The Straits Budget, 28 January 1903

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 138 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE* TIMES. 1 f 1 i. vr, J The Times is widely read throughout Aaia generally. It circulate# In Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, ißornso, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China.
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 28TH JANUARY.
    • 244 1 .o On the 20th December, at the wife of John Pringle, of a son. > i.i —On the 27th December, at :-i the wife of H. Scuell, of a :«vhtei. ii i i' On the sth January, at Shanghai, ~i alter F. Harris, of a daughter. >i Nagasaki, on
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    • 57 1 —At Bangkok, on Jan. 1 1 “<>kso\, of the Koyai Siamese u .xrt’UMnt. to Mi s >LOMON, daughter t >olomon, Koval Bangkok Police >, u n. -On Ist January, 191>3, in i>k 11«*b\kt. J. W. Barlee, elder -h*lm Buckle Barlee Es<|., Asst. to H M Forces, to Amy Elizabeth
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  • 183 1 Leading Articles. Royal Scandals. Crown Princess of Saxony. Beri-Beri Research. Local. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger List. Police News. The Subordinate Government Medical Service, i and Sale, j Singapore Chess Club. I Anglo-Chinese School. i Supreme Court. Rikisha Strike, j Fire at Campong Bugis. Rugby Football. Return
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  • 645 1 2 JV CM Hongkong —Bank d/d dis. Private 30 d/s lj%dis. CM Shanghai —Bank d/d 73 Private 30 d/s 74 CM Java —Bank T. T. 95$ Private 30 d/s 97$ On Manila —Bank d/d f prem On Japan do d/d 30 prem. Sovereigns abont $12.60 Guilders 96$ India Council
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  • 247 1 The mail for Europe, this week, is despatched by the B. I. s. s. Zamania The next number of the Budget, will be mailed by the P. O. 8. 8. Chusan to leave on the Bth Feb. The German mail for Europe by the Primess Irene
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    • 29 1 Tjondon 21 st Jan. At the election for the West Derby division of Liverpool, Mr. Rutherford (C) polled 5,455 votes against 3,251 cast for Mr. Holt (L).
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    • 67 1 Count Von Buelow, the Chancellor of the German Empire, has referred in the Reichstag to the passage of Russian torpedo-boats through the Dardanelles. He said that it was impossible to expect from Germany in Eastern affairs anything but peaceful, impartial, and quiet neutrality containing nothing hostile
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    • 46 1 TRIAL OF COLONEL LYNCH. The trial of A. Lynch, M.P. for Galway, on a charge of high treason, began yesterday before the Lord Chief Justice, and Justices Wills and Channell. The prisoner pleaded not guilty.” The hearing of the case is expected to last several days.
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    • 13 1 The Hungarian Parliament has ratified the sugar convention.
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    • 40 1 London 2 2nd January. The warships Gazelle Panther and FiWa yesterday shelled the fortress of San Carlos. The fortress answered the fire. The village of San Carlos was burned by the German shells.
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    • 22 1 The bombardment of San Carlos has not been explained. It has given rise to considerable astonishment at London and Washington.
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    • 28 1 It is stated in Berlin that the bombardment must certainly have been the subject of previous consultation between the naval commanders, who are equally responsible.
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    • 34 1 Mr. Bowen has informed the representatives of the Powers at .Washington that Venezuela makes the railing of the blockade a condition precedent to the formal opening of negotiations.
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    • 33 1 If Mr. Bowen satisfies the Powers that enezuela is really determined to do her utmost to fulfil her obligations, then the Powers will agree to terminate the blockade.
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    • 14 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain leave South Africa for England on Feb. 25th.
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    • 38 1 London 23 rd January. The bombardment by the German warships of San Carlos continued throughout Wednesday and was resumed yesterday. The fort suffered terribly but is still resisting the Germans.
