The Straits Budget, 22 January 1903

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 72 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. K>TA3LIBHED OVER HALF A
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 22ND JANUARY.
    • 165 1 ii Uth December 19»»2, at Stami ;q<ham, London. The wife of 5 r i: h son (stillborn). f At “Ardmore," on 13th Jan. R ii Anderson, of a son. g r. Vt Blanche Cottage, Scott’s H, :.-gir«, on Jan. 14th, the wife ol S, M». kki'F.ace of a daughter.
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    • 48 1 F-'KKES.—On 11th December, at Vugusta Woodward, daughter Theodore F. Forbes, to Lieutenant UGUsTUs BisrhXm, U.S.X. i. .mi h Mess. At the Synagogue, St. U 1. London, on the 11th ult., >;r Lalkence, of Shanghai, to Wilhe- > i r'v hughter of Nathan Mess, of the ;:•> ian Trans-Siberian Railway.
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  • 210 1 Uai>:v, Articles. Fluency Fallacies. uaat. Nrw Guiae*. M. L»h blown z. Con inn-:, ial Museums Frith ..-m Criticised. l.oi al M irk( t Quotation® >hipp,ng News Fijsseaiier List. 1 ohte News. Garrison. 4 Carriage Accideut 1 5e A ssizes. 1*001 had. >hooting. Brchar i Roau Traffic, iveni.
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  • 645 1 Singapore, 22nd January, 1903. PRODUCE. Gambler sellers f 15.10 Copra Ball 9.85 do Pontianak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyers 35.12$ do White, (8%) buyers 59.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.60 do Brunei No. 1 4.25 Pearl Sago 5.90 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • 316 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. O s. a. Ballaarat. The issue of the Budget next week will be forwarded by the B. I. 8. s. Zama/iia The M. M. mail for Europe by the Laos, closed on Monday. The German and
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  • Special Telegram to the “Straits Times.”
    • 91 1 Penang 16th Jan. fc Penang race handicaps are as follow: Club HasDicap.— Klimbo 9.12, Sandy 9 5, Pawnbroker 9.1, Sweet Erina 8.10, Redcliffe 8.8, Architect 8.6, Battenberg 8.6, Banjo 7.12, Gallant 7.0. Hill Cut.—Ma—anah 10.0, Apiary 10.0, Comical 97, Carlton 9.4, Lord of the Isles 8.12, Katak 8.2.
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    • 22 1 London 13 th January. Mr. A. J. Balfour is confined to his house by a cold attended with fever.
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    • 62 1 The Novoe Vremya states that Austria and Russia have agreed to demand from the Turkish Government the carrying out of reforms in Macedonia. These reforms include the establishment of financial control over the collection of taxes, the payment of the salaries of the officials and troops, and control
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    • 63 1 Discussions between Mr. Chambeilain and the leading men in Johannesburg promise to result in a successful issue generally It is said that the imperial guaranteed loan for reproductive works in the new Colony will amount to thirty millions sterling. The Transvaal contribution to the war expenses
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    • 19 1 Mr A. J Balfour has a slight rise in temperature which necessitates his confinement to bed.
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    • 62 1 London 14 th January. Mr. Chamberlain and the leaders of the miningcommunity at Johannesburg have agreed that the war contribution to the Imperial Treasury shall be thirty, millions sterling. Furthermore, it has been agreed that the mining industry shall give a guarantee for an imperial loan
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    • 80 1 It is stated at Washington that China has suggested that, if the Powers insist on payment of the indemnity in gold, it should be allowed to collect the customs duties in gold. America replied that, having agreed to receive her share of the indemnity silver, she was unable
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    • 51 1 Mr. Chamberlain yesterday visited the mines, and conferred with the mining representatives at Johannesburg. In speaking on the labour question, he dwelt upon the difficulties and disadvantages attending the importation of labour for the mines from the countries north of the Zambesi River, or from India and
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    • 34 1 The coal famine in America is causing severe distress. At several towns in the state of Illinois, carloads of coals passing through were forcibly seized. Numerous deaths from freezing are reported.
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    • 42 1 A Russian flotilla of twenty-five vessels has been formed to protect navigation in the Amur and Ussuri Rivers against Chinese pirates, to watch the Manchurian bank of these streams and to effect speedy mobilisation in the event of war.
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    • 27 1 ItuTidjOn, 15 th Jan. The American Congress has passed at a single sitting a Bill suspending the duty on imported coal for one year.
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    • 22 1 The Crown Prince of Germany has started for St. Petersburg on a visit to the Czar.
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    • 34 1 The papers unanimously protest against the suggested importation of Chinese to the Rand. Some of them condemn the proposal outright. Others express serious misgivings should the proposal be carried out.
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    • 33 1 M. Jaures, a Socialist, has been elected Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies. This is regarded as significant of the strong position which the Socialist party is attaining in France.
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    • 27 1 Seven thousand persons perished in the recent earthquake at Andijan. The damage to property is estimated at 15 millions of roubles. Shocks continue.
