The Straits Budget, 8 January 1903

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 121 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the VPhilippines, and French Indo-China. Established over Half a
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 8TH JANUARY.
    • 116 1 i’ r.;. —Un the 2nd inst., at ('astor *\W\ i;oad, the wife of H. Pof.l, of a son. htORAY.—On the 10th Dec., at Shanghai, wife of Harrv Dk Gray, of a son. < h< m.son.— At Singapore, on January sth, >• .i aptain jW. C\ Nicholson* 3rd l 1.
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    • 197 1 mi \j.i i r \ss —Turn hull. —In the Pres by-v;-n Church, Singapore, on Dec. 24th, 1902, ytiie Rev. S. S. Walker, M.A., Assisted by i*- Lt-v. W. Murray, M.A.. Geoboe, son of ii>* Ute Robert Shallcrass of Nelson, New to Jean IE Kyle, daughter of the :<te ».eorge
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  • 176 1 U&biNc, Articles. ThI Year, ear 1902.* BhtiSyP Injustice. Ly A Borneo. Market Quotations. Yapping News. List. News. Property in 1902 Golliaion Case. Currency Question. The lire on the Yindovvau De Lucchi'a Case. The New Year Sports. Bing&pore-Kranji Railway Revelations. Share Market. Old Year out, New’ Year in.
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  • 651 1 Singapore, Bth January, 1903 PRODUCE. Garabier buyers 15.00 Copra Bali 9.60 do Pontianak 9.00 Pepper, Black buyers 36.50 do White, (8%) 61.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.50 do Brunei No. 1 4.25 Pearl Sago 5.80 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 ~21.00
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  • 294 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the P. &0. s.s. Valetta. The next issue of the Budget will be forwarded by the B. I. s. s. Zaida on Wednesday. The M.M. mail for Europe by the Tonkin closed on Saturday. The mail from Europe
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  • 38 1 Calcutta, Dec. 27th. H. H. the Sultan of Johore’s black A ustralian gelding Carrara has won the Grand Annual Hurdle Race at Calcutta. She carried list. 4lbs. It was a grand race.
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    • 16 1 Ijcndon 30th Dec. The Foreign Office has appointed a commercial agent at Vladivostock.
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    • 32 1 Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Pietermaritzburg, urged all his hearers to rise to feelings of higher imperial patriotism to bear each other’s responsibilities as well as to enjoy mutual privileges.
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    • 22 1 The Government is endeavouring to secure General Viljoen to command the Boer contingent for service in Somaliland.
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    • 65 1 The rebels have cut the aqueduct to the city of Fez, which is now waterless. The city is expected to surrender in three days' time. The Sultan attempted to break out of the city, but was driven back. The hostility of the populace
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    • 40 1 lst January. The King of Saxony has appointed a court of seven judges to try the conjugal differences between the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of that Kingdom. The Crown Prince has entered a petition for divorce.
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    • 48 1 The British Consul at Hankow, in the Yangtse Valley, has notified to the foreign missionaries in the Hsianfu region that they must be prepared to leave their stations if necessary. He also recommends them to send their women and children to a place of safety.
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    • 27 1 Two European inspectors [prospectors have been brutally murdered by natives in [British] New Guinea. It is feared that other murders will take place.
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    • 32 1 The semi-official papers'in Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, while betraying much uneasiness as regards Morocco wherein all their jealousies centre, hope that no cause for foreign intervention will arise.
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    • 80 1 Mr. Chamberlain, who has been emphasizing the obligations of the Colonies to the Motherland, announced at a banquet at Pietermaritzburg, yesterday evening, that Natal had foregone her war claim of two million pounds sterling against Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain have left Pietermaritzburg. Mr. Chamberlain
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    • 24 1 One hundred Boers equipped as the mounted company of a rifle corps will sail from Cape Town for Somaliland this week.
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    • 22 1 The revenue of the United Kingdom for the last quarter of 1902 shews an increase of X 181,023.
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    • 24 1 The United States Government has decided to accept the second instalment of the Chinese Indemnity on a silver basis.
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    • 43 1 The King was proclaimed at the Delhi Durbar, amid stupendous scenes of magnificence and pomp. There were 15,000 persons present. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed. The Durbar Honours bestowed upon Lady Curzon for public service in India include the Kaisar-i-Hind gold medal.
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    • 48 1 London, 2nd January. Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at Ladysmith, referred to,the tragic yet glorious memory of the'siege. He expressed the hope that peace would be lasting and permanent, and that those who formerly were enemiee would be ready to grasp the hand extended to them.
