The Straits Budget, 14 January 1903

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 116 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. [SHED OVER HALF A
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  • The Straits Budget WEDNESDAY, 14TH JANUARY.
    • 134 1 I Vc Kobe, on the ISth Dec. the I Mii.i.w\HI>, ot a t*oi». I \s*n At Kobe, on the 19th Dee. the I f IH.VKMMI, of a soil. m s. At IVir PaujcAng on the 8th t mtu*' Mr. H. Lallemext of a II j: the “Manse,” Cavenagh I
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    • 106 1 I !\i'VKE.— On the 3rd January, I I»i: Jame*. Emile Smith, AssisI t‘> Aunt \Yaki>, second daughter I'*’ Mi Intyre. I \I' On •j’jnd December, at I \i K.\ E. only daughter of Mrs. I I v f 1. \rgill UlShET, ot VanI i-■»!•! >ra E.—On the 10th Jan.,
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  • 156 1 i: N Akticles. ren v Question. L aw Justice h *‘*c Liners. '•W 4^ Quotations. n »Pping S evv0 D pr List. KVws. •Orphans. in the Straits. ill r 9?*9ut Smoker. Sale. p l < C. CJ£ d l Raa S"->^.on 0 rtheBtr8,t9 vu^" way Cro in
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  • 643 1 Singapore, 14th January, 19»s. PRODUCE. Gambler 15.25 Copra Bali 9.85 do Poutianak 9.00 Pepper, Black 35.50 do White, (8%) 61.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.55 do Brunei No. 1 4.25 Pearl Sago 5.70 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 21.00 Tapioca, small
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  • 233 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the B. I. s.s. Zaida. The Budget next week will be despatched by the P. O. ss. Ballaarat. The German homeward mail by the Konig Albert closed on Monday. The mail from Europe of the 19th December by
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    • 53 1 Russian Attitude Towards a British Mission. The Novoe Vremya (St. Petersburg), commenting on Major MacMahon's mission to Seistan (on the boundary of Persia and Afghanistan) declares that private disputes between Persians and Afghans are of no concern to England and that Russia cannot witness the despatch of
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    • 38 1 Sir Arthur Lawley, Lieutenant Governor of the Transvaal Colony, gave a garden party at Pretoria in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain. Lord Milner, Generals Cronje, Botha, and Delarey were present. General Dewet was absent.
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    • 66 1 Germany Takes no Part. It is stated at Berlin that Germany recently informed Russia that she had no part in any British representations on the Dardanelles question—it being a matter in which she had no concern. It is rumoured that this action followed an inquiry addressed
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    • 59 1 There have been representative meetings of Boers —the first held since the war —at Pretoria, to discuss addresses which were to be presented to Mr. Chamberlain. General Botha and Mr. Schalkburger deprecated any acrimonious tone in the discussion. They pleaded for conciliation, and urged the
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    • 31 1 London Bth January. The Czar’s representative at the Korean jubilee celebrations conveys an invitation to the Crown Prince of Korea to visit the Russian Court.
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    • 34 1 It is believed that Austria and Italy will follow the example of Britain in the question of warships passing through the Dardanelles, but that Germany and France will hold aloof.
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    • 28 1 The United Kingdom trade returns for 1902 show that imports increased in value by seventy millions sterling, and exports three millions and-a-half compared with 1901.
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    • 19 1 The Rt. Rev. R. T. Davidson, the Bishop of Winchester, has been appointed Archbishop of Canterbury.
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    • 29 1 Bluejackets from H.M.S. Pornone and Perseus the Punjab Mounted Infantry, and the King’s African Rifles are constructing a landing stage and forts at Obbia in Italian Somaliland.
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    • 24 1 The King and the Queen will cruise in the Mediterranean early in March on board the yacht Victoria and Albert.
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    • 94 1 London Jan. 9th. Mr. Chamberlain y replying to an address presented to him by the Boer leaders, said he would have been better pleased had the address contained, besides demands, some recognition of what the British Government had already done. The
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    • 36 1 Half to Glasgow, Half to Rangoon. Mr. MacGregor, an East India merchant, has left a fortune of £150,000 —half going to the Corporation of Glasgow and half to the town of Rangoon.
