The Straits Budget, 12 October 1901

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 116 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TIMES.” Tne Straits Times is widely read throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. 6 a1 H s»
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  • The Straits Budget. SATURDAY, 12TH OCTOBER.
    • 14 1 o> 7ih iu&t. at Penang, the wife of H. l:.tD5 of a daughter
      14 words
  • 227 1 lur >. Articles. knlerprise. a Cup Race, jn.r Abdul Rahman, jpu a :or: Question. 42! boom. Vhi-.'.. all;VC. lit. i«rquotations. Sippiu;: News. Met quotations. Jt-enger List. Kmy Case. Could Be Done in Singapore, liaw* Recreation Club. 10 R. Cup. Mir* Report, fy (triefanees. taances of the Colony.
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  • 593 1 12th October, 1901. PRODUCE. Gainbior 12 00 f'opra Ral' 9.00 do Pontiannk 8 25 Tapper, Black. buyer* 80.371 do White, (5%) 47.00 ?;i£G Flour Sarawak 8.45 do Brunei No. 1.... 3 20 Pearl Casro 4.10 Coffee, Bali. 15% bari* 21 50 Coffee, Palemhang. 15% basis 25.00 Coffee, Liberian No.
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  • 330 1 The mail for Europe, this week, leaver by the M. M. s.s. Natal The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the P. <fc O. s.s. Palawan The German mail for Europe by the s s. Prettssen closed on Tuesday. The mail from Europe of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 80 1 t 'ree price of the Straits Tinus ::*;V e r or rid/-. The post free price t Budget is $2O a year, or 40/- necessary to subscribe for a year, wobtcriptiww for shorter perioos are proportionate rate of price as tt/Jitto Budget can be sent to meet i‘rr w paF
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  • 10 1 AMEER DEAD. w Later. The Ameer of Afghanistan is dead.
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  • 531 2 (Strait* Times, 3rd October.) According to the Ceylon exchanges, the s. s. Scotia, which arrived at Colombo from London a couple of weeks ago, with a cargo of telegraph cable, for Fremantle, is the steamer that is to take up the cable laying work from the Cocos Islands
    (Strait* Times, 3rd October.)  -  531 words
  • 587 2 (Straits Times 4th October.) No very great surprise will be expressed at the victory of Columbia in the contest for the America Cup, and while we may feel patriotically and personally sorry for Sir Thomas Lipton on the failure of his second essay in Shamrocks it will
    (Straits Times, 4th October.)  -  587 words
  • 1600 2 (Straits Times 8th October.) Uukkknt Oriental history presents no character so vividly typical of of the real East as that of the Amir, Abdul Kahtnan Khan, who has at last gone to his fathers. He was a wily warrior, a genial friend, clever, conservative, pitiless and unscrupulous,
    (Straits Times 8th October.)  -  1,600 words
  • 870 2 (Strati* Tinus, 9th iJiohtr u Oot here we are P roue w phenomenal the fact that 1 ,4 tion of British Malaysia pat with such tremendous s^ r three quarters of a thereabout. As a matter 0 have done little more t with the eturdier while our vital
    (Strati* Tinus, 9th iJiohtr\u  -  870 words

  • 1019 3 (Straits Times 10M October.) 4 Yesterday was a red-letter day in r the annals of Singapore as far I as its land market is concerned. 5 j Powell it Co. had advertised an important sale of land situate in th* business stcliun of the town, though I not
    (Straits Times, 10M October.)  -  1,019 words
  • 5403 3 (Straits Times ]Qth Octoba.) One of Reuter's recent despatchep, which has permeated as far as Singapore through the tardy channel of ti e exchanges, informs us that the presence of British men-of-war and a Turkish force at Koweit is due to an agreement between the two Powers “to
    (Straits Times, ]Qth Octoba.)  -  5,403 words

  • 132 4 Sydney via ports, Argue, du* 1 McAlister A Co. Penang and Calcutta, kumt 9< Oct, Boustead A Co. or y*i Hamburg vis ports. Koenig*** 9Oct Behn Meyer A Co. Teluk Ausou via ports, Monday, and Malacca etery 8 S. Co. Uflrt fW* Port Swettenham via porw,
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  • 1464 5 5 th October. Vpvt the Senior Clerk in the Ir (ieneral’s office in Kuala b<* lden r las boating on the Lake with LulD fiJnds a few days ago unfort.uthe boat upset and Mr. Keyt, nateii> od swimmer, was drowned. hoU P two swam safely to
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  • 124 5 Saturday, 12th October. High Water. 10.14 a.m. 10.39 p.ra. New Moon. 8.7 p.m. Furniture Sale. Marlborough Hotel. Powell. 1.3*. Race Entries Close. S. L. G. C. Brisk Prize Play. M. M homeward mail clo>ee. 8 p.m. I. O. G. T. Temperance Club. 7.30. Criterion Dinner. Baffles Hotel.
