The Straits Budget, 31 October 1901

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 129 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE'OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” if he Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout 1 all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. over Half a
    129 words
  • 135 1 N(» AKTICLE8. Dbol-T i y-Lawa. lbfC'K>une Habit. A Share 1 ransaciion. if riuan Trade. Lot ii. Market Quotations. 'Lipping News, lissenge* List. Police New*. Tne K tc s Br h** Way. i;._j Uibbery in Oavuuugh Road. Ih«* llrisk Sports. t«olf. V
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  • 555 1 Singapore, 31st October, 1901. PRODUCE. tounbier buyers 8 13.25 Bali 9.25 Ponti\nak ,/8.35 *Wr, Black buyers 30.60 'io w nite,(5%> 47.00 Flour Sarawak 3.40 r. d n No. 1 3.20 *1**' B*li, 15% basis 25 00 aler nl>ang, 15% basis 28.00 Liberian No. I 20.00 small Flake 6.15 do
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  • 278 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the P. &O.s. s. Bengal. The mail for Europe, next week; is fixed for the M. M. s. s. Salazie. The mail from Europe of the 4th October by the M M. 8. s. B. Simone, arrived ofk*
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    • 38 1 London 2 6th October. Mr Wyndham, speaking at Bradford, said that tbaimlicy of the Government will continue to be to finish the war at the earliest opportunity, and to give Lord Kitchener all he asks therefor.
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    • 23 1 v LaUr. A French loan of about 300 millions of francs is impending on t|»e security of the Chinese indemnity.
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    • 22 1 The Radical press is striving to excite the country in favour of Sir Red vers Buller.
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    • 37 1 Three members of the Victorian Contingent, who had been sentenced to death for mutinous conduct, the sentence being afterward* commuted to twelve years’ imprisonment, have had their sentences quashed. The men have been released.
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    • 21 1 London, Oct. 27th. Marquis Ito has sailed from New York for Europe. He visits France first.
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    • 35 1 Columns of troops which have been operating for six weeks to the south west of Rustenberg have returned to Kierksdorp bringing 250 Boer prisoners and a quantity of captured supplies.
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    • 19 1 Ltoidon, 28th October An order for the banishment of thirteen more Boer leaders has been promulgated.
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    • 24 1 Botha with a few followers has gone to Amsterdam, where Schalkburger and the moveable Transvaal Government are located temporarily.
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    • 31 1 London, 29th Oct. Colonel Dawkins has surprised and captured three Boer laagers in the Nylsstroom district. Three field-cornets, the ex-Lenddrost of Pretoria, and fifty other prisoners were taken.
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    • 15 1 jpprrmge _Ljj»_iuuini:»rtly tried find shot some'Wfiefietfrdrossed ijp A/iaZri uniforms.
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    • 36 1 >, Lat*r. I < A Cabinet Council, at which the sitting lasted two and a half hours, has been helA- It is understood that the ‘Duller MiT wap the leading topic of discussion/"*
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    • 33 1 f Sir fchejBeeretary to the British Legation at Rio de Janeiro, line been transferred to Tokin, vice Mr. I B Whitehead, Lt-c;*tiou Secretary there, who bu been transferred to Brussels. 7*
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    • 35 1 London Octol>er 3Qlh. Commercial and industrial depression in Germany is steadily deepening. Factories are restricting production Jfhe Bourse was further 7 Large iron works in Saxony are closing.
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    • 42 1 Later. Delarey and Kemp attacked Colonel Von Donop’s column, part of Lord Methuen’s force, on the Marico River (Eastern Transvaal). Severe fighting followed which resulted in 40 dead Boers being left on the field, including Commandant Oosterhuysen. mm mm O
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    • 25 1 The British casualties were two officers and 27 men killed five officers and 50 men were wounded. Ail behaved with the greatest gallantry.
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    • 6 1 Cbolgosz has been electrocuted.