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    • 56 1 Alleged Attempts on the lives of Milner and Chamberlain. All the Bourses have been affected by an extraordinary rumour that attempts had been made on the lives of Mr- Chamberlain and Lord Milner at Johannesburg. They subsequently recovered on official denials being issued of serious illness; but the
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    • 32 1 It seems probable that the arbitration of the Venezuela affair at the Hague will be abandoned; and that the dispute will be settled at a conference to be held at Washington.
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    • 95 1 London January 10 th. General Botha, giving an account of the Boer General’s mission to Europe at a meeting of Boers held in Pretoria said that the mission had yielded about X 100,000. Mr. Chamberlain, in the course of a reply to the Boer address
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    • 9 1 The Moorish Pretender has resumed the offensive.
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    • 87 1 Leaves Washington Suddenly. Dr. Von Holleben. the German ambassador at Washington, has suddenly applied for sick leave. It is generally assumed that he has been recalled for supposed want of tact. Baron Sternberg, formerly the German consul at Calcutta, a persona grata to President Roosevelt, has been appointed
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    • 61 1 Lo'ndon Wth January. While the King of Spain was returning from church on Saturday evening, at Madrid, a man fired a revolver at the second carriage. Nobody was injured. The man is a Spaniard named Feito. He is apparently insane and declares that
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    • 20 1 In the International Rugby football match on Saturday, Wales scored three goals and two tries, England one goal.
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    • 24 1 The Marconi wireless telegraphic system between England and Araerioa will be open for public use about the 20th inst
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    • 19 2 London 12th Jan. Mr. Bowen, the American Minister at Caracas (Venezuela) has sailed for Washington.
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    • 32 2 After hearing Mr Chamberlains speech at Pretoria, the Boer leaders have advised their followers to accept the situation, to refrain from making useless demands, and to co-operate with the Government.
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    • 21 2 Turkey has not yet replied to the British protest anent the passage of warsli’ps Dirough the Dardanelles
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    • 23 2 Or. Von Uoll the German Ambassaior at W asaii gton, has departed for Europe without bidding farewell to President Roosevelt.
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    • 52 2 A number of lady missionaries have left Fez for Tangier The latest information from Fez seems to foreshadow serious developments in the situation in Morocco. The Pretender to the throne is reported to have awakened from his lethargy and to be marching towards Fez, summoning followers from the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 In. i f t 4"* t:. of the Straits Timex r -The post free price h\d'i*t is SlO a year, or 40/- ary to subscribe for a year. for shorter periods are j.ortionate rate of price as h} can be sent to meet -enters from Europe. If the ‘-♦•n f
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    • 96 1 COMMON SENSE -NUTSHELL A niw medical work on the causes and moat scientific and effectual means of self cure ever discovered for nervous and functional debility, waste of vitaluy, depression of spirits, Ac., with practical observations on marriage and lull directions for removing certain disqualifications that destroy the happiness of
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  • 59 1 I DEATHS. V tlie 3Dt December, at I h:ei» Augustus Loureiro, son I K I A MLVA LouREIRO, H.M.F. i lLi a LuuiiLin• r I >rA tfoi/’t ■> at Tokv r o and Mary I n f I sdi instant, at Penang, I. i. Kni -on of Captain Dean, of
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    • 1698 2 (Strait* Times 9/// January A prominent business man of Singapore, who has devoted much time and attention, noth at home and in the East, to the study of the Currency Question, and who has gone to the trouble of consulting thereon with eminent economists in Europe, has favored
      (Strait* Times, 9/// January )  -  1,698 words
    • 752 2 (Straits Times 10//i January.) Those who have read Mr. Stanley Weyman’s charming romance, The Man iu Bla>. A*, will recall the opening scene where the youthful hero recites, inter alia that he holds th 6 rights of the justice of the high, and the justice of the
      (Straits Times, 10//i January.)  -  752 words
    • 769 2 (Straits Time* 1 'lth January.) Since the advent of the immense new American steamship, Korea on the Pacific there have been lively discussions in the China and Japan ports anent the respective merits of the Empress liners, as the Canadian Pacific boats are called, and the new Philadelphia-built
      (Straits Time*, 1 'lth January.)  -  769 words
