The Straits Budget, 23 November 1901

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 72 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF-THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected State? of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. £a-^3l -I3HED* OVER HALF A
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  • The Straits Budget. SATURDAY, 23RD NOVEMBER.
    • 52 1 Uvl v __Qi 13th inst. at Annandale Road, the wife of O. E. of a son. t- H**v Tyr” Grange Road, on the 16th i-taat. ti>e wife of A. M McNeil, of a a 10 U*dburgh Gardens, Kolvinside, (W.'otv. on the 19th inst., the wife of V Scott, of
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  • 320 1 Articles. Street Transit. British North Borceo. Pfri Swet enham. Snipping K ‘turns. Matters. l»ciu Market Quotations, flipping News. Passenger List. Police News. A Sailor Assaulted. I iterport Cricket. Ine Assizes. Arrival of the 13th M. N. T. Mr GaMoway-Weir M. P. 'bars Report. By th* Way. The
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  • 575 1 Singapore. 23ko November, 1901. PRODUCE. < Gambler 3 16.25 "*opra Bali 9.60 do Pontianak 8 70 Pepper, Black buyers 30.87$ do White, (5%) 47.50 Sago Flour Sarawak 3 65 do Brunei No. I 3 20 Pearl Cago ,,4.20 Coffee, Bali, 15% haai* 27 75 Coffee, Palembang. 20% basis 30.50
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  • 376 1 Thb mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M s. s. Annam. The German mail for Europe by the N. D. L. s. s. Kiautfchou closed The mail for Europe next week, is fixed for the P. O. s. s. Parramatta. The mail from
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  • 220 1 Hongkong Wins. {Special telegram to the Straits Times.”) Hongkong, Nov. 13 th, 6.30 p.m. The Straits second innings closed for 106 Mactaiutart made 16, Kerr (not out) 1 Hongkong thus won by 129 runs A telegram to the Cricket Club says on the Straits going
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  • 290 1 Nov. 14 th 2.18 p.m. The match between the Straits and Shanghai opened this morning, Shanghai going first to the wickets. 6.40 p m. Shanghai are all out for 227. Price was the highest scorer with 03. The Straits have made 62 for six wickets —Voules 15,
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  • 129 1 18 th AW. The match between Hongkong and Shanghai opened this afternoon. Hongkong, in their first innings, had 215 for six wickets when stumps were drawn. Hancock had made 69 and Beresford Ash 61 at the close of the day’s play. The Hongkong representatives scored 230 runs
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  • 52 1 The Shanghai man beat Green, the Straits representative at tennis, singles, by three setts to one on Tuesday [N. B. Ramsay and E. White were to represent Shanghai at tennis.] Green Defeated. On Wednesday afternoon Hancock met Green at tennis. The Hongkong representative won by three
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 78 1 Tfrpp Drice of the Straits Times The p° st The post free price jtudget is $2O a year, or4o/f tw no S t “pessary to subs.-ribe for a year. i Ascriptions for shorter periods are proportionate rate of price as Hudget can be sent to meet passengers from Europe. If
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  • 13 1 DEATH. Suddenly at Perth, Western Australia, r. the21it inst., George Pa RieK Lindsay.
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  • 593 2 (Straits Times, 14 th November.) Singaporeans, whoareconfronted with a rapid transport problem of their own, will read with interest the letter to the Times, written by Mr. Charles Pullman, which is reproduced in another column Mr. Pullman is not the original inventor of the Pullman car, as some
    (Straits Times, 14th November.)  -  593 words
  • 1393 2 Mr Birch doe© uot seem to be enjoying a particularly comfortable time of it in British North Borneo, and especially does he seem f.o be irritated by certain criticisms of, and reflections upon, the administration there, which recently appeared in the Hongkong Telegraph. Now once upon a
    (Straits Times, 1 oth Socetnber.)  -  1,393 words

  • 840 3 P OR T SWEETTENHAM. Wm Time*, 1 5th Xouember.) MM two weeks ago, at the ur9H.. finest ot certain shipmasters rl.ers interested, to their grievous by the then existing state of we called attention totheintolWm\ of coolies and all other s f ,r loading or unloading ship RB :i t
    Wm | Time*, 15th Xouember.)  -  840 words
  • 759 3 Q traits Times, 19 th November.) 1 he figures in Lloyds llegistcr of mercantile vessels under construction in the United Kingdom at the close of the quarter ended on Sept. 30th, ulfc., would seem to indicate that the highest pitch of prosperity ever attained in the ship building
    (Qtraits Times, 19th November.)  -  759 words
  • 6377 3 (Straits Times, 20th Novemlwr) In yesterday’s issue of the Straits Times we quoted certain figures from Lloyd's Register showing the immense increase in the British shipbuilding industry, even as compared with what it was in 1900. An article furnished by the Manchester correspondent of the Ship\ping Gazette furnishes
    (Straits Times, 20th Novemlwr)  -  6,377 words

  • 121 5 A Vladivostok despatch of the 28th uit. states that the contract entered into between the Russian Govern merit and the Russian Volunteer Fleet, by the terms of which tlie former allows to the fleet an annual subsidy of Rs. 600,000 on condition that during the time for
