The Straits Budget, 17 December 1902

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Budget
  • 118 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Stra.ts Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. K9TABLIBHED OVER HALF A CENTURY.
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 17TH DECEMBER.
    • 135 1 i i< »n 9th inst. at Cl uny," the wife u < OUTTS, of a son. till On the 27th November, at Shang,»i I w ife of Lkslie J. Cubitt, of a son. Kr -< Mi the30th November, at Shanghai, ..i William Mssixgton Kent, of a •iii tl b
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    • 139 1 U :\m Ki.ktt.—On the 25th inst. at the Kohe, before A. M. Chal•i- \u e < niisul. and afterwards at All liur< h, by the Kev. G. H. Davies, M 11:\ ink Williams, of Kobe, to Emma ••i Mullheiui, Baden, Germany. l;i i. > iJi ber.-»ox. —At Chestnut Hill,
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  • 173 1 Articles. K&ui, Outlook. urreney Troubles. 8 U p p |y V Borneo. u A].. r ket Quotations. upping News. Hunger List, police News n d Bale. Currency Question. Singapore Art Club. The Convent Bazaar. H. M. 8. Argonaut. Squall on the Coast. Singapore Golf Club. Wayang Street
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  • 636 1 Singapore, 17th December, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambiet f 14.SC* Copra Bali 9.00 do Pontianak 8.90 Pepper, Black buyers 35.75 do White, (8%) 61.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.50 do Brunei No. I 4.30 Pearl Sago ,,6.60 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis... 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1 22.00
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  • 256 1 The mail for Europe, this week leaves by the B. I. s.s. Zaida. The next issue of the Budget will be despatched by the P. and O. ss. Bengal on the 26th inst. The German mail for Europe by the s. s. KiauUchou closed on Monday.
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  • Special Telegrams to the “Straits Times.”
    • 80 1 Bangkok Dec 1 2th. The gold standard scheme has been throughly established. The Banks are buying and selling freely at the new rate for the tical. Business is in full swing. There is every prospect of permanent and complete success of the scheme. The
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    • 81 1 London, 10 th December. Advices from Caracas to the 9th instant, say —the combined British and German fleet seized to-day the Venezuelan fleet of four war-ships in the harbour of La Guayra. Venezuelans Arrest British Subjects. All British subjects at Caracas have been arrested Satisfaction is expressed in
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    • 29 1 The Marseilles strikers have refused to negotiate further with the employers or with the Government. They have resolved to continue the struggle to the bitter end.
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    • 185 1 London \Wh December. There were violent demonstrations at Caracas on Tuesday evening on receipt of the news that the Venezuelan warships at La Guayra had been seized. The crowd burned British and German flags,
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    • 22 1 London 11M Dec. The Venezuelan warships seized have been sunk, save one which was claimed to be French property.
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    • 16 1 General Ferrer with 1,200 Venezuelan troops is marching on La Guayra.
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    • 47 1 President Castro has issued a manifesto describing the action of the allied German and British forces at La Guayra as barbarous, ignoble, and treacherous. He has summoned all the Venezuelan States to join in defending the sacred soil of the Republic.
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    • 89 1 London 1 2th Dec. Further cables from Venezuela state that the rest of the British and German prisoners at Caracas have been released. General Ferrer’s force, with eighteen guns, has arrived at La Guayra. After .rescuing the British and German prisoners at La Guayra, the landing parties from
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    • 55 1 The sinking of the Venezuelan ships, which had been hitherto unexplained, has been adversely criticized and irritates American opinion. President Castro is enforcing a levy for military service on all persons between the ages of 15 and 50. The Archbishop and President Castro have invited the revolutionists to
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    • 15 1 The French Chamber has restored the war credits for the Mediterranean fleet.
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    • 26 1 The Siamese Government ha* definitely refused to consider the claims of the foreign hanks for compensation in connection with the reform of the currency.
