The Straits Budget, 8 April 1903

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 119 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’ I Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout I all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the I Philippines, and French Indo-China. h?:iBI.WHKD OVER
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 8TH APRIL.
    • 151 1 I iii the 14th March, al Kiukiang, I. ni A. Okk Ewing, of the China ft v M:-'ion, of a son. I \t I’ingclii 10 Quarries, on the 17th wife of John Low, Overseer, of a P r ft On the 19ih March, at Xingpo, o Vn Kev. A.
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    • 181 1 !':•-l*\t**ri;in Church, on the 28tli *-!:•-v Stephen Walker, Alexander '•"ii'H. t<> Thka, widow of the late Harr\ Riches K'm-h.—On the 18th March, at Kxtmkkink Murikl Koch, to lhmo \ktindale, of Shanghai. M kki-nmn. *n the ‘2nd April, at u ;ttliedral, Singapore, by the tii** lti."hop of Singapore, etc. etc.,
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  • 202 1 Lending Articles. The Unseen. About Radium. About Dhobies. Local M .rket Quotations, shipping N» ws. Passenger List. Sing pure Rifle Association. Fun- nil .J D. Smart. Departure of the 3rd M *dns infantry. The Town and Volunteer Band. The fti~i>ha Serv.ce. Traction Engi es. ng-ipore aud its
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  • 638 1 Singapore, 8rn Apkii., 1903. PRODUCE. tombier t 15 55 'opra Bali »> 8.30 do Pontianak 8.30 ’epper, Black buyers 34 62$ do White, (8%) 57J*U Sago Flour Sarawak 5.27* do Brunei No. 1 4 85 Pearl Sago 6.10 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 21.5* Coffee, Palembang, 20% hrvsi* 31.0* feoffee,
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  • 204 1 This week’s issue of the Straits Budget is despatched by the B. I. s.s. Zamanvi The of the Budget next week will he mailed by the P A O. s 8, Chufon. The mail from Europe of the 13; fi March by the P. and 0.
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    • 20 1 Lot.t/on, I st April. The King’s birthday will be kept at foreign stations on the 9th November.
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    • 31 1 The British revenue for the fiscal vear amounts to X151,551,698,an increase of 1*8,553.699; but 1633,302 below Sir Michael Hicks-Beach’s estimate. The Budget statement will be made the 24th instant
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    • 150 1 Lady Macdonald’* Folicitor states that the War Office offered a pun carriage for her husband’s funeral, and that the War Office had shown her the greatest kindness Sir Archibald Hunter and his staff desired to attend the funeral. The widow declined both these offers, in her desire
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    • 8 1 The French Budge* has been passed.
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    • 17 1 In the Varsity Boat Race, Cambridge led throughout, and won easily by six lengths.
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    • 27 1 SHAMROCK OLD v. NEW. ll»e trials on the Clyde yesterday between the new Shamrock and the old Shomrock showed that the former was much faster in speed.
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    • 52 1 ALBANIAN’ S ATTACK A TOWN. A Regular Battle. Londoti, A frit 2nd. An Albanian assault on the town of Mitrovitza (Macedonia) developed into a regular battle. i tie ramson ot the 1 1»\% i< e« ijmmi u of 3,000 Turkish regular troops, who have since bf en reinforced by four
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    • 49 1 M. Stchetbina, the Russian Consul at Mitrovitza, accompanied by a Turkish escort, visited the batteries when the fighting was over. An Albanian sentinel deliberately fired at the Russian Consul, seriously wounding him in the hack. Ihe lui kish soldiers shot down the sentinel, wounding him mortally.
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    • 17 1 1 he insurrectionary movement among the Albanians is causing the greatest consternation at Constantinople.
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    • 14 1 Severe fighting is reported at Yucbitirn, near Mitrovitza, with two hundied casualties.
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    • 25 1 The cotton report ot the Washington census bureau estimates the total cotton crop at 11,078,882 ccmmercial bales, equivalent to 10,630,945 standard bales.