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  • 144 5 The Hongkong Telegraph says that the new British North Borneo Customs Tariff it is likely to have a most deplorable effect upon trade. Take, for instance, camphor. How can the Chartered Company expect this article of produce to stand an export duty of four dollars per
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  • 154 5 The assemblage ot a large fleet of British men-of-war in Hongkong Harbour has resulted in a series of interesting matches. The other day the cutter of H. M. *4. Ocean competed with the cutter of H. M 8. Astraea, over a mile course. The crew' of the
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  • 259 5 Lord Salisbury, in his speech at the Guildhall banquet on the 9th inst., said it was a matter for congratulation that the peace of the world is so little disturbed. The slight cloud over the Mediterranean had passed away but fifty years ago it would not have
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  • 124 5 In official Colonial circles in London there is said to be a strong desire that the Colonial troops should be adequately represented at the coming Coronation. It is pointed out that arrangements were made for the visit of a Colonial representative contingent to this country
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  • 205 5 Cheap Electric Lighting, From long and careful studies of the atmospheric conditions in northern Germany, Herr M. G. Couz, of Hamburg, lias taken up the question of the industrial application of the winds which are always abundant in that region. He has discovered a system of electric
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  • 443 5 Four More Victoria Crosses The King has been pleased to signify his intention to confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross on the undermentioned non-commi98ioned officer and sol it s for their conspicuous bravery n ''outh Africa: Sergt. H Hampton, 2nd Battalion Liverpool Regiment.—On the 21st
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  • 1303 5 Lipis 1 2th November. A Labour Law for Pahang, which has long been much needed, was passed at the last meeting of State Council and is now in torce. Among other things, the Enactment deals with agreements, which mean engagements from month to month; with contracts, which are
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  • 112 5 The Report on the Indian Famine Fund of 1900 has just come to hand. It recounts the splendid response made, throughout the world, to the cry of the famine-stricken in Western India in that year. It shows that an immense amount of suffering has been relieved, and permanent
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  • 134 5 The Adelaide Match. The following is the detailed result of the 6rst match played by the English Eleven in Australia, which commenced against South Australia at Adelaide, on November 9th Australia 230 (first inning*) 207 (second innings) Total 437 England 118 (first innings) 80 (second innings) Total 204
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  • 835 6 The Hokien Chinggay procession will take place on Monday next. Mr. Mr3. Peaks came trom Malacca by the Hong Wan this morning. Mr. A. Collins, Mr. J. Smith, R.N., and Mr. Santos Victal arrived from Shanghai by the Coromandel this morning. The running of the Penang-Taiping trains
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  • 78 6 For breaking into the nurses* quarters at the General Hospital, Rasid was awarded five years yesterday and the same sentence was given to Teo Gip Cheng for committing an unnatural offence. Of Wee Juan and San Peck, charged witli theft, the first got two months, and the second
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  • 149 6 The British transport Clive arrived from Madras this morning with the 13th Madras Infantry on board and went alongside the wharf after inspection. The regiment consists of 8.50 N.C.Os., men and followers. The loth are to relieve the 16rii here. The 13th (formerly the 2nd
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  • 238 6 A home paper says a case of some interest to shipowners and masters is reported from Calcutta. In the Admiralty Division of the High Court there, an application was made on oehalf of the B. I. S. N. Co. Ltd., the charterers of the
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  • 215 6 The Re-armament Question. A London paper says:—We are once more assured that the authorities have seriously takeii up the .quest ion of the re-armament of the Volunteer Artillery, l’he heart-sickness produced by hope deferred will protect Volunteer Artillerymen from the risk of dying of joy at this new
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  • 173 6 The annual report on St. Mary’s Church at Kuala Lumpur for the year ending on the 30th September last has been published. The year commenced with a balance of only $B4 in hand and several pressing debts to liquidate, the largest items being 1,716 to complete
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  • 187 6 Programme of Matches in Australia, As was telegraphically recordpd in yesterday’s issue, Mr. Maclaren’s eleven have lost their first match in Australia. The following is the programme of remaining matches: Nov. 15-19, v. Victoria, at Melbourne. Nov. 2*2-27, v. New South Wales, at Sydney. Nov. 29-30, v.
