The Straits Budget, 25 March 1903

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 117 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’ 1 The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. Kbiabushed over Halp
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 25TH MARCH.
    • 104 1 I At Tientsin, on 27th February, the l. v M K. Hay, Imperial Chinese Customs, l‘<! iunghter. W \dk —On the 4th March, at 45 Bubbling I Weil KcNtd, Shanghai, the wife of Rowland I U K. \Y.\i*k, of a daughter. I srK. On Sunday the 22nd inst. at
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    • 116 1 K wi kr—Iokgk.—On the 7th March, at u Marik AUGUSTA, youngest daughter •f M il .Iorck and of the 1 ite H. Jorge, to< h f.’LKs s Fowler, of New Haven, Conn., >A 1'i n 1’arkes. —Keb. 24, at St. Mary J <>(' h«'n.Mngton, the Rev. Rowland H
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  • 228 1 'MX, AkI.CLEd. C irrit rs. i l^uerg. m* al >rk< t Quotations. “'I'piiiK N»w 4 finger List. JJMNhw 8 4 1 if <j Que-tion at Singapore. K Collapse. j Gihi 1 ri p. h ‘*’ii Teanis Tournament. K* > n?tr l Volunteer Hand. Upore Howi .g
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  • 647 1 SINGAPORE. 25TH MARCH, 1903. PRODUCE. Gam bier 16.70 Copra Bali 8 8 do Pontiauak ,,8 3 Pepper, Black buyer? 33.25 do White. (8%) 57.0o Sago Flonr Sarawak 5.30 do Brunei No. 1 6.1* Pearl Sago 6 i*» Coffee Rail. 15V basis 1 5 Coffee, Palem hang, 20% basis.-
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  • 284 1 The Straits Budget this week, will be despatched hy tlie B I. 8.8. Zaida The isbue of the Budget next week will t>e mailed by the P. and O. 8 8. Malta The homeward mail by the N D. L. bj. Hamburg closed on Tuesdav. The
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    • 109 1 London \Btn Mnr:h. The House of Commons |ia«*ed, hv 252 to 27 vote*, a credit of for the pay of the effective Navy The Navy Estimates are pissing aim »st unopp >se 1, both sides recognising the necessity fjr he ivy naval expenditure. Sir K ibert Reid
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    • 20 1 The United States Senate has sanctioned the Panama Canal Treaty mentioned in the message dated the 4ih instant.
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    • 17 1 A serious revolution by so-called Nationalists has broken out in Urugua) [a South Ainerian republic].
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    • 27 1 The Budget committee of the Reicbs tag has reduce 1 the expenditure foi the German garrison in Pechili [China] by three millions of marks.
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    • 50 1 Sir Wilfred Laurier, the Premier o' Canada, has introduced into th* Dominion House of Commons a Bit for increasing the capitation tax or Chinese immigrants from $lOO to S.3CK a head [gold], and for making th* masters of vessels bringing sucl immigrants personally liable for th* tax.
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    • 53 1 London, 1 9th March. The election at R>e (Sussex) to replace Col. Brookfiel I, the Conservative member who has resigned ol appoint wool to Uie post ot Consul at M uitwnteu, resulted as follow* :,-Mt Hutchison (Liberal) 4 910 vote#, Mr. Boyle, K.C.
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    • 50 1 In consequence of the recent striking victories of the Opposition at Woolwich and Rye, a number of Liberals have notified their willingness to become candidates in Unionist strongholds. T he Unionist papers admit that the result of the Rye election indicates discontent with the present Government.
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    • 74 1 Replying to Mr. Bryce (Aberdeen) in the House, Mr Chamberlain said that as a result of his representations, the Foreign Office has agreed to let one >h('UBaiid Cential African natives go to the Transvaal mines as an experiment. The charges of forcing labour, Mr. Chamberlain
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    • 80 1 A Commission of Enquiry. London 190 1 March. Messrs. Skinner and Noyrs, the CommisMoners appointed by the Transvaal Mining industry to study the question ot Chinese labour in South Africa, have arrived at L »ndon. They sail on the 28ih inst. for New York whence they
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    • 45 1 Sir H Cbiiipbelt-Bbiii in an, speak* ing at Leeds, taid the Liberal policy of twelve years ago was not in any sense abandoned. It wan only put aside for a favourable opportunity, which Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman declares is now cuming.
