The Straits Budget, 26 October 1901

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Budget
  • 108 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Yhe Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French lndo*China. gSTiBTt-HBD PVEB HALF A CeNTCBT.
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  • The Straits Budget SATURDAY, 26TH OCTOBER.
    • 17 1 ii' lottaie, Confederate L-utr o the L'2Dd October the wife of F H.F.DUS of daughter.
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    • 71 1 WouniokD-NtwToN.- At, the Church of it* a.-»uii ptiun, 1 enang, on tho 14th inat. v the Lev.i. Father Alenuvrier, Mr. htoi'okK Oswald Woodford, of Messrs. jciiiniiUS i>u ter\ Co., to Miss era l,j t L the thml daughter of John and fc-ftn-t Nk\ViON,of Manchester, England. s the tith October.
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  • 295 1 Akticlkh. Iro!Mc;il lioveruinent. iiiiK-ut Clerks. i-c ‘Kikiahit Strike. 1 Me i rogcvas. ({the Strike, f M a. settlers. KiL M.v»et Quotations. 'Hipping News. 'tooeugei List. 'olice Nows, tikii-ha Strike. !ip iUrea. lvnistoa’a Circus. Hebiuuapore Minstrels. v »ter supply. ilw Way. ui Mr. W. Dalian. •‘Quer to Mr.
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  • 581 1 Singapore, 26th October. 1901. PltODFCR. (Jambier buyers 8 13.00 Copm Pali 0.25 do Ponticnak 8 35 Pepper, Black buyers 30.75 do White, (5%> 47 00 Sago Flour Sarawak 3.40 do Brunei No. 1 3 20 Pearl r*go 4.10 Coffee, Bali. 15% ba«is 25 00 Coffee, Palembang. 15% basis 4,
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  • 343 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaves by the M. M. s.». Laos. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. O. s.s. Bengal. The German mail for Europe by the Hamburg closed on Wednesday. The mail from Europe of the 27th September
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    • 66 1 London Oct 17^. The Foreign Office has announced that Sir Alfred Bateman (ControllerGeneral for Commerce, Labour and Statistic* at the Board of Trade) and Mr. E. F. Alford (Jardine, Matheson and Co. Shanghai) have been engaged for some time in revising the Chinese Customs Tariff
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    • 10 1 Wolfaardt, another of Lotter’s assistants, has been shot.
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    • 17 1 Botha’s main body is still in the neighbourhood of Pongolabosch, (Eastern Transvaal, north of Zululand).
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    • 33 1 Later. The finding of the Court-martial on the destroyer Cobra disaster is to the effect that the loss of the vessel was attributable to structural weakness solely.
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    • 62 1 SUCCESSULLY TESTED. The new submarine for the British Navy has been tested at Barrow. The vessel was placed for three hours on a gridiron—not in water to test the breathing capacity of the crew. During the test all apertures were closed. The result proved to be very
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    • 55 1 London 18 th October. Bands of rebels in the Calvinia m district of Cape Colony dre advancing to the south under Boer Commandants, looting and recruiting as they go. Parties of them have reach Hopefleld and Soldanho Bay. Complete confidence is felt in the military in these places
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    • 52 1 Later. w There has been fighting at Piquetberg, forty miles from Cape Town. The Boers attacked the troops in the district, who were reinforced by a squadron of the Sixteenth Lancers. The Boers retreated with slight loss. Captain Bellow and four men of the Lancers
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    • 42 1 IMA October. Commandant Botha, Ending that the invasion of Natal has been disastrous to the Boers, bat dissolved bis tore**, leaving the units to escape as best they can. Botha and a few men have gone north.
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    • 14 1 J. Kruger and Lieutenant Breda have been hanged at Cradock for trainwrecking.
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    • 32 1 Later. A despatch from St. Petersburg states that complete agreement has teen established between Russia and Great Britain, averting all dangsr of a quarrel over Afghanistan.
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    • 19 1 London 20th Od(A>er. There are persintent reports in Natal that Dewet is dead.
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    • 20 1 The Duke and Duchess *»f Cornwal and Yoik have reached Halifax The Royal Tour is now completed.
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    • 14 1 The first draft of re-enlisted Yeo* manry has sailed for Fouth Africa.
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    • 41 1 Loudon 21* t October. A detachment of the Canadian contingent has surprised a laager, killing three and capturing four of the Boers. The enemy abandoned everything in their flight and quantities of stock, food, and ammunition were captured.
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    • 13 1 London Oct. 22nd. Commandant Marais is among prisoners recently captured.
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    • 19 1 The United States has asked China to recognise her right to a Municipal concession at Tientsin.
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    • 34 1 COERCION IMMINENT. France is determined not to wait much longer in the Quays dispute, but to resort to such coercion against Turkey as is considered to be warranted jy the circumstances.
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    • 80 1 Later. France and Russia and the Powers are discussing about making joint representations and taking eventual action, for the purpose of obliging the Sultan to carry out the Treaty of Berlin. The points to be pressed are those regarding
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    • 10 1 Scheepers has been banished along with eleven others.
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    • 31 2 London 23rd October. An attempted southern move of ths Cape rebels from Calvinia has been checked. The commandos at various points in the Colony have been hustled or scattered.
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    • 50 2 The Marquis I to, a Japanese Statesman, has lunched with President Roosevelt. Mr. Hay, the Secretary of State, was present. President Roosevelt pressed Marquis Ito to accept a banquet after the mourning for the late President McKinley. Marquis Ito, however, was unable to wait for it.
