The Straits Budget, 26 December 1902

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 122 1 The Straits Budget. BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.’’ The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout a t e Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. OVER HALF A
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  • The Straits Budget. FRIDAY, 26TH DECEMBER.
    • 76 1 u \t Singapore, on Thursday, 11th > i.. r. 19*>2, Mrs. Percy L. Wait, of a »»n the 24th inst. at “Blanche Road, the wife of H. A. Scott m’ghry.—On the :20th December, at mi-. Kranji, the wife of E. Digby <, n by. Assistant Engineer, Singapore oi
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    • 91 1 !i i.i. Fraser. On the 17th Dec., at \i iifv Cathedral, Singapore, by the the Bishop of Singapore and vi k a--Dte<l by the Venble. Archdeacon i» -<r>y. ArtiiurHexry, secondson of the a- i;u li agnail, Whitby, Yorkshire, to M\i a >tk\vart, younger daughter of John Ki:t— Inverardran, Crianlarich,
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  • 218 1 •J4’ no Articles. Cs.rrency Question. About Steamers. About Statues. Harbour Works, l&'ffes Institution. ‘fX’AL. Market Quotations. Shipping News l List. New-. v '*a\ang Street Affray du iicipal Secretary. e Engineers and the Currency. 't. Mary s Orphanage Fund. r C. Fixtures. I cot bail. Acifiing at St.
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  • 643 1 Singapore, :24th December, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambler buyers 15.12* Copra Bali 9.75 do Pontianak 8.90 Pepper, Black 36.50 do White, (8%> ,,61.25 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.60 do Brunei No. 1 4.?0 Pearl Sago 6.00 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 22.00 Tapioca,
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  • 348 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the P. and O. s.s. Bengal The next issue of the Budget will be forwarded by the B. I. s.s. Zamania on the 31st inst. The M. M. mail for Europe by the 8. s. Lulus closed on
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  • Special Telegram to the “Straits Times”
    • 135 1 London 16th December. A German semi-official statement is issued to the effect that the Venezuelan vessels sunk by the Germans were so unseaworthy that they would have hampered the movements of the German warships. America Endorses Arbitration. It is understood that the arbitration proposal is strongly endorsed by the
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    • 12 1 The House of Lorcas has passed the Education Bill.
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    • 27 1 The strike at Marseilles has collapsed owing to other trade unions deserting from the Inscription Maritime (which was instrumental in starting the strike.)
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    • 19 1 The Duke and Duchess of Connaught have left Suez on H.M.S. Renown, bound for India.
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    • 75 1 Jjtndon \7th Dec. Mr. Hay, the IT.l T S. Secretary of State, is pressing the Allies for a reply to President Roosevelt’s arbitration proposal to settle the Venezuela question. The British Cabinet discussed the Venezuelan question yesterday. The discussion reached no conclusion likely to modify
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    • 29 1 Reuter’s correspondent at Peking states that Russia is pressing China to assent to a Russian customs postal service at Manchuria, independent of the Chinese maritime customs.
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    • 61 1 Mr. A. J. Balfour has stated in the House of Commons that “he sees no reason to defer the ratification of the Sugar Convention. The British Government will ratify it on the distinct understanding that it rests on us only to penalise colonies. We should regret the
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    • 30 1 The town of Andijun in the province of Ferghana (Russian Central Asia) was destroyed yesterday morning by an earthquake. The loss of life is not known.
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    • 47 1 London 18 th December. It is announced at Washington that the United States Government will not resist the enforcement of the blockade of the Venezuelan coast. The only qualifying condition is that the Powers enforcing the blockade must recognise that a state of war exists.
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    • 47 1 Owing to pressure of work, Mr. Bowen, the American Minister at Caracas, has instructed Admiral Dewey to send a competent officer to Caracas, as Assistant Minister, aboard a destroyer, which will serve as despatch boat in the event of the cable being cut.
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    • 65 1 Reference In the King's Speech. The King’s speech proroguing Parliament mentions the Agreement made with Japan whereby the two Governments have bound themselves to assist one another in certain eventualities for the defence of their respective interests. His Majesty expresses the belief that the Agreement will be of
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    • 59 1 The Speech goes on to say that the British commercial treaty with China which promises to secure not only to Britain but also to the commerce of the world valuable facilities and advantages, contains some provisions of great value which, unlike other commercial treaties, with
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    • 28 1 London 19 ih December. France has notified the Powers that any provision for a settlement (of what?) must recognise the pre-eminence of the French claims.
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    • 105 1 President Castro has invested Mr. Bowen with full powers to effect a settlement between Venezuela and the Powers. This step and other indications that Venezuela is disposed to yield have been received with satisfaction in Britain, where co-operation with Germany is greatly disliked. Great Britain has replied to
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    • 28 1 The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council has delivered a judgment upholding the right of British Columbia to exclude naturalised Japanese frost he franchise.