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    • 38 1 The newspapers dwell upon the pro* found and wide-reaching significance of the Delhi Durbar, and declare thjft Lord Curzon is to be most heartily congratulated on the success of that colossal project.
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    • 21 1 The San Francisco-Honolulu section of the American Pacific cable is completed. Capt. Cobbold accompanies Colonel Rochfort to Berbera.
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    • 30 1 Thence they will proceed to meet Ras Makonnen at Harrar; and from the latter place it is proposed that the Abyssinians shall march against the Somalis.
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    • 42 1 The leader of the Morocco rebels declares that he is fighting to enthrone Muley Mohammed, the Sultan’s elder brother, who was imprisoned at the present Sultan’s accession. Lack of provisions has compelled the rebels to raise the siege of Fez
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    • 79 1 London 3rd Jam. Lord Curzon, at the State banquet at Delhi, dwelt upon the stirring spectacle presented by the Durbar as a token of the consolidation and pacification of India under British rule 9 He next pointed to the peaceful &ad» amicable relations of India
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    • 10 1 Mr. Chamberlain has visited Spic nftpp.
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    • 50 2 Ijon/fon, 4th January. The blockading squadron yesterday seized all Venezuelan vessels in the inner harbour of Puerto Cabello, occupying the wharves during the operation Forty Venezuelan vessels had been ired hitherto. T 1 e Germans have seized the custom qpu e at Puerto Cabello
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    • 59 2 A letter from tn<* Sultan of Morocco was read in the mosque at Tangiers on the 24th December. The Sultan admitted his defeat and promised to pun sh the rebels soon. It is stated that Muley Mohamed .eft Fez on the 27th December in command
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    • 64 2 Mr. Chamberlein and party travelled up the Natal Railway to Charlestown. Lord Miln er joined the train at Charlestown. The meeting of the two statesmen was most cordial. Mr. Chamberlain left the train at Volksrust. There he held an informal reception in the waiting
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    • 15 2 Three volcanoes are in active eruption in Nicaragua, and live in Chile.
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    • 70 2 London, Jan. oth. The election at Newmarket resulted as follows: Mr. C. D. Rose, Liberal, 4414 votes. Mr Leonard Brassey Unionist, 3907 votes. This is a gain for the Liberals. The Liberals throughout the Kingdom are jubilant at the Newmarket victory, which they regard, in conjunction
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    • 22 2 The Sultan of Morocco has astutely effected a public reconciliation with his brother and has appointed him Governor of Fez.
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    • 39 2 It is reported in New York that President Castro, of Venezuela, is in desperate plight, what with an empty treasury and approaching insurgents. It is said that he ha 9 abiicated. or is about to do so.
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    • 24 2 It is announced at St. Petersburg that the restoration to China of the imperial palaces at Mukden (Manchuria) began on Jau. 3rd.
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    • 26 2 The German navy estimates show an increase of eight million marks, and the army estimates a decrease of live million marks.
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    • 37 2 The King of Saxony is critically ill. [The present King, George, only succeeded the throne oi Saxony in dune last, on the death of his brother, King Albert, who had reigned since 1873.)
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    • 39 2 Mr. B rod rick, tbe Secretary of State tor War, wa9 married yesterday (Monday) to Miss Madeleine Stanley, daughter of Lady Jeune. Mr. Balfour, the Premier, was best man. The wedding was a great social function.
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    • 30 2 Sir Thomas Sutherland, chairman of tlfe P *fc O. Co., has been appointed Sfcillor Vice-President of the Suez Canal Company, in succession to Sir John Stokes, deceased.
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    • 30 2 London, 6th January. Viscount Downe has been appointed head of the mission to take to the Bhah of Persia the insignia of the Order of the Oarter.
