The Straits Budget, 5 March 1903

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 72 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. 1^3'A3II9HED OVER HALF A
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 5TH MARCH.
    • 88 1 'i? morning of the 25th ult. B f it-!-on Koad, the wife of the j; \i>. a son. -V Vfkohama, on FehruaTy 7th, ■7 »r f.' u:i* Cowax, of a daughter. T'ingtau, on the 7th Feb., V Fi kiiao, of I. M. Customs, .laughter. nr. rh** loth February, at
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    • 162 1 1 ,Kn v—At Hongkong, the 1 Sth v Major ALKREI* W. BEWLEY, Royal I to Jean Knox. L j *-i of Mr. dames Woods, of |aj i;j: v —On the 18th ult., at St. r tthedra! by the Yen. Archdeacon I i.i Alfred, son of H. J. 1.1 5.0.,
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  • 145 1 i: N AkTlt LKS. r.'jt Wanted J r -*n*;y Ill Hrset Uuotation*. Pi’-Rtl New* L>t. v NV\. Wayfarer's Diary. \t^' ir e ran Hail wav. "atM.’* f *tin”. r Kinturont? or Bear-Cat ,rj%r Hunt at Raffles. .‘>urs at Town Hall. Coconut Beetles, lament <Jotette r Chitty. H
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  • 611 1 Singapore, 5th March, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambiei buyers f 15.05 Copra Rh’1 9.65 do Pontiauak 9.00 PepDer, Black buyer* M 33.25 do White, (8%) 59.50 Sago Flour Sarawak sellers 5.15 do Brunei No. I 4.80 Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% ba*i* 22.0C Coffee, Palembang, 2»>% hast'.. 32.00 Coffee, Liberian
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  • Special Telegram to the “ Straits Times.”
    • 97 1 Penang, March 4The Penang Banks are refusing to buy paper Trade with China and Deli is paralysed. [The above telegram \va« sho \vn to Mr. Nicholson, the local Manager of the Hongkong Bank, who explained that its contents are misleading. The banks ure not refusing paper,
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  • 313 1 This Strutts Budget, this week, is despatched by tbeP. tfc O. s.s. Bengal. The issue of the Budget next week, will be mailed by the B. 1. s.s. Zamania. The M. M. mail for Europe by the s.s. Oceanien closed on 28th Feb. The German mail
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    • 120 1 London 24 tk Feb. The Chamber of Commerce at Cape Town has entertained Mr. Chamberlain at luncheon. Mr. Chamberlain delivered an address to the effect that, with the expansion of the colonies, the burden on the mother country was more than she
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    • 55 1 Despite the severity of yesterday evening’s attack [on the Government] and the support it receives in many quarters, it is believed that only about ten Unionists will vote against the Government to-night. [The above plainly refers to some attack on the Government’s policy of which Reuter has sent
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    • 45 1 The Times correspondent at Moscow says that arrangements have been completed by the Russian Government for 280,000 men to join the colours at any moment they may be upon to do so. Exceptional activity is also manifest among the Russian head-quar ters staff
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    • 93 1 London, 25 th Feb. Mr. Winston Churchill resumed the army debate, and denounced Mr. Brodrick’s scheme as a sham and a humbug. In his opinion, the object of the scheme was to make Britain a military nation, and to cajole the taxpayers into paying war
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    • 64 1 Mr. John Redmond, moving an amendment to Address, urging the fullest performance of the report of the conference between Irish landlords and tenants, said he and his friends hoped and believed that Government was framing a great measure of justice for the appeasement of Ireland. Mr. Wyndham,
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    • 30 1 Confered on Lady Macdonald. London Feb. 27th. Lady Macdonald has been presented with the Royal Red Cross for nursing services during the siege of the Peking Legations.
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    • 17 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain sailed for England yesterday evening. They received an enthusiastic farewell.
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    • 29 1 The Washington House has passed the Philippines Currency Bill, without Senator Paterson’s amendment. The Senate ha9 agreed to the bill as passed by the House.
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    • 88 1 Comment—and the Reply. Mr. Hall Caine moved an amendment to the Address expressing regret that there was no reduction in the military expenditure of India. Lord George Hamilton, the Secretary of State for India, in opposing the amendment, declared that the military expenditure of nearly every
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    • 37 1 London 27th Feb. It is reported that Sir Michael Herbert, the British Ambassador at Washington, has received the Cross of St. Michael and St. George for his services during the Venezuela negotiations.
