The Straits Budget, 17 October 1901

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 117 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” The Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French IndoChina. 6 iB i, m
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  • The Straits Budget. THURSDAY, 17TH OCTOBER.
    • 16 1 gcLUTAS,—At, Pennng on the 10th inst wife of 1). -ullivan of Malacca of a ML
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    • 36 1 A* the Prcsbyiena 1 Church, Singapore, a:h*Hwi Oc o!»?r 19)1, by the R vd J Murray. David Wood. Hongkong Civil rrr.'t to Sji* ija daughter of filiam Boultoa C. E. Burgh Surveyor /tired), Aberdeen.
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  • 165 1 iilD!NG AKTl< LE8. ’opra liaoe. Cape Rebel8. America and England. hn. Mark**! Quotations. 'bippiLg News. List. Mice News Lmetrical Tramways at Singapore. By the Way. Bare entries. "ater Polo. Cricket. hfc Race Meeting. Minstrel Troupe. Cricket Team for Hongkong. CITINGS. 0haml>er of Commerce. Ie N ative 8tate.
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  • 577 1 Singapore 17th October, 1901. PRO I > nr- k. Qamhier buyers 12.05 Bali 9.10 do Pontianak 8 25 Pepper, Blank. 80.50 do White, (5%> 47.00 Sago Flour 8arawak. 8.45 do Brunei No. 1 8 20 Pearl ?*eo 4.10 GoflFee, Bali. 15% bn«i* M 21 50 Coffee, Palembang. 15% basis
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  • 227 1 Th* mail for Europetlhia£|£Ak, leaves by the P. &o.s. s. FfU&WxSt The mail for Europe, next week, is fixer! for the M. M. s. s. Laos. The mail from Europe of the 20th September by the M M s 8. A <nam, arrived on Monday. The
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  • 304 1 A 8Pkcial Army Order has been issued by Lord Roberts which shows the Oommander-in-Chiefs anxiety to develop responsibility, resourcefulness, and initiative in the British soldier. The Commander-in-Chief points out that the training of troops in peace is governed by what they are required to do
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  • 416 1 (Straits Times 12th October.) Tabular statements do not usually make interesting reading, but the statistical list of exports from Java during the first six months of the current year, recently to hand, is of more than passing interest to Singaporeans—it is of consequence. It appends a tabular statement
    (Straits Times, 12th October.)  -  416 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 81 1 r nr*t free price of the Straits Times a r or The post free price Yt s>rait» Budget is S2<> a year, or 40 fckrot necessary to subscribe for a year. Subscriptions for shorter periods are j'thP same proportionate rate of price as SJiifi Hudaet can be sent to meet
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  • 24 1 DEATH. >1 Herrick House, London, ’the 19th September, 1901, Mary Ann i aka\, wife of George Thomson of bjong hi gar Dock Co., Ltd.
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  • 418 2 (Straits Times 16th October) The discovery of Commandant Scheepers, alone and seriously ill, in a farmhouse, and his subsequent apprehension, precludes all immediate possibility of his carrying out a programme he mapped out about six weeks ago, when he assured a prisoner, since released, that if the execution
    (Straits Times, 16th October)  -  418 words
  • 2407 2 {Straits Timet 16 th October.) Not four years have elapsed since first palpable and general public of international feeling in of Britain demonstrated itself in the United States; and, during the present year two great sorrows that have befallen, the sister nations seem to 1 have brought
    {Straits Timet, 16th October.)  -  2,407 words
  • 465 2 Mr. Dooley was ill, and 6ent for his doctor, who at once proceeded to take his temperature. u While I have th’ ehube in me mouth,” says Mr. D, “he jabs me thumb with a needle an’ laves th’ room. He comes back about th’ tim
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  • 546 3 piiabear arrived this morning Ya°'o» h >' ,hP Ban Hin Uan Ttl Mr. Hughes M» be i> en ang from T. Anson via fJ this morning. it the C. P. O. at Malacca is on Tuesday next, much t> Tf re *iet of the residents. nrt of
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  • 141 3 T HE JUDGE AND THE WHITE WAISTCOAT. Jh.. foli°wing may interest members 'fte Singapore Bar:— Jun or counsel wearing a white i <:o t once appeared before Vicen fell or Malins, and rose to address cant y° u the .*neellor. The counsel, thinke J was deaf, began again •‘louder voice.