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    • 12 1 H. M. thfc Kiiig has aimed at Lisboa
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    • 40 1 London, April 4th. Mr. Chamberlain, communicating with Sir J West Ridgtway anent the Boer irreconciJables in Ceylon, *ays he has reason to believe that they will shortly be allowed to proceed to Java.
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    • 42 1 A mobile column under Col. Sharpe was engaged in a fight south of Damot (Somaliland) on March 29ih. The enemy offered an obstinate resistance, and lost 27 killed and 40# camels. There were no casualties on the British side.
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    • 14 1 The Kaiser is visiting Copenhagen where he received the heartiest welcome.
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    • 15 1 King Edward was with a tremendous reception on landing at Lisbon.
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    • 26 1 Owing to alarming reports of the situation in China, the United States Government is reinforcing the American Asiatic squadron by three cruisers.
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    • 92 1 KING EDWARD’ S TOUR. Lond'jn, April 4th. King Edward visits R >ine from the 27th to the 30th instant. King Edward has received at an audience the diplomatic agents at Lisbon. An address was presented to H. M. from the Portuguese Cortes, which alluded in the warmest terms to the
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    • 26 1 The Treasury at Wasniugton .has purchased 384,500 ounces ot silver for coining pesos” for the Pmlippine* at fi 1 y cents (gold) per ounce.
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    • 24 1 The British and an Italian Squadron will go to Algieia, to salute President Loubet on his approaching visit to Algeria.
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    • 64 2 General Manning’s column occupied Galadi on the 3l*t March after stru (vling through waterless deserts amid the greatest privations. The \Jullah continues to be beyond reach of the expedition which will remain at Galadi for some time to collect supplies. The transport service has completely collapsed.
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    • 15 2 In the international Rugby football match. Scotland scored two goals and England one.
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    • 63 2 THE MULLAH ’S MOVEMENTS. London, oik April. Prior to the occupation of Galadi, the B inish a Ivanee force hai a 3tiff brimh wit n a force of the enemy who lost five killed an 1 fifteen prisoners. The bulk of the enemv -15 000 strong-are concentrating n**ar W ilwal
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    • 16 2 The .Janinese cruisers Itiukushima, M'tttnxhima, and ’la*hidate have arrived at Fremantle.
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    • 55 2 London 6th April. There was a State performance at the Opera, Lisbon, on Saturday. The entrance of King; Edward and the King of Portugal was the Rignal for a tremendous Anglophile demonstration, the audience rising and cheering loud and long. Tne ovation was
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    • 45 2 The G -inn in Press lo )ks at the royal tour with a jaundiced eye. It sees therein a prospect ot new political combinations unsatisfactory to Germany. It is especially apprehensive at the possibility of Kng Eiward meeting President Loubet.
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    • 49 2 It is declared at Washington that the United States G ivernment is increasing its Asiatic squ i Iron, considering that it would be a good precautionary measure for the United States to be strongly represented by a naval force in the Far East.
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    • 67 2 The G ivernment of H Aland has taken anti-strike legislation in hand. The consequence is that a general strike of railway servants has been proclaimed in H Aland. The strike also affects the water transport service between Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The mail steinners
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 ,r friM price of the Straits Times (,r *h/-. The post free price n t Tvfiyet is a year, or 40 r -ar> to subscribe for a year ptions for shorter periods are nr proportionate rate of price as •> voir. v-.r budget can be sent to meet r j
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    • 194 1 COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELI A new medical work on the c&umx and most acimurie juid effectual mean* of self cure ever discover**! for nervous and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of spirits. Ac ,with practical observation* on niamacc and full directions for removing certain diaqualihca<ions 'hat de* troy the happiness«f wedded
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  • 183 1 DHATMS. -'>tli March, at Hongkong i«t r. foxi>Y, aged 34 years. ,,J h February, at Chicopee, ib-v. Ch*k<;k Kerr, Factor *> evwi < 'hoick i» 'i.yierian ('hureli. 'i»‘hth March, ar Wellington, •v h.i.ia.m Winter, aged 35 l' in. on the 4th inst., at his '/_•;> I'oati, rapt. Johann Tutkin, V."
