The Straits Budget, 19 March 1903

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 118 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. ErrAiusHED over Half a
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 19TH MARCH.
    • 115 1 I shanjrhai, on 2*li February, I i,j h k Hayden,-of a son. I K r'.fjutli February, at Yoko--1 I. *.i >• koMOR, of a son. I ,n i »!i the -9th February, at ft .1 OUsTAV (JIPI'ERICH, of a I Hongkong, the wife of DrI, y m u
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    • 47 1 I —(in March loth, at I 1 itl edral, Singapore, the Ven. v*-’Icy M.A. officiating, G. E. <*i Singapore to Grace I i «.r General H. Cortlaxdt I Mi t he 2nd March, Shanghai, I*iin». Surgeon. R. N., H.M.S. I M i itik Byrne, of Shanghai.
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  • 225 1 Ah. l.fcs. Jf *nt iio eve It. j. n "*-'I r aMfcS. Day. t z/u t;i? ions. K N, w i 1 v *n Tennis Tournament. I Pools and their Salaries. I >nd Raffles School. I H 1 "'anted I Harbour. I Mi. H J. Bud. H
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  • 625 1 Singapore, I9th March, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers 15.70 Copra Bali 8.90 do Pontianak 9.00 Pepper, Black ,33.50 do White, (8%) 57.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 5.25 do Brunei No. 1 5.15 Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis... 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 18.75 Tapioca,
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  • 335 1 This week’s issue of the Straits Budget is despatched by the P. &0. s.s. Valetta. The issue of the Budget next week will be mailed by tbe B. I. s.s. Zaida. The M. M. mail for Europe by the s.s. Annaru closed on Monday. The mail
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  • Special Telegram to the “Straits Times.”
    • 45 1 London March 10. Mr. Austen Chamberlain states that 1800 Boer prisoners in India refuse to take the oath or declaration of allegiance to the British Government. General Botha is sending a messenger to explain to them the desirability of making the declaration.
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    • 33 1 The Mullah fled to Galadi, 50 miles from Galkayu. Only the scouts were engaged, the enemy retiring before the advance of the main body of the force. The Boers did good work.
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    • 48 1 Lord Selborne, First Lord of the Admiralty, announces that it has been decided to sever West Africa from the Cape Naval Station, and to form a new squadron to be called the South Atlantic squadron in place of tbe South East coast of America squadron.
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    • 41 1 The heavy increase in the Naval estimates is the universal topic. There is a disposition displayed to acquiesce in the inevitable—combined with forebodings concerning the instability of a state of armed peace which necessitates such sacrifices.
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    • 45 1 The Daily Telegraph's correspondent at Aden telegraphs that the situation in the Hinterland is less satisfactory. The Resident proceeded towards Atsala with the Boundary Commission, but when 10 miles from that place was forced to withdraw owing to the opposition of the tribesmen.
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    • 31 1 London, 11th March. Mr. Chamberlain, on the voyage home, has been staying at Madeira, where he has suffered from gout for four days. He is now better.
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    • 50 1 An oil train was wrecked at dean, in New ork State. The wreckage ignited; and a crowd was watching the blaze when there was a terrific explosion that deluged a number of the spectators with liquid fire. A score of people were killed and forty were injured.
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    • 34 1 The British pilgrims to Rome, consisting of four Bishops, sixty-two delegates and several peers, headed-by the Duke of Norfolk, have presented to the Pope an address of devotion. t
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    • 23 1 Their Majesties celebrated the fortieth anniversary of their wedding by a family dinner and a small dance at Buckingham Palace.
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    • 17 1 The House of Commons has agreed to a vote of 235,761 men for the Army.
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    • 50 1 Mr. Austen Chamberlain has stated that, at present, thirty Boer prisoners in Ceylon refuse to take the oath or declaration of allegiance. They will not be sent home unless they do take the oath. Any application by them to go to some other country will be considered.
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    • 14 1 Mr. Patrick Hughes, formerly British Consul at Snanghai, is dead.
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    • 73 1 t T+ndon, 12 th March. The contest at Woolwich to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lord Charles Beresford has resulted in the election of Mr. Crooks, the Labour candidate, the figures being:—Crooks (labour) 8,687 votes, Drage (conservative) 5,458. This is a gain for the Opposition.
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    • 36 1 Mr. Justice Buckley yesterday authorised the Official Receiver of the London and Globe Finance Corporation to prosecute Mr. Whitaker Wright. A warrant was issued for Wright’s arrest; but he has disappeared.
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    • 22 1 M. Delcasse, speaking in the French Chamber, denied the existence of any agreement between France, England, and Spain anent fcjorocco.