    • 4803 2 (Straits Times V.ith January When the wind and the rain ca» ir down the other night and peeled lr roof off the small children’s donnit or} at the Convent,
      (Straits Times, V.ith January )  -  4,803 words

  • 886 4 Dr. J. Kirs and Lieut. Cox arrived this morning from Hongkong by mail. A new German Club was opened at Kennedy Road, Hongkong, on the 31st December. The Club house is said to present an attractive appearance. The Penang Band is in such a bad way financially
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  • 86 4 The following changes of official titles are published for general information: Collector of Lan i Revenue, Kinta, to be styled Assistant District Officer, Kinta. Collector of Land Revenue, Kuala Kangsar, to be 6tyled Assistant District Officer, Kuala Kangsar. Assistant District Officer and Treasurer, Kuala Kangsar, to be
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  • 113 4 The Malay Mail announces the of Mr. A. M. Barnwell, manager of Sungei Rengam Estate, which took place at Klangat 12 25 p.m.on Saturday. Mr. Barnwell originally left England for Canada and after living there for some years came to Malaya as assistant to Mr. Rendle.
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  • 152 4 The Schoolmaster of Dec. 6th contains the following letter to the Editor: Sir, —Some time ago there was reason to warn teachers against taking service in the Government schools of the Straits Settlements. I am now informed that in regard to appointments at present
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  • 138 4 Punjabis are now to be found seeking service in the Dutch Colonies. All these Punjabis, says the Calcutta Englishman go abroad to make money, and having made it they return to their land. The inflow of foreign money is probably an appreciable factor in the prosperity of
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  • 179 4 In connection with the Hanoi Exhibition, an International Shooting and Fencing Exhibition will take place from Jan. 15th to the 25th. The range to be fired at, prone or from the knee, is 275 metres (roughly speaking 300 yards). Competitors may use any kind of military rifle
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  • 350 4 The smoking concert given by the Argonauts to the men of the S.V.C., on board ship last night, was not so well attended by the Volunteers as it would have been had the weather been more favourable. However, the officers and men who did go were received
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  • 335 4 Y'esterday afternoon four Chinese and a Kiing were charged before Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox and a jury with housebreaking at one of the new shophouses in Beach Road, near Raffles Hotel. Two Japanese married women from the house gave evidence to the effect that whilst they were
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  • 853 4 The Delhi Durbar. fl The Viceroy entered Delhi i r 29th Dec. There was an gathering of people in the atr^,/' 0 "Ji balconies and roofs of hon«e« tl bewildering concourse, the pk,n 7'T Bl being thronged with women too their faces veiled. The Charubi* Bl presented a
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  • 81 4 According to a telegram, dated A York, December 26th, Britain Germany have formally protested the United States government the attitude maintained toward hemp merchants of countries the Philippine Islands. Britain Germany claim that the •United VT > is not maintaining an open »D-\ policy toward them
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 148 4 YESTERDAY’S LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co s saleroom yesterday:— Freehold residential property at Tanglin Road, fronting Mount Echo, area 5 acres 17 poles, with the European residence thereon known as Cassala,” bought by \V. Diepeuheim for $25,000. Land at Bencoolen Street, area
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  • 444 5 Kuala Lipis Jan. 3rd r HK demand for land in the Raub Ptill continues. Three more sales of town land have been 10 lots at Raub, 14 at Tras, and Hentone, respectively, and satis--1 t rv prices were obtained. At Raub unt realised was 51,265 chiefly Chinese at
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  • 613 5 Dismal Outlook. iikA/.n. controls the coffee market, »nd tne planters there mean to leave "tone unturned to capture the market altogether. Their efforts to 'his end are arousing alarm among olanters in India. This uneasiness is 'h'is voiced by the Madras Mail: —The ontinued depression in the coffee
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  • 971 5 Mr. Arthur Keyser, formerly of the F.M.S. service, has now got a consular appointment in Spain. The New Year brought with it a rise in the price of foodstuffs and liquids at Hongkong. The low dollar is blamed. Mr. Saburo Hisamidzu, the Japanese Consul, leaves for Tokyo
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  • 70 5 The following is the result of the competition for the “Sapper’s Cup,” which has just been concluded Mrs. Fowlie, 9 up} Dr. Ford, 9 up S I ’apt. Boldero. 4 up ti. G. Wilson, all even Major Winter, 1 down H. S. Xewinarch, 14 down Mrs.
