The Straits Budget, 31 December 1902

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 138 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’’ Tre Stra tS T '7l e t S ho ,S p W J d ly e Gad th, ou S hout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout t e Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 31ST DECEMBER.
    • 104 1 < *n the 9tb iiist., at Yokohama, v t; gustavus Brady, of a son. Ii —Op the 12th of December, at 96, Well Road. Shanghai the wife af A. II v'\. of a -on. I «hi [he 4th December, at Nanking, > l».. wife of Rev. Wilbur A. Estes,
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    • 49 1 !\i.i: \LLEN.—On the loth December, Mu >.n. i»a., L.s.A., Mr. Harry S. Turner 'hi:v Louise, daughter of Rev. Dr. Alien, of Shanghai, China. N ii m:im.ks, HEUCKENDORFF. On the 1st h t m. Nicholas’ Church, Newchwang, by i I>V. F. H. sprent, Ernest WILLIAM i i -,t<. HesterIsabelHeuckendorff.
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    • 47 1 M i unlock. —At Hainan, on 6th Dec. the e Kev p. W. McClintock, of a !>on. i; i*r —On the 20th Dec. at Hongkong, the lohn A. Jupp. of a son. I; n\i:i». On the 16th Dec. at Shanghai, V V. Richard, of a son.
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  • 111 1 I.Eib'NL Articles. fi.iver i »uest:oi Lot M Market Quotation? New? li-senger List. Pol ice News. Plea for biiver. oeo Islands MurcierCase. FootbtIL Christina- Cricket. •’hnstmaa Sporting Tour. iiR-enile Entertainment. Masonic Institution, ranglin >moker. Swimming Club. Christmas Golf. Keppel Golf Club Supreme Court. ollision Case. Alleged Culpable Homied
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  • 632 1 Singapore, SIst December, 190-2. PRODUCE. hovers f 15.10 Ball f. 9.80 i v J •'outlaaak 8.90 310 •WSM** Tff NlWo BniBel N 1 5 §2 ivJ? wx wu ::*.<x> 1 .lemb&ag, 90% but, 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. I 22.00 Tapioca, email Flake t> 5.60 do med flake 5.60 do
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  • 258 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the B. I. 8. s. Zamania. The next issue of the Budget will be published on the Bth January for despatch by the P. and O. sB. Valetta. The M. M. mail from Europe of the 28th November
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    • 31 1 The Crown Princess of Saxony, whose disappearance caused a great sensation, eloped with her childrens’ French tutor, with whom she is now staying at a hotel in Geneva.
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    • 142 1 The Italian warships Giovanni Bausan and Tribune have captured five more Venezuelan schooners, and the German warship Panther two. The effects of the blockade are beginning to be felt. It is estimated that there is only a fortnight’s food supply now left in Caracas. H.M.S. Fantcrme has been refloated.
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    • 27 1 The Tsar has sent a first subscription of 50,000 roubles for the relief of the sufferers by the earthquake disaster at Andijan, central Asia.
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    • 35 1 Italy having afforded the necessary facilities, seven hundred British troops of the Somaliland Expedition have left Berbera for Obbia where they will arrive on Saturday (to-day.) Count Lavatelli, representing Italy, accompanies the force.
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    • 67 1 London 25*4 Decemlter. A Note from the Italian Government has reached Washington, couched in the most cordial terms towards the United States. The Note says that Italy will be glad to see President Roosevelt arbitrate in the Venezuelan affair; but that if he is not
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    • 34 1 Several hundreds of Indians started work at the Koffyfontein, diamond mine Orange River Colony, to-day. This is a first experiment in the use of Indian labour in this mine.
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    • 54 1 London 26 th December. A bluebook on the slavery question in Zanzibar has been published. The bluebook contains adespatch from from Lord Lansdowne to Sir Charles Eliot, the British Consul-General in Zanzibar, approving of action taken by Mr. Basil Cave, the British Consul at Zanzibar, with reference
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    • 70 1 The Crown Princess of Saxony refuses to return to her father, from fear of being placed in a lunatic asylum, though she is sane. It is alleged that a recent injury received by the Crown Prince of Saxony was not due to a hunting incident but
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    • 39 1 The Venezuelan Government announces that it agrees to arbitration by the Hague Tribunal, provided that the blockade be raised and the fleet restored. The value of the Venezuelan craft captured by the blockading squadrons hardly exceeds 55,000.