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    • 55 2 Whereas 19 Unionists voted for Mr. Beckett's amendment to the Add ress condemning Mr. Brodrick’s Army Corps scheme, nearly 30 voted with the minority on the Hon. Ivor Guest’s amendment. The bulk of the Nationalists did not vote. The Tunea says the division shows a Unionist revolt
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    • 71 2 London 13th March. On the occasion of the anniversary of the emancipation of the serfs in Russia, the Czar issued a manifesto. The manifesto proclaims the principles of religious toleration to all creeds, announces measures for the extension of provincial and rural selfgovernment, and relieves the peasants from
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    • 26 2 It is announced at Lisbon that King Edward will arrive there on the 3rd of April on a few days' visit.
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    • 50 2 The C lergy Discipline Bill has been introduced into the House of Commons by Mr. Austen Taylor for the purpose of facilitating the prosecution of recalcitrant Ritualists, especially by abolishing the bishop’s voto. The Bill was read a second time by 190 to 139 rotes.
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    • 30 2 The Budget committee of the Reichs’ag has negatived votes in the German Naval Estimates to the amount of £650,000, including the river gunboats for service in China.
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    • 107 2 A TREMENDOUS WELCOME. London March. The papers are full of details in connection with the arrival of Mr. Chamberlain from South Africa. It is described as the last and most striking home-coming in which the heroes of the South African war had figured. The leading articles on the
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    • 44 2 An address was presented to him at Southampton. In reply Mr. Chamberlain expressed his belief that permanent peace had been established in South Africa. But he warned against overestimating the results actually achieved. Nevertheless, he had returned in a spirit of confidence.
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    • 118 2 The Cabinet greeted him at Waterloo Station. The platform was filled with a gathering of distinguished persons. Tremendous crowds thronged the street, cheering with rapturous enthusiasm. Mr. Chamberlain was visibly touched by the overpowering nature of his welcome. All the shipping at Southampton were decked out
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    • 34 2 London 15 th March. A commission siting at St. Petersburg under the presidency of the Minister of the Interior, has begun the work of reform in the administration of the Russian provinces.
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    • 56 2 Reuter’s correspondent at Aden states that the force despatchei by Colonel Swaun routed a strong force of the enemy at Lasakautc Wells. Fifteen of the enemy were killed, many more being captured and wounded. The Mullah has gone to Ogaden for arms. General Manning took up a strong
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    • 18 2 Whitaker Wright has been arrested at New York on landing from the steamer La Lorraine.
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    • 23 2 Tjondon t 1 6th March. Mr. Chamberlain was received by the King and the Queen at Buckingham Palace.
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    • 35 2 In consequence of Russia’s objections to the employment of German officers in connection with the Macedonian reform scheme, the Sultan has authorised the engagement of Swedish and Norwegian instructors for the Macedonian Gendarmery.
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    • 25 2 The Mullah is now within a triangle of which Galkayu, Damot, and Bari form the angles. The co-operating Abyssinians occupy Bari.
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    • 73 2 TIMES” AND THE GOVERNMENT. Mr* Chamberlain v. the 44 Rot.*’ Alluding to the political situation, the Times says Despite the the Premier, the confidence of the people in the present Government is slipping away. Mr. Chamberlain may be able to prevent the rot setting in among the Ministerialists, both in
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    • 20 2 London Hth March. Mr. Chamberlain had an enthusiastic reception in the House of Commons in the afternoon.
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    • 46 2 The police raided the hotels at Pretoria on the 14th instant, in search of persons unprovided with permits of residence. Several hundreds of such persons were arrested, of whom twenty-seven consisting of foreigners were ordered to leave the Transvaal within twentyfour hours.
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    • 34 2 Signor Demarines declared in the Italian Chamber of Deputies that, according to a report by a French official, Britain had occupied Bomba in Tripoli. The newspapers at Home deny the allegation.
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    • 28 2 Shamrock the Third was launched on the Clyde this afternoon. The most striking departure from her predecessors is the reversion to the old British cutter type.
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    • 54 2 The King of Saxony in a letter to the Saxon people thanks them for their sympathies with him in the Crown Princess affair. The King says that the ungovernable passion of this woman who long ago had secretly fallen was the sole cause
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 89 1 |t. r free price of the Straits Times K v ,r.r or AB/-. The post free .price •< budget is 820 a year, or 40/- f t to subscribe for a year. I ptions for shorter periods are I ruportionate rate of price as l r n ts H ••hiet
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    • 351 1 ENGL ISH NURSE, a present in Java, desires situation with family returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, CiO Straits Times. is*lK!£sw DURABLE AND ACCURATE The Keystone Watch Case Co. iiTAiutHto uu Philadelphia, U. S. A. America’s Oldest and iK V Lar fl eB Watch Factory VC 7 For sale
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  • 46 1 DEATHS. I ‘Mi 1st February, at San I S f:\ii Evei.LKT, the beloved I i. \ndreas 1)ith lkkskx. I i•* 12th irijst. at No. 3 Niven I Kyki.k Alovsius, the I i. StTii, aged 8 years and <j»ore, on March 15, Caroline, I -in Dill Ross.
