The Straits Budget, 3 December 1902

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 123 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Tne Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China.' ESTABLISHED OVER HALF A
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  • The Straits Budget. WEDNESDAY, 3RD DECEMBER.
    • 114 1 .y.— On the Btli November, at Chin vire of E. Molloy, I. M. Customs, i i i! v —On tiie 10th of November, at !.*,u. the wife of J. A. G. SHIPLEY i :>!:;•) "f a daughter. \i —Mu the 10th November, .at Shang* win* of H. *J.
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    • 153 1 Ci -i l l MANsitKiDGE. —At Naga.-aki, on >»i. \..v, Albertßussell to Elizabeth i >\ tii* ei«ie"t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.tit'.briJge, Nagasaki. k\i.i» l< >HNsToN. —At the Masonic Hall, II 'iitM'i Arbroath, on the 24tli October, Omk- K\ in», of Perak, to Jean IF. Lewer, 'Ui ivin*'
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  • 160 1 r AbiS(j AtTICLEg. '♦‘nan Railway. -lanksgiving Dav. r Want. mi* ipal Rating. '•o< a i.. Quotations. 'npping News. List. p °lice News. U J nd d Muaioi Pa!ity- /> 8 *>»'e Uftket. h iDe»« Girls’ School. Kallang Ward Election. Garrison Golf Club. Kadana Gold Mining Co.. Singapore
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  • 640 1 Singapore, 3rd December, 1002/ PRODUCE. Gambier buyers f 14.50 Copra Bali 9*80 do Pontianak 8.85 Pepper, Black buyers 34.50 do White, (8%) 61.25 Sago Flour Sarawak 4.40 do Brunei No. 1 4.20 Pearl Sago 5.50 Coffee, Bali, 15% basis 24.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basis 32.00 Coffee, Liberian No. 1
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  • 277 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the B. I. s.s. Zamania on Wednesday. The Budget next week, will be mailed by the P an J 0. Parramatta, TheN.D. L. mail tor Europe by the s. s. Gera closed on Monday. The mail from Europe
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  • Special Telegrams to the “Straits Times.”
    • 131 1 LATEST BETTING. Calcutta, Dec. 1st. Record Reign 3 to 1 Up Guards 5 to 1 Vasto 5 to 1 Dandy 6 to 1 Stand Of) 8 to l Security 10 to 1 Tubal Cain 12 to 1 Alix 15 to 1 Acetine 15 to 1 Goldsmith 15
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    • 25 1 Hongkong Ist December. The Commanders of the French and German garrisons at Shanghai have formally declined to evacuate that city before February next.
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    • 233 1 Bangkok, 1st December. The Banks have practically refused to do business since Thursday morning last, when the mint here was closed. They have filed claims for compensation from the Siamese Government. Business is at a standstill. The rice mills have shut down. The Banks have refused
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    • 35 1 Kuala*Lumpur, 2nd December. Thera were serious floods here on Sunday last. The streets end the padang were deep under water. Several natives were drowned The floods went down rapidly at night.
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    • 25 1 London, 26th Nov. H. M. S. Renown has left Malta for Genoa to take the Duke and Duchess of Connaught to India.
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    • 26 1 The French miners who had been on strike have returned to work, except those employed in the basin of the river Loire.
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    • 45 1 P. O. AND LONDON. The Daily Telegraph states that the P. and O. Company have finally decided to keep their head-quarters on tha Thames, and are berthing their new large steamers at Tilbury dock. The railway companies have made considerable concessions to the P andO.
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    • 24 1 Mr. Chamberlain will be at Monibassa from the 14th to the 17th December, while the Good. Hope takes in coal at Zanzibar.
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    • 17 1 Herr Krupp was buried at Essen. The Emperor William followed the hearse on foot.
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    • 25 1 Archbishop Walsh and the Irish hierarchy publicly condemn the Irish members for their failure to support the Education Bill.