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    • 27 1 London 20 ih March. Britain has spontaneously assured Italy that the reports of a British occupation of Bomba [m Tripoli] are baseless.
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    • 73 1 The Problem Settled at Last. Mr. Chamberlain received an ovation in the City of Loudon on occasion of the presentation of an adddress from (he Corporation at the Guildhall. Mr. Chamberlain said that he returned more than ever convinced that the Boer war could not
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    • 38 1 Lo>uto-t 21#/ March. The United States Senate has passed tue Cuban treaty with amendments aquiring the approval of the House of Representatives, thus deferring th# admission of Cuban sugar into th# United States indefinitely.
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    • 104 1 Speech at the Mansion House. Mr. Chamberlain, after the presents* f ion of the address from the orporation if London, drove with the Lord Mayor to the Mansion House, where, be lunched. In answering the toast of bis health. Mr. Chamberlain expressed the hope that
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    • 57 2 A Government Threat. The French Senate is discussing the Public Worship Estimates. M. Combes, the Premier, enumerated during the discussion the number of pastoral charges and letters insulting to the Government that had been issued. He declared that the G ivernment would denounce the Concordat if
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    • 36 2 In the election for North Fermanagh, Mr. Mitchell, the Independent Conservative candidate, polled 2107 votes, defeating Mr. Craig the official Conservative can lid ite who polled 22.>5 votes, replacing Mr. B. M. Aichdale, Conservative.
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    • 24 2 Londo i, 22nd March. President Castro of Venezuela has resigned. The Venezuelan C ingress has unanim >u$ly refused to accept the resignation.
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    • 46 2 The Rj, heals in the House of Commons are raising a strong agitation against the proposed methods of recruiting native labour for the Rand mines. Tney insist that these methods constitute merely a form of slavery. Mr. Chamberlain indignantly repels this idea.
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    • 34 2 Serious riots among broke out at Buda-Pesth on,anniversary of the death of The po ii ce were attacked with J^ aV y missiles and sticks a number of were injured
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    • 25 2 London 23rd March. The revolution in Uruguay which broke out on the 19th instant has ended without bloodshed, and peace has been signed.
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    • 71 2 President Castro has refused to reconsider his resignation. It is stated at Washington that Castro has resigned by arrangement to enable V to present a solid front to the Powers. It is understood that his brother will become President, and that Castro will be re-elected at the next
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    • 106 2 Result of Commission’s Investigations. The Commission appointed by President Roosevelt in October last to investigate the disastrous coal strike in Fenn»y]vania is reported to have decided in favour of the men on practically all points, by awarding them an increase in wages and other conclusions.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 96 1 The po w t free price of the Straits Times a y»*ar. or «8/-. The poet free price f the Strait* Svdget is a year, or40/t :b not nwessar> to subscribe for a year. es.ul riptions for shorter perioos are t -ame proportionate rate of price as )r year. 1
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    • 170 1 a p-PR«nt in Pj .lava. dpj»ir«H sitnaMo i with family returning to fcngl m chortle. Apply r,o VURSF cio Stra'tx T men. SCHWEITZER’S Tbs Best Purest COCOA. Now enpocially packet in double-lidded ice en«nrin«r fro«hnH«n for yearn, in all clinvinta. KEYSTONE ELGIN WATCHES Durable and Accurate The Keystone Watch Case
