The Straits Budget, 11 December 1902

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Budget
  • 99 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES h P W» Borneo, ,X 8 8 ,hrOUShOO, Philippines, and French Indo-China. i',?;abliBhed over Half a Century* VOL. LV. Cable Address Timjw, Singapore.) •Straita Bcdget, 40 Cents. Straits Times 15 cents SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11 1902. No. 4138 Xhk
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 11TH DECEMBER.
    • 114 1 Kmvv.,j;ih, On the 2nd inst., the wife of K key worth, Superintendent, Filter n-.'Hpore, of a son. r.**v v. On the 14th Nov., the wife of E. F. k v},H H.M.'s Consulate, Kobe, otason- -On the 18th Nov., at Shanghai, ot J. Dalton, I.M.C., of a son. I: H'
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    • 154 1 I Killer— On the 18th Nov., at Files Elizabeth Tilley, f Cbariw Tilley, To»onto, to Rev. 1: ak Keller, M.D., of the* China Inland i .mgsha, Hunan. H Kill -Fraser. —On The 22nd Nov., at athedral, Hongkong, WILLIAM H aklfi to Ethel, eldest daughter of ■/x Kruger, of Herne
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  • 164 1 Leading Articles. Our Water Supply. British North Borneo. Chitty Question. The Cootie Riot. Government Steamer. Local. Market Quotations. Shipping News. Passenger List. Police News. Municipal Election. Fo itball. Fined a Cent, i aunch of a New Steamer. Marine Engineers and their pay. Kian Yang Disaster. Singapore Art
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  • 599 1 Singapore, 11th December, 1902. PRODUCE. Gambier buyers 14.80 Copra Bali do Pontianak °.90 J Pepper, Black 36.00 do White, (8%) 61.50 Sago Flour Sarawak I do Brunei No. 1 *-20 j Pearl Sago j^L 5 j Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 23 W Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 3-*Vv (Coffee, Liberian
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  • 379 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves jy the P. and O Parramatta. The next issue of the Budget will be mailed jy the B. I. 8.8. Zaida on the 17th inst. The M. M. mail for Europe by the s.s. closed on Saturday. The mail
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    • 62 1 London Dec 2nd. Owing to the remarkable success o tea-growing in the Caucasus, the Russian Minister of Agriculture has decided to establish the industry on a sound basis. The Minister will import experts from China, India and Ceylon. The prices for the season’s yield of
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    • 31 1 Owing to an accumulation of destitute persons at Marseilles awaiting passage to Algeria, Tunis, and Indo-China. the French Government has ordered naval seamen to man the mail steamers.
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    • 68 1 Mr. Gerald Balfour, the President of the Board of Trade, said in the House of Commons, in reply to Mr. Gibson Bowles, that the Brussels Sugar Bounty Convention reserves undoubted liberty to Britain as regards fiscal relations with her Colonies. At the Conference which
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    • 100 1 Later. At the British North Borneo dinner in London, there were 200 guests present. Mr. R. B. Martin, M.P.. chairman of the B. N. B. Co, presided Mr. Cowie announced that the Company hopes that the Imperial Government will assist the Company to raise a loan
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    • 45 1 London 3rd Decemt-er. The Second Chamber of the Netherlands States General has passed the Sugar Convention, after a debate in which the Foreign Minister declared that Britain would be obliged to levy countervailing duties on sugar from her colonies, if they give bounties.
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    • 28 1 The North German Gazette says that the date for the Germans to evacuate Shanghai depends up,»n sufficient v*uvuavc Hliai.'L'llal ID the course of January next.
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    • 63 1 The United Btates Congress has opened. President Rcosevelts Message re-affirms the necessity for legislation and for even a change in the Constitution to allow of Government supervision over Trusts, but admits that care must be taken not to injure legitimate enterprises. The President concludes by strongly advocating the
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    • 16 1 M. Rosen, the Russian Minister in Greece, has been transferred to Japan.
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    • 23 1 It is unlikely that General Manning will be able to take the field in Somaliland before the middle of January.
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    • 8 1 The Spanish Cabinet has resigned.
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    • 15 1 Four British men-of-war have left Bermuda for Venezuela. Two more will follow.
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    • 23 1 London fir* Lord Kitchener has arrived at Delhi, whence he has started to follow the grand military manoeuvres in the neighbourhood.
