila Cahlenem* of the 18th inst says:— To day the official rate of United States currency in Mexicans changes from 2.45 to 2M S An Executive Order to ibis effect has been issued. The steady climb of silver has brought about this
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  • 577 10 Ireland has won the Eloho Challenge Shield at Bisle>. England and Scotland tied for second place. In Klang, there are now about 7,600 acres under guLta cultivation with European supervision. i t Negotiations are in progress for inaugurating a motor mail service between Seremban and Malacca. A
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  • 556 10 We have seen the first proofs of the series of photographs taken by Mr. Koch at the Kuala Lumpur Conference. The series comprises eighteen pictures 12 by 15 inches mounted on cards 17 by 21 inches. They are about the finest photographs ever taken here in the open,
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  • 492 10 At the ordinary meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners held yesterday afternoon there were present: Messrs. J. O. Anthonisz (President), F. S. Pooles, W. Evans, Tb. Sohst, A. Barker, Lee Ohoon Guan, l)r. Murray Robertson, Colonel Pennefather, T. de M. Braddell, R Peirce (Municipal Engineer),and Mr. J. Polglase
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  • 124 10 Mr. W. H. Friz eli. asks us to acknowledge the following contributions to this Fund. A mount previously acknewledged 0 Opiu and Spirit Farm liOO Mr. Loke Yew i-00 Mr. .l.Lloyl ]0Q Mr. Chye Tian F »ok 10.) Messrs Tian Lian Swee <fe Co. 100 Netherlands
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  • 160 10 Among the newly registered companies at home, we note the Beagle Bay Syndicate, Ltd., of Beagle Bay, Western Australia. This concerns a concession granted to Mr. Cecil N. Murphy, of Singapore, and Broome, W A of the entire rights of the above named bay for
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  • Correspondence.
    • 723 10 To the Editor of the 11 Straits Times." Sir, —In your issue of July 21st you publish a letter signed Sterling in reply to mine which appeared on July 16th. Sterling tells us that the value of the dollar was near four shillings when the rate
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  • 519 10 To the Editor of the Strait* Time*;.' 1 Sir,— On reading Seuthes letter in your issue of Wednesday last, I, as a volunteer of four years standing, could not help but think that his excuses for not joining the S. V. C. are all very weak
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  • 266 10 The Chief Justice was occupied tot greater part of yesterday in a dog ca* Mr. G. P. Nicholson’s collie recently met l us death by being shot by Mr Paut Pobloth, whom Mr. Nicholson sued claiming $200 as the value of his deceased pet. Mr.
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  • 111 10 Lord Roberts presided at theseco/* annual dinner, held on June '2, at Trocadero Restaurant, of the officers who served in South Ar during the late war. He said tba one had a greater appreciation o Volunteer movement than he bad. Volunteers rendered the greatest a? tance,
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  • 403 11 <ort h noting that the petroleum Netherlands India has deveJE.i,' t within tne last five years, -W,cd its grip on the market, t bve-product, is in great K irope where it has almost I e American article. Raw H r ir ned out in large quantiH arnatra M
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  • 659 11 pointment of Agents for Japan. h >'ti('! t ,>>>ude of the 15th July .nijrm&l that the him of Mr. Ed. 1 N’ierop, ot Kobe and Yokohama, appointed agent for Japan of :-.vly-formed Java-China-Japan Company, the head offices are at Amsterdam. The uvut tor the company is
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  • 310 11 The output of the Redjang Lebong, the principal Sumatran gold mine during the year 11)02, reached a value of 1,200 826 guilders, equal to X 105,069. This was obtained from 22,456 tons of stone,of which 16 4.85 tons were treated, with a yield of 21,982 ounces gold
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  • 616 11 The American cruisers now in port leave for Manila to-morrow. Bi8Ho»’ Hose has accepted the office of first patron of the Singapore Y.M C.A. The German Government yacht 8ee*tern left this morning for New Guinea. The hltuukr arrived from Christmas Island this morning and went to l*ulo
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  • 196 11 The Directors’ report on the Sipiau Tin Company, for the half-year ending 30th June last, states Heavy rains, and damage caused thereby to the ditch,” have retarded work somewhat: operations have, however, been continuous tbioughout the half-year. Four monitors have been installed since March last, but one
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  • 32 11 (Special Telegrani to the 11 Strait* Time* Kuala LipiAugust -\rd y 10 Mons. Juppeaux, the French miner who was attacked by gang robbers, is dead.