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  • 182 3 Statistics of the coffee and pepper exports from Southern India during the year ending on the 30th June last have been published. Coffee—The crop for the past year was some 74 per cent, in excess of that of 1899-19«>0, by far the larger proportion of which
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  • 172 3 PRINCE OF RUGBY HALVES. Footballers in the East, especially those favouring the Rugby code, will regret to hear of the death from consumption of Evan James, the famous Welsh international, whose fine exploits with his brother will make him long remembered. The brothers James carved a name and tame for
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  • 442 3 Broken in Halves. Stem and Stern Meet in the Air. The torpedo-boat destroyer Cobra which had just been completed in the yards at Elswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne, was wrecked on her trial trip, while en route to Portsmouth to test her capabilities. She struck a rock in the Dowsing
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  • 841 3 Journalistic Globe Trotting:. A Journalistic globe-trotter, who is said to have been formerly on the reporting staff of the A ew York Herald J. A. Booth by name, has just turned up at Hp.uoi in Tonquin. He started from New York in 1»97 on condition that he should
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  • 776 3 (Indian Engineering.) Electrical traction, chiefly in connection with street tramways, is a subject which iB at present attracting u great deal of attention in India and the East generally The success of electric cars in the United States of America has at last broken the unreasoning
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  • 2139 3 When I save up money enough to buy large blocks of small Kling shops for the price of paving them with dollars, I will assuredly bie me hence on the first boat going any way, and seek in lands of varied weathers some surcease from the monotonous
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  • 230 4 Batting and Bowling Averages. The English cricket season, which has proved a record one for high scoring, has been brought to a close. Nine batsmen exceeded 2,000 runs, and eleven pad an average of ov»-r 50 R. Abel scored 3,309 runs, with an average of 55; C. B.
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  • 218 4 A visit to Japan, two years after the abolition of extra-territoriality, says the Hongkong Daily Press, opens up many topics of interest. The concession of unlimited jurisdiction over the persons and properties of Europeans to Japanese judges trained in dissimilar social and legal schools of thought was looked
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  • 1544 4 TUESDAY, axnd OCTOBER. First Rack. THE MAIDEN PLATE.—Value $400. A Race for Maiden Horse*—Weight as per scale (lOst.) An allowance of 141b. to ex-Griffins imported into the Straits Settlements or Native States at a subscribed price of not more than $300. And 71b. to Griffins exceeding $300, bat
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  • 132 4 END OF TRADE UNIONISM.” Whiting under the above the Po+itivi*t Review, Mr. Frecte*** Harrison says that the recent judgooe in regard to trade unions practically made new law. I Dt 1 Act of 1871 and 1875, which legal** trades unions and strikes, the un* were illegal societies, and could he
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  • 1082 5 the Colony for 1900 Jjnrt heen published- \aent, w r. Cope, and Mr. Mb ed f r om Deli this morning r. 0 extra steamer RTankin T« E h yesterday morning, and is S bere at 8 a m. on the 23rd iQ§t- rn ii)ing land at
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  • 175 5 A water polo match between the Swimming Club and a team from the Garrison captained by Lt. Gainsford took place yesterday forenoon at Tanjoug Katong. There was a very strong tide running and the Club had to swim against this in the first half, so it was no
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  • 208 5 Soldier hanged at Manila. A private of the 41st United States Volunteers, George A. Raymond name, was banged at Manila on the 27th September. He had turned gang-robber and had murdered one of his comrades. The unfortunate man had a chequered career, having been in the Far
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  • 185 5 S.C.C. ist XI V. Next XVI. A match was played on the Esplanade on Saturday afternoon between the S.C C. first eleven and the next XVI of the Club. The next XVI put up 92 for the loss of 12 wickets, and the 1st XI responded with 74 for