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    • 36 1 The House of Commons read the Education Bill the third time, by 286 to 134 votes. The House of Lords had a special midnight sitting at which the Bill was read the first time.
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    • 8 1 Mr. Chamberlain has arrived at Caire
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    • 20 1 In the Studdert army remount case, the grand jury at the Munster Assizes threw out the bills.
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    • 29 1 Lord George Hamilton 6aid that it lad been decided to grant only two clasps for the China war—one for Taka and one for the relief of Peking.
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    • 14 1 The war ship Indefatigable stationed at Trinidad has been urgently ordered to Venezuela.
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    • 56 1 London, 4tfi Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain are the guests of Lord and Lady Cromer at Cairo. They rejoin H. M. S. Good. Hope at Suez on Sunday. Lord and Lady Cromer, Sir Reginald and Lady Wingate, and a representative of the Khedive met Mr. and
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    • 11 1 H. M. 8. Indefatigable has arrived at LaGuayra.
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    • 37 1 It has be#n decided to send aa expedition of from 400 to 600 of West African troops against Kano is Nigeria. The Emir has large forges, and 4a making extensive preparations to nMI the advance.
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    • 35 2 S foliations by the French Government to terminate the strike at M arseilleo have failed. The offers made by the masters proved to be unsatisfactory. The men are issuing a violent manitesto.
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    • 25 2 Lord De R>s has been gazetted Colonel of the First Life Guards in succession to the late Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar.
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    • 28 2 L „ulon, Mil December. Lord Dudley has inform«d the Lord Mayor of Dublin that the King and Queen will visit Ireland early next year.
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    • 31 2 MR. BARRETT S PROSPECTIVE APPOINTMENT. It is stated at Washington; that Mr. Barrett, the St. Louis Exhibition Commissioner for Asia, will he appointed U. S. Minister at Tokio.
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    • 95 2 To-day, in the French Chamber of Deputies, it was alleged on behalf of the Nationalist party that the Government had shown complicity in the Humbert case. The Minister for Justice, replying, called to mind the fact that b rederick Humbert was a Boulangist Deputy.
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    • 19 2 The winter weather on the Continent and in Great Britain is causing much distress everywhere.
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    • 23 2 Bills establishing the currency ot the Philippines on a gold basis have been brought into both houses of Congress.
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    • 19 2 London Sth Dec. The Reirihulion. the third German cruiser ordered to enezuela, has arrived at La Guayra.
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    • 15 2 The Russian squadron has sailed from Portland and goes to China.
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    • 17 2 Major-General Sir It.C. Hart, v.c., k.c.b., has been selected to command the Thames district.
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    • 23 2 Mr. Chamberlain had an audience of the Khedive yesterday afternoon. Mr. Chamberlain visited the Pyramids and re-embarked at Suez.
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    • 27 2 Reuter’s correspondent at Peking says that Wei Kuang Tao, Viceroy of Yunnan, has been appointed to succeed Liu Kun Yi in the viceroyalty of Liangkiang.
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    • 32 2 The Russian Steam Navigation Company has approved of a draft agreement #ith the Government for establishing regular and frequent sailings from Odessa to the Persian Gulf.
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    • 101 2 Representations Unnoticed. Britain and Germany in the Same Boat. Mr. A. J. -Balfour said, in the House of Commons, that no efforts had been spared to obtain an amicable settlement of the British complaints against Venezuela. Latterly, the British representations oit the subject had beeii practically Mb unnoticed
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    • 45 2 London m December. The Straits Currency Commission continues to take evidence. The date of drafting the report has not yet been determined upon. < It is understood that the report will be sent to Singapore before publicati m in England.
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    • 78 2 French Cabinet Intervenes. in the strike and nave rotused to unload vessels, no matter of whu nationality. The trades unions at Marseilles are discussing the advisability of a general strike. The fishermen, joiners, bakers, and butchers have already pine! the strikers. The French Cabinet has
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    • 36 2 The Captains of first class county cricket teams have decided as a concession to bowlers to increase the width of the wicket one inch by increasing the diameter of the |stumps.