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  • 149 1 DEATHS. i r>MKK —On the3id March, at the General ul, Shanghai, Ferdinand Lk.MKE, aged ytais. i*.t.(*oY.--In Ceylon, on the 5th in«t. at \lbans,” the residence of >lr. J. A. r w. th*« miant son of H. A. La Br*>oy. imam hun 01 ii. n. ua u«v»w*. 1 N tv >n
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    • 669 2 {St. aits Twnss, 23rd M rcA) SmcB the giant Pacific Mail steam* skip* Korea and 8iheria were put op the mo between 8an Francisco and Hong* long W* Japan and China ports, a regular revolution was expected to dm in the trans-Paciflc v carrying trader and mayhap it
      {St. aits Twnss, 23rd M rcA)  -  669 words
    • 4752 2 (Straits Times 24th March.) Leprosy, as explained in yesterday’s issue, is practically fostered by Britain. Even the Kanakas of the Hawaiian Islands—prior to their cession to the United States—knew enough to isolate the unfortunate victims of the fearsome scourge on an island apart to themselves. The Americans are
      (Straits Times, 24th March.)  -  4,752 words

  • 1405 3 Dr. George E Morrison, the Tim*$ correspondent at Peking, has returned to China. Numbers of Chinese in the vicinity of Amoy are reported to be enrolling themselves as Japanese subjects. The following passengers arrived per s. Valstta to-day. From Hongkong Lt. G. F. Skeehan, Mr. C. Martin,
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  • 182 4 Db. B. Laufer writes to the OsUuiatische Lloyd to the effect that some thirty years ago an opinion was held by some sinologues that the old Chinese understood the art of ae r ial navigation In an essay, which has become veiy tare, entitled Chinese Customs
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  • 171 4 As we note! in Situr lav’s issue two new cable steamers —the Restorer and the Patrol.— ire due here shorily from Gravesen I. They are laden with a cable to he laid between Celebes and Bdik Ptpin, B >rneo, for the Dutch G ivernnieut, woo receive a
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  • 261 4 The Duff Development Syndicate has been registered in London with a capital of £400,000 in £1 shares, the object being to adopt an agreement to acquire, hold, sell, exchange, deal in, and turn to account concessions, grants, rights, privileges, aqd property of any description any part of
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  • 204 4 For Singapore Per P. A O a. sha gnat from London Feb *21, due 27th March —Miss Constance Dodd. Per P. A O. 8.9 Himalnja connecting with the steamer at Colomb from Londo.i M irch 8, due 5th April—Mr J. B. Warier Per M M s.8. VWe
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  • 71 4 Entries and handicaps for the Croquet Tournament commencing Monday, 23rd March, are as follows Mm. Jago and Mr. Innea, owe 1 Mm. P&tchitt and Mr. Jago, Mm. Sagden and Mr. Hilton, Mm. Saniulem and Mr. Hunter, Mm. Innesand Mr. Latham, Mrs. Hunter and Mr. Dennistou, Mm.
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  • 167 4 A cokre«pondest with the Siamese troops in the north has written an interesting letter to a Bangkok friend from which the Siam Observer has published some extracts Amongst »ther things he says The enemy are >nly a few hundreds in number, a great many of whom are
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  • 233 4 Palace Incident at Peking. The Peking corresoondent of the North China Daily News wrote on the 25th ult: —To-day there was the third of i he series of entertainments or social interchanges hetween the ladies of the Legations in lVking and the ladies of the Palace. While
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  • 153 4 The Singapore Piioiiarraonic Society gave a popular orchestral concert at the Town Hall on Saturday night. It was a very successful entertainment, and was well attended. The orchestra, under the direction of Mr. W. G. St. Clair, played eight pieces of a varied ••haracter, and there were
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  • 79 4 Mini la,, A It cant* due 25th March. B trio v. Colombo ani Odessa, Malm** due 25th March. E. A. Co. Ja «an via ports, Kiautschou due 26th vta«ch B*hn Meyer Penang and Oalcntta, Laisang, due 31st March. Bou*tead. Hongkong, Capri, due 98th ''arch. B.M. Sydney
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  • Correspondence.