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    • 22 1 There are further earthquake shocks at Andijan. They continue at the rate of four to five daily.
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    • 114 1 MR. CHAMBERLAIN AT DURBAN. WELCOME TO SOUTH AFRICA.” Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain landed at Durban in the forenoon with half a gale prevailing. Immense crowds enthusiastically hailed them. The words “Welcome to South Africa” were written ;in huge letters across the break-water. The Governor, the Premier, the Mayor of Durban,
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    • 26 1 President Roosevelt has declined to arbitrate in the Venezuelan question. The European Governments concerned have agreed to arbitration by the Hague tribunal.
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    • 168 1 I*ondon, 27 th Dec. Mr. Chamberlain, speaking at a luncheon in Durban, said that the British flag paramount in South Africa. Reconciliation with the Boers should be easy and need not be cause for despair. He came to South Africa in a
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    • 14 1 The Primate was buried in the pre* cincts of Canterbury Cathedral.
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    • 17 1 Mr. A. J. Balfour has been suffering from influenza, but he is now better.
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    • 26 1 London 28/ h December. The continuous undulating upheaval of the earth at Andijan and in the surrounding districts is causing the utmost terror there.
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    • 45 1 The Queen’s dinner to the widows and orphans of soldiers and sailors from London who died in the South African war was given yesterday. There were 1800 guests, whose fares w*ere paid., The Queen sent a most kindly message:
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    • 35 1 An express train crowded with Christmas travellers collided with a goods train near London, Ontario, Canada The train was overturned in a ditch and twenty-five persons were killed and thirty injured.
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    • 69 1 Mr. Chamberlain proceeded to Pietermaritzburg where an immense and enthusiastic crowd assembled outside his hotel. The crowd called for a speech, and in response to the invitation Mr. Chamberlain appeared on the balcony. He referred to the keener interest which the Mother Country is now manifesting
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    • 25 1 London, Dec. 28th Mr. Chamberlain, while at Pietermaritzburg, is the guest of the Sir Henry McCallum, at Government House.
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    • 36 2 It is officially confirmed that the rebels at Taza (Morocco) on the 23rd inst. completely routed the Moorish army of 10,000 men. The defeated army fled precipitately to Fez, having lost 2,000 killed.
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    • 32 2 The refusal of President Roosevelt to arbitrate in the Venezuela affair has somewhat disappointed the authorities at Berlin, consequent on the delay attending formalities in connection with the Hague tribunal.
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    • 47 2 London 29 tk Dec. The Viceroy, and the Duke and Duchess of Connaught made a State entry into the city of Delhi to-day, mounted on superbly caparisoned elephants followed by a long and gorgeous procession of Indian princes, two abreast, all m ounted on elephants.
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    • 12 2 The Humberts are now at Paris, m jail
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    • 31 2 The Sultan of Morocco has barricaded himself in his palace at Fez. An attack on the town by the rebels is expected. Resistance to them is impracticable.
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  • 27 1 DEATH OF THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. London 24 th December. The Archbishop of Canterbury is dead. DEATH OP A BISHOP. The Bishop of St. Alban* it dead.