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    • 30 1 Lotuion 27 th hoveinber. Mr. Ritchie, Chancellor of tlie Exchequer, speaking at Croydon, said he hoped to do something next April in relief of existing taxation.
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    • 51 1 Admiral Stakelberg’s Russian squad" ron, which is coming out to the Far East, consists of two battleships and four fast cruisers. The vessels have been staying at Kiel, and have now arrived at Portland where they will stop for ten
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    • 79 1 MAILS to B. N. BORNEO. Will the P. O. Call There Mr. Austen Chamberlain, Post-master General, speaking in the House of Commons, announced that when the Eastern mail arrangements are revised he will bear in mind a suggestion that i;he P. and O. mail steamers should call at a port
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    • 74 1 “TIMES OPINION ON JAPANESE POLITICS. The Times in a sympathetic article on Japanese politics, especially in connection with the naval scheme and the land tax, says the Japanese are a proud and patriotic people. Marquis Ito, continues the article, will prosecute the policy of naval extension if he accepts power;
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    • 60 2 England and Germany have agreed upon joint action in order to collect their respective claims against Venezuela. Three German warships, the Amazone ATuidae, and A lobe, are fitting out' with full war equipment at Kiel to go to Venezuela immediately.
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    • 30 2 Col. Manning’s Hying column has relieved and reinforce i the troops at Bohotle, Somaliland. Thirty-five per cent of the garrison were found to be ill with malarial fever.
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    • 22 2 London Aar. 27th. The Indian Mounted Infantry for Somaliland have arrived at Aden, and proceeded to Herbera immediately.
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    • 83 2 Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson,who is about to visit India and Ceylon on a mission of research into leprosy, read a paper at a meeting in connection with the Prince of Wales’ Leprosy Fund. Expounding his theory, Dr. Hutchinson stated that, in his opinion,
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    • 42 2 London 28 th Noc. It is feared that the continuance of a stiike which has started at Marseilles will imperil the existence of that city as a port, and endanger the safety of the French fleet in the Mediterranean.
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    • 20 2 Lord Kitchener has arrived at Bombay where he had a cordial reception. He goes to Agra to-night.
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    • 9 2 The Good Hope has pissed Gibraltar.
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    • 39 2 London 29 th Nov. The French liners at Marseilles are being laid up The English liners are taking the mads and passengers. The eoal miners on strike in the department of the Loire have resumed work.
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    • 32 2 The King is scd.ling a special mission to Teheran to present to the Shah the Order of the Garter bestowed upon him while he was in England
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    • 64 2 The Australian Commonwealth Premier, Sir Edmund Barton, has made known his intention to bring into the Commonwealth Parliament a Bill requiring vessels engaged in the Australian coasting trade to pa> the rilling local rates of wages. The Bill will also provide for shutting out from such coasting
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    • 83 2 The Russian Government presented a Note to the British Government in September, re the Sugar Bounty Convention. The Note declares that if the British Government persist in its resolve to enforce the retaliatory duties on Russian Sugar, provided for under the penal clauses of the Sugar Bounties Convention,
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    • 123 2 London, 3Qth Nov General Dewet’s book is published U is dedicated to my fellow subjects *i.we British Empire.” It is severely Ime&l in tone, but not acrimonious. W h e writer disparages Lord Roberts generalship and says that he lacked foresight.
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    • 14 2 London Dec. 1st. Over forty steamers are lying idle at Marseilles.
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    • 20 2 The Duke and Duchess of Connaught have left Genoa, for India, on board H. M. S. Renown.
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    • 17 2 A full military telegraph section now at Aldershot has been ordered to Somaliland.
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    • 35 2 The Kabul Khel Expedition, under command of Major General Egerton, has destroyed 59 towers and three villages, and captured 202 Waziris and 5600 cattle. Twenty-five of the enemy were killed and two wounded.
