The Straits Budget, 23 July 1903

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 126 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’ The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. Ku. A RUSHED OVER
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 23RD JULY.
    • 108 1 I m.m. the 3* th June, at Soochow, the *t*..Ions H. P. Perry, of a daughter.\\ —Oti the loth July, at The e. N< r»ham Road, Penang, the wife of A i. MoRN'AV, of a son. w Ob the 154b July, 1903, at l Y, f ttur' d/ilsread
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    • 107 1 I'm <>i*oli. —On tho 28th May. at K\i*h.\kl Thomas Ferdinand Dk L x I>*-|*nty Commissioner ot Chinese lin•t M tniini*; Customs, to DONNA MARIA, aunliter oi Don »irolamo Thkoimili, < ‘iciliano. Brn IhH'HET.— On the 29th June, to Mi. Theo Ruef, and Mi>s JULIE 1 hi nth of Switzerland.
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  • 196 1 -Mi articles. 1* XIII. 1 Al. Company. Agents. Question. f 5. lanters. *-■> Museum. ’Quotations. "it News, l inger List News. r at at. John’s. Court. J Fuukah Pulkr. Assault on a Colporteur. i >al«. Bombay Men. iMdge. j Q tapor** Catholic Club. ov Farms. I wakow.
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  • 611 1 23rd July, 1903. PRODUCE. Gamble: buyers 18 0i Copra Bali 7.75 do Pontianak 6 7 Pepper, Black buyers 33 0 do White, (5%) COSO Sago Flour Sarawak 4 00 do Brunei No. i 3.70 Pearl Sago 6*0 Coffee. Bali, 15% bast* 17 00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% brtsi*.- *27.** Coffee,
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  • 282 1 The Straits liudget this week, is despalched by the P O 8.8. Ballaarat. The issue of the Bwiget, next week, will be mailed by the B. I. s.s. Zamama. The homeward mail by the M. M. s.s E. Simons closed on Monday The German mail from
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  • 1312 1 London 14 th July. The Corporation of Dnhlin, after a stormy debate which lasted for fooF hours, decided, by 40 to 37 votes, not to present an address to the King on his visit. At a meeting of Unionist Free Traders, with Sir Michael Hicks- BeaCh in the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 Thn post free price of the Straits Times f‘W a year. The post free price 0 f tiu* Straits Budget is ?20 a year, j; ic not necessary to subscribe for a year. Xb<* subscriptions for shorter perioos are jt the same proportionate rate of price as for a vear.
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  • 18 1 DEA1H. •> -On *28th June, at Kobe, M* Jokue, the son of FELISBINO and V KIN' GUTERRES, aged *24.
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  • 3102 2 (Strait.* Times, 21 st July) When the good ruan yield* hi* breath, tor the good man never dies.) At the zenith of a power which ceased increasing only with his Heath a power which embraced an actual moral sway perhaps greater than that achieved by any other man
    • (Strait.* Times, 21 st July)  -  3,102 words
  • 521 2 Straits Times 22nd July.) Cardinal Oreglia di San Stefans Camerlingo i.e Chamberlain) or tn* Holy Roman Church, to whom reference is made in Reuter’s telegraphic nie* sage to-day, is at? the same time doyen of the College of Cardinals i" Rome. At the age of 70 years he
    (Straits, Times 22nd July.)  -  521 words

  • 1458 3 'Strait# Time >, 1 nth July.) I !\~r week's mails brought news of import of tiV Commission tfcvmuv \t dras not cheerful readBin all resects. It seems that the [lfcL mariner is ousting the true born ■ton from the forecastle of the British ■amdiip, and the
    'Strait# Time>, 1 nth July.)  -  1,458 words
  • 718 3 (Straits Times, 15 th July.) On Saturday we noted the lack of information about Crown Agent payments’^item in the Report for 1902. We also pointed out the need for some unofficial member of Council here to directly question Government as to the fees, commissions etc. paid to the
    (Straits Times, 15th July.)  -  718 words
  • 714 3 {Straits Times, 1 6th July.) Agriculturalist sends us a letter from Selangor wherein he airs views anent the attitude of the Resident General towards the planting interests of the Native States, and it will be seen that his letter does not breathe that spirit of contentment
    {Straits Times, 16th July.)  -  714 words
  • 935 3 (Straits Times 16 th July Friction is said to exist—and there is every possible reason to believe that it does exist —between Government and the members of the Municipal Commission with regard to the question of properly bridging the Singapore River. The matter is one which caused friction