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    • 53 2 London 20th December. A communique from the Russian Foreign Office declares tuaL the irontier settlement in Afghanistan was arranged before the Boer War. Russia addressed no request of any kind to Britain on Afghan affairs. She simply notified a desire and an intention to enter into direct relat
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    • 20 2 Lord Currie hue resigned the post ot British Ambassador at Rome, on the ground of ill-health
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    • 52 2 D* spite the disallowance of antiJapaoose legislation in British Columbia men ioned in the message ot the 16th instant, ninete**l ipanese have been impi burned at an* ouver for not complying with tb iiiMi:’gration educational test. These Japai. se have since been released at the instanceof
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    • 24 2 The whole of the Humbert family concerned in the notorious Ci aw lord fraud have been arrested at Madrid.
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    • 24 2 London 21$/ Dec. The Princess of Wales has been delivered of a son. B >tti are doing well.
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    • 71 2 Britain and Germany have proclaimed a blockade of Venezuelan ports which will be unrelaxed until Venezuela 'fives some sort ot guarantee of its good t aith and readiness to satisfy the claims* of the Powers. It is suggested that President Roosevelt should arbitrate The suggestion C ts he
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    • 54 2 Lon lon 22 nd De>\ iSignor Marconi has established wireless communication between Cape Breton (Nova .Scotia) and Cornwall. A. number ot' inaugural messages have been transmitted, including one from Lord Minto, the Governor-General of Canada, to King Edward. For the first time, messages as distinguished from single
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    • 32 2 British Sloop Aground. •The British warship Fantome one of the blockading squadron, is aground at Barrancas on the Orinoco river. The Italian cruiser Giovanni Hausan has captured a Venezuelan schooner.
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    • 60 2 Alleged Scheme to Exterminate Foreigners. The correspondent of the Standard at Shanghai says that Tung Fuh Siang, a Chinese General who had been sentenced to be executed for complicity in the Boxer troubles, is raising 10,000 troops in Kan3u province with the intention of exterminating foreigners in Shensi
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    • 44 2 Terrible Loss of Life. It is estimated that 16,000 houses were destroyed and 2500 people killed in the earthquake at Andijan. Rumblings continue there, and excavation work among the ruins is proceeding. Despite Government assistance, the inhabitants suffer the utmost privations.
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    • 24 2 The long-standing bank of J. W. Pease of Darlington has been made creditors (in with liabilities set at half a million sterling.
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    • 62 2 Lo*ydGn t 23 rd December. There waa a sensation at Dresden on it* Ming officially announced that the Croffto*-Princess of Saxony had secretly thMtoad on the night of the 11th instant. She was in a morbid I state of mental excitement, and is sup- pootd
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    • 13 2 The Dean of Winchester has died of typhoid fever.
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    • 26 2 The Government Gazette of Trinidad contains an official declaration of wai against Venezuela. It is a formality, with the intention of legalising the blockade.
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    • 35 2 The previous message relating to the old established bank of J. W. Pease of Darlington should read —The Bank has made an assignment to its creditors. The liabilities are half a million sterling
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 lrif> post free price of the Straits Times year, or 68/-. The post free price oft* Strait* Budget is $20 a year, or 40/I* not necessary to subscribe for a year. fh‘ ~u't-scriptions for shorter periods are t *same proportionate rate of price as fo- a vear. I 1 Straits
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  • 79 1 DEATHS. i:i.. -On the *29th Nov., at Cliefoo, Mary Carl, motlier of Francis A. Carl, "iorier of Customs, aged 73 years. M\i:nLK>.-Un the 14th Dec., at Macao, 1. i in v o Marchuks, Knight Commander, '.*1 years. IfosTKNHKi.M.—On the 12th inst., at Hong* K"s.\i.ik Bottenhkim, sister of Arthur 1 lU.ttcnhciin.