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  • 113 11 I.MBi, a Malay, and Ramsamy, a Tamil, sub-warders employed at the local prison, were before Mr. Wilkinson for further remand. These men are alleged to be connected with the death of Dollab, a Malay =ub-warder, on the 2fith ult. The body was found stabbed with a sharp weapon
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  • 201 11 A peculiar and pathetic interest attaches now to the following poem, written in Latin, by the late Pope Leo XI11 a few months ago. A copy of the poem was presented to every Cardinal of the Sacred College who went to Rome to oiler congratulations on
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  • 198 11 .IVifoa. During the forenoon of Saturday last a tragic circumstance took place within the precincts of the criminal prison In March last, fopr Chinamen were prosecuted and convicted for hurglary in Havelock Road. One of them, Heng Ah Tong, gave such information as led to the conviction.
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  • 179 11 Mr. W. H. Frizkll asks us to acknowledge the following donations to this Fund. Amount previously acknowledged 54,2(1I .»W Sir Lionel Cox .26 Hon. Hugh Fort 26 Mr. W. H. Shelford 26 M r. A. Y. Gahagan 25 Mrs Kahlcke 25 Mr. E. Tessensohn 25 Mr.
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  • 177 11 THIRD DAY. (SpcvitU Telegram to the 11 tftrait* l inter*} henang lsf August. The racing on all three days took place in excellent weather. There were big fields and a large attendance. The following were the results 1. The Larrikin Cup. Beatrice 1 ABC. .2 Won by half
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  • 365 11 In chronicling the attack upon the late Mr. Juppeaux, the Timing Gazette says that gang robberies have been very frequent of late in the Kampar district and that the mortal wounding of a European should certainly serve to turn the attention of the authorities to the
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  • 172 11 Thkrk was a good attendance at the smoking concert given at the Police Bharu on Saturday night last and everybody appeared to enjoy themselves to the utmost. Appended is the programme: Piano S«»!o Mr Whitelield Song Slap Itaih K.P C. Dunaton Song Mary of Argyll Mr .1 McMurraySong
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  • 1845 12 'J’hc follo'rinif biter front Mr. K. V. Caret/ 1n the Choir,non of the Ctuh,n Planters ixtoci&tioi* tx p-hlUcd i,i Ceffltm jot/arx. Dear Sir. Although it i- row many yearI left Ceylon, 1 am privileged to still l.ave manv valued friends there, and I have
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  • 430 12 Ox Saturday the ITesbvterian Church was The "scene of a very pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Mr. William Middleton Sime, of Messrs. Syme Co., and Miss Anabella Waldie Pringle. The*bride, who is an M A. of Edinburgh University, is the daughter of Mr. David Pringle of Ednam, Roxburghshire.
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  • 822 12 THE P. O. AND M. M. k Comparisons. All is not 41 couleur de rose with the great French shipping companies. We have before us the reports of the annual meetings of the shareholders of the Messageries Maritime* and of the Transatlantique Company, and what strikes one, after the wretched
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  • Correspondence.
    • 858 12 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Str, —Reverting to my earlier letter, and to my suggestion that the Appeal Court of the Federated Malay States should be that of the Straits Settlements. J hear it said that the lawyers in the Native States
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  • 229 12 We have already referred I to be given in the Town and Mrs. Hannibal Win;, 1 two plays chosen for reoreln? H totally dissimilar, and pretation of the varied ,1? fl characters, Mr. and Mrs \n,, Wl have an opportunitv of utmost their cleverness their scholarly
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  • 454 12 Three Days of War. I The general garrison man-i-J commenced on Saturday morning M up to yesterday afternoon Sicga9 was practically in a state of warTlB different units went under canvas everything was done to make 1 manoeuvres as realistic as pogsi* .On Saturday night the enemy’s made
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  • 1012 13 the debate in the House or Coni- on the Foreign Office vote. Sir Char let* %n ,j Mr. Gibson Bowie* condemned the |B,. n »nd uncertainty of the Government* towards Germany I’ranborne denied that our relation* H (inniany were a succession of blunder*. eminent desired lo be on
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  • 413 13 Entries. CM AMPIPNSHIP. Mrs. Saunders. Miss SalzruauQ, Mr*. Robertson, Mias J. Gunn, Mrs. Gansloeer LALUK.S* SIX* ;c> 54. Mrs. Waddell owes 3»> Mrs. Saunders 15.0 Mrs. A. Robertaon .4 Mrs. Somerville .2 Mins Salzm&nn .2 Mrs. Preston -aratch Mins Abrams receives .2 Miss Newton M
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  • 312 13 The American cruisers left for Manila this afternoon. The Russian authorities have now prohibited the export of cereals from M inchuria. The American sinner who deserted from one of the United States cruisers on Monday night has been arrested by the police. The Tanjong Pagar Dock Co.