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    • 70 2 British and German Ministers Leave. Identical ultimatums from the British and German Governments wer» presented to the Venezuelan Govern meiit at Caracas on Sunday afternoon If the ultimatums are not complied with, immediate military action will be taken by the two Governments.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 99 1 Thn post free price of the Straits Times it- f:>; a vear, or H8/-. The poet free price of the Straits Budget is $*20 a year, or 40/jt \h not necessary to subscribe for a year The -inscriptions for shorter periods are H t the >:imc proportionate rate of price
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  • 205 1 DEATHS. t;i I-. -On the 14th Oct., in England, i: ••khp.ard, late of China, aged 82 V*v.i-. K *>n the 12th Nov., at Bonibnr. 11 E. Hocking, of Devonport, oi 1 Oriental, aged 22. v/' /e« y Man* 1,1 (> n the 13rh Nov., at Foochow, 1 1 ’’Lw,
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  • 2396 3 Mr. Peirce’s Report on the Present Works, and Alternatives. 1 i following is the report on the kallang water works scheme submitted to the Municipal Commissioners by Mr l'tirce. the Municipal Engineer, at the meeting of the Board on Friday afternoon last: <. -i u .-e with youi
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  • 671 3 (Straits Times, 4fh Nm'ember.) Can it be that the Chartered Company of British North Borneo is really going to beguile the home Government out of a loan of half a million sterling at three per cent, while we do not know which way to turn for scavenger
    (Straits Times, 4fh Nm'ember.) –  -  671 words
  • 510 3 (Straits Times btk November.) Mk. Hood-Treacher’s recent heart-to-heart talk with the Chetties does not seem to have carried any comfort to the Perak Pioneer which seems to opine that argument, and remonstrance are alike wasted on these Shylocks of the Peninsula. Our contemporary points out that the more
    (Straits Times, btk November.)  -  510 words
  • 1017 3 (Straits Times 28 th December.) It is to be hoped and expected that Urn *ptoVc vi gftyat'* oiorai worm to the coolies of Wayang Street and Singapore generally. Figuratively speaking it is possible—even m these 20th Century days—to suck honey from the rock, and oil from the
    (Straits Times, 28th December.)  -  1,017 words

  • 5671 4 (Strait* Times 10 th December.) About the middle of next year it is expected that the new Governmen t steamer, now under construction at the shipyard of Messrs. Riley Hargreavos <fc Co. Ltd., will be handed over to Government complete; and the Seabelle will then assume the duties
    (Strait* Times, 10th December.)  -  5,671 words

  • 199 5 Owing to the absence of the judges, the sittings of the Supreme Court are suspended for the present. Sir Ernest Satow was to leave Peking on the 21st Nov. for England. He will probably return some \ime in March next year. Hongkong is going to have a
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  • 34 5 RESULT OF THE CONTEST. The Municipal Election yesterday resulted as under:— Jago (Tanjong Pagar Ward) 52 votes. Pooles (Kaliang 43 Barker (Tanglin 29 Jennings (Kallang 7 The first three are therefore elected.
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  • 697 5 An adjourned special meeting ot the Engineers’ Association was held at the Marine Club last evening to discuss the all-absorbing question of pay. There was a good attendance and, the general conclusion arrived at was that matters at present are in a most unsatisfactory
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  • 284 5 Kuala Lumpur under Water. Passengers that arrived from Selangor and Negri Sembilan by the Ganymede to-day report further particulars of the great Hoods in the Native States. It was impossible for would-be passengers by the Malacca to leave Seremban. The railway was under as many as eight
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  • 421 5 S. C. C. v. 62nd Co. R. A. The S. C. C. have taken an early <>pp< rtunity of a match with the new Arti lerymen from Hongkong, the 62nd i;o R.A. Their reputation had preoodod th# m and everyone was wondering if the Club had a chance. Last
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  • 676 6 The SuduSeremban mine returns for :r weeks ending 28th Nov.: —Piculs z’jO. 60 of tin ore. The Ban Teck Guan rice mill at Saigon has just been destroyed by fire. The damage done is set at $700,000. Before Capt. Boldero at the Marine Court this morning fifteen
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  • 77 6 There will be an Exhibition of pictures oils, water-colors, photographs etc., by kind permission of H. E. the Governor, at Government House on Wednesday next, 10th Dec., at 4.45 p.m. The Hon. Sec. will be pleased to receive contributions up to the 8th inst. from members of
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  • 412 6 Statement by*the Captain of the Boon San II." The Boon San II, as we notified in yesterday’s issue, has armed from Johore, whence she had gone after the collision which resulted in the sinking of the Kian Yang off Pulo Pisang. The master of the Boon San
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  • 192 6 Stuck on Batu Berenti. At daylight this morning it was discovered that a large steamer was on the reef off the Batu Berenti rocks. About 7 o'clock this morning the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. sent one of their tugs to the assistance of the stranded steamer. They found
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  • Correspondence.