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    • 82 1 Speaking at Potchefstroom, Mr. Chamberlain said the British Govern* ment did not desire its former enemies to sacrifice their traditions and national pride. He hoped the time was not remote when the Boers would be proud to be members of one of the freeest countries on the
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    • 21 1 Colonel Lynch has been found guilty of high treason and has been sentenced to death.
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    • 15 1 It is reported from Washington that the Panama Canal treaty has been signed.
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    • 87 1 THE TIMES AND THE ARMY. The Times has published the second of a series of articles on the army problem. This article sweepingly condemns the army corps system, declares that there is no part of the Empire which cannot be reached three weeks earlier from South Africa than from the
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    • 27 1 London 25th Janva/'y. Owing to thfe failing health of tbe King of Sweden, the Crown Prince has been temporarily entrusted with the Regency.
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    • 59 1 The German commodore, telegraphing from Maracaibo, under date the 21st instant, reports that the cruiser Vineta bombarded and destroyed San Carlos on that day, in consequence of the forts there unexpectedly attacking the cruiser Panther on the 17th instant. Press telegrams report the bombardment as having
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    • 78 1 The Chief Justice, in summing up in the Lynch case, emphasized the fact that the case was not merely a technical breach of the law but was also one of deliberately assisting the King’s enemies. In his opinion there had been too much belittling of the crime of
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    • 17 2 m m The French Senate has approved of the Sugar Bounties Convention.
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    • 47 2 MR. CHAMBERLAIN’S TREK. London Jan., 26 th. Mr. Chamberlain and his party, trekking from Potchefstroom to Mafeking, have been received cordially by the Dutch at all places en route. General Delarey welcomed Mr. Chamberlain at Ventersdorp. Altogether Mr. Chamber! iin appears to impress the D itch favourably.
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    • 45 2 A temporary deadlock exists concerning Venezuela. Mr. Bowen asks tor the withdrawal of the blockade; while the Bowers decline to accede to this until they are satisfied that Venezuela’s guarantee of ■etilement is bona tide. Meanwhile the atfiir is generating great-heat in America.
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    • 83 2 London 28 Ut January. Mr. Bowen has announced that he has good reason to believe that the Venezuela dispute will soon be settled satisfactorily. The allies have handed Mr. Bowen declarations promising to cease the blockade as soon as an agreement has
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    • 68 2 Delarey addressed a crowd at Ventersdorp in Dutch, and said that Mr. Chamberlain was the man to set things right. Delarey then urged the Boers to be loyal to the new Government. Eleven prominent Boer irreconcifables who had sworn never to take the hand of a
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    • 23 2 Owing to the spread of the plague at Durban, the native servants and labourers are leaving the town in thousands
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 84 1 vj-t free price of the Straits Times I", year, or MS/-. The post free price Wyatt, Budget is $2O a year, or4o/-•-V-.'.t necessary to subscribe for a year. h/-u? riptions for shorter periods are tr> s ame proportionate rate of price as a rear. Budget can be sent to meet
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    • 48 1 ENGLISH NURSE, at present in Java, desires situation with family returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, c o Straits Times. <? for Ladies. l A Runjedy for t!l irregularities. St.p'-rie’l njf Hitter App>. fv.t tiyroval. I'i V Sola fa-'Singapore e xpensing Co., Ltd.* Roftlt- i P! Singapore. 2‘rvpiietor
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  • 253 1 I DEATHS. v I"?ik« ji, Tokyo, on 2n«l .January i. tormti!y of Koiie, on llie 4tli .l.uiuury, -'i.n Mitc hkll, si native of "iiitim. si yesirs. I ,!l i>tl* January, at 22, Zklie Jianxl x iii lu*r 2i»th year. I l 6tlt January, at Shanghai, V Acting Chief Gaoler ot
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    • 1171 2 (Straits Tinus 23 rd January.) History affords no parallel for the extraordinary dual episode embodied in the simultaneous departure from the courts of Europe of the Crown Princess Louise Antoinette of Saxony —whose elopement with her music teacher was chronicled in the Christmas telegrams—and her brother, the Archduke