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    • 49 2 Reuter’s correspondent at Bohotle telegraphs under date 21st November that the malaria there was due to mosquitoes attracted by a flood from recent rains. The deaths among the garrison at Bohotle averaged one daily. The Somali levies continue to prove to be undisciplined and utterly unreliable
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    • 26 2 A superior force of ladrones [brigands] surrounded a force of American constabulary in the Philippines, and killed the inspector in command.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 free price of the Straits Times |:j4 l year, or «8/-. The post free price of The Straits Budget is $2O a year, or 40/p i- not necessary to subscribe for a year, li e subscriptions for shorter periods are a: the same proportionate rate of price as for a
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    • 30 1 DURABLE AND ACCURATE The Keystone Watch Case Co. ut«khh(o ihi Philadelphia, U. S. A. America’* Oldest and Largest Watch Factory For sale by The Principal Watch Dealers in Straits Settlements
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  • 110 1 DEATHS. 1*it» mi \t Pitsfield, Mass. I S. A. on •"Tm September, John Ritchie, ii-baad of Christina Ritchie, formerly K. T. Holwell, Imperial Maritime -i *»ii'., < hina. U *iv i v.—(in 15th November, at Shanghai, 1 •'■‘I'eiMiu r. C. BoJEseN, D. M. aged 58 1 L\K.—At Shanghai, on Nov.
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  • 109 2 Siam has suddenly decided upon a gold standard and the official notification announcing the closing down of the royal mints was promulgated on Thursday last, Nov. 27th. The scheme suggested under
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  • 485 2 (Straits TimeSy 21th November.) So far, no definite results have accrued from M. Witte’s recent visit to Eastern Siberia; but those who are watching the trend of affairs in that part of the world will be interested to learn that though there is as yet no definite announcement
    (Straits TimeSy 21th November.)  -  485 words
  • 477 2 (Straits Times 27 th November.) This, the fourth Thursday in November, is generally regarded as Thanksgiving Day throughout the United States of America, and as such is generally observed as a holiday. Though of pious Puritan origin, and though pious Governors in various States avail themselves of the
    (Straits Times, 27th November.)  -  477 words
  • 552 2 {Straits Times 28 th November.) Early this year, we were told by an eminent authority that the most pressing need of this port was a sheltered harbour for the small steamers which frequent Singapore. From that time until now, surveyors have been engaged in taking soundings in the
    {Straits Times, 28th November.)  -  552 words
  • 5066 2 (Straits Times 29 th November.) The Municipal rate of house assessment has been raised from 9 to 11 per cent—an increase of about 22j per cent, on the old rate, though of only 2 per cent, on the valuation. The increase was determined upon at yesterday's meeting of
    (Straits Times, 29th November.)  -  5,066 words

  • 690 4 The Great Lake of Cambodia is reported to be silting up. A Medical Conference began to sit at Kuala Lumpur on Monday last. Three Chinamen were hanged at Hongkong on the 20th instant for the murder of a coolie. The British cable steamer Colonia arrived at Manila
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  • 977 4 The usual half-yearly sale of fancy and useful articles in connection with the above school was opened in the Town Hall yesterday afternoon, a number of people attending. The upper room was prettily decorated and a great variety of things were laid out upon numerous stalls, which
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  • 123 4 LLOYD S REGISTER. From the Returns compiled by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, it appears that, excluding warships, there were 388 vessels of 1,000,714 tons gross under construction in the United Kingdom at the close of the quarter ended 30th September, 1902, against 477 of 1,414,120 tons in the corresponding period
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  • 116 4 Mr. A. W. Just to officiate as Magistrate, Seremban. Mr. M.H. Whitley, as Secretary to Resident. Mr. A. Pountney as Protector of Chinese, Selangor and Negri Sembilan. Mr. A. C. Franklin as Assistant Collector of Land Revenue, Seremban. The following officers have been transferred to appointments on
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  • 160 4 Latham Co., report Our market remains much the same during the week under review, and with the exception of a brisk rise in Fraser Neaves there is not much business to report. Tanjong Pagars are steadier again and are wanted at $315, with no sellers at this