    (Straits Times, 16th July )  -  935 words

  • 712 4 (Strait* Times 17 th July.) Dr Hanitsch, the Curator of Raffles Museum, contributes a particularly in- j r I 4- o aito 1 SOub u. a j Journal of the 1 oyal Asiatic Society (Straits Branch) on a collection of coins from Malacca which have been presented to
    (Strait* Times, 17th July.)  -  712 words
  • 4042 4 (Straits Tirnes, 18 th July.) 1 Some months have passed since we I first referred to a new machine—the yqyejjtjpn.. of Captain Holland, c.i.b., »af u k D.8.0., of the Royal Indian Marine, and now Port Officer at Rangoon —for bunkering and unloading coal more cheaply than that
    (Straits Tirnes, 18th July.)  -  4,042 words

  • 579 5 An interesting breach of promise case is pending in the Supreme Court. Capt. Barry, a d 0., paid a visit to H. M.S. Goliath and Rmaldo this morning. The Cable steamer Colonia arrived yesterday Irotn Midway Island, North Pacific en route for London. Plague continues to dwindle
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  • 54 5 Miss Sharp has received a fresh lot of weapons, hats, models and other curios from Barawak and they are now on sale at St Mary’s for the benefit of the Mission. The people who go there the soonest get the best choice. Some of the articles are really
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  • 98 5 On Monday, Mr. W. Peel, Asst, to the Col. Secretary, drew a cheque fors2o infavou*of Mr. O'Sullivan, Act Asst Col. Secretary. It was left in Mr. O’Sullivan’s room and overlooked, but was missed yesterday morning. Yesterday, a boy named Govindasamy, pun-kah-puller, presented it at the Hongkong and
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  • 147 5 S.C.C. v. “Goliath.” Teams of the above met last night on the Esplanade, in a game of football and though the Club was not fully represented, they easily accounted for the naval men by 5 goals to 1. The Club soon had the measure of their opponents and piled
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  • 118 5 The B. I. Zaida which arrived from Calcutta a few days ago, discharged abput 2,000 tons of Bengal coal yester~V The Russian Volunteer 9teamer Kostroma reported as being due here on Sunday next, brings a cargo of tea from Hankow for OdessaA She is the second tea-laden boat
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  • 141 5 The trial of Sikimura Masataro, charged with murdering one Japanese and attempting to murder another in a Kouse in Malabar Street on May 14th last, was concluded yesterday afternoon, when the prisoner was found guilty on the first charge of culpable himicide not amounting to murder, and on
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  • 186 5 Yesterday morning five Malay fishing stake owners of Pasir Panjang appeared before the Court for having no license. They were fined $5 and costs each, and were ordered to take out licenses. Haydar Abdool, lascar of the ss. liulra was charged with disobedience and being absent without
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  • 66 5 On the 6th inst. Sanitary Insp. Olsen purchased some milk near Pearl s Hill. When analysed it was found to contam 47 per cent of added water. On the 3rd inst. Sanitary Insp. Kelly bought milk at Tanjong Pagar. This was found to contain 24 per cent, of
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  • 129 5 On the 6th uit, Cuu Nai Chip, a colporteur was selling Christian books and papers printed in Chinese, at illenborough Market. Ng Yong Siak purchased things to the value of 70 cents, and took Chu Nai Chip to a house in Carpenter Street to get
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  • 144 5 THE BINGO MARU.” Of Captain Davies, of the Butgo Mam due here to-morrow, the Kohr Chronicle says that everyone who knows him will be glad to learn that Prince Arisugawa, President of the Japan Seamen’s Aid Society, has bestowed upon him tangible recognition of the services he has rendered on
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  • 443 5 Immigrant Vessel Infected. Several Chinese Coolies Dead. The British steamer Cheang Cheat arrived from Amoy and Swatow on the ItTPTnf month with 866 Chinese immigrants7lM^w$fij|^Mnd^ii||jiaW^ on immigrants were for this part, and a few were for Penang. It is understood that during the voyage down ten
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  • 385 6 home weeks at Kuala Kangear. Perak ♦Sultan for Pioneer 9th July. Mr. DuncaD, the Manager of Nova j*, otia and Bubana Estates, who is now in Java, has, we understand, been granted permission by that Government to recruit one thousand coolies for work here. Mr. Duncan is expected