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  • 70 5 The following table shows the percentage of wins, etc of the principal jockeys at the late race meeting at Kuala Lumpur: First Second Third Unplaced Smith 10 4 1 Woods 6 I I Lows by 3 10 Wool 4 4 Vincent I H 3 4 Southall 1
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  • 103 5 By kind permission of the Grand Duke and Officers of the Russian cruiser Admiral Xwihimojf, the famous band of that warship will perform during and after dinner at Raffles Hotel to-morrow evening. As well as the attractions of such charming music, the following menu has been
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  • 933 5 IYsbtsrday a particularly sensible and rational jury found the following persons guilty of breaking into a house near Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. They are to do the following periods, but as pretty well all of them have been there before many a time it will not hurt them
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  • 779 5 The Timet *ay* that it is inconceivable that a builder with anything to lose will accept the conditions connected with the building of the new Cunarder**, which are to be constructed in accordance with the company’s agreement with the Imperial Government. I'nder these conditions, independently of the
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  • 159 5 The Shanghai Times says that Prince Su, a Chinese Minister at Peking, has put on foot measures for the establisnment of a school in the Straits Settlements for instruction in the Peking dialect. Most of the Chinese which is spoken in the Straits is in
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  • 3552 6  -  (By E. Mathieu.) The Resident-General F. M. S. has just caused to be published a Report by Mr. Stanley Arden, Superintendent of Experimental Plantations, on Hevea Brasiliensis in the Malay Peninsula. 1 crave the indulgence of readers for offering the following comments
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  • 169 6 To the Editor of the “Strait* Tin*, Deak Sir, —For the benefit of Coll; Quay inhabitants and others, can u inform me if there is any redr&* against the authors of the abominahootings frequently made by launch and steamers lying near the shore This morning a pestilentially
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  • 294 6 Au Exciting Incident. The Japanese schooner Chitose Jbr recently sailed away on a sealiu expedition. She was one of the Hakodate fleet. Word has just come by a roundabout way, of startling happenings that fell to the lot of her crew in April last, says the
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  • 625 6 Mb. Burl Agnew, a well knovi American photographer, has arrive in Singapore, and joined Messrs. Wilson and Co. There is joy in the ranks of tu Cadet Corps, for their carbines ha** arrived and are now being unpacked jthe Drill Hall. The U. S. Quartermaster steam*Trenton was
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  • 144 7 V h.> r KKii a afternoon before Mr. •stive Hyndinan-Jones and a jury, .mi Buang was charged with duntarily causing grievous hurt to i'. jther coolie on Nov. Brd. The affair 'c out of a row respecting a boat di accused wanted moved. There t‘ a linht during
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  • 208 7 t h V- <«. Atkinson, the District er at .lesseiton in British North •lied there suddenly of heart following an attack of fever on 4<i n December. Mr. Atkinson was a tlie Rev. K. H. Atkinson of was born in 1«74 and educated Victoria College, Jersey.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 353 7 To tlce Editor of the Strait* Times. 1 Sir, —I shall be glad if you will allow me to communicate to the public through the medium of your columns my sense of the extreme importance of the officials in the charge of the Singapore-Kranji Railway taking better
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  • 746 7 Expected to Arrive from China. The British warships Glory Goliath Talftot and Alacrity are expected to arrive from Hongkong either this afternoon or to-morrow morning early. The first named is the flagship of the Admiral of the China Squadron, Sir Cyprian Bridge. Following is a list of the
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  • 692 7 The Governor of British North Borneo has just been touring on the east coast of that Territory. H. E. published a journal of the trip in the B. A. B. Herald. The following extracts will show what struck the Governor most in his travels The scenery on
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  • 660 7 Lipis, Jan sth. The holidays in Lipis passed off as quietly as usual. On Christmas night there was a dinner party at the Residency, and on the 31st a few met at Mr. Stokoes and saw the New Year in. The weather was wet the whole time. Mr.