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    • 832 2 (Straits Times 26th M 'rck Whatever be the cause —mere physical coincidence or actual psyhic revelation—there is always a fascination about authenticated episodes that savour of the Unseen.” Therefore no apology is necessary for setting forth in brief detail, f >r the solution of those who may consider
      (Straits Times, 26th M 'rck )  -  832 words
    • 1088 2 Strait! Times, 6th April.) While referring to SirWdliam,Crookes and the possible existence of manifestationsofa nature that placesthem beyond our present comprehension, it may interest many people hereabouts who do not follow the trend of events scientific to learn a few things about the newly discovered mineral salt called
      (Strait! Times, 6th April.)  -  1,088 words
    • 6642 2 (Straits Timrs, 71 h April) Last week we published a rather elaborate article on the trials that a rikisha is subj *cted to when being tested for service ibility by the peons «»f the H C. &J. Department. In that connection it should be explained, however, that while
      (Straits Timrs, 71 h April)  -  6,642 words

  • 646 4 Last year 38 per cent, of B mgkok’s exports came to Singapore winlst the imports hence a n i i el tJ 46 percent The British twin-screw cruiser Pique was to sever its connection with ihe Cuina Station at the end of last month. No less than
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  • 75 4 The Selangor cricket and football team? visiting Singapore at Easter are made up as follows: Cricket: —Messrs. J.A S. Basagoiti, H.F Browell, C W H. Cochrane, A.P. Cropley J G. Glassford, N. Grenier. J. McC. Hryz*t, B.A. Maartensz, A. J. Vanrenen, and Cap*. B L. Talbot. Football
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  • 113 4 THEGerman mail simmer A iaantschou outward bound, which arrived here on Thursday, got into difficulties in the Suez Canal on the 6»h March. In endeavouring to pass the P. MO. B.s. Arcadia and while trying to avoid the Anchor liner Scindia which was moored close
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  • 171 4 MALTA” PASSENGERS. The P. O Maua sails to-morrow morning with the hd.owing passengers from Sinirap' re For London —Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Deni and infant, Miss Anderson, Miss Benjatield, Mr. and Mis. Benjatield infant and child, Mr. J. C. Tihetts, Mr. VV. 11. Irwin, VIUs Martin, Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 472 4 Expected at Singapore. The Kronstadt.*ki VtesmiK state* that the Ukean a new Russian traininj. ship for engineers, artificers, ann stokers, which has been built ii Germany, has undergone successful!' her machinery trials in the presence ol a committee sent from St. Petersburg She is fitted with boilers
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  • Correspondence
    • 152 4 To the Editor of tj LK I Dear Mr. Editor, Ejj to encroach on your jV'/m W expose a grievance whi, h W"B me amongst the Volume M'W to the Band We are a^ked u M 50 cts. a month to the Band-not a large
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  • 190 4 To*mokkovv (F.iday) the 3rd L.iglit iiiiautiy will embark on ‘JB ransport iltvara f »r False p dadirtS. The programme in ir departure shows tn a t thry ave a lieariy semi-off and thttg r'l •e a big military show. The vdl leave fauglin about 7.30
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  • 407 4 An additional ukase, issued si V Petersburg on the .Olh ult, ensatioual modification ol the wic*. I •rrnerly i&sued, giving religiumlr<*<Mßj oid self-government to the people oil Russia When the first wa-i-Suecßi ne people went wild with delight, an-' H hi every part of the Empire celebiatioo* H
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  • 219 5 r i Perak Pin etr. HLli‘ > Association at Taiping mBm., March shoot proved to be jjBmr t-. no less than thirty-six BW• ,k part in it There was JV* j »od scoring. Mr. Wilson HH. A ’wo at two-hundred yards. H. beginning with a miss at Hh\
    r -- i — Perak Pin etr.  -  219 words
  • 530 5 j /cUNDK K, #1 SildW.iK, iu t rri-i to Miss Maria Ruchholdt Cathedral on Tuesday, B f MN r f of the London School of H 4 i vlnncine, has now taken up his 1 .1mrector of the Kuala Lumpur Kal institute of Medical Research. H hreen
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  • 86 5 On the 23rd ult. Sanitary Inspector Simon purchased three cents’ worth of milk from a Kling dairyman named Sinasamy. This was bottled, sealed, and submitted to the Municipal Health officer for analysis. It was found to contain 27% of added water The man was summoned and to-day appeared
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  • 164 5 There are too many black sheep among American civil servants in the Philippines. The Manila Times thus bewail** the fact: We have been very unfortunate in the selection of some of th'i men charged with the duty of handling public funds in the islands, and must make
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  • 170 5 The wedding of Mr. W. E. U. Grove, Chief Police Officer, Singapore, and Mis Ella Morrison, took place yesterday at fef. Andrew’s Cathedral. The ceremony was performed by the Right Reverend Bishop Hose assisted by the Venerable Archdeacon Dunkerley. Colonel Pennefather, I G«P.
