The Straits Budget, 22 April 1903

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 115 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’ The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. K?:abliBhed over Half a
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 22ND APRIL
    • 184 1 I.* o -«»n Sth instant, at Kuala I .r the wife of J. R. CRADDOCK, Kauh. I. filter Moth well. I -At No. 2. Kowloon, on the 6th Iv .‘vuie of Captain S. W. Moore, of |M Mii.i vn -On the 26th March, at Chet. the wile 01 M
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    • 146 1 I -Mis., Sunders. —At Amoy, on the j 'ant Alexander, elder son of the late I i'mmim;, Aberdeen, to Clara Aaarei., roi Captain I. Saunders, r r i -Kiciiholz.— At the Preshvtrerian I' Singapore, by the Hev. S.S. \Valker, l v l sth April, Miss Hilda Becker, r’ of
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  • 147 1 H j Hub, f* r 1 ape. w v I H| New*. PaBsengeP List. Police News. The 8. C. C. Selangor Football Match. The Parade at Tang)in. Land Sale. A Chinese Religious Function. Victoria Memorial Hail. Manchesters on Parade. A Building Case. The Case of Mrs. B.
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  • 609 1 Singapore, 22nd April, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler f 15.42$ Copra Bali 8.tHI do Poniianak 8.»*0 Pepper, Black buyer- 35.15 do White, (8%) 56.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 4 so do Brunei No. 1 4 60 Pearl Sago 6..hi Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 21.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis... 31.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • 263 1 This week’s issue of the Straits Budget is despatched by the B. I. s s. Zaida. The issue of the Budget next week, will be mailed by the P. O. 8 s. Ballaarat. The German mail for Europe by the Sachsen closed on Monday. The mail
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    • 62 1 Lontfon, 15 th April. The directorate of the Bagdad Railway Company consists at present of nine Germans, seven Frenchmen, two Swiss, and one Austrian. The conditions under which British capital will share in the enterprise have not yet been definitively settled. The nominal capital is
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    • 33 1 A barque which was sunk by a Russian cruiser Bar been block Suez Canal since Monday. The steamers Orizaba and Plasty are delayed. Later The Suez Canal is now open.
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    • 24 1 President Luubet arrived at Algiers in the afternoon, upon which the foreign warships there fired simultaneous salutes of twenty-one guns.
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    • 44 1 The Albanian sentry, the murderer of M. Stcherbina, the Russian Consul, had been, previous to the latter’s death, sentenced to fifteen years’ imprisonment. The sentry is now sentenced to death in consequence of imperative representations from the Russian Government.
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    • 60 1 London April 16 th. President Loubet conferred the Legion of Honour on the Admiral and on nine officers of the British squadron at Algiers. The Daily Telegraph says that this is the first time within the la*»t fifty years that a British
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    • 59 1 THE TIMES ON THE SITUATION. The Times in discussing the King’s visit to Paris, says that it can scarcely be doubted that there has been some shifting of the political centre of gravity in Europe. In the opinion of that journal, there is not the smallest incompatibility between France’s Russian
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    • 66 1 The King has had a brilliant reception at Malta. The French appear to be determined to omit nothing in order to pay fitting honour to King Edward. The programme includes a race meeting at Longchamps and a great military review at VincennesAn Admiral and a general of
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    • 37 1 London April 17 th. The King received an ovation on landing at Malta. He replied in separate speeches to the various addresses presented. His Majesty attended a state performance of opera in the evening.
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    • 8 1 President Loubet has gone to Oran.
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    • 43 1 Reuter's agent at Aden says that according to a despatch from Somaliland dated March 17th, General Manning’s column had engaged the enemy south-west of Galadi, inflicting heavy losses and capturing immense quantities of live stock. The British force had one killed.
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    • 46 1 It is officially stated in Constantinople that the Sultan's mission to pacify the Albanians is surrounded by several hundred Albanians at Itch, and that the members of the mission are practically prisoners The Albanians absolutely decline to accept the Macedonian reform scheme.
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    • 32 1 SHAMROCK III DISMASTED. Shamrock III was caught in a gale off Weymouth and completely dismasted. Sir Thomas Linton., on board! wa knocked down a hatch way and was bruised, but not seriously.