    • 307 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —The Sanitation and Conservancy departments of the Municipality are in the executive charge of two different officers, whose particular functions and training do not run along parallel lines. The former department has the Municipal Health Officer for its executive
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  • 174 6 An interesting experiment which may lead to the opening up of new commercial centres for Bangkok trade is about to be inaugurated, with the arrival of the steamship Mathilde, says the Bangkok limes. The intention is to establish direct communication with Singapore, Malacca, Port Swettenham, Teluk
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  • 293 6 In their weekly share report, Latham iV Co. state:— Since our last report prices remain much the same and only a small business has taken place, mostly in industrials. Tanjong Pagars continue firm at 8315, without bringing out sellers In Straits Traders we have to report a
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  • 1594 6 Away to windward the clouds were massed in serried ranks, black and threatening and the breeze came in short squally puffs with a promise of more weight behind them later, and as we left our moorings in the harbour the first drops of rain had
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  • 175 6 In the Southern Philippine, cot.** expected to be a great among the Mahommedari isiancie Southern Mindanao or ro8 i are called. The Moros aroun Lanao in that quarter are American rule, and l much has resulted from this. l ra P j. eI is looked out lor
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 136 6 LAND SALE. At Powell Co's, saleroom yester day afternoon ten Government building allotments, each having a frontage ol 20 feet on Stanley Street and Cecil Street, Singapore Town, realized very satisfactory prices, the result being an excess of about $8,600 over the value based on the upset price. The title
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  • 469 7 Herr Rybbe, Railroad Commissioner 0 t Prussia, has completed plans for government control of the principal railway lines of Prussia. Six of them, having a mileage of 550 miles, have tinted ro his plan and other assents tre practically assured The Governwill buy tlie lines at prices somevtjiit
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  • 850 7 Ihk I\ Si O. Company send two up pocket book Calendars tor I Ma. I). H. Wise of tlie F. M. S. is 'fiurtly going home on leave for pro>»*hly about a year. Ihk /Wt Pioneer hears that a lady i >ctor with an Edinburgh diploma is
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  • 96 7 It is in contemplation to utilize Cameron’s Plateau” in Batang Padang, which has an elevation of 8000 feet, as a Sanitarium for the F. M. States. Inspector Surgenor in charge of the Matang district, has been transferred to the State of Pahang and has proceeded thither. Inspector McConnell
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  • 104 7 It rarely happens that a Chinaman illtreats his cattle, but yesterday, Mr. Marriott had occasion to send a Chinaman to prison for a fortnight for working bullocks in a starving condition. This morning, another Chinaman, who had already been fined *lO for cruelty, was charged before Mr. W
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  • 838 7 Never Saw Captain Chopard. As was stated in yesterday’s issue of the Straits Times the Newcastle steamer Willowfone, which went ashore on the reef at the Batu Berenti rucks on Thursday night, picked
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  • 862 7 I Some points about Japan, her allies and politics. (t torn a Japanese Correspondent.) Tokyo Norem)>er 16 th. The Anglo-Japanese alliance is having an echo in every section. A shop calling itself the Anglo-Japanese House (Nichi-yei-Do) dealing in clocks, watches, jewellery, etc., recently made its appear- j ance
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  • 775 7 Gutta Percha. A work on gutta percha, its cultivation and uses especially in Netherlands India, by Octave J. A. Collet, has just been published at Brussels. A syndiI cate interested in the article sent him out to the Malayan Archipelago to I inquire into the gutta percha trade.
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  • 375 8 Kuala Lumpur a Lake, love’s Lost and Property Damaged. Tbe flood at Kuala Lumpur on Sunday last, of which we have already given some particulars telegraphically and otherwise, is described as the greatest flood since 1885. The rainfall during the past two months has been exceptionally heavy.