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  • 59 7 Mr. W. Peacock has been appointed acting District Officer at Christmas Island, Mr. Clayton having gone home on leave. Mr. Peacock’s appointment dates from the 29th ult. Dr. Mugiiston, on return from leave, has resumed the duties of Colonial Surgeon, Penang, and his name has been added to
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  • 108 7 Hundreds Die. Cholera is raging in Mindanao, a large island in the Southern Philippines among the Moros or Mahommedan islanders, who are swept away in hundreds owing to their neglect of sanitary precautions especially as to water. The charge is made by many Moros that the Americans
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  • 894 7 {From a Japanese Correspondent.) Tokyo 21 st Decemiier. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince Maha Vajiravudh of Siam, arrived at Yokohama on the 16th inst. and immediately came up to Tokyo, putting up at the Shiba Detached Palace, which has been placed at his disposal. Some leading papers
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  • 486 8 The doubts of the titular Sultan of Aeheen’s death have been justified by news that a letter from him has been received by the Governor of Acheen. In this letter the Sultan has offered his submission. The Governor of Acheen has gone to meet him. The Sultan is
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  • 239 8 Raffles Hotel never saw a better, a happier, and a more representative gathering than on Saturday evening when the Russian battleship, Admiral Nachimoffj sent its band on shore to play at the caravanserai, and despite the lowering weather, a crowd seldom equalled gathered at Raffles. Mr. “Joe
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  • 1784 8 “H. E. B. n contributes the following to the Field It was scarcely a month after my arrival that I had news of a tiger which had been seen prowling about at dusk not far from my quarters. I used to go out every evening
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  • 481 8 The U.S.S. Buffalo is due here within the next few days. Bangkok commenced its race-meet-ing on the 7th instant. There seven events, all for Siamese ponies. £ntrie8 for the first day of Penang Races—except the Maiden Plate—close at noon on Thursday next. Sbrot. Curtain and E.P.C.’s Coleman
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  • 170 8 At the opening of the Penang Assize on Tuesday, a murder case in which a Chinaman was the accused party came up. It had been twice tried at the previous Assize, the jury disagreeing in both cases. Mr. BromheadMatthews, the Acting Solicitor-General, upon the prisoner being placed in
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  • 222 8 Arrival of the Goliath.” The British battleship Goliath arrived on {Saturday evening. The Glory Talbot and Alacrity were expected at the same time but they have not yet appeared. We are officially informed that they will be here on {Sunday next. The squadron left Hongkong on the 5th
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  • 1263 8 London, Wh Dtotnl^' The annual general meeting 0 f th Duff Syndicate, Limited was held at Winchester House day, when the report and states', of accounts were submitted Vi* from the back of the Hall one imagine that a Singapore Club was going on. Familiar faces
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  • 282 9 Mealing from Tanjong Pagar. in> morning at the Assizes, before isrice Hyndman-Jones and a jury, r Chinamen were charged with two large cases, containing Messrs. Brinkmann and Co. :r n i ie 1 anjong i’agar Dock, by means ,l a cart note. Mr. Cox, the N| erintendent of
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  • 1968 9 British North Borneo Co. The 40th half-yearly meeting of the British North Borneo Company was held on Dec. 16th under the presidency of Mr. Richard B. Martin, M P. who reminded the shareholders that 12 months ago he-told them that they estimated the revenue for the current year