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    • 37 1 SHAMROCK ACCIDENT. London 18 th April. hie of the Shamrock's crew was drowned [when she was dismasted in the storm]. Several of the crew were injured. The King has telegraphed to Sir Thomas Lipton H. M.’s sympathy.
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    • 67 1 The Westminster Gazette has been informed that, at the request of the British authorities, the Peking Syndicate and the British Chinese Corporation have concluded an agreement to work jointly all their railway concessions north of the Yang-Tse River. This terminates a prolonged rivalry between them which
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    • 34 1 London, April 19 th. The Moorish Pretender is advancing to be/. and is confident of triumph. His intention is to proclaim himself Sultan, and to apply for recognition by the Powers.
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    • 47 1 Russia and Austria have again warned Bulgaria against encouraging the Macedonian insurrectionary movement. The Austrian and the Russian ambassadors at Constantinople have taken the unprecedented course of demanding a joint audience with the Sultan, at which they strongly urged the necessity for pacifying Albania.
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    • 19 1 REINA CRISTINA SKELETONS. The Spanish Government has decided to bring the skeletons found ia the Reina Cristina to Spain.
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    • 39 1 The L nited States Government has consented to the landing, at Guam, of the Dutch-German cable from Celebes to the Pellew islands, thereby connecting it with the projected American cable to the Philippines.
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    • 43 2 LoruJjOn, April 20 lie. A Turkish force is concentrated at Ferizovitcb under Rushdi Pasha, whose first duty will be to liberate the Sultan s Peace Commission whom the Albanian are detaining as hostages.
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    • 70 2 The Austrian and Russian Ambassadors have warned the Sultan that, unless the Albanians are put down, the consequences will be very serious, and that the whole responsibility for the disorders in Macedonia will fall on the Ottoman Government which will find itself
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    • 47 2 The question of King Edward visiting the Pope is much discussed. Official statements on the subject are carefully withheld, but there is a growing belief that a visit will be arranged. The King reviewed 8,000 bluejackets and marine?, and five field batteries at Malta.
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    • 49 2 There is a prolonged spell of bitterly cold weather in Europe which has worked havoc in orchards and vineyards. It culminated in snowstorms on the Continent. Snow fell for twelve hours at Berlin, cutting off communication with Russia and Scandinavia. The railway trains were embedded in snow.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 82 1 :>o~t fn-e rice of the Straits Times j year, or (18/-. The post free price T mi f‘>udget is ?20 a year, or 40/- ,t necc—ary to subscribe for a year. rij>rions for shorter periods are -u.‘- r '’portionate rate of price as i vear. ,<t,mi. Hudget c&n be sent
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    • 151 1 ENGLISH NURSE, a present in Java, desires situation with family returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, cio Straits Timet. MARTIN’S sflPlOL JTmlfar Ladies.! PILLS f faf all lrr«|aluitl«a. rnouauaa UdiMk*M*bat ofMartin• p,n, the house bo that on tha •*■*•*€»•«aay,Irre«alarity of the System a timely doae mar ha odmlntmeced- Those
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    • 20 1 r SCHWEITZER’S Tie Best s Purest COCOA. Now especially packed in double-lidded ice ensnring freshness for years, in all climants.