    • 946 4 To the Editor of the 11 Straits Times.” Dear 8ir,— It would be interesting to know how many Singaporeans read with any attention the very interesting and important transactions of the last meeting of the Legislative Council, as reported in your journal of March 14th;
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  • 270 4 Hongkong cannot beat Singapore in house-collapses, even th »ugh it may do so in the mortality attendant there* upon. Yesterday afternoon some buildings in course of erection ir Brass Bassah Road and intended, we relieve, partly as an annexe to Raffles Hotel and partly as shop uuihJings,
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  • 105 4 The screw steamer f/ong Linn, recently launched by the Central Engine Works, *nd constructed to the order of Messrs. Wee Bin Co. went on her trial trip v esf erday. She is built to class 100 A.I at Lloyds, and to the Board of Trade requirements. The
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  • 117 4 Yesterday evening, two Chinese engaged a hack gharry in Outran) Road. They drove about the town and to I'anglin and according to the syce’s state* nent, stopped here and there to take cognizance of European houses. They then returned to town. The syce asked for his fare and
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  • 114 4 Following is the statement of accounts for the period ending 31st Dec., 1902. Government Donation for the parchase of Band Accessories $1,500 Municipal Contribution 7,«80 Public Subscriptions 3,856 Band Pees $1,700 1,700 Less share paid to Bandsmen 323 1,376 Sundries 7 Total $14,426 Wages of Bandsmen
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  • 1025 4 Mb. W ild, a pearl ein er t v been at Colombo on been inspecting the nearuV ‘•'■I Ceylon. At Colombo hehL\* h '>H viewed and has beer, 19 pearling matters \j r MHeI detailed his business expert 'WKk Size and Shape of 1 I Mr. Will said
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  • 162 5 Hff General Meeting. vising of tue Selangor SB ,< t held at the Selangor Club evening. Mr. George r x is v >ted into the chair. The {Minin cilled attention to the fact m t he balance of profit, $7,215, soma «uhscriptions for the year 810,000 h
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  • 201 5 I Fearful Loss of Life. Chinese junk wa-> recently burnt off ■Tune, near Hongkong. It appears K' .n*.anight of tlie fith instant, the in question was entering that with cargo and a large ■^oVment of passengers. As is the B r 'm Kith all Chinese
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  • 940 5 s UKh instant the temperature w is Km)° in the shade. lt r on Rtuo, irom One of the 4 ta^i r rather too personal fur Plication. HK kunskok Vlanufacturi ng Co. has dividend of 10 per cent for >>;tr jV*. night the B I. steamer Itaura
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  • 542 5 Tbb recent election*in Japanhresulted in the return of 186 Constitutionalists, 96 Progressist*, 17 Imperialists and 77 Independents. One member was elected f»r two places at once. The present Diet is almost similar in its constitution io the old one. In the Arsenal at Foochow (China) there are
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  • 300 5 On the 13th in»t., at Serdang, a Chinese mining coolie was lowered down a shatt and was overcome by the foul air. Another man, who went down to rescue him, was also overcome. A third man then descended, at great risk, attached ropes to the two bodies, and
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  • 2448 5 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. This afternoon the annual general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held at the Exchange Room, Singapore Club. Mr. John Anderson, the president, occupied the chair, and there was a very representative gathering of members. The Chairman in his presidential address
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  • 122 6 THE P. O. COMPANY LOSES. In the Admiralty Division, Mr. Justice Bucknill has just concluded the hearing of an action arising out of a collision in the River Scheldt between the P. O. 8.s. Socotra and the Southdown Steamship Company’s Dtllington. The casualty occurred on February 1st. The Cou't held
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  • 883 6 In Favour Of A Gold Standard. A Correspondent writes as follows to the Pall Mall Gazette on the burning question :—Now that the committee appointed to inquire into the currency question in the Straits Settlements and 10 report on the advisability of adopting a gold standard
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  • 66 6 A race between fours stroked by White and Darbishire respectively was rowed yesterday afternoon, the course, from Parsee Lodge to Johnston’s Pier being about three quarters of a mile Darbishire’s crew got a slight lead at the start but were ultimately beaten by about half a length.
