The Straits Budget, 2 April 1903

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 120 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’ The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. -r j- A BUSHED
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 2ND APRIL.
    • 157 1 i>. On the 2bth March, at Glen Aril!, > Road, the wife of T. Swales, of a son. ">\ «.UI\ETTI. At Kuala Lumpur, on the :,!i -t the wife of \Y. KogerSaxguinf.tti, >1 a SiE. MLK. On the 13th March, at Shanghai, the viG oi Mr F. R: A’atifr.
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    • 246 1 Hot h -DkCoUTONKY. —On the 20th r Hat avia. J AN LlTBERTUS VAN KN Suh-Agent, Netherlands Trading Penang, to MAKTHI Carcltxk daughter of Mr. C. l)E Couto- "i>u! (leneral for France, Batavia. p \v> Kisr;.—On 18th March, at Hong- W in.! \m Scott Borrows, son of the nr
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  • 226 1 Leading Articles. Handkerchief Incident. Which is true Sir H» eftir Macdonald. I he Crown Friucess Scandal Local. Market Quotations, rthippiug News. Fasseuger List. Police Mews. Lauies’ Croquet Touvnament^ Our steamers. Italian Opera Co Garrison Golf Club. Foot Gal J. ihe Tanglin Burglars. The Lincolnshire nandicaj* The Terrible
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  • 636 1 Coffee, Libei ian No. 1 17 60 Tapioca, small t laxe M 4.80 do mod Hake M 6.26 do small p4arl m. 4.60 do mod do V— 4.50 Tin buyers „96 '0 Opium Benares new 1010 hice, Rangoon M 193 Kioe, Siam 233 OIL Devoe’s per case 3.80 AlcLorOil
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  • 274 1 by the s.s. E. Simons closed on Monday. The German mail from Europe by the s.s. Kiautschou arrived on Thursday. The mail from Europe of the 6th March by the M. M. s.s. Yarra arrived on Monday. The mail from Europe of the 13th March by
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  • Special Telegram to the “Straits Times.”
    • 63 1 Bombay March 26th. The Governor of Ceylon (Sir J. West Ridgeway) stated in the Legislative Council of Ceylon that the offence wherewith Sir Hector Macdonald was charged was not punishable in the Criminal Court of Ceylon, hence the order to hold a court-martial. It is rumoured that
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    • 40 1 Government Buildings Burned. London 24 th March. There has been serious rioting in Trinidad, in the West Indies, in connection with an obnoxious Water Bill. The crowd stoned and set fire to the Government buildings which were guttecL
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    • 36 1 The Governor and the Council were escorted through the mob from the burning buildings, after the police had fired upon the crowd to clear the way. Several persons were killed and wounded.
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    • 101 1 H. M. S. Pallas and H. M. S. Pocket landed bluejackets to restore order. The mob is still excited and dangerous. [The Governor of Trinidad and Tobago is Sir C. 'A. Moloney, k. c. M. n. These two islands form one Colony. The capital is Port-of-Spain, which possesses
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    • 33 1 Mr. 4 Chamberlain baa declined a proffered) great demonstration, in hit honour, because he is not desirous that political capital should be out of his tour. sr? v
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    • 18 1 The following is the result of the Lincolnshire Handicap: Over Norton 1 Portcullis 2 Ipsilante 3
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    • 60 1 General Sir Hector Macdonald, who was recently recalled to England by the ar Office, has been ordered to return to Colombo to answer very grave charges made against him. The Governor of Ceylo* has been authorised to convene n court-martial to try him, the offences alleged being
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    • 25 1 London, 2*h March. Fourteen persons were killed and forty were wounded during the riots at Trinidad. None of them were Europeans.
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    • 44 1 There are reports from various parts of widespread seismic agitation. The Souffu&re and Pelee are again devastating parts of St. Vincent Martinique. n There were violent shocks of earthquake at Karlsruhe and in Saxony oa Sunday. Mount esuvius is increasingly active.
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    • 32 1 1 here were shocks yesterday in Staffordshire and Derbyshire. At some places the chimneys and ceilings felL People rushed into the streets. There was no serious damage done.
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    • 38 1 Ihe Times of Ceylon says that Sir Hector Macdonald declines to let an adverse verdict go by default. It is officially stated that Sir Hector Macdonald shot himself in a hotel in Paris, this afternoon.
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    • 8 1 President Castro has withdrawn hit resignation.
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    • 91 1 Mr. Wyndham introduced the new Irish Land Bill to a crowded House. It provides for the granting to tenants of cash advances to purchase their own holdings. A hundred million pounds may be required to be raised by the creation of New Guaranteed 2] per
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    • 72 1 London, March ’26th. Further details show that Sir Hector Macdonald had been alone in Paris since the 20th inst. (Friday la^!). On Tuesday mornjpg he was noticed sitting on a hotel lounge intently studying the Paris edition of the New York Herald, which
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    • 50 1 He then went straight to hia room and must have shot himself immediately. The weapon with which the deed was committed was a Colt’s revolver. On* bullet was fired through his right temple, killing him instantly. The body was discovered by a chambermaid at one o’clock.
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    • 116 2 War Office and the Relatives. Sir Hector Macdonald will be buried in Paris, the funeral being of the simplest description. The relatives were at first desirous that the burial should take place in Aberdeenshire. The War Office, however, wished that the funeral should take place in Paris
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    • 36 2 The press accords to Mr. Wyndbam f Irish Land Bill a sympathetic and encouraging reception; but generally reserves judgment in view of the complicated details of the measure.