    home weeks at Kuala Kangear.—Perak ♦Sultan for Pioneer 9th July.  -  385 words
  • 278 6 —Phinng Gazette. We hear that a new commodious Museum will be built at Kuala Lumpur. The site chosen is said to be on Damans&ra Road way, where the new HoteM«e built^.^ from the Manchester has arrived for the Volunteer Corps, to take the place ot Hergt-Major Kemble who
    —Phinng Gazette.  -  278 words
  • 164 6 First Execution. At JSandakan, a few days ago, a man of the Dusun tribe suffered the extreme penalty of the law in the Central Gaol, Handakan. He was hanged on a new bea.ffold which had just been erected by trie European gaoler, Mr. E. Melvin, and death
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  • 1441 6 Rafting in the Jungles. The Malay Peninsula is one vast tangle of forest, which covers the flat plains like a pile carpet, rises into great rolling billows in the foot-hills, and climbs up the mountain ranges, crowning ridge and peak with a broken fret-work of
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  • 313 6 Bangkok Times. A new composite steam tender for the Harbour Master s Department was successfully launched at the Bangkok Dock od the 11th instant. There was no ceremony, but some interestTattached to the event, as it is the largest steam vessel that has yet been launched from
    Bangkok Times.  -  313 words
  • 838 6 NEW GUTTA-PERCHA.” Gentfch’f Invention, A new method,! of producing. a substitute for gutta-percha known as the New Gutta-percha” is the invention of Adolf- Gentsch, of Vienna, and is covered by patents, granted first in Hungary, ana later in Germany and elsewhere. The German patent is No. 116,092 (date of application
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  • 231 6 I? is reported from v ‘hat Mr. G. R. Steven, with pleurisy. 18 The proceeds of I of Pinero’s Dandy Penang amateurs are S into four figures. to J Mr. Chan SzfT p* N( r~ scholarship from theVietZ >W Kuala Lumpur, and has gamed a Second Isatural
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  • 57 6 Yesterday afternooD, elevens ofj Golialh and the S C.C. and R.E m«l the Esplanade in a cricket match. 1| sailors went in fust scoring 92 fol wickets when they declared (OnskJ 47, French 20, Grossman 20 not oA The local team had made 60 fori wickets when the game
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  • 127 6 On the 16th ult./* tikiftha pdfl named Teng Ah Hi was assaulted some of his community. On the iJ he complained to the police that kl was afraid to go to his lodgings i Manasseh Lane. A constable went him, and a crowd of pullers set on
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  • 139 6 The following passengers left on th# i inst. by the German mail steamer Prr***n For Penang—Mr. C. *1. Robinson* Widmer. For Colombo-Mr. P. r For Port Said—Mr Thoomaniantz. f° r —Mr. H. F. de Boer. Mr. B. B. Deane, Sibbons, Mr. H. Kerl, Mr. A- Archer
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 116 6 The posed sale-rc hold h Road, Tan Hon] land and 31-1,31-2, pong Javj Bought b; years' 1< area 4a. Vytalingal 999 years’ Road area Kee Peck 999 years’ Road, area Eng Kiat 999 years' Road, area Tan Kee §1,396.24. \$D SALES. fewa=g csss trw *441 N| f‘ for SMBO- ,red
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  • 60 7 I daY afternoon a Bombay man Lin Hieh Street called at Tanjong Kjj ce station and demanded to L*! to use the telephone. This e d. He persisted, declaring L wo' ild u« e tne instrument. He Lked up This morning, Mr. L nned him $5, remarking
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  • 95 7 B ompetition for the CharnpionB. the Batavia Golf Club has Kd as 1ST round. B Uricve, bye. B U iir iner, bye B S' bulz, bve. bear J. C. Kernel* 3 up and I. V t. Robertson, bye. B Rrernner, bye. bye. B Hurt, bye. 2nd round.
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  • 142 7 I A Point of Law. Ikkdav .Mr. Wilkinson had a tr ise of alleged cheating before tn April last, a Chinaman Wong H:n residing in Ballestier Road by a compatriot, Tan n, who told him he could get wife hut she was a married L Sums of
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  • 378 7 1. jsYc-Je in a late issue of the Revue pnrnerce FxtAneur, of Paris, is as in a United Bwnsular report:— ■rjapore occupies the most advanW o position upon the great route Far East. It controls the entire ■v Peninsula, with the exception of Av Kedcli. and
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  • Correspondence.