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  • 846 8 Admiral Sir Hulnky Keppel is not coming here for the present, and has telegraphed to cancel the arrangements made for reserving rooms for him, etc. He was unable to secure accommodation on the steamer by which he desired to come out to Singapore, and has altered his plans
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  • 628 8 The Commercial Treaties Association of Germany, which claims to represent the economic interests of five million persons, ha» urged Count Bulow. the German Chancellor, to prolong the existing commercial treaties for ten years, since the policy of renewing these treaties from year to year is calculate* to render
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  • 1088 8 Official Notification. Bangkok papers to the 27th November give particulars of the recent currency hanges there. jj By order of the Minister of Finance 1 the following notification was published on that day:— Under Royal Decree dated the 25th t November, 121, and published in the
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  • 610 8 29/A November. Mk. Egerton, c.m g., arrived at Port Dickson by the Meran on Wednesday morning, and proceeded to Seremban by the midday train. He was met at the station by Mr. Wise and other officials and also by some of the leading civilians of the
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  • 121 8 The facilities for bettim. Races having bee n found Pan Mutuel room was special!*. ladiea in the upper th y e erv *l f. Oh Model Settlement, Shane!,., Fain would 1 dwell in thee W here one may back one’* fun And still thought virtuous be V
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  • 348 8 The following days will be ob,e r 2' as public holiday, throughout Colony —Christmas Day, fioxim, n and New Year’s Day. The steamer Hi Uovdene cot off ,i Batu Berenti shoal yesterday fir after noon. Some cargo forward vl shifted, and at full tide the floated off
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  • 91 8 The following football fixtures have been made Monday, Dec. Mil, v. H.M S. AlOioi' (Assoc) Tuesday, Dec. 9th, v. u The Meet (Rugby). Club Association teaml enne> goal, C. Weaver, Pnoble (backs), L Wishart, E. Bradbery, J. Roberteoi. (halfbacks), D. Kerr, E. A Abrams R. Buckley.
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  • 171 8 COOLIES AT THE POLICE COLK A Straits Times reporter enquired tm. morning whether there were an), developments of the fatalfighJ l tre et police and coolies at g_ then yesterday morning. Apparent y is nothing fresh., except various persons injured lt>uc bt recovering. The man
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  • 2556 9 VIEWS ON EXCHANQE. j H e ordinary fortnightly meeting ol ie Municipal Commissioners took J‘j ace yesterday afternoon, Mr. An* thonisz* President, in the chair. Also re .eerit. Messrs. Barker, Maclaren, J ago, y| 0 .es. Choa Giang Thye and Choon i.uan the Engineer (Mr. Peirc*), and qe
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  • 997 9 The London Daily Mail is responsible for the statement that a naval brigade will be shortly landed at Somaliland. Colonel Swavne has arrived at Port Said en route to England. He stated in the course of an interview that there were 110 miles of waterless country between
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  • 1982 9 I Distribution of Prises. Thebk was a large and fashionable attendance at the Raffles Girls’ School yesterday afternoon, the occasion being the distribution of prizes. The largo school room was tastefully bedecked with palms, flags, etc., and, taken together with the toilettes of the numerous ladies present,
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  • 633 10 Batu Pahaf November 30 th. All through the month, with the exception of a few dry days, heavy rain has prevailed. There is a dampness in the air, and a mustiness about most things, making existence the reverse of comfortable On Wednesday the 12th was celebrated the
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  • 557 10 (From Colombo Papers I Britain is pressing seveial long-standing claims against Venezuela, ami is understood to have given Venezuela a limited time to comply. The German press hopes Venezuela will receive a lesson. The Venezuelan press claims protection under the Monroe doctrine. American papeis retort that the
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  • 796 10 H. E. the Governor paid a visit to H.M S. Albion this afternoon. The Russian Volunteer Fleet 9teamer Yaroslavl left for Odessa on Saturday. Mr. John Roberts, the Billiard Champion, was at Madras at the date of last advices. The Sipiau Tin Company’s returns for November are
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  • 216 10 The Increased Tariff. Following on the notice published by the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co. that owing to the heavy depreciation in the value of silver, the Company finds it necessary to increase its tariff, the subjoined list of increased charges has been issued, to prevail from 1st
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  • 112 10 The following u a list of p a ni arrive by the German Mali Pnnzcss Irene on Saturday\ December. For Singapore r u* *1 Mrs. Ida Nardelli Mrs. von Hummel, Mr. A. J. W WarL; r Tf Hreitag and Family, Mr. p Lawsen, Mr. Adolf Koch