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  • 433 5 The s. s. Taisaug arrived from H«»n*kong with *00 or 900 coolies on board on fhe3lst ult. A depot keeper brought 51 of them ash »re, and when he got home found that one of the party had sores on his face. He took the man to
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  • 177 5 Malay Mail. During the absence of the Judicial Commissioner on leave, all murder cases will be taken by Mr. George Maxwell, Senior Magistrate, subject to confirmation of sentences by Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones. Captain Turner of the Sappho has proceeded home on sick leave for four months. Captain Foster,
    Malay Mail.  -  177 words
  • 229 5 The Raub Australian Co’s report for the seven weeks ending February 28 h night, says the Malay Mail to gladden the hearts of the shareholders and give them hope for better things ahead. The wnrk done shews all round progress, fhe values of the tailings have dropped slightly.
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  • 224 5 Says the M'day At lit: People talk ab jut tne unchanging ist, but it is only necessary to look back a few years to notice the constant cnanges taking place in the European community of a place like Selangor. For instance in a list of a few
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  • 144 5 The Veteran Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel whose name and personality have been for so many years associated with Singapore and its nistorv, left for England by the P. O s. s. Mult* this morning. A very large number of people assembled at the P.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 166 5 To Mce Editor of the (Straits Times,* 1 Sir, —Did you lately pass along River Valley Road between the Ice-house and the lovely bathing place at the foot of Fort Canning 1 advise you not to do so for your own sake and that of your vehicle. The
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    • 470 5 Lots of people in Singapore, ship masters and shipping men especiall), have won lered why the fall of the timeballs on Fort Canning and Pulo Brarn lid not always synchronize with ih* time gun fired at the fort at the former place. Investigating the cause of
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    • 161 5 No. 3 Wharf, Tanjong Pagar, presentt d a very busy scene all the morning owing to the departure fur India of the 3rd Madras Infantry Practically half the E iropean section of Singapore was there, the officers of the regiment having made them* selves
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  • 4075 5 I have read Mr. Hooper’s report dated 9th March which appeared in your issue of the 27th March and the following may interest your readers. As I was told that the most unreasonable ind absurd tests were applied in the estingof rickshas, which I could hardly credit,
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  • 1063 6 The King has approved ot Mr vVaddell as Consul of Sweden and Norway at Singapore for the Straits Settlements. Mr. A. Ball arid Mr. J. N. Wardrop, ootli of British North Borneo, have been elected Fellows of the Royal Colonial Institute. Mr. T. E Earle has been
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  • 55 6 i jC« Thk new cable steamers ltestorer both leave for a hri**i f£ work >mong the islands to ti'»* ward at about 4 p.m. on Mon«la> will return here ehoitlv n Restorer makes her wav *ou'h P. are new vessels and the statin'* n contemporary that
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  • Correspondence.