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  • 179 6 ELECTRICAL FITTINGS FOR H. M. S. HOGUE.” The new armoured cruiser Hogne is to be fitted with electrical fittings for working the capstans and all subsidiary power for steering-gear, engines, ventilating fans etc. This decision, says a home paper, is in direct opposition to the experience gained in the Spanish
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  • 288 6 Under the above heading, F. W. Vibert, Lieut. R.N.R commanding the P. and O. steamer Coromumltl writes to the A r C. Daily Xnrg as follows:— I am sending you an account of an unusual incident w hich befel the good 6hip Coromandel in the
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  • 308 6 Policemen Sent to Prison. Before Messrs. Brockman and Gilman yesterday, two Malay police constables, Eusope and Ibrahim, attached to the Kandang Keibau police station were charged with robbery from a sailor named Norris, belonging to H. M.S. Brink. It seems that in the early hours of Thursday
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  • 529 6 Rin Lode Report for October. The manager reports Main Shaft —110' Level, No. 2 Lode E driven 16', total distance 236'. Lode 2' 6 of fair quality stone. The stopes over this drive still continue to keep about 3 to 4’ 6 wide of good stone. 1H0 level No.
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  • 257 6 Among the arrivaiw k. 8.8. Coromandel this V** f, 'aad 0 James Gallow a y.\Vei r M t>* and the Misses on their way to India, a trip around the world. Weir who is perhaps beuSl nowadays as the Member t? ir Cromarty was at one ti«,
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  • 479 6 A German paper, fiurgel, has com piled a comparative statement of the world’s shipping companies at the end of last year which speaks well for the interests afloat of the Fatherland At the head of the lLt appear the two large German companies, the Hamburg- American
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  • 100 7 Five New Steamers. the five new steamers with which ,lr Yusen Kaisha will increase rker, the Kumano Mark (4,841 already passed through here :)n rtr maiden voyage to Japan. She n for the Australian line. The r are the lyo Mara (6,UK> r re ,.ently
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  • 680 7 Lipin, 6th Xorember. -.•ii rumour is again current that the dug mines will be re-opened with new year, and the name of a cer‘7 ri now in business in Jaipur* 4 is mentioned as that of the manager. In this connection, aW* ars iat iere an impres-
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  • 101 7 It is reported that it has come to the knowledge of the authorities that attempts are being or will be made to tamper with horses shipped for South Africa by inoculating them with a destructive or at least disabling serum The evidence of a
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  • 136 7 New Formations Ordered. As important General Order by the Commander-in-Chief in India is issued, directing new formations for cavalry to be adopted at manoeuvres during the coming cold weather, pending the issue of a revised Cavalry Drill Book. The object aimed at is to present as
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  • 521 7 M. de Lanessan, French Minister of Marine, presided at the launching of the cruiser Gambetta recently. He assured his hearers that, after the completion of the vessels now in construction in French yards, the coasts of France will enjoy the same security as her land frontiers. The ships
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  • 1329 7 Mr. Pullman’s Views. The following letter dated 10th October from Mr. Charles L. Pullman appears in the Times Nearly thirty years ago I came from Chicago to England to persuade the directors of the Midland Railway that the English public would appreciate and pay for
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  • 771 7 Mr. F. H. Raat came from Samarang by the Giang Seng this morning. ME38HS. Davis, Pavitt, Lorentzen, Umlaut, Lieveldt and Cole arrived from Labuan by the Cheng Mai. The Sappho brought the following passengers from Klang yesterday Mr. Stevens, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Thompson Mr. Koenitz, Mr. John,
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  • 107 7 In their weekly share report dated yesterday, noon, Messrs. Latham and Mactaggart state: We have again to report little or nothing doing in our market during the preceding fortnight. Mining stocks remain inactive with practically no buyers. Fraser and Neaves and Tanjong Pagars are being asked for, and
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  • 114 7 A doubtful point has long agitated the minds of philatelists concerning the appearance or non-appearance of President McKinley’s portrait on American stamps. His assassination will probably soon settle the doubt in favour of stamp collectors. There seems an unwritten law that the portraits of
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  • Correspondence.