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    • 59 2 M.C. C. Committee Approves Widening of Stumps. The committee of the Marylebone Cricket Club has approved of the proposal for widening the wicket by an inch, and has decided to ascertain the views ot all the county cricket clubs, and of the Australian and Philadelphian authorities before submitting
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    • 17 2 Admiral Bedford has been appointed Governor of the State of Western Australia
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    • 61 2 Russian Warships in the Dardanelles. The British embassy at Constant inople has presented to the Turkish Government a formal protest against the passage of four Russian destroyers through the Dardanelles, in September last. The protest declares that such passage was a breach of international treaties;
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 The past free price of the Straits Times 1 1 84 a year, or 68/-. The post free price f the Straits Budget is $2O a year, or 40/t is not necessary to subscribe for a year, he subscriptions for shorter periods are t the same proportionate rate of price
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    • 20 1 ENGLISH NURSE, at present in Java, desires situation with family returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, cio Straits Times
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  • 105 1 DEATHS. Kiv..—t n the 23rd Dec-., at Hongkong, the dearly beloved wife of G. J. King* aged 45 years. I’*''.T<*v—On the 11th Dee., at Foochow, W' ii i.iam Pitcairn* G Alton, aged t>3 yearn. t1 1 v^kell. —On the 27th December, at Rachel, the wife of Pwm H a-'Kei.l, aped
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  • 1413 2 (Straits Time?, 31 st December.) Imports. —The year now closing has been unsatisfactory whether viewed from the standpoint of the importing merchant or of the Chinese dealer. Violent fluctuations in Exchange have unsettled the market at various times during the year, and though the
    (Straits Time?, 31 st December.)  -  1,413 words
  • 2918 2 Administration. The main event of the year was the appointment in November ot a Commission at London to inquire into the expediency of putting the Cuijency of the Colony on a gold basis, owing to the steady fall in silver values. The Chambers
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  • 593 3 (Straits Times, 6th January.) The dismissal of the charge against the two Americans, Messrs. Hopkins and Grossmayer, and the comment by the Magistrate, Mr. Brockman, that their arrest was seemingly due to an unfortunate mistake, was a happy termination to one of the moat miserable Christmas holidays
    (Straits Times, 6th January.)  -  593 words
  • 2976 3 (Straits Times 7th January We greatly regret that H. E. the Governor of North Borneo should imagine that the Straits Times —or for that matter anybody in these Settlements, or the Native States—regarded him as being in the remotest measure responsible for the yoke of varying misery
    (Straits Times, 7th January.)|  -  2,976 words

  • 528 4 New Year’s motto for the telephone girl— 44 Ring off the old, ring on the new! Mr. G. F. Witton has brought out a Manila and Philippines 1 Directory. The work is arranged in eight sections. e i. We understand that the Straits Cycle Agency has been
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  • 93 4 Both the Province and the Perak railways show a marked increase of traffic for the eleven months ending November 30th. They have carried over 300,000 more passengers than last year (thanks to extension) and have earned over $300,000 additional revenue. Congratulations all round. Perak is the only State
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  • 106 4 It is with deep that we (Kobe Herald) learn that news has been received of the death of Captain George W. Conner, who died from heart disease at San Jose, California. No more popular commander ever trod the deck of a steamer in Asiatic waters, and
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  • 147 4 This morning, Alfredo De Lucchi was again brought before Mr. Marriott'. Mr/ Innes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, said that all the evidence for the prosecution had been put in except that of a hotel keeper at Penang, and this witness was not present, having raised the question
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  • 2247 4  -  Conn Fitzgerald. The alterations had been duly completed. the stores ordered, the water barrel filled, and all was in readiness for a start when at the last moment, Omar, crew and cook of the good ship showed unmistakeable signs of a bad attack of fever and as
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  • 440 5 Mr H A Burgess, district officer iemerloh, to act as District Officer, New Territory. Mr. C. E. M. Desborough, ircuit magistrate, Selangor, to act as i-'istant district officer, Kinta. —Mr. \V h. Maxwell, second assistant disri.t Officer, Larut, is transferred for service in another State. Mr. Maxwell rue