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    • 1122 2 (Straits Times IUA March.) Pkesideot Roosevelt’s attack upon the American Trusts, the consequent anti-trusts legislation in Congress, and the scandalous attempt of the notoriously pious and upright Mr. Rockefeller to corrupt the Ameri- can legislature Into rejecting the anti-trusts bill, are matters of very recent history. By many,
      (Straits Times, IUA March.)  -  1,122 words
    • 649 2 (Straits Times, 11 th March.) Here, as in most other British colonies, the Britisher rarely complains regarding the presence of foreign residents unless they be particularly undesirable. The American, Belgian, Chilian, Dane, Eskimo, Frenchman, German, Hollander, Icelander, Japanese, Kanaka, Lapp, or anyone else with any pretence to decency
      (Straits Times, 11 th March.)  -  649 words
    • 488 2 (Straits Times, 1 Stk Mm, I The dispute between thecoj of wiseacres who sway the de«ZI Korea and the Japanese GovenJ would now appear to have been J or to be in measurable distant* becoming so, as on February i-f.1 Ko Ei-Ki, the new Korean MinuJ Tokyo reached
      (Straits Times, 1Stk Mm, I  -  488 words
    • 5421 3 sff.i. ts Time*, 17/A March.) I a ;niversally admitted fact— a l. r were unwise to dispute in I of this footstool, Earth I p ttrick was a gentleman, and l people.” We mention t ;rn>m merely because this is I k’s Day. Apart from the
      sff.i. ts Time*, 17/A March.)  -  5,421 words

  • 443 4 Elephant stealing is reported to be very rife in Northern Siam. The French gunboat Comete left Saigon for Bangkok on the 23th Feb. The British steamer Alanshan arrived from Swatow yesterday with 1,135 Chinese coolies for Singapore. General Bragg, the new Consul General for the United States
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  • 101 4 The following official telegram has been received from Point Natal, dated 10th instant: Dilwara sailed March 10th arrive at Colombo March 24th en route for Singapore, has on board Singapore Ist Battalion Manchester Regiment, Lieut Colonels Maxwell, Watson, Majors Westropp, Terry, Captains H. Fisher, E. N. Fisher, Creagh,
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  • 93 4 We regret to have to announce the 4eath on Monday last, at the Marine Hotel, Singapore, of Mr. H. J. Bird, American merchant, of 16 Change Alley. Mr. Bird, who hailed from Chicago, had been a considerable time resident in Singapore, and was widely
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  • 578 4 Coolie Kicked to Death. The s. s. Kutsang, Capt. Payne, arrived from Hongkong yesterday afternoon with 597 Chinese coolies, men and women, and anchored at the quarantine station. About 7.20 last night three of the Chinese coolies commenced fighting for a sleeping place on one of
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  • 270 4 Tkade generally i n 1 teem to bo abnormally tightness of money, 9 nL. H I customs duties, and militating greatly against?? 8 monthly circular f or u 1 h M W.A.•Fitton«feCo. r epo r >.J the situation is well in hanrf 1 l *J finance, opinion is
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  • 431 4 This year of grace, 190 d, marks a fifty-eighth annual issue of "h Newspaper Press Directory.” a ud work sent forth each year to the in by Messrs C. Mitchell and Co., a well-known advertising agents i Holborn. The present issue is in/ respects worthy of
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  • 1501 5 I r e Chairman— and Directors Raub 3 lj an Gold Mining Company, feed. Singapore, Bremen I beg to submit my t jv report on your mining and ,‘V rations. The mine rneasure■Vi fc a n«l assay results of prospecting t,spared by the mine manager, r, 1 total of
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  • 128 5 At 6 o’clock this morning the M.M. Tonkin was signalled at Singapore, but it was 9-30 before she was wharfed. It transpired that it was the tail end starboard shaft that was broken and this will necessitate her going into dry dock. She has a large
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1089 5 To the Editor of the 44 Straits Times? Dear Sir, Fools we are called by a correspondent in your yesterday's paper, because we came out to this country. We admit this denomination to be perfectly right but unfortunately we only became aware of our foolishness
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    • 156 5 To tlce Editor of the 44 Straits Times Sir, —Now that the Government have virtually taken over the Rallies Boys’ School, it would be gratifying to parents to know whether receipts will be granted for scholars' fees, when paid through their children monthly to their respective
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    • 207 5 To the Editor of the 44 Straits Times." Sir, —Might I be allowed to refer to a very evident laxity in the Municipal Streets department in the application of water to allay dust. I had occasion to drive along Anson Road yesterday in the direction of Tanjong
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  • 506 5 The Man of Duty. Two bullies of the border town at which our train had stopped brought up the bandmaster, writes Frederick Moore in the March Pall Mall Magazine. The crowd had finished cheering, the band had finished wrangling with 44 Hail to the Chief,” 44 My Country,
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  • 503 5 It is apparently not generally known, says the Perak Pioneer that Upper Perak and the New Territory are two distinct districts. The former is under Raja Chulan who resides at Lengong, and the head-quarters of the New Territory for the present is Janing. Mr. Burgess, the District Officer
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  • 762 6 The Assizes Court concluded its business to-day at noon. The annual police sports at Penang came off successfully on Saturday. The port of M*ca*jsar in Netherlands India is notified to be infected with cholera. A large four-iuunelled French war vessel passed through the port this morning from
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  • 77 6 The following passengers are due to arrive here by the German mail steamer KiauUckoa due here on Saturday the 28th instant. Mr. Burleigh, Mr. O. Schwemer, Mr. E. Kloke, Mr. and Mrs. C. van der Zwet, Mr. T. S Bos Sulpke, Miss Ella Morrison, Miss. Evans,
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  • 99 6 The Malay Mail gives raining notes from the Iiaub goldfield to the effect that the Queensland Raub (Company has closed down owing to meagre results. The Sung«i Argus Company has given up work after six months’ unprofitable trial. The Western Lode Company, the main shaft of which is
