The Straits Budget, 11 March 1903

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 117 1 The Straits Budget BEING .THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. K a TABLIBHEI> OVER
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 11TH MARCH.
    • 45 1 -At Vokohama, on February i»#tu, w]?♦* of Mr CHAS. F. GARRY, of a son. Jci'AM.- <*n the 24th February, at Kowloon, :r> «>r i; S. Judah, of a daughter. Ux. kkk. On the iHth February, at Ningpo, tii* with..! A. Wacker, of a daughter.
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    • 136 1 l’i:. Triplek.—On the 23rd February, at Miaa::i:»i. Fkfdkkiu Pkrcival Pratt, to H i:. 1 Stuart. se<*>n»9 daughter of Dr. t\W Hail Tripler, of-VokohamA. v I A v TIM iivKNE. —On March 7 at the I I m k ui the (iood Shepherd by the Kev. I Fati K UARR
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  • 172 1 N AkTICLES. r Troubles. >to? in. ie. 3 >hlpt.i n g Ri Qi r. ri Pp»nu Nen-e U,t. is* 01 “»?<* Epidemic. i,r_, ,J l the Patam. n| “I> the Island. 0 s Capture, hoi .1 «*yof ?> ore Tin Minia Co. Q ,r *iBft Name Plates.
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  • 631 1 llth March, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler buyer? 15.37$ Copra Ball ,9.50 do Pontianak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyer? 33.00 do White, (8%) 57.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 5.30 do Brunei No. 1 5.15 Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 22.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis.„ 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 buyers 18.50
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  • 269 1 Ths Straits Budget this week, be despatched by the 8.1. s.s. Zamania. The oext issue of the Budget will be mailed by the P. O. s.s. Valetta due on the 19th. The s.s. Preussen with the German mail for Europe left on Tuesday. The mail from
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    • 77 1 London March. The principal celebration of the Pope’s Jubilee took place yesterday at Rome. The Pope was borne to St. Peter’s amidst an immense throng, and was manifestly elated at the enthusiastic acclamations of the people. He stood up on the ssdia gestatoria
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    • 14 1 Great Britain fas restored the captured warships to Venezuela
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    • 29 1 It is reported from Aden that the Rnssi&n squadron for the Far East, which has just sailed thence for China, will probably visit the Persian Gulf.
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    • 40 1 Mr. Balfour, answering a question by Mr. Bowles in the House of Commons, stated that the great expense which the construction of a harbour east of Gibraltar rock would entail is not justified by the requirements of Imperial defence.
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    • 34 1 Great excitement prevails in the New York cotton exchange, where the selling orders are the heaviest since the attempted corner in 1896. The sales are estimated to amount to SBOO,OOO.
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    • 23 1 London March sth The Pope, who is suffering from a cold, has been ordered complete rest for a few days.
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    • 21 1 A? \rmy Order just issued abolishes the lance in but British cavalry, except for ceremonial and recreat:** purposes.
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    • 19 1 Thtt Somaliland column advancing on GiuKayu has arrived unopposed at Debit, where £he lines of communication end.
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    • 103 1 Mr. Brodrick announced the appointment of a Royal Commission to report on the condition of the Volunteer forces. Mr. A. J. Balfour, in the House of Commons, moved that the growing needs of the Empire require the establishment of a permanent defence Committee —the results of its work
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    • 21 1 Yesterday’s telegram re cotton sales at New York should be corrected to read 800,000 bales and not 800,000 dollars.
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    • 10 1 London 6th March The Pope has recovered.
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    • 42 1 Mr. A. J. Balf* ur announced in the House of Commons that a naval port and base will be established at St. Margaret’s Hope, a bay and fishing village on the north side of the Forth near Queensferry.
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    • 46 1 Lord Carrington moved in the House of Lords for a reconsideration of the Army scheme in view of the experience gained in South Africa. He advocated making South Africa an army base. The motion was defeated by 51 to 15 votes.