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  • 144 5 The outbreak of fire on the Austrian steamer Vindobona seems to have been more serious than was at first anticipated. The Vindobona it will be remembered, arrived here on Christmas Day from Hongkong and on opening the hold on the following day flames suddenly shot
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  • 634 5 Scene in Court. JERRY-building is common at Hongkong, and collapses of houses, often with fatal results, are of frequent occurrence there. On the 22nd instant two Chinese contractors were arraigned before the Hongkong Supreme Court for causing the death of a boy in connection with a house
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  • 2400 5 VIEWS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Letter to the Government. The Secretary of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce has furnished us, for publication, with the following letter addressed on 17th December to Government, on the subject of Fixity of Exchange for the Colony, so that members and the
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  • 3262 6 The position and prospects of land and house property in Singapore at the close of 1902 may be considered exceedingly satisfactory. At the beginning of the year many who were interested in real estate believed there would be a falling ofl in transactions, that
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  • 170 6 Mb. R. Liddelow, an old resident of the Straits, who has been out here off and on for over thirty years, was drowned in the river Ledo —a tributary of the Big Sambas river—about seventy miles from Sambas, Dutch Borneo, about three weeks ago. Mr. Liddelow who has
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  • 1275 6 Owners of M Prins Alexander” Owners of Ban Hin Guan.” On proceedings in this case W resumed before the Chief Justice aft> the adjournment for luncheon y e t f day, Mat bin Ismael, one of tt quartermasters of the Pnns examined by Mr. Braddell, ea t
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  • 453 7 l o-ir summary of the racing at the ot last meeting, commenting upon I 'iuith a riuing -5 fit sis, 5 seconds and c th o it «>f 12 events —we said that ::i* was probably a record for the traits But now, a Mr. Gresson having
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  • 657 7 Messrs. P. T. Allen, H. S. Sercom, and M. B. Shelley have been appointed Cadet8 in Selangor. Mr. George Maxwell has proceeded to Selangor, from Perak, in the capacity of Acting Senior Magistrate. It is reported that the Pera k Chamber of Mines is in favour of
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  • 81 7 Latham Co’s share report, issued on Wednesday, is to the following effect: Owing to intervening holidays there has been very little business doing, and our market continues dull. Tanjong Pagars are still advancing and are in demand at S320 without bringing out sellers. Howarth Erakines have been
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  • 251 7 Correspondence. THE VINDOBONA.” To the Editor of the Straits Times” Sir, —May I request you to be good enough to let me convey, through the medium of your well-esteemed journal, my best thanks to the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, Ltd. as also to the undermentioned gentlemen, who have been, each
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  • 1334 7 (By Our Special CorrespomhiO The British Colonial Exhibits. The exhibits from the Straits and Borneo have been placed near the end of the semi-circular building and between the pavilions devoted to Siam and the Philippine Islands. But unfortunately the space allowed for the British Colonies has been
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  • 912 7 Owners of Prlns Alexander vs. Owners of *< Ban Hln (Juan.” On proceedings in this suit being resumed on Wednesday afternoon the Malay steersman of the Ban Hin Guan was called. In reply to Mr. Fort he stated that he had just gone off watch and below
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  • 1133 8 A Trip to Bukit Timah, via Newton and Cluny. Ok the morning of Monday, April 16th, 1900, in dismal weather, a small band of local notables assembled on the tgreensward at Tank Road and in their presence the then Acting Governor, Sir
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  • 630 8 Venezuela. Lord Latisdowne, speaking in the House of Common*, said the Government had received through the Cnited States a Venezuelan proposal for arbitration on the manner of settling the claims. The Government was considering the matter. The Government had addressed to Venezuela three solemn warnings in June and
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  • 1803 8 In accordance with long standing custom, Singapore heralded January 1st, 1903, with a public holiday; but this New Year’s Day differed from its predecessors in several respects. Firstly, it saw the opening to public traffic of the Singapore-Kranji Railway, as far as the Bukit Timah Station. This
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  • 350 8 The Southern Philippine i.i known by the name of Paragua or p'l wan is now coming into prominp* 1 Captain William A Phillips, of the island, in speaking of the coJI tions states that probably no par 1 the archipelago offers more to capital than does Paragua.