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  • 236 4 The recently published district reports are very unsatisfactory with reference to the question of P. W. D. labour. Tamil coolies are scarce throughout Klang, Kuala Langat, Kuala Selangor, Ulu Langat and Ulu Selangor, and if imported immigrant coolies ha( not been distributed over the different works, the
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  • 374 4 Thr agitation started by t Colonial politicians again* .i I treaty of M. Delcasse has J without result. M. Delease' resign voluntarily to please ,h refuses to withdraw the t.,.,'® decision of the french cha.?i. regards the Treaty will be rnade in January. As M. Delca«,:v7 J,t successors,
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  • 396 4 It is a question whether North America will ever become an important tin producer. There is evidently tin in the country —if it can only be found. A report of a geological survey has the following:—“The El Paso tin deposits liton the east Hank of the Franklin Mountains, the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 121 4 LAND SALE. The following properties were disposed of by auction at Powell Co.’s saleroom yesterday —Freehold land fronting Mohamed Sultan Road and Martin Road, near the Singapore River, area 3,736 square feet, being part of the land comprised in East India Company’s grant No. 62, with the godown thereon 15,
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  • 612 5 1 he following is the official report of pP Governor’s speech on the Supply p n Council on the 31st October, ieaimc with the Municipality quesV a- regard* the public health, I think f ie hon hie member for the Penang of Commerce (Dr. Rrown) was quite
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  • 1095 5 Manila w*.s shaken by one of its I'tomary earthquakes on Nov. 17th. Vksikrday afternoon a Kling coolie working a winch at Tanjong Khoo vlien the chain broke and the handle >nl:< winch,suddently reversing, struck the *olie in the chest and knocked 'ini down. He died. i h
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  • Correspondence.
    • 408 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times'' Sir—l read in last evening’s Straits Times the interesting news that there are two candidates for election to the Kallang Division seat on the Municipal Commission. I am sure that each of the gentlemen who seeks our suffrages is all
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  • 354 5 “PERAK GAZETTE NOTIFICATIONS. From 1st January next, His Highness Raja Chulan bin ex-Sultan Abdullah is appointed District Officer, Upper Perak Mr. A. W. Just, to be Magistrate, Seremban. Mr. E. S. Hose, Assistant District Officer, Larut. Mr. W. G. Maxwell, Second Assistan District Officer, Larut. Mr. R. D. Acton, Assistant
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  • 673 5 Memorial to Sir F. A. Swettenham. The Malay Mail publishes the text of the following Memorial ot the f ’lerkn in the Subordinate Service of the State of Selangor addressed to H. K. Sir F. A. Swettenham, K.c. M.G., High Coinuii>Hioner, Federate*! Malay State**, Singapore. 1. Your
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  • 301 5 The second ordinary general meeting of the Kadana Gold Mining Co. will be held at Gresham House on Tuesday next at noon, when the directors’ report on the operations of the Company from the date of its formation in July, 1901, to the present date, will
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  • 470 5 Situation in 1901. The Perak Government Gazette publishes the report on the Southern i division of the mines branch in that State for 1901. It shows that the output of tin, which in 1695 reached 400,956 piculs, decreased steadily year by year, till in 1699 it wa9 only
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  • 359 5 Sir Ernest Satow’s Action. The firm attitude adopted by Sir Ernest Satow in the matter of the missionary murders at Chencnou has led to the issue of a reparation edict, which, Chinese like, stops just short of what the Minister has demanded. The edict admits that further reports
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  • 1176 6 Breaking Treaties in Siam. American Difficulties in the Philippines. In the last number of the Outlook to iiand by the mail there is an article under the above heading, by a correspondent who dates his letter from Singapore on August 31st. There is nothing very new in
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  • 265 6 American Lady’s Impressions. An American Society lady thus describes in the Manila Times her impressions of Singapore and Johore, at which she called as a passenger from Manila to America in the transport McClellan This harbor is such a pretty one and the queer little boats and