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  • 102 5 Sir Antony and Lady MacDonnell inaugurated the Civil 8ervice Week at Naini Tal with a White Ball.” Over 270 guests were present, and all the Services, and nearly, if not quite, every district in the Provinces was represented. The scene when the company assembled in the handsome
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  • 690 5 Earl of Clonmell Marries an Actress. Miss Rachel Berridge, daughter of the late Samuel Berridge, a farmer, ot Tofthili, Rugby, was married very quietly at Brighton on Aug. 8th to the Earl of ClonmeU. 'the Irish peer and liis bride were married by licence from Doctor’s- commons, Lord
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  • 801 5 Is Federation a Failure (From a Planting Correspondent.) The following paragraph appears in the High Commissioner’s report to the Secretary of State which was published in your columns on September 27th The four States under British protection were federated in 1896, their total revenue for that year
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  • 234 5 The PunisftiMefft of Escapees. The Times of India says: The escai* and recapture of two Boer prisoners of war at Bellary raises an important point. An impression seems to prevail that these two men suffered such privations and hardships that they are not likely to find imitators.
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  • 253 5 Harper's Weekly. 44 IT ye know I’d like to be an id i tor/* said Mr. Dooley. 41 It must be a hard job,” said Mr. Hennessy. 44 Ye have U* know so much.” “Tis a hard job,” said Mr. Dooley, 41 but
    ’—Harper's Weekly.  -  253 words
  • 313 5 A Final Dispatch. Loro Roberts has handed to tho Government his final dispatch dealing with the war in South Africa up to the date when he handed over the supreme command of the forces there to Lord Kitchener. The Commander-in-Chief, in a review of the
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  • 678 6 Mks. Edwards and Mrs. Campbell) arrived here yesterday from Klang by the Sappho. Mr. T. H. Hill, Protector of Indian labour in the Federated Malay States, has gone to Negapatam and will be there until about the 7th instant. A Government notification issued yesterday declares that the
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  • 64 6 The following are the scores for the September monthly medal: J. L. Burt 41 scr. 41 J. C. Ferrier 4 k L. R. Brenner ‘46 2 4^ DQ. Rose 40 8 =4-* W. H.Shuti 63 0 44 P. Macpherson 46 i 4*» K. C. brain 67 0
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  • 212 6 When Mrs. McKinley was lying ill in San Francisco, expressions of sympathy and regret were received from all part* of the world. Not the least noticeable of these was the following, published in the Chinese newspaper of San Francisco: u lt is our custom that
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  • 499 6 Official report upon Life in Pitcairn. A report from Commander G. F. 8 Knowling, of H M.S Icaru* dated Honolulu, March 31st, and giving a description of his visit to Pitcairn Island, has just been issued at home as a Parliamentary Paper. Commander Knowling arrived in Bounty Bay
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  • 126 6 At a meeting of over 2,000 socialists, held in Chicago, a motion expressive of sympathy with the President, was rejected by an overwhelming majority. On the other hand the socialist organisations throughout the State of Massachusetts denounce the assassination. Two hundred anarchists in Pennsylvania have joyfully celebrated the
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  • 231 6 -Malay Mail. Mr. Goodman, who is at present in South Africa, has, it is said, been appointed Chief Clerk to the General Manager of the Federated Malay States Railways, a knowledge of shorthand being essential for the appointment. Mr. Goodman is to be paid salary at sterling
    -Malay Mail.  -  231 words
  • 423 6 Some Bis: Wafers. Mr. Lawson, owner of the yacht Independence, offers to bet one hundred thousand dollars, at odds of two to one, that either Columbia or Constitution will defeat Shamrock II in the great race for the America Cup on i uesday next. I have carefully
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  • 121 6 Fatal Accident. Latx on Saturday night, Messrs. h vans, Towers, Cropley, and W. H. Keyt went for a moonlight row on the Lake at Kuala Lumpur. The boat capsized and they started to swim to the shore. But Mr, Keyt, who was a good swimmer, would api»ear to
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  • 132 6 In Germany recently, the shipbuilding yard of Blohra and Voss launched a new large boat, built to order of the Hamburg-American Line, for their China service. The new vessel, which was named the Moltke after the late German Field-Marshal Count von Moltke, will carry 8,000 tons deadweight;
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  • 524 6 Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. A public meeting to consider the advisability of asking the Government to introduce an enactmeut for the registering of domestic servants was held at the Selaugor Club on Saturday, with Mr. Justice Jackson, K. C in the chair. There was a large attendance including
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  • 77 6 from t|, arne l*i{ town, it ig said’ twi iv°' 8 »ils turned from a tour in H 'V 261 W tory. According to fvJ m C? to have been made bvlh ment ‘C certain Indians in th^ year found the bodies Tl"* "4 men and the
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  • 97 6 The Australian Cnm» ernment has had to nht“ Wfaltt W out of about thirty th. 3 j d '•‘“'at for the Federal flag. dwip* upon is said to be •****< exceedingly effective. ple tinguish. In the ton ief h.w is a small Union Jack T d «<*•*
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  • 190 6 ending the 30di June, 190]. untt; 19 °0; The net premium for the year after deducting returns and reinC ance amounts to *1',882,*****. ltn providing for a b,.nu< of 20; ua contri Outions paid in May last, there remains d balance of$£>9<,o43.38. h rorn
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  • 290 6 The Od essa correspondent i f the Standard telegraphs on Aug. 26th:In Government circles at St. t eters burg, the question is again seriously agitated of providing coaling-station-in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean for the convenience of the Russian 1 acin Squadron, and for the Volunteer Fleet
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1279 7 jt frixor of the Straits Times” <om e time ago an educational SR? spirit, under the name of in in up and in a three column r riv criticised the educa'<1 mtem of Singapore. He adyoljri1 u the abolition of scholarships 1 lg beinj?