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  • 543 1 (Straits Times 28 th October). There is some talk of a strike among the local dhobies on account of the new regulations shortly to be enforced, and ensuring stricter Municipal control over the washermen’s premises. The new by-laws are published in Friday’s Government Gazette. They provide for the
    (Straits Times, 28th October).  -  543 words
  • 947 1 (Straits Times, 2 dtk October) Nearly all vices are inexplicably epidemic —even the ahstruser ones that might be regarded as outside the pale of ordinary human conception. This statement applies especially to the natives of warm countries, who have been known to commit the most extraordinary acts,
    (Straits Times, 2dtk October)  -  947 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 price of the Straits Times u fvvar nr tift/-. The post free price i9S S >T r r4o/ *;“L ne.«sa.-> tosul.9 for a year l for shorter perioos are wiwwme i*f“P° rtionato rate f pr Ce aS can b i. Bent to ,V'i et ~1,.,.[]>,.■ 19 from Lurope If
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  • 368 2 (Strait* Times 29 th October) Business men in Bangkok have recently been interested in a brokerage case in which Mr. Castle-Turner sued Mrs. Balfour for 638 ticals alleged to be due as one per cent commission on the sale of certain shares in* the Siam Electricity Co.
    (Strait* Times, 29th October)  -  368 words
  • 1808 2 (Straits 30 th October.) No surprise will be evinced by those who have been watching the trend ol German affairs of late, at the gloomy reports conveyed in to-day’s telegrams. For sonic time past the cloud of trade depression has been lowering &ver the Empire; banks —even big
    (Straits 30th October.)  -  1,808 words
  • 64 2 Hamburg? via ports. Koenigtberg on 30th Oct., Behn Meyer A Co. Odessa, Kiev, beg Nor., R. V. F. Penang and Calcutta, Suieang due Nov. Ist, Boustead A Co. Fremantle via ports, Sultan on Nov. 3rd. W. Mansfield A Co Hongkong, Lightning due November 4. 8. M.
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  • 523 2 Mr. E. A. GarH!r I f Ch,ef Polic e OfH? er n a* \n l SoJ Csoi.go«z tuT- 1 McKinley, of ?r v] Monday. e e,ec trocu^S| J November. da y on tb. jjl S 0f fees for t P-.bli.ul lands m the Colony 6urve of?J 2“
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  • 42 2 Owuvo to pressure on w B.V.C. orders are held ovea till There is a route march on Mon J S.V.A. and S.V.R., fall in at the v Hall at 830 p.m.# Dress: lfsJ putties, belts, frogs and water be
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  • 53 3 Hotel de la Paix. 29 th October. -K demos, Wool, Jones, Ellis, >l8 Fmster, Stratton, Boisrigal, Ui ]ker, Keurhenius, Brandt, I| a nmt n en Rinsum, Drose, 5ol<fc nl Nielsen, Moulds, Wilf n lton, Mr and Mr*, Winne, f.*D, M s Olten, and Mr. and \(r a n
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  • 336 3 I o rK common enough in I "’•ha** c«.me into fashion at Taiping. l tower thus describes the I 1 av at t tiTs? form of amusement: Douglas is to be congratulated I V success which attended her I n iucti *-n of the Book Tea to I«
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  • 358 3 A dastardly attempt was made n the liie ui a sentinel on guard at the ol the late hieaident McKinley in luclantoa cemetery, it appears that *jaig:it prowlers stealthily advanced the darkness and staobed the soldier .n Jut), ami then escaped. It is that tne object ol
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  • 832 3 I THE ROW IN ORCHARD ROAD. Seven coolies Sent to Jail. Before a Court of Two Magistrates yesterday afternoon onsisting of Mr. Brockman and Mr. Green seven Hokien Chinese coolies were charged with unlawful assembly with others in Orchard Road, on Thursday morning and with criminal intimidation. Most
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  • 820 3 Sugar Trade. A heavy slump in sugar prices has brought about consternation in East Java. Several sugar planters are now in such straits that the pruning knife will have to be freely applied to the estate outlay. Many planters still hope for the best, and point to the
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  • 1516 3 Via Avstralia) Botha's Defeat. Thk latest particulars of the encounters at Forts Itala and Prospect, in Zululand, show that the Boers fought with great energy, and that their losses were among the severest they have sustained in any one engagement during the campaign. The attack upon the
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  • 1371 4 Manila, Oot. 19th —Possibly no benefit within the gift of central authority in the Pnilippiues will be more widely appreciated than that relating to a Weather Bureau, upon the foundation laid by the Jesuits, at their college and observatory in this city. Failure to provide
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  • 208 4 Duke of York Stakes. The following special telegram of the result of the Duke of York Stakes, run at Kempton Park on the October 12th appears in the Asian Duke of York Stakes, rvalue Rl,670, distance lj mile, new Jubilee course, handicap. Revenue Jenkins, jockey 1 Rov&lGeotge Hardy 2
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  • 1149 4 What with the races and the rikisha strike, we have had an exciting time this week. The strike has fizzled out, and as a city we are the better for it. The Chinese population wanted a lesson and they have got it. If they bad always been
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  • 552 4 Victory of the Americans. The athletic contest between Oxford and Cambridge University representatives and those of Harvard and Yale took place on Sept. 25th on the Berkeley Oval track, which, according to a New York telegram, was in perfect condition. The contestant* were reported to be as Fit