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  • 346 8 The British transport Clire left fo Calcutta at 3. 45. p. m. yesterday The outlay on the Singapore- Kran railway up to Nov. 30th last wa51,562, 392. The Governor has sanctioned the Singapore Municipal Estimates for 1903. There is a light calendar for the coming Assizes —only
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  • 47 9 -idditional donations to the I L ?\f Tan Took Seng’s Hospital R r J si i-ook. Chop Hin Yoon, S5OO Thong Cheong and Chop v Ta Tham Heng Wan, r iir Tai Sbung, S5O; Fuk Heng I I.eong Thong Fuk, »30. I :T
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  • 46 9 I from Dec. 15th to Dec. E Ch j* E 7 Pa Kiev (Orphanage Fund). .|50 I T We-terhout (Xmas Tree and I 30 I*.; Via-ke (Xmas Fete).. ..15 urplianagei ..5 (do.) 5 l ra Women s Temperance Society f (mas Tree) 10
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  • 67 9 j cordance with the desires of the I ore Merchant Service Guild the I ng firms have agreed to pay t*e: officers 4:17 10s. per month and A officers 4*13 per month, the li to be calculated at the rate I iitily in the Harbour Master’s
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  • 559 9 H ns Sew Year's Eve, the non-comt f Uoyul Engineers stationed as B- Brani held a “Social.” The B( -.:tee had secured the use of the of the Pulo Brani Club which Bi-" >ry tastefully decorated with E Va Chinese lanterns, the latter E"
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  • 403 9 A number of irreconcilable Boer prisoners in Ceylon, about sixty or so, have asked permission to settle settle down in Java. The Government of that island has raised no difficulties against the idea. Their arrival at Batavia is shortly expected. It is intended to offer them a piece
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  • 243 9 KIAN YANG COLLISION. Boon San II Solely Responsible. The Government Gazette contains the finding of the Marine Court of Enquiry to investigate the circumstances attending the collision between the Kian Yang and the Boon San 11, off Pulau Pisang on Nov. doth last, when the Kian Yung was sunk and
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  • 77 9 The P. and O. intermediate steamer Ceylon arrived from London this morning with Admiral Sir. H. Keppel on board and went alongside the P. and O. wharf. Mr. C. B. Buckley, Mr. C. Stringer, Capt. Boldero (Acting Master Attendant), and a few others were down at the wharf
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  • 80 9 List of departures per s.s. Bayern which sailed 29th December, 1902. I. Class. —Mr. P. R. Goedkoop to Genoa, Mr. Comte de SuflTen to Colombo, Mr. J. de Commaille to Genoa, Dr. Richard Math Salcher to Penang, Mr. T. Graham Gribble to Genoa, Mr. Ahlers to
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  • 386 9 Owners of “Prins Alexander*' vs. Owners of “Ban Hin Quan." Proceedings in this case were resumed yesterday before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox. Andrew Sherwin Busk, master mariner, in reply to Mr. Braddell, stated that he had held a master’s certificate since 1878 and had since
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  • 1122 9 The Portuguese gunboat Zaire left for Goa at 6.30 this morning, Mr. Griscom, the new U.S. Minister to Tokyo, is a son of the President of Morgan’s Atlantic Combine. 4— Mr John Rochfort, a well known licensed surveyor in Selangor, died at Kuala Lumpur on the 18th
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  • 103 9 Admiral Kippel is still staying at Raffles. He is, we regret to hear, not by any means recovered from his recent illness. On Saturday afternoon last Mr. Buckley’s children’s play was reproduced to allow the parents and friends of the youngsters taking part to have an opportunity of
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  • 122 9 The Viceroy’s Cup race on the 24th Dec. was a complete upset for punters and backers. The following was the result: Mr. Galstaun’s Vasto, 9, Hoyte I Mr. B. Allen’s Cretonne 8*9, Thomas 2 Dr R. Spooner Hart s Acetine, 9, Carter 3 Mr. R. Chowdbury’s Wild
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  • 228 9 Whitaker's Almanack for 1903, like each and every other Whitaker of the past thirty-five years, is an improvement and an enlargement on its immediate predecessor. The book is the vade mecum of nearly every editor in the world, and is certainly to be found in the office of every
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  • 331 9 In his address at the Bengal Chamber of Commerce the other day, the Hon, John Barrett, commissioner-general for the Lousiana Purchase Exposition of 1904, made a somewhat remarkable statement. It has been the general belief that the interest taken in India in recent years in commercial
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  • 397 10 1 h>A in Xien Mai (Chiengmai, Siamese Laos), regarded as a European enterprise,” is the summary of information derived from the Report of the Vice-Consul of France at Nan. Tea trees grow spontaneously and on large areas in most of the higher valleys of the chain that
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  • 271 10 The fifteenth ordinary general meeting of the shareuoiders of the Pahang Corporation was held in London on Dec. llth, Mr. C. G. Paterson presiding. The chairman said the net profit amounted to ,£20,656. The fall in the value of the dollar caused an all-round increase in costs, amonting
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  • 203 10 Ow iNG to information received yesterday, Mr. F. K. Jennings, as agent for the Opium Farmer, obtained a search warrant for house 586-2 North Bridge Road. There, 39 tins of opium valued at $B5B were found and Wee Ah Tong, who apparently occupied and paid rent for
