The Straits Budget, 20 February 1902

Total Pages: 10
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 120 1 '%ht jltoitu Pi^aet BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” the Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the t/lalay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. ALr A CfcNTOKY Cable
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 20TH FEBRUARY.
    • 21 1 |j> the 17ih iust, an 41 Sy den hair,*’ hnnip»oa Kuad, the wife of F. C ■kkPohU, of a son.
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    • 42 1 I Ok the 13th by the Rev. W. Murray Ine PryslytmaM Church, w ingMj*or7*, fcL. a. bMMikii us ot North ‘■‘hiekli-, jdai-d. to Liiiv. \ountfeftt daughter cf Bx J. WtAkNk. tRf MANTLE W A. I Auaurajiau pap* rw pie ise copy.
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  • 79 1 AtTiCUM BMul Aits genients. rtiicvt-ry. 4 Novel V lew. B” News. Liht. W) U.e Wny. Burglary nt Taagliu. ■JUiv Kep, ri. Muqu trdt Coacert. I l A bom u I ted. I' ihieve^ Society. >uicuie. Golf Club. Improyement. Library hq.| \lu»eum. Ill 1 r t' m H,nai<io
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  • 628 1 *tM 1 I T Mu?. P| tODUCE. hvw. n.9* 10.78 1088 Peppe*, B'm-k 3°.0 do White. (5%) *4/1 > Sago Flour Sarawak 3.m\ co Brunei No 1,.., 3.25 Pearl go 4 4' C 0 ff*e, B li. 15% bvd* 2* f>0 Coffee, Pa embang, 20% basis 28 90 IglinriHu
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  • 197 1 Tub uiail f »r Europe, this week, leaven by the P. &O. s. s rarramuHa The mail tor Europe, next week, is lixed for the M. M h. s. S alozie The mail from Ltirope, of the.24ih January, l»y fiie M M. h. s (Jew mien
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  • Special Telegram.
    • 56 1 London, 15JA Fob. Lord Lansdowne has made a statement in the House of Lords with regard to the Agreement with Japan, in which be saidWe desire to protect Japan against 'a ooalition. The Agreement compels v»s to aid a friendly country wbeee obliteration it
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    • 11 1 Lord Ro*et>ery warmly cougialuialed Lord Lins l iwne.
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    • 57 1 Exclusion Bills wal be Disallowed. The Government of the Dominion of Canada has advised the Government of British Columbia that the bills passed by the Parliament of the lalteri at its last t»e*sion, containing clauses, excluding Japanese immigrants from the country, will be di-ailuwed unless the
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    • 50 1 What About the Future of “White Australia Mr. Barton, tno Pieuiier ’of the Australian Coinmouwealth, expresses satisfaction with the Agreement, which, he believes, will beuefit Australia. The Australian Press generally expresses approval of the Agreement, out the Sydney papers believe that it tureatens the future of white Australia.
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    • 56 1 RUSSIAN OFFICIAL OPINION. RUSSIA IS SATISFIED But she will Safeguard her Own Interests. L>aI*t. In Russian official quarters, the new Anglo-Japanese treaty is received with equanimity—even with satisfaction —its objects—the integrity of China and the independence of Corea —corresponding with Russian policy. But, it is added, if peace is imperilled,
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    • 35 1 London V4h Feb. The Navy Estimates provide for an outlay o! £31,255,000. The Army Estimates provide for an expenditure of £69,310,000. The Army Estimate is for a strength of 420,000 men.
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    • 35 1 London, 17 th Feb. One hundred and twenty mounted infantry, patrolling along the bank of the Klip River, have been entrapped and overpowered with the loss of twelve killed and forty-eight wounded.
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    • 16 1 There has been serious rioting at Trieste. Martial law has been proclaimed there.
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    • 46 1 London, 18th Feb. Further reports show that the Mounted Infantry entrapped at Klip River were mostly men fresh from home, and unused to Boer tactics. The killed included the Commander of the company, Major Dowell.