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  • 551 5 An extraordinary general meeting i was held on 19th Sept., at Cannon- street Hotel to confirm the resolutions passed at the extraordinary general < meeting held on 29thult. Mr. S. Spencer i presided. lhe Chairman, in proposing the con- i firmation of the resolutions, said the <
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  • 220 5 The Hongkong Daily Press contains tbe following:— Lovers of music will be gratified to know that it bas been decided by the Anglican Church choirs in Hongkong, in emulation of tbe work at home, to give an annual Festival in Bt. John’s Cathedral, the object being
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  • 665 5 Rin Lode Report for September. The Manager reports as follows: No. 2 lode at top of incline,.driven I 15', total distance 305'. This drive ha** I been stopped as the reef is much I broken up. A rise was then put up 3b' I to the level above. A
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  • 1280 5 THE COBRA” DISASTER. FURTHER DETAILS. A Message from the King. The number of men saved out of the total of seventy-nine on board the unfortunate Cobra is ascertained to be twelve only, leaving sixty-seven unaccounted for. Evidence forthcoming seems to indicate that the horrors of scalding were added to the
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  • 972 6 South Africa. The English newspapers continue their campaign against the Government in relation to the war, and reiterate the nation’s willingness to make further efforts. The Times dwells on the perplexing and disheartening attitude of the Ministry, which is apparently indifferent. Lord Kitchener reports that Colonel Kekewich was
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  • 183 6 Rochester, N. Y. August 29th.—At 3.08 this morning the Vacuum Oil Works, located on Exchange Street, was discovered to be on fire by Stanley E. Shippy, the Company’s watchman, and an alarm was immediately sent in. Before the Fire Companies could reach the scene, however, the
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  • 1908 6 “Fortune, men say, doth give too much to many: But yet ehe never gave enough to any.” London 20 th September. The luck of George Edwards of Gaiety Theatre fame is proverbial and goodness only knows how many theatres he now controls —anyway London theatre-goers have
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  • 1179 6 Mrs. Armstrong came from P ry.L son by the Voh Ann this morning British transport No 18 pa<t^ Th Telegraph steamer Itritauk after taking in coals at Keppel Harbour, left yesterday for Europe Mr Cuseaden. the Acting inspector General of Police, is expected shortlr to go to
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  • 103 7 Contrary to general expectations Mr. McKinley’s fortune does not amount to more than $70,000 (about 14,000), of which at least $50,000 is in cash in banks at Washington and Canton. To this may be added between $30,000 and $50,000 in life insurance policies. Everything goes to Mrs.
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  • 117 7 Indian Engineering sayß :—The Indian coolie who emigrates to foreign centres of labour appears to require an amount of coddling to keep him alive which would drive the Indian tea planter or any other home employer mad. We refer to the solicitude of the Perak Government in supplying
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  • 174 7 The following appeared in the London Times on receipt of the news of President McKinley’s death Braise we the Dead where once his grave Received to peace the Saxon King, Do honour to the wise and brave, And let the world-wide nation sing The memory of a
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  • 128 7 The following is the cricket team, up to date, which will represent the Straits at Hongkong next month Sharp ■'j Maetaggart j Dewing Green Hilling* Singapore. Carter Darbiahire W right Kerr J VonleH Whitley > Selangor. Ainslie McKenzie Perak. Messrs. Green, Dewing and Ainslie will
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  • 173 7 A special general meeting of the Singapore i ham her of Commerce was held yesterday afternoon, those present being:—Messrs. John Anderson (Chairman), A. P. Adams, Hon J. M. Allinson, E. M. Alexander, S. Behr, D. Brandt, H. I. Cbope, A. Diez, Hon. T. E. Earle, A.