    • 222 7 of the u Straits Times." think an explanation is due mbers of the S V. C. and the r attended the funeral of the 1> Stuart on Thursday for tendance of the Band, member of the Band was V meon Wednesday afternoon n readiness at
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  • 97 7 I k Chinese aliens have been I i -'l Lieut C. A Ridclifi‘* R N i M?e<i Deputy Master Attendant L er y fie is al*»o appointed Magistrate I r.x of Misters and Mates. Mr I T A tfhen.,a«st sup of Police, ha« I m: months' leave from
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  • 169 7 I 1 h;nd comes a copy of the I Asoitic, a monthly periodical .*1 in Seattle and designed to I nerican trade ia the East It -ring reading but decidedly sr. L *;'!i in general tone. By it we I r .it m American currency is the
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  • 128 7 lowing concerning Singapore in Hie Bulletin of the Society *e»;r de Paul/’ published in We have received most Mms from the Conference of '■'i: Its members are noted for >■' ‘i 1 and great charity. Some iiiHfn even push their spirit ot -t:ni o! self-denial
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  • 73 7 1 !> Penang Municipality, the ‘V, issuing an order to pull houses that had already 'fniernned by the Municipal was ascertained that the been sold some tim* ago. i. String this the Municipal PresiHjV r n,,t help saying that the Ufc v V** 10 8 °id the
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  • 779 7 Last week an inquiry was held by Mr. Beatty into an allegation of playing in a common gaming hou«e, 63 Boat Quay made against Lim Wall, Wong Tee Wong Puah Yong Huat, Tee Heen Siew, Teng Cboh, Pang Ah Liang and Goh Tang Ki. There were also
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  • 52 7 Y*>BTKRD\y morning the manager of the gutta works at Pasir Panjang discovered that $225 in notes and *2O worth of jewellery had been stolen from an alraeirah in his h*»use. He suspects an old cook whom he discharged a few days ago. The police are investigating
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  • 562 7 Coffee-growing in Java is in a bad way. In the boom times of old, when prices ran high, that line of cultivation was eagerly taken up. Large stretches of land were put under coffee, and borrowing money to that end went on merrily. As prices improved, even indifferent
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  • 238 7 In his report on the trale of the Chiengmai district, Mr. Beckett says: The value of Salween teak, as entered at the Kido du»v station returns, ha** risen from .£75,733 in 1900 to £181,103 in 1901, which, as far as can be ascertained from previous statistics, b
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  • 1071 7 Home. Lord RoH«b*»ry. in the Hon*e of Lord*. moved the approval of the new Council of i National Defence. He urged that the first efforts of the ounci) should be directed towards the adjustment of national ami wnents. He complained of the excessive burden of taxation, and incidently
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  • 366 7 Mints to Be Closed. Mexico is going to close its mints to free coinage within a few months, said Enrique Creel, a Mexican financier and capitalist, while in Kansas City (United State*) a few weeks ago. We will accept the gold standard system and will
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  • 481 7 Ln the British Consular report on the trade of Samoa tor 1902, the acting Vice-Consul refers to the labour question, which, lie says, is of more importance than any other. Samoans will only work at intervals, and imnorted labour is an absolute w. tllG iwiu.t.t.4. Islands
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  • 263 8 India Sets the Example. In bis recent. report to theGovernment »f the United States on the Currency systems of India and Java, Professor enks wrote' ‘‘It is perfectly possible in Oriental dependencies to maintain a fixed rate of exchange without the necessity of bringing gold to any great
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  • 1023 8 The Rev. Father Joseph died of cholera at Bangkok on the hist ult. 4 Easier tide will be celebrated at che Temperance Institute on Tuesday, che J4th inst I 4 Awang bin Mahmod, a member of 'he police farce, has been sentenced to hree months’ rigorous imprisonment
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  • 258 8 To the information recently given on this we are now able to ado ('‘ays the x\ -C Daily News) that the tare from Dalny to St. Petersburg, findclass, has been fixed at Roubles 267 90 say Tls. 260, and second-class at Roubles 178 60, say Tls. 173.50.