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    • 18 2 The betting on the ’Varsity boat race g 3 to 1 on Cambridge.
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    • 131 2 London 27 tk March. The funeral of Sir Hector Macdonald which is fixed to take place at Paris to-morrow, -Kirill be of a private character and will be without military honours After everything had been settled for Sir Hector Macdonald’s funeral at Paris,
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    • 69 2 In the House of Commons debate on the Array Estimates, Lord Stanle) (the Financial Secretary to the Wa» Office) said that the new rifle had beei tested in every way and that on* thousan i of these rifles had been placed in the hand of the
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    • 17 2 Morocco continues to be seriously disturbed. The Sultan is making no head way against the rebels.
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    • 19 2 The following is result of the Grand National at Liverpool:— Drumcree 1 Detail ..2 Manifesto 3
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    • 30 2 The election for the vacant parliamentary seat at Chertsey resulted in the return of Mr. Fryer (C) who polled 5,700 votes against 4,529 cast for Mr. Longman (L)
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    • 31 2 The EmDrestf of Germany when riding at Grunewall, together with the Kaiser, was thrown from her horse. She slightly fractured her forearm. Her condition is good.
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    • 34 2 London 28 th March. Sledge parties f*nn the South Pole exploration ship Discovery reached the parallel of 82 degrees 17 minutes and nbt 80 degrees, as had been erroneously stated telegraphically.
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    • 37 2 The Duke of Connaught has been officially received'-aVTortsmouth and also at the Victoria Railway Station, whfere the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Cdhnaught, the princesses—her daughters—and the ifcehdqnarters 8taff were present.
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    • 15 2 The Empress of Germany’s fract injury is simple with no complications resulting.
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    • 50 2 Colonel Morland’s column left Kano for Sokoto on the 16th February. U has had several skirmishes with the enemy. Marches though waterless tracts of land, and the coldness of the nights caused much sickness among the troops. The Emir of Kanos troops have surrendered to General Lugard’s column.
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    • 48 2 Sir Hector Macdonald’s body left Pari6 last night. An influential committee is forming for the purpose of honouring his memory, and of investigating the charges against him. These charges are discredited in Scotland. In the Inter-University sports, Cam bridge won eight events, and Oxford two
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    • 28 2 London 29th March. A violent cyclone has swept over Madagascar, and has ravaged the coast owns. Houses and shops were swept tway by the storm.
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    • 34 2 The remains of Sir Hector Macdonald have reached King’s Cross Railway Station. Several members of the family and friends of the deceased travel to-night with the body in the Scotch express.
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    • 45 2 Strikers in the Government iron works at Spatons in Russia demanded the release of three of their comrades who had been arrested. The strikers mobbed the Governor of the Province. The troops fired upon the strikers, killing twenty-eight and wounding fifty of them.
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    • 123 2 Airs his Opinions about the American and German Navies. London, .30 tk March. Admiral Dewey, in the course of an interview, declared that the United States Navy was the greatest in the world. He expressed belief that the German Navy was greatly overestimated. In his opinion, the recent
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    • 26 2 Sir Hector Macdonald was quietly buried in the morning at Edinburgh, tie body being conveyed straight from ohe train to the cemetery.
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    • 21 2 Published by the Times." The Times publishes two New York news telegrams, about 150 words altogether, forwarded by Marconigraph.
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    • 21 2 Cettou mills employing 1,700 workpeople in Massachusetts ceased work yesterday, in anticipation of a strike for increased wages.
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    • 36 2 London 31 st March. It is officially announced that the King and the Queen will visit Ireland in July or August next. The King sails for Lisbon to-day. The Queen has gone to Copenhagen.
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    • 98 2 A determined attempt was made to convene a great Scottish gathering at Sir Hector Macdonald’s funeral, but the rapidity of the arrangements for the burial prevented it from maturing. 130 representatives of societies and clans were present at the grave. The service at the latter was
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    • 34 2 The Marconigrams received by the Times start an experiment in which Marconi, the Times and the Post Office participate for tha purpose of testing the commercial and practical value of the wireless system.
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    • 25 2 Admiral Courejolles, who was the French commander on the China coast at the time of the Boxer troubles, is dead.