      (Straits Tinus 23rd January.)  -  1,171 words
    • 915 2 (Streit* Times, 26th January.) So infrequent are the elopements of Crown Princesses—especially married Crown Princesses with large families that no etiquette code of etiquette seems to have been provided as a guide to them in the matter of post-elopement deportment. At the same time it seems
      (Streit* Times, 26th January.)  -  915 words
    • 4516 2 (Strait# Time# '2lth January.) Some months have elapsed since the appearance of the first of a series of Studies from the Institute of Medical Research at Kuala Lumpur, testified to the fact that a great scientific work was being carried on in the Native States. The second volume
      (Strait# Time#, '2lth January.)  -  4,516 words

  • 138 3 Burglars have apparently commenced operations for the Chinese New Year, as is their wont Jin Singapore at this time of the year. Last night M.r New march’s residence at Mount Elizabeth was entered by some of the “burgling” fraternity, and a cash box containing about SoO worth
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  • 725 4 Japan has now 1,004 steamers, the aggregate gross tonnage being 590,9:56. The Messageries Maritimes steamers will cease to call at Nagasaki after the 15th prox. The new puddling plant at the Tronoh Mines, Ltd., will be the Resident of Perak on the -7th instant. p.-LLARi/s company of
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  • 235 4 Lipis 17 tk Jan. The murder of a Chinaman is reported from Raub. Details are not yet to hand. The Pahang' forest officer, Mr. Craddock, has returned to Lipis accompanied by Mr. French, his Assistant, who is to be stationed in Pekan. They will both proceed down-river shortly.
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  • 74 4 The ’rikisha strike seems to have ended. This morning all the coolies turned out without any persuasion from the police. Last night very few ’rikishas were about town. Sergt. Frayne was going along in a ’rikisha when a coolie yelled Pah See The puller dropped the shafts
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  • 373 4 About 3 p.m. yesterday a tire broke jut in a Malay hut at Kampong Bugis and spread rapidly. There were about twelve plank and attap houses all joined md forming a small kampong. All Jiese houses were soon in dames and were burnt to the ground.
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  • 616 4 Distribution of Prizes. The 17th annual prize distriburion at the Anglo-Chinese School took place yesterday afternoon. There was a large attendance, the building being crowded to its extreme capacity. It was prettily yet simply decorated with pot-plants, etc., the place of honour being occupied by a portrait of
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  • 218 4 The Singapore Chess Club, which has just held its annual meeting, has had a fairly successful year, and the Club is in a very flourishing condition both as regards membership and funds. The match of two games by telegraph with Hongkong resulted a win for Singapore by*
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1699 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. 11 —I have noticed, that several letters have appeared from time to time in your valuable paper regarding the difficulty experienced by Government in securing qualified Medical Officers of the class of Assistant Surgeons for service in the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 113 4 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co.’s sale-room yesterday:—Leasehold land at Rochore Canal Road, area 8086 sq. ft. being part of the land comprised in East India Coy.’s Lease No. 1491 for 999 years, quit rent $2, together with the compound dwelling house and
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  • 748 5 ‘.from o«r special Correspondent) Hanoi, Dec. 6\st. v jn2 the court devoted to Siamese r ’.we rind ourselves in the CochineX":\" section. The Saigon Technical well represented and the native V i. 1 nave turned out some fine work J and wood, whilst their draw- r ,>
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  • 462 5 (Before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox.) The case of Angullia vs. Hulstkamp was heard yesterday morning Mr. Braddell appeared for the plaintiff, and I Mr. Fort for the defendant. Mr. 1 Braddell stated that the plaintiff is a merchant and a partner in the firm of Angullia
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  • 649 5 A police station is shortly to be erected at Woodlands,” near the railway junction in place of the existing one at Kranji, which will be done away with. H.M.S. Glory took in 1430 tons coal at Tanjong Pagar yesterday in less than 14 hours, which is very