    • 947 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times' 1 Sir, —Permit me to call your attention to a leader which appeared in the Malay Mail on J uly 7th and particularly to the sentence which runs as follows: Mention has already been made on several occasions of
      947 words
  • 267 7 An Unjust Steward.** Yesterday Capt. J. Barber of the s.s. Oopack charged, Samuel Cohen, the steward of that vessel with drunkenness and neglect of duty before the Master Attendant. The Captain stated that the drunkenness started at Singapore on the arrival of the vessel from England At
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  • 211 7 The Asahan which went to Keppel Harbour Dock about the middle of April last, having completed her repairs, left for the roads on the 14th inst. The Johore ss. Pulai also left for J chore the same day, after having been about a month in the hands of
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  • 195 7 A correspondent writes: —It is two months or more since the work of laying a concrete bed in the stream which runs at the rear of certain buildings in Dhoby Ghaut was taken in hand, the progress of which has been at a snail’s pace. The
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  • 98 7 The Singapore Opium and Spirit Farm for the next three years has now been authoritatively confirmed to the present holders who bid $470,000 a month. Government will receive $465,000 of the amount, the odd $5,000 going as a bonus to Johore—the Johore and Singapore Farms always being
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  • 188 7 The difficulties in running trains in the newer sections in the F. M. S. Railways must be great, as witness the following from the Malay Mail of the 13th inst.: A correspondent states that the usual 6.28 a m. train from Tanjong Malira did not run
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  • 515 7 The Batavia Nieuwsblad tells a queer story of mining enterprise in Siak, a protected state in East Sumatra. A couple of years ago, a bore sunk for a well there struck petroleum oil, upon which a syndicate to work the find was started by one A. A.*P. Von
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  • 101 7 The Singapore Catholic Club bolds its annual meeting on Saturday, the 25th inst., at 8 p.m. The past year has been a most satisfactory one throughout, the number of members haviDg considerably increased, whilst numerous improvements of all kinds were effected and a considerable cash balance remains
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  • 225 7 Tan Tee is the owner of a number o: twakows (lighters). One of these, No. 1313, was left moored off Beach Road. < >n the following morning it was missing, and the matter was mentioned to the police. The coolies who had been in charge of the boat,
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  • 295 7 To be Sold in Hongkong. Several of the Spanish warshipt, sunk in Cavite Bay during the American war of 1898, are to be towed to Hongkong for sale, it being considered that the Colony offered a better market than Manila for the sale of ships. Mr. A.
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  • 894 7 Early this month a nickel mine was discovered in Tonquin. It is notified that the large tongkanr which sank in the Kuantan River ha* been removed, and no longer forms an obstruction. Commander E. B. Kiddle, of H.M.sf Albion, has been awarded the silver medal of the
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  • 50 8 The subjoined official communication from the Colonial Secretariat arrived yesterday after the Strait* Times bad gone to press The Excise Farms for 1904-6 have been let as follows Singapore, Khu Han aug &t o. s46f», Malacca. do 31,000 Penang, Gan Xgoh Bi Uo. 220,000 Total $716,000 p.m.
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  • 90 8 Thk following passengers arrived here by the German mail steamer Sachsen this morning. From Bremen—Mr. Wistuba Mr. M. Schniegelberg. From Southampton —Messrs. A. Maclennan, J. H. Blackwell, John Galom. From Genoa —Messrs. E. Homann, r. vV K. Stoffers, \V. Eggeling, J. M. Schmidt, Gross, R. Stawrenghi,
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  • 123 8 A smart little Malay boy employed by Mr. Lowell was before Mr. Broad: rick this morning for infringing the Post Office Ordinance by using on a letter a stamp that had already been defaced. Mr. W. Craig prosecuted on behalf of the Postmaster General. Mr. Lowell stated
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  • 103 8 The Russian steamer Moskra arrived alongside Tanjong Pagar early this morning from Odessa, and will leave after taking in about 1,000 tons coal. She will be followed by the Vladimir to-morrow. The Dngfred is due from Sadong on Wednesday next. The Marie Jebseu which comes to Choo U.
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  • 198 8 Another Blow to the Bullock Cart. ?*ome months ago, this paper con tained a brief announcement of the formation of a Singapore Carting Syndicate, whose object was the efficient and safe transport of goods from the wharves to godowns in Singapore. The Syndicate is now at work, and
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  • 227 8 S.C.C. v. h M.S. Goliath.” These teams met last night in a Rugger garrie on the Esplanade, before a large crowd. I he ground was in first rate condition. The Club were the first to press and after about ten minutes play they scored through Nathan th» kick
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  • Correspondence.
    • 223 8 To the Edit"r of the Straits Times." Sir,—The time is evidently rapidly approaching when the telegraph and telephone wire? —those in the business portion of the town at all events —will have to be put underground. At present they may not present a grave source of danger and
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    • 266 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times.' Hear Sir,— With the present notice of the S. S. C. appearing in the local papers the enclosed cutting from the Weekly Times ot March 6th \may interest some of your readers, ar.A you may perhaps see fit to enlighten me
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    • 403 8 H. M. S. VENGEANCE.” H. M. tiist dass twin-screw armoured battleship 1 goincc arrived at a little after 10 am. to-day. She is of 12,950 tons displacement with an indicated horse power of 13,500 with natural draught She is a sister ship to the G'jl at ft which she relieves.