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  • 182 7 German soldiers (says a home contemporary) have not been sparing in their criticism of our conduct of the war in South Africa, but it does not seem as if they had very much to be proud of in the mimic battle they fought on 17th Sept, at
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  • 200 7 The anniversary of the birthday of H. H. the Sultan of Johore was celebrated about the beginning of the month, the festivities lasting for four days. There was a regatta on the lake and land sports on the Esplanade in which Malays entirely took part, the winners
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  • 415 7 Excessive Precautions for His Safety. An Army Guards the Railway. The precautions taken to ensure the safety of the Czar during his visit to France were most extraordinary. The Paris correspondent of the Times writing on this subject before the visit came off, said One may
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  • 115 7 About half-past one o’clock on the morning of Sept. 18th, a severe shock of earthquake was felt over a wide area in the north of Scotland, embracing Inverness-shire, Aberdeen, Banff, Nairn, and Sutherland. In the town of Inverness the shock seems to have been experienced with more
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  • 73 7 The following handicaps for the Autumn Handicap and the Grand Stand Cup, on the first day of the forthcoming Races, have been posted:— Autumn Handicap. Vanitas 11.2 Gay lass 10.12 Residue 10.6 Battlefield 10.2 Cootadina 9.9 Orpheus 9.5 Bobs 8 9 Sir Launcelot 8.9 Victoriatus 8.9 Idioawarra
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  • 518 7 The fourth ordinary general meeting of the North Borneo Trading Company (Limited) was held in London on Sept. 17th, Mr. A. J. Scrutton presiding. In moving the adoption of the report the Chairman congratulated the shareholders on a more favourable statement. There was every reason to
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  • 102 7 Bangkok engineering firms are very busy just now. At the two European establishments, extensions on a large scale are in iprogress. The Bangkok Dock is being lengthened to 320 feet. This firm’s machine shop, which ha* been enlarged to twice its former size, now extends from the
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  • 160 7 Thus the Kobe Chronicle anent the impression created by the performances of a former Singapore resident in the Japanese port:—Considerable interest has been aroused among Japanese during the last few evenings by the vision of st man scudding along with what appear to be small bicycle
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  • 157 7 New Book by Mr. W. Skeat. Mr. Skeat has followed up his Malay Magic by another work on similar lines: Fables and Folk Tales from an Eastern forest. The book, which is published by the Cambridge University Press, is a valuable contribution to Malayan folklore, and will be
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  • 342 7 On the subject of the new Association football rule, the Athletic Aetvn says:— The new law as to the penalty kick is giving rise to some anxiety, not necessarily from novitiates, for the two letters we have on the subject are from League referees. Under the new
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  • 178 8 Sings the beginning of the current month, says the Siam Observer, there have been seven Norwegian steamers chartered to carry rice between Siam and Singapore and two to carry timber between Bangkok and Calcutta. These vessels, with perhaps one exception, have been chartered for the whole of next
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  • 153 8 The performances by the Singapore Minstrel Troupe at the Town Hall tonight, and on Thursday and Saturday next, are in aid of the building fund of a new Singapore Temperance Institute. Mr E. Salzmann is the Musical Director, and an interesting programme has been arranged. The members
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  • 406 8 The following is the Mining Manager's report for the month of August and September:— Mining. —Engine Shaft 150' Level, feouth Drive. This drive is now in 80' from plain cross-cut. At 65' in, a larg» make of stone was cut which prospected about 10 dwts
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  • Correspondence.
    • 538 8 To the Editor of the u Straits TimesT Sir, —I beg that you will kindly give publicity to the enclosed petition which I have received from the clerks of the F M S. Service, and inform them through the medium of your journal, that I
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  • 248 8 EMBEZZLEMENT BY A P. O. CLERK. Ruined, and Six Months* Hard. At the Guildhall, on Friday, Sep* tember 13th, before Mr. Alderman Smallman. Michael Francis Leeson, 34, a clerk, of 8, Oxford and Cambridgemansions, Hyde Park, was charged on remand with embezzling £930, the money of his employers, the P.
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  • 1311 8 (From a Correspondent.) Mb. Bowen is to relieve Mr. Bllerton at Klang as D. 0. Mr. YV. W. Cook would have been wiser if he had kept a more watchful eye upon his harness, which in this country requires constant attention. Had he done so, the
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  • 764 8 The Russian transport Yoronej sailed for Colombo yesterday at 5.30 p. m. Mr. Haffenden arrived from Port Swettenbam this morning by the Choir Phya. Yesterday morning, British transport No. 18 passed through bound for the East. The steamer Bullmouth arrived from Sydney this morning with a cargo
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  • 131 8 Rumour at Bangkok is busy coming trouble between France Siam. The Bangkok Timet P° lD s that M. Klobukowski, the new Minister, has received his present ar ointment because there is a iamese question, or questions, standing, and France desires the friction removed. The mat touched upon
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  • Correspondence.
    • 445 9 f t FMur of th* “Strait* Time*." The paragraph in your Monh'rr‘‘ anent church music in iay *,apt t.o give rise to some as to whether it is right •afstioo' s ou id be comparatively it* 1 in these matters. ?,n -eat St Andrew’s Cathedral a
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    • 111 9 lothe Editor of the Straits Times” >ik,— Could you advise me definitely, through your paper, which side of the traits do hr is l liead (obverse) and *!iich is tail (reverse) fhis seems to be a much disputed hut I think that the side bearing figure of
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  • 50 9 having been decided that bulk shall be rated for wharfage in a t I9. 6d. per ton instead of gallon, as previously demanded, •Agents for the Shell TransportComny have been refunded £816 out of ‘-‘-4 which bad been paid to the ,/Ur trust commissioners for wharf- under protest.