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  • 145 5 A scheme has been* formulated to endeavour to raise funds for the erection of a new Cathedral in Bombay. The present building was finished in 17l> and was built as a parish church. It was raised to the dignity of a Cathedral in 15;37, when Bombay
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  • 142 5 The following notitications have been gazetted in Perak —Mr. W. S. Gibson, passed cadet, to act as assistant Indian immigration agent. Mr. A. E. C. Ward to be a settlement officer. The leave of absence granted to Mr. Cecil Wray, district magistrate, Kinta, has been extended, with half
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  • 166 5 In compliance with the Government requirement that all Japanese steamers which receive a subsidy Cor carriage o£ the mails between Japan and London shall have a sea speed of not less than 14 knots pier hour,*and must be tested every five years, *the N.Y.K. steamer
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  • 510 5 “Glory" Defeats the Club. The return Rugby match between fifteens representing H.M.S. Glory and the S.C.C. was played on the Esplanade last evening before a good crowd of spectators, among whom were included a fair number of ladits. The Club unfortunately was minus one or two good players,
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  • 239 5 At the I > olice Court this morning, before Mr. Brockman, a summons was heard against the master of the local steamer Farfaila t under the Passenger Ship s Ordinance, it being alleged that on the 16th when about to leave port the Farfalla had excess
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  • 90 5 H. E. the Governor returned from ■Penang this morning, the Seabelle propping anchor off Johnston’s Pier at 11.15. I’pon landing Jd*. E. was met by the Colonial Secretary, Captain Boldero, R. N. and Admiral Bridge’s flag lieutenant. Capt. Barry A. D. C. aiuT-Mr. Bosanquet also ‘came
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  • 833 5 The big class-room of the Angloi Chinese Free School was crowded to its utmost limits this morning when the annual distribution of prizes took place. The Hon. F. G. Penney, Colonial Treasurer, presided and he was sup- ported on the platform by Messrs. Wee Theam Tew, Ho
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  • 516 6 A CRICKET CLUB RUMPUS.” From Mr. R. D. Vania, ex-President of the Hongkong Pareee Cricket Club, we have received a 50 page pamphlet in which the writer, who is evidently desperately in earnest, appeals to the tribunal of public opinion for redress against some of the other members of the
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  • 1638 6 Interesting Scandals Ventilated by the Times.*’ Mr. Geo. Pauling, who is so well known in Singapore and throughout the Far East generally, in connection with the Jesselton Railway, has been making things peculiarly warm for the Foreign Office at home in connection with the Beira
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  • 805 6 Thirty-six tins of opiuru have been found on the llonq Bee. The s.s. KeLwian, recently sunk at Bangkok by collision with the Phra Chr/m Klao wa9 raised and beached on the 14th instant. One hundred and ninety deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 259 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Dear Sib,—l am only a poor Tree, of a kind that I believe the wise Humans call Ficus, and I have lived the greater portion of my life on the Esplanade, very near to one of my brothers who was
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  • 322 6 To the Editor of the “Straits Times." Sir, —I have read with much interest the very timely letter by Anti-Parsi-mony in your issue of 22nd inst., and 1 desire heartily to endorse the various points which he has so ably brought forward. I myself happen
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  • 192 6 The stolen articles all recovered. Ocr Johore correspondent writes Iskander Hall, Johore, the residence of the Dato Meldrum, was the scene of a robbery on Thursday night, when a collection of jewellery, medals and orders was stolen from the Dato’s safe by a boy who was recently
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  • 453 6 ANNUAL QENERAL MEETiv The annual general meetine J members of the Singapore ft 1 Club took place at the yesterday afternoon, Mr. C the chair. There was a n -r 1 attendance of members 110 The annual report and account, l the year ended Dec. 31st last
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  • 329 6 Annual Meeting of the Straits Branch. The annual general meeting of tut above Society was held at Raiila Museum yesterday afternoon under tbt presidency of Bishop HoBe. The other members present were Archdeacot Dunkerley, the Hon. W. R. Colly* Major St. Clair. Dr. Galloway, A Knight, H.