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  • 1497 8 The final for the Association Cup has come and gone and the S.C.C. for the second time since the inception are the holders of the trophy. There can be no question but that they won on their merits, for throughout the competition they played a hard, stubborn, and
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  • 1088 9 II Report for 1902. I utpfcit of rin from the State to 405,877 94 piculs, or Rg ten?, which is an increase of picul*, 1.238.08 tons above r v ;*r output. The previous record I as obtained in 1895, but in C :h i s record was
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  • 630 9 A Capital Variety Show. With their pretty little theatre swept, garnished and re-embellished and with a capita) “house” before them, the Dramatic Club of the 1st Manchester £oVe their first performance to the Singapore public on Wednesday evening last. Throughout it went with a swing and
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  • 1058 9 President Lou bet’s Visit. London July 7th At the bannpet at Buckingham Palace on the 6th July to President Loubet, the King, in proposing the toast of his guest, said the President's reception by all classes of our population showed their really friendly senti ments towards Frame, which
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  • 502 9 The F.M.8. yacht Me ran arrived from Port Swettenham this morning. aDd anchored in the roads. She wil return to Port Swettenham on Monday* 4 Ax Colombo, on the 4th July, on a «alute being fired in honour of the U.S. Independence day from a battery on
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  • 288 9 The Sultan ot Johore returned to Melbourne from Sydney on Thursda} evening by the express, sajsthe Sydney Daily Telegraph ot June 20ih. It is his intention to pay arother visit to Sydney belore he leaves Australia. The Indian sportsman lies*, in addition to his
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  • 634 9 Friday, July 17U1. PRESENT. His Excellency Sir Frank SweTTENHAM, K.C.M.O., (GOVKRNOpg. Hon. W. T. Taylor, C.M.G., (Colonial Secretary Hon. W. R. Collyer i.s.o. (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer;. Hon. E. C. H. Hill (Auditor-General 1. Hon. Dr. Galloway. Hon. T. E. Earle. Hon. H. Fort. Hon.
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  • 124 9 WRECK OF THE S.S. SULTAN News reached here some days ago that the well-known steamer Sultan has been wrecked near Broome, Western Australia. As a result the Sala'iln, which was to have been dismantled here, has been replaced on the run. No further details of the occurrence were available up
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  • 777 10 At the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held yesterday afternoon there were present, Mr. J. O. Anthonisz (President), Colonel Pennefather, Dr. Murray Robertson, and Messrs W Evans, F. S. Pooles, Lee Choon Guan, Choa Gians: Thye, Theo Sohst, R Peirce (Mn nicipal Engineer) ami J. Pulglase (Secretary).
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  • 115 10 The Governor has appointed Lieut. R. Walker, Royal Engineers, to be Extra Aide-de Camp on the occasion of H E’s visit to Kuala Lumpur on the 19th instant. For the third quarter of the year 1903, the rate of exchange for the adjustment of accounts with the Crown
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  • 157 10 Correspondence regarding the design and size of the Straits Settlements dollars shows that it has been decided that the size should be one-ix less than that of the presp»,' >!iur. The new coin will bear the King o v.iivy In May last the Governor wr-.y to the Secretary
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  • 164 10 S. C. C. v. S. V. A. The above teams played a friendly game last night on the Esplanade, and, although the Club were playing about (J substitutes, nevertheless they easily accounted for the Volunteers by 5 to 1. The Club Held the whip hand all through the game,
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  • 149 10 Though the Tanglin Barracks theatre was not exactly tilled to oversowing last evening, still there was a capital attendance of mere males at the “smoker” performance of the programme given on the two preceding nights, to which a few changes and additions had been made. Everything
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  • 659 10 H. M. 8 Vengeance went to the wharf this morning to coal The long-talked of telephone box is now being erected upon Johnston’s Pier. The U. 8. Transport Sumner is due from Manila and will probably be here about day-light to-morrow. We understand that the Sea Mew
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  • 306 10 Last week, u contractor named Lum Cock Moh appeared before Mr Broadrick in response to a summons issued at the instance ot the Municipal Commissioners to explain why in erecting a building in Hill Street he deviated from the plan approved by the Commissioners, and used bad lime
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  • 65 10 Ng Tah, a Chinese woman, was arraigned at the Assizes on Friday on charges of giving false evidence in a judicial proceeding and also with intent to injure. The cafe occupied the attention of the Court during Friday and was resumed this morning. There is only one case
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  • 84 10 The quarterly ride snooting handicap of the Chinese Co’s of the 8. V. I. was fired oft* at the Balestier Rifle Range on Saturday afternoon last for three handsome prizes presented by the Chinese non-commissioned ofliuers. The first prize, a handsome silver cup, was won by Pee. Seow
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  • 73 10 There would seem to be every prospect of a good meeting at Penang this time, but the Singapore contingent will hardly have it all their own way. Klimbo is going good and strong as are also Olaf, Banester and Battenberg and on Saturday last they each had a
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  • 213 10 On Saturday, a Ctf. cabin boy of the s s. Sappho ch?r*¥;d Mr. J. Allison. Chief Engineer of Aiat vessel, with assault while the vessel was at Port Swettenham on Tuesday last. Mr. Allison was fined $20 and costs. An Extortionate Sampan Coolie. On Saturday morning, E.