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  • 241 10 Malay Mail Sereniiah is now a place of rh as nearly all the good landromdatT' is worked out, and since th* r flood, mines which were -Lr their way were flooded oat owners do not care to go to the of starting them again, so they down. Unless
    — Malay Mail.  -  241 words
  • 535 10 The following circular letter ha< been addressed to the principal shipowners and agents of Singapore:— Singapore, 3rd De*-. .Sirs, —Owing to the great fall in exchange lately, marine engineers in general find that the sterling value of their wa«:es. a- well a* the
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  • 811 11 Acheen. News of a dreadful drowning accident 1Jines from Acheen. A patrol, forty:e strong, was crossing a river in a a lv, when the boat capsized, during infusion arisingfrom Achinese opening r p from the banks. Thirty-three of >ldiers perished. The remainder rpi-ae-lthe shore safely. The party fji
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  • 464 11 The Prize List. Followingisthe list of prizes presented at the Raffles Girls’ School on Friday afternoon:— Form VII.—Nettie Zehnder, Arithmetic (presented by Mrs. Napier) 1st also in Geography and Grammar, Sarah Judah, Composition and Sacred History (presented by Mrs. Stringer), Katherine Johns, French and higher studies generally
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  • 281 11 The other day the picturesque little Herefordshire village of Lugwardine was en fete the occasion being the marriage of Mr. John Rumney Nicholson, the new manager of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Co., to Miss Sybil Helen Croft, second daughter of the late Sir Herbert
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  • 669 11 H. M. 8. Albion leaves at daylight to-morrow for Bangkok. Sir Henry McCallum, Governor of Natal, has been suffering from dysentery. The Gazette notifies that the King has been pleased to approve of Mr. Svend Gad as Consul of Denmark at Singapore. Mr. W. G. Gulland, of
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  • 824 11 The Canteen and the Band The adjourned special general meeting of the Singapore Volunteer Corps, to further discuss the Canteen and Band subscription questions, was held at the Drill Hall yesterday afternoon, Capt. Baker, 13th m i presiding over a moderate sized gathering of members. There were three
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  • Correspondence.
    • 320 11 To the Editor of the Strait* Times” Dear Sir, —Your article headed M Our Water Supply has amazed and astonished me. I ask myself, and many there are making the same enquiry, can it be possible that the expenditure already incurred on the Kallang scheme and the
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    • 479 11 To the Editor of the Straits Time*” Sir, —The views given on fixity of exchange by the ChineseCommissioners at the meeting of the Municipal Board on Friday and published in the issue of the Straits Times on Saturday are, to say the least of it, peculiar. As
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  • 484 12 S.C.C. V. Officers ol the Fleet. It is seldom we see such a collection of H.M. ships as there is in harbour at present so the S.C.C. gave the visitors a game last night on the Esplanade, before a large crowd of spectators, including a number of ladies.
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  • 334 12 —Malay Mail Owing to there being a score of foot and mouth disease cases at present at Kuala Kubu, bullock carts are very hard to hire and carters are demanding as much as 818 a cart to Tras and 520 to Ilaub, and for tw 7 o small
    —Malay Mail  -  334 words
  • 1536 12 Court of Inquiry To-day. At the Marine Court this morning, an inquiry was opened into the fatal collison which took place early on the morning of Sunday, Nov. 30th, off Pulo Pisang, between the steamers Kian Yang and Boon San II, whereby the former sank in
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  • 222 12 —Malay Mail. The past pheuoruenally wet weather has done a great deal of damage in the mines and besides curtailing the output has very seriously hampered several mines where there are large numbers of kongsi-kong coolies employed on day wages. In a large mine like Low
    —Malay Mail.  -  222 words
  • 1359 12 Liuiy Edward Cecil, Lady Charles Cavendish Bentinck, Lady Georgina Frere, the Duke of Montrose, Lord Hugh Cecil, and the Hon. Alfred Lyttelton have issued an appeal Asking for money, new* clothes, and beading on l»ekalf of the loyalists in South Africa. The appeal declares that the Imperial
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  • 709 12 The Mullah lias returned the Briti>b -t.,,. which were captured in the fight with 0D Swayne. All were rendered unlit for „V He also sent a defiant message. The Mnlfov says that if we desire peace we can have it or certain terms he dictate*. If we wi.*h
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  • 1487 13 s >cg the 1st instant, the duty on ♦ta leaves exported from Sarawak Z been at the rate of five dollars a picul- Thk German cruiser Geier was cted at Saigon on the 5th instant wag to leave that port on the 12th in-tant. j. K s
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  • 198 13 The Ostasiatirhc Lloyd state* that the report that lienminy intends to delay the evacuation of Shanghai by her troops till the 1st of February is unfounded. I nder the agreement between the British and German Governments, the troops of these two Powers will commenee to withdraw on the*20tli
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  • Correspondence.