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  • 290 7 Dk. Wilfred Fralick, a visiting plisician of the state hospital on Blackwell’s Island, New York, has given a public demonstration of the treatment of two patients with a fluid which he believes will cure consumption, provided the patient retains sufficient lung capacity to afford a basis to
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  • 854 7 Mr. Frager arrived this morning from Labuan by the Kudat. Major Little of the Hongkong Regiment died at Tientsin on the 13th September. The latest beri-beri theory is that the disease can be cured by a diet of pineapples. A record python skin is now on view
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  • 87 7 Messus. Latham and Mactaggart report as follows under date, yesterday: Our markets show an improvement in most stocks. Raubs have ruled very firm and have risen to 514.50. Bersawahs, Kechaus, Pahang Kabangs, and Jelebus all show a rise in price. Btraits Traders have been in strong demand and
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  • 105 7 The Lancet says: the report of the commission at present sitting on Mr. Brodrick’s scheme for the reform of the Royal Army Medical Corps is on the eve of being made public. In fact, the scheme may be out at any moment, for we understand that
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  • 114 7 The friends of the late Mr. Henry Edwin Leicester will learn, with regret, of his death which took place last night, after a comparatively short illness. Deceased who was the youngest surviving son of the late John Leicester of Bencoolen and Calcutta, held the
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  • 221 7 A Hint from India. Apropos of our local water troubles, and the recent notice of the Municipal Secretary by which the water supply is cut ofi* all night and for five hours during every day, we notice that the more enlightened section of the Indian press
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  • 132 7 j John* Williams, aged 75, was recently charged at Bow-street police-court with begging in the Strand.—Mr. Bosley, an officer of the Mendicity Society, told the magistrate that the prisoner usually went about with a bandage round hie head, under which he placed a horseshoe. He
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  • 143 7 The last batch oi uoming pigeonsfrom the Aldershot Military Pigeon a oit were removed lately, and Colonel Allatt, who received a special staff appointment at Aldershot when the loft was started, now lapses back to the Royal Reserve of officers. Colonel Allatt is understood to have
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  • 481 7 The following appointments have been made at the Admiralty :—Lieutenant A. H. Carruthers to the Albion as Sag-lieutenant to Rear-Admiral H. T. Grenfell, to date Sept. 9th. Midshipmen —O. J.Greer, to the Cressy, C.D.C. Bridge and B. O. Layard to the Albion to date Sept. 15th. Naval
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  • 196 8 Ship*, like ladies, often change their r*ames, sometimes more than once, though mariners of an ancient type coneider such alterations most unlucky. We sincerely hope that the legendary misfortune may not hold good in the case of the magnificent American liner Philadelphia, which, in the
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  • 222 8 K. O. R Cup. This first match was played yesterday afternoon, the competing teams > being Garrison A team, Capt. White (Capt), 4; Capt. Lyno XVI. M. I. 2; Mr. Gilchrist XVI. M. I. 3;.Mr. Walker, II. E. 1. I he Civil Service Capt. Barry 3; Mr. Bosanquet
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  • 360 8 After many eflorts, prolonged 9 through many years, by those who have dared to attempt reform in the tnost conservative of all services, the Admiralty appear to have come to the coramonsense conclusion that both the quality of the British sailor's food *nd the hours of
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  • 130 8 Tennis Tournament Prizes. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Tan Hup Seng, the president of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club, distributed the prizes in connection with the above tournament. The ceremony took place on the Club ground. The following are (he winners.— Championship. —Chia Hood Teck. 8i ver Cup presented
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  • 295 8 Thb quarterly meeting of the Licensing Justices was held at the First Magistrate’s Room at the Police Couit yesterday afternoon. There were present Mr. Brockman (Chairman) Mr. Stewart, C. P. G., Dr. Middleton, Capt.Boldero,and Mr.Evans Mr. Jennings represented the Opium and Spirit Farm. Mrs. R. Bilbcmiann was refused
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  • Correspondence.