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  • 215 6 Colonel Oakes’ Cup. The finals for the above cup were played off on Tuesday and resulted in a win for Mr. Longmuir. At the first hole Mr. Robertson was unfortunately stymied and lost the hole. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th w’ere halved. Then Mr. Longmuir,
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  • 836 6 Chinese Consul-General at Singapore. A great many persons in England will be glad to hear that Mr. Fung Yee has been made Chinese Consul-General at Singapore, says a home paper. Twenty years and more ago, he was a prominent and interesting person in London, and was even
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  • 426 6 Judging by all accounts Bangkok legal lights would do well if sent to the Wild and Woolly West and provided with revolvers. In a recent case evolved out of a dispute between a Britisher and an Indian firm, this was the sort of thing that happened between
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  • 111 6 The meeting of the Jelebu Mining and Trading Co. called for to-day, was postponed. Further evidence was taken yesterday in the Tringanu Street club alleged gambling case, and a further postponement was granted. A Telegram reports, under date the 19th instant, the death of the Rev. Hugh
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  • 272 6 Commenting upon Sir Frank Swettenhanvs Report as High Commissioner of the F. M. S., and his remarks anent the shipment of the Madras coolie in regard to work in the Peninsula, the Globe says :—ln view of the immense importance of providing an adequate outlet for the surplus
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  • 2353 6 MUNICIPAL CO MMISSION. THE 1903 BUDQet House Assessment Incre.^ v t0 I 1 per ce "t. 1 E8TEKDAY afternoon there a special meeting of the u**S Commissioners to C on«u n,tl 'A estimates for 1903. The member were Messrs. Anthonisz (Pr spr > Jago, Maclaren, Evans, and r/:.,'- father. The
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  • 183 7 According to a Peking wire, dated Ist inst., it is reported that Sir E. Satow, the British Minister to Peking asked Prince Ching some time ago if ■here was not some other clause in the draft of the agreement for the evacuation of Shanghai which the Chinese Government
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  • 1216 7 MISS A. BRADLEY—Dr. JESSER COOPE. Yesterday afternoon, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Dr. Jesser Coope was married to Miss Amy Bradley, sister to Mrs. Gilmour Ellis, in the presence of a very large number of invited guests. The Cathedral was made beautiful with decorations of palms and
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  • 505 7 There was a good attendance at the meeting held at the Marine Club last evening to enable the seafaring community to air their views on the Currency Question. Mr. W. Makepeace occupied the chair, being supported by Captain Hunter, the President of the Club,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 124 7 To tine Editor of the Strait Times” Sir, —The following paragraph occur® in a letter signed Cantus" in the Spectator of 25th October A few year ago Home sailors landed from a German warship at Singapore, got drunk, committed assaults, and were locked up by authority. The captain
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    • 644 7 To the Editor of the l Straits Times' Sib, —The letter appearing in your issue of yesterday and signed A Qualified Elector is an outward and visible sign of an inward and perturbed electoral conscience, and as such I heartily welcome it, as the sign and forerunner
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  • 959 8 Much water has flowed under the bridges since Mr. Henry Norman in his well known w r ork on the East described French Indo-China as a total failure, remarking, castra faeiunt coloniam appellant. Then piracy was everywhere rampant whilst a kind of guerilla warfare was incessantly being
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  • 607 8 A tribe that is losing its Characteristics. In an article on the Jakuns of Batu Pahat, which appears under the signature of Mr. A. I). Machado in the latest issue of the Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, the author thus
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  • 73 8 The final for the Scratch Fours, for the prize offered by the Club Captain, Mr. Darbishire, was rowed off last evening between crews stroked by Messrs. A. Robertson and C. Emerson respectively. Mr. Robertson’s boat won by a length. The crews were as follows: A. Robertson, stk.,
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  • 806 8 Friday, Nov, 28th. PRESENT. His Excellency Sir Frank Athelstane SWETTEXHAM, K.C.M.G., (GOVERNOR). Hon. W. T. Taylor, C.M.G., (Colonial Secretary). Hon. \V. It. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. E. C. H. Hill, (Auditor General). Hon. A. Murray, (Colonial Engineer). Hon. G. S. Murray. Hon. .1.