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    • 50 2 Later. Sir Redvers Buller, owing to the speech which he delivered on the 10th instant, has been removed from his Army Corps command, and has been put on half-pay. General French has been appointed to command the First Array Corps.
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    • 46 2 London 24 th October. With the exception of tbe Daily Aews, all the newspapers consider that the decision regarding Sir Redvers Buller is inevitable, on the ground that there was no other alternative course without ruining the discipline of the army.
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    • 21 2 They express personal sympathy with Sir Redvers Buller, but deplore such an inglorious close to an honourable career.
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    • 11 2 Tjater Lord Salisbury has returned home from the Continent.
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    • 17 2 The King opens Parliament in State, some time between the 23rd and 28th January next.
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    • 88 2 London, 25 th Oct The Temps states that four of the Powers have decided in principle to sanction the incorporation ot Crete into the kingdom of Greece. BOERS CAPTURED. Colenbrander's scouts have captured forty-two Boers. JAPANESE LOAN TO COREA, It is stated
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    • 27 2 Later. Lord Salisbury has had a long audience of the King. A Cabinet Council will be held to-day. The King held a reception on Monday.
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    • 21 2 General Hildyard’s two guns, captured by the Boers on the occasion of General Gough’s reverse, have been recovered.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 71 1 ~r free price of the Straits Time* The P®«» Price h lludget i3*»> a year, or 40- -essary to tubei.fibe for a year. Mcriutiona for shorter perio-ie are proportionate rate of price as e ,';th'att> Hudget can be sent to meet passcnpei3 from Europe. If the Arsenti the name of
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  • 23 1 DEATH. v the 21st in* taut, at the Australian h::?e Kepoi-itot v, Orchard Road, V\ illaM 1m. lan, late of Hobart, Tasmania. 1*1
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  • 754 2 (•Straits Times J7 th October.) At the recent meeting of the British i Association at Glasgow, Professor P Alley ne Ireland delivered an address upon The Influence of Geographical Environment on Political Evolution,** which will be found useful and acceptable to our governing officials in this part of
    (•Straits Times, J7th October.)  -  754 words
  • 735 2 (Straits Times, 18th October.) We have received from the Colonial Secretary the subjoined note concerning the alleged grievances of Government Subordinate Clerks. The letter does not touch upon the complaints that have emanated from the Native States; but, so far as we can judge by the figures quoted,
    (Straits Times, 18th October.)  -  735 words
  • 933 2 (Straits Times 19 th October.) Volunteering all over the British Empire has received a tremendous impetus from the excellent work done in South Africa by members of the auxiliary forces, and the recent great augmentation of those forces in India has compelled the Government there to appoint a Military
    (Straits Times, 19th October.)  -  933 words
  • 1294 2 (Straits Times 23rd October So far as may be judged from pretest I prospects, the jinrikisha strike i? ml mere ephemeral visitation of a day.I The men mean to stay out, or havel ueir own terms, or be deported. Two! of the most prominent Vikislia towkvi .1 .r
    (Straits Times, 23rd October )  -  1,294 words

  • 622 3 (Straits Times, 23rd. October.) Mr. L. Webster, the Acting Generalj Manager of the Eastern Extension lYlegraph Co. announces the pleasant fact that the “AH British Cable” between England and Australia is now a fait ccompli as far as Perth W. A., and that ,t is expected that the
    (Straits Times, 23rd. October.)  -  622 words
  • 399 3 Straits Times, 24th 4 Octol>er) The rikisha strike is over. The I placid serenity of H. E. Governor upset the calculations of the Celestials to an extent that they have never been upset in this town before, and some of the coolies crept stealthily back to
    Straits Times, 24th4Octol>er)  -  399 words
  • 3377 3 (Straits Times 25 th October) Thanks to the courtesy of H. K. the Governor we have received a small grey book containing 44 General Information for Intending Settlers in the Federated Malay States. The gist of the advice to Intending Settlers is 44 Stay away.** Indeed,
    (Straits Times, 25th October)  -  3,377 words

  • 1387 4 H. M. S. Bi'isk arrived from Penang this morning. Mr. A. F. Wortinngtou oime from HongkongUiis morning by the Palawan. I HE Yokohama Race Meeting laEes place on the 4tli,5tii, and 8th November. The Johore Government steamer Ptilac and the hulk Beugkalis were diy docked at Reppel
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  • 300 4 Complications Threatend. The latest developments in the >* land of Samar m ike it appear tlia military authorities there havedeciM that the agents of the English in Manila must leave both Leyte 2Samar. It was thought (>*?* kje Manila Time* of the 10th in*0 a*
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  • 829 5 Home. IR Edward Grey, speaking at NewT endorsed the recent declaration \h’ Asq»iiih as to the necessity of 0t riberd’ 4 becoming independent of tbe hi h party, as it was now impossible Government to fulfil the r st. attached to Irish support. publication of the Khodes-Scbn id-
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  • 112 5 Mr. Dupouy bead of the Laboratory of Public Works at Hanoi, had been officially commissioned to inspect certain asbestos deposits which had been reported to exist at Cao-Bang. Alrhough the search has been superficial, it is stated that the results are very prombing. It was not possible to
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  • 586 5 Lipis, 18 th Oct. The Pahang Corporation’s tin ore export for September amounted to 450 piculs (Sungei Lembing 442, Jeratn Batang 8), being 458 piculs less than the August output. From the Bla» alluvial mines 49 piculs were sent off last month, and from Lepar 65. The Keehau