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  • 361 10 Tkk arrival of tne tii&t through train from Kuala Kangsar, hearing His Highness the Sultan of Perak, will cause \esterday to be remembered as a red letter day in the annals of the K M S. Railway, says the Malay Mall of Saturday last. Mr. Rodger aetuaPy
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  • Correspondence.
    • 542 10 of deliberation, the M/°’ jflj missioners came to th?‘ C W fl R ba -M the upervib| riB «taf Building Department w J f inadequate to cope with increasing work devolvin',’^* ha it was impe r a tl 4 ly U »*J| that two additional £.“>■ should be
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    • 220 10 To the Editor of the Strait* Tone* I)bar Sir, —You might draw attention of those in charge of municipal Roads to the state of Planga near Keppel Harbour Ltoct where they have made a start with tt train lines. They are laying both hoof rails
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  • 613 11 Hnuee of on the 10th July, n g ro ok called attention to the po*iN regarding the question of pre- :i *q s India had not been men .,g oar trade in India was at least as /-uthat with the Colonies. India’s Trade tariff, and her was Protection.
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  • 254 11 N h.<lay Chia Teng was sentenced y*'ii < imprisonment for kidnap* :1 y about Id years of age. The 'bowed that the boy had a- nt with the defendant to show 4 it, and fie t arried the lad oft. i*'Uni»i niue months for ;f il breach
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  • 406 11 Kuala Lipis ISth July. It is reported that Mr. Thomas Lester, the Penjum Manager, will shortly leave the service of the Company and return to Australia. From all accounts Mr. Lester’s departure will be a distinct loss to the Company he has made himself i very popular at
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  • 778 11 H.M.S. Vengeance left for Hongkong shortly after 7 o’clock this morning. The F. M. S. yacht Meran returned to Port Swettenham yesterday afternoon. Cricket and Football Clubs are being formed in connection with the Y.M.C.A. Captain Graham, of the Malay States Guides, has left Selangor on seven
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  • 111 11 At the yesterday Ng Tab, the Chinese woman who was charged with giving false evidence with intent to injure was acquitted. Mr. J. Aitken defended the accused and Mr. Innes, the Public Prosecutor, conducted the case for the Crown. Mr. Braddell watched proceedings on behalf of the
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  • 221 11 The Volunteer steamer Moskwa took over 1,400 tons coal into bunkers and left for Vladivostock at 2 pm. on Sunday, and the Kostroma of the same line left homeward bound on Monday, with tea from Hankow. The Aloskiva was closely followed by the Vladimir on the voyage north.
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  • 1218 11 Piccadilly 2 6tk June. The official King’s birthday is being kept to-day. No! I believe what T mean is the King's official birthday. It is so convenient being King, because it is so very nice to be able to have one’s birthday at the time of year
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  • 643 11 .Memorandum by Sir R. Hart. A memorandum on the currency of China, by. Sir Robert Hart, Inspector-General of Imperial Maritime Customs, is published by the A r C\ Daily Net's. Sir Robert Hart advocates a uniform currency based on a fixed ratio between gold and silver;
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  • Correspondence.
    • 173 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” IKf __Having commenced the construction of the Electric Tramways, I shall be much obliged it you will kindly permit, me through the medium of your journal to draw the attention of the ’public to the fact that there must necessarily
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    • 391 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times.' Sir, Perhaps you will allow spaca for a few words in reply to your correspondent “Agriculturist’s” letter in your paper of lfith July. The title of the letter “The ResidentGeneral vs. Agriculture” is not justifiable by the actions of the
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  • 71 12 'Apparently the teeth of the Sultan of Johore have aroused considerable curiosity in Australia, as a contemporary says Owing to an accident on horseback, the Sultan of Johore had all his incisors knocked out. They have been replaced by teeth of gold, into of which has been
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  • 66 12 Tub July Medal was played for on Saturday last and was won by H F Forster, J. H D Jones having already won a medal this year. The following cards were returned 4 holes): •lone* 67—4 63 Fornter 85—20 05 I Jenton 84—10 68 Horsfalls 88—20 08
    66 words
  • 1313 12 The following excerpts from a sermon preached by the Rev C. Nain at the Cathedral of the (rood Shepherd on the occasion of the Jubilee of the deceased Pontiff, will be found of great interest: A Child. Pope Leo the XIII was born at Carpineto in
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  • 135 12 Caught in Barbed Wire. In the early hours of this morniug, Messrs. Hayward and Hunt, the housemasters at fct. Andrew’s House, in Armenian street, were suddenly’ awakened from their slumbers by loud cries and the frantic blowing of a police whistle. They hurried downstairs and saw a
    135 words
  • 353 12 M. Boissonnas, the new French Charge d'Aftaires, arrived in Bangkok by the Nnen Tung on the 16th instant. The Hongkong Electric Company has declared a divideud of nine per cent, or one per cent more than the dividend for 1901. Mk. J. P. Itodger, c.m.g British Resident,
    353 words
  • 49 12 The seven Ctauauien charged with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, in connection with the Boat Quay affray, were found guilty. Three of them were sent to jail for a yearV rigorous imprisonment each, and the others got one month R. I. each. This concluded the Assizes.