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  • 233 8 Oft I saw him strolling idly, talking gently to hiruself Whilst his general appearance quite suggested lacK of pelf So one day I sweetly asked him as I stood him b. and s. Why he seemed so very careless in the matter of his dress. Soft and low
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  • 440 8 As Italian cruiser is expected to arrive here shortly from Europe. Thk Russian transport Kazan arrived from Shanghai this morning, for Odessa. There will probably be an S.V.C. field day on Saturday next. This year’s camp is spoken of at Chasseriau estate, off the Bukit Timah Road.
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  • 294 8 Ki.n Vanr^unkiHC,,. Captain and Passengers Mi A collision which it 6e( m US n? has resulted in loss of lifi at 1 a.m. on Sunday off l* n i n The steamer Kian y a ulo Captain Chopard, which L J t( from Muar
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  • 473 8 Phiharmonic Society’s Concert. A concert in which the choir and orchestra of the Singapore Philharmonic Society both took part was given in the Town Hall on Saturday night to a large audience. As it was St. Andrew’s Eve and the programme was largely madt up of items
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  • Correspondence.
    • 871 9 ■>,( Editor of the Strait* Times." It is due to my constituents to explain that ray absence from Friday’s meeting was caused by illness. I was aware that three other members would also be absent and I can only ittrd'ite this to the short notice
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    • 389 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times'' Dear Sir, —The views of the President regarding the necessity for advancing the rate of assessment to 11%, have found very thorough supporters in Mr. Maclaren and Mr. Jago. The Chinese ratepayers do not grudge paying 2 per cent,
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    • 512 9 THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR. To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —Oh how the mighty has fallen! Ten years ago the dollar was reigning. The Ceylonese and Indians in the service of the F. M. S. hailed it with joy for it fetched rupees two and a quarter. Didn’t the
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  • 709 9 The final race for the above cup was decided yesterday at Tanjong Katung under the ideal conditions of wind and seathat always seem to attend the Club’s functions. It will be remembered that the race was postponed for a fortnight owing to
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  • 654 9 November 24th. Mr. Paterson left Seremban for Europe on Tuesday via Singapore. Towkay Lok Yew arrived in Seremban on Wednesday, and left the same day by motor car for Kuala Pilah. Amongst the passengers by the Malacca on Thursday last were Mr. and Miss Spooner, and
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  • 188 9 The death is reported to-day of Mr. Tan Hay Seng, a formerly well-known Chinese resident and the original concessionary of the Pahang Mining Corporation. The deceased was at one time very wealthy, as was his father before him and both were noted among their
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  • 985 9 The Opening Ceremony. Arrival of Sir Lionel Cox. Writing from Hanoi on 8unday, the 16th ult., our Special Correspondent says The Exhibition was formally opened this morning by H E the GovernorGeneral of Indo-China. On the preceding evening I had paid a visit to the buildings and
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  • 529 10 Burglary in American Style. On the 22nd November, a most daring attempt was made at burglary in the premises of the Java Bank at Batavia, in broad day. A European wearing a false beard, a wig, and rubber-soled shoes entered the cashier’s compartment of the Java
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  • 156 10 Yelsterday morning before Captain Boldtro at the Marine Court, H. Schaifer, chief mate ol the German steamer Singora and the second and third engineer of that vessel were charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Layman bin Mat, the quarter-master of the same vessel. The chief mate
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  • 3694 10 (By Jame* (rraham and, F. W. Barker The question a* to whether or not a Gold, or Fixed, Standard should he adopted for the currency of the Straits Settlements j and the Federated Malay States divides itself into two heads (1) Is a Gold Standard, or Fixity
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  • 448 10 The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Kazan left for Odessa this morninr Two hundred and twelve deaths wenregistered at Singapore during the week ending on the 22nd November. The death rate per thousand was 46.97 The Annual Fancy Bazaar in the orphans at the Convent will he held
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  • Correspondence.