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    • 47 1 London 13//i Dec. The Venezuelan Government has asked Mr. Bowen, the United States Minister at Caracas, to propose to Britain and Germany to settle the matters in dispute by arbitration. But it is unlikely that the allied Powers will agree to this at the present juncture.
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    • 43 1 The foreign banks at Bangkok have settled with the Siamese Government and have approved of the scheme for putting the tical currency on a gold basis. It is expected that business there will be resumed with general satisfaction to all concerned.
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    • 75 1 At the Union Club dinner •given at the Hotel Cecil, Lord Lansdowoe said that a closer acquaintance with our new ally since the conclusion of the alliance had led us and, he hoped, Japan, too, to have a greater respect for each other. Finally,Lord Lantdowne said that
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    • 45 2 London 14 th Dee. A rmno'ir which was current that the Mullah had been murdered is seemingly disproved by the receipt of an arrogant letter from him suggesting peace, but on conditions conceding him a port and the free importation of arms.
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    • 21 2 Two more British warships at Bermuda have gone to Venezuela. Italy is sending two warships to Venezuela.
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    • 22 2 It appears that only the Germans sunk the -wo Venezuelan vessels they The British commanders utilized their captures.
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    • 26 2 Later. After an all-night debate —which is an unprecedented thing in Germany the Reichstag passed the Tarifl Bill by 202 votes to 100.
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    • 82 2 The German warship Vineta has captured the Venezuelan gunboat Resta nrador. A mob at Puertoeabello seized the English steamer Topaze on the 10th inst., but the ship was subsequently released; but failing to receive satisfactory assurances H.M.S. narybdis and the German warship 1 xnetci bombarded Puertoeabello fort.
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    • 95 2 London, loth Dec. President Castro has changed his atffiTOae. While still protesting against the action of the Powers, he has ordered that reprisals shall cease, and has restored to their owners the British and German railways and telephones. President Castro has also visited the Wife of the German
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    • 20 2 Mr. Griseom, the American Minister to Persia, has been app anted American Minister to Japan.
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    • 51 2 Several Acts passed by the Parliament of British Columbia relating to the employment of Japanese—including the Coal Mines Regulation and Immigration Acts have been disallowed by the Dominion Government. But the disallowed Acts will undoubtedly all be re-enacted by the British Columbian Parliament in the coming
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    • 24 2 Mr. Brodrick said that it had been recently decided to retain the Chinese Regiment. It is to consist of four companies.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 Hu* [)OHt free price of the Straits Times it. %.'A a year, or f>B/-. The post free price of Ote Straits Hudget is $2O a year, or 40/]t i- not necessary to subscribe for a year. Th for shorter periods are at the same proportionate rate of price as for
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    • 149 1 COMMON SENSE “NUTSHELl A hew medical work on the cause' and most scientific and effectual means of selfcure ever discovered for nervous and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of spirits, Ac .with practical observations on marnaire and lull directions for removing certain disqualifications lhat des troy the happiness of
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  • 130 1 DEATHS. I't v\i\i.ton. At Yokohama, in November, 1 !‘.knninc;ton, Chief Officer of the s.s. nit ,1‘ff .1 fit ri> kk At Kobe. Japan, on Nov. 27th 1 l!f« n.\Ki» lark, for many years Gunner Mivhe of the T. O. S.N. Co., aged 62. I»m M.ibH.-On the 16th November, at Anne
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  • 1432 2 (Straits Times y 13 th December.) A Shareholder in Raub who has peculiarly reliable expert knowledge of and has exceptional sources for information concerning the working of the property, writes us from Kuala Lumpur a letter that is bound to prove of material interest to all who npjr
    (Straits Timesy 13th December.)  -  1,432 words