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    • 17 1 The steamship Royal has arrived at Malta from Alexandria with seven cholera cases on board.
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    • 21 1 London IGM Jan Government House at Aldershot, General French’s official residence, was totally burned down yesterday morning
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    • 16 1 Major Scott Harden and sixty Boers have sailed from Durban for Somaliland.
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    • 28 1 The American liner St. Louis from Southampton is four days overdue at New York. All steamers have had stormy passages across the Atlantic.
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    • 50 1 There has been intertribal hghting outside Tangier. This led to intervention by Moorish troops to protect the hou«e of an Englishman in an outlying village, where 150 women and children had taken shelter. The troops repulsed 700 tribesmen who were attacking the village Many tribesmen were killed.
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    • 39 1 London 17 th Jan.* The French Government has decided to send a naval force to be present at the opening at Jihutil of the railway from there to Harrar, which the Emperor Menelik is expected to attend.
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    • 21 1 The Crown Prince of Germany io it fit. Petersburg where he i* visiting the Czar.
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    • 15 2 One Russian torpedo boat passed the Dard tnelles on Tuesday.
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    • 72 2 London, 18 th January. Mr. Chamberlain yesterday visited the Johannesburg Stock Exchange where he had a trcaiondous reception. Speaking from the rostrum, Mr. Chamberlain said that lie was a child in financial matters. He had heard that, th* report of his assa-si nation had dopr*ssc 1
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    • 50 2 General Lord Grenfell, at present Governor of Malta, has been appointed to command both the army corps. General Sir C. M. Clarke has been appointed Governor of Malta. Colunel Scobell is to command the first cavalry Brigade at Aldershot. Colonel Rimington commands the third cavalry brigade at the Curra^h.
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    • 77 2 ST. LOUIS SAFE. Indignation of Passengers. The St. Louis passed Nantucket yesterday evening. The St. Louis arrived at New York safely. Storms had delayed the passage The average speed was nine knots. The passengers held an indignation meeting and passed resolutions censuring the company for allowing them to embark in
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    • 41 2 The Austrian Reiehsrath adjourned at 6 p m. after a iifty-four hours’ sitting due to obstruction hv the Czechs whose tactics are imperilling the f>assage of the Austro-Hungarian arrangement for which the approval of the Austrian Parliament is requisite.
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    • 123 2 Speech at a Johannesburg Banquet. At a public banquet given in Johannesburg, Mr. Chamberlain said that the British Government must consider the interests of the Dutch as well as those ©f the British Colonists. It was intended, he stated, to 1 ay before the Imperial Parliament a Bill
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    • 24 2 The Naval Committee of the House of Representatives at Washington has ■•commended the construction of three mew battleships and one cruiser.
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    • 57 2 London 19 th January The Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer La/in, from Italy for New York with 500 faseengers on board, has gone ashore eastward of Gibraltar. The American cruiser Hartford and fear tugs have failed to refloat her. It is believed that the Lahn is in
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    • 64 2 There its a strong feeling at Johanes*burg in favour of spending the war contribution on warships. The papers agree that, though the might have furnished a larger war contribution without in any way crippling themeelvea, yet it is most important, as regards the future of
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    • 58 2 The German cruiser Panther attempted to force the entrance to the Gulf of Maracaibo. She fired on the fortress of San Carlos, but the fortress replied and foreed the PsHith#r to retire. A number of bakers at Caracas (Venezuela) have
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    • 19 2 The death is announced of M. Blowitz, the celebrated Paris correspondent of the London who lately retired.
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    • 51 2 London, Jan. 20 th The Venezuelans say that the German warship Panther tried to enter Lake Maracaibo to capture the Venezuelan warship Miranda, hence the firing on the German ship from fort San Carlos It is feared the incident may imperil the negotiations between the Powers and
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    • 36 2 The British Vice-Consul has been stoned in the streets of Fez, after dusk. The assailants, who are noted bad characters, have been arrested and punished. Tbs incident is of no importance.
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    • 11 2 THE LAHN SAFE. The German liner Lahti has been refloated undamaged.
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    • 34 2 King Edward and President Roosevelt yesterday exchanged cordial Marconi messages—the first transmitted bet ween the United States and England. Marconi himself operated the apparatus at Willlleet, Massachusetts, distant from Cornwall 3,000 miles.
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    • 19 2 Twenty-four cases of plague, including one European, have occurred at Durban. Seventeen cases have proved fatal.
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    • 16 2 Mr. Bowen, the U.S. Mi nister at Caracas, has arrived at Washington.