    • 299 8 To the F.aitcr of the straits Times." Sir, —Your correspondent “Sympathizer has not come forward a day too soon, to expose the injustice done to the Government Subordinate Staff, in the matter of their memorial for an increase of pay owing to the high cost of living at
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  • 312 8 Apropos of the victory’ of the Columbia in the race for the America Cup, •n Wednesday, the following doggerel vhich was printed in CruUcs/umk't Comic Almanac for 1852, the year following the original race, is rather interesting. O weep, ye British sailors, Above or under hatchet*,
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  • 480 8 The year 1900 has been an unsatisfactory one for Javanese importers. The advance in the cost of the cotton and consequently ot mo9t descriptions of Manchester makes, as well as of Dutch cotton goods, which was alluded to in my last report, was steadily maintained last
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  • 645 8 Choleka has practically disappeared from Lower Perak. Mr. Murray and Mr. A. Gow came from T. Anson this morning by the Penang. Mr 6. J. P. Rodger, the wife of the Resident, of Perak, is expected out in December. Banishment orders against four Chinese aliens are notified
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  • 121 8 The American revised Bible, alter having been h i®!** 0 ol years in. made with the English tL'** rime °f the disagreement English and America! bet was placed on sale in the ot her day. An exami!, 0 1 4 new version shows that rh t, D
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  • 578 8 W IRE NEWS. The Far Ea*t 1 hl Chinese letter ot aooW,- murder of the JaDaneJrt? fw Sugiyama, at Peking i 8 couchedm?* respectful terms and at nm(h nt 7 ri, y of t he k.uatinnin Con 1^ tc Japans attitude. The 77« that the exchange of T !t between
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  • 1342 9 j r 30n t you an account of 3 in the land of 44 praties, and pritty gurls" and how I ?ortne;- cockin” at ’Leopardstown Vent JE wa3 good fun; but the rtrtv- .J of diversion” was the show hois" 11 g j„ht well worth seeing.
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  • 290 9 Outlay in 1902. Thk Bill to make provision for the Public Service ot the Colony in 1902 has been published. The outlay is thus summarised: Personal emoluments $2,339,21* Other departmental charges, <fcc. 1,308,598 Pensions Ac., 278,406 Charitable allowances 17,157 Transport 6,200 Interest 76,120 Miscellaneous services 140,227
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  • 2286 9 Local authorities kindly take note, and petition Exeter Hall on behalf of this Colony. It is apparently more influential than Downing Street. A Chinese State Lottery is to be started in Peking to help in obtaining funds for the Indemnity. The rules have been revised by the
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  • 170 9 Thus the Malay Mail :—lchabod! The glory has departed from Selangor. In 1897 seven cricketers had the honour of representing Selangor in the Straits XI that went to Hongkong, six of whom were Government officers. In 1901 five Government officers have been invited and we regret to learn
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  • 57 9 Mr. R. G. W. Senior Magistrate, to act as Secretary to the Resident, with effect from 26th September. Mr. Robert Walter, Cadet, to act as Assistant Commissioner of Police, Lamt, with effect from the 29th August, 1901. Captain Jones Parry Assistant Commissioner of P<dioo» Larut, to act as
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  • 932 10 Tli«;re t>e rat». and rats.”— Hamlet. London 13th, September. Thb silly season is over, and the heart of the press-man rejoiceth because he has no longer to manufacture paragraphs about the prodigious pump* kin or the fatuous frog. Two murders, a forgery in high society, and
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  • 1607 10 Capt. Strachan’s ketch the Envy is lying at anchor in the roads. The Resident of Perak asked planters to meet him on Saturday last at Taiping to discuss planting matters. H.M.S. Cressy's commissioning trial laving proved unsatisfactory, her departure for China has been postponed. Mr. Pugh, Mrs.
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  • 105 10 Mr. F. J. Weld, Secretary to the High Commissioner, has been appointed Collector of Land Revenue, Seremban, with effect from 25th September. Mr. J. R. O. Aid worth, Collector of Land Revenue, Seremban. has been appointed Secretary to High Commissioner, and to act as secretary to
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  • 134 10 The fust of the submarines being built for the British Admiralty was almost ready, at the date of last mail advices, and was to be launched towards the end of the last month or early in this month. There will be no ceremony, and the trials will
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  • 167 10 The expenditure on the Volunteer* this year is set at $50,683. For next year it comes to $60,309, thus specified:— Capitation allowance, S., $6,500; (8. V. A., $2,500, 8. V. R., $4,000); P, $2,750 $4,250 General expenses, S. 53,000; P. $1,125 4,125 Staff, 8.. $5,016; (S. V. A.,
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  • 170 10 The writer oPviri I states that f r J 1 l I at Hongkong, 1 appointment has been decision of the reference to the yard from its p r e», lt of 51 new one to *>1 opposite side of J that the present navaU '.fa'-X been recently
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  • 558 10 A correspondent in KanrU H sent to the Times a long and article upon economic biam in their relation t0 RfitilB interests, in the course of which refers to internal and political questions. The article aprJfl in the limes outer sheet on Sep’ -ZB We extract from
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  • 91 11 r iiav afternoon, shooting os 5at at the Balestier Rifle range presented by Capt. Macbean •or C p it j on among members of A !or comP et J pore Volunteer Rifles, tQ bc won three times in Tne CU P hv the same man to become
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  • 220 11 planting possesses a fascmU ‘Vt its own, and the desire to grow ta [j es hold on people like an :of mi i n Australia an enterprising fJJLan has for some years past been rL pntine on the Clarence River, r .'-y miles north of Sydney,
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  • 494 11 Kuala Lipis 25 th Sept. The clerks in Kuala Lipis held a meting some time ago to discuss the jisadvantages under which they labour while serving in Ulu Pahang, as compared with the easier lot of the subjrdinates in the other States of the Federation. The result of
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  • 811 11 Cruelty to Animals. Batavia has a society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, which mustered 261 members at the beginning of this year. Branchbs were established last year in several places in Java. The income of the society last year was nearly 500 guilders over the outlay.