  • 1311 2 (Straits Times \bih December.) Professor Jenks of Cornell University, who, it will be remembered, arrived here last year on a mission of enquiry into the questions of the currency in, and the administration of the colonial dependencies of Britain and the Netherlands in the Far East, has made
    (Straits Times, \bih December.)  -  1,311 words
  • 606 2 (Straits Times, IM Deember, a l Ov the 8th inst. the StraiU Tim*, published an article on the local water supply, in which were quoted figures and estimates demonstrating that Singapore can secure the same identical water supply as that proposed and now bein. worked by the Municipality,
    (Straits Times, IM Deember, a l •  -  606 words

  • 4960 3 >trait* Times 16/ A Decemfer I'hat Mr. Alleyne Ireland, of Chicago diversity, understands business mat (ers. other than those connected with the intricacies of colonisation in the tropics, is demonstrated in the latest lg sue of the British North Borneo Herald which publishes in lull the terms
    (>trait* Times, 16/A Decemfer )  -  4,960 words

  • 541 4 A Sikh, a Kling, and a Chinaman have been fined by Mr. Marriott S25, S25 and $15 respectively tor working bullocks in an unfit state. Yesterday, Yew Kow was sentenced to a year’s imprisonment by the Bench Court for house breaking and theft at 31 Kerbau Road
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  • 326 4 J UBT now, when lots of people are thinking of going home by the TransSiberian railway, a time-table of the trains of the Siberian Express, from Manchuria to Moscow, will probably prove of interest. It is as follows: Thu.SAt.Mou. Manchuria dep 8.30p.m. Fri.Sun.Tue. Kariiuskaia arr 5.52p.m. dep 6.10
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  • Correspondence.
    • 589 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times Dear Sir, —In your issue of Tuesday last, your correspondent Fair Play,” who was apparently quite ignorant of the circumstances surrounding this Colony, came to the conclusion that the Chinese Municipal Commissioners, in voting against fixity of exchange, did so
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  • 1231 4 London, AV. Ihe Right Honorable Joseph <- h berlain is the man of the hour If personality, for the moment in.. 11 the interest not only of England h' 1 0 the whole of Europe and the large, and his mission to South I, < is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co’s saleroom yesterday afternoon Land and compound dwelling house 162 Bencoolen Street, area 8623 sq. ft. statutory grant No. 759, quit rent $6, bought by M. Noordin for $10,100. Leasehold land with three shop houses and a compound
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  • 415 5 \itliiu the Irish party have become >■ 1 that a split is imminent. Faction in. ;<■ specially excited just now over the i Mr. Kcdmond toward the Education Hi' policy has been severely censured I. hierarchy. There are indications i* K wing of the party will be formed.
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  • 178 5 Jy 37 n ow Australia generally (and Melbourne in particular) is raving over its Melba and, judging by the particulars which come to hand from Colombo, Singapore may some day have to felicititate itself upon having given to the world a glorious mistress of song. W
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  • 559 5 H. M. S. Vestal left for Hongkong at 7 p.m yesterday. 4 The time gun this morning was lired at 11 minutes past 5. From the beginning of the year up to the 23rd ult., there were 839 cases of cholera in Kobe, 605 of which had
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  • 89 5 The production of gold in Formosa continues to increase rapidly. The mines now working are confined to a small section of the district north of Kelung. When gold was first purchased by the Bank of Formosa its value was estimated at 800.000 yen a year. It increased to
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  • 139 5 They are a sporting or, rather, sportive, lot in Perak. Just now they have got 31 waler griffin*, landed in fairly good order, and are trying to see what can be made out of them. They range from 13.3 to 14.1. A very good meeting is anticipated.
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  • 139 5 Ix commenting upon the gold standard scheme for the Straits Settlements, the Manila Times says Most of us in the Philippines are doubtless quite willing to risk such disadvantages as may come from a gold standard system in view of the enormous losses entailed by a currency
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  • 439 5 THE P. O. MAIL. The P. Sr. O. mail atonmer Jfullwirat is due here at 2 p.m. to-morrow and brings a number of passengers for Singapore, among them Col. Sir A. R. F. Dorward r. e. the new* Officer Commanding the Troops in the Straits Settlements, and Col. Flint r.a.