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  • 138 6 About a week ago a bullock-cart was loaded with property at Tanjong Pagar Dock and was despatched to one of the godowns in town. The cart disappeared and neither the goods nor the cart have since been heard of. The police instituted a search and, as they
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  • 159 6 A few days ago a Chinese detective went to serve a warrant on a man living in a house in Hocklam Street. According to the detective’s version of the affair a large crowd of Chinese collected outside the house, so he blew his whistle and another detective
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  • 337 6 Bpjore Mr. Justice Hyndman Jones. The False Charge Case. Yesterday afternoon the case was concluded in which Yeo Peng Chua, vegetable seller, Koh Jim Keh,detective, and Koh Kuang Long, towkay, were accused with illegally making a false charge against a gambier planter. The prosecution was conducted by Mr.
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  • 375 6 And it came to pass in tHe days when Sirephaeas was Governor of the People of the (iifcy of the Lion that there came unto the City of the Lion a Man lrom the Par 'West' Country who was a Clever Man and Soft of
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  • 153 6 The following is report for February Tbe Battery worked 14 days at 10 head, crushing 342 tons of stone for 280 ounces of amalgam, giving 94.18 ounces of smelted gold. During the month a godown, office, and two Malay bangsaU have been completed, and a new
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  • 256 6 RILEY HARGREAVES CO. LTD. Mr. W. M. Robertson presided on Tuesday afternoon at the fourth annual general meeting of Riley, Hargreaves Co., Ltd., held at the Company’s offices, in Read Street. The Hon. J. M Allinson and Messrs. Sanderson and Preston, directors, were present, also several shareholders. The report and
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  • 936 6 Venning Thomas—Cortlandt n Anderson. At St. Andrew’* Cathedral on Tuesday the wedding of Mr, G. B. Venning Thoniaa ’and Miss Grace Mabel Cortlandt Anderson, daughter of General Cortlandt Anderson, was solemnised by the Venerable Archdeacon Dunkerley in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering, including H. E.
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  • 663 6 There was a good attendant* opening performance of w Circus last evening, despite the attraction of the band on the The performance throughout success, the general comfortable enough and a U *H season should ensue After tomary overture and equestrian!® by the company, little Dick and iSM gave
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  • 1266 7 Globe-Trotter's Description. y r Townsend, in a letter to f-'ranrisco Argonaut dated from Dec. 3rd last, describes as hie experience of a recent visit la'— I ;!i beautiful, interesting, and 1 he hotels and railway express are comfortable, and travelling L country is a delight. We landed Batavia
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  • 393 7 Rescued by a Trincomalee Diver. Datu Meldrum of Johore contributes the following old-time story to the Ceylon Observer When the P. and O. Malabar was wrecked in Galle Harbour, in May 1860, Lord Elgin and Baron Gros were on board. They were going to China on
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  • 1060 7 LETTER NO. 0. Mar eh 10th Dear Jack, —After my rather disconcerting experience at the Maiket Place, we drove to tiffin. Tiffin,” I should explain, is a word used amongst Europeans out East for 44 lunch.” Personally I despise the word, though I already recognise that it
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  • 197 7 The Hongkong Fire Insurance Company held its yearly meeting there on the 2nd instant, with Mr. C. W. Dickson, in the chair. Heavy losses in 1901 and 1902 had reduced the amount available for dividend. Ten per cent of the profits were put to reserve. The
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  • 1783 7 The Rajah of Sarawak has appointed Mr. G. Hourant to be Inspector of Police there to date from Ist January. The homeward M. M. packet Annam will probably leave Singapore on Monday, the 16th instant, at about 4 p.m. The police launch B:*ani ran into a steamer
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 207 7 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co.’s saleroom yesterday afternoon: Freehold land, area 1,600 sq. ft. together with the house thereon known as No 20 Craig Road. Bought by Syed Alkaff for $6,700. Freehold land, area 1,280 sq. ft. together with the house thereon
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  • 144 8 There was a good attendance of both foreigners and natives at Warren’s Circus last evening when the performance throughout went if possible with an even better swing than it did on Wednesday night. The clowning of Niny, the wonderful performing dogs, and the turns of the numerous artistes
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  • 132 8 We have just received, through Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, a copy of the Chronicle and Directory of the Far East for 1903, published at the office of the Daily Press Hongkong. The information is, as in former issues, voluminous and as complete and up-to-date as it
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  • 220 8 The report on the Govt. Widows and Orphans’ Fund for 1902 shows that the amount to the credit of the Fund in the Treasury on the 31st December last, was $357,254, and in addition there was a sum of $21,013 due by Government for interest
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  • 264 8 The Thirty-fifth Tournament. The Ladies' Lawn Tennis Tournament, with the exception of the play for the final of the Championship, was brought to a close yesterday afternoon, when there was a large attendance of members and their friends present. Ihe play in the Championship final was
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  • 186 8 Action for Wrongful Dismissal. This* morning before Mr.' Justice Hyndmsn-Jones, E. T. Paglar, late clerk in the office of the Superintendent of the Tanjong Pagar Dock .(Company’s Police sued the Dock Company for damages for wrongful dismissal. Mr. Van Cuylenberg represented the plaintiff and Mr. E. C.