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    • 26 1 Reuter’s correspondent at Peking states that the rebellion in the province of Kwangsi is increasing, and is spreading into the province of Hunan.
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    • 19 1 The Duke and the Duchess of Connaught leave India to-day. Their tour is ended.
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    • 112 1 London, 28 th Feb. One of the most destructive gales ever known swept over Britain on the 27th February,from the Channel Islands to the Shetlands. The telegraph lines are intsrrupted. The destruction of the telegraph lines has greatly delayed cable messages to the East. There was
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    • 30 2 The United States Senate has amended tne Navy Bill sent up by the House of Representatives. The amendment provides for fou bat iejhipa and two cruisers.
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    • 39 2 General Manning in command of a flying column, left Obbia on the 22nd Feb. to occupy the wells at Galkayu and to establish there the chief supply depot. Ws is thi preliminary step to a general advance.
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    • 24 2 The International R'igby football match bit veen I reland and Scotland ended in a win tor Scotland, one try to nil.
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    • 21 2 Lon/lon Ist March. Colonel Swann has occupied Damu, forty rnilf sto the north of Bohotle in Somaliland.
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    • 51 2 H. M. S. Resolution had a terrific experience in the gale. She left Holyhead on Thursday morning, and reached Plymouth yesterday with her steering gear broken down Many repairs to her will be necessary. The Cunard liner was unable to land her passengers at Queenstown and proceeded to
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    • 16 2 London Mar. 2nd Hilini Pasha has been appointed Inspector-General in Macedonia to supervise reforms.
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    • 38 2 It is understood at St. Petersburg that M Pokotiloff, the Manager of the Russo-Chinese Bank at Tientsin, replaces M. Tatistcheff, financial agent in London, who has been appointed to the post of Minister of the Interior.
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    • 31 2 Dive r s have found that H.M.S. Resolution los- her rudder entirely in the recent gale. H.M S. Oollingwo&l proved to be in a leaky condition on entering Plymouth.
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    • 22 2 Some anxiety is felt for the health of the Pope, who has been receiving jubilee deputations with manifesfc"difficulty
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    • 74 2 London March 3The gile in the British Isles has revived with increased violence, particularly in the Channel. There have been numerous disasters, with loss of life. A Dominion liner has gone ashore at Queenstown. The Calais packet, with 200 passengers on board, was disabled crossing over to Dover,
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    • 18 2 All the refugee camps in the Orange fliver Colony have been closed, except one at Brandfort.
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    • 28 2 President Roosevelt has summoned a special session of the Senate for the 6th to secure the sanctioning of the Panama Canal and Cuban reciprocity treaties.
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    • 40 2 During a debate in the House of Lords on the Venezuela question, Lord Lansdowne explained that the American Government was fully acquainted with the course of British action from tlic first, and that America had been perfectly friendly throughout.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 158 1 COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELl A new medical work on the causes ami most seeentilc uid effectual meansof self cure ever discovered for m rv«m and functional debility, waste of vitali'y. depression of .'pints, Ac.,with practical observation* on marriage and full directions for removing certain disqualifications *hat destroy the happiness of wedded life.
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  • 41 1 f DEATHS. i i:h.\!*.-i»n the 17th February, at v- K‘l i t:! Hamilton Moorkiiead, w I n: •!>“i:h Mo(*kkhkad, Foochow, i\ vt-ur-. I At Wakayama, Japan, on I i. it: the fifty-third year of her E M i I I \M>ON.