    • 610 8 'To ike Editor of the Straits Times.” Sir, —Complaint continues to exist at the delay caused to steamers calling at Port Swetteqham. On the last visit of the Sappho she arrived there as usual on Sunday afternoon, getting to her cargo jetty at 0 o’clock
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  • 200 8 At the •third annual meeting of the Penang Volunteers held last week, A. R. Adams, Commandant, who presided, said during the year they had added slightly to their numbers. Acircular had been sent to the men asking whether it was their intention to renew their term of service
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  • 910 8 l “M r. Dooley has favoured his 1 readers with his views on M Athletics,” 1 from which the following are extracts We’re gettin’ to be th* gr-reatest spoortin’ nation in th’ wurruld,” said Mr. Hennessy, who had been labouring through pages of athletic intelligence which
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  • 1602 8 The valiant representative teams of Selangor started for the south from Port Swettenham on Friday afternoon, in the best of spirits, ready to make the most of their short holiday in Negri Sembilan. On Saturday the 9th Nov., the Selangor teams duly arrived in Port Dickson
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  • 1154 8 Thk next /th January. e 0li A SEW and is being prepared for Manila ge,> 'H Mess,s T. Anson this morning by The 16th Madras~lnf an on the troopship C/J at y Monday. at noon r. Mr. R J, Hawtrpv io tant Superintendent in t f azett
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  • 221 9 /o d>e Editor of the Pinang Gazette. 1 [>k .Sir,—Since my return from Europe I have heard certain remarks to the way I purchased the race Wse Dahnllov, and to-day I have read |j! e Allowing from an article in the •nang li.tzette dated Bth July, under
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  • 795 9 Goes 20 knots on 12,000 tons Displacement. The new British twin-screw first class armoured cruiser Cressy Captain H. M. Tudor, arrived from Portsmouth this morning and saluted Admiral Palumbo Lingi on board the Italian cruiser Marco VoLo. The Cressy carries 14 large guns and
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  • 1732 9 It is not often that such an infallible authority as the Times gets tangled up over the Gospels—not one Gospel, mind you, hut three of them Matthew, Mark and Luke —and that on a point so secularly proverbial, as well theologically evangelical, as the passage of the
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  • 115 9 THE ISLANDER. The steamer Islander 1,100 tons, arrived here this morning. Bhe has >een bought for a new steamer service between Singapore and Christ**.as Island. The Islands was formerly in l;he fruit trade between London and Lisbon, and has good passenger accommodation. She will be commanded by Capt. Bobinson, who
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  • 112 9 Messrs Sy me Co., agents, send the following for publication The mine manager reports that No. 3 monitor was started to work on 15th October, and No. 1 monitor on 28th October. The results of work with No. 3 so far are poor, but with
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  • 484 9 Americans Make a Discovery UuiUiNG the recent contest for the Amateur Golf Championship of America intense interest was aroused by reason ot the* dilleienl balls that uere in use. All the talk, s-nys Golf Illustrated, centred on the relative merits of the gutta and lubber
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  • 829 10 Acheen. The titular Suitan of Acheen is now being closely followed up to his lurking place among hills in the unexplored Gayoo country. The pursuing column attacked the Sultan and his following twice. The enemy fled leaving 36 dead on the field, including seven chiefs. Twenty more dead
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  • 783 10 Disaffection and Piracy. The British North Borneo tlerald has much to say of unrest aud disturbance in that Territory. Thus at Ulu Radas, rebellion has only just been brought under by the surrender of four rebel leaders, after an expedition into the interior which took two weeks
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  • 966 10 Lipis 8/A November. Murder. A case of murder is reported from Temerloh, the victim being a young Malay woman. It appears that she had obtained a divorce from her husband a couple of months ago, but before the tiiduh t or 100 days of :iine for repp’ll ance
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  • 1076 10 The Italian cruiser Marco Polo left for China at 9.15 a. m. yesterday. Mrs Hood Trencher is leaving for Europe by the next mail calling at Penang. The Federated Malay States are sending a native oilicer to India to study musketry in the Punjab Command. 4 Rajah
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  • 143 10 Autumn Cup. Thk greens were lieavy r course in many places was un on Saturday when some thirty competed for the Autumn MacGill’s scoie of 45+41=8* consequently a very good a ing the best scratch score and with a handicap of 8 he wo with a net
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  • 76 11 THE CHINGAY.” T .triennial Hokien Chingay pro*“nn W as held to-day on a very big i The different sections met and dup at the h nese tem ple at \ver, and then marched through -as Streets in Chinatown. Great VirlU (is of natives followed and watched r/ r r, which