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  • 2846 2 strait# Times, 29 th December.) By the mail comes news that the Straits Currency Commission was continuing to take evidence during the week euding Dec. 5th. No probable date could then be assigned when the report was likely to be drawn up; but it was the opinion that
    (strait# Times, 29th December.)  -  2,846 words
  • 813 2 REAR-Admiral Grenfell dined with the King of Siam on the 17th inst. In the December Macmillan Mr. Hugh Clifford writes of u The Destiny of the Philippines.” Prominent Asiatic merchants at Penang have petitioned the Governor in favour of a gold standard. The M.M. Caledonien left Colombo
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  • 1447 3 NEGRI SEMBILAN V. S.C.C. Singapore Wins Hands Down. The cricket match between elevens Negri Sembilan and the S.C.C. opened on the Esplanade on Thursday morning, the homesters winning ne toss and going in first. The Singapore eleven put together a very hig total a9 ma T J 5
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  • 226 3 The services at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Christmas Day were well attended, the Cathedral being tastefully embellished with palms. The music was of an appropriate nature; at the eleven o’clock service Gounod s 41 Nazareth" was extremely well rendered. The Cathedral of the Good Shepherd was
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  • 189 3 Yesterday afternoon, and up to halfpast ten last night there was much merry-making at the Temperance Institute. It was the occasion of a Christmas entertainment given to the juveniles, though, indeed, the number of juveniles “grown tall” was as large as that of the young’uns, by the
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  • 260 3 Undrr date Nov. 25th, a correspondent signing himself X sends the following the London ami China Express The Straits people, as is very natural, are much concerned at the heavy fall which has taken place in the value of silver, but it does not seem to have occurred
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  • 903 3 W have been furnished wit h a copy Ok the following M silver” petition signed by a number of merchants and traders of Singapore, which has been laid before H.E. the Governor:— To His Excellency Sir Frank ATHENIANS SWETTENHAM, K.C.M.G., GOVERNOR AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE STRAITS! SETTLEMENTS.
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  • 102 3 Mr. N. R. Crum Ewing, assistant district officer, Tarapin, to act as Magistrate, Seremban. Mr. W. Conlay, to officiate as assistant Commissioner police. Mr. E. C. H. Wolff, who at present holds the appointment of secretary to Resident, will continue to discharge those duties until further notice.
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  • 998 3 i Negri Sembilan v. 62nd Co. R«A»* Cricket being finished early yeiter day, a game of football was played between the above teams in tbfl afternoon on the Esplanade. Dins more appeared in the visitors’ team did along with Wishart considerably strengthened their attack. A large crowd witnessed the
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  • 967 4 2'2ud December. Mr Jackson arrived in Sereraban on Monday last, from Kuala Pilah, having travelled by bullock cart the greater part of the way, no gharry available. Mr. Jackson stayed till Thursday in Seremban, where he was the guest of Mr. Egerton at the Residency. Mr.
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  • 1012 4 Judgment of the Chief Justice. Our readers will remember that a Special Assize was held by the Chief Justice last week for the trial of a Chinaman named Swi Heng, charged with having committed murder at Direction Island, in the Cocos group, in October last.
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  • 338 4 Chinese in Java. The Resident of Sourabaya has just allowed a Chinese theatrical company to perform there. The authorities had, for a long time, refused permission on account of the harm done by such players there. The actresses turned peoples’ heads and caused no end of roguery and
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  • 1650 4 Home. Speaking at a dinner of the Union Club, •held at the Hotel Cecil, Lord Lansdowne said he deprecated inveterate antipathies, and was glad that German and British sailors were acting side by side. He regretfully denied the imaginative statement that every difficulty with France was on the
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  • 174 4 P. O. FARES. Reductions Announced. Speaking at the annual meeting oi tha P. 0. Co. in London lately, the Chairman of the Company. Sir Thomas Sutherland, announced that considerable modifications in passenger lares, particularly in the case of India, will be introduced on the 1st January neit London will continue
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  • 150 4 In the House of Commons on l>ec., 2nd Sir C. Dilke asked the First Lord o the Treasury whether the attention o the Government had been directed the recommendation of the Conmii on Cable Communications, Pjen«" over by Lord Balfour of B favour of a cable
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  • 979 5 MONDAY, 29 TH DECEMBER. Mr. \V. H. Friz ell, manager of the Chartered Bank, returned to Singapore •rom Bankgok yesterday. The s.s. Ckusan left for Hongkong i: no on to-day with Mr. P. J. Allen as from Singapore. N Kiaochau in 1900 no less than _q;,-3l Haikwan taels were imported,
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  • 78 5 The following results of the Golf played at Penang at Christmas have been received in Singapore:— Interport Championship. Penang. Singapore. D. A. M. Brown 3 Col. Lawson o J. L. Crockett 5 F. H. Pearce 0 J. E. Greig .> Lieut. Walker. K. E. 0 Hon. A.