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  • 677 2 (Straits Times 17 t/i December.) We understand that the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, having completed and checked the figures that were required in order to bring the 1897 Report up to date, has decided to recommend to Government that the basis of the currency of this
    (Straits Times, 17t/i December.)  -  677 words
  • 1557 2 Straits Tim 17Z/i Decemlwr.) I It is pleasant to be patted on the back, metaphorically speaking with such an encouraging hand as was used by Count de Jouftroy d’ Abbans before a raet3ting of the Society of Commercial Geography, at Paris last month. The genial Count was in
    (Straits Tim/*.*, 17Z/i Decemlwr.) I  -  1,557 words
  • 589 2 (Straits Times 18th December.) Visitors to this busy if not too aesthetic town, have often contemplated from the decent distance of the Esplanade Roadway the leggy monument to the great Sir Stamford Raffles, which shares with the stumpy Elephant in the Town Hall front-yard whatever glory or fame
    (Straits Times, 18th December.)  -  589 words
  • 500 2 (Straits Times, ‘JOth December The writer of an article by a contemporary yesterday, appear to labour under the delusion that U Matthews’ Harbour Scheme contain* provision for the landing and sljipp"' of merchandise by tongkangs anew reclamation. Nothing could be more misleading for Mr. Matthews in Para 41
    (Straits Times, ‘JOth December )  -  500 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 8752 3 [Straits Times 2 3rd December.) The Government is not taking the i.ool (the Raffles Institute) away (r Hi rue Trustees but the Trustees ne giving it up to the GovernTliese few words that Sir hark thought fit to insert in his diort speech at the distribution of pri/>-
    [Straits Times, 23rd December.)  -  8,752 words

  • 1614 5 The following letter to the Editor appeared in the London Standard of Nov. 27th. Sir, —In my opinion, the problem of a Gold Standard lor the Strain* i* very simple and almost, if not quite, divested of scientific difficulties or considerations of political economy. When it was a
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  • 252 5 —Perak Pioneer. A very brutal murder has been committed at Bukit Gatang recently. A Malay P. C. named Sinapi of Bukit Gantang Police Station had proceeded two miles out to inquire into a reported death. As he did not return a report was made to the Central Station
    —Perak Pioneer.  -  252 words
  • 1236 5 Police Court Enquiry. On Saturday Jafternoon, Alfredo de Luicchi, an Italian —for some time a bookkeeper in the firm of Pertile Co., Singapore—was brought before Mr. Marriott for preliminary enquiry into an allegation to the efiect that, on or about the 13th ot August last, he signed
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  • 191 5 Following are the weights for the irst day of Selangor Race Singapore Stake x, H. r —lebir 9.7* Victress 9..3, Lil 9.5. Selangor Stakes 1£ mile —Sir Launceot 10.3, Gaylass 9.6, Redcliffe 8.11* Yorkshire 8.9, Malleolus 6.2, Pawnbroke 8 0. Miners and. Merchant/ trize: The Scotchmen 10.7, Banester
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  • 1332 6 During the high tide this morning several streets in the lower part of the town were submerged. The vacant Municipal seat at Venang has been filled by the electio n of Mr. Cheah Tek Thye, the retiring Commissioner. For working at 60 South Bridge Road while still
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  • 36 6 The following is the result of the tennis Single Handicap competition, C.class: ei 1° Kirkpatrick j Kirkpatrick +151 2, 6-4. 1 (Kirkpatrick SadikBeligBey 30| 8chu z B 4, 6 1 Schulz +30) 60
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  • 144 6 At a general meeting of Singapore Engineers held at the Marine Club last evening the everlasting question of currency and wages was again discussed. What the engineers sailing out of the port wanted was that their pay should be put on a sterling basis. Chief
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  • Correspondence.
    • 290 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times' Sir. —The attention drawn to the salary of the Municipal Secretary at Monday’s meeting of the Commissioners shows that the members of the Board are of opinion that their secretary is doing a great amount of work, and should therefore
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  • 265 6 Following is a list of donations and subscriptions from Jan. 1st to Dec. 15th, 1902 Church Work Association 8 SO Per Hon. Stringer 10 Mr*. Napier 120 Lady Pearson 10 Master G. Spanjnani 8 Miss hill 19 Mrs. van Cuylenbury 100 J. Soineiville 100 Mrs. Stringer
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  • 197 6 —Malay Mail. In parsing through Tras now one sees a place as busy and as nourishing as ltaub. It is simply surprising how that place has gone ahead during 1902. Wages are high and house rents are the same, ranging from $45 to $55 per month for shop
    —Malay Mail.  -  197 words
  • 1716 6 FURTHER POLICE COURT PROCEEDINGS. Yesterday afternoon, the twenty-six coolies who were arrested on the 5th instant at the Kwong Nam Lung licensed immigration depot, 29 and 30 Wayang Street,were again brought before Mr. Beatty for preliminary enquiry into allegations of (i) unlawfully confining public servants, namely, Mr.
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  • 437 7 s. C. c. V The Fleet. i hE result of the Association match he Esplanade yesterday evening 1 draw, there being no scoring. The W as a hard one. The Club forYs displayed their customary failing i icy would not shoot till within a yard rhe goal, though Bradbery
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  • 214 7 ere the Contingent Badly Treated? !h annual meeting of the Penang v .ihinteers was held on Tuesday last heir new Drill Hail at the Fort, tj.t Allan, the Acting Commandant, raided. Addressing the Corps he said hi* sin.-e the last meeting Penang had -~ii*. a ontingent home
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  • 174 7 i Ha Singapore Cricket Club eleven goes up to play Perak on the and 24th inst. has not yet been chosen but the Perak team onsi»t of Messrs. E. L. Bennett, h. Ingall, A. L. Jurneaux, A. H. Maxwell, R M. McKenzie, W. Sayers, "pink, U.