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  • 153 1 DEATHS. I Mil April, Mary Elizabeth _:;ind beloved wife of H R. Mission, at his house in I v u". \t Yokohama, on March |v k M \< Donald, late chief officer III I 1 V’ Bangkok, on the 7tli in^t. f r .Wl Mr v, W---\t Saigon, on the
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    • Article, Illustration
      2093 2 During the past few weeks, a number of high Government officials, planters from the Native States, and other persons interested in the development of the Peninsula, have been making a regular morning rendezvous ot the Economical Grifdens-at* Climy RojtfLThe cause of this has been the remarkably interesting demonstrations
      (Straits Times, 16th April.)  -  2,093 words
    • 615 2 As a general rule the American system of doing business is simpler and more direct than the old-fashioned English method; and the prevalent but erroneous popular belief is that red tape is officially abhorred of Uncle Sam in his administrative capacity. That this is a pure
      (Straits Times, 17th April.)  -  615 words
    • 3965 2 V 4. No question of color can be brought forward under the English law, but that the question is one which obtains socially is beyond all cavil or controversy. Chinese people do not, as a rule, care to associate intimately with Hindoos or Anglo-Saxons. ‘The same prejudice in
      (Straits Timex, 21 st April.)  -  3,965 words

  • 1221 3 M. de Coulgeans, French Consul at Battambong(Siaro) is reported to have died on the 3rd instant. Mr. C. Thorne, of the Bangkok Time#, is in Singapore, and leaves for home by the P. O. Chusan to-morrow morning. Mil John Barrett of St. Bonis Exhibi--1 l46fi 'rit presented
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  • 591 4 The London and China Express of 27 th ult. says :—The recent movements in the price of tin have attracted considerable attention. The statistical position has gained considerable strength during the past three or four months, and this was reflected in an advance in the price to
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  • 393 4 It is not generally known, not even I to very old European residents, that the Chinese, or some of them, I occasionally practise a function closely resembling that of the Hindus in so far J as walking on heated charcoal, lying on a bed of sharp
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  • 439 4 Government Intermeddling. The other day, the Municipality of Penang applied to the Government for sanction to the appointment of a Municipal auditor there. The Government did not see eye to eye with the Municipality, and set forth ideas of its own as to filling the appointment. At the
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  • 227 4 As we briefly notified in yesterdays issue, the Ist battalion of the Manchester Reriment and other members ot the garrison will parade at Tanglrn Barracks at 7.30 to-morrow morning for an interesting purpose—the presentation of decorations and medals to a considerable number of men who have
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  • 247 4 Mr. C. R. Cormac the new superintendent of Posts and Telegraphs, Pahang, has assumed the duties of his appointment,with head-quarters atRaub. Mr. Sumner, the assistant Commissioner, has gone to Raub and Bentong on Police inspection. Mr. Craddock, of the Forest Department, who had been examining the Kuan tan
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  • 396 4 Dr. Hamilton Wright, the late Director of the Institute fofTropioal Research at Kuala Lumpur, signs the report on that organisation for 1902. It sets forth in detail what he did to bring the Institute up to the mark despite hindrances and obstruction, and enumerates five departmental publications.
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  • 382 4 4 L For the second ti mf since the eatabli^hmJ! Protection, Pahang mourn;./' 8R death of its Resident i 1 .®stef: intelligence that Mr l.T died at Pekan very Si graphed by the Mr. Owen, the oilier Kuala Lipis, on tin- S| the profoundest sorrow Duberly left
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  • 368 4 Arrivals. On Saturday from Batavia by La Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bends Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. <> Kellv, )u fli Laml»ie, Mrs. Johannes and son, Mr. D. |gg and two daughters, Messrs, d. Wm Goan Liang, Th. Geldennann, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gezard and five children,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 LAND SALE. high Prices Realised. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co’s, saleroom yesterday in the estate of Shaik Hallim Bin Omar Hadbuil, deceased. There was a large attendance of Chinese and Arab buyers, the competition for the various lots being very keen. 999 years’
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  • 723 5 B tng to pressure on our space we -nable to give in Tuesday’s WT r re than a brief account of the K ill match between the S. C. C B'/ e -.danger team. Below will be Rii more detailed description timber were
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  • 55 5 to l)er (Jstasiatische Lloyd 1 intends to send an expert to who will endeavour to secure r Participation of a number of Hrms for the foundation of a B. inking institution. The Austrian -Jeventually contribute Kronen, this amount being o: ’he share capital. The head the
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  • 59 5 P. O. PASSENGERS. I \\1 f > From Hongkong, Mr. W. Mr. W. L. Smith Mr. F. rorn Yokohama, Mr. Laird. angers leaving per Chusan for J; Vla Marseilles:—Mr. and Mrs. B r Thorne, Mr. Gibbons, f t. *'j af ‘kay, Ven Archdeacon W. For Marseilles, Mr hj/ tor Colombo,
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  • 1133 5 Home. London 6 th April. A State performance of opera took place at Lisbon on the 4th April. Their Majesties’ entrance was the signal for a tremendous Anglophile demonstration, the andience rifting np and cheering loud and long. The ovation was repeated as they left. On the afternoon
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  • 182 5 Mr. Francis Pears writes to the British Trade Journal to call attention to the opening in the Straits Settlements for paddy cultivation. He states that he has cultivated dry or upland paddy now for two years as “catchcrops,” his land being planted up with permanent
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  • 471 5 Mr. \V. W. Bailey, of Klang, and Mrs. Bailey returned to the Straits by the s.s. Sado Mara on Wednesday. Se rembax race course is said to be tiger-haunted. Winners there will probably get three cheers and a stripes.” It was understood that Mr. John Roberts, the
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  • 17 5 Brought forward ..$121,204 D. Beatty, 2nd instalment 25 $121,229 W. H. Frizell, Hon. Treasurer.