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  • 222 8 A Malay man's Roguery. Yesterday, a Malay named Latib bin Ibrahim was before Mr. Marriott on two charges of criminal breach of trust; also for theft in a dwelling. His first victim was a woman named Seniah whom he promised to marry. Having thus paved the way, he
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  • 368 8 Mr. R. Shelfords Report on the Sarawak Museum, 1901 and 1902, reaches us to-day, and is an interesting little publication. Mr. Shelford, who is the Curator, mentions that during his recent spell of leave he took home a considerable number of unidentified specimens, and was able to
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  • 1207 8 The formation of a Motor Volunteer Corps has been gazetted at London. Thk Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Saratov left for Odessa at 3.30 p.m. yesterday. The death is announced of Mr. I Richard Jordan Gatling, inventor of the famous gun. The Russian cruiser Norik went to Section
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  • 71 8 Mrs. Waddell Wins the Championship. Play* in the Championship was resumed yesterday will be remembered that the fell to Mrs. Lovell with 6—4 in the second both Mrs. Mrs. Waddell scored 9 games »P* Yesterday’s play was excelien interesting throughout, M rs g beating
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  • 121 8 Mb. Francis Peabs, «ritin£ Muar, gives the following inL to the India RM*er Journal you have not received previous i tion, I append particulars ot of two cultivated Para tree* Estate, in Perak, reputed to he old. The tapping was Mr. Baxendale, and extended months,
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  • 4162 9 I Friday, March 13th. I PRESENT. I 1 > ij.kncy sip. Frank Athelstane W‘ k.nham, K.C.M.G., (Governor). I r. Taylor, c.m.g., (ColonialSecretary). I j; < Oliver (Attorney-General). Penney (Colonial Treasurer). I 1 H. Hill (Auditor General). I (Colonial Engineer). I \J. Ailin&on. I .f. Napier. <, Murray. I
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  • 102 9 Action of the United States. All possible doubt in relation to the attitude of the United States in the indemnity question, th eShanghai Times says, has been put at rest by official despatches which directed that the amount due to the United States indemnity account should be
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  • 547 10 Tfte Philippine Aboriginal Race. Ms. David P. Barrows, Chief of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes of the Philippines, in a report to the W T ar Departro ent on the ethnology of the Philippines, concludes that while a great majority of the population is unquestionably of Malayan origin,
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  • 264 10 That the Trade Mark question in China is a difficult one to manage is to merchants fairly well known. The N.-G. Daily News says :—We have Recently heard of the marks of cigarettes and soap being imitated by Chinese, find we now learn that imitations of
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  • 1201 10 The ordinary meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. J. Anthonisz presided, and there were also present: Messrs. F. E. Jaeo, F. S. Pooles, \V. Evans, H. 1. Chope, B Maclaren, ChoaGiang Thye, L**eChoon Guan and Lieut. Col. Pennefather with Mr. Polglase (Secretary) and
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  • 237 10 A Chinese Bluebeard has just been brought to justice in Hangchow, says a correspondent of the .V. C. D. News A Manchu official named Kieh, had lost several wives during recent years, and on account of his known cruelty, he was some time ago degraded several steps.
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  • 336 10 Writing from Chaotung, Yunnan, on the 16th January the N. C. D. News correspondent states: We had a concise example a few days ago of how the war indemnity is being used to prejudice people against foreigners. A tax of 5% has been levied on all coal.