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    • 59 1 A Russian naval officer has been arrested for spying the British fortifications at Aden, near the key to the defences from which the concealed batteries are worked. Two British officers escorted the prisoner on board the Russian warship where he was released. The garrison is intensely irritated as
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    • 54 1 London 7th March. The correspondent of the Standard at Constantinople has interviewed the Grand Vizier, who said that the reforms in Macedonia would be carried out to the very letter. A new selected staff of officials is being gradually formed. New roads are in the disking. German officers
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    • 23 1 Austria has obtained the right to establish a Consulate at Mitrovitza, where previously there had been only a Russian Consulate.
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    • 53 1 It is understood that the preliminary expenditure on the naval base at Queensferry will be 2£ millions sterling, including the outlay on arsenal, fortifications, and large stores of war materials. This step has aroused a disagreeable impression in Germany where it is regarded as a couuter-rnove to
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    • 33 1 The Khedive to-day opened the Zifta barrage, midway between Cairo and the Sea Coast. It cost hsf a million sterling and forms a complement to the Ajwidat and Assouan.
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    • 39 1 London t Sth March. The Dominion Government invites tenders for a fast Atlantic service with a speed of from 18 to 21 knots. The vessels must be British-owned, and must not call at foreign ports.
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    • 26 1 The Temps mentions Colonel Tontee, the explorer, as probable successor to M. Lagarde, the French minister at the Emperor Menelik’s court.
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    • 50 1 London March 9th. It is officially announced that, on\he Srd inst., Col. Swann despatched from Bohotle two companies of Pioneers, 100 Somali Mounted Infantry, 50 of tft Camel Corps, and the Marconi section of Royal Engineers to occupy Damot. The force arrived at us destination oh the 4th.
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    • 39 1 A small body of the enemy posted at Damot retrdhted and was pursued by the mounted troops, who killed three of the enemy and captured all thdlr water camels. The force was commanded by Major Gough.
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    • 24 1 The Somali troops have been given a large share in the operations, but the result has been unsatisfactory, desertions being numerous
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    • 50 1 Brigadier-General Manning (Inspector General of the King’s African Rifles) reports that mounted troops of the Somaliland column occupied G&lkayu on the 3rd inst. and the remainder of thp column arrived on the sth. The occupation was apparently unopposed, the casualties being c onfined to the enemy.
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    • 70 1 The Naval estimates provide for a gross sum of £35,836,841, being a net increase over the last estimates of £3,202,000. This increase is mainly for shipbuilding repairs and the maintenance of the construction programme, including the commencement of three new battleships, four first class cruisers, three protected
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    • 94 1 I 1*? po»t tree price of the Straits Times ■is $Si 3 year. or The post free price loft. budget is $2O a year, or 40/Ijt not necessary to subscribe for a year. I The subscriptions for shorter periods are L: the same proportionate rate of price as I for
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  • 175 1 I DEATHS. I *>u the 3rd inst. at the General I i|-ore, Clara Edith, wife of I i»Bwexe! <»i Seremhan, aged 33. I mikk-v—On the 2<Jth February, at ul > b.HN' Chambers, a«red 61 year*. I On the 24th February, at HongI oh Marie Kodriguks, the wife of I h\
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    • 635 2 (Straits Time*, nth March.) It is obvious that tlic,*e is a in trked change in the local jvir.k’s.ia se. vice —the vehicles, the pullers, the general working of the whole thing, are so different from what prevailed within the last year or two, to say nothing of the
      (Straits Time*, nth March.)  -  635 words
    • 820 2 (Straits Time*, 9th March.) I In view of the that practically everybody in the East, as well as elsewhere, has got to pay for his own living, and that the cost of living in Singapore has increased tremendously daring the past five years or so, some figures
      (Straits Time*, 9th March.) I  -  820 words
    • 3925 2 (Strait* Tims*, \Oth March,) Details that arrived by the last mail concerning the new French shipping trust, tend to prove that it is one of the most gigantic indicates on esrth, and embraces over fifteen million tons of shipping —practically the whole of the French mercantile marine.