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  • 327 5 Details of the Samar Massacre. Ur to noon yesterday, says the Manila Times of the 4th inst., the military authorities had received no further official reports of the terrible affhr wuich took place at Balangumgan on Saturday last. Further details, however, have been received privately from a member
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  • 468 5 Dr Carl Lum holts, the new Norwegian explorer, who has been travelling for the American Museum of Natural History of New York, for five years in i he hitherto unknown regions of NorthWestern Mexico, and who is the first white man thathas lived among thecavedwellers in those
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  • 1461 5 THE P. O. CO. From an Appreciative Point of View. In view of the many uncomfortable things—whole truths, half truths, and otherwise—that have been published of late about the P. <fe O. Co., we feel more than justified, for the sake of fair play, in reproducing an extract from a
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  • 251 5 It is reported that Mr. M. A. V. Allen has been appointed Inspector of Mines for the Kampar division. The practice hitherto has been to work this important mining centre in conjunction with either Gopeng or Batu Gajah districts, and the work thereby entailed was ctrtainly beyond the
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  • 2242 6 Whatever attraction the Philippines may hold out for investment, trade productive of public revenue promises well. From all appearances its early development is assured, and it may reach large proportions by the time outlays for permanent account get fairly started. Customs returns have already grown sufficiently to support
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  • 228 6 The circus was crowded last night. The boxes were full and the chairs, stalls, and pit held an enthusiastic audience that welcomed the old favorites The performance from beginning to end was remarkable for the bright crisp manner in which novelty followed novelty. The grand Toreador Entry was
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  • 1254 6 H. M. 8. Brisk went alongside the wharf at 6 this morning to coal. Messrs. Derrick and Wilson arrived from Kelantan yesterday by the Amherst, Mr. J. M. Manta and Mr. Harrington came from Penang yesterday by the Pin Seng. The Russian Volunteer Fleet steamer Nijni Novgorod
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  • 119 6 The Commander-In-Chiefs d rooted aversion to cats was trated during his recent visit There is a pet cat in the oftc the Topsham Barracks rejmc 'f name of Kitty." She well-behaved creature, n iakefi with the officers and their go joins in the welcome S
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  • 67 7 .h'oir weekly share report, dated Ibursday. noon, Latham and Mactaghas continued very quiet rhe cast fortnight and there is dU n hine of interest to report. Mining ot Generally are weaker and prices eases show a falling-off. D ‘sni.ic p-turns for September.— Wah, 71 ozs rom 146 tons
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  • 93 7 cricket match at Kobe, between A> l oC *l Clirt> and H. M. S. Barjieur x re was some high scoring :i‘ e s iilors batted first, and scored Dr wickets when they v -ured. W. A. Cornabie scored 55 i’ o *vaids took 5 wickets for
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  • 99 7 I’eople who are getting tired of rj -neng parties should imitate the X arnple of a Brooklyn lady, one Mrs .vard Richter, who a little while ***** out neatly-written invita- ns to attend a horse-whipping The victim was Jack Davis, hotel employee, who, Mrs. Richter 4V9 had made
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  • 133 7 The following snake story comes :runi the Lacon (Illinois) Journal.” it is said that a snake was in the habit of climbing to the printers’ room and taking a draught of water from a can kept there. One day, however, a cat attacked the reptile, a hick
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  • 122 7 'he Chum Gazette of the 30th ult. vivs:— On August 23rd last a French 25 years of age, was attacked ay an unmuzzled Chinese dog in 'uanghai, and was bitten on the •’iaht hand. He went to the Suangkai General Hospital and was •it under the Pasteur
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  • 221 7 dN account of numerous inquiries !r om the United States in regard to W, coconut oil, poonac, and also an diifed substance, vegetable tallow, >nsul-General O. F. Williams submits following report: Copra.— During the calendar year J there was imported into the
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  • 108 7 The Singapore Ministrel Troupe repeated their excellent entertainment to a fairly large audience at the Town Hall last night. The programme was well received, and there were several encores. As we have before pointed out this entertainment has a most worthy object— to assist the fund for
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  • 112 7 The events ou the programme of Harmstons Circus, last night, were gone through with the usual dexterity and skill of the performers. The opening act —the nine horse caval-cade-drew loud applause. Willie, Jennie, and Nellie Harmston-Love and George Harmston acted their parts to perfection. The antics and quips
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  • 140 7 A shocking tragedy occurred at the German barracks early yesterday morning (says the China Gazette of the 30th ult), resulting in the death of a young German soldier belonging to the garrison. The deceased retired to rest on Saturday night in the top storey of the high
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  • 371 7 A correspondent of the A ippOH tells a story too good to be absolutely false. It was expected, he said, that the tine Japanese squadron of new vessels which visited Corean waters recently would proceed to Vladivostock, but only two of the ships went there,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 154 7 To the Editor of the u Straits TJmen. n Sir—l understand from an advertisement appearing in your paper yesterday that the supply of water will be cut oif from the town between the hours of noon and 4 p. m. and from 5.30 p. m. to 730 a.