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    • 66 2 British forces occupied Sokoto, in the Western Soudan, on the 14th March after meeting with a feeble resistance. The Emir and Prime Minister fled General Lugard reached Sokoto on the 19th March. With the capture of Sokoto, there fell a powerful Empire founded a century ago. British authority
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 88 1 r.O't free rice of the Stroitx Timea f;M 5 or t&/-. The post fn e price %(> HndaPt is ?*JO a ear. or 40/,s rot necessary to subset ibe for a year v\yL- ri| tiODb for shorter periods are -jimt proportionate rate of price as r ci tur. ]he Hudget
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    • 32 1 KEYSTONE ELGIN WATCH ES Durable and Accurate The Keystone Watch Case Co. I.UkUiM IMS PhiladeiyfcU, U.S.A. AMERICA’S OLDEST AND LARGEST WATCH FACTORY For ami® by Tlie Principal Watch Dealer* In Strait* Settlement
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  • 181 1 deaths. °d Woosunp, on the 11th March, M,,, KLL Arthur, late Master ''"“pty, of heart disease, aged 49 v )n the 14th March, at Ningpo, u r l,! Aurkd Joseph Hudson, aged 35 n i <>nt he »4th March, at Shanghai, Km, V ,S< A Terrible, aged 54 year*. <>n
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    • 572 2 (Straits Times 25 Ih March Little incidents affect great issues, and an episode involving a sixpenny handkerchief which is just announced from the classic precincts of Dallas, Texas, will very possibly form a factor more or less potent in the next American presidential election. The people of Dallas
      (Straits Times, 25Ih March )  -  572 words
    • 520 2 WHICH IS TRUE (Straits Times 2 6th March.) A private letter received here to-day from a source of the most reliable authenticity in South Russia, states that the Russian authorities take a very serious view of the present situation in the Balkans, and that several regiments have been sent west
      (Straits Times, 26th March.)  -  520 words
    • 556 2 (•Straits Times t 26th March.) No more shocking tragedy than the snicide of General Sir Hector Macdonald can be found in the records of modern military history. At no time and in no place can we find the parallel of such a brilliant career collapsing in such
      (•Straits Timest 26th March.)  -  556 words
    • 5646 2 (Straits Times 31*f March-) B Princess Louise of Tuscany—vbiiott B wife of the Crown Prince of Saxony B appears to have been having a 0! B time of it. She has quitted M Giro:* B but from news to hand in the B Paris papers the world
      (Straits Times, 31*f March-) B  -  5,646 words
    • 1926 4 The Singapore Volunteer Rifle Corps was enrolled three years ago to-morrow. It is seated that Japan is establishing a Consulate in S >'ich Africa, the first occupant bain? Mr. Hiramidzu, lately Japanese Consul h«re. Mr. H. W. Rogers returned from Kinta a day or so ago. He
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  • 500 4 Says Capital: —We observe that Austen Chamberlain has given n to the P. and O. Company and Company to terminate their mail t tracts for India, the East, and Austral on3lst December, 1905. We trust this will mean a renewal of the root to the P.
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  • 133 5 For Singapore. bvr P.A O. s. s Himalaya connecting lih ue Coromandel at Colombo |ra Lon 10.1 M irco G, due sth April—Mr. li!.'Kvler. Mr. Bo vie, Mr Bishop. B-rV so s. s. Malarta from London Brdi'.<neli th April—Major, Mrs. and B<- IVvs Mr. A. Stewart, Mr.
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  • 316 5 r Ht i>land of Krakatoa,” says “h- lost all its vegetation he terrible volcanic eruption of "■> which covered the island 1 depth varying from one to sixty with a bed of red hot ashes and lts appearance afterv !< that of a mountain isolated M
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  • 140 5 In a bankruptcy case before the Court at Hongkong on the 12th instant, the Chief J ustice, Sir William Goodman,gave the bankrupt the following bit of his mind, on hearing that standing security for friends had undone him. To those who applied to him for a loan
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  • 112 5 Lloyd’s estimate of vessels on the Register of the United Kingdom on the 31st December 1902 reads thus: Steam, 9,80 S vessels of 13,260,332 tons gross. Sailing. 10,449 2,090,871 Total 20,257 15,351,203 During 1902, the steamers on the Official Register of the United Kingdom have increased by 324
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  • 155 5 Mr. A. T. Wardkop to be a Justice of the Peace for the Territory of British North Borneo. Mr. A. B. C. Francis, wing officer, Constabulary, will act temporarily as District Officer, Tempa»uk, in addition to his own duties. Mr. Francis is appointed to be a
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  • 156 5 On 18th Febuary there was launched from the dockyard of the Netherlands Shipbuilding Company in Amsterdam, on account of the Royal Netherlands Packet Navigation Company, the screw steamer Baud. Dimensions: Length, 317 English feet; width, 41 ft. 6in.; and hold, 29tt. 9in. The steamer is fitted out for
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  • 166 5 In the first round ui the Spring championship competition, L. R. Bremner beat W. C. Grieve 3 up and 2, C. H. E. Robertson w. o. to Shnlz (scratched), W. O. Burt beat J. C. Ferrier 1 up, R. Butterworth a bye. Second round, Bremner beat Robertson
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  • 517 5 Some $20,000 Worth of Goods Burgled. Despite the fact that the Taoglin burglars who had been committing various depredations last month were alleged to oe safely placed in durance vile, a robbery of startling proportions was perpetrated last night or early this morning at the premises of
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  • 288 5 We much regret to announce the death of Mr. John David Stuart, advocate and solicitor, of Malacca Street, which occurred at his residence, Fern Cottage,” Dublin Road, at 845 this morning. He was engaged at his office on Saturday, but was taken ill on
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  • 478 5 Mount Vesuvius. A terrific eruption of Monnt Vesuvius hao been going on and the people of the surronnding territory are fleeing in terror. A number of caanaltie* have already occurred among those living on the slope* of the mountain, and anxiety is felt for all the country along
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  • 109 5 A competition took place at the Tanglin Club last night for a Cup kindly presented by Mr. Jaeger as a farewell to Major White and Mr. J. G. Mactaggart. After a keen competition Mr. Jaeger won the Cup himself, put being the donor the next man, Dr. Bowes, was
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  • 329 5 Monday’s results. Miss Roberts and Mr. Cadell beat Mrs. Sudden and Mr. Hilton by 8 points. Mrs. dago and Mr. Innes beat Mrs. Hunter and Mr, Denniston by 13 pdints (won by time). RESULTS. Miss Roberts and Mr. Cadell beat Mrs. Innes and Mr. Latham by lb
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  • 246 5 This morning, Ho Ah Men who h'a* already been convicted for being found lurking on Mr. Lederer’s premises very early on Sunday morning, was, with the three men arrested on Mr. Grey’s premises, on Saturday night, brought before Mr. Beatty for criminal trespass. They were convicted. There
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  • 336 5 Severely Punished. At Hongkong on the 18th inst. fourteen seamen from the Glasgow sailing ship Kirkcudbrightshire were charged on remand with disobeying orders and neglect of duty. They were represented by counsel and pleaded not guilty. From the evidence of the captain, it seems that the ship arrived
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  • 86 5 Salvador Chamber of Commerce in London, Incorporated (*****).Registered February 12th, with 300 members, each liable for one guinea in the event of winding up, to promote and extend the trade, agriculture, and industry of Salvador, especially with the British Empire, and to do all things incidental thereto.