      (Strait* Tims*, \Oth March,)  -  3,925 words

  • 625 3 Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox leaves on six weeks’ leave of absence by the M.M. steamer Sydney. Mr. Edward S. Bragg has been appointed Consul-General of the United States at Hongkong. A Chinese hong name in Bangkok is a gee haw. Americans or those who have lived
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  • 80 3 The bearing of the chargee of gang robbery and lurking with intent to trespass at a house in Wayang Street preferred against five Chinese, named Chow Ah Tong, Lee Ah Yeow, Chan Ah Hong, Low Pat and Hoong Ah Tong, before Mr. Justice HyndmanJones and a jury, took
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  • 107 3 Chinaman Bolts from Labuan with saoo. The N.D.L. s.s. Fatani arrived from Labuan this morning. Ab soon as she bad anchored Det. Insp. Frayne boarded her in consequence of a telegram received from Labuan to the effect that a Macao Chinaman had bolted from Labuan with
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  • 500 3 The kb is no new burglary to record to-day; but an incident which occurred at 3 o’clock this morning in Cavanagh Road seems to show that an attempt was intended to be made on the house known as Lytham Lodge,” occupied by Mr. J. D. Saunders. At
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  • 2280 3 Home. A Parliamentary paper which has been issued shows that all the unit* of the first three Army Corps will be available on March 31st, except four cavalrv regiments in Sooth Africa. Three heavy batteries are still as* organized, nine battalions are temporarily ia South Africa and the
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    • 90 3 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co’s, sale-room yesterday. Six 999 years’ leasehold building allotments situate at Bukit Timah Rd near Bukit Timah Station (7th milestone) area 56,444 square feet, together with the plank and attap bungalow thereon. Bought by Mr. C. B.
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  • 257 4 The senior clerical examination in Perak was to be held on the 3rd March, at Taiping and Batu Gajah. There are said to be over twenty candidates who will sit at each centre. Messrs. Collinge and Phillips, are the presiding examiners. Most of the candidates, as I usual,
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  • 153 4 This morning before Mr. Marriott Mr. L. Schapiro, manager for Mr. A. Laudau, pineapple preserver, prosecuted Mr. Landau's syce, a Javanese named Hadji Alie, for theft of two tins of preserved pineapples. Mr. Schapiro stated this was the third time the syce had been caught
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  • 1101 4 The Rev. J. A. B Cook and Mrs. Cook left for Penang by the P. O. mail this morning. Yokohama boasts over thirty racing yachts, some of which would serve as models in almost any part of the world. Mr. W. D. Procter assumed duties on Tuesday
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  • 54 4 Competition v. Bogey. B. C. Stoker acr. 4 down A. C. Ballingal 15,, C. C. Severijn 8 5,, J. L. Burt acr. 8 J. H. Loudon 8 8,, J. W. Stewart 4 9 J. H. Soeters 12 9 The February medal resulted in a win for A.
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  • 71 4 On and after the 10th instant, the Messageries Maritimes homeward mail steamer will be despatched from Hongkong on Tuesdays, instead of on Mondays as at present. The new arrangement will be inaugurated by the 8.8. Annam (Capt. Girard), on the date given above. The Nagasaki Press announces
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  • 111 4 French papers of the oth ult. reiterate the old and somewhat doubtful story that the King of Siam intends shortly to undertake a voyage to Europe and America. He would, of course, visit both England and France. The Siamese Government is said to have already set
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  • 103 4 The N-C. Daily News correspondent at Peking reports a long distance race of about eighty miles from Tientsin which came off on the 20th Feb. There were 46 starters, of whom eight were French officers, twenty German officers, six Japanese officers, and twelve members of the
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  • 472 4 The U.S. Flagship Kentucky takes her departure from Singapore to-morrow. The following is a list of her officers, many of whom have made themselves highly popular during their stay here: Commander-In-Chief, Bear Admiral R. D. Evans; Chief of Staff,Captain C. H. Stockton; Flag Lieutenant, Lieutenant
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  • Correspondence.