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  • 303 7 The Hongkong Jockey Club holds but one race meeting, and one general meeting of the members in a year. When the Club held its last annual general meeting on the sth instant, one of the members objected to holding the annual general meeting in October, while holding
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  • 301 7 MabiU MaiL It is not known who will succeed Mr. Clifford, as Resident of Selangor, but it is supposed that for the present, at all events, Mr. Campbell will carry on the Government. Mr. Campbell did so well as Resident of Negri Sembilan that we would
    MabiU MaiL  -  301 words
  • 313 7 A few month* ago, it will be remembered, the Turkish Ministry of Marine concluded a contract with the Societe des Phare? for the building of four lighthouse* in the Red Sea t which were considered indispensable for the safe navigation of those dangerous waters. The
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  • 487 7 A Remarkable Story. Two disreputable scoundrels were laid by the heels at the Central Criminal Court lately, when the Recorder sentenced George Stephens and Charles McMay to terms of five years’ penal servitude. The case in which they figured has excited a great deal of public attention,
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  • 229 7 A horrible Case. Thk District Superintendent of Lakana, Sind, is engaged in investigating a case which possesses an unusual, if gruesome, interest. It is believed some startling facts will soon come to light. The little son of a wealthy Zemindar near Bubak suddenly disappeared some time ago. Five
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  • 242 7 Aly Pasha Fehmy and British rule. Aly Pasha Fehmy, on his arrival in Cairo from Ceylon, was interviewed by a representative of Ll Mokattam and bore eager testimony to the good treat' ment which the Ceylon prisoners had experienced for so long from the British Government. He
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  • 358 7 A Times correspondent in South Africa writes at the date of last mail;— The military situation in the Cape Colony at the moment of writing is unsatisfactory. In the Midland and Eastern districts all that can be done m being done under the able and untiring
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  • 836 8  -  (By Rudyard Kipling.) I wish my mother could see me now with a fence post under my arm. And a knife anti a spoon in my putties that I found on a Boer farm Atop of a sore-backed Argentine with a thirst that you couldn’t buy— I
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  • 868 8 Mrs. Dryer came by the Tringganu from Sandakan this morning. Rev. Villenruve arrived from Rangoon by the Nuddea yesterday. The Government Gazette notifies fresh rules for the examination of Cadets. Mr C. E. Green has been appointed a passed Cadet with effect from the 9th inst. The
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  • 82 8 Nikola Tesla is about to establish his first wireless telegraph station at Wardenclyffe, nine miles from Pori Jefferson, L. I. Two hundred acres of land have been purchased, and the necessary buildings will be put up at once. The main building will contain a 350 horse-power electric plant.
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  • 92 8 The Peary relief steamer Erik arrived at Halifax N.S., on Sept. 13th, from the north with Mrs. Peary and her little daughter on board. Lieutenant Peary was found at Elah in excellent health and reported all well. He stated that he had rounded the northern limit of
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  • 110 8 Recently an old Cornishwoman asked her parish prie.-t, says a contemporary, to read to her a letter from her son, who had left her many years ago, and was living in New England. The writer’s orthography was doubtful, but the conscientious vicar did his best to decipher
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  • 106 8 A dispatch from Copenhagen says that Dr. Sophus Rang, manager of the laboratory belonging to Professor Finseu, inventor of the light cure for lupus, has constructed a special electric lamp, giving a feeble light, but which is extremely rich in chemical rays. The dispatch adds
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  • 147 8 Mr. R. C. Grey, district magistrate, Kuala Kangsar, to act as District Magistrate, Kinta. Mr. H. C. Barnard, district railway engineer, Perak State Railways, to act as resident engineer, for railways, Mr. C. E. M. Desborough, warden of miues, Selangor, to act as collector of land revenue, Kinta,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 112 8 To the Editor of the “Straits Times” Sir, —As I also experienced the same inconvenience, I consider that J O. N. had sufficient cause for complaint of water having been moved on to his house at 745 a m. instead of 7.30 a.m. as advertised. I anticipate
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  • 204 8 Kaiser’s Warm Interest. Recently, in response to an invitation from the Kaiser »Sir William Crundall, deputy-chairman of the Dover Harbour Board M r. Worsfold Mowll, registrar of Dover Harbour; Mr. John Coode; Captain Iron, nar-bour-master; and Mr. Walraeslev. resident engineer of Dover Harbour Board, have been in
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  • 449 8 Hongkong Form. Saturday’s cricket match (sth instant),say s a writer in IheChina Af mi/,if it die nothing else, proved that in liongkong there are plenty of cricketers who can make runs —if they are given a little luck. The first-class bowler who is to play havoc with Singapore
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  • 1019 8 avr Jav «nese Mastic A Malay medical officer »f eminent service, Abdul r W who is now pursuing his by in Holland, has written fa < unltclM ln a newspaper i" what passes for religion with S mon people in Sumatra and J the **2 says that Mahommedau
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  • 182 9 British subjects turn Siamese. Di king tic" past few weeks, says the tfanqkok Times two residents who had wt-d allegiance to Great Britain rurned themselves into Siamese subvefs. One day a btraits-burn British -ubject presented a petition to the 3rtfiig H B.M. Consul and asked that ho
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  • 359 9 >m. 2nd Baw the advent of the Mihail season. There is no reason to t ink that the season will be better or *orae than its predecessors, a eonteml*>rary says. At present there can be co iavourite for the championship of ‘he First Division of the League,
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  • 1536 9 Raffles Squake has grown too busy for its size of late, and especially at Change Alley the perpetual block is a disgrace to the town. Without pretending to know just how far the powers of the Municipal Commissioners extend in the premises, I do know that the
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  • 122 9 Two million watches to be delivered in London from America within the next 12 months by a single firm, make the largest order which has ever been taken st one time in that department of trade, says the Liverpool Daily Post,” and marks a new invasion
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  • 86 9 Capital complains that very little attention seems to have been drawn to the projected line of railway between Alexandria and Shanghai. If, however, anyone will take the trouble to look at the map, he will see that if this scheme is carried through, a great blow
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  • 907 9 Affidavits by Soldiers. The War Office on the 20th ult. issued the copy of a letter from Lord Kitchener to Gen. Prmsloo, in which the former said: I b >g to express my appreciation of the manner in which some of my wounded and prisoners have
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  • 1162 9 Mrs. Stringer and family,and Mr.JTan Jiak Kim and son are due here by the Konig Albert on Nov. 21st. Second Lieutenants G. \Y f Brierley and D. Macleay, R. G. A., have been promoted to be Lieutenants. This morning a Chinaman was sent to jail for two
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  • 107 10 A Dal*iel telegram dated early last month stated: There has been a wholesale collapse of the men engaged in the Western Manoeuvres. Two regiments have 50 per cent, of their strength incapacitated, while many more have from 20u to 300 men each on the sick list. The
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  • 167 10 The Kajanfj Coflee and Rubber Company (Limited) has been registered with a capital of £23,000 in £1 shares. The iobject* is to acquire (1) ttie West County Estate in Selangor, on which the business of growing and dealing in coffee, tea, rubber, and fruit, and prospecting for minerals
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  • 174 10 At Raffles Hotel on Saturday night a farewell dinner was given to Mr. E. H. Bell by his Chinese friends in Singapore ny whom he is held in high esteem. About thirty sat down to dinner including Messrs. Seah Leang Seal), Lee CheDg Yan,
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  • 321 10 A characteristic incident occurred at the Savoy Hotel some time ago, on the birthday of Madame Amy Slier win, in whose honour a supper party was being held, and on whose menu card Mr. May made an exquisite little drawing as a souvenir of the event.