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  • 538 5 Easy Victory for the Sailor. Last night there was a large and influential gathering at the Drill Hall as the outcome of the challenge by Spoff Drummond of H. M. S. Thetis to fight Drummer Cain of the Manchesters. lhe event was under distinguished patronage
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  • 109 5 THE SHERARD OSBORN.” The well-known old cable ship Sherard Osborn that has been connected with Singapore for so many years, will soon sever her connection with the Straits permanently. By an arrangement with the Eastern and South African Telegraph Co. she has been purchased for work on the Zanzibar Station,
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  • 164 5 The case pending against Mrs. Blanche Waddell, the Japanese man, Fujisaki, and the woman O’Chio, was not heard to-day owing to the prosecution applying for a further postponement till this day week. Bail was extended. In connection with the account ot the arrest of
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  • 921 5 Early this morning, the 1st battalion Manchester Regiment fell in on the parade giound at Tanglin Barracks with a more interesting object in view than the ordinary, every day practice of military movements. It
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  • 917 6 Yesterday afternoon, Syed Mahomed Alsagoff appeared before Mr. Brockman in response to a summons issued against him at the instance of the Municipal Commissioners to explain why he made deviations from building plans approved by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, in respect to buildings under erection in Brass
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  • 438 6 Selangor is certainly taking the lead in atiiomobilism in Malaya, says the Malay Mail and Messrs. Robertson, Kester and Loke Yew are the three public spirited individuals who keep on importing cars of all sorts and descriptions. Last week we announced the appearance of Milnes-Daimler lorries
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  • 192 6 WHITAKER WRIGHTS SURPRISE.” Mr. Whitaker W right was “absolutely surprised when he was arrested on landing from the steamer at New York. The object of the trip, he said, was to visit certain mining properties in British Columbia. He also said it was quite unnecessary to issue a warrant for
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1822 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times Dear Sir, —I thought I would wait until after the holidays to reply to the gentleman who paid the surprise visit to the H. C. and J. Office on the Bth inst. and whose communication was published in your issue
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  • 648 6 The Government full regulations with r Singapore Volunteer c or H| One hundred fl| were registered at Sm-,../ r -nHB weekending on the ratio per thousand was 4 In the Marine Court SB Edward McCullum Kelandar Hvr, was fi D M fli assaulting some of the vessel.