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  • 146 5 In Twenty-One Days. The N. C. Daily Neivs says:— The steamer Mongolia of the Chinese Eastern Railway Co.’s Seagoing Steamship Service, has just made the run from Dalny to Shanghai in 34 hours from the time of leaving the former port to the mooring of the
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  • 419 6 —Malay Afai-1. A Special general meeting of the Selangor hdo Chib will Vie held in the Selangor Club on Sat in da v, March -8th, in order to declare that all who, as nonplaying members, subscribed a sum exceeding S10, prior to the opening of the ground for
    —Malay Afai-1.  -  419 words
  • 185 6 —Perak Pioneer. Mr. Sayer3 has been appointed Honorary Secretary of the Perak Club in succession to Mr Pugh who is shortly going on leave. Mr. Stainer has taken ud the duties of Honorary Secretary for outdoor sports. The new Committee of the Sungei Cjong Club is
    .—Perak Pioneer.  -  185 words
  • 188 6 The new American Pacific Cable'Js to be the means of a better traffic between Europe and the. countries of the Far East and South East. Menado, in Celebes, is to be joined with the new American cablewhich comes from the west coast of North America via Palau to
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  • 658 6 S.C.C. v. R.A. and R.E. THK C LUB BEATEN BY ON* GOAL TO nil. The above teams met last night on the Esplanade in a friendly match before a large crowd of spectators and after hard and fast game the Club, who have not lost a game for nearly
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  • 141 6 The first stage of the Spring Cup was played off on Saturday last, when the following eight qualified to play in the ffinal l Fowlie 38 40+ 3= 81 Ferguson 40 40+ I=Bl .Williams 43 44- 6= 81 *ffevershani 49 48-14 =B3 LUwson 43 40+ I=B4 K<\bertson
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  • Correspondence.
    • 352 6 To the Editor of the 4 Straits Times' Dear Sir, —There can be no doubt that the local steamship Companies alluded to in the speech of Mr. Anderson at the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Friday last are the Straits Bteamship Coy. and the Wee
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  • 274 6 La Travlata.** There was a very fair attendance at the performance by the Italian Opera Company at the Town Hall last evening when Verdi s“ La Traviata,” the operatic version of Dumas’ Lady of the Camelias was produced. The number of persons in the front seats,
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  • 114 6 The winner of the Lincolnshire Handicap, Over Norton, ran third in that event last year. He is a 5 year old chestnut horse by Adieu—Lady Why. He won the Baden Baden state prize of 1,000 scvs. last year and at latest advices stood at 25 to 1
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  • 1074 6 Mr -Justice" Jackson, kc., Judicial Commissioner F.M.S. is going home on 8 months’ leave. It is officially notified that the light of the Kuala Selangor lighthouse is now burning as usual. The railway from Kuala Lumpur to Seremban will b9 opened for public traffic on the 2nd
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  • 136 6 The following properties were of by public auction at Powell Au saleroom yesterday (WednesdayLand and house No. 17 1 pperHofl Street, Singapore town, held usi lease dated Ist Sept., 1845 subject to a life interest now vestecLim Theara Hin of No. 5 Craig Rat Singapore, who is
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  • 145 6 The Chartered Bank’s R* An incident which occurred Fort at Colombo on the morning, is says the 1 on worthy of note. A gentleman tently dropped a money dratt r Straits Settlements on r lie t Bank while on his way t<* casthat Bank. The loss
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  • 61 6 The returns from th* Babane poration’s mines for the ni January were as follows Sungei Lembing Tons 0 crushed 1860, oxide of tin P 48 tons. With 40 heads ol running for 31 days. Working ToD® The Pahang Kabang Ltd-"'. p stone crushed 740; oxide 01 duced 9
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  • 343 7 morning, one Manasseh before Mr. Wilson in response t -mroons issued at the instance of h Samuel calling upon him to why, at an auction sale held at iM d Co’s, on the 17th inst. he fe v i, <>m pi ainant to purchase certain i garett
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  • 228 7 A Wicked Specimen of his Kind. Pawns His Patrons’ Clothes. M Xkwton, living at Orange Grove paduund that her Kling dhoby had h; timed up for a considerable time. Lterday -he went to the dhoby’s house Ltiini him up but found that he was \a. Mrs. Newton
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  • 211 7 allowing passengers arrived this Lining by the Kiautschon. From Mr .1 Fricke. From Hamburg: kLe Burchard. From Rotterdam: r N chor. From Southampton: Miss r Mr< Rutherford, Mr. M Greenf 11 Mr. it Mrs. W. Fox and ch>ld, rs i*. <le Basagoiti, Miss. Smith. ror,i Antwerp
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  • 46 7 Thi Liverpool Grmod National is to be run to-morrow Latest London betting available was 10 to 1 Mathew, 100 to H Pride of Jimltetoim, 100 to S Farm,fal, 15 to 1 Shannon hi** 50 to 1 Fair Lend and 66 to 1 Rspert
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  • 106 7 A Havas telegram of the 13th instant said During the discussion in the Chamber, fcC Sembat asked for explanations from M. Delcasse regarding the declaration made by the Siamese Ambassador, Phya Sri, who gave out that he had spent an enormous amount of money to facilitate the
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  • 137 7 PROFESSOR MILTON J. FLOOD lias probably been killed by cannibals in Papua, or New Guinea. Professor Flood was travelling round the world on a journey of some scientific importance. He was last seen alive, so far as known, on Ocnober 22, 1902, by a squatter named Ezard.