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    • 21 1 Later. The Washington Senate has ratified the treaty with Denmark regarding the purchase of the Danish West Indies.
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    • 22 1 Mr. Arnetd Forster, Secretary to tin Admiralty, stales that Wei-hai-wet will Still be used as a naval bass for many purposes.
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    • 20 1 r l r 'Hie death is announced of the Chinese Ambassador at. iSt. P^tersbuig
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    • 102 1 THE GILMOUR CASE. Decision of the Japanese Government. Britain Asks for Something More* Lord Laiisdowne, in the Unite of Lords, stated that the Japanese Government replied to British representations in the Gilmmir case, that the responsible tici.tU had been punished. If, however, Mr. Gihuour wanted redress, the Japanese Government s'ated
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    • 19 1 London 191 A February. The Australians have w m the fourth test match by seven wickets.
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    • 47 1 Many Killed and Wounded by Troops 80,000 workman have gone on strike at Barcelona. Business is paralys'd. There have been many collisions between the strikers and the troops. The resulting casualties are estimated at from 38 to 75 in kiiledand wouudod.
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    • 82 1 Later. In the Reichstag, Baron Von Rich* thofen, the Minister for Foreign Affiirn, declared thaw a battalion of German troops would at ill be required to gar* rison Shanghai, owing to the importance of tins point d appui of Germany in the absence of
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  • 514 1 (Btraits I'ime*, 17 th February) It is to be hoped tnat the establishment of an experimental home mail service ria Madras and Bombay will shortly result in an arrangement between the Government postal service and the British India Steam Navigation Company which will permanently dispense with that most
    (Btraits I'ime*, 17th February)  -  514 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 L oo4 free price of tho titruit. lime. «r V- The poet fr-e pri.-e t U#* 1 > s ve ar or 40/ 0, to subscribe for a ye r wtecription* for shorter periods are ite jhdqp proportionate rate of price as S/fM* Hudget can be sent to meet tapingpassengers
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  • 45 1 I DEATH. I Ok Dec. 28th, at St. Thomas's Hospital, IMod, M jo» C. F. Morin, K E., sou of Re l&U* Major-Oeu. F. Mould,K. K., aged 38 the 8th im«t. at SydeuliHra,’ Kkic Lovell, infant son ol Hut Malt a ml Fkkjekic k Charles
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  • 437 2 (8traits Time*, 18 tk February) Among other arj incts of an effete and superfluous civilisation, Singapore now boasts an incorp rate l associat ion of thieve*—at least the arrests of the past few days seem to indicate the exi*tence of a Chinese robbers’ club, the organisation of which
    (8traits Time*, 18tk February)  -  437 words
  • 3275 2 {Sir (i Hr Times 19 th February) A phominknt and popul ir Government official, but lately gone from amongst us on long leave, expressed to the sorrowing friends who were bidding him farewell from the wharf that the «»nly way to see Singapore happily was from the
    {Sir (i Hr Times, 19th February)  -  3,275 words

  • 565 3 Wt^" a ,r ip T J uelu lB ea 1 I r t of Cneiibon in J *va is Hr i, re d lobe infected with Trw Mr Leithton, Mr,Siva,and I h t 1 ih Dim 11 arrived by the Wr n V ■l woe iruiw
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  • 123 3 r °K> Peking says :-The I r Conger at the the L*a tlon 011 Cljrisfcuia8-eve, r. ,n members of the 0rtice and other of es e wer present, is the th« re* v both ThlI* 0 86 and at aI1 r tk fir-r r ea8 n for
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  • 779 3  -  Speech by Mr. Chamberlain. —A I Brilliant Defence London, Jr* 2\sL In the House* of Commons last night, Mr. Frederick Cawley, Liberal member lor the Brest,wich Division of SouthEast Lancashire, with the approval ot Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman.! the official leader of Uih Opposition, moved the amendment