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  • 111 1 DEATHS. J4th December, at Shanghai- I. Auguste, of the French man■t u >i,i Hged 35 years. k -On Jsth December, at Shanghai, H' K. v\ e aged 62 years. 1; i.\ i w -Ml 29th December, at Shang- Luigi Bkknardi aged 40 ve:;r-. iiT the P. O. steamer ui nary
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    • 1004 2 (Streits Times 1 6th January.) Our correspondent, A Chinese Critic,” in his letter of yesterday, duly impressed us with a seuseof the lack of conviction that lay in the arguments set forth in the article published in the paper on Friday last; but the sympathies of the Straits
      (Streits Times, 16th January.)  -  1,004 words
    • 899 2 (BtraiU Timet 1 9th January.) Bevkrc complain tl come from the port of Herbertshohe anent the treatment of Singapore Chinese eoolies by itbe Judge representing the German Imperial authorities in that out-of-the-1 way capital of New Britain. The mails 1 to New Britain are few, and distance
      (BtraiU Timet, 19th January.)  -  899 words
    • 618 2 (Straits Times 20th January, Is the death of M. de Blowiu -.jB world has lost the most influent I journalist it has so far produced® man who never aspired to be a editor, and never was one. but a whose innate and instinctive abib*B as a journalist
      (Straits Times, 20th January,  -  618 words
    • 538 3 "frails Times 20 th January.) m may interest students of the ethics I. minerce in the East to learn tnat I mrnercial Museum, so-called, has established in the Philippines the control of the administration rc A nd -singularly enough it will at K -;ght appear—the executive head K
      "frails Times 20th January.)  -  538 words
    • 5026 3 {Strait f i Tunes 21 st January.) hKiAlli fliore or less harsh criticisms tne tiiraiu Time* were expressed letter from Mr. Kschke, H. I. G. s General at Singapore, which appeared in our correspondence columns yesterday. The fact that the letter itself was received too late to admit
      {Straitfi Tunes, 21 st January.)  -  5,026 words

  • 880 4 I The dead body of an infant, apparently about a month old, was found in a drain at Dhoby Ghaut yesterday afternoon. Mr. Allan Renny of Penang recently patented in the Straits Settlements an apparatus the object of is to provide an efficient and economical burner for
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  • 66 4 Instructions have been I the War Office tbaT Ddwara, conveying the l,' t N Manchester Regiment t0 due here about 23rd March leaving Singapore, the proceed to India and South xt"'' By the F. AO. inst., there will sail fJ Coy Q.M S. James, who e l S
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  • 91 4 The carpenters, builder* cutters in Bentong, correspondent, have their full at present to keep r.ace great demand for buildL' houses. Land is also dailv m value. Bentong has .i European parties prospecting? It is to be hoped that a little nfU’’ fortune experienced by E-nJ!!* other States
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  • 214 4 To Visit Manila. I D 0r a > S time Bridge is expected to arrive h*re Haiphong, in the Glory by two other ships. On his and the British squadron in Singapore hour will then number seven including the battleships Gbm,\ I Goliath the cruisers A 'fax
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  • 327 4 lam told, says the London eorrespji dent of the Birmingham buily l < that many millions of portraits o! ta King and Queen Alexandra have bed shipped to India for distribution darns the New Year festivals. The inter* in the local celebrations of tk Coronation is not limited
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  • Correspondence.
    • 374 5 /v/t/or of the 4 Straits Times the interport match records shooting in Singapore does V to flourish to the extent it r H'her Shanghai or Hongkong. ..,v why it were difficult to preT the climate and distance of Pettier range be taken into conrl?; jU This distance in
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  • 98 5 f of the 41 Straits Times" .'i In tiie interest ot the public, I mnk something should be done to r Hie public from the danger in i ii i Road traffic. This morning, iii»- ne coolies were demolishing .M. I property, about a quarter to >
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  • 270 5 blit or of the “Straits Times." '•k -The article on the orphans of 1 'uvent which appeared in yesters i>sue is very interesting, and it i me that as the Straits Times has 11 termer occasions been foremost in < off subscription lists in many ,t distress, it
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  • 1066 5 Alleged Cheating of a Chitty. Yesterday, before Mr. Justice Hynd-man-Jones and a jury, a case was decided in which a Chinaman was accused of attempting to cheat or cheating a Chitty. The jury, composed of one German, one Chinaman and five Eurasians, elected to retire, and ultimately returned
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  • 254 5 S. C. C. v. H. M. S. Goliath.” The above teams met yesterday at socker on the Esplanade and after a hard ding-dong game, the Club retired winners by 4 goals to nil. The ground w T as soft after the rain and against the finer points of the
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  • 332 5 The following extract from the North China Daily News evidently refers to our townsman, Mr. Wee Thiara Tew, who is now here after filling a high post at Peking: A Northern vernacular paper reports that Mr. Yuan Tien-shou, a barrister-at-law, and a British subject of Chinese
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  • 298 5 Kuala Lipis Jan. 7th. Mr. Owen has returned via Selangor from the coast, and assumed the duties of his acting appointment as District Officer, Lipis. Mr. A. Hampshire, Secretary of the Sempam Mining Company, has come in to Lipis to have a business interview with the Resident. Messrs.