    • 590 13 To the Editor of the “8trait* Timet.” Sir, I wonder if it will be a source of gratificaticn to you to know that your efforts to bring the Municipal authorities to a sense of their responsibilities in regard to this matter of supplying water, and how they
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  • 257 13 Yesterday forenoon, the Central Engine Works, Victoria Street, launched from the yard at Tanjong Rhu a steel screw steamer of 113 tons. The engines to be fitted are compound surface condensing, having cylinders 14 ins. and 28 ins. by 20 ins. stroke. Steam is supplied
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  • 937 13 The Case of the “James Brand.’* This morning in the Marine Court, before .Captain Boldero, R.N J. A Pollock, Chief Officer, Frank Green, Boatswain, W Turnbull, Chief Engineer and Edward Terry, fireman, of the oiltank steamer James Brand were charged with refusing to proceed to sea. The
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  • 800 13 THE KIAN YANG” DISASTER. On proceedings in this case being resumed after the adjournment for unch yesterday, the Captain ot the Boon San, cross-examined by Mr. Braddell, stated that on the night prior ;o the collision he was on the bridge Tom the time of leaving Johore. At Tanjong Cocob
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  • 460 14 he Navy Beats the Club. Lovh*H9 of the Rug by game had an opportunity of seeing their old love on the Esplanade last night, when a fifteen ot the S. C. C. met, and was defeated by, a fifteen representing H. M. ships in port. The Naval men
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  • 216 14 Of all the grand old men of the present day the grandest—and oldest, too —is Sir Henry Keppel, who not long ago celebrated his ninety-third birthday (says the Sew Penny Magazine) His first shot he fired in the China War of 1842 he served
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  • 201 14 Thus a correspondent:—The medical men of Singapore say that there is a lot of appendicitis knocking about. The man who nowadays cannot say he has got or has had it is quite out of the swim. It has taken the place of la grippe” and is now
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  • 1090 14 The Effect of British Rule. The Blue Book recently issued provides a correspondent of the Morning Post with a text for paying Sir Frank Swettenham a well-deserved eulogy. Sir Frank himself occupies a position unique in the history of the Colonial Civil Service. Securing a cadetship
    1,090 words
  • 340 14 A short time ago we briefly chronicled the fact that Mr. John W Taylor, an American representing a group of Manila capitalists, had acquired a big tin concession from the Siamese Government. In an interview with a representative of the Manila Times Mr. Taylor said
    340 words
  • 173 14 This morning, Mr. C. J. Saunders appeared before Mr. Wilson to prosecute on a summons Tan Kiong Saik for driving a victoria other than on the left side of the Esplanade road on the 24th ult. Mr. Elliot defended. When the evidence was taken, it transpired that
    173 words
  • 183 14 The Straits Settlements return of imports and exports for the third quarter of 1902 show that, excluding treasure, the imports stood at: 3rd qr. 1901—576,138,654 £7,375,930 3rd qr. 1902-$84,796,756 £7,331,380 Increase in dollars, 8.658,102 Increase in sterling, £44,550 Singapore imports rose from $61,691,797 in the third quarter of
    183 words
  • 300 14 For Singapore. Per P. <fe O. s. 9. Britannia connecting with tlie steamer Ball inrat at Colombo from London Nov. 13, due I4t»h Dec.—Mr, and Mr*. Warrick. Messrs. C. 8. Crane, J. Heuderson, MeCraddie, Me Doug ill W. H. Soelford, A. Bowling «rock. A O.Carter, J. Kerr,
    300 words
    • 212 14 Under f-his heading the following abbredat ouji H e used :—str.—steamer sb.— trap; bq—jarque; sch.—schooner; Yet. facht; On. —Cruiser; Gbt.—Gunboat; Tor. -Torpedo; H.p.-Horse-power; Brit.—Bri•ish; U. S.—United States; Feh.—French; Jer.—German; Dut.—Dutch; Joh.—Johore; Lc.—Gene; U-cargo; d.p. -deck passenger; I.—Uneert iin T. F. W.—Tanjong Pagar Vharf; T P D. —Tanjong