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  • 1195 3 I Hav* you heard the story of the I Prom neni Local Government Official, f he Canary Cage, the Keyg, and the I Ki ten? It happened this way The P. L. G, O. set forth one afterI noon to p isH the week-end at Changi, I
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  • 82 3 In their weekly share report, Messrs. Latham and Mactaggart state: The Chinese New Year holidays have interfered with business during the past fortnight. Industrial stocks continue in good demand; and Fraser andNeaves, after declining to #94, close firm with buyers, no sellers, at #9B. Straits Tradings are unobtainable
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  • 147 3 H. E. V ce-Adtmral Geissler hoisted his flag on board the German cruiser Fvnt Bismarck this morning At the tame time H. E. Vice Admiral Beudemann, who is going home by th*next German mail, the Hamburg hauled down his flag from the Ilertka amidst the booming
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  • 185 3 A Rebuff Prom Planters. A special meeting of the Indian Tea Association was held at Calcutta on the 5th instant when Sir Francis Lovell was present by invitation, in connection with the London Tropical School of Medicine. Sir Francis Lovell wished to know whether owners of tea
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  • 1181 3 The following now» was held out of yesterday's issue on account of pressure oil space:— Home. I The London cone»pendent of the Indian DaUy hews cabling on the 2nd mat. staUs luat s?r«»ng speeches lroiu both sides of the Hons** of Commons were made on the lil>t Jan.
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  • 186 4 ARRIVAL OF H. S. RINALDO This new sheuued sloop Rinablo arrived from Slieerness via Colombo )esterday on h*r maiden commission, winch will he served on the China Station. She is manned by a complement of 104 otfi rer* and men, under the charge of Commander D Bt. A. Wake. A
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  • 176 4 heavy Penalty Imposed. Yesterday evening, a European entered the Central Hotel, Brass Bassa Road, during the absence of the proprietor, Mr Connolly. He went upstairs. Mims Bertha Ns&en, au employee at the Hotel, desired him to go down. He went, but subsequently assaulted her, and according to
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  • 937 4 A Country of Vast Virgin Forests Waiting to be Developed. (F. Stafford, m the Mornu>y Leader”) At the present rime there stands in the books of a K aldington h*»»el the name of H.H Sultan Ibrahim of Johore. Under this incognito i** veiled the identity of ilie
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  • 772 4 THE THROTTLING OF LONDON Our attention is called to a series of articles in the Daily Mail contributed by Mr. Fred. A. M Kmzie, author of The Aun rican Invaders.” They are -ix in number, and have beeu running daily. Tiiey have been very »tfective, di closing the awful lack
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  • 679 4 Messrs. Moule and Bouchard came by the Q. G. Meyer from Palembang yesterday. Inspe, tor Sullivan and Mrs Sullivan arrived from Malacca by the Hang Wan on Saturday. I The Kums'ing from Calcutta, via I Penang, brought yesterday Messr*. W. I B. Irving and Hutchinson as passengers.
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  • 61 4 Mr. W. G rigor Taylor reported to the police, this morning, that several articles had been stolen from his house 1 Burnside,” off Tanglin Road, during ast night or in the early hours of this morning. The burglars stole the decoration of a French Order belonging
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  • 63 4 A telegram from Penan* 1 statin*; that a Eurasian r named Miss Zilva, steamer (presumably at or ns»rV' 1 J on Thursday night la-t, and 1 te J missing p issenger l e f v behi n j ,t <1 letter wlneh points to the t one of
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  • 81 4 Thk L idles- G.lf ch j c unmences on Monday, 24u K iel) tie consists of one rouj fl K tce cour*e and one round Lines, match play Entries Vp jB nre to be made to ,|L l l *fl Secretary of either Club, day, the 21*t.