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  • 190 7 The final signature of the contract for the construction of the ShanghaiNanking Railway is only awaiting the issue of an Imperial Decree, all other necessary preliminaries having been completed. News from the Peking Syndicate in Honan is very encouraging At the outset the natives regarded the engineering staff
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  • 303 7 Kuala Lip it, March, 19 th. There nine candidates in Li pis for the recent senior grade clerical examination. Mr. Bishop was the local examiner. At the coast centre at Pekan, where Mr. Fleming conducted the examination, five candidates presented themselves. The papers are set by the Federal
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  • Correspondence.
    • 825 7 To the Editor of the “Straits Times Dear »Sir, —In his speech to the Chamber of Commerce on 20th instant the Chairman called the attention of the Chamber and the Community generally to the local Steamship Services to the ports of the Federated Malay States. These
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  • 34 7 The annual firing of the S. V. A. which was arranged to take place on Sunday next has been postponed until further orders. The parade for Saturday afternoon is also cancelled.
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  • 113 7 A ladies’ cricket match was played at Taiping on Saturday before last. The Perak Pioneer says the match was not a success, owing to the fact that the ladies had never practised. The men played left handed and bowled and fielded with the left hand only, but even
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  • 222 7 Rot about Mosquitoes. A con i ributok to the IHnang Gazette writes Personally I believe that the greater part of this talk about Anopheles fever is D—Rot. My recommendations for the Prevention of Fever are: Change your clothes as often you can, and see that
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  • 441 7 S.C.C. Teams Chosen. In honour of the visit of the Selangor cricket and football teams at Easter, a smoking concert to be followed by a supper will be given at the Tanglin Club on Saturday, April 11th, at 9 p.m. The price of tickets of admission to
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  • 1087 7 Home. The London correspondent of the India* Ihnly New*, telegraphing on the 16th instant, states that, in the coarse of hi* speech daring the Army debate. Sir Gharles Dilke maintained that, while the existing Russian frontier continues a* at present, the military force* in India are quite adequate.
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  • 774 8 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Kazan left for Port Arthur yesterday afternoon. Admiral Tyrioff, the Russian Minister to the Navy, died at St. Petersburg on the instant. H. M. S. Thelu went outside this morning for gunnery practice, and returned to her anchorage about noon. Two hundred
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  • 93 8 The remarks of the Chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce that Penang steamer competition is drawing away F. M. S. trade thither from this port naturally aroused satisfaction at Penang. The Pinavg Gazette urges that the lead thus secured should be maintained. It says What we want
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  • 107 8 The Piuang Gazette states that crime in that Settlement has sunk to next door to nothing, so to say, thanks to the smartness of the detective service there. That journal crows over Singapore: —“At probably no period in the history of Penang has crime been such a strangerto
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  • 123 8 At Taiping on the 21st inst., Roberts played Mr. Ah Yong at the Perak Club, conceding him 700 in a game of 1000 up, and beat him by 151. He afterwards played three games of pyramids with Mr. W. WillesDouglas grantinghim 4ballsin the first game, Douglas only
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  • 92 8 The March Medal was played for on Saturday last, when Messrs. Salmond and Kent tied for first place. Scores SalmoiMl To —l2 56 Kent 74 —lB 58 Darby 78 —l2 84 Ellis K. 11. 75 —lO 65 Martin A. R S 3 —l6 67 Benton 93 —24
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  • 282 8 300 Yards* Handicap. The March monthly competition over a 300 yards’ course will be swum on Sunday. Handicaps follow: Henderson ser. Jensen :»n sees A. Darke 35 Penny 35 Cross 35 I)iehn 40 „ee> Curtis 45 D. Robertson 45 Hanna ford 50 Napier 50 Chapman 50 Jackson
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  • Correspondence.