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  • 92 4 Thk JV.-C. Daily News is informed upon reliable authority that Mr. J Pierpoint Morgan has joined the Board of the American China Development Company in Mew York, and ;hat it has been decided that work upon several sections of the Company’s railway concession from Hankow to
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  • 1397 4 The American tra* I left tor New York at 8 The Italian transnort v "‘*il left for Hongkong I roon. K on alUr day^l Parade* oTtZ"V^ h a l Corps will be held Kg" Vol, 'Sl Mr. Schmidt, M r an j u I Mr Stanifield camefcVl
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  • 95 5 All British Colonies to be Represented. It is as good as settled, says a Ceylon contemporary, that at the King’s Coronation next year all British Colonies will be represented in England at the demonstrations in honour of the event, and we trust we are not divulging any
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  • 104 5 By kind permission of Captain Martin and the oliicers of H. M. S. Brisk, the Brisk sports consisting of fourteen events with valuable prizes attached, will be held at the race-course on 1st November. By kind permission ol the commanding officer and the oflicers of thedrd M
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  • 103 5 S. G. C. v S. L. G. C. The match at Sepoy Lines yesterday between teams representing the Singapore Golf Club and the Sepoy Lines Golf Club, was won by the latter by 15 points. The return match will be played next Sunday at the S. G. C. links.
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  • 128 5 Is the Austrian Reichsrath the Premier, referring to the country’s commercial policy, declared the determination of the Government to defend Austria’s interests. Even a political illiance, lie said, might be endangered hy an economic war. This is regarded as a strong hint in connection with Germany’s new tarilf.
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  • 271 5 The position now filled by the transference of Mr. Tower from Peking has been vacant for a year, ever since Mr. George Greville, C. M. G, went from Bangkok to Mexico as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. The record of the Minister is thus recorded
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  • 181 5 Th* China Mail sporting critic thus 8 peaks of the Shanghai team to play at the coming Hongkong interport match: The cricket eleven is a very excellent one, and one that will take a lot of beating. Hongkong will have to put a very good.side against it
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  • 215 5 The Pin an g Gazette prints the following :—All the Yankee papers, especially the Parisian Yankee ones (says the New York World European edition) are lull of the Sultan, and say that one of his favourite amusements is to dine at a restaurant with countless lings
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  • 426 5 From our Correspondent.) Oct. 2-Jth. After all our Tuan Besar (the Hon. E. M. Mcrewether) has left us for Selangor. List Wednesday lie was entertained at tiffin by Malacca’s elect. Alter an excellent tiffin which reflected great credit on those responsible, Tuan Gariard from behind the remains of
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  • 130 5 Thieves Arrested and Money Recovered. On Monday last, a Chinaman living in Cavenagh Road reported to the Police that $6,400 worth of property had been stolen from his residence On the same day the police arrested a Chinaman in connection with the theft. Two days
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  • 305 5 The minutes of the United Planters’ Association F. M. S. meeting at Kuala i.umpur on the 7th September have >‘Uine to hand. The meeting decided tJ ask the government to get Mr. Arden, the state agriculture expert, to study the commercial interests of the ramie industry,
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  • 338 5 General Sir Bindon Blood, who has just returned from India after holding nigh command in the Transvaal, hat* been interviewed by a representative ot the Bombay Gazette. Str Bindon Blood said No doubt the majority of the Boer leaders are just as anxious as we are to
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  • 158 5 At the Bombay Custom House on the 15th instant, five European officials were examining military accoutrements belonging to the officers who came on the transport City of Vienna from South Africa. Among the articles was a Mauser pißtol, which Mr. Selkirk, a preventive officer, took
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  • 651 5 Maybe Aye and Maybe Nae writes as follows to the A.-G\ Daily Aears regarding the eleven tne Shanghai Cricket Club are sending down to Hongkong to play in the Interport matches. Out of the twelve names there are only three who represented Shanghai in Japan in 19°0,
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  • 5679 6 P1RST DAY. (Tuesday, 22nd October.) Results. Maiden Plate: Snoozer First Griffin Race: Free man Second Griffin Race Ace of Clubs Autumn Handicap Sir Launcelot Paddock Stakes :—Minawarra Grand Stand Cup Victoriatus Lawn Stakes: -Lyon A far larger gathering than th<* jinrikisha strike and the lowering clouds seemed to
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  • 279 7 Horses. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Unpl. Sparrowhawk 2 1 Minawarra 2 1 uuuailow 2* 1 Bonaparte 1 1 1 Victoriatus 1 2 1 Snoozer 1 1 Ly»*n 1 2 1 Lock 1 1 Sir Lsuncelot 1 1 1 Gaylass 1 1 1 Cutaway 1 1 2 Bobs
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  • 1050 7 I The Straits cricket team leaves for Hongkong by P. O. mail on Sunday I next. Lieut. R. Walker, R.E., passed in Malay at an examination held on the 28th inst. During the high spring tide this morning several of the streets in town were under water.