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  • 462 5 The despatch of the High Commissioner of the Federated Malay State, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, is thus noticed in the Hominy Gazette Of the ten paragraphs into which the despatch is divided almost all are Jof interest to Indian readers, but one
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  • 1086 5 A Big: Crowd and a Merry Time. The Smoking Concert given at the Tanglin Club on Friday evening was one of the merriest of the gatherings that were the outcome of the visit of the Negri Sembilan team to this Settlement, and a large crowd gathered to enjoy
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  • 471 5 The L. A* C. Express reports that success certainly attended the first Straits Settlements Ladies’ Dinner in London, which took place at the Whitehall Rooms of the Hotel Metropole on the 3rd inst. A representative gathering was present, the guests being received on arrival by Mrs. Currie,
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  • 73 5 The Singapore-Kranji Railway will be opened for public traffic as far as Bukit Timah station on and after Jan. I Ist next. The packing of the line as far as Bukit Timah is finished and the necessary apparatus for the working of the line up to that point
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  • 795 5 On the way Out. The following is a description of the Russian Squadron now on the way out to the Far East, via Singapore:— Retvizan. —This is one of the newest first-class battleships of the Russian fleet, having been launched in 1900, and is of Philadelphian build.
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  • 944 6 London y 5 th December The Occasion of the Borneo Dinner *c the Hotel Cecil, this week, was utilised to boom the prospects of the North Borneo Co. Mr. R. B. Martin M. P., presided, but Mr. W. C. Cowie made the principal speech of the
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  • 240 6 The annual installation ceremony of Lodge Zetland in the East, No. 508, took place at Freemasons' Hall on Saturday afternoon, when in spite of the bad weather a large number of masons attended. Wor. Bro. A. Knight, District Grand Master Ruling, who was supported by Wor. Bros Napier,
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  • 251 6 An interesting game of water polo was played at the Swimming Club yesterday between scratch teams captained respectively by Penny (white) and Napier (led). Penny won the toss and elected to play against the tide during the first half. On the ball being thrown in the Reds got
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  • 174 6 During Christmas week, the Keppel Golf Club played for the President’s Cup and a cup given for competition amongst those who had learned to play on the Keppel links. For the former the conditions were three rounds (21 holes) medal play. The scores returned were: H. B.
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  • 955 6 King’s Speech. Lord Halsbnry read the King's Speech proroguing Parliament. It opens with a reference to the conclusion of peace, and says that the King has every reason to hope tnat greater prosperity than that ever yet enjoyed will visit the new Colonies, and all sections of the
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  • 109 6 P. O. PASSENGERS. The following passengers left by s.s. Bengal on 26 inst. For London, Mr. P. R. Warren, Miss F. M. Davidson, Mr. John Allander, Mr. E. P. C. Brad nor, Mrs. Turner, Gnnner and Mrs. H. Ranee. For London via Marseilles, Mr. Duff. For Marseilles. Mr. E. Klee.
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  • 31 6 Tm result of-the Viceroy’s Cup, run at Calcutta on Wednesday, was Mr. Galstaun’s Vasto 9st 1 Mr. B. Allen’s Cretonne 9st 2 Dr. Spooner Hart’s Acetine 9st 3
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  • 253 6 The Selangor Races being on Monday, the entries for which we have already published. The following are theentries for the second and third days Second Day. Rice No. 1.—The Second Galloway Handicap. Dolly Varden, Chestnut Stew, Yanak, Blueskin. Extra Race.—The Seremban Griffins. Vizier, Tai Yat, Ayala, 8chcherayade, Maiamun,
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  • 1138 6 The German warship Hertha arrived from Batavia yesterday afternoon. She is going to Labuan. 4 Mr. Innes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, has returned from leave and resumed charge of his duties. The European Miners and Estate Managers in Perak have been invited to give an expression of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 796 7 tite Editor of the 44 Straits Times.” Sik,— The article in the Straits of the :30th ult. (unintentionally ph! sure) attributes to me, as the 1 of the little book 44 The British r ire.’ suggestions which are diamet- ail v at variance with those I have