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  • 712 7 Time Table. The following is the Time Table ot the Siberian Express for six months from 14th October, 1902. FROM MOSCOW TO MANCHURIA. Dint, in versts. Mon. ed. Sat. Moscow dep 2.30 p.iu. Tula 182 arr 6.30 dep 7 Tue. Thu. Sun. Kiajsk 380 arr 12.52 a.m. dep
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  • 738 7 Mr. H. E. Burgess of Bukit Gantang, in Perak, shot a panther there a few days ago, which measured 6 feet 10 inches. Mr. E. H. Bratt has been appointed Official Handicapper at the forthcoming Race Meets in Penang and Kinta, respectively. “Ole Jo” broke a blood
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  • 701 7 15 th Dec. Messrs. Page and Hewgill who arrived in Seremban on Monday, left again on Thursday for the north. Mr. Ebden, the senior magistrate, has been in Seremban for some days. Mr. Jackson has been holding court in Kuala Pilah during the week he very
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  • 140 7 On the 10th instant, the Siamese Government replied to each of the Banks in reference to their claims for compensation, with regard to the gold standard scheme, definitely refusing to entertain them. On the 11th the Bank representatives arranged to meet Mr. Rivett-Carnac, the Financial Adviser. On
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  • 1388 7 (From Our Special Correspondent.) The entire Exhibition is now well worth seeing and apart from a few matters which are not as they should be it is manifest that the efforts of the management have been crowned with success. The coup d'oeil from the front is really
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  • 254 8 Among the horses which arrived by the s.s. Argus, Mr. Abrams has landed 4\tdenas one of the best if not the very best he has ever imported here if one may judge by his record as shown in the Australian Turf Register. He is a bay gelding by Padlock
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  • 311 8 As was previously announced in our report of the meeting held to settle the matter, the New Year land sports this year will be held on the Race Courso and not as always heretofore on the Esplanade. The first event will take place at 2 p.m.
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  • 551 8 How it is done in Sulu. In Sulu and in Mindanao amoks by Mohammedan fanatics among Moro tribes men are common. Those fellows gave the Spaniards iormerly a good deal of* trouble. They are now’ giving the American successors of the Spaniards an idea of what
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  • 342 8 Miss Fraser—Mr. Bagnall. A particularly interesting wedding was celebrated yesterday afternoon at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, the bride being Miss Mary Stewart Fraser, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, who are among the oldest, residents of Singapore the bridegroom Mr. Arthur Bagnall, of Tapah,
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  • 395 8 Mr. John White is appointed Chief Storekeeper, F. M. S. Railways, with etVect from Ist January next. The result of mining work at Raub for the four weeks ending on 13th December was 3.300 tons of stone •rushed for 544.1 ounces of smelted gold. The following passengers
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  • 66 8 At the conclusion of the meeting of Legislative Council this afternoon, His Excellency the Governor said Before the Council adjourns, I think the official and unofficial members would like to know that yesterday I arranged with the Sultan of Johore for the construction of the last link
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  • 61 8 A correspondent writing in the Pinang Gazette calls attention to dangerous deck cargoes carried in local steamers. What he particularly refers to is the stowage of pig baskets over a ship’s forecastle, piled many feet high, right in front of the bridge, thus preventing the master
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  • 125 8 It is important for the safety of navigation that the lighthouses around the Siamese coast should be carefully watched and tended. The Bangkok Times was informed that on the 10th inst. the lighthouse at Koh Chuan did not display a light for an hour and a half
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  • 136 8 The Japanese Navy has now 6 first class and 2 second class battleships; 6 first class, 9 second class, and 5 third class cruisers 10 coast defence ships 2 first class and 14 second class gun boats; 4 despatch boats; 1 torpedo tender 15 torpedo destroyers; 13
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  • 160 8 —Perak Pioneer. Mr. Wickktt, father of the Manager of the Tronoh Mines, Ltd, has arrived. It was largely due to this gentleman who also holds a considerable interest in the Gopeng Tin Mining Co., that Towkay Foo Choo Choon’s mine was successfully floated as a limited company. The
    —Perak Pioneer.  -  160 words
  • 299 8 the .COCOS ISLANn M. J. N t he Supreme Court at n Chief Justice Sir Lionel Co, 0 was charged with having or Ut sri Di defence, wriM «a. ttons to the trial on the erl^* d <% Court had no power f 0 U ds d
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  • 314 8 The S.C.C. cricket and foothball team* visiting Penang and Perak leave to morrow by the s.s. Calypso which sails at 4 p.m. sharp from the roads The teams consist of Messrs. W Dunraan, E. Bradbery, F. ,T Benjaheld Dr. Glennie. J. \V. Buckley, A. Morrison F. Ruchwaldy, Dr.