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  • 76 8 The following passengers are due to arrive by the German mail steamer Zieten expected here on Friday the 24th instant: Mr. E. Kloke, Mr. Merz Rieter and family, Mr. Paterson, Mi*> Anna Croft, Mr. E. Scott Russell, Mr A Sehmidtand family, Mr. <fc Mrs. K Hase-Fratz,
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  • 88 8 The following is the order of merit o» candidates for Queen’s and Government •Scholarships: 1. W. W. Davidson IU. K. K. Carlos 2. VV. J. C. Le Cain 11. Md. Ismail Sahib 3. LimCnangCheng 12. F. .1. R. Hartehs 4. X. L. Clarke 13. C. Mclntyre 5. Seow
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  • 130 8 The death occurred at Wellington, New Zealand, on March 6th, of Mr William Winter, brother of Mr. f. Winter, ot Paterson Simons Co. Tue deceased who was the second son of Vlr. Winter, farmer, Balrownie, neai Brechin, w as a young man of much promise,
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  • 208 8 Selangor XI vs. Singapore. A cricket match wai played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the team that has been chosen to represent Singapore at cricket at Easter against an eleven from Selangor, sod an eleven composed oftheSC.C, S R.C. and Manchester. The “Singapore*’ team batted first and
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  • 313 8 About 130 members of the Club Teutonia met in the big concert hall ol I the Club on Saturday evening to partake I »f a farewell dinner given in honor *»l Mr. Oscar Hube, the retiring Piesident. who is proceeding by the s s. Prxnz
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  • 852 8 What was unanimously voted one of the prettiest weddings solemnized in •SingaiH»re was that witnessed at St. Andrew”s Cathedral on Saturday afternoon, when Mr. Henry Lake Coghlan was married to Miss Rosa Emily Smith of Chelmsford, Essex. By f 4 o’clock about 250 guests had assembled at
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  • 383 8 (The London Report 7 a u Tin on Monday was v erv East coming buyers at price was pushed up £> V with “bear’ covering the e! at one time no more than i A further £2 5s. wa« P®r Tuesday on prono, lnc J support, while
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  • 366 8 Reporting upon the position and prospects* of trade and navigation it Eastern Asiatic waters, the ’Freccc Consul at Hongkong says that the shipowners at that plaee connected with the traffic between China, Indo-Chini Siam and the Philippines, are in preeenct ofa realcrisis,thecauseof which is. noort than
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  • 819 9 B is?er meeting of the Singapore B c> Association will be held at Bltier on the 10th, 11th, and 13th B Vt vrhen the following events will in K Friday, 10th April, 7.30 am iV m etiuon, open to all comers a ,v Magazine Rifle Seven shot**
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  • 81 9 The following passengers are expected shortly from Europe by N.Y.K steamers. Per Sado Mar* Hue April 15th, Mr W. Greig, Mr. T. H. Wren, Mr. R A Park, Mr. W B Blair, Miss Campbell, Mr H F Moraes, Dr. H E Scowcraft, Mr and Mrs W VV Bailey,
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  • 131 9 PefpilF from French Indo*China pays lowei duties on entering France. In other words the import duty on colonial pepper there is fifi) per cent, less than on the foreign article. This protection has so largely s imuIbted pepper giowing in Cochin China among Europeans and Chinese that the
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  • 367 9 The funeral of the late Mr. .J D Stuart took place this morning with full military honours. The Volunteers tV 11 in at 6.30 am. near the Orchard Road Market and were marched up .vi.iint) uoad to the late residence ol ueir deceased comrade,
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  • 602 9 The debate upon the Indian Budget took place in the Supreme Legislative Council at Calcutta <*n the 26th March. The Viceroy, in ao able speech touching on the main achievements of his period of oriice, dealt with the important administrative measures at present engaging the attention of the