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  • 324 10 It is with great regret we learn of the death of Mr. William Dalian which occuned at his residence at six o’clock this morning. Though it was known that Mr. Dalian has been seriously ill for several months past, his death was comparatively sudden; and,
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  • 218 10 How Ho Met His Death. An Amsterdam paper, the Nieuws van den /."<?, publishes an account of the sad fate of the late Mr. Van der Burg of which the following translation has been kindly furnished to the Straits Times :—A young and energetic Netherlander has
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  • 653 10 0 us. Bums at Harmston's Circus. Gu8. Burns, who has just recovered from the effects of a mauling by the tiger Duke/* in Java, will enter the cage for the first time since the mauling, at the circus to-night. Burns has had a good many wild adventures,
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  • 1123 10 Oct 1 9th. The popular Father Letessier has been staying in Kuala Lumpur for a few days, much to the gratification of his many friends, who are of all sorts and conditions. Thecricket team from the Straits which is going to Hongkong, is not to be
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  • 374 10 S. C. C. Committees v. The Rest. I A match between elevens represent* I ing the above was played on the I Esplanade on Saturday with the I following result I The Rest I E. Bradbery c Graham b Banjafield S I Morrison c Barkshire I Stronach c sir
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  • 766 11 Afghan Affairs. newspaper* publish long notice* of the late Amir, the recognising his sagacity and and efforts to improve his and hoping that Habibullah ■ouctO? father’s strength and 5 wnile regretting the Amir’s aC ?ne articles rejoice that it has en t {je administration of India hands of
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  • 1157 11 PULLERS STOP WORK. Streets Patrolled by Armed Sikhs. Gharries Smashed and Passengers Molested. Singapore woke from its slumbers this morning to find there was not a rikisha on the streets. Enquiries elicited that the ’rikisha pullers in the town had gone out on strike m a body aud
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  • 128 11 The result of the play for the October medal at'the above club on SaturI day was as follows: I H’cap. Dr. Ellis 45 +45 90 —6~ 85 Pearce 46 +43 89 4 8h Vade 39 +4B 87 scr. 87 Winter 45 +4B 93 5 8* M
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  • 168 11 Friday’s Government Gazette contains the following letter from the Foreign Office in the matter of the China Tariff: A Protocol recording the Agreement arrived at between the Powers and China in settlement of the disturbances in China which took place last year was signed on the 7th instant.
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  • 158 11 Official Changes. There is to be a considerable shuffling of official cards shortly, in British North Borneo almost amounting to a General Post. Mr. J. Bloomfield Douglas goes to Kaningau shortly to replace Mr. Fraser who is due for furlougn, Mr. Douglas’s place being taken temporarily by
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  • 1320 11 Mr. Jansen came from Pal&mbang I this morning by the G. Q. Meyer. I Mr. E. H. Bell leaves for Penang this I evening, en route for home. I Mr. Raven and Mr. Evaarest arrived I from Deli by the Calypso this morning. Messrs. Bath, Townley and
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  • 111 11 WHAT DOES IT MEAN Under the neto sterling scheme, asks the Malay Mail will an officer accepting promotion have to accept such promotion on sterling pay If by future officers” is meant “officers who will obtain future promotion” the question must be answered in the affirmative. But as, later on
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  • 126 11 A Brisk Meeting. H. M. S. Brisk intends to hold athletic sports on the 1st of November and negotiations are being made to obtain a suitable piece of ground. The programme will include various athletic contests etc. Four of the events will be open to the public.
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  • 45 12 Harmston’s Circus drew a large attendance last night. There was a change of programme in which Gus Burns performed in two events before entering 44 Duke’s den. The tiger recognised its old master, welcomed him affectionately, and went through the usual tricks quietly.