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  • 560 9 A Zealous Police Officer Succumbs to Smallpox. At five o’clock yesterday rooming, Detective Inspector Brennan, of the Singapore Police Force, died of smallpox at the General Hospital at the age of 38. He took ill on Friday morning, and was sent to Hospital on Saturday afternoon,
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  • 145 9 The children at Blakan Mati had high times Saturday night last, when a Christmas Tree entertainment was given to the families and children on the island. After a splendid tea, which was thoroughly enjoyed, a toy was presented to each child by Mrs. Wynne, who
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  • 2382 9 Delhi Durbar. t Tbe proclamation of the King at the Delhi j Durbar on 1st January is described as a spectacle long to be remembered in the annals of the Indian Empire. There was a brilliant gathering of Princes, Chiefs, and representa* I tives of the peoples of
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  • 285 10 Some Barmans who arrived at Bangkok recently from Boh Phailin, says the Siam Observer, relate how a Lao* villager wiio went out on an evening, a few Jays ago, to shoot wild animals that is deer, bear, elk, etc. —encountered a tiger. The usual way of
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  • 411 10 The import and export trade figures of the Philippine Archipelago for the twelve months ending June 1902, about to be published by the Bureau of Insular Affairs of the U. S. War Department, in connection with returns for the two preceding years and complete statistics from
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  • 1373 10 An inmate of the pauper hospital hanged himself yesterday. H. M S. Ooliaih went to coal at Tanjong Pagar at daylight this morning. The French Senatorial elections have resulted in a gain to the Ministerialist s of eleven votes. Du. S. C .G. Fox on his return
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  • 145 10 This morning 104 Malays and Lascars embarked on board the s.s. Aparima bound for Dunedin, New Zealand, where they are to go aboard three vessels of the Union Shipping Company of New Zealand as seamen and stokers. The three vessels, of which the Waihora
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  • 105 10 Mr. J. R. Nicholson, the ne* ging director of the Tan ion, M Dock Co, arrived from home* r P. &O. Coromandel on Sunday 1 Mr. Nicholson, who was accord by Mrs. Nicholson, was wharf by Mr. J. Anderson ff h? 1 of the Company), Mr.
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  • 185 10 WHERE, OH WHERE CAN IT BE?’ We have it on the authority 0 .1 Sporting Times (mera) that the interesting, if somewhat C ab"S notice is posted in a club in t East. The time schedule and" *1 names are alike alien to Sinsa r -9 but some of those
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  • 464 10 Description of the Race. The Englishman of Dec. *27tkgive the following description by its sportii: correspondent of the race for tk Viceroy’s Cup, which was won ci Vasto: Goldsmith at once went to the from attended by Tubal Cain, the res: u compact order. After the quarter
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  • 126 11 I ijf<nr for the President’s Cup. I B V howling handicap for the I T: nt Cup at. the Tanglin Club iTcincluded on Saturday, with the ?T-«inc result W‘ l]0 743-r ISO 923 I t»* 794 acr. =794 I ‘6*20+170=790 I v 684 90 774 I 4l
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  • 309 11 s c.c. V. H.M.S. Goliath.” I' j> ;-by game was played last lj on tlie Esplanade, before a H ,u i of spectators, t tie contesB 1 \xuij. the S.C.C. and a fifteen ..[tHjiaUi. The Club kicked oft* »ne lirst five minutes play was JB i to trie
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  • 345 11 Robbery at Tanjong Pagar. i k~tekday afternoon the hearing of •ic harge against Tan Gwee Hiang, a ia Cuan W’liatt and Lim Hok Seng, stealing two cases of goods, value v from the Tanjong Pagar Dock j s premises at Keppel Harbour on t -1st, was resumed. Mr.