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  • 667 4 Let it he said tint the Faretrfi concert given by Herr and SLi Marquardt at the Town Hall ou day night was a distinct ln success. Though there was what mJ be generally teimed ‘a good hoiw he performance was not a wj it tended as it
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  • 1726 5 iq r Warrack s Scheme. fjMiog letter which h w been lh 1 embodied the vi*ws of UI the improvement r f i p,re H >'!’»»' and w,l of N 7 \v,th interest, in c >nn*sb# rel q, M i'thews sschema to the tio n lt xV H
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  • 1021 5 The War. London, 25 th January. The chief B »er depot, it has been ascertained, is located in an almost inaccessible spot in the Eastern Transvaal, near the Crocdile river. The depot contains 60,i>00 small irms and quantities of ammunition and provisions T ere are indications •hat
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  • 147 5 An Important Capture. For some nine Inspector Howard, of “A” division, has been carefully collecting facts regarding the existence of an unlawful society of criminils whose sole occupation seems to have been preying upon society. The headquarters of the society is at No. 4, 8ago Lane. On
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  • 371 5 More Money Wanted. The annual report on the Rallies Library and Museum for last year is signed by Mr. Hellier, as Acting Curator and Librarian. Mr. Hellier notes considerable increases in the stock of hooks, and in the number of subscribers to the Library. The Museum
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  • 845 5 J German Naval Visit. I Admiral Bendemaun and the Ger- man officers who visited Batavia J in the Hertka and Bu**ard ma le a j good impression there. The Ba avia I At euwsblad noted at once that these I officers preferred to he in a Dutch port
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  • 128 6 Man with Eight Convictions Captured. Yesterday Mr. J. McClure, an engin* er on tlie Albion, had his hat snatched in An*on Road. He called for the police, and a corporal auc a constable came to his assistance. A Chinaman gave information as to whi* h way the
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  • 1285 6 Mr. Kipling is now haileda s 44 the Muddied Oaf.’* 8o far as lam* and an epithet Mi. Kipling’s sneers at cricket and football in his now notorious pram, Ik* Islanders, seem to have r* fleered tif*on liiiuseit Note, for instance, the full* •wing “Ode to the Muddied
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  • 735 6 H M. S. liinaido left Hongkong this morning. The German flagouip Hertka left for Rangoon at 7-30 this morning. The new Japanese battleship Mikasa is due here, from England, early iu April. 854 deaths were registered at Singapore during last m«»nth. The ratio per thousand was 42.77a
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  • 44 6 WRECK OF THE BENMOHR.” A telegram has just been received at Singapore stating that the s.s. Benmohi which was due here about a month hence from Loudon, is a total wreck. The locality of the disaster is not stated but all hands are saved.
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  • 74 6 THE GONDOLIN.” We have just seen the latest novelty in the way of harps. It is called a u Gondolin or piano-harp, and has the tone of an organ. It has a compass of four chromatic octaves, and any note or combination of notes can be played »r sustained. It
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  • 73 6 There are two mails from Europe due here on Saturday next. The Mll steamer, a week behind time, left Colombo at 6 {km. on- Monday.-last and is expected to get here about naan next Saturday. The P. and O steamer left. Colombo fifteen hour# before the French
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  • 124 6 L-niy t*re$$ llili Feb. China v the Straits A Committee meeting of the Hongkong cricket Club is to be held to consider the question of the team to visit Singapore, to represent China v. the Straits. The prospects of getting together a strong side are improving, though the team
    L-niy t*re$$% llili Feb.  -  124 words
  • 123 6 Yesterday five Chinese seamen of the 8 s GUnfolloch were arrested by the Marine police: three of the men <m the charge of importing opium in tins to the value $528, a fourth for possession of $22 worth of tin drug and for abetting the importation the fifth
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  • 135 6 An Important Point. A summons case was heard yesterday morning, by Mr. hrockman, in which it was made clear that, in the matter 01 the hire of hackney carnages, tin* distinction between fare by time and fate by distance counts for nothing The syce sued for payment by
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  • 172 6 His Highness the Rtja Muda to 3e Resident of Muka and Oya. Sir Percy Cunynghame, Bart, to do duty as Resident oi Sibu under ibe Resident of the 3rd Division If. J. D. Cox, Resident 2nd Class, to d duty at Oya under His Highness tin tajah Muda.