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  • 603 5 (From Our Correspondent.) Ith December. Last week Mr. Elcum, D P I. came to Malacca to inspect the Malar College. After the inspection, the College broke up for its usual holiday during the fasting month. Mr. Elcum returned to Singapore on Friday. On Sunday last Lieut.-Col. Murray arrived
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  • 226 5 The manufacture of coconut butter and coconut oil is assuming the dimensions of a very large and growing industry in Marseilles. The manufacture of copra oil in Marseilles alone now amounts to the annual figure of from 55,000 to 65,000 tons. Of butter, one firm alone turns
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  • 573 5 Dec. Bth. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and family have left Sereraban for good. Mr. Richardson has a billet in Kinta. The Rev. Mr. Izard arrived in Seremban on Saturday and held two services on Sunday in the old church. Mr. Wickwar returned from Singapore early in
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  • 253 5 Through the courtesy of the loca) agents, Messrs. Paterson Simons <fc Co., we have received the annual report of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha presented to the shareholders on Nov. 25th. From it we learn that the gross profits of the company for the past half-year amounted
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  • 1605 6 The following article, from the pen of **an Keehil,” appeared in the Field of thoiSth ult:—The state yacht was timed to leave at twelve noon. I left the office at a quarter to the hour, and, as l had to climb the hill and hurriedly pack
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  • 235 6 E. E. A. C. TELEGRAPH CO The report of the Eastern, Australasia, and China Telegraph Company for the half-year ended June 30 last states that the gross receipts amounted during that period to £283,856, against £346,336 for the corresponding half year of 1901. The latter figures, however, included about £23.(H>»
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  • 255 6 H.M.S. ARGONAUT.” Singapore’s specally big Christmas complement of ships is keeping up to its proper strength, as yesterday the first-cluss cruiser Argonaut 11,000 tons, put in an appearance. She is a fine-1 looking four-funnelled ship and her I officers are as follow Captain, George H. Cherry, Commander I Maurice VVoollconibe,
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  • 346 6 An a sequel to the complaint* ot iusulticient docking accommodation, a* brought out specially in the plan* of the I*, and O. line to >cck another terminus, waterfront improvement* on a hu ge scale have l»een taken in hand at London. It i-proponed to modify materially the present
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  • 162 6 Had Singapore a decent theatre the Neill-Frowlcy Company might visit us. As matters stand there is no probability ot their doing so. Thk following additional to Tan Tock Seng’s Hospital are acknowledged:—Thio Soon To, Esq. $-00, Ho Vang Mob, Esq. SnO. Ax abstract of tne Post Ollice
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  • 157 6 Three Steamers put Back to Singapore. T»rkk steamers, the Aina llong, He unit and Farfalla which cleared from this port last night all put back again as they encountered a heavy squall and heavy seas from N. \Y. by \V. Certain European passengers on the Farfalla
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  • 513 6 Miss C. J. Miller, an American globe trotter, is now visiting Java. She Entered herself in a visitor’s book there as the most travelling woman in the world” She has been rambling about for nearly twenty years, and has been I through Siberia, China, Japan, and Siam before
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  • 347 6 Thf Autumn Cup which resulted in a tie between Ferguson and Gunn, was played oflf on Saturday, Ferguson winnine fi.irly easily with 84 against Gunn’s 91. The following handed in cards F. Ferguson 43 40— 83 scr S3 A. A. Gunn 40 46= 86 3 83 T.
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  • 939 6 Friday, Dec. lath 1 present. I His Excellency Sir Frw k A t„ I b„„.J.iimajgS j Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Tr*. d m Hon. E. C. H. Hill,I Hon. J. M. Allinbon. I Hon. Dr. Litn Boon Ken-* I Hon. C. Stringer. I Hon. VV. .T. Napier.