    • 170 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —Id a few days the European regiment wdiich is to be stationed here will arrive. Would it be out of place to suggest that some form of public reception should be given to the soldiers in order to show the
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  • 292 8 Last night the Volunteer Drill Jlall presented a gay and festive scene A promenade concert was held under the auspices of the members of the S. V. A.. S. V. R. and 8. R. E. (V Members were allowed to invite their friends and there were
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  • 260 8 On account of the S. V. A. annual practice being postponed, the parades for next week will be as follows Monday, 30th at 8 p.m. Gun drill. Tuesday, 31st 5-15 Wednesday, Ist 8 Thursday, 2nd 5-15 Friday, 3rd 5-15 And not as stated in orders of yesterday’s
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  • 80 8 There will be no performance to-night Lucia di Lamrr etmoor” will be staged to-morrow, to be followed onMonday by Rossini's opera II Barbiere di Sivigiia which will afford a couple of hours' continuous merriment and laughter. We are requested to state that Signor Ernest di Giacome
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  • 463 8 Mr. Hooper’s Observations. Wk received yesterday afternoon the following extract from the Registrar s Hackney Carriage and Jinrikisha report for February, and dated 9th March. Therein Mr. Hooper notes A considerable falling ofl in the number of jinrikishas on the streets has been noticeable and the number
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  • 417 8 Patrol and Restorer By the invitation of the chairman, Sir John Wolfe Barry, and the directors of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, the two new cable ships, Patrol and Restorer lying off Gravesend, were, on Feb. 28th, inspected by a party of gentlemen, including the Lord
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  • 511 8 Mr. Lutyens of the said to be shortly leavin^^® The Govern me memorandam respecting of the management Institute to the Hoard of It is understood that t lr I dollars have been provided ingthenew Law Courts wt?® nearing completion at Pena:; Mr. P. J. Burgess lJ Analyst,
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  • 580 9 I Y ordinary meeting of the Singal Municipal Commissioners was K v the Board-room yesterday. W Anthonisz presided and there B l (> present Messrs. FE. Jago, ■w .*oles. H. I. Chope, Lee Choon IT r t rid Lieut. Col. Pennefather, with f I'c ’-iase (secretary) and Mr.
    580 words
  • 59 9 I 1 hi ke will be an annular of to-morrow, the begflling °f will be visible in It piuiien* at 6 47 a.m. at a.m., the eclipp" being at u.fl An annular^|fip 8e 8 an animal eclipse as persons imagine, but tak(Bi f8name <>lL Bi*-* circular
    59 words
  • 127 9 m the month, Y* Yu, a local fi tra<ier, filed a pßtion in the fiinkri;* v Court. A nation allowed tha»n the previous morphs before the presentation of l e Petition, he had dßposed of some j. I Property. The casjkas sent to the Court for inve#ig
    127 words
  • 889 9 Police Suggest Gratification of si f ooo. Yesterday afternoon, Lim Wah, Goh Chu Hoh, Puah Tin Huah, Teo Teng Chew, Tan Toh, Pang Ah Liong and Goh Tang Kee were charged before Mr. Beatty with playing in a common gaming house at 63 Boat Quay at 10.30 p.m.
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  • 807 9 Production of La Boheme.** The ihiid performance of opera by the gifted company of musicians now in possession of the “Opera House” was remarkable from an historical standpoint in that it afforded to many a first acquaintance with Puccini’s masterpiece which, produced at Covent Garden some
    807 words
  • 813 9 Singapore, despite occasional water famines, is generally accredited with being a pretty wet place and judging by the attendance at the Drill Hall last evening it must be even so. No less than 78 members of the Swimming Club put in an appearance —probably a record attendance
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  • 38 9 The Government Gazette announces that Good Friday (April 10th) and the next day will be observed as public holidays. Easter Monday will be a bank holiday, and all Government offices will be closed on these days.
    38 words
  • 84 9 The following passenger* left by the German mail steamer Kiautschou yesterday morning. For Hongkong —Dr. Marriott, Mr. Lee Keti.' Sang, Mrs. Dare, Mrs. Stevenson, Mr. J. Handelmann, Mr. and Mrs. O. Kromschrode, Mr. J. Ernst, Mr. K. Soda, Mr. J. Oraans, Dr. G. Apacible. For Shanghai:—Dr.
    84 words
  • 108 9 Mr. J. Driver, the F.M.S. Inspector of Schools, died at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday last. Mr Driver, who was highly respected by all who knew him, left a widow and one daughter. He assumed duties as Inspector of Schools, F.M S., in the spring of
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  • 212 9 Yesterday afternoon, Sukulingum, a Kling dhobie, was brought before Mr. Marriott charged with criminal breach of trust in disposing in various pawnshops of articles entrusted to him for washing. Inspector Connor had not only recovered the property indicated by the pawn-tickets he found on the defendant, but
    212 words
  • 923 9 Mr Ske at, late of the F. M. S. Civi Service, is to be married next month. Two Frenchmen were arrested shortly alter noon to-day while they were taking a photograph of the Singapore Club. On Saturday night the detectives arrested two Javanese in Thompson Road with
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  • 162 10 Mr. W. E. U. Gkove, the very popular Chief Police Officer, is to be married on Thursday next to Miss Ella Morrison who came out from home by the German mail steamer Kiautschou. The invitations are out and the wedding ceremony will take place in St. Andrew’s Cathedral.