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  • 116 9 Vi> are n f? rm ed, says the Sportsman 4 Barnes is undoubtedly proceeding Australia with MacLaren’s team, i Burnley professional is about fcnty-five years of age, six feet in l a B°°d right-hand bowler, just medium pace, and is also a very k, r lt^| e batsmen.
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  • 253 9 An Excellent Entertainment. Last night, the 14 Singapore Minstrel Troupe,” numbering thirty performers, gave an excellent entertainment in the Town Hail to a fairly numerous audience. It should be explained that the troupe consists mainly of members of the Temperance Club in Hill Street, and a good
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  • 516 9 A correspondent writes to the London Times Will mangoes ever be imported into England from the West Indies in sufficient quantities and at a price that will make them as popular as bananas have become? It is fairly easy to import them if only a small quantity is sent
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  • 55 9 Fremantle via ports, A*«traft'*d, on 17th Oct- Boustead A Co. A Pontianak, Sambas, on IStk Oot., Beha M 2oagkongi A. Apcar, doe 18th OcL, Ba** kies A Moses. Penang and Bombay. Bornvd*, on 9atm Oct., Behn Meytr A Co. Hamburg via ports JCseaigsbcrg, on JOtb Oul
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  • 172 9 DAVID AND GOLIATH.” F.A.Q. writes in the Kobe Chronicle :—There is a war-vessel lying in the harbour of Kobe called the GolieUh. It is said that, a few nights ago, the officer of the watch was surprised to find a little «team-lannch come alongside and whistle for attention. He directed
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  • 668 9 Girl’s Painful Suicide. Exciting Scene at the Inquest. Dr. G. Thomas held an inquiry at Islington with reference to the death of Minnie Eleanor Webster, aged 22, a cigarette-maker, of 11, Coorabs-street, Islington, who committed suicide by hanging herself. Alfred Webster, barometer-maker, of Hands-place, stated that deceased
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  • 340 9 THE LOSS OF THE WACHT. The Cologne Gazelle gives some further details of the sinking of the German cruiser Wacht. The order full speed astern" came all too late. When the collision was seen to -be unavoidable five single strokes on the bell gave the signal for the doors of
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  • 464 9 Probable Cause of His Fall. Impressions of the latest Doncaster meeting largely concern the jockeyship of Lester Reiff The American, by his riding of Volodyovski at Hurst Park and again in the St. Leger, and of Merry Gal has cast himself to the wolves of criticism, and
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  • 1305 9 Via Avgtralia South Africa. Particulars of the engagement fought at Eland's River Poo rt, west of Tarkastad, where the Boers rushed a squadron of the 17th Lancers, under Major V. S. Sandeman, show that the Lancers were defending two passes in order to prevent a Boer incursion
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  • 170 10 The number of Boer prisoners eventually to be sent to stations in Upper India may be increased to as the camp about to be formed at Sialkote can be expanded to accommodate 1,000. The problem will be as to what is to be done with
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    • 167 10 Under this beading thefollo wing abbrevi ationa are used:—str. —steamer; sh.—ship; bq. —barque; sch.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht Cru.—Cruiser; Gbt. —Gunboat; Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horse-power Brit.— British U. 8.—United Stales; Fr.— French Ger.—German Dut.—Dutch; foh.—Job ore Ac., G. c., —Generalcargo d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uneertain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; T. P.
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    • 900 10 Arrivals Stuck Noon of Yesterday Bullmouth Brit. str. 2,6 9 tons. Capt Stnitton, lbth Oct. From Sydney, 27th Se, t. Gc. Behn Meyer A Co. U—Rd». Chou t*hya, Bnt. sir 370 tons, Capt J* Hicoe, 16 h Oct. From P. Swettenham. 14th Oct. Gc., and 51 d.p.