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  • 134 8 The British A orth Borneo Hera!' 1 particulars of the adulteration o percha for trade purposes which that the Chinese are very 1 e be mixing, colouring, and finer grades ot the stud n tly cheaper ones, although they apP have nothing but smell, tbe ir to go
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 222 8 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co.’s saleroorft on Tuesday ofternoon Leasehold land at Omar-rd. and Keng Cheow-st., area 3,690 sq. ft. 46 years to to run, quit rent $2. Together with the premises thereon known as No. 33 Omar-rd., brought by P. A.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 150 9 the Editor of the Straits Times." mk.—I do not quite agree with a one paragraph of the letter signed hy Uatepajer which appeared in your valuable paper on the 17th inst. As tar as I know, the Municipal Secretary nas put in upwards of 20 years’ service
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    • 581 9 the Editor of the Straits Times." Dkak Sik. —I read your article last h ieht re the led horse nuisance with nterest: and as I come to town every morning via Orchard Road, 1 for one an vouch for the truth of your statements. I only
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  • 120 9 Employers agree to Increase Wages. A special general meeting ot the neinhers of the Engineers’ Association held in the Marine Club at 9 o’clock night. Letters lrom the following r |ns were read: —the Straits Steam* 'hip Co., Ltd Syme <fe Co., the Tan Kim lian Steamship Co.,
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  • 1814 9 Home. Hie London correspondent ot the Italian hatlf/ S*’ ten, telegraphing on the 8th in-tant, states that the divorce <*ase in which Sir Charles EdwardC nolock-Hartopj*. fifth baronet, is the petitioner and Lari Cowley correspondent, is causing a great sensation. It has already occupied seven days. There are
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  • 235 9 In addition to the new N. D. L. steamers iloon and Oneisenau which will shortly be placed on the run between Europe and the Far East in place of the Konig Albert and the Princess lrene which are to be transferred, for the time being at any
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  • 436 9 Fast Run from Colombo. The German mail steamer Prince** Irene arrived yesterday afternoon from I Europe with 266 passengers, of whom 10;* disembarked at Singapore. The mail gun went at 2 05 p.m. which means that the run from Penang was accomplished in 25 hours, and from
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  • 188 9 Messrs. E. Fitzwilliams and Thorne arrived from Penang this morning in the P. O. s.s. Manila. “Ole Jo,’’ the race horse, died at Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, from the effects of a ruptured blood vessel. Nine hundred and forty-nine deaths were registered at Singapore last month, with
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  • 93 9 A public meeting in connection with the Chinese New Year Sports was held yesterday afternoon at “The Library” Club, Cecil Street There was a large attendance Mr. Seet Lian Keng presided. It was decided to hold the native and subscribers’ sports commencing at 10.30 a m.
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  • 100 9 The Chief Justice delivered his ruling at the Special Assize to-day, in the matter of the power of the Supreme Court to try offences committed in the Cocos Islands. He quoted a very large number of authorities bearing on the matter and stated that, as matters
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  • 140 9 I We have received from Calcutta, from Mr. Allan Hamilton, Mr. Brough’s manager, the following letter relating to the forthcoming visit to Singapore of the Brough Company:— I am writing the Town Clerk by this mail, asking for the Town Hall to be reserved for Monday February’
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  • 172 9 The Hor. T. W. Taylor will be Deputy Governor within the Settlement of Singapore during H. E.s absence frem here with effect from to-day. Mr. G. A. Smith-Steinmetz w! arrived here on the 9th instant, 1 ts been appointed a Cadet. The names of the directors of the
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  • 444 9 The military expedition to overrun the independent gold-bearing petty state of Korinchi in West Sumatra is still on foot. The grounds for the proposed expedition were the murder in South Korinchi of Malays from Bencoolen, in Netherlands Sumatra, and the aid given by certain people in Korinchi to
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  • Correspondence.
    • 288 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Did your correspondent K. Y. ever read the Blue Book I invite him to do so. There he will find a good number of men who have been in Government service for upwards of 29 years and who
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  • 546 10 Mad Buffalo Kills a Malay. Pekan, Dec. 1 Uth. On Thin day, the lOt.h inst., at d a bufi’alo which o. ught down from Temai for th* purpos of slaughter, went mad while being Id to water and broke away from his keeper. He rushed
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  • 1840 10 ANNUAL PRIZE DAY. Government takes over the School. The annual prize distribution of the Raffles Institution was held yesterday afternoon in the large upper room of the building which had been tastefully decorated with palms and flowers for the occasion by the masters and boys. The walls were
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  • 984 10 Friday, Dec. i 9th. PRKSKNT. His Excellency Sir Frank Athelstane SWETTENHAM, K.C.M.G., (GOVERNOR). Hoi.W. T. Taylor, C.M.G., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. W. Ft. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. A. Murray, (Colonial Engineer). Flon. E. C. H. Hill, (Auditor General). Hon. J. M. Allinson. Flon. Dr. Lim
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  • 614 10 At the ordinary meeting 0 f Municipal Commissioners heU 1 I day afternoon there were r i ester 1 Messrs. J. Anthony I Col. Pennefather I. G. p i I (tuan, \V r Evans, F. E.Jaeo r v I H f l.Chope I.W.B.MacIaren R !e?l (Municipal Engineer) and.],
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  • 224 11 Reference was made in our issue of to the fact that three more irvivors of the Kian Yang had been ,,-ked up and taken on to Colombo by he German steamer Serbia. Additional tails are to hand from Capt. Brehmer the Serbia. He states that the en
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  • 545 11 Kkeveu, Mr. Kensit’s assailant, been acquitted of the charge of rder at Liverpool. he Saigon rice crop was estimated, the l"th instant, at thirty per cent. ,jw tiie average yield, owing to a ight. a iiile match shot at Bangkok on ]gth instant, a team of five
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  • 140 11 A Chinaman went into a small Chinese shop yesterday and purchased twenty-five cents worth of vegetables. He asked the shop-keeper if he could change a 310 note for him. The shopkeeper said he could and the man handed over a Hongkong 31 note, the Chinese characters on
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  • 153 11 P.&O. M.M. At the 62nd annual meeting ot the P- and O. Steam Navigation Company, to be held on Dec. 12, the directors were to recommend a dividend at the rate of five per vent. per annum on the Preferred Stock, and a dividend at the rate of 6j per
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  • 150 11 The Cricket and Football teams sent by Negri Sembilan to do battle with the S.C C. leave Port Dickson to-morrow by the s.s. If ye ]jeang t due to arrive here on Wednesday afternoon. The cricket match will be played on Christmas and Boxing days, play each day
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  • 361 11 As a proof of the present prosperous condition of Tras the iollowing case may be cited: Recently the District Officer of Raub came down to Tras for the purpose of selling some town lots. It is just a year ago since the previous sale. The results oi the
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  • Correspondence.