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  • 1278 7 Police Court Charges. 'Day afternoon, twenty-six win* were arrested on the 5th t the Kwong Nam Lung on migration depot, 29 and 30 <r reet, were arraigned before Mr n itty for preliminary enquiry into ,j of unlawfully confining mts, namely, Mr. W. Evans, pr tit tor
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  • 346 7 A rare and piquant combination of spices and other condiments has been kindly forwarded to us by Messrs. John Little and Co., in a bottle of The Prince s Sauce.” This is the new but joyous mixture so feelingly referred to by our London correspondent in
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  • 6807 7  -  (By General Ben Viljoen.) Already in March, 1901, great difficulties were experienced in obtaining sufficient food and this was a source of the greatest anxiety. In September of the preceding year the commissariat had already been given up and each commando had
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  • 762 9 Mr W. W. Bailey, of Klarifc, will be H turning to the Straits about the f n iddle of February next. 1 hk Penang Races have been fixed >, i Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, r: e :ttd, 5th and 7th February. 1 H morning, a rikisha puller
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  • 289 9 Arrival of De Lucchi. Alp redo de Lucchi, who mysteriously disappeared from Singapore on August 14th last, and was apprehended at Marseilles by the French Police on a charge of forgery, arrived here in charge of Detective Insp. Perrett by the Bullaraat on Saturday afternoon.
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  • 127 9 The Indian Immigration Ordinance of 1899 applies alsoto immigrants under contract to work at surface tin mining, road making, railway embanking, quarrying, stone breaking, and brick making. No stamp duty will be charged on statutory declarations made by sureties to Government officers. Mr. J. K. Birch, the Resident
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  • 56 9 Fifth Subscription List. Brought forward $1,477 92 Donaldson and Burkinshaw 25 W r hiteaway Laidlaw* Co Jas. H. Drysdale 5 Mrs. Drysdale Collected by Mr. Foster from the visitors at the Grove Hotel Tanjong Katong 16 Col. Pennefather *20 H. E. the Governor 50 S.ltjua. 92 Quarterly
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  • 92 9 The Russian squadron, now on its way out here, under the command of Rear-Admiral Baron Stackelberg, has visited Kiel, and is the largest foreign naval force that has appeared at Kiel since the canal was opened. The crews of the seven vessels amount to 3,000 men, with
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  • 131 9 The depth of water in the Impounding Reservoir is now close upon eighteen feet. As indicating that the water officials are satisfied with the quantity supplied by the feeders, the supply from Kallang has been cut off; the temporary standpipes in the streets are being taken up:
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  • 997 9 School of Tropical Medicine. Sir Francis Lovell who, a few months ago, visited this part of the world on a collecting tour on behalf of the London School of Tropical Medicine has sent us the following list of subscriptions and donations collected therein in 1901 and 1902:
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  • 504 9 The Londfjn China Express of Nov. 21st says :—Evidence is continuing to be taken by the Colonial Office committee on the question of the feasibility and desirability of establishing a gold standard of currency in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States. There seems to be
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  • 1250 9 l London, 21 ri Nov. t 1902. Oom Paul, his Book. The memoirs of Paul Kruger, 2 vols., (32/-) were published on Monday last, and it is safe to say that within four months the 32/ volumes will be on the second-hand bookstalls at 6/- or
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  • 1624 10 Home. Mr. Brodrick, speaking at Edinburgh, urged the public to exercise patience as regards effects of Army reform** they must have greater confidence in the Conimander-in-Chief and others responsible for executing them. He said it was impossible to create a new army by saying presto Tne Daily Mail
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  • 438 10 Exhibition at Government House. Notwithstanding the fall of rain yesterday afternoon, H. E. theGovernor’s At Home at Government House was well attended, and was altogether a pleasant and successful function, the more so because combined with it was an exhibition of work executed by members of the
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  • 89 10 P. O. PASSENGERS. The following passengers arrived per s.s. Parramatta this morning: From Shanghai Mr. R. Bottelier from Hongkong Lt. Thaekwell, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Rassnore, and two Misses Rassnore The following passengers leave per Parramatta to-morrow. For London —Lieut. Arthur .1. Blackwood, Mr. A. A. Moss, Mr. John Josh, E.