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  • 955 10 Omnia tempora mutantur theatrical managers come and go, each leaving his impress, lasting and otherwise, upon the history of the drama in Singapore, eAch leaving us proportionately grateful for opportunities of resuming a pleasant study of the traffick of the stage,” each in turn, alas, if not
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  • 468 10 Millionaires Charged and Discharged. This morning, Messrs. W.F. Hopkins and Grossmeyer, who were alluded to in these columns on Saturday as being in the police court owing to a mistake in receiving 4450 addressed to a Mr. Hopkins in Hongkong, were arraigned before Mr. Brockman
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  • 209 10 The December medal of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club was played for on January 1st and resulted as follows A. C. M. Weaver 46 47 —10 83 Dr. Fowlie 45 38+ 2 85 F. G. Penney 51 +47—16 4 *80 J. M. Allinson 47
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  • 1097 10 P. O. ANNUAL MEETING. A Record Report. The annual general meeting of the P. 0. Co. took place in London on the afternoon of Dec. 12th —the day the mail left. Sir Thomas Sutherland, who presided, said he believed that upon the whole the report was the most satisfactory statement
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  • 529 10 Mr. Clifford’s Lecture. Aj a meeting of the Royal Institute, held at the Whitehall on 9th Dec., Mr. Hugh Clifiord, CMgH read a paper on British and Siarc*B Malaya.” Sir William RobiwoiB 'd.CM.G., presided in the absentee® Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G.C.MgB and amongst a
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  • 914 11 home. fn er provides for the issue to Xr T JTr, is announced on Oct. 28th. r 1,1 n Exceptions the officers may use ior non-military purposes nn a 7 i 0 per annum till hx payments made for each horse so used. officers arc reponsible for the
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  • 1324 11 (By a Mining Correspondent.) Gold. Gold Mining in the Federated Malay States has come to a low ebb, most of the mines proving very disappointing. Of the older companies, Raub has made many changes, but no dividends have been declared during the year, and the output of
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  • 298 11 The golf championship of India has seen won by Mr. Stuart Smith from Mr. Mitchell Innes, by seven up and six to fiay. The main French lndo-Cbina trunk ine of railway is actively in course of construction from Laokay to the frontier of Yunnan. 1 The battleships
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  • 514 11 Proceedings in the Court of Assize commenced this morning before the Chief Justice, Sir Lionel Cox, and a jury of seven. The first case was that of Kwong See, a coolie, who was charged i with having broken into some premises 1 at Tanjong Pagar with intent
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  • 308 11 The Gold Medal for 1902, was played for on Saturday, and was won by Dr. Ellis. The following are the scores: Dr. Ellis 44+38 3 79 F. H. Pearce 42+42 2 82 Dr. Fowlie 40 41-r 2 83 Col. Oakes 46 50— 8 88 H. S.
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  • 454 11 Miss E. M. Hose—Rev. C. H. B. Wood*. A wedding of unusual interest was celebrated at St. Andrew’s Cathedral yesterday, when one of the largest congregations ever known in Singapore at such a function assembled to witness the marriage of Miss Elfrida M. Hose* eldest
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  • 374 11 The following is from the Manager s report for the month of December last:—130 ft. level north drive has been driven 13 ft. during the months and now has a total length of 56 feet, and shews about 13 feet of quartz in the breast. —130
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  • Correspondence.
    • 815 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Dear Sir,— The letter of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, published by you on Wednesday last on the subject of Fixity of Exchange/ embrucea the old trit* scheme of 1897, without any appropriate argument applicable to
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    • 433 12 To the Editor of the Straits Time*'' Sir, —The Municipal estimated Budget for the current year has just been issued and its figures as compared with those of the actuals of 1892 go to show how true is the saying the more we have the more we
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  • 120 12 Framed on lines which will meet a great need in this port, we understand that a Singapore Carting Syndicate has been formed, chiefly to secure the bringing of merchandise and other goods from tiie wharves to town. Instead of the existing unsatisfactory and expensive method of
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  • 275 12 On Friday last, the Municipal Sanitary Officer received a report ot the existence of a case of small-pox at a new mosque in Campong Sambu, in the neighbourhood of Fort Palmer. A boy was found dead, but it was ascertained that the child had died in a hut
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  • 2077 12 The following is the monthly mining report from the manager of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Company dated 13th Dec Gentlemen. —I beg to submit my Monthly Report on your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work, prepared by the mine manager,
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  • 337 12 —Malay Mail. Since F ahang first came under Briti-t rule, says a correspondent, a great amount of useful work, such as making roads, bridges, and opening up the country, has been principally due to the Resident. But a vast area still repair.' unprospected, leaving great scope fo!