    • 256 4 To ttte Editor of the 8ib i— A mov e in the right 5* has been made by the Railwar r > ment in deciding to make Holland Road which will accessible a part of country 0 probably the most healthy am) que of the island.
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  • 229 4 A Chinese Murder Case. At the Assizes this morning beta M r. J ustice Hyndmann-Jonee, Lam U Su was charged with (1) murder, attempt to murder and (3) attempt to commit suicide. The Attorney-Genenl prosecuted and Mr. Lowell defended From the evidence of two womet it appeared that
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  • 333 4 The third general meeting o: toe Royal Johore Tin Mining Company will be held on the 14th instant, lo* directors’ report to be laid betore tj* meeting is for the third year oi t e Company's existence from i 4 th f eC 1902 to
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  • 111 5 m orning Insp. Howard made a V‘ r Lme second hand shops in the F quarter of the town and disr*T -wo brass name plates which f r ently been stolen from the [Hr d Oil Company and from a I F. jjno f>n the
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  • 133 5 i 2.45 this morning, a Sikh L .nstable on duty near the L• iimah end of Scott’s Road saw [H'dams loitering about in a susL manner in the compound of t ..e Villa,” the residence of Mr t ,»t. They were looking in at I r/;i ns
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  • 209 5 j. re noii in ionquin have no end ie from their servants who 9et B i«trf ut defiance and desert nip-inity. despite the law which W’rl' them to carry certificates in Kvr boc 'ii form. On desertion they get new books on pretence •ne old ones have
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  • 262 5 th ’he title of Official RecogniB ‘t Aeri<-ilture in Greater Britain" Wallace is contributing Br Articles to the Land Agents' ».‘‘'i tney aijord much material B lent to make comparisons f r relative assistance given iriou- Governments of both and Crown Colonies. >unis what has been done
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  • 808 5 Fairplay 22nd January.) The Neve Hamburgische-BorsenluiUe of the 18th January contains an article combating a statement made in the recently-published report of the English Shipping Subsidies Committee to the effect that vessels under foreign flags are excluded from the German coasting trade. The substance of
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  • 1261 5 (From a Casual Correspondent.) PiccadiUy t Feb. 5th. January has come and gone! In many ways a disappointing month. First, we had frost with good prospects of skating, as the ice had no snow on it. Just as the waters in the Parks were to have been
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  • 802 5 The value of the output from the Redjang Lebong mine during January is said to be $146,600. It is reported that theSempam Company, a Pahang venture, will pay a $4 dividend for the half-year. The Dallas Theatrical Company was expected at Colombo on the 28th February to
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  • 66 5 At the forthcoming Popular Orchestral Concert to be given on the 21st inst. by the Philharmonic Society’s Orchestra, amongst the selected items will be the following:—Overture “Son and Stranger (Mendelssohn); Cavatina,” Raff (orchestai arrangement); “Chanson Triste” and “Humoreske” (Tschaikow«ky); two movements No. Symphony (Haydn); two popular Waltzes
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  • 309 5 The Penjum Company appears to have done considerable prospecting and development work during the past year, though the regular export of gold to the same extent as formerly has not yet commenced Much is expected from Swah and its locality where promising discoveries have recently been made, and
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  • 446 6 Bavs a Manila paper Secretary of the Navy Moody, has been called upon to decide a controversy, between RearAdmiral Robley D. Evans, Commander* in-Chief of the Asiatic Station, and Rear-Admiral A S. Kenny, PaymasterGeneral of the Navy, each of whom has; made charges against the other, lhe
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  • 356 6 The Canton Affair. The following is printed in a recent issue ot the Shanghai Mercury The Chinese new year season is a period when the disaffected are oftentimes tempted to stir up trouble. This year no danger has come to China at this opportune time. One real
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  • 306 6 The following opinions of a Freneh writer, says the Cornish Post will be of interest to all who know that Straits* tin mining has determined the price of tin for many a year: The F MS. Government is doing its best to encourage research by the construction of
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  • 518 6 The bright prospects of Pulo Way suggests the following to the Java Bode The news that the large Russian squadron bound for Eastern Asia will take in coal, water, and refreshments at Sabang in Pulo Way is sure to prove unpleasant to certain parties at Singapore. It has
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  • 1712 6 Friday, March 6th. PRESENT. His Excellency Sir Frank Athelstane SWETTENHAM, K.C.M.G., (GOVERNOR). Hun. W. T. Taylor, C.M.G., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. \V. R. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. E. C. H. Hill (Auditor Generali. Hon. A. Murray (Colonial Engineerl Hon. J. M. Allinr-on. Hon. Dr.