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  • 1104 7 A Great Success. The Race Dinner given at Rattles Hotel on Saturday night was a success characteristic of all such functions at that most popular establishment. About 270 gue3ts sat down to dinner. The othcersand ladies from the American transport McLellan then in port forming by
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  • 991 8 Burning of the “Bowman B. Law.” An enquiry was held this morning at the Master Attendant’s office into the loss by fire of the British barque Bowman B. Law, at Tegal, Java, on Oct. 11th last. The barque measured 1,390 tons, and was built in 1885.
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  • 138 8 At 8.30 last night, the S. V. Aand S. V. R. fell in at the Drill Hall for a moonlight route march. There was a pretty large muster considering that the band of the 3rd M. L. I. were playing at the Gardens on the same night.
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  • 262 8 The members of the Singapore Polo Club will probably be interested in the following account of a donkey 7 polo match at Tientsin: Buffalo William and his Wild West Show pale into insignificance beside the exhibition given on the Tientsin Recreation Ground, when the sergeants of the Royal
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  • 295 8 —Perak Plotter. A rather amusing instance of what one may call the contrariness of things has occurred in connection with the Exchange compensation question. Applications have been received from many, of course, claiming to be entitled to this allowance and have been dealt with by the Government, whose
    —Perak Plotter.  -  295 words
  • 1769 8 ANARCHY IN THE UNITED STATES. He was the noblest Roman of them All.” (From an Occasional Correspondent Ban Francisco \Alh September. I have assisted at a sad and terrible event —the agony of a people and the passing away of a great and good man. President McKinley
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  • 302 8 Mr.EldridgecamebythlrT—!,m p The Ernest Simnne ssr^AJustis. Thu new Turkish Consul Major Lewis Jones R p home in the P. and o' R, fot morning. Be^'U on Fnhy The London office of t Pagar Dock is “movvd church Street. |J0 H.M.S. Dido and /sis are e„ he a
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  • 26 8 Members of the S. V. R. are infer a that the parade notified in the torp orders for Friday, 1st November, hereby cancelled.
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  • 69 8 Makes off with $14.7°° Yesterday morning a made to the police that on tbe2 aChineseclerk named ChangCh employed in a Chinese druzgis at No. 35 Phillip Street, was entrustw with $14,700 to take to the man disappeared with the m has not been heard of sinc^ |,ut
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  • 107 8 arrivals. (Booked). <for Singapore.) Per M. M. *23 Mrs seilles Oct. 8, due Oct. 28 M Wr pri«r. de Stnrler. Mr. W. 1* ,r i^odoo Per P. A O a. Bo™*®!! 0 kept. 81 doe Oct. 25 Mr. J P? undoo •Per P. A O. a. a. B*lU*r*tlnn
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  • 5614 9 Tuesday’ th 0ctober I Present. I lR HUNK ATRKLSTAN* I M S‘ rtIJ fuCi K.C.M.O.. (Goveknob). I "S Kl rT^^-' n rsle y (ACUQK Colomal I S* 1 1 *,?(Colonial Treasurer). I Hon F G U '"v (Colonial Engineer). < Actin Attoraey I ‘“’teDf.’* 1 ch (Resident-Councillor of
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  • 609 10 S. C. C. y. 35th Co. R. A. Thesb teams have met often lately and on every occasion the result has generally been a near thing. Last night’s game was no exception, it being stubbornly fought out from start to finish, the Club eventuallv winning by 2 goals to
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    • 211 10 (J ader this beadi ag thufoliowiug abbre v lions are used: —sir. —steamer ah.—ship bq.—barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht Cru. —Cruiser; Gbfc.—Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo; H.p. -Horse-power; Brit.British U. 8.—United States: Fr French Ger.—German Dot.— Dote'* Joh.—Johore Ac., G. —Gener?.: •argo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—U obtain T. P. W. —Tanjong Pagar