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  • 104 7 B petitions stand now before the M-.L'Mi.- opinion at Hongkong. One u :.i h proceeds from a portion V Chinese community, prays for Severn*>r of the Colony (Sir Henry k tppointed for another term. r e tjti .n rests, however, on such uonal grounds that it comK pule outside
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  • 105 7 B-.; rah Pioneer calls attention to at that, owing to 4 ounces B tllowed to be carried postally B vithin the United Kingdom, it one common to post packets of B Wit containing articles of value postage rates. Such practices indulged in safely in the kingdom where the
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  • 123 7 m hi*f.a s Dunkerley has taken of aosence for six months, two an l twenty-eight days beginning [the 17th instant. J Power of Attorney appointing Mr. [ek Nelson, commonly known as ■the IV rick, Director in Penang of ■Xavier’s Institution, has been filed |he Registry of the Supreme
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  • 187 7 HV Ih iy Mail says —Mr. J. S. M. Buie passed through on Saturday on return with the monthly instalment Krib sold. He had a somewhat ■pleasant experience on his journey ■n: leaving Raub at 7.45 a m. on m d Friday, he was some
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  • 220 7 L India Far Behind. I 1 I"' 1 tn Engineering —It will r J1 strike Indian readers with F automobiles for ordinary r; a.v heroine so numerous in Perak r l be Lesident-General of the Malay States, at the public appointed a Committee of r
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  • 105 7 ARRIVAL OF H.M.S. PIQUE.” H.M. second class cruiser Pique arrived this morning from Labuan. She will probably wait here for about three weeks, when her relief is expected to arrive. The following is the list of her officers Captain Harry C. Reynold*; Lieutenant* William B. Macdonald, Claude G. R. Brandon,
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  • 114 7 The Tinum of India bemoans the fact that electricity is making little or no progress in Bombay as compared with Calcutta, and laments that one of the causes that retards the internal progress of the city is the absence of strong, united, and articulate public opinion. Civil
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  • 92 7 Mr. Haslam has been engaged as an Assistant Electrical Engineer for the Penang Municipal Electric Installation from home at .£3OO per annum. He would arrive in Penang about May 16th next. Mr. Thomas, the Municipal Electrical Engineer, had received application for the full complement of lamps for
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  • 484 7 Important Find of Oil in Brunei. Lai man, JJJi April. About four miles up the Brunei river at a place called Buang-Tauer the Rajah of Sarawak has been boring a tunnel through the hill side to work the coal deposits under the concession he bought from Mr. Cowie
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  • 1853 7 Friday, April 17th. PRESENT. His Excellency Sir Frank Athklstane SWETTENHAM, K.C.M.G., (GOVERNOR). Hon.W. T. Taylor, c.m.g., (ColonialSecretary). Hon. W. R. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. E. C. H. Hill (Auditor General). Hon. A. Murray, C.E., M.I.C.E. (Colonial Engineer). Hon. .1. M. A Hinson. Hon.
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  • 626 7 In Holland, there is a strong agitation against the holding of Government lotteries and generally against that form of gambling there. This movement has drawn attention to the lotteries which are sanctioned by Government in Netherlands India. Government authority is required even for the holding of rallies. For
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  • 1043 8 Home. Sir Conan Do vie and I>ord Lovat gave evidence before tiie Royal Comiuiwion which, under the presidency of Lord Elgin, is inquiring into the conduct of the late war. Lord Lovat recommended the establishment of a permanent corps of scouts, to be coiu|xised chiefly of Highlander*
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  • 1285 8 H. M. S. Mutine returned to Penang from Tongkab (Puket) on the 10th instant. The remarkable verdict of “not exactly guilty” was given by some assessors in a re:ent Indian abduction case. Singapore is shortly to be visited by the famous American detective W. A. Pinkerton, who
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  • 75 8 Last night some members of the burgling fraternity paid a visit to the residence of Bishop Hose in Stamford Road. The dressing room of the Bishop was entered and some clothing and three er four pairs of boats were stolen. Some silver, which was in the room,
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  • 147 8 In Friday’s issue we recorded the fact that, during the thunderstorm of the preceding afternoon, the office of the Colonial Engineer was struck by lightning. It seems that the Colonial Engineer and Mr. Townley were seated in the former’s room when the electric discharge occurred. Both gentlemen
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  • 223 8 Saturday’s Play. C. SINGLES. IIKIplikk scr. beat Downie 2, 6 2, 2-6, 2. Lean f 1 beat A. E. Murray scr. Graham scr. beat DeCooiry, latte#scratched. Chaney 1 beat J. O. Davie#* by 1. Denniston 3 beat Reynolds+ 3, 6-4, 2-6, 6 2. Morrison scr.