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  • 268 6 Mr. W I). Barsp, Protector of Chinese and« dent of Indian Immi 2 rant, L; reported his return f ro tr 7« absence and assumed the appointment on the 20th iJ,**' Barnes has also been ap M protector of emigrant* an nance XXI of 1596- It is notified
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  • 368 6 Story of China Experience theK London Believes. I In the Christmas number of Magazine is given an account o: !B Brown Potters visit to China, by an interviewer, who says he* the story from the actre>B he»ei' H “But our hostess has been a. B
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  • 3033 7 Talc of Malayan Crocodiles. n ,iJent recorded below is v in the pages of the Wtie World. It is a thrilling yarn, told 1 r .C. Jameson Reid; how r V, i*. happened the writer does hut it is strange that the Vsj h a blood-curdling incil\
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  • 173 7 The Governor has just passed the following rule under the Liquors Ordinance of 1894 li any person holding a licence under section 32 of the said Ordinance applies to the (.’hairman for the time being of the Licensing Justices for a licence exempting him from the
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  • 190 7 Following is a list of donations received in London towards the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore Win. Adamson Esq. C. M. G. 50 Y. N. Andersen Esq. 50 Meyer Behr Esq. 20 F. C. Bishop Esq. 10 J. Brussel Esq. 25 John Buttery E&q. 50 S. R. Carr
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  • 1131 7 The Seremban race meeting is likely to be postponed. So rumour has it. The Malay Mail Press Company is increasing its capital for the purpose of buying an office. The French cruiser Montcalm is on the way out to China. She arrived at Port Said on Feb.
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  • 71 8 Yesterday Mr. H. M. Hind was out crocodile shooting in a creek at Pasir Paniang when his rifle suddenly went off by accident and the bullet entered his knee and arm, inflicting serious wounds. He was removed to the General Hospital where he is now in a rather
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  • 160 8 On Saturday, Capt. Ruckman, master of the 8.8. Babelsherg appeared before Mr. Brockman in response to a summons issued at the instance of Mr.S.De Souza, Boarding Officer, Chinese Protectorate, to explain why on the 4th inst. he carried in his ship more than twenty Chinese immigrants without
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  • 226 8 Mar. 10.—Per Preussen: To leave to-morrow For London —Mr. Jaques Been, Dr. H. Deen, Mr. H. Gente, Mr. and Mrs. R. Seonlar, Mr. and Mr?. Holloway, Mr. and Mr*. C. H. Farnan, Mr. J. Graham, Dr. E. Killing, Mrs. Phillips, Mr. C. T. von Griethuysen. Mr. Horst Weber, Dr.