    • 282 11 ■j fh' Kditor of the 14 Straits Times." Since the absence of the four embers from the Municipal meeting j ie 29th ult. has given rise to r vi lious and acrimonius comments, I l‘\l to explain the cause which so ,r)idably prevented my attendance r the
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  • 539 11 >\thel9thult Supramanianand Haji 1 h! Ramen, the former an oflice boy, 1 a t»er a gardener, both in the Muniti (ias Department were arrested ,n the allegation of having stolen i hi the Gas Works store 12 inch < ra<*' cups and halls; 16 1 inch
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  • 2493 11 e Progress Report. i The General Manager of the Raub Australian Gold-mining Company furnishes the following report on the working of the mines for the month ending on the 15th November. Mine measurements and assay results of prospecting work, prepared by the mine Manager, show a total of
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  • 128 11 The November medal resulted in a win for J. H. Loudon. Bad greens account for the high scores U. Loudon 56 —12=44 A. C. Ballingal 46— 1 45 A. Dowie 50 4=46 Mins. Dowie 5H —12 46 C. C. Fererijn 65—18=4< J. L. Burt i B. C.
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  • 1340 11 Men-of-War, etc. Etpiegle H.M. sloop. 1,070 tons, 133 crew 6 guns, 1,400 H.p. Capt E. G. Barton 20th Nov. From Hongkong. 12th Nov. Senior Naval Officer. Unknown. U—Rds. Sea Belle Col. str. 500 tons, 39 crew, 1,200 H.p. Captain Chamberlain, 11th Nov. From Tringganu, 10th Nov. G.c. Colonial Government.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 29 11 SCHWEITZERS ■i L lie Best i Perest COCOA/ Now eapwcifttty f wkW in dowblw-1 AQsnricr (rMHii for j «*n, ii All fli—i to*, »c. T V UJ >.» ti SOUTHAMPTON.
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  • 1009 12 i m Flao I h Vessel's Name A Tons. Captain From Sailed Consignees. I Q Rig. I Novi j 26 Nam Saug Brit str. 2591 Payne Hongkong Nov 21 Boustead and Co. 26 Pnndua str. 2126 Willis Ringoon Nov 22 Boustead and Co. 26 Benledi* str 1461 Mark London
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  • 526 12 I i r Date, i Vessel’s Name. Flag Kiq. Tons. Destisatios. I I Nov 27 Siak j Dut str. 240 Tanjong Poera 27 Omba Brit str. 1908 Boston 27 Onipenta j str. 3420 Calcutta 27 Eros Nor str. 700 Bangkok 27 Emile Dut str. 80 Rhio 27 Sri Wongsee
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 238 12 COMMON SENSE-NUTSHELL A mew medical work on the causes and most scientific ;uid effectual means of self-cure ever discovered for nervous and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of spirits, Ac.,with practical observations on marriage and full directions for removing certain disqualifications that destroy the happiness of wedded life. It
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    • 237 12 INDIGESTION means torturing pain, incessant weariness, wretched days and wakeful nights. It means being done up,” played out,” bowled over," “good-for-nothing” all the day and every day. It means starved blood, starved muscles, a starved body, and a starved brain; in short, it means shattered health and a broken constitution
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    • 370 12 LEA PERRINS Messrs LEA Sc PERRINS beg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned J Original Worcestershire Sauce. they are now printing their Signature in white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will be
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