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  • 1248 6 Lieut. G. F. Sheehan r.a.m c. has arrived here for du»v. At Kuala Lumpur, the land boom i« still on with prices ranging from 12,000 to $2,265 an acre. It is reported that sufficient capital h is been raised for constructing the Penang Hill Railway. The only
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  • 186 6 Action of Java Government. It appears (says the Perth correspondent of the Sydney Daily Telegraph that the authorities at Koepang, the Dutch settlement in the Timor 8ea, are making efforts to capture the north west peat ling trade. Captain Pitts, ol the steamer Sultan stated in an interview
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  • 57 6 A CORRESPONDENT infft I weU-known J arriving in this town I voyage from Au 8 t ra i ia 7»iJ when etepping on shnr Son*of Miriam, c mm., “>1 TWc God! Distasteful voy J J I’ll try to sing a d'~~ »J And. if I can t The
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  • 103 6 DEATH OF A POPULAR P. O. OFFICER. Many friends it, sj ng ae many throushont t|„. pTJ India and the Au-tralian C l J read with regret the atlno ,;N the death of Mr J*me* for many years Chief Un*. P. O. service, and one 0 M popular officers therein
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  • 91 6 The Malay Mail says that J contains immense deposing gold-bearing drift whirh enj thoroughly worked hy drwJ hydraulic elevating. ThePumJJ pany have struck upon a vj deposit of surface ore at K Mr. Leicester its manage, J cheapened handling ore tba J and dumping into the 60 cents
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  • 195 6 A Pahang correspondent con with the Raub Australia. G dd |H Co., Ltd., writes the Malay ll follows:— I The report of the tiger inctifl our cable track which yon ml whs certainly marvellous enouzfl Pahang, but rather w ide of to?I facts. M What actually happened.
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  • 226 6 On the 18th ult Tan Chohi.ijJ and Tan Lwee Swee wvre en u A M. Essahhov, Mai**? convey in a bullock cart net. twist valued $1,000 from M«I to a godown off Boat Quay*, did not reach their de-iioat l0r they been heard «f _since disappeared. The
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  • 506 7 I 7 Sxpuirtllnd calls attention hard lot of Chinese tin-miners ■r e L .a who, despite the fact that the India Government is their lead a wretched life in that w f They are kept at work to the W miserably lodged and badl) unfavourable climatic condiB'" The
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  • 83 7 -he fourth annual general meeting 'ing-ipore l*olo Club was held a: Ex-hinge building yesterday after H E the Governor occupying th* -lir Tne usuil formal 4V;ii e been gone through the electioi a Committee was proceedeu tT h. the following gentlemen bein*. Captain W. C. Anderson E
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  • 163 7 Ihk ivernor has appointed Mr. W. p rip he in mager ot the Singapore »iiway from the 1st inst Marriott has been granted fur 12 inontli8 to be taken after itj tuontoH and twentv-eight days’ 1 leave; and Mr M. Rodesse for r l Ill0, ‘ths to
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  • 171 7 Lord Meath’s suggestion for the establishment of a day throughout the Empire on which annually the attention of scholars in State-aided schools should be specially directed towards the consideration of the history and geography of the Empire and of Imperial matters generally has been received by colonial
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  • 220 7 —Perak Pioneer. Although the annual meeting of the Kinta Gymkhana Club has just passed ue inhabitants of Kinta have not in ny way abated their interest in things icing. To test this feeling Gopeng now •roposes holding another of its always »>puUr gymkhana meetings on the iS h
    .—Perak Pioneer.  -  220 words
  • 186 7 In the Singapore Municipal progress "eport for January, published in yesterlay’s Government Gazette the President lotes. in regard to the jinrikisha service There were 1,649 licenses issued during the month shewing a lecrease of 472 as compared with the lumber issued in J inuary, 1902. The
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  • 210 7 Telegraphing on the 16*h ult., the Paris correspondent of the Morning Post says:— I The Foreign Affairs Commission presided over by M Etienne, continuing ns examination of the Franco-Siamese Treaty, heard to-day M. La My re de Vilers, former Governor-General of Indo-Cbina, and M. des Tonsalles, of
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  • 624 7 Friday, March 20th. PRESENT. His Excellency Sir Frank Athelstane SWETTENHAM, K.C.M.G., (GOVERNOR). Hon. W. T. Taylor, C.M.G., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. R. Collyer (Attorney.General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. E. C. H. Hill (Auditor General). Hon. A. Murray, C.E., M.I.C.E. (Colonial Engineer). Hon. J. M. Allinson.