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  • 229 10 Colonel Dorward, D. S. 0., and Brigadier General in local command, arrived by the P. &O. s. 8. Ballaarat on Saturday last. In the midst of a blinding rainshower his reception was impressive. He landed in mufti being escorted ashore by Capt. Barry, A.D C.
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  • 365 10 Currency Matters. I Mr. J. C. Nicholson, the manager of 1 the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking I Corporation in Singapore, arrived at Bangkok on the afternoon of the 4th inst., charged with instructions to assist Mr. T. McC. Browne the Bangkok j manager in dealing with the question
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  • 485 10 £39,000 Profit. The first general meeting of the shareholders in the Gopeng Tin Mining Company (Limited) was held on the 11th Nov. at Redruth, (Cornwall). Mr. T. B. Bolitho, the Chairman, in moving the adoption of accounts and managers report, stated that the Company was started
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  • 1301 10 On Sunday last Dr. 29 couple of snipe near Kuala V^ Foot ’and mo7th "disease i n <u. has resulted in scarcity 0 f S«r dearth of beef. 3 attle and Mb. Oscar \V illiams the 1! v t General, is expected to .Singapore very shortly. tUrn
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  • 234 11 For Singapore. Pei P. A O. 6. 8. /fonw, connecting with he steamer Chusnn at Colombo, from bond on Nov. 27, due 28th Dec.—Mrs. Mos•*y, Mbs Freeman, Mr. H. Hetherington, "ub-Conductor and Mr9. Kings, SergeantMajor and Mrs. Clark, Mr. Mugglestone, Mr. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Serdice. Per
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  • Correspondence.
    • 193 11 To the Editor oj the Straits Times." D EAR Sik,—Your article ia the Straits 1 ones issue of 8th inst: is perfectly correct and feasible, but you ae mistaken as to the originator of this scheme. It did not originate from the late Mr. Mac Ritchie
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    • 255 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —The sudden and unexpected movement made by our European friends here, l&st week, was at first quite a mystery to us, but the publication by you yesterday of an extract from the London and China Express has cleared the
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    • 428 11 To the Editor of the “Straits Times'' Sir, —Your editorial in Saturdays issue of the Straits Times is very interesting to those who regard the development of the mineral industry as of national importance, but ’tis somewhat difficult to follow the reasoning or the figures of
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  • 83 11 1 here was a capital attendance at the hancy hair held at the Town Hall last evening, ivhen practically the whole of the goods displayed on the numerous stalls were disposed of. The musical arrangements were as perfect as could be and everything went most swimmingly, dispite
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  • 242 11 The New Serving Rule. The Secretary of the Singapore Cricket Club has circulated among the members a notice, calling the attention of lawn tennis players to the following alteration in the Rules, re: serving:— The server shall serve with both feet immediately behind farther from the net than)
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  • 237 11 December 1 otk. Rain has been abundant here for the last month. It is quite a welcome change now to get a bright warm day to dry things up a bit. Snipe are very plentiful. His Highness the Sultan was able to bag 18 birds in about twenty
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  • 224 11 The qualifying round, a handicap Bogey match, for the President’s Cup, was played off on Saturday last. The following eight returned the best scores. D. Ellis 4 downj Dr. Howes 7 j Col. Oakes 8 down Lt. Col. Teversham 6 j Dr. Fowlie 6 down A. \V.
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  • 319 11 On Sunday, December 14th, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, in the presence of a large congregation, the Rev. W. H. C. Dunkerley m.a, was instituted and inducted Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry ot Singapore, which comprises the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, in succession to the en.