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  • 68 12 If we are to believe a Mr. J.H. IV ebb, M. R. C. S., Eng., who has made a statement to the Infer-Colonial Medical Journal of Australia, the cure for cancer is to be found in a very simple remedy. He has made some experiments upon cancer
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  • 61 12 An extract from the Times of September 14th, 1801 Eight boers have been executed at the Cape of Good Hope for having excited the farmers and others at Giaffe Reinet to revolt. Twenty others have been sentenced to lesser punishments for similar offences, and with conspiring to
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  • 161 12 Ax Port Swettenham, says the Malay Maxi. the Sappho has been delayed b> want of loading and unloading coolies Of 160 men sent to Port Swettenham a month ago, 28 are now dead and aboui 40 are sick. Uuder these circumstances it is not surprising that local
    161 words
  • 154 12 Appointments. Mr. D. G. Campbell, Secretary to Resident, to act as Resident, in addition to his duties, with effect from loth October, 1901, and until further notice Mr. Henry Burton to be a 1st Class Inspector of Police, with effect from 1st August, 1901. Mr Ernest Page
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  • 231 12 Engl and v.Germany. Association football is in its infancy iu Germany, so that it can be readily realised that the German eleven were easily worsted in their uiatcn with the splendid band of amateurs which the Football Association put into the field against them on the much improved ground
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  • 386 12 AFFAIRS STILL QUIET. A Meeting at Government House. The strike of rikisha pullers still continues, much to the inconvenience of the general public and the disadvantage of the coolies themselves. Armed police patrols are still out in the main thoroughfares leading to the centre of the town,
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  • 220 12 Large Gathering at the Grave-side. The funeral of the late Mr. W. Dallai took place at the Cemetery this morn ing, the Rev. W. H. C. Dunkerley otficia ting. Despite the rain, a large gatherim of friends had assembled to pay a Iasi tribute of respect to
    220 words
  • 164 12 Sometimes truth is not stranger than fiction, but reality successfully contested supremacy with romance in an Australian soft-goods warehouse recently. A young man, newly arrived from London, presented himself to the manager of a department and applied for a situation. His manners pleased, and his testimonials satisfied
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  • 1322 12 LONDON DAY AND NIGHT. Sweet are the uses of advertisement. London Stpt. 27 th. Yacht Race. The yacht race for the America Cup is to furnish the sensation of the month; the newspapers leave us no choice. Entire pages of the Harmsworth newspapers are devoted to illustrations of impossible yachts,
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  • 298 12 Mr. Bonnet Burleigh, writing to the “Daily Telegraph” from Naauwpoort on August 17th, says :—Scheepers and Latimer are the only two Boer commandants of any note at the moment within this Colony. Their numbers and courage are alike despicable and their methods beyond even those of ordinary
    298 words
  • 830 12 (from Avlralia*' Won, 4 Lord Kitchener renoru H nant Miers, of that U» M Infantry, fa* T'* attached to th* at My V H Kiversdraai, was treach" 8181 H the Boers on th l that Lieutenant meet three Boers who We M ov VPi «ng under cover
    830 words

  • 430 13 I \o. j*nd Mrs. Kroeg and Mr. van I /*„>-■ arrived from Palembang yesI M ‘r l.v the Carolina. I I£iU-v i I LAJ s for instruction in Oil PainI t»Md every Saturday morning, I ll .V Mary's College from 10 to 12. I the Police Cuui
    430 words
  • 95 13 f he ine complete from England to West Australia. I following letter of this date an- iC completion of the All l4ntT Australia, was kindly us this morning for the informaof the public i-iirir L* m to inform you that the t'aita a^e between England and Aus* p
    95 words
  • 142 13 Ifni ***** numbe r of Mr. E. H. Bell’s |iW Went down to the Tanjong |b w^ yesterday afternoon I jmr i rod s P e0 d to their departing \i Jt J/, e leaving the Far East r food- Despite the fact that
    142 words
  • 1239 13 Acting Manager’s Repoet. The, Acting Manager’s report on Raub extends to the 17th instant and runs as foliows Mining. Bukit Jellis Mine :—The 150 south level has been extended 16' and is now 275 trom the crosscut. The reef in the present end is fully 8' wide, of which
    1,239 words
  • 187 13 The steamer Munchen lias arrived safely at Shanghai. This steamer promises to become famous in the annals of mat in« engineering. Blown ashore in a hurricane at the entrance to Yap, she wasuccessfully refloated by her owners-, the Hambuig-American Line, and. was brought to Hongkong. There she was
    187 words
  • 344 13 Since Mr. Skeat’s volume on Malay Magic appeared, his writings on Uj* folk-lore of this Peninsula has needeu no endorsement; and his latest publication, babies Folk Tales from an Eastern Forest is a very charming little book indeed. As the author explains in his introduction, the tales
    344 words
  • 419 13 I NO SETTLEMENT IN SIGHT. THE ROW IN SAQO STREET. Many Coolies Arrested. The strike of rikisha coolies still j continues and is causing great inconvenience to the general public. What transpired at the interview at Government House yesterday, between several of the rikisha owners and the Governor
    419 words
  • 1262 13 I ’R.kisha Pullers at the Police Court. This morning31 Chinese coolies were brought up at the Police Court, before Mr. Sarwar, charged with being members of an unlawful assembly, breaking the rules of the Colony, and assaulting the police. The Court was packed with ’rikisha coolies and numbers