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  • 206 6 First Day. There was splendid w at her at the races on Thursday, wib a record attendance, large fit Ids and good racing throughout. The following are the results Maiden Plate. Ole Jo 1, Paramatta 2, Dum Dum 3. Won by three and a hall lengths. Dividend *ll.
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  • 782 6 About a fortnight ago, I wa^i 1 f I a Malay man 44 b\U m>iu rnutn jJH. Twm V To the umimbued doubt sounds Strang*, but “V* January” in tiie nano* tb e native* k given to the New Year bp„rts this year were postponed till Pk, New
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  • 95 6 Aocosowe to the u Tokio Asahi, Admiral com naan ding the Kuan*® squadron on the Asiatic intends to carry out naval j«ana?uviw off the southern coast of Corea to spring making the fleet in Port Artn act against that in Vladivostock. to* volunteer fleet will also take
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  • 316 7 Feb. 14/A. ,rt that Messrs. CliB'.ril and lH *T .re 'o receive appointments friri. has caused great satis- i„ |>erak. After the cmiiplit t0 tiic Crylnn Civil Service wt" f' a r#on of Mr. I) ividson, now ;n -i secretary Pretoria, it was "5 raft'this p *rt of
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  • 480 7 Banning on the 31 at J in. there have Dtfn on tue (3rd Keh iuces>ant gales of terrible violence over all the western :oas*s of Europe. Hourly reports are pouring in from all points, telling of terrible devastation. The French barque Charurd struck the rock< near Ughaut light,
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  • 1032 7 Fate of Two Hundred Japanese Soldiers. Particulars o the fatal march in the snow near Aomori of the second battalion of the Filth Regiment of the Hirosaki Army Division show that the march was un ieriaken under very extraordinary e rcumstances. While the souih of
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  • 668 7 LipU UU February. Mk. George Lu»s, who r«ceuti> published in the Straits Tmes ai interesting article upon mining in tin Negri Sembilan, was tor some yean* the General Manager of the ftc-itiising group of companies in the J 1 n, Uh Pahang. He assumed control of the** propel
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  • 415 7 The Appeal Court continued its fitting* to-day. 1 Admiral Bridge left Bangkok for Hongkong in the trlory on the 9ih inst It is understood that Dr. Davidson ns arrival in Penang and has joined Dr. Brown in practice The National Bmk of China madi net pr »fit
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  • 72 7 We understand that the Siamese it »y tl v»cht Mafia Chalcrkri was to start tVom Bmekok to-day for Singapore, vith His Majesty the King of Siam, ind his son, Prince Paribatra. His >1 ijesty is coming to Singapore to bid irewell to his son,
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  • 70 7 Indentified by Jj.h Little and Co. Last night, Detective Inspector Brennan made a raid ou a certain house in Singapore and discovered i quantity of mis ellane ius property which has been identified by John Little and Co. as having been stolen from their godown. Two men
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  • 183 7 Speculation is rife as to the honor? likely to be bestowed by the King at the coronation. The London correspondent of the Birmingtvim Pott says that Karl Spencer and Sir William Harcourt are especially named as among those to be honored, while a dukedom may be
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  • 233 7 It is nothing surprising to hear of rioting at Barcelona as detailed in Wedneslay’s telegrams. Barcelona is a notoriously turbulent city. The province of Catalonia in which it li«s is honeycombed with ilisaifeciion to the present rulers of Spain. Republicanism, Anarchism, and 'ocialism are rite, and have
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  • 352 7 8.C.C. V. R B. Thepb teams met last evening on the Esplanade. A strong wind made accurate kicking and shooting difficult. The Club forwards, however, shewed the better combination all through' the game and eventually ran out winners by 5 goals to niL The Club had one or two