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  • 1891 11 Attempts to lynch Czolgorz. The following despatches condensed irom the Times describe in detail the assassination of President McKinley by Czolgorz, while the former was holding a reception in the grounds of the PanAmerican Exhibition at Buffalo on the afternoon of
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  • 112 11 A letter to the Boston Transcript n says that Pte. Schmidt, of Company D, 14th United States Infantry, camped at the rifle range, near Mount Clemens, Mich., made a score at shooting at 600 yards that broke the record of the whole army. The target was a
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  • 199 11 A Clergyman's Sudden Death. On the 23rd ultimo, the Rev Stephen Coles, of Christ Church, Galle Face, Colombo, died suddenly of apoplexy. He had been ailing for some time but had rallied sufficiently that day to admit of his going to the vpstry of the Church
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  • 236 11 |ThiB curious bit of versification was given to Collier's Weekly's correspondent in Japan, by a high dignitary of the empire, with the request that it be forwarded for publication.] The R n and the C n were walking hand in hand They wept like anything to see such
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  • 868 12 Troubles are like babies —they grow larger by nursing. Mr. Peralta arrived this morning from Malacca bv the Chow Phya. Mr. de Minis and the Rajah Muda of Kelantan came from Kelantan by the Fltvo this morning. The Vorwart8 from Sarawak brought Rev. Knight-Clarke, Mr. H. H.
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  • 81 12 What do they want What, is it that the American anarchists want The answer is best given in their own words. Here is the programme Free work. Free use ol everything. Communal possession of all the means of social wealth, and the machinery of production, of ways and
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  • 103 12 Troublesome Chinese. The Chinese in the town of Bandon, in Siamese Malaya had a rather exciting fight one night about a month ago. The police got badly mauled about, but when the Governor, turned up with armed men the rioters disappeared. One man lost a leg, another an
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  • 141 12 October Monthly Medal, The medal was played for on Saturday and was won by Pearce with 444-43 87 7 80, —Gunn being second only one point behind, having done the best gross score of the afternoon, 454-40 85. The following handed in cards A. H. Pearce 444-48=
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  • 139 12 In a cricket match played recently in England between two local teams the too enthusiastic umpire called Wide The opposing batsman nevertheless hit the ball, attempted to run, and was run out. The match was thereupon suspended for a quarter-of-an-hour to discuss the following, problems. Was the
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  • 151 12 A Warning:. There is a good deal of sickness in the town just now. We learn that there have been three sporadic cases of cholera in town since 8aturday last, in two of which the probable cause was the consumption of ice cream bought from itinerant hawkers
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  • 640 12 Lipin 3rd October. The Pahang Corporation exported 908 piculs of tin ore in August (Sungei Lembing 838, Jeram Bantang 70), the total output from the Kuantan district being 979 piculs. The remaining 71 pikuls came from Baias (60) and the Blat(ll). Panglima Raja Akob, at one time the
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  • 281 12 The K. O. R. Cup. The second match was played yesterday afternoon. The competing teams being: Garrison :—Capt. Sargeaunt (4) (Capt.) Lt.-Colonel Whitley (3) Capt. Wynter (2) Capt. Taylor (1). Civilians —Mr. Young Capt. (3) Mr. Stitt (4) Mr. McDougall (2) Mr. Crane (1). A sticky ground and
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  • 522 12 For a number of years the question of women riding astride has been discussed in America. Some time ago an enterprising physical culture teacher, witn an eye to gratuitous exploitation in the newspapers, advertised that she would mount her horse man* fash ion and make the
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  • 2482 12 governor s annual Progress and Fi„ anci 1 01 CoCy.N* A MKETI.NO Of the LmJ was held this aft 90., His Excellency thef!. 1 iI his annual statement Uver I P f th Colon v and its pV,r' t-xcc-Uency spoke as folio*, 1 I Finances. I poBe, to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 94 12 A FLEET FOR SALE The Universal Gazette learns that it is the Chinese Government that desires to sell the new fast cruisers and torpedo boat destroyers of the Peiyang squadron to any Foreign Power desirous of reinforcing its fleet in Chinese waters, and that the Russians have ottered five million
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  • 786 13 Mr. P. O. Htafford arrived from Yokohama by the Sanuki Maru. Mr. Van Wyk, Mr. Cropley, Mr. Hanber, and Mrs. Bouchard arrived yesterday from Sumarang by the G. G. Meyer. A Russian fireman fell into one of the docks at Tanjong Pagar yesterday and fractured his skull,
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  • 288 13 He wouldn’t bow down to the tyrant’s hat At the top of the market pole, And Gessler was more than enraged thereat To the depths of his very soul. And so he decreed with a grin elate 1 will make Tell sutler tor this I
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  • 290 13 There is some unconscious humour, perhaps a touch of satire, in the following essays written by Chinese boys not a hundred miles from Hongkong: The Queue. Once upon several dynastys the peoples were all have no cue only with the hair spinned a crest in their