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  • 154 7 At Perth in the State of West Australia, the Chinese vegetable garden nuisance arising from foul manuring is becoming a crying evil. The health inspector of that city thus reports on the subject: Complaints having been received as to the existence of disagreeable smells in the vicinity of
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  • 1565 7 LETTER NO. 7. March lath. Dear Jack, —I promised you in my last that 1 would try to repeat my friend s description of European life in Singapore, but rather than enter into a lengthy dialogue—as in some points I disagreed with him—I think it would be
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  • 160 7 The annual meeting of the Singapore Golf Club was held in the Pavilion yesterday afternoon, Mr. H. G Vade, the past 8**ason’s captan, occupying the chair until the electi- n of ihe new President, the Hon. J. M. Allinson The report, accounts, etc., having been formally accepted
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  • 1477 8 A St. George’* Ball will be held at Penang on the 23rd April. The lamps up the Tanjong Kramat lighthouse of Kuala Selangor have been destroyed by fire. Japanese vernacular papers deplore the enormous amount of bribery made use of during the '***t elections. The Indian U
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  • 73 8 A Havas telegraui ut tbe 14th instant •^ays: M. Trouillot laid a project before the Chamber of Deputies open* ng a credit in the Budget for 35 yean* n order to complete the cable service between France and her coloniesThe French Government haa opened negotiations with the
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  • 176 8 The results of the Cambridge Local examination have been received by this mail. In the senior examination 24 boys passed from the Straits Settle* ments. Of these three obtained first class honours, W. W Davidson and Lira Guan Cheng from the Penang Free School, and W. J.
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  • 228 8 The members of the local European police force concluded their rifle match ~hoot at the Balestier Range yesterday afternoon for a Cup presented by Captain Hamilton, the ranges being at 200 yds 500 yds. and 600 yds., Bisley rules. The first part of the match was tired
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  • 413 8 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Swimming Club is called to be held at the S. V. C. Drill Hall t on March 27th (Friday next) at 9 pm. The Committee report that the l luh has maintained its toimer popularity and strong financial position. In
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  • 495 8 To Visit Australia. H. H. the Huitan of Johore leaves to-iiiorrow for a three months’ trip to Australia, going as far as Colombo by the Norddeutscher Lloyd s.s. Hamburg On Friday last he was entertained by Tow kay Lim Ah Siang, at a farewell banquet, held
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  • 366 8 The following loner is forwarded to us by a Chinese correspondent:—May I be allowed a space in your valuable columns to call the attention of the authorities to the nuisance which i► prevailing in Amoy street Almost every midnight cattle to the number of tou r or
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  • 605 8 K .J? r Win Oriffi., Twemt-skvkn new §1! shape of wafer griffi* M by members of the stables on 8aturdsy afriL at there was a very com&*■ of ractne men present tI 1 1 were for the must Dart enough, although some never come up to sii
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  • 134 8 Six Chinamen have appeared Mr. Wilson at the instance of r Bateman (Weights and Department) to explain why they •n their possession false weighs *cales for trading purposes l* 1 f he men, Low Chue ('bin, (hob Kee, Choh Tiam and Loh Shue *re dealers in unredeemed
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  • Correspondence.