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  • 463 2 Thai some of the drastic changes with their concomitant legislative acts made the Americans in the Philippines woiald not last has long been patent to alt who had any knowledge of the islands as they were under Spanish role. The new broom swept too clean
    Times, 26th February.)  -  463 words
  • 6603 2 (Straits Times 2nd March.) Mr. A. Huttenbach’s book on The Silver Standard and the Straits Currency Question which is published to-day, will prove fascinating reading for anyone interested in the local problem of the hour. Many will object to it in toto and many again who will
    (Straits Times, 2nd March.)  -  6,603 words

  • 1046 4 The Brough Company has opened at Hongk rag with Are you a Mason Its season there will be a short one. The Hanoi Exhibition duly closed on fch j 15th instant. The show was only moderately successful. The Government of the Philippines is about to establish a
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  • 284 4 s. c. c. v R. a. r. E. What would otherwise have been a fine game last evening was spoiled completely by the heavy rain which fell yesterday morning causing the givund to be dreadfully soft. The ball soon got greasy and accurate shooting was at a discount. From
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  • 1076 4 LETTER NO. 3. Feb. 24tli. Dear Jack,— If 1 remember rightly, I left off in my last when I was about to dive into a quagmire. Well, I just continued to dive. Away I went, up a long tortuous street winding first to the right, then to
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  • 291 4 First Day’s Results. Ma,den ~|ate Harmony 6 H a Gritfin Race, Hilda. Perak Derby, Sweet Erina. Ipoh Stakes, Carlton. Second Gritfin Race, Punch. Galloway Cup, Carissima. Civil Service Cup, Tai Yat. Try Again Stakes, Perfidy. The following passengers left by the Stuttgart yesterday :—For Penang: Mr. H. Hagedorn,
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  • 1322 4 (From the Fcening St„ H Acubioi-s Proclamation t>y the Rajah of Sarawak cited by the Singapore the habit of wearing ca ''JSI European shape and become general among n=, •'‘BBf classes, I hereby direct that '"'■Si wearing such a cap or remove it from his head ar,/'* H
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  • 999 5 yitvhinaman who was injured by 2 •Iwn the hold o? a vessel in the -to ir yesterday, died in the hospital li night. 1 on? d General for Turkey has naisposed with fever, but he is J recovering. ,iidu y friends of Mr. T. Davidson, r z'
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  • Correspondence.
    • 650 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —In your critique of the opening performance of Liberty Hall,” which, by the way, did not criticise much, the writer essays to tell one of the performers how to make-up. As an old professional who was present I can
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  • 305 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, 1. In a leader in the your issue of the 20th inst., our railway and that in Shansi are compared as regard cost and time in building. 2. Before any such comparison can, with any aproach to fairness, be made,
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  • 97 5 Mr. J. A. McGregor of the Linsum Estate Negri Sembilan, informs the Malay Mail that he recently sent a small sample of rubber to London. The amount was about 3 piculs and was divided into two classes, the first being classed as No. 2 and the second
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  • 139 5 So many Americans holding official positions in Manila have gone wrong in financial matters through gambling, &c. that the Manila Times urges the Government to control in some measure their method of private living. That journal believes it to be right and proper that no man in a position
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  • 444 5 Exemplary Penalty. That the sale of adulterated milk goes on to a considerable extent in Singapore, and that the vendors thereof are emboldened by the profits to run serious risks was shown in a case tried by Mr. Marriott yesterday afternoon. Early yesterday morning, Sanitary Inspector Harfleet
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  • 696 5 Governor Taft Believes in Protecting Native Labor. Governor Taft of the Philippines has the following to say in bis annual report concerning the admis6ion of Chinese laborers into the Philippines: The complaint of the American and foreign merchants in these islands that the labor to be
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  • 100 5 Thi following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell and Co.'s saleroom yesterday-Land at Waterloo Street, area 15,600 sq ft., held under lease No. 42 dated Ist Jan. 1838 for 99 years, together with the dwelling house thereon known as 6 Waterloo Street, bought by Keng Lee
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  • 777 6 The Xovoe Vremya says that, if her trial trips prove satisfactory, the Russian ironclad Kniaz Soucarojf will bail for the Far East immediately. The Kniaz Soavaroj) is a steel battleship of 13,600 tons displacement and 16,00<' i fc.p (Belleville boiler*-), She has lust been completed at St.. I
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  • 739 6 The F.M.S. Durbar is to be held next 1 July at Kuala Lumpur. The date has not yet been fixed. —r* A Chinaman living at McPherson i Road committed suicide yesterday 5 morning by hanging himself. The steamer Islander arrived here from Christmas it lan a yesterday
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  • 45 6 Second Day’s Results. The following are the results of the races run at Kinta yesterday Malay < up—Burly Burly Kinta Stakes —Architect 1st Grittin H’cap—Ambria Eclipse Stake.—Maxim 2nd Griffin H eap—Wanda Galloway H eap —Lyddite IJopong Purge— Spei’patria dead hcat Eu Tong Seng Pun»e—Carlton