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  • 727 7 Acheen. titular Sultan of Acheen has a t k'otta Rajah and has for-r,.-e inade his submission to the ?r He is described as being of V r .rV o: age, prematurely old, and Sparing signs of having led a fast l? \rit is notorious that he is to
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  • 75 7 Ihree Days* holiday. -™ted that under the proviHolidays Ordinance r n i’ I; irs^a y#the 29th January, and Jbw.rvw| hc wth f an ar y- will be iiank if .fHroughcmt the Colony as •ear r or Hie Chinese New u, f^n Xie y has also appointed additional
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  • 485 7 S. C. C. v. The Fleet. The S. C. C. met a combined team of the Fleet last night at socker on the Esplanade and after a well contested game the Club won by 1 goal to nil. The game was very fast from start to finish, and
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  • 251 7 It is reported from Tangier that tlie Sultan of Morocco has been heavily defeated and has escaped eastwards. Menebbe.theWar Minister, was killed. The tribes are fighting around Tangier, w here a state of panic prevails. The solitary Consul at Fez is the British representative. Senator Elkins is publicly
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  • 92 7 At the Annual General Meeting of the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club held at the Pavilion last evening there was a very fair attendance, the chair being occupied by the Hor’ble J. M. Allinson. The accounts, etc., were passed, as well as the plans and estimates for
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  • 945 7 Qerman New Guinea and the Dutch Colonies. The following interesting letter appears in the San Francisco Argonaut over the signature of \V. R. Townsend. It is dated Batavia, Oct. 2nd, 1902 —After turning the Cape of Good Hope on the north-west corner of New
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  • 547 7 An interesting article in a recent issue of the Itidian Planters' Gazette written by an Expert,” drew attention to some remarkable statistics of the profits to be obtained from the fruit of the plantain as grown in Bengal; but the figures are equally applicable elsewhere. From the
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  • 211 7 This is how Messrs. I. A. Rucker and Bencraft report on this staple :—At the moment of writing, Dec. 18th, Santos is worth 26s 6d, say Is 6d above the lowest price ever known for good average of that brand. Thus drought, frost, and an American syndicate combined
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  • 355 7 A Bright Outlook. The Island of Formosa wili goon become, under the wise economic administration of Baron Kodama and Dr. Goto, one of the great sugar producing regions of the world. Sugar is made there from the sweet potato. There is an almost unlimited market through-. out
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  • 152 7 The leave of absence granted to Mr. P. J. Burgess, Government Analyst, Singapore, has been extended from the 16th of February to the 22nd of March next. The following appointment took effect from the Ist instant .—Major E. G. Broadrick, Singapore Volunteer Rifles, tc be Major, Singapore Volunteer
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  • 1039 7 Mr. E. Riley, of the Telegraph service at Taku, has died of virulent small-pox. Mr. J. Peace has been appointed Sheriff of Bangkok under the Ministry of Justice. -4 Eighteen bags and a few odd parcels of mail fell to the lot of the British warships in
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  • 153 8 Mr. J. T. Richardson to be D. 0., Kinabatangan. Mr. E. J. Perkins to be acting director of Public Works. Mr. F. W. Fraser to be D. O. Province Clarke. Mr. G. H. Malcolm to be D 0., Rundorn, to remain temporarily in charge of Beaufort.