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  • 141 11 The Netherlands Colonial steam vessel Lucifer lately visited Thursday Islandoft’Northern Queensland. Shehad on board a Marine Department Inspector who called there to ascertain the views of masters of vessels using the Torres Straits route to Hongkong, as to where would be the best place for lights on
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  • 302 11 Enquiry by Mr. Broadrick. H.M.S. Vestal with Mr. Broadrick on board arrived at Christmas Island on November 23rd. Mr. Broadrick had come down to enquire into the verdict of the District Officer, which was to the effect that the death of the Chinese coolie, who was killed
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  • 358 11 14 th December. On Friday last, a general meeting was held to settle the preliminaries for the usual New Year Sports. As the Malay Hari Raya will clash with the white man's New Year, it was unanimously decided to postpone the main January I to the second day
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  • 449 11 On the first Monday in eaen month Messrs. \V. A. Fitton and Co., of Manila, isssue a share report. From the last to hand we publish a low extracts as follow: —Since our circular No. 36, of the 3rd ult., our share market has remained as reported. During
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  • 777 12 Yesterday afternoon, a specif n meeting of the Municipal Comtnissiol. ?;is held, the President, Mr. J. O Authonisz, in the chair. There were also present Messrs. Evans, Chope, Barker, Lee Choon Guan, Maclaren, and Col. Pennefather; the Municipal Secretary, Mr. Polglase; and the Municipal Engineer, Mr. Peirce. Bills
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  • 826 12 Philippine Patriot and Martyr. A sketch of the life and character of Dr. Jose Rizal, the only great man hitherto produced by the Malay race, is given in Hugh Cliflord’s Fragment of Recent Asiatic History,” in Blackwood. When Dr. Rizal came into prominence, the Filipino had sunk to
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  • 295 12 Victory for the colonial party in Copenhagen, in the rejection of the treaty for the Rale of the Danish West Indies to the United States, is shortlived. The steamship scheme by which St. Thomas was to be re-established as a port is rapidly failing. Government encouragement and promised
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  • 226 12 The following letter from the Singapore Merchant Service Guild, dated Dec. llth, has been circulated among owners or agents of local ships 1 am instructed to inform you that at a special general meeting of the member* of the Singapore Merchant Service Guild, held last niglit, it
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  • 213 12 The following passenger* at rived on Sunday by the Imperial German Mail steamer Kiautsrhou from the North Fiom Yokohama Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mcßean, Mr. M. de lledenstrom. From Shanghai: Mr. and Mrs. Gervais Court, Mrs. A boo. From Hongkong: Mr. and Mrs. de Waal
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  • 190 12 Calcutta via ports, Pentakota on 15th Dec., Boustead. Penang and Calcutta, A. Apcar due 17th Dec., Paterson Simons. East Coast ports, Ban Whatt Hin, on alternate Saturdays and Wednesdays 8. 8 Co Japan via ports P. Irene due 18th Dec. B. M. Hongkong C. Apcar on
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    • 179 12 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used :—str. —steamer sh.— »hip; bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.— Yacht; Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. —Torpedo; H.p.— Horse-power; Brit.—British U. S. —United States; Fch.—French; Ger.—German; Dut.—Dutch; Joh.—Johore; G.c.—General-cargo; d.p.—deck passenger; O. Uncertain T. P. W.—Taniong Pagar tfrharf; T.P.D.—Tanjong Pagar Dock; B.W. —Borneo