    • 441 9 v Editor of the 44 Straits Times.' 1 I )kak .Sik,— Looking over your report \r f annual genenri meeting, of the 9 re Chamber of Commerce, I note chairman’s address that he refers a local steamship service. Most of K «rili t0 certain extent with
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  • 360 9 f-'urhvlams at Mount Elizabeth. T ♦>.>»* oil 8a>Uiday at ern »"ii v in>c ivi 8 who were on the 1* ok r iHhiilin saw tour oio j'l 'irdi ha' rtb.Mit together near ‘-fcmarket i« Orchard R ad. The men, *>re II. 1 mis, ptocteded up Br 'i
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  • 1746 9 Half-Yearly Meeting. The half-yearlv ordinary general meeting of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Ltd., was held at the Company's Town Office, Collyer Quay, at noon to-day. Mr. John Anderson preside I and there were also present:— Messrs. J R. Nicholson (menacing director). H. Fort, W P.
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  • 812 9 PHILIPPINE GUITA RUBBER. Imstbccthhis, Bays the Times. have been received from Washingtor by the Customs authorities of tin. Philippines to keep a vigilant look ouj for Chinese merchants engaged it smuggling rubber and gutta percha out ot that archipelago. Detailed search or the part of forest rangers of the Government
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  • 1179 9 H|s Failure aa a Colonist and His Worth as a Chinaman. At a tuna when there is so much talk of the introduction of Chinese labour into South Africa to replace the bladk labourers, it may not be without interest to gain some idea as to what
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  • 1328 10 Home. The Hon. Ivor Gaest has brought forward a motion to reduce the Army Vote by *27,000 men. He declared that reduction in numbers would result in the better class of recruits being obtained. Major VV. E. Evans Gordon seconded. Mr. Alfred Emmott and Sir John Gorst supported,
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  • 1124 10 Steps have been taken to build a new Cnurch at L ibuan at the prompting of the Rev. Mr. Knight Clarke, to cost *3,500. Two hundred and forty deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on the I4r.h instant. The ratio per thousand was 53
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  • Correspondence.
    • 233 10 To the Editor of the lt Straits Times." Bib, —In your list of the griffins drawn for on Saturday I notice that you give the names of the sires and, in most instances, dams. But many there are here to whom the names of Australian blood horses
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  • 185 10 Owing to the departure of the Bultan of Jotiore for Australia, there has been much fating in Johore during the past few days. In addition to the dinner given in H. H.’s honour at the Johore Hotel on Friday at which seventy covers were laid, a dinner was
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  • 447 10 Defendants Acquitted. This morning, Hassan, Noor Mahomed I and Hussein, three detective non-com* I missioned police officers, were before I Mr. Marriott for preliminary enquiry I into allegations of robbery and wrongful confinement brought against them by Tan Teng, a shop keeper residing at Pulo Sabarro. Mr
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  • 785 10 Before Mr. Justice John Little Co v. p w In this case John LittleT 1 Singapore sought an j restraining Ebenezer \Vali a maker, formerly in their em i obtaining any employment a. oy !f maker or jeweller in Sin gaDo directly or indirectly e > Mr. Buckley
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  • 760 11 I J# v«lkria Rusticana.” H wDt the Town Hall, styled, by the programmes, the H 3 re Opera House,’ was fairly to witness the first perB v here of the Margherita di H~' ’Kezina d' Italia, Opera ComH*' e programme chosen was a e ii**nt one. It
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  • 792 11 The appropriatior. of the late United States Congrena for navsj enlargement will reach farther tha*: wm at first expected. The bill which wa« paused authorizes an appropriation which will be sufficient to build five new battleships, and the work on them will be begun at once. In its
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  • 202 11 Despite rough weather and water the second heat ot the races for Mr Scott Russell’s cups took place last evening between the following crews 1 2 (Liqht Blue.) (Dark Blue.) C. M. Curtis (bow) Th. Sohst (bow) \V. G. Fargie A. B. Cross W. M Stewart E.