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  • 67 6 Nineteenth List.Brought Forward s 1-0,349 Messrs. Donaldson and Burkinsliaw 750 Alexander Snow Esq.. *25 M. H. John Esq.. ‘25 A. I*. Ager Esq., 10 Capt. .1. M. Daly 25 J. 10 B. Morrier 10 m *121,204 Contributions towards tlie Memorial Hail from loose who not already subscribed
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  • 701 6 The King’s Speech. In opening Parliament on the 17th inst., His Majesty the King, after alluding to our continued friendly relations with foreign Powers, said: I rejoice ♦hat a Venezuelan settlement has been arrived at justifying the closing of the naval operations. The condition of the European
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  • 194 6 Second Performance of “Liberty Hall.” As was to have been expected after the excellent opening performance theie was a capital attendance at the Town Hall last night when “Liberty Hall” was produced for the second time. H. E. the Governor and a party from
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  • 596 6 Another Wild Shikar on the Hotel Verandah. No sportsman in Asia should miss paying a visit to Raffles, for he never knows what a rare bag may be picked up on the big verandah of a morning before breakfast. Within the past few months we have
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  • 1289 6 Ragging Controv.. I Lord Hardwicke, -peakir. Vtrs > said he deprecated the oorrl 41 had passed regarding the to interfere wfth the M the Army and Navy. f j '*< opinion that it was not i n rj ‘Vj Grenadier Guards that Colonel retain his command, his ■**'«'M
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  • 477 7 I A •othaU match was played on the Inil Site yesterday afternoon between Bw /ircpean police and the St. Joseph’s Bi i'r. resulting in a win tor tlie police It ae goal to nil. I !.»*> arc out for the wedding of Mr. I K V. Thomas
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  • 127 7 Mr. Ridley, the Director of the Botanic Garden, finds difficulty in getting coolies owing to the pay being insufficient. The mandors are continually resigning for the same reason. In his report for last year, Mr. Ridley points out that this constant change of mandors, and the
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  • 151 7 One Burglar Nearly Killed. 14 Abhottsfokd,” the residence of Mr. Dunman, was entered by burglars during Friday night. Entrance was effected by means of a ladder placed against the verandah of the house. The burglar or burglars managed to make a scoop of *$20 worth of property consisting
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  • 521 7 The Batavia Xieuicsblad tells of the steady inarch of improvement in Pulo Way, at the harbour of Sabang. Jetties and storehouses are being rapidly built for the Dutch mail steamers calling there. It is expected that the N. 1). L. steamers will follow the example. A scheme is
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  • 111 7 In the Government Gazette of yesterday there are published the returns for Volunteer expenditure etc. during the year 1902. The following figures are given:— S.V.C. Staff. —9 officers. S.V.A.—Actual strength 99. Expenditure 11,906.62 Capitation grant earned $1,875. S.ti.E. (V.) —Actual strength 28. Expenditure $4,346.75. Capitation grant earned $575.
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  • 208 7 Perak Pioneer. An unused Perak Service stamp, a condition in which it is practically unobtainable, was recently sold in London for 115 shillings. While these stamps were in use, the loss of one meant the payment of one dollar into Government revenue. There would doubtless have been many
    .— Perak Pioneer.  -  208 words
  • 418 7 The annual general meeting of the Sipiau Tin Company Ltd. was held in the Company’s offices, Singapore, yesterday afternoon. Mr. W. K. Somerville presided and there were also present Messrs. 1). Gilchrist Jr., Hugh Fort, F. W. Barker, J. S. M. Rennie and G. A. Derrick secretary.
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  • 154 7 At the Supreme Court yesterday morning before his Lordship (Sir Lionel Cox) a case was heard in which a Chitty named Andiappa (represented by Mr. Delay) sued Edward Landeman (represented by Mr. Buckley) to recover certain moneys that he alleged were due to him under a transaction
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  • 189 7 The Secretary of State has approved of Honorary Lieutenant and Quartermaster W. B. Smith being allowed to retain his rank and wear the uniform of the Singapore Volunteer Rifles on retirement. Captain A. H. Boidero has been appointed to be Master Attendant, Straits Settlements, with effect from the
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  • 406 7 Speaking in the Italian Chamber, Signor Bacelli,Foreign Cnder-Secretary, referring to Macedonia, said that Count LamsdorfTs recent tour was undertaken for the purpose of harmonizing the requirements of civilization with the maintenance of the territorial status quo. He said that Count Lamsdorff has dissipated all fears regarding the situation
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  • 1578 7 r The ordinary fortnightly meeting of 1 the Municipal Commissioners was held r yesterday afternoon, the President, Mr. J. O. Anthonisz, in the chair. There were also present Messrs. Barker, Jago, Pooies, Maclaren, Chope, Lieut.-Col. Pennefather, Choa Giang Thye and Lee Choon Guan; the Secretary (Mr. Polglase)and the
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  • 84 8 With regard to the inspection of coconut trees, Mr. Ridley, in the Gardens Report for 1902, says that, during the year, notices to cut down infected trees were served on 238 persons and 1,039 dead trees and 35 piles of rubbish were destroyed. There were no prosecutions.