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  • 509 5 Mmt. Sans Gene at the Town Hall. Owing to the fact that Mr. Frawley had omitted to herald his arrival through the ordinary medium of the press, there was only half a house to see the best show that has been in Singapore for many a long
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  • 480 5 The Sarawak Gazette in reviewing events in that State in 1902, notes a steady increase in the revenue, and the reduction of the public debt which now stands at $50,000 —$38,500 less that at the outset of the year. Pepper to the end of November last was exported
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  • 339 5 We hear two Chinese prisoners of Batu Gajah gaol escaped on the 3rd instant. It appears one of them got behind the native warder in charge and suddenly rubbed a lot of chillies into his eyes. Before the poor fellow could open his peepers again, the twain had
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  • 864 6 Observations of Oscar F. Williams, the United States Consul-General. Mr. Oscar F. Williams, the United i States Consul-General at Singapore, was < in Washington recently. Singapore i is a vast market and is a very busy 1 place," said Mr. Williams, “at the same time there is
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  • 533 6 Opinion at Hongkong. 1 The Hongkong Daily Press ot the 7th I instant publishes a report ot the I Chamber of Commerce committee J meeting there on the 23rd December j to consider the Gold Standard question, j Mr. C. B. Sharp took the chair. Ho reminded the
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  • 106 6 Motor Frightens a Pair. V estkrday afternoon M. Saire was driving a motor tricycle along Battery Road, aud when passing Mr. H. Richards' carriage and pair, the team took fright at the noise made by the motor and bolted. Opposite Watts and Co.’s premises the carriage dashed
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  • 600 6 The Telegraph steamer Uecorder leaves this afternoon. The Russian transport Petersburg left for Port Arthur at 6 30 this morning. It is currently reported that Russia is negotiating for the purchase of a Chinese island near Hongkong as a coaling station. Mr. F. A. Stephens writes to
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  • 131 6 —Malay Mail. It is reported that a steamer from Bangkok with rice on board was turned away from Port Swettenham on Sunday last partly undischarged. This would appear to indicate either that the port accommodation is already insufficient for these States, or that, owing to the Colony prohibiting
    —Malay Mail.  -  131 words
  • 255 6 A highly interesting paper on The Malay Peninsula was read, lately, at the Students’ Union of Redruth School of Mines. The past history, state divisions, governing authority, minerals, duty, agriculture, hydraulic mining, the various races and languages, the silver currency question, means of transport up country, cost
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  • Correspondence.
    • 641 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. j Sir, My letter of 6th inst. dealing, with the currency scheme of the i Singapore Chamber ol Commerce has i apparently hit the nail on the head and the elaborate attempt made by you in your long leader of
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  • 186 6 ,—Perak Pioveer. The tiger that slew an unfortunate Chinaman on the 12th Jan. at Gugup, continues at large, all attempts to poison him having failed so far. Meanwhile, matters continue as they were and the jungles bordering on that town grow denser daily. This may lead to something
    ,—Perak Pioveer.  -  186 words
  • 592 6 THEY OBJECT IO MR. hOOpp.H COURT. Traffic and to some extern n. ft have been paralyzed to-day on ar’*® j of a strike among rikisha cooli*®! previously announced, on Monday®! Mr. Hooper assumed magisterial’*®S diction over rikisha owners and l-*® and hackney carriage owners and dr-Bl This
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  • 131 6 Tanglin Club v. Teutonia ClubThe bowling last night at the 1 3:, Club resulted in the home team with 74 points. The best bo\s** ,i 5/' the match was done by Smiths bowled like a book on e\ary the event ot the evening was performance in rolling a highest
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  • 434 7 nV ayang street affair. sentences on Accused. M ppdincs in this case were resumed 1/ ,j,reme Court yesterday afterKv’ w K. Grove, C.P.O., and i tl r Howard having given their Cn as in the lower Court, one or If the accused made statements, ■V v l<> r
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  • 158 7 A ivj 31 ~tory of blood-money and i.i>i!U'SS comes troin Manila. Four m soldiers who had deserted to > insurgents had a price set upon L-ir Two of them were shot i)‘vn in action and the others were inured A negro sergeant named t '<r»n .*ut «,ff the
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  • 212 7 ha; might have proved a very jnois fire is reported from Pulo nkom It seems that just prior to her eparture the Robert Dickinson was wading oil fuel and at the same time, 2 in water from the water boat hanging to Messrs. Gaggino and Co.