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    • 132 11 L nder thin heading the following abbreviations are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship; bq.— barque sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht; Cru.— Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. —Horse power Brit.—British U.S.— United States; Fch.—French; Ger—German; Dot. Dutch G.c.—General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger; U. —Uncertain; T. F. W. —Tanjong Pag&r Wharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.VV.—Borneo Wharf; K.H —Keppel
      132 words
    • 1385 11 arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Ban Seng Guan, Brit. str. 490 tons, Capt <yons, v4th Mar. From Bangkok, 20th Mar. I.c, an i 26 d p. Ban Seng. For Bangkok. 27th—Rds. Ca'yvso, Brit. str. 339 tons. Capt Lowry, 24th Mar. Fiom Deli, 22nd Mar G.c., and 15
      1,385 words
    • 489 11 Name, part, probable date of arrival, and name of ag&nU. BTKAMBBB. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Apl 1; Mansfield. Alboin. Bombay, Apl; Borneo Coy. Andalusia. Hongkong, Mar 27; HehnMeyer Arratoon A pear, Hongkong, Mar 26 P. 8. Australind, W. Australia, Apl 6; Bou«tead Awa Maru. Japan, Mar 26; P. Simon*. Bamb-rg,
      489 words
    • 1160 12 M 2 Vj88hl’s» Navi* A Tons. Captain From Sailkh Const*, nliv 3 Rig. Mar 18 'Sea BelJe Col str.; 500 C’am her lain I Malacca Mar 17 Colonial Govt. 18 Wakasa Maru .lap strI 3*81 MacMidan London F« b 18 P. Simon? and Co. 18 Socotra PAOstr* 3*98 Bentos
      1,160 words
    • 76 12 L FA88ED 8 UN DA 8TKAIT8 OK ARRIVED FOB ORPBB8. I Flag A P P~ Dat* of WgpfDats. Rig. Ship’s Name. Captain. Railing. From where atTon. mam*. Mar 11 Out 8.8,'Gehd 1 Bagcbus 'Mar 11 Batavia Rotterdam 1** Dut 8 8. Mindoro Onthrie Rotterdam Ratafia IbNor bq Vanadis MigO'Sen
      76 words
    • 670 12 *r 7 W IJ i« A Date. Vessel’s Name. [flag A Rig. Tons. Destination. Mar 18 Ragami Brit str. 2668 Manila 18 Teck Soon Cbiang Dut sch. 120 Pontianak 19 Socotra Bnt str. j 389<; Hongkong,Shanghai and Japan 19 Giang Bee str. 119* Samarang via ports 19 ReijnierK/ Dut
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 44 11 MARTIN’S tar «li IpNlutarUlM. ftwuudaol I lop btt of Utrlkn 1* l a i the lux an U »t m Ihr /mm lrr«*i «nt| t the s>»u-m t ixwa iiioat may itinl TttOM who uk thrm rfrunMii»n< oouiaaia At tlirhumit *»n4 Vor*sJ|fi"i(»f«S.* Chanr.i M<LANft
      44 words
    • 570 11 This successful and highly popular remedy, used :ord the RosUd, Velpeau sought in Continental Hospitals by Rico and others, combines all the desiderata to t>e sougr medicineof the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto in a re mark ably short l me, often a few days only, removes all discharges iron»
      570 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 99 12 LEA PERRINS Messrs. LEA Sc PERRINS beg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Original Worcestershire Sauce, they are now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will be at
      99 words
    • 152 12 FOi? OLD YOUNG f ne vigour and buoyancy of health are secured by the timely^ f f A tb€r Sel2cI s Caratl Syrcp-a natural ‘4S8? tonic and blood purifier compounded of fruits, roots and herbs It tones the liver, regulates the bowels, promotes the thorouo n [-digestion of food and
      152 words
    • 562 12 VAN P«try-C<»rr na mni c, Tiffin. Dinned, od Vanet, Bill, 0 Pnceg at th« 1 Ti®n *1.60 pe r uhr H Dinner $3.00 Co? *r. Monthly rates—Sjh jV (Deli*m\?C s w 'n Special dinners jrd#»r t at various prions Qs d OrHifliFr Hinn. u i t f oiiuu» pnop 3
      562 words