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  • 1352 8 LETTER NO. 4. Feb. 27th. Dear Jack, —This morning i proceeded, accompanied by my friend of last night, to run over the sights of Singapore. The weather was bright and clear and as we emerged from the jAdeiphi and started down an avenue I lined with trees
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  • 112 8 A Havas telegram dated the 18th instant says:—“ Yesterday the Commission for Foreigu Affairs heard Mr. Le Myre de Yilers (Ambassador of the 93 negotiations) on the Convention. M. Le Myre de Vilers spoke in the strongest terras against the articles of the new r Treaty. The
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  • 264 8 The following passenger* arrived here this morning by the Imperial German Mail str Prim Heinrich. From Bremen: Mr. J. Gjewre, Mr. Fr. Steinbruck. From Antwerp Mr.’ Wilh. Polil, Mr. Friedmann, Mr. Xey. From Southampton Mr. H. A. Coles, Mrs. Elton, Mr. B. Smith. From Genoa Mr.
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  • 188 8 This u Pinang” in the Pinang Gazelle Has it ever been satisfactorily explained why the Supreme Government allowed the F. M. S. to make the railway through Province Wellesley at the north end of the Peninsula while they make the one through the south end themselves Has
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  • 508 8 The Geier German man-of-war, left Hongkong for Singapore on 22nd Feb. A Japanese engineer on board the Hindustan was killed yesterday by falling down the hold of his vessel. M. Olarovsky, the Russian Minister Resident at Bangkok, is expected to return there during the next few days.
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  • 50 8 The Club Teutonia held its annual general meeting at the Club on Saturday night when the following gentlemen were elected officers, for the coming year Mr. Hube, President; Mr. Haf ner, Vice-President; Mjr. Yahns, First Sec.; Mr. Luenschen, Second Sec.; Mr. Engelbrecht, Treasurer; Messrs. Brandt and Diehn, Committee.
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  • 72 8 LIBERTY HALL.” There w a8 another crown., on Saturday night at the T to see the third and last .H of Liberty Hall» -fu Wrt S quite up to the standard Jf** 1 preceding performances 1 audience showed their an. the close by rounds of hearth** It should be mentioned
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  • 102 8 THE U. S. KENTUCKY.” Fighting Bob Evans” The United States flagstone* Capt. C. H Stockton, Labuan yesterday morning Admiral R. D. Evans, Chief of the American China Station, on board. She “V"' salutes with Fort Cannine and in the roads. The KenhcJn,^ 1 looking two funnelled vessel sj? painted white
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  • 213 8 This is the 93rd anniversary tf*-1 birth of His Holiness Pope Leo r| who was born at Carpineto in ..1 father being Count Ludovico Peel was educated at the Jesuit CollJj Viterbo where he greatly himself, and then proceeded to J College of noble Ecclesiastics.