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  • 1327 9 During his visit to Perak nezt moDth H E. the Gt»vernor will, according to Hie Perak Pioneer take part in a sladung hunt. Capt. C. J. Mattoik of the s.s. Amaru was this alttinoon fined foi earning passengers in excess of his license. The Sudu Sercmban Company
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  • 85 9 The April monthly medal was played for on Saturday, and was won by A. A. Gunn. Filteen plajers returned no cards. The following were the scores handed in:— A. A. Gunn 40 44- 2 82 J. MacKenzie 46 45- 6 85 C. W. l»arbishire 50 51 -16
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  • 68 9 The diary of events during the visit of the Selangor teams this week is as under:— Thursday.—Teams arrive, afternoon. Friday —Cricket, Selangor v. C. C. commencing at 2 p.m. Saurday.—Match continued, commencing at 10 30 a.m. Football, 8. C C. v. F. M. 8. 5p m. Smoker
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  • 125 9 EBTERDAY afternoon a Chinaman was arrested when about to leave Tanjong Pagar Dock with $176 worth of chandu in his possession lln* morning he was arraigned before Mr Beatty, and Mr. F. K. Jennings, as agent of the Opium Farmer, prosecuted him. The man said he went an
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  • 117 9 The Fir-t Qirl to Piss the Exam.* In the list of Government Scholarships published in our issue of yesterday there was omitted one name that is of peculiar interest locally, inasmuch as it is that of the first girl candidate that ever passed the Government Scholarship examination in
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  • 355 9 Quite a wave of grief passed over Singapore’s older residents when tha news became public on Sunday that Captain Johann Tutein had breathed his last. Some forty years ago he first came to Singapore and for seme years travelled between this and Australia. Later on he
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  • 3819 10 Monday, April 6th. PRESENT. His Excellency Sir Frank Athelstane SWETTENHAM, K.C..W.G., (GOVERNOR). Hon. W. T. Taylor, c. M.G., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. K Collyer (Attorney General). Hon F. G. Penney (Colonial TreaHurer). Hon. E. C. H. Hill (Anditor General). Hon. A. Murray, C.E., M.I.C.E. (Colonial Engineer). Hon. J.
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  • 252 10 I He OrpM ii .rojjrebfciug apace.— Mnlay JW, 4 April. A Nkoki Sembilan correspondent writes as f Hows: The first, through passenger train from K lala Lumpur to Seremhan reached the af ter place about 1 5 p m. on Hnirplav. The appearance of the train, as it
    I He OrpM,,ii ■ ***■»«■ * .rojjrebfciug apace.—Mnlay JW, 4 April.  -  252 words
  • 237 10 Ma lay Mail. Visit >rs to Seieniban *-h«-uld not miss ihe opportunity ol seeing an 0 Malay house which the late K-sident 's-uulit for the Government, and I' r* moved from Ka*a ami relmilt in R' Stdency ground* at Sereinhan !r house ha* been h« autihiily r.uv>d hand,
    Ma lay Mail.  -  237 words

  • 1153 11 B i,,vu\e>e Correspondent) Tokyo Starch 2 ltd. E an laid are the order of B r ’...v in Japan Over 100 per- j,„2 <ix local governors have B in connection with the B ,k matter. Beanies this* military trouble, a corrupB in which some suh- ,fli ial« are
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  • 191 11 The latest num >er of the titrait* Chinese Mag nine, tiat for March, is It iand ami a-, usud contains a good deal •f interesting matter The S. V I. iglorified, the Struit < as was. perhaps,only to becxpected,eondemneu for its attitude on the currency question.
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  • 276 11 Yesterday afternoon the prizes twaid«*«i in ihe annual tennis tournament of the Straits Chinese Recreatioi 4ub were given away hy Mr. Le» ’boon Guan, the d«m»»r, at Hong Lin. Green, New Bi i‘ige R »ad, in the present** *t a large gathering ot the members of
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  • 402 11 Malacca 3rd April. Last evening the Malacca Company, 3. V C., and Cadet Corps were inspected oy Captain Baker ldth M, I. Taking all things into consideration the turn-out was a distinct success, and the inspecting officer said that he was very pleased with what he had seen.