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  • 45 13 An eighteen hole match against Bogey was decided 4 on Monday last. Ten members played, the first four being H. B. Salmond 8 Hep. 5 dowu. AR. Martin 14 6 J. M. Bntt 14 7 J. H. D. Jones 3 8 N
    45 words
  • 121 13 As briefly stated io yesterday's issue, the British four-masted barque FalU of Ettriek Captain Williams, is seriousl) ashore on the Windsor Rock, near Anjer. It teems she left Pauarukan, Java, on July 16ih, bound for Delware Bty with a cargo of sugar and went
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  • 679 13 The Tamba Maru on arrival from Yokohama on the 1st inst. discharged a portion of her cargo into lighters in the roads, as did the Numherg from Hongkong a day or too before. The cargo then discharged was sent to be warehoused at the Borneo wharf section. The
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  • 1402 13 Thk special general meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club called at the requisition of fifteen members took place in the Exchange yesterday afternoon, there being a crowded attendance. The Secretary having read the notice convening the meeting, announced that (he first duty of those present was
    1,402 words
  • 69 13 We are officially intorme 1 that the following is the result of last night'*', ballot For Committee of Management Hon. H. Fort 216 votes. Lt -Col Maxwell 190 E V~l«e 139 W. A. (’adell 104 H. Schaefer 100 A. Gumming 93 For Sulf-rommittee of Enquiry G.
    69 words
  • 113 13 On Monday, the Sunday School dilldren had their a outing Tlie Tanjong Pagar Dock Coy. wnh thev usud generosity placed their launch Sunlit i at the d sposal of the party. About a hundred and twenty, all got on board early and a st«rt was made
    113 words

  • 589 14 LICHAUCO v. RILEY HARGREAVES CO. Judgment was given this morning by Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones in the action brought by Mr. Lichauco of Manila against Riley Hargreaves and Co. to recover damages for breach of contract to deliver certain steam launch machinery in Manila Bay. The defen dants were the
    589 words
  • 176 14 Mr. W H. Fkizkll asks us to acknow ihe following donations to thiFond: Am -ant previously acknowledged 18,941 60 Messrs. Briokmano A Co. 25 Bari w A Co. 25 O »donau A Co. 25 Dal nan A Co. 25 liooglaod A Co. 25 Hoca A Co.
    176 words
  • 132 14 Fifty thousand 6 per cent, new cumulative proference shares are offered by the Oriental Telephone and Electric Company (Limited). The company was originally formed in 1881 to work the telephone patents of T. A Edison and A. G. Bell in the East, and now undertakes electric lighting as
    132 words
  • 153 14 A co h resp-indent maintains that Rome of the brands of matches made in Japan are dangerous. Thus he writes: Last Friday evening, I struck a match in order to light a lamp, and dropped •he box on a marble-topped table. Hie concussion caused the matches to c
    153 words
  • 518 14 Kuala Lipis, 27fit July The Chandu shops eiiaetment which was recently passed in Pahang is a very opportune measure. The opium dens, which were hitherto under no control, are now registered and placed mder the supervision of the Sanitary B >ard authorities In a little place like Kuala
    518 words
  • 101 14 The Hongkong Btok in the half year mding on th** 30 h June made a net profit of 81,435.172. The amount fir iivision was over s3| millions. The directors recommend the raisine of 'he silver reserve fund to $6,<K)O 000, ind writing off hank premises
    101 words
  • 668 14 England is a long way off and fifty-three years is rather far in the past; still there are a few people among os able to recall what the old country was like in 1860, the year of the incident to be related. At that time there lived
    668 words
    • 99 14 Und r this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str.—«'earner; sh.—ship; b<j.— barque; sell.—schooner Yet. —Y’aciit Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; lf.p. —Horsepower; Brit.— British U.S.—United States; Fch. —French; Ger—German; Dut.— Dutch; G.c.—General-e-»rgo d.p—deck passenger U. —Uncertain; T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.