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  • 110 8 The balance-sheet of the North-Ger-man Lloyd Company for 1902 was laid before the board of directors on the 13th March. It shows a profit, after deducting working expenses, amounting to 19,410,519 marks of which 4,125,470 marks are assigned to payment of interest and general expenses, 12,610,378 marks
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  • 159 8 An interesting event took place on Saturday afternoon when the marriage was solemnized of Miss Hilda Becker, eldest daughter of Mrs. Becker of the Hotel De L’Europe, Singapore, and Mr. Otto Eichholz of Bangkok. The wedding took place at the Presbyterian Church, the Rev. S. S. Walker officiating, and
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  • 286 8 El ison’s new nickel and iron storage battery will, if all that is claimed for it proves correct, undoubtedly do much to revolutionise electricity, or rather its application. A Mr. Herman E. Dick, an American electrician, is now at the head of an organised attempt to
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  • 2037 8 Mr. Trotter’s renort M and Telegraph Iw!. n tr* M lh d T° n M 6 ble at the Legislative Council 8 hensive and interesting During the year under rev*.Sl articles were received as compared with 8,06^ 1»99, the increase being't If the articles dealt
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  • 1788 9 Home. Telegraphic despatches from Lisbon state that King Edward had a most enthusiastic send-off. In reply to an address from the Portuguese Commercial Associations, prior to embarkation, His Majesty said: “I hope there will be further expansion of trade between our respective countries and colonies, the integrity and
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  • 993 9 It is reported that a syndicate of I British and Netherlands capitalists are I negotiating to buy the Redjang Lebong I mine. Inspr Howard, A. division, has taken I short leave. Act: Insp: Hickey aqtsl for him, and Sergt. Stapley takes up I the duties of the
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  • 97 9 Last night a private bowling match took place between nine members of the Teutonia Club. After a keen competition, the first prize was won by Mr. O. Ruraker, the second by Mr. H. Lunschen, the third by Mr J. Schacht, and the fourth by Mr. A. Jahns. The scores
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  • 115 9 The Krian irrigation scheme con* fcinues to progress, says the Malay Mail although little can be seen of it from the railway line, where the only noticeable feature is the laying down of large stones on the inclined sides for the protection of the way from the
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  • 132 9 P. O. PASSENGERS. The following passengers arrived per 3 and O. s s. Bengal yesterday from London: Miss M. A. F. Worry, Mr. i. D. Sumner, Mr. W. Maybury, Mr. A. Gardner, Mr. C. V. Miles. From Marseilles —Mr. D. S. Carmichael, Mrs. Carmichael, Mr. A. G Glass ford, Mr.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 354 10 To the Editor of the Straits Timts Dear Sir,— May I encroach a little on your valuable space to ventilate a grievance On Sunday last I took the 3.40 p.m train to Woodlands and ou my arrival there I saw a big crowd of people gathering.
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  • 161 10 The following passengers left tbis morning by the German mail steamer Sachsen :—For Penang: Mr. A. Sarkies, Mr. Engel, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Loman, Mr. A. Poock. For Colombo Mr. FetRch, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Anthonisz, Mr. J. G. van Langenberg, Mrs. Holmes and children. For
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  • 144 10 The Judicial Commissioner of the F. M. S. tried seventy-six persons for murder last year. Nine sentences of death were passed. Pahang sent up three Malays and one Chinese on this charge; they were all sentenced to death. Judicial work in the States is expected to
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  • 190 10 Among new Companies put on the London inimng market is the Pataling Rubber testates Syndicate, Limited, registereG on March 20th, by Warren, Murton and Miller, 45 Bloomsbury Square, W. C, with a capital of £30,000, in £1 shares. Objects: To adopt an agreement with Miss F. M.
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  • 396 10 Lipis, lJfth April. Out of the 14 Pahang candidates for the recent senior clerical examination, 12 have passed. There were altogether 86 candidates from all the States, and of these Mr S. Sobrielo, the Land Office clerk at Pekan, passed an easy first with 541 marks out of
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  • 364 10 The excitement is growing among a section of the Japanese public because of the illusory character of the Russian evacuation of Manchuria. Two non-political parties met at Tokio on the Bth instant, and passed a resolution praying the British and Japanese Governments to urge China to insist on
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  • 259 10 For Singapore. Per P. A O s. 8. Rome, connecting with the steamer Valetta at Colombo from London April 2, due 2nd May—Messrs. McNab, Phipps, Stock well, J J. N. Henrv. W. Black, Mr. P. W. Ball, Serg-Maj. Cherry Deacon, and Mr and Mrs. Moir. Per P.