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  • 129 7 fioo Worth of Property Stolen. Burglars are busy in theTanglin district again. This is the second time, within a week, that houses in tbeTanglixt district have been raided by burglars. This time Mr. J. Forbes, of the Chartered Bank, is the victim, hid residence in D’Almeida
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  • 611 8 Tuesday, 18th Pebruary. Present: His Fx<tlifncy Pir v faick At«flstank ►WFVTHSHAM K.C.M G (GOVERNOR). Hon. C. W. P Fynn»r«>v (Acting Colonial ftpr* pot »rv >. Hon F. G Ponn*»r (Colonel Hon. A M nmv /fnlnnial Kngineer) Hon T. H Kershaw (Acting AttorneyGenerplV H"n. 'V. Fvma f\rt,ing ~r-General). H**n
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  • 104 8 London via ports, Adour on 19th Feb.. M. M. Co. London Glengarry on 20th Feb Blend. Zanzibar via ports Suitan (from Colombo) 19th F b B M. Manila, Ale.mnon, on 20th Feb.. Mansfield Penang and Calcutta, Laisang, due on 90th Feb., Boustead. Fremantle via ports, Sultan,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 123 8 To the Editor < f the Straitt Times. Sir, —Will you kindly allow roe to ask through the medium of your columns, why the Dufch steamer CurolinaU as i»eenallowed to monojwdize, for the last two months or so, one ol the best insho e berths in Singapore. She
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  • 1088 8 Vi-’COUNT Cranborno, dealing in Parliament with the question of intervention in South Africa by foreigr nations, said that, prior to the war between America and Spain, several ol the great Powers suggested that, a Joint Note should be addressed to the United States. Great Britain having ascertained the
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  • 314 8 James A. Boyd, Superintendent of Public Works at Honolulu, relates a story which throws uew light upon the murder of Captain Couk, toe explorer, in Hawaii. Captain Cook was killed in 1778, near Kealakakua Bay, on the Kona cua*t of Hawaii. Accotding to accepteu documents, parts
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  • 1117 8 Feb. 13ffc It ip but seldom that Mrs. Howland i< seen in berembao, but she paid a visit to Dr. and Mr*. Brad Jon a few days since, wit h her children, on her way to Port Dickson. Mrs. T**llie been spending Saturday to Monday with
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  • 445 8 Edward H. Ci.agin, of New York who figures as chief promuter of i scheme tor American banks in the East, has been successfully engaged for the last few yetrs in organizing and floating large commercial and finau ciai en»etprises, among theci thetrane fer oi the
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  • 93 8 For Singapore. Per M. M. Bmat Binoiu <r»m Marseilles Jan. 26th due 22nd Fd> K. W Braddell, Mr. J. Laromer, Mr. H. Ridley. Per P. 4 0. Britannia con e( u u f wHfa the 8. t. Coromandel ftt Co o® from Isoodoo Feb 6—Mr. L. Hoafield,
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  • 623 9 anJ Man. I'owinK '«e* > r,| r »PP tf rB lf I i i lor Jaroiary 'jfi m of i ite Volunteer tecucm VII. oil dl K.-col tions respectilitt tire o Kiti-i" CV lor Officers! »»y| v \ei;i. v i'tne it i an 1» h
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  • 121 9 L L. T. C TOURNAMENT. I s Hlay. It, iVT 61 h «W«*p. A Class. V Mre Miss Kerr and Mr. Norrie v. Miss Gunn and Mr. Mosley. Mr. and Mrs. Gansloser v. Mrs. Kerr and Mr. Penny. Mrs. Coleridge and Mr. Peirce v. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robeitsou. B
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    • 316 9 Uu*ler this heading the f dlowing abbroare used —str.—steamer »*h ship; bq—barq e; sch schooner; Y**t Yacht; Gru —Cruiser. Gbt —Gunbo-tt; Tor -lorpedo; H p -Horse-power; «*rit I ri;isb; IT. S—United State-*; Fell—French; Ger.—Get man; 1 >ut..—I >uteh; J oh.—Johore; Ac., G.c.—General-cargo; d p. de«*k passenger U.