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  • 73 8 The s.s. Virawa which arrived at I Colombo from Rangoon on the 26th ult. brought to Colombo Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dallas, and their lull company of artistes, viz., Misses Curtis. ernon, Hunter, Albert, Roberts, Oavenagh, Rav Frampton, Bonheur, Desmond, Carlotta, Overton, Featherstone. Mrs. Yallance, Mrs Stephen,
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  • 250 8 An S.C.C. interclub cricket match was plaved on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between teams representing under six years in the East” and “over six.” The griffins batted first and sent in Barkshire and Hannaford to open the innings for them. They faced the bowling of Carter and
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  • 394 8 There was a pleasing function at the Temperance Club, Hill Street, on Saturday night last on the occasion of a farewell concert tendered to Mr. E. Major Dungey on his departue homewards. After a tea at which various good things were discussed right well, the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 222 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times.” g IB> _As a Japanese resident in Singapore may I be accorded a brief space in your columns to complain about a matter upon which many respectable Japanese also residing here feel very much. It is this. If a Japanese woman
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    • 192 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. 1 Sir, —I was a passenger to Bukit Timah by the 4-10 p. m. train on Saturday evening. Having passed Cluny Road Station, the train came to a dead stop near Kilburn Cottage. On putting my head out of the window
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  • 380 8 It is some time since there has been any news in reference to the Shan rising in the North of sufficient interest to warrant publication, says the Banqkok Times the reason being that the work of suppression has now resolved itself into the following and
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  • 700 8 A tatbr laid before the Legislative Council contains the report of the select Committee to consider the question of raising the bridges over the Singapore River. The committee held six meetings nnd examined as many witnesses. The following are extracts fiom the report which estimates the cost
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  • 92 8 I regret to hear (says the London correspondent of the Asian) that Mr. J L. Toole, the famous comedian, is at present weaker than he has been for a long time. He is still at Brighton, and is wheeled in good weather to the pier, generally
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  • 178 8 A Havas telegram of Feb. 28th said The Chamber of Deputies asked M. to postpone the discussion on the Franco-Siamese treaty. In reply, M. Delcasse stated that he is in absolute accord with the Chamber, and is of opinion that it is impossible to ratify the treaty
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  • 908 8 WIRE N EWS. Home Hm Mr Balfour, in ihe d.L, El said the Navy stood fir., '<» to I its needs, hut it did net f„||“. spend more on the X avv t BIB The essential dlfferenee ®j§ ment and its opponent* Army Corps were require, No war could he
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  • 741 9 yHE are a good many bad Mexican in circulation in Singapore last They are a very good imitation ■c°d several people have been done” \Ve are glad to hear that Mr. Hind, h met with an accident while out Ecodiie 3hooting on Saturday, is ■L'rtedto be progressing
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  • 111 9 i The Russian Squadron, consisting of a battleship, two first-class cruisers, and five torpeoo-boats, arrived at Port Said on the 10th Feb. The battleship is the Retvizom, 12,700 tons, carrying 750 officers and men. She is the flagship of Admiral Baron von Stakelberg, whp is in command of
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  • 136 9 Shortly after noon to-day RearAdmiral Hikonojo Karaimura, in command of the Imperial Japanese Majesty’s training of His squadron now in port made his official landing at Johnstons Pier. A guard of honour from the 3rd Madras Light Infantry with the band of the same regiment awaited his
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  • 552 9 It is understood that the Committee of the Hongkong General Chamber of Commerce, in forwarding to the local Government, for transmission to the Colonial Office, the resolution on the currency question adopted at the recent special meeting of the Chamber, refrained from comment, contenting themselves with calling
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  • 246 9 A correspondent writes :—The binturovjg or bear cat, of which a good deal has been said of late in the papers, is by no means such a rare animal as would appear at first sight. The facts of its being nocturnal swift of foot, omnivorous and able to
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  • 206 9 Some Disquieting Rumours. Wokk at the Victoria Memorial Hall is now proceeding rapidly, and «.ver two-thirds of the concrete foundations have been laid down. Contrary to the expectations of many people the ground on which the Hall is being built has proved of unusual firmness and
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  • 374 9 A Curious Story. At the Assizes this morning before Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones, the hearing was resumed of the case against Yeo Peng Chua, vegetable dealer, Koh Jim Keh, detective, and Koh Kuang Long, towkay. The first named was yesterday charged with making a false charge with intent to
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  • Correspondence.