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  • 606 10 P. o. April 23rd. —Per s.s. Java: For Loudon Mrs. J. M. Cameron and infant, Mrs. R. S. Fry, Mrs. and Miss F. S. Pooles, Mrs. Jago and child, Mr. Darby, Mr. Contts and family, Mr. Van der Gucht and Mrs. Owen. From Penang to London—Capt. and
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    • 1394 10 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.— steamer; sh.—ship; bq.— barque; sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. —Horse power Brit.—British U.S.—United States; Fch.—French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch G.c.—General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger U.—Uncertain; T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B. W.—Borneo Wharf; K.H —keppel Harbour P.B.—Pulo
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    • 564 10 Name, port, probable date of ami* I and name oj agent*. I Stxamers. I Afridi, Japan, May; Paterson Simons. I Aiax Liverpool, May 6; Mansfield. I Alooin, Bombay, Apl 21; Borneo Coy. I Alcinous, Liverpool, Ma\ 6; Man«fieid. I Anaam, Colombo. Mav 25; M Ma itimu I Antenor,
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    • 1174 12 I If LAO T '1 Nam* A Tons Captain From .Sailed Consign***. 5 Rw. Giang Seng Brit str I Rawlingson Samarang :Apl 12 T. K. Xian Co Ltd. 16 Hong Be** str Peters Amoy Apl 8 Wee Bin and Co. 15 Nan Shan str. «299 Stovell Amoy Apl fiiGutbrie
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    • 602 12 Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag A Rio. j Toics. Destihatiow. 1 A pi 16 Sado Maru Jap str. 3858 Hongkong and Japan Id Boribat 8ia str. 352 Bangkok via pons 16 Emile hat str. 80 Rhio 16 Freiburg Ger str. 3881 Moalmein via Rangoon 16 Will O’tbe Wisp Brit sir.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 447 11 T-i aGNALL HILLES, p6 Robinson Road. on H-A-ND Electric Fane, Oiling and Table, -p *0. 100, 110 and 120 Volte. Ip! to operate from Incandescent ('ifcuits. Any Voltage to order or Alternating Current Fane. For Table Use, 104 Volts. :;0 n invited from all people who nave Dynamos installed. IAS
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    • 379 11 “SAPPORO” “KIRIN” BEERS The best that are brewed in Japan. Bole Importers. KOMAYA Co., a8, High Street, Telephone No. 288 uc. KEYSTONEELGIN WATCHES Durable and Accurate Keystone Witch Case Co. liltklbM 1W Philadelphia, U.S.A. AMERICA’S OLDEST AMO LAR8EST WATCH FACTORT For sale bp The Principal Watch Dealers in Straits Settlement
      379 words
    • 297 11 8T. ANDREW'S HOUSE. A CHURCH of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys *no desire to attend the schools of the Blace. Applications to be made to the louse Master, St. Andrew’s House; or to the Colonial Chaplain. w. s. u.c. LAWS S’ CO., 8, BATTERY ROAD. Commission and
      297 words
    • 501 11 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED LABEL, the signature in WHITE of Lea Sc Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. lea PERRINS’ SAUCE. J f he only Medicine tf the
      501 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 82 12 JAMES WATSON CO.’S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: $12-50 per case. Duty extra V. V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8-50 per case. Duty extra OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS, OR McAlister Co.,—sole agents The Time! The Exact Time!! The Time!!! THE GENUINE ROSKOPF WATCH
      82 words
    • 70 12 T 1 John Little Co., Ltd. JUST ARRIVED THE LATEST FASHIONS IN MILLINERY Suitable for V)6e May Races. Trimmed S? Untrimmed Hats Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Chiffons, &c. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. John Little Co., Ltd. 23-4 The Australian Stores have received another fresh shipment OF The famous MOTOR Brand HAMS AND
      70 words
    • 349 12 MAjjjj natural T MARK B08* for hno inv^ij^j. saw chemicals or thicksj* Pure rich milk. Xo 31 at Tne Lu» F ensary and ill p ro above mineral water a we were recently apw 13 L agents by Hasegawa 4 Co., of Koi7 is bottled at Funagoya spring fol Japan,
      349 words