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  • 188 10 Vulcanising Wood. As the result of experiments, a method of so treating timber so as to secure even from soft wood a largely increased toughness and hardness is reported to have be-in invented hy Mr Powell, a Liverp‘>ol merchant. The treatment to which the timber
    188 words
  • 180 10 Perak Pioneer. The tin and tin-ore export from the Federated Malay States during 1902 amounted to 780,872 piculs, as against an output of 785,247 piculs in 1901, being a decrease of 4,375 piculs. There has been an increased production of 20,812 piculs in Perak, and of
    Perak Pioneer.  -  180 words
  • 461 10 A peculiar case of theft in connection with whisky came before Mr. Howard at the Police Court, Penang, on the 24th March. Mr. Huttenbach’s butler, Ah Wun by name, was charged with the criminal misappropriation of four bottles of whisky and another Chinaman was charged with abetment.
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  • 401 10 The annual meeting of the shareholders in this Company was held to-day, at noon, at No. 0, Colly er Quay, for the purpose of dealing with the directors’ report and accounts for the ended 31st December, 1902. There were present: —Mr. W. P. Waddell (Chairman)
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  • 213 10 COFFEE CORNER RUMOUR. A report from Rome that a group of English, Italian, and Brazilian capitalists are busily engaged in forming a trust to corner Brazilian coffee is ridiculed in Mincing Lane. But for how long was the question put by several leading firms of brokers and merchants to the
    213 words
  • 184 10 —British Trade Journal. Kapok —is the product of one of the trees belonging to the order Sterculiace>r, the silk cotton order, allied with Halvaceoe, to which the ordinary cotton-yielding shrub belongs. It is almost certain that a superior quality of piece goods could be manufactured from this
    —British Trade Journal.  -  184 words
  • 469 10 THE MANCHESTERS. ARRIVED BY THE DILWARRA THIS MORNING. The British transport Dilwarra( No.3), Commander A. W. Mann, arrived this morning from Southampton rui Capetown and Colombo and went alongside Section 1, Tanjong Pagar Wharf about 7.30 this morning and the Ist Battalion Manchester Regiment, shortly afterwards landed and proceeded to
    469 words
  • 325 10 To-morrow (Tuesday) the Adelphi Hotel at Singapore will change hands. The whole of the property has been purchased by Messrs. Sarkies, Johannes and Co. of Malacca Street for a handsome sum. We understand tftat it is the intention of the new proprietors to convert the
    325 words
  • 588 10 A KIN G IN BUSINESS. An Extraordinary c, tfl A claim now before Ifl nient of the United >•..,•« a remarkable story. which a fairy tale of an who became kina of H| island. This man has h M a o fy westerly of the Caroline Islands, abom L: c
    588 words
  • 156 10 On Saturday last a new steely' steamer, fcuilt to the order of Koe Guail and Co., of JVnaDg, launched lat the shipbuilding-} of Messrs! Riley Hargreaves Co., Ltd., \t Tanjong Khu. 1 vessel whicn has been construe Class 90 A%, in Lloyd’s is 105 feet B>ng with
    156 words

  • 462 11 ft Boer irreconcilables who refuse ft, t he oath of allegiance in Ceylon K expected in Java. The GovernKiil give them land for cultivation, have been raised at ft :t t<>r their benefit. The pro-Boer ft j. tor all that, very lukewarm ft n0 w Voices have
    462 words
  • 987 11 (s>i has arrived home and I i ot?‘ at Chatham. British cruisers Europa and ar.‘ due here on the Bth inst. ‘Lssian s«juadron was to leave ,J hr China on the 24th instant. ,v, o.\ telegram dated March ounces the death of Dean rar 4 v Megraph
    987 words
  • 485 11 Mb. W. G. Gulland writes to the L. and C. Express, on the currency question:— It is not known here what proposals the Straits Currency Commission have made, nor will the same be made public until the report has been presented to the Legislative Council in Singapore,
    485 words
  • 362 11 l)°Jore Mr, Justice Ilyndman-Jones. Dispute Over a Malay Will. To-day the case came on for hearing in which Tunku Putri binte Aboobakar sued Jaafer bin Haji Mohamed and another to recover certain property at Victoria Hill, styled Holyrood.” Messrs. Napier and Ellis represented plaintiff and Messrs. VV. Nanson
    362 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 142 11 To the Editorr of the Straits Times." Dear Sir, I should be glad if you would allow me through your columns to express my admiration of, and thankfulness to, those who have charge of the Singapore General Hospital. For two months I have been an inmate of the
      142 words
  • 655 11 Statements in the Ceylon Legislative Council. Bkkork the agenda paper was taken up at the meeting of the Legislative Council at Ceylon on the 24th March The Hon. Mr. Stanley Bois said: I beg, sir, to ask as a matter of urgency whether it is the case,
    655 words
  • 1074 11 Further particular® of the sensational gold finds in Egypt, reported by Reuter recently, shows that the discoveries are indeed startling. Promoters and puffers are manipulating the finds to start a boom, of which the World gives the following particulars Egyptian share-* continue to he largely favoured by
    1,074 words