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  • 415 7 The U. S. Consul-General at Marseilles says The manufacture of copra oil is nowhere so extensively carried on as at Marseilles. From 55,000 to 65,000 tons are made annually by the following concerns, principally: Rocca, Tassy and de Hoax, 22 rue Montgrand. Magnan Freres, 14 Alices
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  • 159 7 Laughing Gas to be used in Chicago Abattoirs. The big Chicago packing-houses, it is said, have humanely decided to rob death of its pangs for the oxen, sheep, and hogs that go to immolatiomin their abattoirs. Laughing gas will be administered to the animals before they meet the
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  • 130 7 The Government estimate of the Burma rice crop gives 1,900,000 tons available for export this year. This makes the shortage, after allowing for the increased area under cultivation, only some 12 per cent, less than in the past season. The Bangkok Times says, “We shall be greatly
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  • 53 7 The local branch of the Hongkong 1 and Shanghai Bank has received the following wire from the head office in Hongkong: 11 Subject to audit bank dividend 305.; aided to reserve 7i lacs dollars carried forward to next half year 14 i lacs dollars; bonus in addition
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  • 221 7 Tuesday, Jan. 27th, is the forty-fourth birthday of the German Emperor. Mr. F. Douglas Osborne has been elected President of the Kinta Gymkhana Club, and Mr. Alma Baker honorary secretary. The classes at the Convent will reopen again on Monday Jan. 19th. Parents are requested to send
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  • 66 7 The annual general meeting of the members of the Singapore Sporting Club will be held in the Exchange ou Friday January 23rd, at 5p m. The accounts show the credit balance on working account for the year to be $1,169.41. The balance of assets over liabilities (Capital
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  • 131 7 The second part of the Malay-English Dictionary by Mr. R. J. Wilkinson has just appeared, the publishers being Messrs. Kelly and Walsh. It completes the dictionary proper. But a third part still to be brought out will finish the work, by containing an index and elucidatory matter.
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  • 331 7 S.C.C. v. H.M.S. “Goliath.” A return match was played last evening on the Esplanade between the above teams and though the Navy shewed improved form, yet they retired beaten by a penalty goal to nil. The (jroliath put a much stronger team in the field than they did
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  • 866 7 STILL CONTINUING; BUT MATTERS QUIET. The strike of the rikisha coolies still continues but matters so far have been very quiet, the prompt action of the Police Authorities in placing armed guards at various points, and especially in the vicinity of the quarters where j the coolies
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  • Correspondence.
    • 165 7 To the Editor of the Straits Timex Sir, —Do you not think the limits of endurance have been reached when a community of aliens from a semii savage country —whose migration to this country means a jump from practical slavery to liberty and affluence have the impudence
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  • 598 7 Career at Bangkok and London. Mr. Morant, a former resident of Bangkok, is now Permanent Secretary of the Education Department in London. Mr. Morant after passing through a university became the master of a school in England late in the eighties. Prospects did not look very bright, but
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  • 283 8 Lr. -Colon el Fullerton R E. returned from a trip to Japan this morning The Port of Endeh, Molucca Islands, is declared to be infected on account of cholera. The notification by which Sourabaya had been declared an infected port has been withdrawn. M Valet, the Consul
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  • 41 8 The Courts at the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club, will be opened for play on Monday, 26th Jan. The February Tournament is to commeneeon Wednesday 11th Feb., entries for which close at 6 p.m. on Friday, 6th February
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  • 119 8 Messrs. F. G. Stevens, and E. E Colmari have been appointed to be cauets in the Civil Service of the Colony. The rate of exchange with the crown agents for the first quarter of this year is fixed at 1/7|. The same rate holds goods for calculating exchange
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  • 252 8 “Argonaut” v. Goliath.” A game at socker under League principles was played last night on the Recreation Club’s ground between the above teams. This League is confined to H M’s ships on the China Station and as a rule games take place in Hongkong, but, seeing both were here,
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  • 1540 8 Heavy Sentences. At the Police Court yesterday afternoon before a Bench Court consisting ot Messrs. Brockman and Wilson a ’rikisha coolie named Ong Toh Tee was charged with criminal intimidation by threatening another coolie with injury. The accused, a wild looking young barbarian, said
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  • 164 8 The Resident has gone to the Gap to meet the Resident-General, and is expected back within the week. Inspector Surgenor has gone to Kuala Lumpur and will bring back Robert Lewis who is to be tried at Raub on a charge of stealing a gun belonging to Mr.
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  • 3110 8 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, the PreBident(Mr. J. O. Anthonisz) in the chair. There were also present Messrs. Chope, Choa Giang Thye, Maclaren, and Evans; the Municipal Secretary, Mr. Polglase; and the Municipal Engineer, Mr. Peirce. President’s Statement. The President said the financial
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  • Correspondence.
    • 397 9 To the Editor of the Strait? Time*." Sir,— This afternoon about 4.40 while walking along the River Valley Road, opposite the Railway station, a syce dressed in olive green and gold braid was slowly driving a bay horse and carriage towards town by the side of him
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  • 506 9 The rikisha strike still continues, to the general discomfort of the public. A few, a very few, out of the 9,000 odd second-class licensed vehicles j are to be found plying for hire, these being drawn by coolies of decidedly below the average physique and of more
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  • 724 9 Acheen. The titular Sultan of Acheen has made his submission to the Netherlands India Government. His authority over his own people had become next door to nominal, but he represented an ancient line of sovereigns, and the headmen, who otherwise ignored him, attached weight to official recogni: i-.n
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  • 382 9 Inspector Watcham has been transferred from Penang to Singapore to take the place of the late Insp. Brennan. Mr. J. J. M. Fleur y, of the Netherlands Consulate, Singapore, who is now in Europe on leave, will be returning to Singapore in March next. H. It. H.
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  • 24 9 RESULT OP THE CORONATION STAKES. The result of the Coronation Stakes is as follows Up Guards 1 Cretonne 2 Record Reign 3.