      99 words
    • 1300 14 rrtvali since Noon of Yesterday. Hong Ho, Brit., str. 54 tons. Capt P *ge, fith Aug. From Djambie,3rd Aug. Go .and 34 d.p. WeeHinAOn. For Djambie,8th Hds Hong Wan Brit, sir 1in ions, Capi Buxton 5 h Aug. From Malacca, 4th Aug dc., and HO d.p Wee
      1,300 words
    • 598 15 iL v'tr 1 pro+>able d'tte of am»a( W 1 name oj agenti. I Stbamkrs. 1 n Marines, Aug: M. Corate. B: Aug 10; Behn Meyer V Liverpool Aug 31; Mansfield K-mb v Vug; Romeo Coy. 1 a Harnbu g Aug ft; B. Meyer, f nmbo *ept 14; M
      598 words
    • 1543 16 j M ii<i I 5 Vsshkl’k If ami A Toiw Oaptaif From Saixjm> Cojihu.nvbk 4 I J_ Jlj I i 1 j 27 Nankin Brit sir 2557 Roberta Bombay July 17P. and O Coy. 27 Capii Ital str 2718 ttelsito Bombay Julv 17 Bebn Meyer t Oo. 78 -denogle*
      1,543 words
    • 1052 16 £Xat.k. Vessel’s Name. [Flag A Big. Toes. July 29 Zaminia I Brit str. 2893 pp nan rT^^^^B 29 G. G. Meyer Dut str. 441 MuntoktS^^i^M 29 Farfalla IU1 str. 147 Muar an Hu P K^M 29 I Ruby Brititr. 149 Muntok 29 Ban Whatt Hin sir. 196 Telobin v?
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 673 14 A POPULAR COMEDIENNE Discusses STACIE PERILS. Miss Blanche Harcourt, the popnlar musichall favourite, has been talking to a London paper about Stage Perils. “Stars” of the theatrical world are envied for their big salaries but (says Miss Harconrt), people little know the stiuggles which their favourite artistes have to go
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 56 14 WEATHER HtPirti. Kandang Kerbau Ho*uita! Avy 190$. The standard time ball at Fort Canning fetl correctly; also t»»at at Pulo Brani. WEATHER TELE8RA t>. (E. E. A. A C. Tairgraph Company.j 1M1 Auutn. HONGROEG Barometer 29 7*. Direction of Wind 8.8. B. Force of Wind.. I. Max. Temp in Shade..
      56 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 114 15 !or MARTIN’S >-.«n a a PI LLS n«d. i rref' 1 Of MihatM the dow. 1 nm* a inn,.: re o < r 5»* FNCLA..A SENSE-NUTSHELI n •>.-» cauae 1 nn m«*:t wirnUik t if are ev«*r (l;v<n*r«l for n»-rvouP ,*tiv*Mt«> of vitality, deprevRinn of 1 i al olnrr> at'.oiir>
      114 words
    • 518 15 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED LABEL, the signature in WHITE of Lea (Sc Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. lea PERRINS SAUCE. Jk§ot)l/ Medicine of the kind anard oo
      518 words
    • 169 15 FRONTIER MIXTURE .Tin Unrivalled (Bool Sseet Smoking Vfobaeco. Price 85 Cents—J lb. Tin. Robinson Co., Retail gents. Restaurant. Ji. van XVijk. ORCHARD ROAD TELEPHONE NO. 726. OPPOSITE FORMER BUILDINGS. RE-OPENED. saloons for Tiffin- and Din era Ti v li4>le dishes “a la cart*?,” ail Kinds o B Ice-creams S da
      169 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 573 16 ENGlIsH NUKSE t at*pr;*ent i» Java, dew res situation with faulty returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, CiO Straits Times. J. MOTION CO. watchmakers, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. KBHAIRi-* PROMPTLY KXKfM'TKl* BAGNALL HILLES, oo Robinson Road. VU ONT ET Electric Fans, Ceiling and Table, 40, 60, 00, *>. KVi, 110 and
      573 words
    • 40 16 Charges Moderate, Neat Execution. Prompt Attention. EMPEROR OF INDIA PRESS, 188 CECIL STREET. Printers, Publishers, Bookbinders, Machine rulers, Account Book makers, India Rubber Stamp Manufacturers, and Stereotype founders. Has Latest appliances and experienced hands. The Hindoo Mercantile Coy., lu l
      40 words
    • 46 16 CENTRAL HOTEL, r* oriir^i^ Fitted with first class accommodation, overlooking Fytche re to the Bat ks, Offices, Market, and the Stations. All the catering UD supervision. Liquorard Cuisine, best qual ty. A. CHIESA, FYTCHE SQUARE. RANGOON. The only hotel in Rangoon in the continental style- c
      46 words