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  • 513 11 Campong Sambu Again. Before Mr. Wilson at the Police Court this morning, Chief Sanitary Inspector MayhewprosecutedtwoKlings for failing to report cases of small-pox from Campong Sambu. He stated that on November 20th a Kling was found at the roadside in Neil Road suffering from small-pox. The man
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  • 153 11 For Singapore. Per P. A O. s. s. India connecting at Colombo with the 9teamer Molt i from London Dec. 26, due 25th Jan. —Mr. C. W. Bank. Per P. A 0. 9. s. Oceana connecting with the gteamer Bengal at Colombo, from London Jan 8, due
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  • 157 11 Calcutta via ports, Purnea on 12th Jan Boustead. Penang and Calcutta, Namsang due 12th Jan., Boustead. Seattle via ports, Pakling, due 15th Jan., Mansfield. Odessa via ports, Kostroma due 25th R.V.F. J Odessa via ports, Tambov end of Jan R V.F. East Coast ports. Ban Whatt
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  • 977 11 Acceptance ha* been received, through the President of Argentina, of the conditions named by President Hanbury, of the Board of Agriculture, under which Argentine catUe may he imported into England. These conditions were that Argentina should adopt the British Disease of Animals Act, and prohibit the removal of
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    • 174 11 Under this heading the following abb re» Nations are used —Btr.—steamer sh.— •hip;bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.— facht; Urn.—Cruiser; Qbt—Gunboat; Tor. -Torpedo; Hj).—Horse-power: Brit.—British U. 8.—United States; Fen.—French; ler.—German; Dut.—Dutch; Joh.—Johore; lx.—General-cargo; d.p.-deck passenger; 7.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tamong Pagar Vharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B.W. -Borneo Wharf; J. W. —Jardine’s
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    • 1402 11 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Banka, Brit. str. 127 tons, Capt Backhouse .8th Jan. From Natunas Is, 11th Jan. Copra and 14 dLp. Teo Heo Lye. Unknown U—Rds. Ban Whatt Soon, Brit. str. 199 tons, Capt Rowse, 13th Jan. From Pontianak, 10th Jan. G.c., and 22 d.p.
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    • 984 12 T fUfc I 5 VzHokL'e Name s lon> Captain Fkom Bailed. Consignees. a i Kio. Jan 7 Newton Hall Brit str 2675 j Hostler Barry Nov 29* 7 Giang Bee str. 1198 Dunlop Samaraog Jan 6T. K. Xian Co. Ltd. iChwn Shan str. 1282 Jenkins Amoy Jan 1 Guthrie
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    • 594 12 I I Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag A Rig.; Tons. Destination. Jan 8 Bjornt Nor str. 722 Rangoon 8 Brouwer Dut str, 381 Djambie 8 Van der Parra str. 826 Deli via ports 8 Singkep str. 95 Pulo Saraboe, Rhio A Singkep 8 Batavier Brit str. 216 Polu Laut and
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 ENGLISH NURSE, at present in Java, desires situation with family returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, c/’o Straits Times. SCHWEITZER’S The Best i Purest COCOA. Now especially packed in double-lidded ice ensurig freshness for y ears, in all climants. DURABLE AMD AOOURATE Tkc Kctumc Watch Cate C*. mm im>
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 204 12 DINNEFORD The Universal Remedy for Acidity o: :u Stomach. Headache. Ileartourn, Indigestion. Sour Eructations, Biiio’i* Affection* Tfte Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Safest and most Gentle Medicine for Infants. Children. Delicate Female*, and the Sinknets ol Pregnancy. DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA A A m ■ii'i T O M KAKB8 TI
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    • 358 12 c .m >t. v j Messrs. LEA PERRINS beg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Original Worcestershire Sauce, they are now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the seme will
      358 words
    • 877 12 A Ran'.edy for all Snperoai ng Biteer Appte. 1 Sold bjf Singapore Dispensing Cn Rafties Place, Singaporl. Prop; i«:or MARTI*. SOITHAMPTON, EVl| THE IjEWFREHCHREiItj Thi* successful and highly ponolar remedy Continental Hospitals by Ricord, Rostan 1,L1*5.' and others, combines all the desiderata to t> ’*>* medicine of the kind, and
      877 words