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  • 379 8 First Dutch-India-born Chinamn to go round the world. Mr. Wee Teong Ham, who amvec here a few days ago, is a Chinaman, a? his name indicates —a Dutch Indies born Chinaman and only a young Withal he enjoys the distinction of bem£ the Major China of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 830 9 I Editor of the Straits Times.'' withdrawal of and apology W*r~The Time* of 17th inst.) the a I charges contained in your 0D Raub published on Dec. ■f make it possible for me to W jssue with your shareholder on other grounds. B asks what has been done in
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  • 96 9 Fatality at Tanjong Rhoo, Yesteruay afternoon some young Chinese babas were playing water polo at Tanjong Rhoo when one of their number, a youth ot eighteen, went out of his depth after the ball. He could not swim and sank immediately. His comrades dived and tried
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  • 102 9 Last night a gang of six Chinamen broke into a house occupied by a Chinaman at Seletar and tied the owner to a post. They then looted the premises and made off with property valued at $2O. The robbers then proceeded to a neighbouring house, but
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  • 165 9 At the Presbyterian Cbu*-eb, Orchard Road, on Saturday afternoon, the wedding was solemnized of Mr. R. Secular, and Miss Theresa Haderup There was a very large assemblage of friends to witness the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. S. S. Walker. The bridesmaids were the two Misses Haderup,
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  • 335 9 Important trust* reposed in Messrs. Kuhn and Komor. The Osaka Exhibition which opens to-day will differ from its predecessors at which certain hitches occurred in respect of despatching the purchases made by visitors. It is announced in the Japan papers that the authorities have decided to remedy
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  • 148 9 Arrivals. Y eftterd&y from Bat&via by La Stynt Messrs. R. Fix, P. Deronzier, A. Jonea, Piseher, Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, Messrs. Bierscus, Stiegman, Boodt, Mr. and Mrs. Quenedey, Messrs. Vroeg, J. A. Carver. Yesterday from Yokohama by Octanien: Messrs. Herbert P. Colfelt, C. L. Bowie, Baron
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  • 1657 9 TUESDAY, 3 RD MARCH. Mr. E V. Carey of Klang, the President of the United Planters' Association of the F. M. 8, who has been in Singapore to attend the Labor Conference, has been staying as a guest of H. E. the Governor at Government House. Mr. Proust of the
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  • 142 9 Yesterday morning acting Inspector Brace went out towards Kranji to investigate the reports of gang robbery near that district. He was guided by one of the victims who had reported the affair to the police. The scene of the robbery is in a district called Sembawang which lies
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  • 150 9 Last night burglars paid a visit to Dean Row,” Paterson Road, the resi* dence of the Hon. W. J. Napier. The burglars commenced operations by breaking into the servants’ quarters where they annexed a suit of clothes and a pair of Chinese “unmentionables.’* They seem to have been
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  • 177 9 From an early hour, this morning, the grounds of all the Roman Calholic Churches, the Convent, and the R. C. Club were era fete on the occasion of the jubileeof Pope Leo XIII. Special services were held in all the R. C. Churches and the congregations
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  • Correspondence.
    • 313 10 To the Editor of the “Strait* Times.” Dear Sir,— In view of the coming Centenary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and of the preparations that are being made for its celebration, I think it is appropriate to ask you to be kind enough
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  • 193 10 Those residents of Singapore *who enjoyed tne hospitality of the U. S. transport McClellan when that vessel was here some few months ago may be interested in the following, which appeared in the Washington Evening Star, from the pen ot Captain Wm. E. Horton, 4 »utermaster,
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  • 160 10 Monthly Medal Competition. The usual monthly medal was played for on Saturday la9t, with the following result Earle, Hon. T. 45 41= 80- 4 82') Pearce, F. H. 41 43= 84— 2 82) Fowiie, Dr. P. 40 +39 79 2 4 851 Lawson, Col. 42 43
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  • 128 10 The many friends of Mme. Freid in Singapore will he glad to learn that her tour of India, after her departure hence, has proven an unqualified success, and she was to appear in Calcutta on Saturday last, Feb. 23th, in her first grand evening concert at the Town
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  • 214 10 A Chinese Calendar. The Calendar for the Assizes which opened this morning shows fourteen Chinese cases for trial. The indictments include two cases of counterfeiting, which were taken before Mr Justice Hync-n m-Joues to-day, one of murder, two cases of forgery, and minor breaches of trust, and false
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  • 338 10 Yesterday, a report appeared in these columns to the effect that a European lady had prosecuted her Kling cook for leaving her service without giving the usual notice. The man was fined $5O, in default six weeks imprisonment. The fine was not paid. This morning, this lady,
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  • 251 10 Defendants Acquitted. This morning, Haji Mahomed and six others were before Mr. Marriott charged with playing in a common gaming house at 7 Niven Road on the night of the 2lst ult. Haji Mahomed was further charged with assisting in the management of a common gaming house.