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  • 65 11 ,i ie Assizes this morning, H. A. ijichanl was charged before Mr. .7, Law .with using as genuine a r 7 cheque, and cheating and dis:'7tly inducing a delivery of pro--7-v 'The Attorney General prosecu- r the Crown, and Mr. Van Cuyvnberg defended. ir >’ fuund the prisoner
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  • 128 11 Finest lot of Girls” in the East. (i.-jhiY Company, under Mr. Joljn n ha> just arrived in Calcutta. To r :i-r :t regular liner to convey from r \.jA u> Calcutta a large Musical .inr'iy Company and the necessary to stage, according to the best ti 'iis
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  • 110 11 AaoHiUNG to Captain Ferrie in the Revenue duGcnieMilitaire,” Marconi’s v.w syntonic system of wireless telegraphy gave satisfaction wiien tried between Cape Antibes and Calvi, in Cwisiea, a distance of about 116 miles. The regulation of the apparatus was delicate, however, and tali masts were required. In a paper
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  • 151 11 In a short time work will be eomj»'nrtai on ihe building of o new first es Russian battleships, ail of the rime type, which are to have a replacement of 12,000 tons each •virh a speed of 10 knots per hour, lijese warships are to be built
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  • 354 11 I he following is the result of the rice lor the Melbourne Cup Revenue 1 Fran 2 Khaki ..3 lhe victory of Mr. C. L. Macdonald's year old hay gelding Revenue, if the betting to hand by the mail is n y criterion of the market position
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  • 168 11 The 16th Madras Infantry marched down from Tangtin this morning and embarked on the transport Clive at tbe wharf. Besides their own band, they were accompanied by the bands of the drd and LTlh Madras Regiments. The officers on board are: —Major 11. G. Sutton,
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  • 216 11 H. M. S. Fearless will be commissioned at Sheerness on the 26th of this month for service on the China Station. Hie Fearless is to relieve the Frisk which is stationed here. The Frisk will then proceed to Malta and pay oil. I’he Fearless is
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  • 224 11 Mk. Jerome Dyer, the Secretary o the Incorporated London Chamber ol Mines, who was interviewed some time ago on the subject of payable goldmining in the Malay Peninsula, said that he was amazed that English enterprise had not hitherto turned its attention to this rich section
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  • 153 11 Thus the Sydney Mail In His ’ermon to a Dunedin (New Zealand) co.. gregation the Rev. Mr. Hcwitson said that an odd question had been put to him during the week. One of his people had asked him “Is it right of me to type a letter containing
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  • 363 11 A Vienna telegram says :—A question of no little importance with regard to French colonial aspirations in the Red Sea still remains to be settled between France and Turkey. The question has now come up again, and this fact forms a striking comment upon the
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  • 303 11 London, October 22nd —The marriage of Earl Cromer and Lady Katherine Thynne, sister of the Marquess of Bath, took place to-day at Saint Thomas’s Church,Orchard-street, W.,at 12-30 p.m. The ceremony was quiet and tnere were no bridesmaids or pages. The bride was clad in an exquisite
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  • 1318 11 Home. The following is the Asian wire of the Cambridgeshire, run on October 30th:— Mr. Whitney’s Watershed 1 Lord Wolverfcon’* 2 Mr. Wood’s Lascarie 3 Also ran Fighting Farley, Coroman, King’s Courier, Little Eva, Innocence, Sonatura, The Raft, and thirteen others, including Solicitor. Betting 25 to 1 against
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  • 167 11 On Saturday afternoon an interesting ceremony took place at the Imperial Ottoman Consulate in Robinson Road, in honour of the opening of the first Turkish Consulate in these Settlements. The persons who pafd visits to the Consul to congratulate him consisted of some sixty of the influential
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  • 2260 12 Report of the First Match. Papers to hand by the China mail contain full reports of the first two days’ play in the Straits-Hongkong match, which opened on Monday last:—The following details are taken from the Hongkong Daily Press The first day’s match began yesterday
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  • 80 12 Mr. H. A. Burgess, assistant district magistrate, Bruas, to act as collector of land revenue, registrar of titles and warden of mines, north. Mr. W. P. Thorpe, district treasurer, Kinta, has been transferred for service in another State. Mr. W.C. Ephraums, financial assistant, Batang Padang, to be district
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  • 79 12 The Volunteer Church Parade yesterday morning was largely attended, both the S.V.A. and S.V.R. turning up in good numbers. Major Murray took command. The band of the 3rd Madras light Infantry was in attendance and played the Volunteers to and from the Cathedral. At the Conclusion of
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  • 717 12 The big battleship Barfl&nr went alongside the wharf to coal yesterday. Messrs. Somerville, Doyle, and Fox arrived from Sarawak by the Vorwarts this morning. 200 iron seats are being placed on the Luneta, the favourite public evening resort in Manila. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Pennefather and Mr.