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  • 611 10 The Austrian Minister of Commerce is exerting himself to push on trade between Netherlands India and the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. He has despatched a trade expert named F. A. Schoppel out to inquire into the best means of carrying out this end. Mr. Schoppel is now in Java to
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  • 151 10 New license fees for steamer passengers, junks, and tongkangs are notified. A new scale of fees under the Bills of Sale Ordinance will be substituted for the present scale on the Ist April next. H. A. Neubronner of Beach Road, Penang, has filed the specification of an invention
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  • 437 10 Who Bays it is feathers.- Look at chicken, and see how t oUgtl Oi» the 6th inst. it wl 9 t r I Her Majesty the Queen somewhat seriously indispos^^'B Thk Bangkok Times amen. I the pay of the *l officers of the Siamese Ar’mv doubled. :ia
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  • 56 10 A water polo match took place' terday morning at the Swimming'Tanjong Katong, between team® W tained by Jensen (red?) and a P (whites). Some very smart play t shown and a keen game ended in draw of 2 goals each. Curtis and U scored the goals for
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  • 640 10 The friendly rifle match betweenSwiss Rifle Club and a team o S.V.A. was brought to a con cl agio Bukit Tinggi yesterday afternoon, resulted in a win for the .Swiss K 46.6 points. Each man fired i'JJ at both the Balestier and Bukit i ranges and the following
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  • 80 11 manager of the Punjom mine rts mder date 21st Feb. “about 4 mile irom the place where tin Deviously found, we have disa large quantity of wash. In ss tally ;lb. of low grade tin ore H Gained f r om one dish. Samples been sent to Singapore
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  • 135 11 3<j on Saturday night, an T u,me riar ned Ang Ah Pat, dressed was found tres- ri m the house occupied by > llnri «kindt. When discovered r vl M 1 Mrs. Hirnekindt.* He arrested. This morning he r raigried before Mr. Marriott ir^s of criminal trespass,
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  • 178 11 The Spring Cup will be played for on the above Links, beginning on Saturday next the 21st inst. with a qualifying Medal Round (handicap) of 18 holes—to be decided by match play between the best 8 scores. A club or a box of balls will be
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  • 650 11 Interview with Mr. De Burgh Persse. Mr. De Buroh Persse arrived at Sydney on January 23rd and in course of an interview stated that the prospects for a trade in frozen meat between Queensland and Singapore were excellent, and cannot be questioned, but all depends upon
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  • Correspondence.
    • 393 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” Sir,— It may not be generally known but it is, nevertheless, an incontestable fact that many Asiatic children in Singapore have a very hard time of it, and what makes the matter worse is that such children are very young, while
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    • 139 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to the letter signed “Constant Traveller” which appeared in your issue of the 9th inst. I should like to say that my experience and also the experience of many others whom I have met, was very much the
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  • 333 11 The Half-Yearly Meeting. The half-yearly ordinary meeting of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., Limited, is announced to be held at the Company’s town office, Collyer Quay, on Monday, 23rd inst., at noon. The statement of accounts for the half year ended 31st Dec. last, is as
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  • 491 11 The Resident Councillor of Penang has just been paying a visit to Tongkah in his capacity of Acting British Consul. He was the guest of Khaw Sim Bee, the Commissioner of the Siamese Western States during his stay. The following account of the visit is given by the
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  • 322 11 THE OANFA.” The new twin screw steamer (Janfa built for the China Mutual Steam Navigation Co. by Messrs. David and William Henderson, Limited, Glasgow, is due here from Liverpool on Wednesday or Thursday next, en route for Pacific ports. The (Janfa is 497 ft. long over all, 58 ft. 3
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  • 297 11 Annual Meeting. The third annual meeting of the Royal Johore Tin Mtning Company, Ltd. was held in the Company’s Offices, Singapore, on Saturday. Mr. C. B. Buckley presided and there were also present the followingMessrs. W. Ewald, A. Loeb, (directors), O. Hube, W. Hasenbalg,
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  • 325 11 FANCY DRESS BALL AT BELLEVUE.” The residence of Mr. Meyer at Oxley Rise was the scene of a brilliant fancy dress ball on Saturday last, when a large number of guests assembled to celebrate the birthday of Master Jacob Meyer. The host and hostess performed their arduous duties in an
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  • 145 11 Three detectives, named Hassae, Noor and Hussain, the first C corporal, the others lance-corporals, have on the statement of one Tan Teng befcn arrested on an allegation of having jrobbed this man oi $3l on the 10th inst. at Pulo Sudang and subjected him to wrongful confinenent.
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  • 1509 12 Home. The Indian Daily Stic* publishes a London telegram stating that an amazing trial relating to the custody of a child is proceeding in one of the High Courts. The j»etitioner is Mr. Christian Frederick Gordon, and the respondent is Lady Glanville Gordon. Before and after marrying the
    1,509 words
  • 1692 12 The large Russian squadron now on the way to the Far East was expected to arrive at Colombo to-day. There was a march-out for the S.Y.I. last night which was well attended. The Volunteer Band was present. At date of last mail advices, the cruiser Hermione was
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  • 135 12 The General Report of the Census of Ireland, 1901, says that the population of Ireland in 1901, including the navy and military serving in the country, was 4,458,775 (2,200,040 males and 2,2*58,735 females). In 1891 it was 4,704,750 (2,*318,953 males and 2,385,797 females) There was, therefore, in
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  • 218 12 Some Chinamen, who brought a wounded countryman of theirs to the Rumah Miskin Police Station yesterday morning, reported that on Sunday w hile the man was working in a brick kiln behind the stop-butt of the Balestier Rifle Range, he suddenly dropped to the ground.