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  • 119 8 A Tongkang Sunk. The Silesia which arrived from Hongkong this morning picked up a Teochew coolie named Li Ki Than at last night floating on a piece of plank about eight miles out from Singapore. The Teochew says that he was one of the crew of tongkang
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  • 113 8 The barque Mathilde blown from Manila to Singapore. The American barque Alut/iilde, which arrived heie from the Philippines on Friday, is a long way out of her course. She was on her way from Mindanao to Manila, and had got as far as C'orregidor —the
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  • 95 8 P. O. PASSENGERS. The following passengers arrived per 88. Malta on Sunday. From London— Miss Hose, Mr. H. D. Ellis, Mr. H. C. Brooke-Johnson, Mrs. Ellis. From Colombo—Mr. S. Hornkin, Mr. W. J. Wigglesworth, Mr. R. R. Martin. From Marseilles —Mr. W. A. Barratt. From Sydney—Lieut. A. D. Reid From
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  • 311 8 To-day the flagship Glory with Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge and the Alacrity left bound for Labuan, Sarawak and Manila. The Glory will then go to Hongkong to re-fit, probably arriving there about Feb. L">th. Thence she goes northwards, visiting Petropolovsky and other curious places and will probably
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  • 398 8 BREAKDOWN OF THE ZAIDA.” Arcthusa Takes the Mails. The following are some particulars of the breakdown of the Zaida which left Penang on the 16th inst. for Madras with the mails for Europe. The Zaida had arrived off Pulo Weh about 3 o’clock on Saturday evening (Jan. 17th), and apparently
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  • 227 8 Members of the Singapore Swimming Club, and residents at the seaside at Tanjong Rhu and Tanjong Katong generally, will be interested to learn than an alligator was caught in the sea yesterday afternoon, between the Club House and the first bungalow in the direction of the
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  • 235 8 The damage done to the Orphan’s Dormitory in the Convent by the late rains has been mentioned before. The entire roof is condemned and the little proteges of the good sisters are without a place to sleep in. A fund is about to be started for
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  • 278 8 Referring in a summary of the year to the Federated Malay States, the London and China Express says There is no danger of the progress of tiie Malay States being overlooked so long hs so able an administrator as Sir Frank Swettenham remains as High Commissioner, and
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  • 204 8 The following interesting narrative of a recent waterspout in Sandakan Bay and its disastrous results within the precincts of the Saw Mills is given by the British North Borneo Herald, of the 3rd inst: During a heavy downpour of rain at 4.30 p.m. on the 16th Dec.
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  • 169 8 It will deeply grieve the many friends of Mr. A. 8. Murray, formerly of Singapore, to learn that he has met with a serious accident in London. Mr. Murray was tound on New Year s Eve lying on the Electric Railway, with a fractured
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  • 191 8 A murder occurred at a house in Smith Street on Saturday night. About 8 o’clock a Macao named Lam Lio Li had a dispute with a girl living in the house and nibbed some corrosive substance in her face. He then suddenly drew a knife and
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  • 129 8 i i hose who go down to u bathe and thereby show that cl 5 is as next to godliness as \W Sunday had a pretty good yesterday, despite the squall* Jupiter Pluvius, who tried tn t r damper on already wet sub,*! the race, the first
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  • 192 8 The Saturday evening dinner at Raffles Hotel was the successful entertainment of its V* ever given at that hostelry—so when it is remembered that? occasion itself was only an ordiiSaturday evening, and the hoi? time was just past. The attendant representative of the town, and near 300 people
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  • 198 8 The second ordinary general meenu of the Cbindras Gold Mines Ltd war held in London in December, Mr. R Whieldon Barrett, chairman of t be Company, presiding. The tamaa pointed out that the Company was formed in April 1901, and Mr. Waylen was sent to Malaya to