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    • 796 12 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Attaka Brit. 8tr. 139 tons, Capt Deacon, j 16th Dec. From Pladjoe. 13th Dec. Petro1 leum. Syme 4 Co. For 8ourabaya, U Rds. Banka, Brit. str. 127 tons, Capt Backhouse 16th Dec. From P.Siantan, 14th Dec. Copra and 7 d.p. Teo Heo
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    • 639 12 Name, port, probable date of nr', and name of agents Steamers. Adria, China, Jan 10; Br hr Mp™ Alcinoue, China. Dec 20; ManSeH Alesia, Hoe gkong. Jan 7; Bebn \rl Alting, BandjermasMr., Dec 18 tmv/° Ur l i Ch HaVre left N'ov3 v a r' Ambna, Hamburg. Dec
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    • 1017 13 t Flag j l Vx80iL’8>- M a Tons Captain Paon Sajlei, Consignees ■'t Ran l-‘ on )ut 8 r f ,Hk Cotic Dec 4 Kk Leong Chan r. Kaldie n°T ,ns< n (Mauritius Nov 2v Kwong Fook Hing Van Imho!! ItF T^in 1 5 il,; ll Dec t Daendele
      1,017 words
    • 634 13 Datb. Vbmbl-s Nami. Plao Kio, Tons. Dwtination. eC 1? Ha1*l nn 8tr I 8 1 I IVnRDK. JUneoon sad Calcutt, i ®**’’*n Uui Bir. 339 Banjoe Linljar i < l,t s+ Br >‘Btr. Ifi88 Ssurabava 11 Emile j Dut str. 6u Rhio 11 j Pontianak Brit str. 97 PaL
      634 words
    • 86 13 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS, i Datk of Dfstin- ReDate. Rio. Ship’s Name. Captain. Sailing. Prom where ation. mab*. Nov if) 1 )ut bq. Amsterdam Bakker Aug England Samarang D- ,‘il)ut s.s.lPrins Hendrik l'urfboer Amsterdam Batavia B l)ut ss.'Oengaram *Putte Dec Batavia Ro ten am ::Brit bq.llJlwhill
      86 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 181 13 M.C.S. Mohamed Co Diamond Merchants, Manufacturing Jewellers, and dealers in precious stones, No. 8 High Street, Singapore Are showing a splendid stock off High Class Diamonds And gem-set Jewellery with extensive, varieties of solid Gold and Silver wares, Guaranteed genuine works from China, at no U rate terms. Orders and
      181 words
    • 49 13 BOAKl) and Lodging can be bad with a private family, within 10 minute*drive to town. Apply to B. Y. c/o Straitt Times. m.w. 8. 28/12 BANJO a BRAND. REGISTERED. 54 Finest Pilsener Beer Specially brewed for Tropical climates (In Quarts Pints. Can be obtained from all Wine Merchants. a«-ia
      49 words
    • 4 13 9 G. OTOMUNE CO.
      4 words
    • 273 13 KIM WAN BRICKWORKS A CO. I* AMI K PAXJAN C.— Are now supplying building pricks of every kinds. For particulars apply to CHOP KIM BIE, 18-12 No. 24, Malacca Street. French Cement.V SUPERIOR quality; not ordinary. Used in all Mediterranean ports. First shipment just arrived. J. A. van EPEN, m.w.f.
      273 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 383 14 WE SHIPon APPROVAL %n4 guarantee safe delivery. BlgfetfT Grad* Cycle*. Fully Warranted. £2.10 to £4.10 I Dunlop Tyre*. Steel or Wood Rimt, I Free Wheels, Mud Guards end Brakes. [tyres, ACCESSORIESs lSportinvr CooHo an<i Sewin® |M»ehines h*lf Prices. >we«t Freight Rfttoo to all parts of the World. > Write for
      383 words
    • 557 14 LEA PERRINS’ Messrs. LEA Sc PERRINS beg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Original Worcestershire Sauce, they are now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will be at
      557 words
    • 365 14 r J NY CAPLSBEKG NY CARLSBERG BEER (••CROWN- ano GLORIA PILSENER, (“W. b. Both very light Pilsener Beers, especially brewed t Ob Ulnable at the principal hotels, and Retail deaiers 0P,Cl1 CRAN’D Climat,, XSL’iiTaSMCa smv ASIATIC E.AST COZ LTD. Sole porte rr, rs GOOD HEALTH implies freedom from physical pain
      365 words