    49 words
  • 83 12 Owing to the absence of the Right Rev. Bishop F6e, the details of the sacred functions that will take place in the local Roman Catholic churches consequent on the demise of the late Pope Leo XIII, cannot be for the moment determined. The Bishop is believed to
    83 words
  • 85 12 A pemarcator in the Municipal service called Hamiff and two other men were yesterday charged before Mr Wilkinson with housebreaking by right with intent to commit theft. Tim prosecutor, Nagugunny, for whom Mr Van Cuylenberg appeared, swore that he caught Hamifi in his house with stolen
    85 words
  • 117 12 I'm-; Minilya which arrived from Western Australia yesterday, importer) 1* ponies, about i3O head of horned cattle including a number of calves and nearly .>OO sheep, besides a large number oi pigs. The l'iaqo Mam discharged her cargo iuio lighters for the purpose of being warehoused at Tanjong
    117 words
  • 266 12 S. C. C. beat the Garrison. The Club played a picked team of the Garrison last evening on the Esplanade before a large crowd of spectators. A well fought game was the result, both sides being strongly represented, the Club, at the finish almost, finding the net with
    266 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 701 12 .h^oTSr.S'„Sf«sl States in placing a nr tin ore,'except Sfl^S i Settlements, there hare S time to tim.j in the r-r in the Straits SettleZY J 5 Ma la >’ State5 > and elsewhere 5 a ,d correspondence expre,?;’ K Wt I views and opinions on
      701 words

  • 3215 13 s snai to the Straits Times'' Kuala Lumpur Monday 2 pm. v da Lumpur is socially en fete, and -v- Conference has opened. For all the cruder within the gates would think, rfce -ay is but an ordinary holiday. The
    3,215 words
  • 133 13 London, irdJuly. The Cape Assembly have agreed to amotion strongly opposing the importation of Asiatics. Sir Gordon Sprigg said he would consider the possibility of amending the Immigration Act in order to exclude Asiatics from the Cape if they were introduced into South Africa. King Edward replying to
    133 words
  • 192 13 For Singapore. Per P. A O s. s. Victoria connecting at Colombo with the steamer Va *.t a iro a London Ju-e 26, due 26th July—Mrs. F Vicholas. Messrs. P. Sampson. A. V van colina, I) V. B. Donaldson, Haydar Beves G. V.i'ugh.C Murph), J. Rowe, and
    192 words
  • 185 13 In bis annual report on the Survey Department of the Colony for 1902, the Colonial Engineer states, under the head of Singapore, that the Singapore Branch of the Department was considerably undermanned during the year resulting in accumulation of arrears of work as follows —Application surveys
    185 words
  • 484 13 Kuala Lipis 16 th July. A case of murder, in which two Malays named Long and Uda, respectively, are alleged to have killed another Malay named Musa, ha* been committed for trial in the Judicial Commissioner’s court. It appears that the accused broke into the deceased’s house in
    484 words
  • 121 13 P. A O. July 24.—Per Ballaarat: For London via Marseilles—Mr. Herbert Darby. N. D. L. July 2S. Per Hamburg: Mr P. Wagner and child, Mr. W. J. C. Lef’ain. M. M. August 3.—Per Loiyntxien For Marseilles H. H. the Kajah of Sarawak, H. H. the Kajah Muda,
    121 words

  • 846 14 A DiOTnwuisHwlady 'traveller, says the Malay Mail writing to a friend in Selangor, makes the following interesting remarks on her trip to Java: The Dutch divide the natives sharply into the princely class and peasants and treat the twb- desses quit* differently The peasants are made
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  • 514 14 Few more cheerful men lire than the bearer of thie sinister name. Mr. Charles Death lives near the Bnckminster ironstone mine at Lincolnshire, England. How his life was saved from imminent peril is related by him in the Grantham Advertiser “Three years ago I was attacked
    514 words
    • 91 14 Under this heading the following abbreviotions are used:—str.—steamer; ah.—ship; bq.— barque; sch. —schooner; Yet. —Yachtl; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p. —Horse-power Brit. —British U.S.—United States; Fch.—French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch G.c.—General-cargo deck passenger U.—Uncertain T. P. VV.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W.—Borneo Wharf; K.H —Keppel