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  • 939 14 Mr. F. J Wilson came from Penang by the Pin Seng. Thk B I. steamer Obra passed through the port from west to east this morning. The new Customs tariff in the Philippines will come into force on the I5ih November next. Arrangements are, it is stated,
    939 words
  • 107 14 The result of play for the prize presented by the Commander and OtficerB of H. M.S. Brisk was as follows: Twenty pairs entered and played one round on October 12th, sealed handicap under medal conditions. Jhe four first pairs competed again under a new handicap, match
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  • 112 14 At the Police Court on Tuesday, before Mr. Michel!, the Parish priest ot the Tamil Church charged a Eurasian lad named Rotnuin Minjoot with attempting to commit theft from the collection-box. The evidence went to show that for some days money had been stolen from this
    112 words
  • 216 14 When King Edward was staying at Homburg recently, it is said that he was very much bored by the poor martyr who was despatched to Horn burg to guard and protect him. The wretched man received orders not to lose sight of the King for one minute,
    216 words
  • 302 14 ROW AT HAVELOCK ROAD. Two Towkays Arrested. All Quiet this Morning. On enquiry at the Central Police station this morning, our representative learned that all was quiet in town and that the strike appears to be over, most of the nkisha8 being out this morning. At 6 45
    302 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 278 14 To the Editor of the 44 Straits Times." Sik, —In about two years’ tune, it is anticipated that the Singapore-Johore Hallway will be completed, and it follows that to woik it, a staff of drivers, guards, station masters, line inspectors <fcc., will be required. Tue question now
      278 words
    • 190 14 To the Editor of the 44 Straits Times. Sir, —There is just one omission which 1 would like tohave had inserted iu the report which appeared in your issue of last Saturday anent the case of myself and Mr. Y. Tan. It is this: that the defendant,
      190 words
  • 190 14 Mr. Brodrick states that 200,000 men and 450 guns are now in Bouth Africa. There are 69 mobile columns, perfectly equipped, in the field, and 100,000 men training at home. The country has no difficulty in meeting the calls made on her with the utmost promptitude The authorities
    190 words
  • 631 14 Further Details. The following account giving further details of the massacre at Samar has been sent by a correspondent from Samar to the Manila Times Catbalogan, Samar, P. I., Oct. 12nd, 1901 —In the savage and murderous assault on 4 (J.* Company of the 9th infantry at
    631 words
  • 701 14 n U er Re P“tation Burie,, kiR Redvers Bailor r Souib Ainca (u, e humT",* 1 reputations) some mornhs i bahal was received with marits ofT' winch continued to tiie dJ last mail advices. Tnu3o. ,t U U e September, Sir Redveis a hv Lady Audrey Boiler,
    701 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 105 14 •-and S ALe At Powell (vT~~. day the following J. roo Freehold 7* Batak, area 4at .4* S?-“freehold coconut J e S3 Campong Batak, area with small house tn? X Ik Chan Tek Hee for bmldmg site at f>*alie y Aek Hee for $>9^ •51,130 FrJhtli P l h a
      105 words

  • 2317 15 G 0 f the Municipal CommisA l hpld yesterday afternoon, -Hent (Mr. J O. Anthonisz) in &e r There were also present ine cha n ar ker, Jazo, Lee Choon Guan, \fe- rS 1 S( h s r; the Municipal Secre"van~\\L Polglase); the Engineer V* and the Registrar
    2,317 words
  • 74 15 Ths Nagasaki Press states that, owing to the scarcity of rain, the reservoir of the local waterworks is almost dried up, and the present stock is only sufficient to meet the local demand for about two weeks. If the drought continues, the Municipal authorities would suspend the
    74 words
  • 87 15 “B" Company of the Hongkong Volunteer Corps is to be disbanded, the reason being that, as all or nearly all of its members are recruited from the Naval Yard, their services would not be available in the event of the Corps being called up for service. Bir John
    87 words
  • 1330 15 Mr. Wehlb came from Penang this morning by the Hebe. Mr. Scharff came from Samarang this morning by the Tritos. Mr Tower, Secretary of Legation at *eking, has been appointed Minister to Siam. The belief is gaining in business circles that a trade revival has begun at
    1,330 words
  • 83 15 The Shanghai Team. The following have been selected bj the Shanghai Cricket Club to represent Shanghai in the forthcoming Interport matches: F. W. Potter, K. J. McEuen, A. E. Lanning, V. H. Lanning, W« H. C. Wfippert, W. K. Stan ion, Captain Rose, Captain Price, J. Mann, W.
    83 words

  • 4049 16 FIRST DAY. (Tuesday 2 2nd October.) Results. Maiden Plate Snoozer First Griffin Race Freeman Second Griffin Race Ace of Clubs Autumn Handicap Sir Launcelot Paidock Stakes Minawarra Grand Stand Cup Victoriatus Lawn Stakes Lyon A far larger gathering than th< jinrikisha strike and the lowering clouds seemed to
    4,049 words
  • 25 16 VfiOflBLO B jp Hamburg via port*, Ko*rUgd>er9> 0 Oct, Bahn Meyer A Co. Manila, Nerkudda on October W toad 4 Co.
    25 words

  • 40 17 (tlth iiifit-int.) Hotel de la Paix. n a Mr. A Mrs. Winne, Mr. A >U VVool. Jones, Ellis, Mr- u {{-Mstigal, Dobson, Hanman. yTitter- 1 jjon. Mr Carltoa, Mes-rs. Rinsum, Ludwig ielsen, Moulds, and Wilson Coo^ Je l”
    40 words
  • 50 17 ~i«lativk Council meet 6 on Tues,>L„, tr v..ien the business includes:— lV i». lv Bill. Lepers’ Ordinance a rlm.Vi. Bill Criminal Procedure -V*V h 1,,), ndmeiit Bill; and Licences e t hird Bill (190*), 2nd (hros Ordinance Amendment 11 a nd Civil Procedure Ordinance inendment Kill, commit tee.