    • 526 9 To the Editor of the 44 Straits limes.” Sir, —May I trespass upon your valuable space to call attention to a matter of public and local importance The 44 Arabian Nights” myth of the odoriferous and romantic Orient where the air is laden with sweet
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    • 412 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —In ages to come when the traveller from New Guinea will sit to sketch the stately ruins of the Straits Times Office from the banks of the Singapore River, what controversies will arise as to who and what were the
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    • 241 9 To the Elitor of the u Straits Times.” Dear Sir, —Your leader of yesterday on wages is quite right but the conclusion is wrong. You say 41 It seems then that the time has come when it is imperatively necessary that capital should put a higher
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  • 442 9 (A Visit to The Indra-Zanibne Malay Theatre.) Rosin 0. There is a secret I can’t keep If 1 can get it eheap To Wayang Kassim I mean again to go hether it costs ine “standing place’’ this time even to do so. Rosina their to-morrow s
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  • 1201 10 LETTSR NO. 5. March 7th. Dear Jack, I have enquired into the shipping of seamen here as I intended, and I find that there is very little done so far as European sadors and firemen are concerned, though there are usually several beaebcomoors and hospital birds hanging
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  • 468 10 The receipts of coffee at the Brazilian ports up to the 13th January, 1903, were 18,531,000 bags as compared with 110,898,000, the total to the same date last year; and with 7,361,000 and 7,009,000, the figures for the corresponhng period in 1901and 1900, respectively, litis
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  • 98 10 Pot Singapore. P® r A 0. 8. 8. China connecting with the steamer Ballaarat at Colombo, from London Feb. 20, doe 22nd March—Mr N M B -i- YonD Mr. Lewis, Mr! MGdin&D, Miss Forster. ttJh’oF'f’®* Shanghai from London Dodd" 1 dUB th Maruh MUs :onBt »f>ce S»«S*-itoSSB
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  • 217 10 The following passengers left Singapore by the Preussen for Penang: Mr. and Mrs. B. Immink, Mr. J. Samkalden, Capt. W. M. Bower, Mr. J. C. Hendry, Mrs. Longford, Mrs. Neubronner. For Colombo: Mr. Maurice Millet, Mr. Jean Bartholoni, Mrs. Rosa Adler, Mr. C. Brandt. For Aden: Dr.
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  • 178 10 Wednesday’s Results. LADIES’ SINGLES ‘a’ CLAS8. Mrs. Koliertson IwatMrs. Lovell, 5-6, 6 1,6-5. LADIES’ SINGLES B CI.A88. Miaa Abrarun beat Mrs. Scoones, 6-5, 6-3. Miss Wishart beat Mias M. Abrams, 4-6, 6-3, 6-5. LADIES’ DOUBLES. FINAL. Mrs. Saunders and Miss Salzmann beat Mrs. Salzmann and Mrs. Gansloser, 2-6,
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    • 215 10 1 nd a r tins heading the billowing abbreviations are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship; bq. barque sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht Cru Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—^Torpedo; H.p -Horse-power; Brit.—British U.S.—United States; Tch. French; Ger—German; Dut. Dutch G.c.—General-cargo d.i».—deck paseenger; U.-l ncertain T. 1*. tv.-Tanjong PagarWharf; T P.D.-Tanjong Pagar Dock; »i» B, > rn
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    • 1205 10 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday a.h Br J.'- lr ,V m ton*. Capt Golding «n6^ a i Fr0 m Liverpool, 31st Jan. G.c. and- d.p. Pateraon Simsons 4 Co. For Hongkong. llth—W. Ckeang Hock Kian, Dut. etr. 1.020 tons fh M le8 n he l Ur ar