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    • 1216 10 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Calypto, Brit. str. 339 tons, Capt Lowry, 30th Oct. From Deli, 2ftth Oct G.c., ami 2d d p. W. Mansfield A Co. For PenaDg, Ist—W. Choir Phya Brit. str. 370 tons, Capt JplUcoe, 30th Oct. From P. Swettenham. 28th Oct. G c.,
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    • 622 10 Same, port, probable date of and name of agents. S TEA MB as. Acara, Europe, p’sd Canal Oct 15 Adana, Hongkong. Nov 15 G Wood Vfridi, Liverpool, Nov P Simon* Vnnarn, Hongkong, Nov 21; M. Marit;™. Antonio Lopez, Barcelona Nov h r nu Vtholl M’bro, left Sept lfl;
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    • 87 11 I SIINDA STRAIT8 OR ARRIVED FOR ORDER8. I 1> ATE r Its- FLAG Naml Captaih. or Fbomwhere Dmtih. mams. I and ships Sailimg.* ation. I p* 11, gio. j. I Caldwell June 26 New York Anjer to. b< Lp»vTn Chri.teneen 1 iDelagon Bay Benukok l iABrit sebba^ vain de
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    • 663 11 I rLA 10!i oap< Ai> From Sailbd. Coxsignses. I j| Klc Urit str 19*28 Field ITchinotzu Oct 12 M. Bussan Kaisha. cbart** rh0Q3e I str 2378 Kilvert Moji Oct 13 M. Bussan Kaisha J ri uffick Hall t Jjo Berg «t. P’burg fciept 8 Beim Meyer A Co I
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    • 457 11 I Dm Vbwjci-Nam* Flao&K.< Caitais Drstia w 25 Cheang Hock Ki m Dut str. Giesche Penang 2* Kuhy Bril str. *niith j Muntok and Pa'embang 28 Pyrrhus str. Walker London via ports I Mur»x fetr. Haitiday Hongkong il6 Sappho str. Turner Malacca and P. Swettenham I Pin Seng w
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 310 10 hJMVE THOU8AND AGENTS to wear a»io advertise the a nC ■Vetches and Jewellery of a w..*l -kno*i London firm. Agency can l*e attenii* l, i n *pare time, by any intelligent ia v u entleman, who wish to add e< Q- <\m' v o tbeir income. S«md for our extreor
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 895 11 Ladies.! SnpetMd ag Bitter Apyk Pennyroyal, Pi C efc a, hr. BoMbylintfapora Olipamlng Oo., Udn MARTIN. Chemist Proprietor t SOUTHAMPTON. ENGLANBt ■of Mtf-CVB over discovered for •ad NaetjoruU debility, vuU of vitality, depreH ipirlte, As. .with practical observations oo mimif* and foQ dirsrttoas for rwottaf certain dlf nalifleikw that deetroy
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    • 426 11 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED TiABRTi, the signature in wm ppm of Lea A Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. fh§PHfy Medicine of the kind ew&rddj
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 261 12 Perfection Curly Cut Tobacco, in 4 oz. patent Vacuum tins, for Cigarettes and Pipes. The Perfection Curly Cut Tobacco, mannfactured from the brightest, most delicately flavored, and highest cost tobacco grown in America, the most exacting smoker will find this tobacco is perfection. Price per 4 oz. Tin 55 cts.
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    • 512 12 NOTICE. Cn the 1st October, the CIGAR FACTORY of Manila known as th( “Maria (Bristina” with all rights, was purchased and formed into a limited Company undei tha style of the Maria Cristina Compania Anonima, Manufacturera de Tabacos y cigarillos, Limited. Until the issue of a new tariff the price*
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    • 631 12 JK. WALLACE Bronze MedeHUt. HrjtUh Horo,^, Watch-Maker and Jeweller R«MIK8 IM ALL BRANCHES OOARav, 6-b BATTERY BO.MI tilths. u.c. Municipality George Town Penang. $500,000, 5 per cent. Debenture Stock 1901. Divided into 2000 shares of $250 each. PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS 850 per share on Applicati 0II Allotmem $200 do. 'I'HE
      631 words