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  • 72 9 The following is the result of the *81* monthly medal competition which took place at Batavia, on the 10th instant, and resulted in a tie Mr. Ferrier 45 2 47 Mr. Burt 45 2 17 Mr. Grieve 48 ser. 48 Mr. Schulz 51-3 48 Mr. Criswick 59-9
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  • 96 9 The usual monthly medal was played for on Saturday, the 10th inst., and resulted in a win for Dr. Fowlie with a score of 83. Scores Fowlie 83 scr. 83 Ferguson 84 scr. 84 Jones 95— 6 89 Teversham 103—14 89 Pearce 92— 2 90 Lawson 90
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  • 94 9 Tanglin Club v. Teutonia Club. This match was brought to a conclusion on Saturday night and was won by the Tanglin Club by 29 points. The scores were as follows: Tanglin Club. Tanglin Teutonia Total Southam 823 G8G 1509 Ritchie 702 G40 1342 Cunlitfe 658 678 13:16 Lane 694
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  • 212 9 The January Medal was played for •>n Saturday when the following scores were returned Ellis 38 30 —14 54 Darby 36 41 —14 63 Martin 47 39 —20 66 Salmond 39 40 —12 67 Anderson 47 45 —24 68 Sugden 46 45 —24 69 Weaver 40 39
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  • 122 9 The following passengers arrived here by the (Germain mail steamer Stuttgart yesterday:— Front Southampton Mr. A. E. Benzie and family. From Bremen Lieut. Iljalniar, F. K. Holm, Mr. Paul Frege. Major Nai Vaam. Front Genoa: Mr. C. B. Follet Mr. F. V. Bratn Henekgust, Mr. Graf Wartenherg, Mr.
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  • 49 9 Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge, on board the battleship Glory and escorted by the cruiser Talbot and despatch vessel Alacrity arrived here shortly after 3 p.m. yesterday. The ships now lid in the roads. Singapore harbour hai seldom presented a more warlike appearance than it does now.
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  • 508 10 Rational Measures. The rikisha strike is practically over, thanks to the energy displayed by the C; P. O. and his force. Yesterday morning he, Assist. Supts. athen and Chancellor and about 06 armed Sikhs and some Malay members of the force provided with batons, visited Victoria, Tringganu,
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  • 104 10 Another Royal visitor from Europe will shortly be passing through Singapore. Prince Ruprecht of Bavaria, eldest grandson ol Prince-Regent Luitpold, intends soon to make a journey round the world, accompanied by his young and lovely consort. The Royal couple will take their way to the
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  • 182 10 At the Synagogue, St. John’s Wood, London, on the 11th ult., Mr. Stuart Lauraoce, of Shanghai, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Miss Wilhelmina (Minnie) Mess, only daughter of Mr. Nathan Mess, of the Trans-Siberian Railway and late of Nagasaki, Japan. Mr. Howard Laurance, the brother
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  • 537 10 Orchestral Concert at the Town Hall. Saturday evening saw another of the Singapore Philharmonic Society’s orchestral concerts, which are now so popular a feature of musical life in Singapore. The promoters of the concert had reason to be more than satisfied with the attendance, because the rikisha
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  • 272 10 Mr. Matthew Little, of Applegarth, 5, Lyndhurst-gardens, and of John Little and Co. (Limited), 9 and 10, Pancraslane, formerly of Singapore, who died on Nov. 7 last, aged seventylive years, nominated in his will, dated May 10, 1900, as his executors Mr. Wuiiani Henry Dalgleish, of
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  • 2534 10 Home. The first Rugby international game took place on Saturday, at Swansea, between teams representing England and Wales. There was a large attendance. After the first 25 minutes play it was evident the Englishmen were outclassed, and the Welshmen had the best of the game. Throughout England was
    2,534 words
  • 253 10 On Saturday afternoon last tbe> V.l had a field day.” The idea wa«: r .i*\ a hostile force was marching on SiocB pore via Cairn Hill and was trying B cut the railway line. The attackeB under Lieut. Derrick, S.Y.A., the CbB nese companies of
    253 words
  • 159 10 Tiie report of the directors j Kinta Tin Mines, Limited, to.)un* states that the total cost of the pany’s complete hydraulic amounts to £23,841. The tin recov** by the experimental working aD;_ rent payable from the hire monitors during the two and v months previous to June
    159 words

  • 775 11 bearing the figure head Pj Kinc are now clrculat,n ,n llic has severed his con1 Vith the Straits Cycle and p \f s Head of the Postal and H r Department is to be styled B r r of Posts and Telegraphs. P-1 m iji -Yury of
    775 words
  • 174 11 The rikisha strike is practically over. This is due to the active measures adopted by the police. This morning nearly all the rikishas were out, except those at Campong Glam. The police visited this district about 7 a.m. to-day, and turned out all the coolies from Bein
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  • 315 11 THE PRINZ ALEXANDER AND BAN HIN GUAN COLLISION CASE. Judgment. Judgment in this case was delivered in the Supreme Court by Chief Justice Sir L. Cox yesterday. The plaintiffs, the owners of the Prim Alexander claimed damages amounting to $6:3,000. His Lordship, after alluding to the evidence adduced, gave judgment
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  • 302 11 Friday’s Government Gazette publishes the Municipal Engineer’s report for November. He not#>d that laterite had been deposited in Holland Road, Thomson Road, Balestier Road, Gaylang Road, Payah Lebar Road, Alexandra Road, Cavenagh Road, and Almeida Road, but could not be laid as no roller was available. Some
    302 words
  • 822 11 The Famous Tiger Hunt recalled by a Snake Capture. It was not a Product of the Bar. When the kebun watered the big potted palms that adorn the main verandah outside the dining room of Raffles Hotel at about 6 15 o’clock this morning he saw what
    822 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 580 11 AN OPEN LETTER TO “A CHINESE CRITIC. Dear Sir, —Having been absent from Singapore, I have seen for the first time to-day your letter that appeared in the Strait* Times of the 15th inst. I am sorry to see that the arguments set forth in the leader that was published
      580 words
  • 274 11 To the Editor of the Strait* Times." Sir, —In yesterday’s issue of your piper you give publicity to a complaint made by 10 Chinamen about barbarous treatment alleged to have been inflicted upon them by the authorities of German New Guinea for refusal to work on Sunday.