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  • 236 8 This being the forty-fourth birtntw.* of H. M. the Emperor William 11, Kd* of Prussia, it was celebrated with the eclat due to such an occasion. The German vessels in p° all dressed [ship and thoust owing to the absence of any Gene*-war-vessel, the Russian and
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  • 439 9 School loses another teacher person of Mr. Macrae, who goes |!3 in course of the next few days. UEC® 1 b ,vt,kok papers (except the 6’tam complain somewhat bitterly U the sanitary condition of that \nd yet this is their 11 cool 4 y H nH Clifford
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  • 251 9 Ihe following are the entries for the *nang Races, which commence on 'fcbruary Jrd: First Day. iHr Mums Ri.atk.—Sbaravogue, Stai* Fairy Gold, Empreza. jk r r —Chestnut Stew,Lyddite, na k, blue*kin. "bH am»ic \p. rehitect,Sandy,Gallant, Briny, Ih'ddirte, Battenberg, Banjo. IfRiHAvK i*i*.—Kitty S*2tH>, Zoroaster ftMe, Katak $2OO, Fairy
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  • 259 9 Yesterday afternoon, at St. Andrew s Cathedral, Mr. J. Brown (of the Government Printing Office, Kuala Lumpur) was married to Miss Williamina A. H. Stratton, daughter of Capt. Stratton of the Ban Boh (hum, and as both bride and bridegroom have a great number of friends in Singapore the
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  • 218 9 This morning a representative of the Straits Times paid a brief visit to the site of the forthcoming Volunteer Camp at Plantation House, to the left-hand side of the road, just beyond the Keppel Harbour Dock. Tents were put up and a bevy of coolies were at
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  • 314 9 Kuala Lipis Jan. 22nd. Another murder is reported from the Raub district, this time a few miles from Tras. The Assistant Commissioner of Police has proceeded to investigate. Robert Lewis was brought to Raub the other day from the Kuala Lumpur gaol to stand his trial for the
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  • 2041 9 The following is the General Manager’s Report to January 10th, 1903: I beg to submit my monthly report on your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work prepared by the Mine Manager, show a total of 502 ft. for the period (4 weeks)
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    • 75 9 Admiral Nakhimoff\ Russian battleship, *,500 tons, 530 crew, 30 guns 8,000 H.p. (irand Duke Uyrill, 6th Jan. From Saigon Srd laD. Russian Consul. For Colombo. U—Rds. Sea Hells, Col. 6tr. 500 tons, 39 crew, 1.200 H.p Captain Chamberlain, 23rd Jan. From Penang, 21st Jan. Colonial Government. Unknown, U—Rds.
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    • 923 9 trrivals since Noon of Yesterdaj. Antenor Rrit. sir. 3,563 tons, Capt Bevan 26th Jan. From Hongkong, 21st Jan. G.c. and 12 d.p. \V. Mansfield A Co. For London, 30th Rds. Calypso Brit. str. 339 tons, Capt Lowry, 27th Jan. Fiom Deli, 25th Jan. G.c., and 20 d.p.
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    • 968 10 u Flag < V xsskls Namf Sr Ton** Cattain From i Sailed Consi *frs Q Rm. Jan 21 Sri i ringganu Dut str. 81 Xacodah Bagan Jan 19 Kim Hock Hoe 21 VanderCapellen str. 77.1 Leonhard Fla'* can Jan 18 Dacodels and Co. Brit str 295 T. Anson Jin
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    • 653 10 Date Vessel’s Name. Flag A Rig. Tons. Jan 21 Sirgkep B J r K h i°. SingkeplJ^JT *2 Wbitgifr, Brit str. 2913 Delaware BreakJl,** 22 Brouwer Dut Btr. 326 Djambie 23 Kian Ann Brit str. 101 Djambie 22 Vindobona Aus str. 2689 Bombay via ports 22 Resident Scliitt Dut
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 461 10 COMMON SENSE "*NUISHEU V new nifdit al work on the «;itisr* :«m »..«>sf nentlflc *n<l < ffe< fual means of «>, If cure ever <l!s<-<>\» 1 ;<>i nervous and fun«-tional debility, wa'te i>f vita.'i'y. 'iep-ession of spirits, Ac..with practu-al observations <*n marriage and full directions for removing certain disq.iali a'i"i.s
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    • 365 10 LEA PERRINS’ LEA PEHKms b-jg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Orig in si Worcestershire Sauce, they are now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the up]>er part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will bo at
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    • 210 10 m 1 1 I I I The Unisersal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. 'I nr I’hs-uian* Cure for G<»ut. Rheumatic front and frraselSatest and mo-’ Gentle Medicine ‘"f Infants, Childr»r. Delicate I emalos. and the Sickness of 3. DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA FOR OLD
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