    • 269 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times 1 Dear Sir, -I beg you will kindly let me know through your valuable paper whether the public can ask a police constable on duty to arrest a rikisha fo» refusing hire in the absence of a likisha peon in
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  • 118 11 A resident in French lndoChina writes as follows to tiie Veking and Tientsin Times Our new Governor-General, M. Beau, arrived and has produced a good impression. We hope he will follow M. Doumer’s policy. Tilings are going ahead in Tonquin, and the country will soon be covered with
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  • 112 11 The carbine competition for subdivision teams of the Singapore Volunteer Artillery took place at Baiestier Range yesterday morning under favourable circumstances. Three teams, representing Nos. 3,5, and 6 subdivisions competed, under the usual conditions —live men to a team, seven shots and a sighter to each man
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  • 318 11 The result of the play for the Keppel Golf Club December Medal was as follows: C. 11. Darby 39 41 —l7 63 11. Owen 42 31)—17 64 C. M. Weaver 39 3H— 9 6 k O. R. H. Webb 41 46 I* 69 W. 11. Sugden 45
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  • 363 11 French ;rronaut* have combined to build an airnhip to make the passage across the Atlantic-, for the prize of SIt)<VIUH gold offered by the management of the St. Louis Fair. The enterprise U distinct from that of Santos-Dumont, who has declared hi* intention to try for the pri/e
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  • 360 11 AS ITHERS SEE US.” In lier decidedly interesting book Two on Their A ravels,” by Ethel Colquhoun and published in London b} T William Heinemann, we find the following passage anent Singapore which will doubtless he read with interest:— A' m all small communities, the great drawback is that all
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  • 1011 11 Mr. Rickmers, the well known shipowner and ship-builder of Bremen, is dead. An American Scientist has caused a discussion by claiming that he has discovered the microbe of laziness. There are in India several hundred Boer prisoners who still stubbornly refuse to take the oath of allegiance.
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  • 53 12 The following is the result of the December monthly medal of the Batavia Golf Club, which was played for on the 19th instant:— W. o. Burt 38+1=39 J. C. Ferrier B. C. Criywiok 52 —9 =43 Win. C. Grieve 45*cr =45 K. Butterwortli. 45scr =45 <*. E.
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  • 59 12 The following are is the results of the ties for the President’s Cup :—\st Ties Bowes 6 beat Ellis +5, Teversham 11 beat Oakes +B, Williams -f 5 beat Allinson+s, Eowlie sc*r. beat Stiven ser. 9 2nd Tie.'*: —Bowes beat Teversham, Eowlie beat Williams. The finals between
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  • 69 12 Yesterday, a Kling carter was arrested in Beach Road in the act or rubbing the eyes of his cattle with chillies. This morning, Mr. Falshaw described this as a horrible case of cruelty and Mr. Marriot sentenced the man to two months’ rigorous imprisonment. Another man, a syce,
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  • 84 12 A pIAST of the Mangosteen (Garcinia Mmiciostaua), a native of the Molucca Islands, introduced into the Botanic Station at Dominica, fruited for the first time last year, and has again borne a few' fruits this season. The mangosteen was also introduced at St. Vincent in 1890, but
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  • 98 12 FREDERICK THE GREAT S SWORD. L'he State Historian of New York, Mr. Hugh Hastings, recently asked the Embassy in Beilin to ascertain the genuineness of the sword preserved in the Capitol at Albany purporting to have been presented by Frederick the Great to George Washington, and inscribed, From the Oldest
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  • 117 12 The Secretary ot' State having granted double exchange compensation to all officers on agreement, notwithstanding any clause to the contrary in the said agreement, the Perak Pioneer hears that many thousands of dollars have been paid over the Bank counter, gladdening the hearts of the recipients. It is
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  • 209 12 1'he Selangor Races at Kuala Lumpur will be held on Dec. 30th, Jan. 1st and Jan. 3rd. Entries for the first day are as follow Selangor Stakes C. Sugden’s (Jaytass, A. A. Swan's Yorkshire, Lee Pek Hoon’s Pawnbroker, Jules Martins Redeliffe, Mr. Payne’s” Sir Launcelot, H Tun nidi
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  • Correspondence.