  • 1940 12 The current member Travel has the following interesting article by Mr. Kustace Reyuolds-Ball on Macao, the Monte Carlo of the Far East.’’ Quaint and picturesque is the old Portuguese city of M aea«», which, though a'decaying and almost moribund settlement from the commercial point of view,
    1,940 words
  • 1532 12 Home. Mr. Chamberlain received an ovation in the City on the occasion of the presentation of an address by tlie Corporation at the Guildhall. The Guildhall was profusely decorated and was crowded with v*eml>ers of the Cabinet, l>cers, and Members of Parliament, and most of the prominent citizens,
    1,532 words
  • 278 12 For Singapore. Per P. A 0. s. 8. Himalaya connecting with tbe steamer Coromandel at Colombo from London March due 6th April Mr J. B. Warder, Mr. Bowie, Mr. Bishop. Per P. A O 8. s. Malacca from London March 7, due 10th April—Major, Mrs. and Miss
    278 words
  • 738 12 P. 6c o April 3.—Per Malta \i, and two children, Master ti Mr. and Mrs. E. c Stevens, Mr. J. nd M K r8 u I h t, j‘ 6eW chin rS Ben j afield, Mr. and Mrs T» u Sir H. Keppel, Mr. C i JV
    738 words
  • 100 12 WHISKY ON THE DILWARA.” Captain A. \V. Mann, of Dilvjara charged at tlie Coloni Court on the 24th instant a the vessel, named A. k uir rnJ i wilful disobedience of lawful c in that the accused had in h» eleven bottles of whisky, in one of the orders mentioned
    100 words

  • 723 13 ships of the East Indies have been painted neutral is notified that the port of Hggg is no longer infected by E 1 (Jo .rrier &aigonnais announces Event high Siamese officials will K visit Tonquin. I* E ang Gazette states that H E. K-h Commissioner is expected
    723 words
  • 494 13 s. c. c. v. r. E. A well contested game took place last night on the Esplanade between the above teams and the excitement and fastoess of the play brought to mind old cup ties. The R. E. forwards have been strengthened by the inclusion of Sheean and his
    494 words
  • 219 13 The monthly medal for March was played for on Saturday last. The following scores were handed in Pearce F. H. 44 plus 41— 2=83 Lawson Col. 39 45scr —B4 Wilson G. CV 43 i, ol— B=B6 Walker Lt. 47 47 2=92 Bosanquet G. A. I. 49
    219 words
  • 896 13 There is no lack of treasures in the world the trouble is that they are all claimed or it indeed there be any unclaimed (and surely there must be some such), they are so difficult to find that for the rank and tile of mankind they might as
    896 words
    • 138 13 Und-r this heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship; bq.— barque sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. Torpedo; H.p. —Horse-power Brit.—British U.S.—United States; Fch.—French; Ger—German; Dut.— Dutch G.c.—General cargo d.p. —deck passenger U.—Uncertain; T. P. \V.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W.—Birneo Wharf; K.H —heppel Harbour P.B.
      138 words
    • 1167 13 kr rivals since Noon of Yesterday. Bertvarlich Brit. str. 2,164 tons, Captain Thompson, 1st Apl. From Rangoon, 2'th March. G.c. Paterson Simons A Co. For Japan. 1st—W Co't/pso, Brit. str. 339 tons. Capt Lowry. 1st Apl. Fiom Deli, 29th Mar. G.c., and 40 d.p. W. Mansfield A
      1,167 words
    • 1447 14 5A Flag i 5 V*BBbl’B Name A Tons Captain From*i Consignkrs. Bio. liar 23 Sandakan Qer str 1374 Humes Sandakan Mar 19 Behn Meyer A Cf. 23 Evie J. Bay Am si 919 Kasten Muntong Mar 10 24 'arie Borneo Dut sir 648 Kockx Bagan Mar 28 Daendels
      1,447 words
    • 965 14 Datk. Vessel’s Name. Flag A Ric. Toss. ATi Mar 24 Palamcotta Brit sir. 2208 p JM 24 Fafalla Ital str. 147 Muar and mIuI £flß 24 Bstavier Brit r-r. 216 P. Dickson A 24 Monmouthshire sir. 8297 Yokaichi Jn 26 Ma feline Xickmers Ger str. 1021 Bangkok 26 Ruby
      965 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 112 13 English nurse, a pnbebt m Java, desires situation with family returning to England shortly. Apply to NU RS c/o Straits Times. "COMMON SENSE •»«NUTSHEL| Anew medical work on the causes and most scientific *od effectual means of self-cure ever discovered for nervous and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of
      112 words
    • 364 13 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED LABEL, the signature in WHITE of Lea Sc Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. L LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. DINNEFORD’S The Universal Remedy for Acidity
      364 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 451 14 MARTIN’S &STEEL PILLS A Preach fir all r onsan.Xsof Udm kMB box or Martin «V!* th -o that on the vtt |i|B oftny Irrcg i f the S«m r: t..w r dose may be administered T.iose ho Bv? r’?*ni r- <"-nrnrnd Jli'-nrt,hence their MOrmou■* male. Xta'lCh** is a .ni<i
      451 words
    • 123 14 LAWS CO., 8, BATTERY ROAD. Commission and Estate agents, Ship-brokers. Mortgages arranged at short notice. “SAPPORO” “KIRIN” BEERS The best that are brewed iD Japan. 6ole Importers. KOMAYA Co., 38, High Street, Telephone No. 388 MOTOR CARS WB ARE NOW PAREDPRE T( SUPPLY BENZINE SYME CO. MiCiSi Mohamed Co* Diamond
      123 words
    • 110 14 CHATOLITE is a powder which, when mixed with cold water, makes a Fire-resisting, germ-proof, weather-resisting Paint for use x>n wood, bricks, stone, cement, etc. Ch&tollte in the long run is cheaper than whitewash, a 4 one application will outlast three of whitewash, a great saving in labour resulting Chatolite is
      110 words