    274 words
  • 657 11 S.C.C. V. H.M.S. Glory.” The long looked for Rugger game between the above teams took place last night on the Esplanade before a large crowd of spectators. '1 he reputation of the Glorys had preceded thfem and the Club supporters were on tenter hooks of excitement, wondering what
    657 words
  • 151 11 If anybody doubted it, the recent enormous rise in the price of crude gutta-percha make it perfectly obvious that, taking it all round, the supply is not equal to the demand. Of course, the rise in crude gutta from about 5s 5d per lb to 98
    151 words

  • 849 12 Lipis, loth Jan. Two Mata} lunatics have been transferred from Lipis to Selangor. As there is no accommodation for them in this State, all our lunatics are sent to the Kuala Lumpur asylum; we have several of them there now. Dr. Lucy. Residency Surgeon has gone to Raub
    849 words
  • 388 12 —Malay Ma il. Before commenting on the construe- 1 tion of the Johore railway with F.M.S,; money we should like to know, i a) what arrangements have bern made as to the date of repayment. i b) how much the different Residents j cut out of the proposed
    —Malay Ma il.  -  388 words
  • 377 12 M. Sirf. has been convicted of negligently driving a motor tricycle in Battery Road and has had to pay $50. Mu. S. M. Gregory, chief accountant and auditor Federated Malay States Railways, leaves here to-day per s. s. Malacca. Yesterday afternoon there was a carriage accident in
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  • 32 12 Picked up outside Scott’s Road railway station last Saturday afternoon I don’t care a hang how wet you 1* So long an I get iny C.M.G. ‘•Port A' Starboard.
    32 words
  • 48 12 The Coronation Stakes resulted as follows Vasto, 9.11 .1 Cretone, 9.M Acetine, !).6 3 Wild Raven, 8.13 Record Reign. 8.11 Stand Urt, 8.8 Hooj* Iron, 8.7 Up Guards, 8.. r > Ailie, 8. 3 Goldsmith, 8.1 Uhillagoe, 8.0 Lochahar, 7.7 Beau Brummel, 7.«‘> Walimha, fi.l3 Wallgrove, tf.9
    48 words
  • 87 12 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Chess Club was held yesterday afternoon. Ihe Secretary s report on the year’s w'orking was adopted as presented. The credit balance shows an increase on last year. Mr. J. B. Elcum was unanimously reelected President; and the ballot resulted in
    87 words
  • 106 12 The Brough Company is due to arrive here from Calcutta on Monday, February 9th, and will present the farce Are you a Mason at the Town Hall on the evening of that day Are you a Mason has been the success of the Broughs’ Calcutta season, and
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  • 416 12 The liquidator of this Company, Mr. J. S. M. Rennie of Mr. Derrick’s office, lias recently obtained a satisfactory issue in another of the actions against members of the Company whose shares were forfeited by the dilectors for nonpayment of the last call of $5
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  • 372 12 Two Towkays Arrested. 200 Rikishas Captured. The rikisha strike is not quite over yet, although a good number of rikishas were plying for hire in town to-day. This morning early, there were very few if any rikishas out and Inspector Howard went round and asked the coolies
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  • 265 12 Chinaman Killed in Orchard Road. Not many weeks ago, this paper alluded to the great danger which exists in Singapore from the carelessness of syces leading horses in much used thoroughfares at all hours of the day. We now have to record a fatality in Orchard
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  • 214 12 For Singapore. Per P. O. 8. s. India connecting at Colombo with the steamer Malta from London Dec. 25, due 2oth Jan.—Mr. C. W. Bank. 1 er P O. s. s. Oceana connecting with the steamer Bejiga 1 at Colombo, from London Jan 8, due 8th Feb.