    • 142 12 To the Editor of the" Straits Times'' Sir, —A few days ago L had the pleasure ot prosecuting the owner of a bullock cart for overloading a cart drawn by two miserably undersized bullocks and, thanks to the support given by Messrs Hooper and Falshaw, obtained a
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    • 258 12 I'o the Editor of thr Strait# Tiinr*.'' Dear Sir, —Your correspondents on the question of the salary of the Municipal Secretary do not seem to be aware that this official has already three assistants; Mr. Benjatield, Mr. Fraser, and Mr. Dungey. Only three or four Municipal officers, other
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  • 116 12 A strange poisoning case occurred in the Cavalry Hospital at Poona recently. When the Ist Bombay Lancers handed over charge to the 3rd Bombay Cavalry, the new Hospital Assistant in charge had six troopers suffering from fever. Finding a bottle on the dispensary table labelled “Quinine sulphate mixture,
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  • 235 12 At Poona, on the 8th instant, the Police arrested two men who are believed to have murdered a beggar boy in the Cantonment on the 28tli ult. The boy was found, his throat cut and disembowelled near an empty bungalow. The prisoners belong to the same village as
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  • 148 12 Definite orders have at last been issued with regard to the length of tail of the horses used for military purposes in India. The matter is not so trifling as it looks, for the comfort and even health ot a horse depend to a large extent on the
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  • 150 12 An extraordinary incident took place lately in the Calcutta High Court during a sitting of the Criminal Sessions, presided over by Mr. Justice Pratt. During one of the trials, which had only been half heard, the foreman of the jury asked the Judge not to go
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  • 148 12 I’he Paris Court of Cassation had lately to decide whether a manufacturer of chocolate commits a breach of the law* by selling chocolate cigars. The cigars are made of the husks of cocoabeans wrapped in paper having the brown colour of tobacco; and the sale of tobacco or
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  • 193 12 —Indian Scotsman. A good story is told of Trott, theMCC bowler. When he was touring with the club team last season a local professional gave vent to the opinion that Trott was one of the worst bowlers that ever won a reputation. Presently the local
    —Indian Scotsman.  -  193 words
  • 171 12 The Sind Gazette writes: We notice that arrangements have now been completed between the Austrian Government and the Austrian Lloyd Steam Navigation Company with reference to the voyages which that Company will undertake next year with State assistance. Among others, three voyages to the Persian Gulf are
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  • 236 12 Governor Sanctions the Budget. The Penang Municipal Commission met on Friday. The President Mr. Hallifax, said that the Governor had now passed the Budget for 1903 with the $16,500 for improvement of street corners and purchase of land included. The Governor had objected to that outlay unless the
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  • 264 12 To the London trade, the scarcity of the < >riental pearl is becoming a matter of deep concern. The supply, says a contemporary, has fallen off within the past year at least 75 per cent., and the price has advanced from 30 to 50 per cent. Whether the
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  • 329 12 MAG X! F k E XT BO A TS FO R T H E 8 Y DN E Y, N E W GUINEA AND SINGAPORE SERVICE. The two new mail steamers, the Prinz Waldemar and the Prim Sigirmund, which are to be put on the Singapore-New Guinea-Sydney
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  • 224 12 This Near’s Award awarded medals. The 1, j 11 Royal medals have received the °J th approval:— e hie?!. The Copley Medal to Urd 1 recognition of the value’ r c physiological and pathological rea/f hli in regard to their the modern practice of surgerv ot The
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  • 520 12 Mk Passer, the Russian Consul General in Australia, recently passec through Colombo on his way home to Russia. In an interview with a Times or Ceylon representative he said, “as regards Australia it is kept back by the small rainfall, but more than that by the
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  • 463 13 Thk Chinese New Year commences on January -'flth Thk F.M.S. Criminal Procedure Code jine into force on the 1st January nes’ T< a kay Loke Yew is the successful n ,ierer for the supply of firewood to >he Selangor railway. i H r Hokti-wi Siam, a steamer
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  • 37 13 Mh. De Bukgh Persse has received advice by cable from Brisbane that the drought in Queensland has broken up. The prospects of a Cold Storage Company being established here are thereby much improved.
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  • 50 13 IhiB morning the Hye Leong brought down the Negri Sembilan cricket team which will do battle with the S.C.C. to-morrow and on Friday, commencing each day at eleven o’clock. This afternoon there will be an Association football match, and on Kriday there will probably be a second match.