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  • 79 13 On Sept. 12th, the steamship Tcrugariro the newest and largest vessel in the fleet of the New Zetland Shipping Company, sailed from the Royal Albert Docks with a record cargo ofll,0o0 tons for New Zealand ports. So great was the quantity of goods consigned to this vessel that
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  • 197 13 The Revd Dr. West of tho Methodist Episcopal Mission, Penang, who went to America with his wife and family, on furlough last year, is expected to return to his post shortly before Christmas next. He expects to bring a younger brother with him to teach in the
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  • 547 13 Progress Report up to the 30th Sept. The following progress report on the I Railway was laid on the table at the I Legislative Council meeting xesterday. The report was furnished at the request I of Mr. Earle, who referred to the matter I at the last meeting.
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  • 812 14 Further Details, As alarming change for the worse took place in President McKinley’s condition about 2 o’clock in the morning on the 13ih ultimo, immediately upon the failure of tue digestive organs and symptoms of kidney trouble. About 4 am. Mr. McKinley tallied slightly. At 6 o’clock
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  • 1176 14 Gold Mines. Kaub :—From the manager’s report published in the Sraits Times on the 24th September, it will be seen that certain improvements have taken place in the mine; for instance the, large block of quartz between the 140 and 240 feet levels at Bukit Kouian
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  • 369 14 A steamer over 400 feet in length, and named the Apolda was quite recently launched at Flensburg for the German-Australian Steamship Company. Messrs. Alley and McLellan, Polmadie, are reported to have received an order for the construction of a turnscrew steamer 200 feet long for Chinese owners.
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  • 112 14 Jelebu:— ln my notes published in the SUraxts Timet on the 9th inst. I said that all the stone has been taken from the deep levels of the Rin lode where the stone is supposed to be so much richer than the upper or surface working.
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  • 2252 14 Tuesday, 8th October. Present. His Excellency 8lr Prank Athklstank 8WETTKNHAM, K.C.M.G., (GOVERNOR). Hon. C. W. 8. Kynnersley (Acting Colonial Secretary). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. A Murray (Colonial Engineer). Hon. T. H. Kershaw (Acting AttorneyGeneral). Hon. J. Burkinshaw. Hon. J. M. Allinsou. Hon. T. E. Earle.
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  • 222 15 The American transport Buford sailed for New York this morning at 7 o’clock. 4- Mr. Cole and Mrs. Gimberg came this morning from Bangkok by the Kudat. Nine years ago to-day the P. O. Bokhara was lost in a typhoon in the China Sea. 4 Mr. Smith
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  • 62 15 There now only remains one tie the final of the D Class Singles—to bring the tennis tournament to a close L ist evening the final of the Profession Pairs was decided when Beatty and Green, representing the Civil Service, beat Reid and Hooper, the Municipal representatives, by
    62 words
  • 1693 15 A meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon, the President, Mr. Anthonisz in the chair. There were also present: Messrs. Evans, Sohst, Jago, and Barker with the Municipal Secretary, Mr. Polglase and the Municipal Engineer, Mr. Peirce. President’s Statement. 1 he President regretted to announce the
    1,693 words
  • 1509 15 Anglo-Turkish Rivalry in Arabia* Tre 'limes Vienna correspondent—one of the best informed authorities on foreign politics in Europe —writes as follows under the date of Sept. 12: According to a highly interesting communication published by the Politische Corresponded, the collision which took in the Hinterland of Aden
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 491 15 BIG LAND SALE. A Record for Singapore. Ykstekday’s laud sale at Powell Co’s, was a record in the way of big prices, the total realized being $684,500 A very large number of people of ah kinds were present and the sale-room was packed long before the time lixed for the
      491 words

  • 974 16 South Africa. The Gazette publishes an immense list of officers and men for Distinguished Service Orders, medals and promotions, and some appointments to the Bath and the Order of St. Michael and St. George for services in South Africa Captains Taylor, Beresford and Noblett, of Lumsden’s Horse, have
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  • 229 16 It is no Ship for Ga<nbling-Sharps. Messrs. Belin Meyer Co., the Singapore Agents of the Hamburg-American Line, send us a large and magnifieentl) framed picture in colors of that monster Ocean Greyhound the Deutschland which holds the record of the Atlantic. Of her immense size and hei prowess
    229 words
  • 303 16 Progress Report. The following is the Manager’s report I for September:— During the month the mill ran 23 I days only, crushing 217 short tons or I 193.75 long tons yielding 121 ozs. bullion. The average yield per short ton was j 111 dwts. 3.65 grs.,
    303 words
  • 108 16 ARRIVALS. (Booked). (For Singapore.) Per M. M. s. g. Annam from Marseilles Sept. 2*2, due Oct. 14—Messrs. Dnpfcre, and Leraair. Mr. Down and family, Mr. and Mrs. Schragor, Mr. Gordon. Per M. M; s. g. E. Simone from Marseilles Oct. H. due Oct. 26—Mr. and Mrs. de Sturler.