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  • 93 10 Siglap Estate Sold for $250,000. Messrs H. L. Coghlan Co. on behalf of the owners, have just disposed of this well-known cocoa-nut plantation by private treaty for the suin of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, the purchaser being Mr. Ho Yang Peng. The estate comprises an
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  • 436 10 Riley Hargreaves Co. Ltd. The annual general meeting of Riley Hargreaves Co., Limited, will be held at 5 Read Street on Tuesday, March 10th, at noon, when the following directors’ report will be submitted: The net profit for the year, including §24,009.92 brought forward from last year, and
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  • 1361 10 The Goliaths were beaten by Hongkong at hockey on the 23rd ult, to the tune of five goals to two. In the absence of the Rev. J. S. Macknight, the Rev. J. A. B. Cook takes the services at the Penang Pres byterian Church for two or
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  • 156 10 The Hongkong and Whampoa IxJ Co. has just held its half-yearly mi at Hongkong, at which the divider for last year was set at 26 per cm. besides the usual bonus to the Europe staff. The directors proposed do« away with the bonus system on ground
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  • 174 10 A Javanese Captured. About 3 o’clock this morning :*<* Javanese burglars broke into a home occupied by some Chinese in £yed Alley Road. They disturbed the occupant! of the house who awoke and shouted for help. The whole neighbourhood was awakened by the noise, and by some it
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  • 168 10 The Governor Patronises Rosins Last night was a gala night at Malay Theatre, North Bridge K when the Indra Zanibar Theatrical placed on the stage a tragedy enti.* Rosina.” The performance was unac the patronage and in the presence or the Governor, who was accompanied Rear Admiral
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  • 50 11 I in uary output at these Mines I 5:" 4 niculs of ore. A telegram just I j lro m the manager gives the W\ February's operations for 28 r. ne .lays as 1209 piculs. The r'vd profit for the two months is r, «;n.noo. I♦-
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  • 51 11 een Malays were picked up in .•♦.starved condition in a sampan ‘‘/Penang coast by the B I. Itria arrived at Rangoon on Feb. 21st. it could be gathered from the been drifting about from rC e their steamer had foundered •hey were picked up by the
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  • 35 11 I i’eong Ham (Major ot I fuarang) $5OO l > ken Em«j. *25 I rlan«l«s ron>ulate 10 I\ 2*l K V ftomenij Es<j. 10 ,_rht Flush 61.60 I Total $620.60 I \l-ireh,
    35 words
  • 108 11 B i n Party at the Roman H: o last night was a decided -.ic Rev. Father Rivet and V j-operated with him have B, K to feel gratitied. There B\ 4r"e and brilliant gathering of 8..‘ r r x who appeared to enjoy the B‘, L
    108 words
  • 126 11 Runa-wamy and Munuswmy tallowing gem to the editor Ehe I’rfiik I'in it* r:— I. A »l KKI» SJK. .l re>'id«nt' ot liukit ft- ;:i:•. v >t*2 t<* brino to your kindest ft -iii. Ttii-* month we are daily put 1•■-/.•.* a., t't.u* hy the
    126 words
  • 152 11 a H,,> Apr*tr arrived here V >nd;ty in charge of her old comir.icr Captain Fey, and with a full and a full list of passengers. For u months past it has been currently throughout the Indian and ir Eastern ports that this popular -:;e: had retired—like Captain to
    152 words
  • 228 11 S.C.C. V. R.E. rf the R.6. and 8.C C. met *rr the Esplanade, before a r ,A l spectators. The R E. J x *?oju eam and gave the Club V Hs e f° r points, the Club winning by a goal to nil. r r,‘ r ,y ,A
    228 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 228 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —A police court report published in yesterday’s issue of the Straits Times showed conclusively that the magistrates are quite prepared to protect the public in the matter of absconding servants. The action taken by Mrs. Travers Drapes with regard to
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  • 124 11 In a New York telegram it is announced that the Bill making the gold peso (local dollar) the unit of value in the Philippines had been passed by the Senate. It is stated that this peso will have a standard weight of 12 9-10 grains, and the silver
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  • 129 11 Mr. Justice Hyndman-Jones yesterday sent Lee Ah Hye to prison for six years rigorous (with three years’ oolice supervision added) for theft. He is an old hand with four previous convictions, Ching Wah Choon, who committed criminal breach of trust as a carrier, is now commencing ;he primary
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  • 238 11 The record of the Batu Gajah Golf Links has been lowered by Mr. A. Stephens, who reduced Mr. B. W. Elies’ previous record of 38 down to 36 one Sunday, whilst playing with Mr. Crockatt. At the Criminal Assizes held in Batu Gajah on the 14tb instant by
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  • 481 11 An advertisement appearing in the Iron and Steel Trades Journal announces that very large quantities of permanentway materials are required for the Royal Siamese State Railways, and tenders are to be delivered at Bangkok in the middle of June. Meanwhile the specifications and conditions of contract
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  • 214 11 The Shipmasters’ Society ol London has just held an important meeting. Ic was resolved that offices should at once be taken in the Passmore Edwards Sailors’ Palace, 680 Commercial Street, E.,now being erected by the British and Foreign Sailors’ Society and to be opened by H. R H.