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    • 1298 9 Arrivals since Noon of Yesterday. Awa Maru. J ip. str. 3,917 tons, Captaii I re* ct, Feb. From Antwerp I2tl Ian. G.e and 34 <l.p Pat* rsou Simons *N Co. For Hongkoug. U—W Rai aso, Bi n. .-.ti 404 *****, Capt Robin on 18 h Feb. From
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    • 236 9 Nama, port probable date of arrival, and name of agent9. 6TEAMBR8. Ajav. China, Mar 9; M »nefield. Andalus a. Hongkong, M*r 23; R. Meyer. Annum, Europe, Feb .0; \I. Maritime* Anterior, China, A|>l 6; Mansfield. Armenia, Hongkong. Anl. Behn Meyer. Ball i a rat, Ho gkong, Mar 21;
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    • 83 9 PASSED BUNDA BTRAITB OR ORDERS. DiT F Kio* Ship’s Name »C*ptaih. 2* Feb A ltai sh Matia Deferari New York Anjer f.e. M 6 Dut ss >o mbing De Boer Rotterdam Batavia 6 Brits.* !)*fW’minstei rentice London Batavia H 9 Dui s.« Tin es>opb *oomer Amsterdam Batavia II Brit
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    • 681 9 j L.+ vis«:i> Nam* A los* Captain Feom Sailed Cohsieebee A Rio Feb 14 Farfalla rial sir 147 Menegheiti Malacca Feb ]?BooaKoek 14 Ban Whatt 8oo» lirit sit 199 Row*e Ponitauak Feb 12 Ran Seng 16 Kim Yang M si* 70 r*himmen Maiaeca Feb 14 Khoo Tiong Faa 16
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    • 518 9 Date. Vessel’s Name. Flag A Rio. Tons. Destination. Feb 11 Hans Mensellt str Mou’mein )4 Btentor Brit str. 4308 London via port® 16 Pronperf Nor str. 789 Saigon 14 Sultan Beit str. I‘G Mrnir and Malacca 16 babine Rick mers str. 690 B»igon 16 Asahan Ger str. 1«1 Kwa
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 508 10 PERFECT DIGESTION is the high road to health and can best be by a regular use of the worldrenowned extract of roots and barks known as fciGftd %mf Mr. George Bath, Trefbsis Villa, Windmill Road, New Brompton, Kent, writing on March 9th, 1901, says: For twenty years I suffered all
      508 words
    • 631 10 PI‘LLS A Remedy for all Irrogulr.Htleft. -uperwd ng Bitter Apple, Pernyrojs!. i c <b a, Ae. Solu by Singaoore Uiaoenalnd Co., Lido Raffias Place, Singapore. Prop, bur i. CfcemH*. HAMPTON. ENGLAND I COMMON SENSE -‘NUTSHELL A »<* medic#] work on the cwm« and m«wt *eW-ntl>» and tOßl muni n 4
      631 words
    • 761 10 FOR SHIPOWNERS «c CAPT/ INS HOSO'S PATFITT I\mOKKOSIV£ IXTI-FOCLIXC COMI'OSITIOXS are the best for steel and iron Vessels. HOEG S ANTI-CORROSIVE composition ensares the metal a perfect «ir *n< wat**r-!igbt cover, al>s< lutely piv ventin.: coirosion of steel and iron It i* used «s first coat for ships’ hot toms
      761 words
    • 424 10 Charles 'ibei&sfof IXlbttc Seal Champagne Bole Agents, JKHN, MEYER Co., i L Hit'. '4 Singapore awl Penang DepOts. jB Singajtore “ssrs. J ohn Little <fc Co r J Messrs. Guntzkl and SCHUHMACHER. Bata in a J G. Hoppenste Sourabaya: I dessrs. 8. L. VAN Nierop P°» m. w. f. I
      424 words