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  • 104 7 This morning, Alfredo De Luccßi wks again before Mr. Marriott with a vie*& of further evidence being recorded in his case. Chief Det. Inspector Perrett mentioned to the Court that his witness had not yet arrived from Penang, and asked for a further postponement till Friday. This
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  • 234 7 Thi9 morning, Robert Scott, one of a batch of nine men going out on board the s. s. Glengyle to join the police at Shanghai, was brought before Mr. Beatty charged with having during the night of the 27th inst. when at 9ea stolen a purse containing two
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  • 203 7 The following is taken from a London market report, dated at the end of last month Gamhier :—The market continues quiet with no disposition on the part of consumers to operate. It is quite certain that tanners in this country are determined to leave the article severely alone unless
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  • 267 7 We have been furnished by a Singapore firm with the following extract from a letter from their London house: 44 We thank you for the cutting from your newspaper, having reference to the speech of your Governor in his address to the Legislative Council. We heard rumours that you
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  • 1033 7 Owners of “Prills Alexander** vs. Owners of Ban Hin Quan.** It will be remembered that at 4 a.m on July 29th a collision took place between the steamers Ban Hin Quan and Print Alexander in the Straits of Malacca, resulting in the sinking of the last named vessel,
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  • 99 7 The body of the Malay boy, S’man, who was drowned in the canal at Cam pong Java Road, on Sunday morning, was recovered at four o’clock yesterday evening near the bridge at Kandang Kerbau Station. The scene was very distressing when the mother of the drowned boy
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  • 678 7 December 28th. Christmas Eve saw a great treat tor the youngsters of Malacca. About 150 of them, together with their friends and relations, assembled at the Residency at the invitation of Mrs. Bland. There was plenty of cake, and plenty of tea and ice cream and after a
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  • 191 7 The arrest of the Humbert family wan effected under dramatic circumstances. An anonymous letter was received at the French Embassy in Madrid revealing the fugitives’ hiding-place. The London correspondent of the Indian Daily Sews, telegraphing on the 21st instant, states that the press, commenting on the Hartopp divorce
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    • 152 7 Under this heading the following abbredations are U9ed —str. —9teamer eb.— tbip;bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. -Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit. —British; V. 8.—United States; Fch.—French; Jer.—^German; Dut. —Dutch; Joh.—Johore; 4.C.—General-cargo; d.p.—deck passenger; 7.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tamong Pagar Vharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B.W. -Borneo Wharf;
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    • 1470 7 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Ban Liong, Dut. str. 275 tons, Capt Flak, 29th Dec. From Cotie, 22nd Dec. G.c., and 129 d.p.* Ek Leong Chan. For Bandjermassin, U—Rds. Caledonian Fch. str. 2,089 tons, Captain Karnes. 29th Dec. From Marseilles, 23rd Nov. Messageries M&ritimes. For Yokohama, U
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    • 215 8 Name, pari, probable date of cry im.\ and name oj age***. Steam kb.-. Adria, China, Jan 10: Helm Meyer Alesia, Hongkong. Jan 3: Behn Meyer. Annam, Colombo, Feb M. Maritime?. Antenor, China, Jan 25: Mansfield. Apariraa, Calcutta. Jan ft: Boustead. Austria, Trieste, Jan 5: Rautenberg. Sanca, London, Jan
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    • 877 8 v 9 j Flag 1 j i 1 5 Vessel's Name A Tons* Captain i Fbom Sailbd n I Rig. m Dec fTL' I j 23 j Ambria f Ger*ir. 8287 Duekstein Hamburg Nov w I 24 Asahan I str.! 161 Peters Asahan Dec 22 R»h» «***'*J 24 Telemachus-
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    • 493 8 Date. Vessel’s Name. Flao Kig. Tons. 1 Destination*. l>4 Gaea Nor str. 626 Bangko* 24 Sultan van Linggr Dut str. 105 Singkep 25 i Ambna Ger str. 3288 Hongkong and Tsingtau 25 Charterhouse Brit 8tr. 1278 Sourabaya and Mac-assa: 25 Hong Wan str. 116 Muar and Malacca 25 Ganvmede
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 588 8 r LEA PERRINS’ LEA Jk PTHHKINS to amwaace that, to further safeguard the public against lruitatians of their world-re nowned Origins! Worcestershire Sauce, i they nty.v printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper put of the r*d label on e tch bottle. Anyone frying the Sf*:ne *v U
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