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  • 509 12 A nolo, Lipi# w The tin and tin ore latter reduced to 6m weight)—from the F^W 0 S States during 19<>, era N fl 780,872 pikuls, as agam«!lSI 785,247 in 1901, being 4,375 pikuls. There has b<* n 7^ in production of 20*12 nitM 1 and of 775
    509 words
  • 226 12 The Raub Australian bole -rj Company's mill has, says the J Mail been stopped for se during the past week toe-ec J tions and repairs, and to coc .1 new pressure tank with the n 1 ,J stamp boxes have been cleaned o it is not expected
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  • 76 13 I Additional Subscriptions. I \]ready aoknowledged $626.60 I -n Murray... 20.00 F-u 100.00 I'*:;,;.,/ 150.00 ■'I.vsell. K-m 50.00 v 25.00 I 25.00 t. E*q. 25,00 I V .er ‘-*5 0° I train, K> M 20.00 \jKo«| 20.00 V v »tj Tunzelmann 20.00 **rville, Esq. 20.00 I
    76 words
  • 248 13 I Monday morning, Co. 62 Royal 1 \rtillery, under the command tv r <'shorn, returned from the B. marching expedition which forth upon on Thursday last, some forty miles of all W ntry, amidst swelteringly W .r.-i chilly nights intermingled rain and its concomitant .p little
    248 words
  • 402 13 i ot Lords on the sth March I. _:..M moved the re consideration heme, in view of the experiences* 'with Africa. The Duke of Bedford, th** motion, advocated making > ,i for which it was reason- ;»e* t India to contrihnte. Lord U Teaded the Army Dorps system
    402 words
  • 2043 13 The Russian cruiser bovik left for China yesterday afternoon. The Marylebone Cricket committee has decided to adhere to the proposal to widen the wicket. 4386 Chinese immigrated into Perak in 1902. The Chinese who emigrated therefrom numbered 2789 in that period. The Sea Belle returned from Malacca
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  • 89 13 A team from the Selangor Cricket Club will visit Singapore at Easter and will play a team of the S C.C. at cricket during April 10th and 13th. An association football match will also be played between the S. C. C. and an eleven representing the Federated
    89 words
  • 86 13 On the Ist instant the Fifth National Japanese Industrial Exhibition was thrown open to the public at Osaka, by Baron Hiratu, the Minister for Agriculture and Commerce, who announced that the formal opening ceremony would be performed by H. M. the Emperor of Japan about a month
    86 words
  • 113 13 The General Injured. Early this morning the horse drawing the carriage of General Sir A. R F. Dorward bolted in Orchard Road and ran into Mr. T. O. Mayhew, the Chief Sanitary Inspector's trap, causing bis horse to* bolt. Mr. Mayhew’s animal dashed into a tree at
    113 words
  • 515 13 S.C.C. v. R.E. Thebe teams met last evening on the Esplanade before a fair crowd of spectators and after a hard and fast game the Club won by 2 goals to nil. The R.E. have now got together a good team, their only weakness being near goal, but more
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  • 133 13 Yesterday afternoon, a Japanese lad was before Mr. Brockman for infringing Sec. 2 of Ord. XIX of 1887 by taking a snapshot of the Post Office. According to the evidence of P. c. Baxter, the lad was out with his kodak on Sunday morning, and as he had
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  • 157 13 For Singapore. Per P. A 0. a. 8. China connecting with the steamer Ballaarat at Colombo, from London Feb 20. due 22nd March—Mr. N. Hen»y. Mr. B. J. Yonnu, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Stedman, Miss Forster, Mr. R. Swan. FerP. AO. 8. s. Shanghai from London Feb. 21,
    157 words

  • 421 14 Navy Estimates. In the House of Lords, Lord Selborne said that a statement accompanying the Naval Estimates gives the amount for new construction at .£10,137,000, as compared with £9,0.58,00'* for ihe current year. H s LirHshp tu’tbor said that it had been decided to sevei the West African
    421 words
  • 426 14 The yearly balance sheets ot the large German Banks show satisfactory results and jthey give higher dividends all round. Coming prospect* are certainly judged with more enntideme. The building of the Bagdad Railway from Koniah to Erekli will commence wdthin three months. The rumours that the financial agreements
    426 words
  • 1105 14 P. O. M ir. 20. —Per Voletta For London —Mr. and Mrs. Highet and child, Gunner < onlin. Mrs. W. J. Napier, infant and nurse, Mrs. Sykes and six children. For Marseilles —Mrs. Seoones. For Penang—Mr. H. H. Hip well. Mar. 26.—Per Formosa For London —Mrs. W.