    402 words
  • 221 11 Mr. F Fairhuhst, a prominent Ceylon planter, has just returned from he Straits to Colombo, after a three vnekn’ visit chiefly spent, in Selangor To an interviewer at Colombo he thus* Ip'ailor) hie pxi'erierce Kublier is planted very closely amongst the coffee, ten by ten, and is
    221 words
    • 380 11 Und r tins heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—siearner; sh —ship; bq.— barque sell.—schooner Yet. Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.— orpedo; H.p. —Horse-Mower; Brit. British; C.S.—United States; Fell. —French; Ger—German; I)ut.— Dutch; G.c.—General-c irgo d.p.—deck passenger IT. Uncertain; T. I*. \V. —Tanjong Pagar \Vh irf; T. F.
      380 words
    • 1194 11 arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Bantam, hut. str. 1.323 tons, Capt Lee, Bth Apl. From Batavia. 4«h Api. i/aen ieis Co. For Padang, ihb —W. Ganynu'd*. Brit *tr. 2;ttt ions, Capt Board»an, 7th April. From P >wettenham, th Apl. G c.. aod 48 d.p. Straits Steamship ••y
      1,194 words
    • 1082 12 u, t Lao Vessel's Name A Tons. Captain From Sailed Consigners. Rig. i i 1 .Amara Brit str. 1566 Mattock Hongkong Mai 2* Hou&teadand Co. Hamburg Ger str 2659 Kichner Amoy Mar 24 Behn Meyer <fe (io. 1 Ncp line Brit str. 2178 Waiters Bangkok Mar 2** L j
      1,082 words
    • 93 12 PASSED SITNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS, f LAo A. L/Alb. ub UK8TIN- KEI >ate. Kig. Ship's Name. Captain. Sailing. From where ation. mar*. 1 j Mar 2l Brit s s. Itinda England Mar 19 Singapore i 2*2 l»ut 8.s. Prio- Hendrik ,Turf»»oer Amsterdam Batavia H 22 Brit l»q.
      93 words
    • 634 12 Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag Kig. Tons, j Destination. Apl 2 Tolv Nor str. 740 Bangkok 2 Keijniersz Dut str. i 432 i Djambie 2 Nieuhuys str. 514 Pontianak 3 Singapore Brit str. 748 Bangkok 2 Nepiune s«r. 2178 Port Baid 2 Redang Bia str. 298 Bangkok via port* 2
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 583 11 The NEW FRENCH REMEDY fadhyobudfaw TRADE MARK This successful and highly popular remedy, used in the Contn-ntal Hospitals bv Kirord Rostan Jobert Velpeau and others, combines all the desiderata to be sought in .1 tn<-dicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. THERAPION NO.l markably short l me. ol
      583 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 162 12 AFTER DINNER thirty drops oi Seidel s S>rup ensure complete digestion and prevent the pain and torpor consequent on indigestion. SeigelV Syrup builds health on good digestion, for ’tis not what you eat* but only that which you digest nourishes your body and sustains your lit** “For several years, says
      162 words
    • 39 12 ea, Irrins’ §auce foiifiifi a delightful piquancy. r* It the most delicious Sauce known. For Meats, Game, Fish, Soups, fife. THE ORIGINAL GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. J MOTOR CARS I WE ARE NOW PAREDPRE TC SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. OX. j
      39 words
    • 30 12 I W. D. FISHES, Assoc. M. Imt. C.E., •lisiua NOUtC SATTKBV FMatetlMM, Boildlofs, Roots Ralhtayi sod Railway Structures Wksnrat. Roods sod Brtdfss. fsrvaja, ospsrtlso sod Tastlot of lists riots. Q.C.
      30 words
    • 582 12 1NG..18H Nt t V desires situation IT returning to England shortly ,h 1 Apply to NURiip <*'0 Strnift KEYSTONE ELGIl WATCHES 1 Durable and Agcu^ The Keystone Watch Ci*. tr *-uww x^k Fwit4 «lpbl», c 4 AMERICA'S OLDEST i* L US«ESX »»TCH For sale by The PHncip*! Dealer, Strmiu Hettiri^
      582 words