    .—Malay Mail.  -  337 words
  • 192 12 P. O. Passengers Booked. Per Valetia sailingon 9th Jan .For Lono ■> Gunner and Mrs. T. Lane, 3 children an<i fants, Lt.-Col., and Mrs. Oakes, Mr. .!.<» I»: For Bombay:—J.Greenwood, Sergt. A. W riGunner J. Sant. For Colombo: —Mr. L Vaggy, Mr. K. H. Blackwell, Mr. H. Overv Mr.
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  • 841 13 nIA ge3 of cheapness and rapi- A■ VA> t intercommunication, long j ;:t jV v the commercial community, 3 V Veat benefit of the business j 'll-* concerned, are now made j r: :^l e f or family intercourse and for i a i rs
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  • 836 13 The Emperor of Austria ha*' accepted the resignation of Archduke Ferdinand, who marries a commoner and renounces all his rights as a member of the Imperial household. His sister, the Crown Princess of Saxony, who suddenly left Salzburg and broke off all connection with the Royal House, still
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  • 872 13 ITerbux, the well-known jockey, is in hospital suffering from small-pox. A land boom at Bangkok has collapsed. Rents are going in favour of the tenants. The Floral F6te which was to take place on the 15th inst at St. Mary’s College, has been postponed. The Malay Mail
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  • 161 13 Chinese v. the N. D. L. The Swatow correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press is informed that several boats have been chartered by the Chinese there to run in opposition to the North German Lloyd on their Bangkok line, on which they have up till now held a
    161 words
  • 274 13 A scarcity of ’rikishas is complained of and people are wondering why, when the weather is so bad and everybody must take to the ’rikisha, the pullers do not make hay while the sun shines.” The simple fact is that the pullers are just now a trifle
    274 words
  • 410 13 Convent Roof Falls In. During the torrential rain-squalls yesterday many of the lower-lying portions of the town roads were under water, in some cases thigh deep. Parts of Orchard Road resembled duckponds, the Kampong Java district looked like a lake, Balestier, Thompson, Grange and places off Devonshire Roads
    410 words
  • 1093 13 Modern Mo sic. On Assize proceedings, before Chief Justice Sir Lionel Cox and a jury, being resumed after the luncheon hour yesterday afternoon, Sakai bin Besar was charged with being associated with about five others on Feb. Ist, 1900, in a gang robbery at Pulo Sudon. There were
    1,093 words

  • 580 14 The first meeting of the Licensing Justices for the year 1903 was held in the Senior Magistrate s Court yesterday afternoon. Mr. E L Brockman presided and there were also present Mr. W. E. U. Grove (Chief Police Officer), Mr. \V. Evans (Protector of Chinese), and Capt.
    580 words
  • 1069 14 The New Year meeting of the Selangor Turf Club took place on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday of last week. The first day’s racing started in brilliant weather, but rain fell later, and, just as the day’s sport was brought to a conclusion. rain came down in torrents catching
    1,069 words
  • 244 14 For Singapore. Per P. and O. S.S. Arcadia, conaecting with the S.S. Coromandel at Colombo from London Dec. 11th due on Tan. lltb: Mr. and Mrs E C. Davidsoo, Mr. St. Clair, Miss St. Clair, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nicholson, Mr. C. Cunradi, Quar.-Master Sergt. Morris,
    244 words
  • 68 14 Odessa via ports, Kostroma, due 25th R.V.F. Ode99t via ports, Tambov, end of Jan., R.V.F. East Coast ports, H n Wiiatt Hin, on alternate Saturdays and Wednesdays 8. 8 Co Teluk Anson via ports, M ilam every Wednesday, and Penang on Mondays, 3. 8. Co. Port
    68 words
    • 177 14 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used —str. —steamer sh.— mip; ba.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.— facht; Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. -Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—Bri•iah; TJ. 8.—United States; Fch.—French; ier.—German; Dut. —Dutch; Joh.—Johore; i.C.—General-cargo; d.p.—deck passenger; J.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Taniong Pagar Vharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B.W. -Borneo Wharf; J.