    50 words
  • 101 17 Coolies molest a Syce. a-n un yesterday, a mob of Chinese na coolies in Orchard Road n- red to i nt iinidate a giiarry driver. Y v i=-embled in large numbers and 1 v'u i Pah.” The syce shouted for and an armed police patrol y Vn i[»
    101 words
  • 104 17 Arrived by the Bayern." Prince Chun and his suite of 21 followers arrived here this morning by ;ne German mail steamer Bayern which veD t alongside the wharf. A number cl Chinese tuirkayn dressed in Mandarin robes went on board to pay their to the Prince. China town
    104 words
  • 115 17 Prince Paribatra arrived from Europe by the Bayern this morning. The ves=el went to tiie wharf. A Roval Salute of 21 guns was fired by H M.S. Brisk. The Siamese Royal yacht Ataha r kdrkri and Fort Canning also saluted in turn. At 1.45 the
    115 words
  • 129 17 Latest Persian Gulf news attributes tae recent unrest to a movement of the Governor of Bussorah and the Ameer °f Nej'l to capture Koweit. The Ameer marched ten thousand troops within easy distance of Koweit; and took possession of the wells, expecting the 'ali of Bussorah to
    129 words
  • 145 17 \f LE T ri;u rom Lord George Hamilton Jl p G A. Baird, Member fur f Central Division of Glasgow, rethe engineering trade to d t strong measures to expand the r production and prevent conf s for locomotives falling perT J* ntj y the hands of
    145 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 265 17 To the Editor of Ike Straits Tunes Sir, —My attention has been drawn to the leaderette in the Straits Times” of the 3rd instant regarding my fish pond at Balestier Plain near the Leper Hospital. It is there stated that at present all the sewage thereof
      265 words
  • 227 17 The Chinese imperial Court left Singan or Hsian on the 6th instant foi Kaifeng. The Emperor and EmpressDowager started before noon, and the Empress and the Crown Prince in the afternoon. The people along the roads taken by the Imperial family have supplied enormous sums with the
    227 words
    • 193 17 Under this head tug tbofollowin;' a!*brev> v Lions are used :—str. —steamer sh. —shiv q.—barque; sch. —schooner; Yet.—Yacht t'ru. —Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; TorTorpedo; H.p.— Horre-power Brit.Britiah U. S. —United States: Fr-s-’rench Ger.—Gorman Dut.—Dutch •oh. —Johore Ac., G. —General argo d.p.—deck oisseegers U. —Ur»cer &in T. P. W.—Tanjong
      193 words
    • 1442 17 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. Ban Liong Dut. str. 270 tons, Capt Koenit 24th Oct. From Cotie, 16th Oct. G c.,and 7t dp. Ek Leong Chan. For Cotie, 2etb lidBayern Ger. str. 3,128 tons, Capt Bleecke* 25th 01 Fom Hamburg, 18th G.c. Behn Meyer A Co. For
      1,442 words
    • 1536 18 U v»<*,L’a Name 4 I’owh v.. t*:.< From .Sailed. Cossignkes. a Rio ij Austral iid Brit str 1019 Rodger Cri9tm&6lt Oct 9 Boasted and Co. 15 HaDTioi str. ***** Waxell Barry ?>«l>t 6 v¥. Ma isfield <v Co. 16 iHiUchiMaru Jap sir 8826 Butler London Sept 18 P. Simons
      1,536 words
    • 853 18 Date. Vkssxl* Namk FlaoAßig Captain D*hti k atios Oct 17 Hanyang Brit str Waved Port Arthur 17 Amara »tr. Mattock Bangkok 17 Australind M Btr. Rodger Fremantle via ports 17 Ban Seng Guan M str. Lyons Bangkos 17 Giang Seng str. Rawlingson Bangkok 17 Chow Phya str. Jel icoe
      853 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 711 17 FIVE THOUSAND AOENT8 wanted to wear and advertise the grand Watches and Jewellery of a wel -kn<nm London firm. Agency can be attended 4o in «pare time, by any intelligent lady or gentleman, who wish to add consideraMf to their income. Send for. oar extraordinary liberal offer, giving us your
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 25 18 FRASER NEAVES AERATED WATERS fcv RECO GNISED AS THE BEST IN THE EAST. Parity and Excellence Guaranteed. Fraser Neave, Limited, SINGAPORE 2nd PENANG. i. 4*.
      25 words
    • 54 18 nl j aroni D.iicate f 5 The Universal Remedy :or Acidity c. t o bt-iL-acu. males and the Sick* Headache, Heartburn. Indigestion, Pour Emulations, neaaof Pregnancy. Ril.o’-s Attectiona. iati. Sold Tlimilmt the Wwil M.B.-ASK FOR DINNEFOBD’S MAGNESIA. Milkmaid b R| Milk A lAgtfrl®. 1 Guaranteed Full Cream. TRACK EIRE Largest
      54 words
    • 857 18 n norruxiy Tor all SvftrMd ag Bitter Apple p,-_ Ra(T, e <4<, MARTIN, CtcaHK. SWJThLirtqn. e^, wass&NUTte «md tffcctital means of ax**!*..? *rvd functional debility, wasted d!v>,r? ««d lorV, V JK2? wlth ob^onli U oL ,ty direction* for removing cettai^T troy the happing W *£JS S derangement*, dMchanKT*^ 1 Ac.,
      857 words