The Straits Budget, 3 October 1901

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Budget
  • 120 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WBWKHp* ISSUE OF THE “STRAITS TlBffeS. The Straits Times is widely retfcF.throughout Asia generally. It circulates in Singapore and. Penang, throughout all the Protected State^nbf'the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the *7 >*“ Philippines, aijd French lndo>Qhina. fcnß Half a Century. Cable
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  • 156 1 Articles. lirkith Aggression. lijburroction. .‘fujij iLg Coiifeience. mi hank >weUeiiham. Starving a Minister. JCAL Market Quotations. Shipping News, last. Mice News. By the Way. lhe Envy L A I'ublic Nuisance. Training Notes. Inception iu Bendemeer. V. K. Carbine Competition, vpoy
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  • 560 1 3rd Octobbk, 1901. PRODUCE. wX, bu^re l' 8.35 C». Wb >te, <A%) 46.«> J‘0ur Sarawak 3.66 Burt m Hru»ei No. 1 3 20 iT‘»*o 410 Sjfi&w***: ao tew 16 2* *W® No. T 16.76 Tapioca, small Flak* fi.tSO dq 1st quality 7 On do mfed flake 5 90 do
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  • 261 1 Thb mail for Europe, this waek leaves by the P.AO.t Chusnn. The mail for Europe, next week, is fixed for the M. M. s. s. The mail from Europe of the 6th September by the M.M.e s. Snlazie, arrived on Sunday. The P.JfcO. %M. Coromandel with
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    • 49 1 London 2 Slh Sept. The first of throe races far the America Cup, yesterday, resulted in an outward beat lor 15 miles and a return, unfinished, within time. The wind dropped. Columbia turned the mark half a mile ahead, and led finally for upwards of a mile.
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    • 33 1 Later. The King yesteiday had a long and serious conversation with Mr. Brodrick regarding the situation in South Africa, and also concerning the recruiting and yeomanry questions.
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    • 73 1 The Pall Mall Gazelle states, on what it holds to be the best authority, that Lord Kitchener finds his hands to be seriously tied, and that he is seriously reconsidering his position. WHAT KITCHENER WANTS. Lord Kitchener, says that journal, desires to inflict capital punishment on rebels
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    • 40 1 London, 29 th September. The garrisons of Forts It ala and Prospect, on the Zuluiand border, have gallantly repulsed attacks by Botha in force. The garrisons inflicted heavy loss on the Boers.
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    • 51 1 Londdk, 30 ik September. In the race of fifteen miles outward beet and return the American yacht 1 —-<r g Columbia Crossed the winning Jitte,37 seconds before the Shamrock jf f thus winnings the heat independent ofhet time
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    • 18 1 London Li October. A British naval force is concentrating in the Persian Gulf.
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    • 28 1 Turkey is reported to be massing troops at Bussorah, with the supposed intention of seizing Koweit, a port on the Arabian coast of the Gulf.
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    • 31 1 BOER REPULSE. Commandant Grobelaar, with 1500 Boers, attacked Fort Prospect, on the Zululand border, during the whole of the 26tii ultima; and he reattacked it on the 27th.
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    • 80 1 Laier. The Boers admit a loss of 19 in killed alone in the attack on Fort I tala. The British casualties in ttte defefflUr of Fort I tala were: Killed Lieut Kane and eleven privates of the South Lancashire Regiment. Wounded: five officers, including Commandant
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    • 17 1 SIR F. SWETTENHAM GAZETTED. Sir Frank Swettenham has been gazetted Governor of the Straits Settlements.
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    • 62 1 London 2nd October. Reuter's correspondent at Kshowe, in Zululand, states that the Boers left 305 dead and wounded on the field after their unsuccesstul attack on i*ort ltala. Losses Reported to be Greater. Reuter’s correspondent at Ladysmith reports that 200 of the enemy were killed
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    • 41 1 Later. Commandants Potgieter, Scholz, and Opperinann were killed at Itala. Lord Kitchener reports tiiat the Boers were* removing their dead and wounded throughout the 26tli and 2<th September round Itala. ihe fighting there lasted nineteen hours.
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    • 30 1 Commandant! Delarey and Kemp attacked Colonel Kekewich’e camp to the westward of the Magato paas (Tranavaal) in force, on the 30th September. They were repulsed.
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    • 14 1 Yesterday’! America Cup race was owing to there being no wind.
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  • 394 1 (Straits Times 1st October.) jfforwq from to-day’s telegrams, Turkey is preparing fresh trouble for herself in the Persian Gulf. The Sublime Porte claims sovereignty over certain sections of the Arabian coast line of the Gulf, but the claim is disputed by the Arab chiefs of the littoral, and
    (Straits Times, 1st October.)  -  394 words
  • 1127 1 (Strait# Timet 1st October) Apropos of our special despatch from Hongkong to-day, reportin&the heaviest reverse that has yet been suffered by the American troops at the hands of the rebels in the Philippines, some explanation of the situation there may be of interest: —Samar is the one island
    (Strait# Timet, 1st October)  -  1,127 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 105 1 fre»* price of the Strait» Times V. <r or *W-. The p° 8t fr e P nce <traii9 budget is $20 a year, or 40/n ,M-es»:ir> to subscribe for a year. :i .J f.\r ahnrtf»r nerio-is are 1 n .j,-e«»:ir> to subscribe lor a >ear. for shorter perio-.s are proportionate
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  • 37 1 DEATHS. Is Holland, on thu 27th 8ept. Albert h‘ muster of the s. e. Sultan oj j)- M. J<%\a papers please copy. Jlrt’iosKV.—At London, on the 24th Kpti'ittr. James late ftiobia! burgeon, Fruvinr© Wellesley. Ig-rJ U».