      91 words
    • 1247 14 arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Brouwer, Dnt str. 824 tong, Capt Gregor 21st July. From Deli, 16th July. G.c.,and 40 d.p. Daendel« A C'o For Deli. 24th —Rds. Gaea, Nor. otr 625 tons, Capt Pedersen 21st July. From Bangko-, 17th July G.c. Seng Lee Hong. For Bangkok,
      1,247 words
    • 662 14 A draw, rfcr:, probable aaie. oj arrum and name oj agent* Stkambrs. A. Kxelmaos, Marseilles, Aug; M Comte. Agamemnon, Liverpool. Aug 31; Manstieid Alooin, Bombay, Aug; Borneo Coy. Vndalusia, Hamburg, Aug 5; B. Meyer. Annsm, Colombo, Sept 14 M. Maritime* Aparimia, Calcutta, Aug 7 Boustead Arabia. Hongkong, Aug
      662 words
    • 128 15 PASSED BUNDA STRAUB OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. fuc Daw or E Kio. Ship8 Name. CaRaiit. Sailing.(From where AHoe. mask. Brit 8.0. Kyarra Mefarlane j London Ratavia l)ut s 6 Flores *uwehand Amsterdam Batavia •j Brit p.b. Selma NValsh < olombo Ratavia Brit ah. Radiant Davy Mar 28 P’ladelphia Kobe
      128 words
    • 1260 15 Flao .i.sNAWfc A Tons Captaiv From I Sailed Oomevieat. Kro. j 1 I I ■ju -ang Brit, str 2224 Courtney Hongkong July 7 Boustead and Co •.nd'ipore str 748 Robinson Bangkok (July 10 100 Seng Chan oaia str 4977 Woodcock Midway Is. June 27, P. Simons and Co. pr?u*sen
      1,260 words
    • 1007 15 Date. Vessel’s Name. .Flag A Rig. Tons. Destieatioh. 1 JulyL 15 Okhla Brit str. 3436 Bombay via Rangoon 16 Zaida str. 2905 Penang A CTmandel Coast Ports 15 Kgrm. Ger str. 12>3 Bangkok-T-Lk 15 G. G. Meyei Dut str. Muntok and l^alembang 16 Ruby r Brit str. Palembang 16
      1,007 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 670 14 COMMON SENSE -NUTSHELl Ntw u»ed»- al wo*k on the cause* and m«>st scientific •effectual means of self cure e*er dise»rvere.f for nervous :.n 1 fun. rVnal debility, waste of vitality, d**|)r ««H>n of icrit*. At 1 ..with practical observations on mama*, o and full hr. ctioiM to. ifmuTing certain disqualifications
      670 words
    • 281 14 WEATHER REPORT. Kaninnq K* rbau Hospital. 2Ut July, 85 2 78.9 Moraine dear. dg T "75 cloudy Nil The standard time ball at Fort Canni* fell correctly; aUo that at Fulo Brani. WEATHER TCLEGRA*. <E. h. A. <t C. Telegraph Comtmnv.j 22nd July. H OX UR ONG. Barometer.. 2983 Ihrection
      281 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 42 15 Charges Moderate, Neat Execution. Prompt Attention, EMPEROR OF INDIA PRESS, 188 CECIL STREET. Printer*, Publisher*, Bookbinders, Machine rulers. Account Book makers, India Rubber Stamp Manufacturers, and Stereotype founders. Has Latest appliances and experienced hands. Proprietors. A a it 1-9 r%. .A* 4 >
      42 words
    • 766 15 MARTIN’S es for *J! I larttltt. ihMtikoi o? Uvtin t K IiTii tlM I P» of *ny Irr** «r >. ot i)m- **>•(«« t kM)y i MlWWfttl T .om < 1.0 Jft ih. It rMMUMU UIM.I ***>r*or—— At all «.o< Bigr—, or pmttwm Stmjkttnm. cwn M i inAlanr Funagoya Tansan
      766 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 220 16 INDIAN ENGINEERING. A» Illustrated Wirklt Journal i he recognized organ of the PROFESSION IN INDIA. With guaranteed bonti Mr circulatim. LI*T OPEN T > INSPECTION. PAT. DO LYE c.e., Calcutta. iMiTEE H a Oo. TOWN BRANCH, 27 Kling Street. GENERAL MERCHANTS Provisions and Sundries ol every description kept in Stock.
      220 words
    • 412 16 e Poiuuet a delightful piquancy. errins Is the most delicious Sauce known. auce For Meats. Game, Fish, Soups, 8 fc. IKE ORIGINAL GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. ■D The only Medicine of the mu .ih*,. ft Registered D -1 jb* tic* >2 fo aUCountr/H Trade Mark m HOSFH HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF
      412 words
    • 206 16 2>e Cettaui YOU ARE QETTINQ Fraser Neave s Soda W ate WHEN YOU CALL FOR A DRINK, BY HAVING A LOOK AT THE Zsy u* 5 n m LABEL ON THE BOTTLE John Little Co., Ltd <0* -A r+j 0% r; VERY QbK) Guaranteed Severv Ye Years Old GLENLIVET WHISKY
      206 words