    1,105 words
    • 195 14 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used: —str. —steamer; sh.—ship; bq.— barque sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht; Cm. Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. —Horse-power Brit.—British U.S. —United States; Fch. —French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch G.c. —General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger U. —Uncertain; T. P. W.—Tanjong Pag&r Wharf T.P. D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock B.W.—Borneo
      195 words
    • 1296 14 xrrivals since Noon o! Yesterday. Ar jus, Brit, str. 1,822 ton9, Capt Sinclair 17th March. From Melbourne, 21st Feb. G.c. McAlister A Co. For Rangoon, 22nd Rdb. Ban Poh Goan, Brit. str. 676 tons, Capt Stratton, 17th Mar. From Macassar, 9th Mar. G.c., and 46 d.p. Wee
      1,296 words
    • 659 14 Name, port, probable date of arrtvn. mad name oj agents. Htsamkbs. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Apl 2; Mansfield. Alboin. Bombay, Apl; Borneo Coy. Alicante, Barcelona, Mar 24; Barlow. Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar 29; RehnMeyer Annam, Hongkong, Mar Id M M. Australind, W. Australia, Apl 6; Boustead. Awa Maru, Japan, Mar 2d;
      659 words
    • 1432 16 M k JAG VxohiilV Name A loss Captain From Bailed Consign!ks. Hjg. I IdzoralMaru Jap »tr 2301 Vagi Bombav Feb 27 P. Simon? and Co. 10 HiroshimaMaru »ti 2085 s»gnn Bombay Feb 2t-P. Simonb and Co. 10 Nan Shan 1 Brit 1299 Stov. II iSwhtow Mar S (jatbrie and
      1,432 words
    • 91 16 PASSED SUN DA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag A Date of Df.stin- ReDate. Rig. Ship s Name. Captain. Sailing. From where ation. mare. Mar 1 Nor b<\ Mm Tallaksen Jan 17 East LondoD Batavia 3 Dut s.8. Malang Klijn Rotterdam Batavia 3 Brit 8.s. Murex Singapore t 4
      91 words
    • 986 16 Dai*. Vmu’i Nam*. Flag A Kic.j Toss. Dmtwatios. I 1 Mar 11 KinshiuMaru Jap str. 23*9 Colombo and Bombay 11 OianXn* BrU str. Samarang na norts 11 Eduard Barv Rus sti. 1934 Colombo and Odessa 10 Melita Fch str. 200* Sourabaya 11 Triglav Nor str. I 618 Bangkok 11
      986 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 198 14 MARTIN’S reams A French R -meiiy f;r .11 laidieH ki-»p a ho< o .M irtiiml’•• l bi;ii oi mi, Invij itr i *»e** be adminibter nl their enoruio a I MARTIN, Chi* uibi S C' "*1 'uA COMMON SENSE --NUTSHELL V new medical work on the cause* snd r and
      198 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 587 15 kK> HAIRIEST period. j#»ut Gret‘k philosopher was considered was the hapniext life, he promptly selected the rj t he age* of forty and forty-five, I i«»r the reasons which induced thi- selection, the philosopher t ,rty a man, if he he intelligent, and looks upon the world |,e would like
      587 words
    • 568 15 BT. ANDREW’S HOUFE. A CHURCH of England Boarding Home for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the glace. Applications to be made to the [ouse Master, St. Andrew’s House; or to the Colonial Chaplain. w. g. u.c. W. D. FISHER, Assoc Af. Inst C.E., GRESHAM
      568 words
      323 words
    • 625 15 I A A O PoMtuM 1 I d Oo delightful piquancy. Tlrrins* j-r O iO auce oi"“^ Soups, fife. THE ORIGINAL GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. SINGAPORE A KRANJI RAILWAY. o The Passenger Train Service, Sunday included, will be as under from ist February, 1903, and until further notice. DOWN. A. M. A.
      625 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 52 16 CENTRAL HOTEL, Fund with first class accommodation, overlooking Fjtche Square Garden, nfear to the Banks, Offices, Maiket, and the Stations. All the catering is under European mpe vision. Liquor and Cuisine, best quality. A. CHI ESA, FYTCHE SQUARE, RANGOON. The only hotel in Rangoon in the contint rral style, k
      52 words
    • 40 16 JAMES WATSON CO.’S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: (12-50 per ease. Duty extra. V. V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $B-50 per ease. Duty extra. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALER#, OR McAlister Co., —sole agents.
      40 words
    • 878 16 OFFICES TO BE LARGE rooms, verv or sample rpoms 7 Dispensary buildiiW :on<i Soij from 1st February. Appu* 1 J A WONDERFUL D This is theage of research .tn all nature, so to speak. i«. for theconifort and indeed mad* giant *tri'(kdun n V, and among the -by no diacoveries
      878 words