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    • 710 10 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of agents. STEAMBR8. A. A pear, Calcutta, Oct 8: 8. A Moses. A Treves, Bdtimore, l’ft July 21 Adana. Hongkong Nov 16 :G Wood. Afridi, Liverpool, Nov P. Simons. Annum, Hongkong, Nov 24; M. Maritime* Antonio Lop.*7, Barcelona Nov 8;
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    • 610 10 5 v'*s*ju/s Nam* a 1’omh Captain Feom 8lIU0 Co.^ Oct I 11 Farfalla Ital str 147 Gaggiuo Muar n J !l Besitang Dut str 293 Aleiindeits Saroarindar** ,0s Wn g Ml 12 Han Hiu Guan Brit si- 199 Hcott T Anson fw"'t'' 1,0o S l »i>di4c 12 Laud aura
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    • 557 10 DaIt. KS8&I.S N V.M I LA1*T»a.% l*KhT!*AT10S Oct 11 Glenfalloch Brit sir. Bai abridge Hongkong Swatow sad Antov 11 lapau PAO str. Talbot < Hongkong 11 Tolv Nor sir. Kallevig Bangkok 12 Gjengyle Bril sir. Dorbe New York i2 Pin Song s*r. Davidson Penang 12 Ruby j ft sir
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    • 112 11 PASSED SUHPA STRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. j Date f Ship’s Name. Captain. of From where Destin- marks. ytv g IO J Sailing. atjon. a Ardjoeno Bagehus Rotterdam Batavia *p: so* g b Malang Klyn ,Sept 80 Batavia Tjilatjap 20l>u- E M Phelps Graham ;Oct Batavia Australia Tl eg
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 402 11 yj c j ne if ifie Lr»d HWtfCv* a t,er> out £< tt/t Cnicutn inhibition, ItiSJ-BJ, open to&l!Countries “l— D K LALOR’S PHDSPHDDYNE rr.r: i arreST 8ALE OP ANY PHOSPHORIC MPOICINP IKI Tuc uuom n ■t H AS the LARGEST 8ALE OF ANY PH08PH0RI0 MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. H :1
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    • 431 11 LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers are requested to see that every bottle bears, upon its RED LABEL, the signature in WHITE of Lea Sc Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire Without this. Persons infringing this label will be prosecuted. LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. I 1 The Univern&l Remedy lor Acidity
      431 words
    • 908 11 AgffifeWffis Bitter Apple. Pwnyroyel. M C efc loM by SingapOftt RafflM MARTIN. Cheat*. SOUTHAMPTON. ENOLAF** COMMON SENSE—NUT8HELJ. A now medical work on the caaa— «■< faenuOe and rflectul meam of wH-cim ecer iiwoitnd lor m i i IM0 and functional dehility, wane of ritahry, dtpc— m ■pinto, Ac..with practical obeerratoon*
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 626 12 E. WALIiACE, Bronze Medallist, British Horologicsl Institute. Watch-Maker and Jeweller. HIPA1B8 IN ALL BRANCHE8 GUARANTEED 0-B BATTERY ROAD, 8. u.c. Municipality Of George Town Renang. $500,000, 5 per cent. Debenture Stock 1901. Divided into 2000 hares of $250 each. PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS: *5® per share on Application $aoo do.
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    • 857 12 11 HE PR YE RIV Hi u, 'i/uoK EENANQ. The above Dock situated in Province Wellesley, at the entrance of the Prye River, has lately been lengthened and deepened, and is now of the following dimensions: Length on the blocks 320 feet. Breadth at entrance 50 Depth of on sill
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    • 175 12 BAGNALL HiLLES 06, Robinson Road. HAVE ON HAND:— Electric Fans, Ceiling and Table, 40, 60, 60 *0, 100,110 and 120 Volta. Designed to operate from Incandescent Circuits. Any Voltage to order. Direct or Alternating Current Fans. For Table Use, 104 Volts. Inspection invited from all people who have Dynamos installed.
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    • 247 12 ACETYLENE GAS! The Light of the Future!! Brilliant, Eeonomie, Safe, Having bean appointed Sole Agents for the Patent AUTO w Generators, manufactured by The Wright and Butler Lamp Manufacturing Company, Ltd*, of Birmingham, England, we are in a position to quote and contract for any size installation of Acetylene Gas.
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    • 294 12 watchmaker* jewellers opticians.’ REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXEcc Guaranteed Cun. After protracted 4^« tresBing and dangerous Weakness of any desrrin?; Physical DebUity-fro^^' 0 *«v w Leases of all kinds, Dimness of Sight, Evil ForebS, V*** Pains in the Lack and A B 'pWj Eruptions on the Face and P V® 1 1
      294 words