      177 words
    • 1050 14 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Bjorn Nor. str. 722 tons, Capt Christensea, 6th Jan. From Hongkong, 81 st Dec. Ballast Rautenberg Schmidt Co. Unknown, U —Rds. Borneo, Brit str. 404 tons, Capt Dinsdale 7tb Jan. From Sarawak, sth Jan. G.c., and 22 d.p. Ong Ewe Hai. For
      1,050 words
    • 650 14 Aaro«, port, probable date of arn. and name oj agenu. fl Btkamers. l Ad. Hamelin, Dunkirk, left Dec 3%, I Annam, Colombo, Feb ‘2 ;M. Marit ■HI Antenor, China, Jan 25; Mansfield 1 Aparima, Calcutta, Jan 8; Bou stead I Awa Maru, London, Jan 21; p Ballaarat, Hongkong,
      650 words
    • 1329 16 CB Fl AO > Vessel's Nami A j Tons > Captain Fbom jSAinr. Conbignac*. I kio. I>ec 30 Stettin Ger str.i 1740 Ahlborn Sydney Nov 26 Behu Meyer A Co. 30 Ulysses Brit str 2282 Williams Amoy Dec 22 W. Mansfield A Co. 30 China Ger str. 1113 Kreubbe
      1,329 words
    • 892 16 y I Date. Vessel's Name. Flag A Rio. Tons, j Destination. Dec 30 Cheang Hock Kian Dut str. 956 Bagan 30 Lalpoora I Brit str. 2124 Penang, Rangoon via Calcutta 30 Australind j str. 1019 Fremantle via ports 31 Tambov Rus tra. 2518 Odessa 31 Sultan Brit str. 102
      892 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 100 14 SCHWEITZER’S III: Best s Purest COCOA. Now especially packed in double-lidded o* ensurig freshness for y ears, in all cliaant* 'ASffifeVfffis' A Rumedy for All IrrogMlorttlee. tif Bitter Apple. Pesayroyal. 8 Sold b? Slr.gapoi l Dispensing Co., Ltd* RafTlAt Ptaoc, gtnfapora Propiie'vr MAimV SOI fTMAMPI ENOI^NIk nlid effectual mean* at
      100 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 666 15 JUDGE SLOWLY in i f an easy matter to jndge n t t, u»l,ty«f thing*. Lew than > ll J„t ih capable of accurately l?C r r, worth of a picture not more hundred the quality of a horse. iini'M.ients rapidly made are of Did you ever notne,” recently 1
      666 words
    • 286 15 J. MOTION CO. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS, OPTICIANS. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED W. D. FISHER, Assoc. M. Insl C GRESHAM HOUSE BATTERY RD Foundations, Buildings, Roofs* Railways and RailwaytStructures. Wharves. Roads and Bridges. Surveys. hydraulic Mining Schemes. Inspection and Testing of Materials. U.C. CHAMPAGNE "LOUIS ROEDERER.” Extra Dry and Carte Blanche. The old,
      286 words
    • 514 15 ST. ANDREW’S HOUSE. A CHURCH of England Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desiiis to attend the schools of the i place. Applications to be made to the l House Master, St. Andrew’s House; or to the Colonial Chaplain. w. s. n.c. I French Cement. SUPERIOR quality; not
      514 words
    • 459 15 pftllfllfl A delightful piqtnacy. errins auce Is the most delicious Sauce known. For Meats, Game, Fish, Soups, fife. THE ORIGINAL GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. ft#Oft// Uedicine of ti.e ki:,a a«. ivhi!Ccuntti Registered D K LALOR’S Trade Mark. PnOSPHODYNE HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PHOBPHORIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. For forty JMN
      459 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 52 16 87,360 Bottles in Qts. and Pts. Have been Imported during the Year 19 02. DRINK The “Banjo Brand” Pilsener Beer. The Finest Beer in the Market. IT Recommends itself when Once Tried. X O.s ct ste 4 O Can be obtained from all Wine Merchants. Selt Importers Kim Hm Go,,
      52 words
    • 65 16 SINGAPORE dc KRANJI RAILWAY. The above line as far as Bukit Timah will be open for traffic from'January ist, 1903. The Train Service, until further notice, will be as under, Sundays included Singapore ..6 00 6 09 Newton 610 Cluny Road BukitTTimah .6.35 Bukit Timah. .6.40 Cluny Road 654 Newton
      65 words
    • 781 16 SARAWAK Coal in good surm> Brooketon and Laboao, within despatch for banker or cargo *!***> »PP‘y to John Hardie, S*rairat knt A IMni T aknan wo, tr|, U.C. mont Agent. Laboan. HAGNALL A HILLEs 96, Robinson Road HAVE ON HAND:Electric Fane, Ceiling and Table, 40, 60 60 SO, 100. 110,
      781 words