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  • 109 12 LETTING IN SUNLIGHT.” :amyy-iass appears that for B 0^ h l Samuel Hirst of Messrs UvJl** the manufacturers of Sun f'!®/ been paying a business vi ft Mr Hirst gave a number of s“' trations showing the s nr of washing, at the same tim V ting to each dhoby
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  • 228 12 The prospects of the cla«:<s ensuing Calcutta meeting are L 8 opinion of the EnglM ma as favourJ as could be expected, ag clee .r sixteen are likely to be enter,, r '"jrthe Trial Stakes and the w respectively. Among the candidates are Security, Veneda P« Ke-gn Alex
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  • 418 12 ABOUKIR AND CRESSY.” Increased Rapidity of Fire The gun trials of the Almkir armoured cruiser sister ship to the Cm*>, (now in port here on her way to China)? have recently been carried out at Portsmouth. Satisfactory as the trials ot the Cressy proved, it was felt that, Ly making
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  • 236 13 Sentence Postponed. Arizes this morning H. A. L. who was yesterday found 1 as genuine a forged 3Iif j cheating and dishonestly l a delivery of property, was t r,’ f *r sentence, v.iii Cuylenberg, who defended, His Lordship, submitted '.'•ip conviction was
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  • 525 13 London, Oct. 21th. \j (iiamberlaiL addressed a meet- -/joH Unionists in the Waverlev Maiket. hdinburgh, on the 25th Oei j, tin course of a comprehensive Vlt of the war, lie said that he pret>rr* d that the Government should b» ilai; til for being too slow rather
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  • 1255 13 There be rats, and rats.” Hamlet. London, October Mbth. The most noble order of Water Rats gave a benefit performance at the Pavilion on Monday last in aid of one the most deserving of the Theatrical charities. Dan Leno, the Worshipful Grand Master of the order
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  • 361 13 The manager of the Sipiau Mines, Mr. Tedlie, reports as follows on the present state of the mine Ditches. —Since thedamage caused by the big storm of September 6th was repaired, there has been no trouble worth reporting and since November Ist, when sluicing commenced on the
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  • 1683 13 (From an occasional Correspondent.) First Impressions. I had loog admired the land 01 Washington. I was firmly of opinioi. that the United States were a grea people, even before I had read Maik Twain or the philosophical Mr. Doole> But I had to
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  • 100 14 Dr. Hiller and Mr Harrison return to Singapore. I)r. II. M. Hiller and Mr. A. C. Harrison, the American scientists who have been exploring and investigating zoological and ethnological matters in Sumatra, returned to Singapore yesterday after a most successful stay of over three months in the Dutch
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  • 714 14 The celebrated racehorse Locky, who was well known on the local racecourse up to the end of last year, died quietly in his paddock at Orange Grove this morning. He was by Boolka out ol Black Tulp and was bred by the M« ssrs. Miller,
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  • 616 14 The French transport Gholoa left for Marseilles at 8 o’clock last night. II.M.S. Cressy went alongside No. 7 section Borneo Wharf this morning to coal. Miss. Belle, Miss Watson, and Mr. Hendrick arrived from Puleinbang by the G. G. Myer yesterday. 1 A public meeting will be
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  • 94 14 The glut of wine in Italy is assuming serious proportions. There was an enormous vintage last year, but this season’s is even larger. The stock in the Italian collars amounts to 3,300,000,000 gallons of the 1900 vintage, and 88,000,000 from former years. The current year’s vintage will
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  • 212 14 Rubber, it appears, is to be found in almost every thicket below 5,000 feet altitude, (in Uganda, E. Africa) chiefly from the liana creepers which abound in two species (Landolphia and Slrobilnnthus). The natives know of its existence and where to find it; hut until urged thereto
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  • 568 14 Proposal to finish the Panama Cutting instead. The telegraphed conditions of the new Canal Treaty between Britain and the United Elates seem too just and reasonable to merit di.-cussion Tney certainly appear to be little likely to excite controversy. Whether the treat) will materially na6ien the construction
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  • 1882 14 Tuesday, 19th November. Present. His Excellency Sir Frank Athelstane SWETTENHAM. K.C.M.G., (GOVERNOR). Hon. C. W. 8. Kynnersley (Acting Colonial Secretary). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. A. Murray (Colonial Engineer). Hon. W. Evans (Acting Auditor-General). Hon. J. M. Aliinson. Hon. O. btringer. Hon. Dr. him Boon Kong.
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  • 131 15 Vultures and Fish. A oAiiTMNO incident occurred at the C i’ nvers of Silence, Bombay, on :i.; Pi: m~t. Wiien a child certified ,i i v. is stripped for exposure to the mures ii was found to be alive Inc hominl whence it. came was nuim.rMt' d with, and
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  • 49 15 Planters’ Cup. Pf.'iUh'iield 10.7 Highlander 9.12 < )r|»h *u« 9.10 l.\oo 9.5 1 Kill allow 9 4 Bum-Dum 9.4 Mi>san;di.. 8 8 N'ut- (iuard 8.4 Singapore Ex-Oriffin Handicap. v p-uTowhawk 10.12 Freeman 10.0 Bonaparte 9.12 1 deinea 9.6 '•kiiihs 9.6 Benvenuto 9.1 Bong Bong 8.9 Alarie 8.5
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  • 232 15 CHARLEY’S AUNT.” i :n; special, and last, performance of Charleys Aunt by Captain Wynter’s unaier.r company took place last night the ['own Hull and drew a crowded i idi-fic-ft Hie proceeds are to be given 0 the funds of the Singapore ReoreaJ 'ii (dub. Owing to the unfortuL :i! circumstance
    232 words
  • 2561 15 (/dy Herbert A oyefbile of the Selutigor Alines Department.) It i* being constantly >tated that the Malayan tin deposits are being worked out I do not share the«e view* v from tfu 11 ink L ommis-iion*:r'st llrpart. IU<jo,j There are lew
    2,561 words
  • 995 15 11. M. S. Cre.<$y left fur China at daylight. < H. M. Brisk left for Penang this morning. Two hundred and twenty-six deaths were registered at Singapore during the week ending on Saturday last. The ratio per thousand was 47.<35. The land boom continues at Penang. In
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  • 43 16 The Daily Xeirs states that the Small Arms Committee hove selected a modification of the Lee-Enfield rifle, suitable for all Jarms. The barrel of the new rifle is shortened by five inches and the twist of the rilling is increased.