    108 words
  • 3332 16 Wednesday’s Hearing. (2nd October.) On the 2nd instant, after the adjournment for tiffin, Mr. Van Cuylenberg addressed the jury for the defence He argued that, in Captain Strachan’s diary, several important entries were omitted; this had been proved. The first symptoms were entered, but many of the
    3,332 words

  • 567 17 1 The strike at San Francisco has ended I in a victory for the masters. 11 I Mrs. Murray Robertson arrived from I Yokohama by the P. 4 O. steamer I r OTTtlOSCL II ,1 Th Argentine training ship Presilaente Sarmienfo sailed for Colombo j yesterday afternoon.
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  • 199 17 Lord Hawke, president of the Yorkshire Club, is taking part in the controversy which has arisen concerning the visit of Mr. MacLaren’s English Eleven to Australia. He states that he would like to know why English cricketers should go to Australia in order to make
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  • 282 17 Amomq the American jockeys, though not in the saddle, at the recent Deauville meeting was Tod Sloan, who is now an owner of horses upon his own account, and who, writes a correspondent of the World, is such a heavy better that he thinks •no more
    282 words
  • 566 17 S. C. C. v lath Co., R. G. A. Ihe Club opened their new season of I fixtures last night by a game with the I l2thCo., R. G. A. Unfortunately owing I to the very heavy rains in the early morning, the ground was soft and I slippery
    566 words
  • 325 17 f'| A Successful Function. n I The Bazaar he d yesterday afternoon I evening in the Town Hall in aid I of the Church and Parsonage Funds f| of the Methodist Episcopal Church B I was a successful and well attended r I function, and produced
    325 words
  • 475 17 —Times of Ceylon. The Wrong Man. I The Police in Colombo recently received information iroiu the authorities I m bingapore to arrest a uian named Cadrewel who had swindled a firm I of shopkeepers there, under the style of I Messrs. Calls Brothers, out
    —Times of Ceylon.  -  475 words

  • 109 18 Yesterday, before Mr. Green in the fourth Police Court, Seng Huat, rice shop-keeper, 71 Beach Road, for using a false quart measure was fined 425 and costs and for tampering with the same was lined 450 and costs. Lew Ki Chqong, of 73 Beach Road, for using a false
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  • 1162 18 Gough’s Reverse. Ix>hd Kitchener reports that at eight o’clock on the 17ih8ept, three companies of Mounted Infantry with three guns, under Major Gough of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, were reconnoitring to the south of Utrecht, in conjunction with a party of Johannesburg Mounted Rides under Captain Stewart.
    1,162 words
  • 154 18 S.C. C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Wednesday’s Play. Championship, Von Berg beat Reid. B. Singles. Battenburgb v. Whitehead scr. (To finish) C. Singles. Scott scr. v. Goldie -1, unfinished. D. Singles. Tyler—B boat Ooul«her-f 3. A. Doubles. Hooper and Mosley+2 v. Beatty anc Green—ls unfinished. B. Doubles. Chaney and Barrett —1 beat
    154 words
    • 111 18 Under Uhb beading thcfollowiugabbrevi. fcioos arc used —str.—steamer sb.—ship bq. —barque; seh.—schooner; Yet.—Yacht Cru. —Cruiser; Gbt—Gunboat Tor Torpedo H.n.— Hor?e-pcwer Bril.--British U. 6.— United 8tates; Fr French Ger.—German Dot.—Dutch fob.—Jobore Ac., G. c., —General:argo: d.p.—deck passengers; U.—Uncer -ain T. P. W.—Tanjong Pagar Wharf; L P. D.—Tanjong Pagar
      111 words
    • 1369 18 Arrivals Since Noon of Yesterday. i Albion, Brit. 760 ton9, Capt Curtis, 10th O' 1 From Bangkok. 6th Oct Timber. Borneo Coy. Ltd. For Bombay, U—Rd*. Arabia, Ger. str. 2.867 tons Capt Sachs, 11th Oct. From Hongkong, 6th Oct. G.c 1 Behn Meyer A Co. For Hamburg,
      1,369 words
    • 639 18 Name, porty probable date of arrival, and name of agent#. Steamers. A. A pear, Calcutta, Oct <8: 8. A Moses. A Treves, B dr.more, l’ffc July 21 Adana. Hongkong, Nov 15: G.* Wood. Vfridi, Liverpool, Nov P. Simone. Alting. Cotie, Oct 12; Paendcds. Annam, <-olombo. Oct 14; M.