      1,205 words
    • 519 10 port probable date 0 l -J. and name ol agent* L Steamers. Agamemnon, Liverpool, Anl 9 \t Alhoin, Bangkok, Mar 11 Andalusia, Hongkong, Mar q u y Annam, Hongkong. Mar 16“ Wir Awa Maru Japan, Mar *>6Ballaarat, Bombay. Mar p i")? 01 Bamberg, Hongkong, Apl 3 Bphn vr
      519 words
    • 1291 12 r lao f S Vxsfui <* Nam* A Tosh Captain From Sailid Consigtcf.**. Rijp. I Sheikh Brit str. 2 fc 2B Jones P.;»tmini Jan 31 P. Simons and Co. o 3 e tt> Uub sir. 1674 Auevur Manila F**b 2ft Boustead and Co. Nam Saac Brit sir. 4035 Bayne
      1,291 words
    • 600 12 Date. Vessel's Name. Flag A Kio.| Toss. Destikatios. j 5 Robert Dickenson Brit str. ISM Colombo 5 Islander sir. 605 Christmas Island 6 Swaerdecroon Ilut str. 1 4**- Djambie 6 Wilhelm Brit str. 588 Macassar via ports x Kiev Rus tra. 3127 Nagasaki b Zibeoghla Brit str. -690 R’goon,
      600 words
    • 73 12 PASSED SUN DA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag Date of Destin- ReDate. Rio. Ship’s Name. Captain. Sailing. From where ation. mark. Feb 2( Brit sh. Troop Tritz Feb 8 Iloilo ISt. Helena 221 Dut ss.|Timor Kottinp Amsterdam Batavia 2- Out s.s. Ixion Robinson Amsterdam Batavia 23 Am sh
      73 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 151 10 English xurse. .t Java, desires situation returning to .England shortly. present in Wiili family Apply to XI KSK. c<o Strait* T*hi«* COMMON SENSE—NUTSHELl NEw medical work on the causes and ni‘**t -••nt «n*. **ffectUiil means of sell cure ever discovered t*r r r ,J and functional debility, waste of vitalry.
      151 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 448 11 MAH Tli.’S of no *T 1.MOTOR CARS r ARK >'0\V PREPARED TO ppLV BENZINE SY1HE CO. o.e. j'forLaoifsl jpjfe K r?«W f «»1 il' r i fi vnuadt I’.i > >•» IMl.'T on t n4 > m<. ,oi 14 -i r,y L«cTi s UfH iMiPTOst.l6LA.YD. SCHWEITZER’S LV. Best t Purest
      448 words
    • 315 11 Modem European Dentistry, Messrs. CHEONG BROS., sons of the late Mr. Chsoxg Chun Tin, in order to meet the requirements of European ladies and gentlemen who have for so many years supported their establishment, have now opened premises at No. 225 South Bridge Hoad, where only the higher classes will
      315 words
    • 258 11 WILLIAM LAMBERT, late managor of Lambert Bros., is carrying on business as coach builder, at Orchard Road immediately behind the late buildings of Lambert Bros, in temporary premises. New* buildings will shortly be erected by him on the old site fronting Orchard Road. u.c. j 1 I INDIAN ENGINEERING. Ah
      258 words
    • 390 11 1 LEA PERRINS’ i SAUCE. I' Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED LABEL, the signature in WHITE I of Lea 8c Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. I I LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. 'I,
      390 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 104 12 John Little Co., Ltd. 7c iT <y*L V' Mi. f, fr A tS /t> //.ir i »1<T t Sr-3 *> •7* •tl •0| Jf_ VERY Q)bX> Guaranteed Seven Years Old GLENL1VET WHISKY m x. IMPORTED 30TTLE0 B V i ?d JOHN LITTLE C° Limited, SINGAPORE. SOLE agents. JTif ».i V
      104 words
      144 words
    • 460 12 «L MOTION qa watch!u KEr^ jewellers, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXEcr rooj,- 1 Tbt it abd you will BS 94I I. R. BELILI08 begs to inform? 1 that his Factory for D ren»h!? ‘Us. Food, at No. 1, Belilios Road Fir«t Clast Freah Crushed Fooa gleaned 0*to aT l\ No. 1
      460 words