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  • 108 11 Fourteen thousand trees, chiefly gutta percha, were planted in the Government Forest Reserve at Bukit Timah in 1902. The hot weather interfered a good deal with the planting, but the gutta plants seemed to suffer very little from it. Some of the wild gutta percha trees fruited
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  • 103 11 After remaining quiet for an unusual length ot time and especially during the Chinese New Year, burglars have commenced operations in the Tanglin district. The house of Mr. Graham, in Orange Grove Road, was entered some time during last night by some members of the fraternity and
    103 words
  • 124 11 The British battleship Glory and the flagship of V r ice-Admiral Sir Cyprian A. Bridge, K.C B, had a good time of it in Manila harbour and the officers and men were right royally entertained by the Americans. On the 13th inst., a grand ball was given by
    124 words
  • 128 11 In Southern Mindanao (Philippines) the Americans are employing the people of the land in road-making. They are naturally listless and lazy, hut the attractions of regular pay and rations are drawing them in large numbers. The supervising American troops stay in camps one of which, last month,
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  • 266 11 Eakl Grey, discussing an amendment made by Mr. Joseph Walton to the Address with reference to our relations with China, implied that condemnation in such debates was the result of imperfect information. He queried whether the treaty providing for the abolition of lekin taxation could be carried out.
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  • 659 11 It not always an easy matter to judge correctly of the nu&lity of things. Less than one in a thousand of us is capable of accurately estimating the worth of a picture not more than one in a hundred the quality of a horse. In general, judgments rapidly
    659 words
    • 138 11 Under this heading the following abhrevia tions are used:—str.—steamer; sh.—ship; bq.— barque sch.—schooner Yet.—Yacht; Uru.— Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor.—Torpedo; H.p. —Horse-power Brit.—British U.S.—Cnited States; Fch.—French; Ger.—German; Dut.— Dutch; G.c.—General-cargo d.p.—deck passenger U.—Uncertain T. 1*. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf T.P.D.—Tanjong Fagar Dock B.W.—Borneo Wharf; K.H —Keppel Harbour P. B.—Pulo Brani
      138 words
    • 970 11 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Bettii Rus. str. 1,674 tons, Capt Aneour, 3rd Mar. From Manila, 26tb Fel Copra. Boustead A Oo. For Marseilles, 4th—W. Eros Nor. str. 7C0 tons, Capt Rentz, 3rd March. From Bangkok. 27th Feo. G.c. Boustead A Co. Unknown, U—Rds. O. Q. Meyer
      970 words
    • 1143 12 M 4 LAO J V>sski.‘s Name A To.*« Captain Fro* Sailed. CojrsiOKks. Rig. j gT”k j ~J 24 R. 8 chid Baru Dut sir. to iNacodaii Rhio iFeb 14 Kim Hoe Bee 24 VanderCapellen st« 773 Leonhard B'massin jFeb 20 Daendels and Co. 24 Babaian 1 sir.; 4*4 Veer
      1,143 words
    • 872 12 Date. Vessel’s Name, Flag Tons. Destination Feb 24 Farfalla Ital etr. 147 Muar and Malacca I 26 Etha Rickmers+ Ger ah. 1754 Rangoon 25 Pnrnea Brit air. 2127 Penang, Rangoon and 25 I Chakrabhongs I Sia atr. 652 Bangkok via pom 26 Resident Schiff Dut atr. 68 Rhio 26
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 346 12 ——c- t —irnw II iiiibi ENGLISH NURSE, at present in Java, desires situation with family returning t-<> England shortly. Apply to NURSE, c/o Straits Times CHWEITZER’S 1 t'N -i t w i i I n feffis Ths Best i Purest COCOA. Now especially packed in double-lidded ice *nsurig freshness for
      346 words
    • 289 12 The Universal Remedy for Ac. I Stomach, Headache. Heartburn, li Sour Eructation*. tliiiou* DINNEFORDS 1 ne Physician's Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Sateat and most Gentle Medic-.r.e for Infants, CLi«dr*»n. Delicate Female.-*, and the Sickness of Pregnancy. Tho Off•/ Mediane of ire REGISTERED dttTdncX v ?a/.' Countrfn Trade
      289 words
    • 57 12 Messrs. L£A Sc PERRINS beg to announce that, to farther safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Original Worcestershire Sauce, %hey are now printing their Signature m white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will be at once proceeded
      57 words