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  • 148 16 It is not so Peaceful as People Say. A private letter received in Singapore from a gentleman in Tientsin, who temjoys exceptional facilities for ascertaining what is really going on there, states that extensive works are now being pushed on there especially by the French and
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  • 194 16 Mr. Justice Law handles a Weathercock Jury with Skill. A peculiar incident illustrative of the ineptitude of our present jury system occurred before Mr. Justice Law at the Assizes this morning. Tan Sek, an old offender, who had suffered seventeen previous convictions had been arrested on a
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  • 96 16 The Nankin is due on or about the 2Sth ult. from Kuchinotzu, which port she left on the 17th idem with a cargo of coal. The Telegraph steamers Recorder and Sherard Osborne after coaling at Keppel Harbour have left, the former for Acheen and the latter for Port
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  • 265 16 Mr. Charles Basing, a theatrical artist well known in W. Australia, after an interesting tour of the continent, writes from New York to a friend in Perth I am doing scenic work here, Having been engaged on salary at the Grand Opera House for some
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  • 218 16 Col. Beatson's Thoughtless Speech. Amember of the Mxth West Aust ralian Contingent, who returned recently from the Transvaal, says I was at a dinner at Middleburg in July, when Colonel Beatson called the Victorians white-livered curs.* This was shortly after the disaster which befel the Vic torians
    218 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 192 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times." Sir, —i respectfully beg you to give my grievance publicity thiough your j lurna*. Rangoon Road, where I reside, runs off Serangoon Road and extends far beyond the back of the Race Course. It is not a pucca Road, it
      192 words
  • 1956 16 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, the President. Mr. J. O Anthonisz, in the chair. There were also present Messrs. Maclaren, Evans, Sohst, Moses, Lee Choon Guan, and Barker; with the Municipal Secretary, Mr. Polglase; and' the Municipal Engineer, Mr Peirce. President’s Statement. The
    1,956 words
  • 260 16 The following are the entries for tk December meeting of the Selangor Turi Club: First Day. The Maiden Plate.— Gorak, Dun* Dum, Beauxite, Kia-ora, Bushranger. The Griffis Race— Sanak, Hones! Bill, Cossack, Ballet Girl, Queen Bee Reaper, Blaster, Z jetrope, Ole Jo, Pen ang Guide, Singaporean, Whcatm
    260 words

  • 945 17 ''Thk Portuguese transport Africa left r Macao yesterday. KrECTKic tramcars are expected to h at Calcutta in March next. r“ tlie Assizes, a Chinaman has been ten ced to five years’ rigorous impri- n en t for culpable homicide. 4 •fHK P ort Banjuwangie in Java ffas
    945 words
  • 171 17 Before Mr. Michell, yesterday morning, two Chinese sampan-men were charged with dishonestly retaining stolen property, to wit, a quantity of clothing and a bicycle belonging to Mr. J. D. McCullock. The facts of the case were that on the 14th instant Mr. McCullock ordered his Chinese boy
    171 words
  • 361 17 Holding the Police at bay by Porce of Arms. This morning, before Mr. Beatty, a Keh Chinaman was charged by Sergt. Stapley with house trespass and assault. A Ciiinaman stated that at 10 o’clock 1 ist night the prisoner went into his shop at 42, Kampong Bahru
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  • 926 17 Mr. Jackson, the Judicial Commissioner, arrived in Seremban on Saturday, where he was the guest of Mr. Chevallier at the Residency. He was on his way to Jelebu, where he is trying the case of murder, which we mentionec in our notes some time since. Our
    926 words
  • 1336 17 Home, The London correspondent of the IndianDaily Newt wires on the 10th inst. that public sympathy for Sir Red vers Buller shows no signs of abat-ing. It spread from his native county of Devonshire, where the indignation against the Commander-in-Chief and the War Office is furious, to other
    1,336 words
  • 118 17 ▲S RIVALS. {Hooked). (For Singapore.) Per Nordeutscher Uoyd steamer Printeee Irene from Bremen, October 31, due 6tb December.—Hr. Scott, Hr. Tate, Ha. Bell Inring end Hiss Bernard. Per P, A 0. Victoria, connecting, with the steamer Vedetta at Colombo from London Oct. 81st, due Dec. 1st. Mr. Brackenbufj,
    118 words

  • 171 18 The German mail steamer Kbnig Albert which arrived from Europe yesterday, had on board 273 passengers, including G6 tor Singapore. There were also on board 311 German soldiers. The whole of the passenger accommodation of the ship was fully engaged. The following were the passengers to
    171 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 240 18 To the Editor of the 44 Strait* Timet Sir, —I read with great interest your leading article on the coolie question on November 2nd. I noted you considered Air. Vermont’s remarks pessimistic, for Mr. Carey asserts that there is no difficulty in recruiting
      240 words
    • 185 18 Undertais headingthefoilowmg abbrevi tions are UBed: —str. —steamer sh.—sb»[ b<^ —barque; sch. —schooner; Yet. —Yacht; Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat TorTorpedo H.p.—Horse-power Brit.— British U. S.—United 8tates; Fr.— French Ger. —German Dut.— Duvch Joh.—Jobore Ac., G. e., —Genentlcsrgo d.p.—deck passengers U. —Uncoi tain; T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T.