      639 words
    • 56 19 I '-"'Tno TA> POJ»I>A Pl.itAlX» UH. AiiiCIVEO IfOK UKtlthP. r I -Gate i ~i jSeship’s Name. Captain. of From where; Destin. mark* lilt 8 AILING.j ATION. Malcolm,Jackson June lftjcardiff iTeeal I ZJ3 j SalHk *b»rp Sept 26'Batavia Botterdam *'S ,’g Anchenarden from j the j East c D.ofs’berlaudlColtar ITondon
      56 words
    • 1327 19 i I *>*i' 04H7ii Prom ‘Sailed. 1 Consignees 1 s -i“ j I i|* J I hi» Aua utrj. 1734 Marocchino {Hongkong ,Sept 26jRHUtenberg ’i: a;in ir,t B l r U J* t Y l-Swatow jSept and Co. Dut str 81- Klem ißat*vitt jSept 29jDaeiniel8 and Co. Iceimma l
      1,327 words
    • 916 19 l i \esski. sNamk FlagAKig* Captain LISTI^ATTOI• j Banka Brit str. Backhouse i Kelantan B tr. Jellicoe j Malacca A Port Swettenbana 8 Taishan str. ;*Stovell Bangkok S Ban Seng Guan str. Lyons Bangkok 5 JJnltan str. Chopard Mnar and Maiacea 3 Nam V ong str. Smith j Macassar
      916 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 546 18 COMMON SENSE -NUTSHELL A **w medical w<Ht am Mm town *nd mat sacabdt and effectual mean* of self-cure tm disrorsrfd for arrvous aiui functional febifttj, *M< of rtslxj, liprmim of spirit*. 4c .with practical ohwrvatiosui os msrnsft tad full directions for mn*rta* rrrtaia diMpshfevtont that Acttroy tb- happiness of wedded
      546 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 45 19 9 J Oout and Ot»t«1 j thm "J|R B ik D JH and moat raatla Ohildvan. D«Ucat« Fa- Unitemi R«m«dy for Aridity or tco Stomach, stfk•adfccfce. Heartburn, Indigestion, Sonr Eructations, neaaW fmiUßdr Bilious Affections. IfN J|" 3HFI soM TbroufSoat U« Von*. N.8.-ASK FOR DINNEFORXFS MAONBSU*
      45 words
    • 180 19 9lt rnff Hid Mat if the iind ahhtuim a cum at 0* CazmU Lxl.ibi!iUt, icb; vy t. AUCountms D R LALOR’S PHDSPHDDYNE HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PHOSPHORIC MEOIOWE IN THE WORUX m >kc Bm u 9 >o!y fitfrVt rtiiplnilE Oast for hntm of Nsm mi lascttoctos) Pswsr, Braim
      180 words
    • 579 19 VKffifcWKS A n>mtri*y for «M lrr*£ularltto«. frtUr Aypi*. FW«y»«y*l. It C rh IoW by Unfoporo Otopontlnf Go., LMh Raffloo Plaoo, llwfpof. Proprietor MARTIN. CkemiM. SOUTHAMPTON. ENOLANM J SCHWEITZER’S COCOATIA fti Best s Purest COCOA. i 1 Now special y acke lin d.iubl id l*d con enenriL,; ireeh Kras for v-*rrs
      579 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 306 20 LEA 9 Messrs. LBA Ac PERRINS beg to announce that, to further safeguard the public against imitations of their world-renowned Original Worcestershire Sauce, they are now printing their Signature, in white, diagonally across the upper part of the red label on each bottle. Anyone oopying the same will be at
      306 words
    • 331 20 JAMES WATSON CO.’S SCOTCH WHISKIES ARE THE BEST VALUE IN THE MARKET: FLAG BRAND, 10 YEARS OLD: *12.00 pbr CASK, rnrrr kitra. V.V.O. SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED) *B.OO pkb oabe, dctt *mu. OBTAINABLE FROM RETAIL DEALERS, OB McAlister Co..— sole agents BOf alt ChemleSe. anolfitc’ Natural Toilet Preparations. Toilet ‘Lanollne* In collapsable
      331 words
    • 365 20 I’** Pity I 1 m’AKo. K L> °Ckl 0 I Ri*er, ha, i at9l of ,K J deepened, and i s D !f_ n iimeokiont:— 0 of th. Q Xjl Length on the block# -tfl Breadth at entrance St!*. I Depth of watr on sill *i > M ordinary spring
      365 words