      212 words
    • 856 14 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Ban Whatt Soon, Brit. str. 199 tons, Capt Rowse, 13th Dec. From* Pontianak, 8th Dec. G.c., and 60 d.p. Ban Seng. For Billiton, 12th—Rds. Borneo Brit. str. 404 tons, Capt Dinsdale 10th Dec. From Sarawak, 8th Dec. G.c., and 45 d.p. Ong
      856 words
    • 677 14 Earns, port, yi ubablt date oj arrival, and name oj agents. Steam BBS. Adria, China, Jan 10; Behn Meyer. Alcinous, China, Dec 22; Mansne Alesia, Hongkong. Jan 7; Bebn Meyer Am. Fourichon, Havre, left No'- Ambria, Hamburg, Dec 22; B* M Australind, Jremantle, Dec -1 > Antenor, China,
      677 words
    • 1355 16 I r LAU .[t v *sel’b Name A Tons Captain From Sailed. Consigners 4 B, i fcf Laertes Brit str. 1340 Lvons jJnoy ..Nov 25 W- Mansfield ACo i Kennebeu str 38*»2 jV\‘allac Hongkong Nov 27 Standard Oil Coy. .I 9 Cooevana I str 2496 Stron ;svdney Nov 5
      1,355 words
    • 121 16 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Flag A Date of j Destin- RfDate. Rig. Ship's Name. Captain. Sailing. From where aTion. Hiafk. i s Nov 14 Dut sh. Adriana Bruijn Rotterdam Batavia 15Dut s.s K’ing Willem III Ouweliand Amsterdam Batavia 19 Dut s.s. Gede Bagchus Nov 19'Batavia Rotterdam
      121 words
    • 823 16 Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag A Rio. Tons. Destihation. yr Dec 2 Robert Dickenson Bi5V str. 1331 Hongkong S GuadalqnTver F(A. str. IAO6 l Marseilles via Cuddalore A Fultala Brit str. 2692 Calcutta S Bui str. 1776 Penang and Calcutta a Chovf Fa Ger str 1055 j Bnmrkot 5 Borife|ft|,
      823 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 174 15 NURSE, at present in j .Java, 'insires situation with family >tu to shortly. Apply to NURSE, c*o Straits Times. ffiapjLL BL. A R«jn;?dy for ail Irregularities. r>? |l;M»r Apple, Fein; jr<v 8oi e. o; Singapore Dispensing Co., Ltd** I Raffles Place, Singapore. ft Propiiefor: ■MAlii in SOI r THAJWPTQN. PNOI-ANP
      174 words
    • 781 15 THE RAVAGES OF WAR. O f war’s ravages dwellers in Southii lc Ju nov T rau ch, but fortunately not all. Ibere is surely nothing more depress ing than the spectacle of burnt and looted viijages and farms, vineyards and fruitful fields wasted and spoiled, with here an 1 her**
      781 words
    • 504 15 G ct i So irrins’ Sauce Possesses a delightful piquancy. Is the most delicious Sauce known. For Meats, Game, Fish, Soups, fife. THI ORIGINAL GENUINE WORCESTERSHIRE. Thtonly Medic mb ci tn .#*1/ i. Registered Trade Mark. A‘ n HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. I
      504 words
    • 544 15 COMMON SENSE-*NUT8HELL niedi- *1 work on the ituM* and moni nctenufle and effectual mean* of B*-lf cur* eTer discovered for and functional debility, waste of vitality. depression c pirit-, ♦c .with practical oh-erration* on n>srr>ajr'' an 1 foD directions for removing certain dL«qualjti cations that dewtroy the happiness of wedded
      544 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 42 16 JAMES WATSON CO.’S SCOTCH WHISKIES V ARETHE best value in THE MARKET FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: $12-50 per ease. Duty extra. V V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED $8 50 per case. Duty extra. obtain vblk from retail dealers, or McAb|3TER Co., —sole agents.
      42 words
    • 23 16 G. OTOMUNE CO., :o:Japanese Curio and General Store. Japanese Curios Japanese Curios NOVELTIES FOR X’mas and ffew year 1902, 1903.. O. OTOMUNE GO.,
      23 words
    • 642 16 registered. BRAND Finest Pilsc ner Beer Specially brewed for Tropical climates ■V /A (In Quarts* p ints 1 Can be obtained from all Wine Merchants THE TANJONQ PAQAR DOCK COMPANY, LTD. Shipwrights, Engineers, Iron and Rp. M Founders, Wharfingers. Ac This Company execute Hhip and Marin; Engine Repairs of all
      642 words