      185 words
    • 1468 18 Arrivals Since* Noo* op Yesterday. Aaahan, Ger. str. 161 tons. Capt 8chultz, 2lstNov. From Asahan, 19th Nov. G.c., and 10 d.p. Behn Meyer A Co. For Asahan U—Rds Ban Whatt Hin Brit. str. 195 tons, Capt Forbes, 21st Nov. From P. Swettenham, 12th Nov. G.c. and 70
      1,468 words
    • 587 18 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. Steamers. Achilles, China, Dec 15; Mansfield. Amara, Hongkong, Nov 28; Boustead. Annain, Hongkong, Nov 24; M. Maritiraes, Antonio Lopez, Manila, Nov 30; Barlow. Austria, Hongkong. Dec 26; Rautenberg. Ansi ralind, Fremantle. Dec 2; Boustead. Ballaarat, Hongkong, Dec 12;
      587 words
    • 126 18 PASSED SUN DA STRAITS OR FEZ5 uirr- i^5-£5252C''''^ Date. and Ship’s Name. Captain. op fi-O. SaIUKO.' K0MWHKB bttnT^ Nov 2 Dut 8.v K.Wilhelmina Dunkirk I —-I' 011 2 Dut s s. Soerabaia deBoer Nov «> BataJi m Ra 'avU 2 Nor bq. Bonafido Petersen .Sept 9 Banir 1 nt
      126 words
    • 1496 18 X LA» I < Nah? I A to* Oapt• ii> From R lr?B u«« j 8iasi, i Co, SI#Itfc Nov 1 1 13 Kian Yang Brit str 70 Taylor Malacca v nv 10 13 Ban Whatt Hin str. 19.5 Forbes PSwet’hamNov iT f I° Lon* p a 13 HiroshimaMaru
      1,496 words
    • 920 19 Vbshbl’s Name FlagAßig. Captain Destination Dat* Kian Yang l Brit str, i Taylor Muar and Malnno^i s nf chow Phya str. Jellicoe Malacca and Port Swettenham f! i x a i Shan' i tr Novell Bangkok c g Mever Dut str. j Voa Muntok and Palembang j! Coromandel PAOetr.
      920 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 18 19 UNTOUCHED BT HAND. Mfffi Pop INFANTS and INVALIDS. f WMn prepared ls*>lmllar to Breaat Milk. POOD WO LONDON,
      18 words
    • 409 19 LEA PERRINS’ Messrs. LEA Sc PERRINS beg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Original Worcestershire Sauce, they are now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone copying the same will be at
      409 words
    • 594 19 A Remedy for ell Irraiularitl—. of Bitter A ppi*. Pennyroyal. I'i C eh i. k'. Sold by Singapore Dispensing Co* t Ltd» Raffles Plece y Singapore. Propiietor MARTIN. Chemist SOUTHAMPTON. ENGLAND COMMON SEN8E~NUT8HEU. A nr» rrn-dkk! work on the c&um* and roort acientnc and effect uaJ mean* of self -cure
      594 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 194 20 Moalister c<>. V -AO-IEHSTTS FOB r i Fairbanks’ Standard Portable Platform Scales. Accurate and Reliable, manufactured of the best materials by experienced workmen. ALL PARTS AKUSTO BEAE/IPraS OB 1 TEMPERED CAST STEEL. t AIRBASES’ AUSTRAL STALKS IN SIZES 3,5,7,10 1-5 CWT v. 3S3S f NXV ft SPECIALLY ADAPTED I DR
      194 words
    • 337 20 tub CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COT, LTD Head Ofucb No. IS, Camtoh Road, Shanghai. JAS. A WATTIE. Manager. MESSRS. TAN KIM TIAN SONS, Local Agents. The Company offers easier terms and better bonuses than any other Company doing business in the East. A special poii.: is made of prompt payment
      337 words
    • 438 20 J, van den Brand 4 [j M U 30/6/02. e< V' 0 f BT. ANDREW’S A CHURCH of England f°r European and woo desire to attend the t h^! aQ v* place. Applications to be Colonia Chaplain. mad < to u w jTiiOTioNTco WATCHMAKERS JEWELLERS opticians.’ REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTE!, R
      438 words