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  • 170 13 Annual Prize Distribution. 1 hk annual prize distribution ol the < fcluk Ayer Chinese Girls’ School took place yesterday afternoon in the School building in Neil Road which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion. 1 lie llev. Mr. Lyons presided, and a number of
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  • 1500 13 ST. JOSEPH’ S INSTITUTION. Prixe Distribution. There was a crowded hall at the St Joseph’s Institution yesterday when the prizes were distributed, and they, that is the audience, had not assembled without their due reward. The entirety of the domestic arrangements of the building were not open to the possibly
    1,500 words
  • 118 13 For Singapore. Per P. A O. a. s. Borne, connecting with the steamer Chutnn at Colombo, from London Nov. 27, due 28th Dec.—Mrs Mosley, Mi s Freeman, Mr. H. Hetherington, Sub-Conductor and Mrs. Kings, SergeantMajor and Mrs. Clark, Mr. Mugglestone, Mr. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Serdice. Per
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  • 196 13 The Volunteer Bmoker” at the Drill Hall last night was a great success. A good number of marines and bluejackets from the Argonaut and Espiegle were present and there was also a sprinkling of R G.A. men from Fort Canning. The string band of the Argonaut and
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  • 254 13 A Petition to Government. Yesterday a petition for exchange compensation, signed by all the Pilots of Singapore, was presented to Government. The petition is in the following terms Gentlemen,—We, the undersigned Pilots of Singapore, have the honor to ask that an increase in the present scale
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    • 145 13 under this heading the following abbrelations are used —str.—steamer sh.— bipjbq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet. facht; Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. -Torpedo; H.p.-Horse-power* Brit.—Briish; U. S.—United States; Fch.—French; ler. —German; Dut—Dutch; Job.—Johore; Lc.—General-cargo; d.p.—deck passenger; J.—Uncertain T. P. W.—Tamong Pagar Vharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B.W. -Borneo Wharf; J. W.—Jardine’s Wharf;
      145 words
    • 929 13 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Eugenie, Dut. str. 204 tons Capt Alwie, 23rd Dec. From Palemhang, 21st Dec. G.c. Lee Hong Tye. For Palemhang, 26th— Rds. Hong Wan. Brit. str. UO toaa, Capt Hud- •on, 24th Dec. From Malacca, 23rd Dec. O.e. and 36 d.p. Wee Bin
      929 words
    • 247 14 Name, port, probable date 0/ arrival, and name oj agents. Steamers. Adria, China, Jan 10; Behn Meyer. Alhoin, Bombay, Dec 27; Borneo Coy. Alssia, Hongkong, Jan 7 Behn Meyer. Annaro, Colombo, Jan 18 M. Maritime*?. Antenor, China, Jan 26; Mansfield. Aparima, Calcutta, Jan 8; Boustead. Austria, Trieste, Jan
      247 words
    • 1392 14 pq t 1 LAO j Vxssbl’B Name A Tons Captain Fkom Sailed. CoNBioNk£s. 3 Rio. Dec 16 Atpatoon Apcar Brit str 2931 (Stewart Hongkong jl)ec 11 P. Simons and Co. 16 Sifltan str 102 Cruze Malacca Dec 15 Gaggino and Co. 16 ißajahofS.uawak Sar str. 892 Baker Kuching Dec
      1,392 words
    • 825 14 Date. Vessel’s Nave. Flag A Kig. Ton^ bcC 17 Silesia Aus str. 1 3340 u 17 Asahan Ger str. lei a Shan BbaianTr^''' 18 Tientsin Brit Btr 2566 17 Resident Schiff Dut str. 68 rk bay Vla Ports i? aa*^" 4 ssst «j: 18 Kud»t Ger str 590 Sarawak
      825 words
    • 58 14 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flau A Date of Destin- Re Date. Rig. Ships Name. Captain. Sailing. From where atioH. ma Dec li*‘ Brit s.s. Sealda Macintyne Dec 10 Singapore NewZeaiand 18Dut ss. K’ing Willem II Bakker Amsterdam Batavia 17 >ut 8.8. sindoro Guthrie Dec 17 Batavia
      58 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 259 14 ENGLISH NURSE, at present in Java, desires situation with family returning to England shortly. Apply to NURSE, c,o Straits Tinu s. COMMON SENSE-NUTShtLI mew medical work on the causer an«l most 'H-ientirt*' and effectual means of self-cure ever discovered tor n< rvous and functional debility, waste of vitality depression of
      259 words
    • 279 14 ThiOfilf Medicine cf the kina a*a Registered ni' I t I V’ .< K H Cur > (2^ S t/.- lo r, I 1 Counted Trade Mark. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PH08PH0RIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. For forty yaart has maintained its Its energizing effects are shewn from
      279 words
    • 62 14 JO ••CjRAND PR1X,” PARIS, 1900. Of Highest Quality; and having Greatest Durability, are there o; e CHEAPEST The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. HIGHEST POSJ.BLE AWARD, j 1 'liie Physician's Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and GravelSafest and most Gentle Medicine
      62 words