    214 words
  • 1117 12 Apropos of the arrival r,f m Talbot and Alacrity at Sin&U* ®f the Baie d’AlonU’in officers and men gi ?e 5 accounts of thecordial recent^* 1 ed them there and of the manner in which they during their stay of six dayst'B brother officers and
    1,117 words

  • 171 13 S. C. C. v. Navy. It intended that the Club should ieet the Glory last night at Socker,” nt somehow or other they did not turn f. and a pick up team from the Navy i port turned out instead. The Club ad the game in hand all through.
    171 words
  • 233 13 Mr. Alfred Lanyon presided at the scent annual meeting of the Seremban j Q Mining Company at Redruth -ornwall). The accounts showed 182 )ns ot tin sold at a profit of £2,598, iiich with the balance brought forgave a total available for distribu°n of £;i,657. Out of
    233 words
  • 456 13 The Daily Telegraph print* an article on the Durbar, and drosses the reasons for the willingness and pride with which so many prince* assembled to acknowledge the sovereignty of the King-Emperor. The article remarks that no bond is *o strong is a* willing service. The whole of the
    456 words
    • 258 13 Under this heading the following abbreatione are used :—str.—steamer sh.— oipjbq. —barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.— &clit; Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor Torpedo; H.p.—Horse-power; Brit.—Bri* ith; U. S. —United States; fTch. —French ier.—German; Dut.—Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Lc.—General-cargo; d.p.—deck passenger b—Uncertain T. P. W.—Taniong -Pagar Vharf; T.P.D. —Tanjong PagarDock; B.W. Borneo Wharf;
      258 words
    • 1163 13 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Awa Maru, Brit. str. 3,912 tons. Captain Trennt, 20th Jan. From London, 19th Dec. G.c. Paterson ;giraons A Co. For Japan, 21st—W. Banka Brit. str. 127 tons, Capt Backhouse 20th Jan. From Ananibasis, 19th Jan. Copra utd 11 d.p. Teo Heo Lye.
      1,163 words
    • 1501 14 5 Vxmkl’s Nams A Ton* Captain From Sail*d CoNbicNt*-. a Bia 1 i Jib i i If Warn Sang Brit str. 40’5 bayne ;KongWongjJaar 7*Boustead aod Co. 18 Benlomond n sir; 1752 |button iYokohama Dec 15 P. Simons and Co. 18 Qieolochy str. 2°97 ptallard 'Hongkong Jan 7 Boast
      1,501 words
    • 979 14 Datk. Vksski.’s Namk. Flag A Kig.j Tonf. W Deftihatiof, hBjT lT Tbuver Fc-h str. 124b Saigon i a n G Koek Dut str. Pon»ianaic 14 Van Kiebeeck str. 14"8 Sonm».*>a and Bandjermassin 18 Clam Brii str. 2311 Shanghai 14 G G Meyer Dut str. 441 Muutok aud Palembang 16
      979 words
    • 49 14 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOB ORDERS’ Flag A Date P Dwrui- ET Datb. Rio. 8hij»s Name. Captain. Sailing. From where ation. marb Jan 7iDnt 8.8. K'ing Willem HI Drinker Jan 7 Batavia Amsterdam 7Dut 8.8. Ardjoeno deBoer Amsterdam Batavia >. 1° Dot Frinsea Sophie Boomer j. Amsterdam Batavia
      49 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 499 13 I =1 IA A O Fb—m—» I I C Cl dslifhtful I piqtu&cy. I Ilrrins’ *?r Sauce bowa I cyauce vjßmc, nan, I Soups, ffe. I I TW ORIGINAL A GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. I fhfCM} Heau~ne o; v* r w;.* -.4 rj: Ccuntrfm D u LALiiR'S T M PHDSTKDYNE HAB THE
      499 words
    • 263 13 G. Otomune Co. Japanese Curios and General Store. Wholesale Retail Dealers. :o: Silver Cloisonne, Satsuma Ware, Lacquer Ware, Porcelain Ware, ORNAMENTS IN Silver, Bronze, and Antimony. Always in stock a large and varied assortment of Japanese High Class Curios and Fancy Goods. INSPECTION CORDIALLY INVITED. :o:- G. Otomune Co. 11HE
      263 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 46 14 I 9 I i liC l’liyMi'.au n Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of tfc* Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, indigestion. Soar Eructations, Bilious Affections RDS NNEF Safest and most Gentle Medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Female*, and the Sickness of Pregnancy
      46 words
    • 41 14 JAMES WATSON CO.’S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: $12-50 per eue. Duty extra. V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8 50 per case. Duty extra. outatwablb from betati. dkamcr*. or McAlister v Co SOLS AGENTS.
      41 words
    • 996 14 LI FJS’ts HAl'PlJihi When an aucient Greek r»hii asked which he considered time in a man’a life, Impromptu Spi period between the ages of forty 7 On being pressed for the reason! f him to make this selection ti... hi Mi added At forty a man, if h* i' has
      996 words