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  • 270 2 (Straits Times l<d October.) Mr. Andkrson’s remarks on the Eastern Shipping Conference seem to have fallen as so many bombshells among the members interested therein, at yesterday’s meeting of the Chamber of Commerce. His dispassionate insistence on the point at issue- i e. that direct allegations have been
    (Straits Times, l<d October.)  -  270 words
  • 556 2 (Straits Times 2nd October.) Religion bas always been one of the strong points of the Scotch character, and it cannot be eliminated even from their modern romances. Indeed, without its, Meenister” what would be a Kailyard story” An invertebrate abortion of literature, a testudinate reptile of fiction
    (Straits Times 2nd October.)  -  556 words
  • 2376 2 (Straits Times 2nd October) In congratulating Sir Frank Swettenham on tiie conlinnation of an appointment that lie has held tentatively since February last, it is difficult to refrain from some expression of wonder that the Home Government dallied so long in making up its mind on the
    (Straits Times, 2nd October)  -  2,376 words

  • 423 3 Jj** K. C. Howard, third magistrate &gt;:a has been appointed Acting #l Magistrate and Superintendent of '&gt;naat I'enang. Liang Ting Fang is now the i!n S ice Consul for China at Penang r *iT the absence from the Settlement r 'Ma uen Kwang. H°n J Napier’s leave
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  • 425 3 With reference to the question of subsidies to German shipping companies, Mr. Albert Ballin, DirectorGeneral of the Hamburg-American Line has addressed the following letter to the London Times. The letter speaks for itself: To the Editor of the Times. Sir,—For a long time past the
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  • 76 3 On August 23rd and 24th for the Incogs” against Hampshire Hovers, W. Dunman knocked up 122. Against the gentlemen of Sussex at Brighton the Straits contingent of M Incogs" showed up well in a total of 518 for 6 wickets, Oliver Marks laying on the wood
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  • 719 3 Mr. D. H. Campbell is a certainty for being temporarily Acting Resident in Selangor, as he is there now, but Mr. Hugu Clifford i 9 expected there next Tuesday. Miss Page has once more returned to Kuala Luuipor alter sojourning in mauy s. range lands. She
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  • 803 3 The following appointments havt been made at the Adiuiiralty:—BubLieutB.: J. Jones, to the I'igmy, and R G. Hamond, to the Qoltalh, to dat« Aug. 12th. A rnmour is going round in servict circles at Portsmouth that Admiral bii Edward Seymour, who has just returned home from China, will
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  • 798 3 Friday’s Play. Championship. Mactaggart v. Von Berg, untiu. Reid l*eat Nome. Withers beat Elliot, 7-6, 6-1. White beat Whitehead, -4, 6-1. Green beat DarbBhire, 7-6, 6-3. B. Singles. Beatty—16.1, brat I). Kerr— 6. 6-1 6-0. Hannaford —1 v. Mansfield 4-4 unfin. Foreman beat Barrett. 2-6.
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  • 46 4 In the international water polo match England v. W ales, played at Leicester in the opening half England scored five goals to nil. On restarting, Wales, although beaten, defended with great spirit, but could not score, and England won by goals to nil.
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  • Correspondence.
    • 132 4 Tot'i: 3 1: &gt;. the 41 Straits Times’* 8ir, —It i* really time some steps are taken to deal with aa obstruction in Raffles Square at one of the busiest in Singapore. Every morning, almost without exception, there is a collection of merchandise, bullock-carts, coolies, gharries, an
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  • 339 4 SaturJay Mjr.iing—Fine. Sir Launcelot (Mr. Payne) and Snooxer (Peerbux) were taken twice round at a fa**fc pace, the former appearing to easily hold Jiis own at the finish. Orpheus (Kirwan) went twice round slowly, finishing with a spurt down the straight. The Afghan did the ii. C. once,
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  • 156 4 The latest lHaneer to hand has the following: T jPrivate letters received in India state that Lord Kitchener is very .anxious to take up the post of j Commander-in-Chief in that country I next spring, always provided tha* he has completed his task in
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  • 262 4 ECEPTION AT BENDEMEER.” All sorts of charming and elaborate preparations had been made by Mr. Seah Liang Seah for the reception ai Bendemeer’' last night, and the only element of uncertainty that lay betweci the function and success was th* fickleness of our Singapore weather. A* it was, however, there
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  • 360 4 Trading Enterprise. Export merchants in Holland fee) uneasy at British and German merchant beating them in the Java import trade. Some time ago, several prominent. firms at Hamburg and Mauciichtei cut into the island trade in a way which soon secured them a foremost position. They appointed special
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  • 1097 4 DETAILS OF THE CRIME. Wires to Australian papers from London, give further particulars of the dastardly crime at Buffalo, for which the assassin has been condemned to be electrocuted: The President was on a visit to the great American Exhibition at Buffalo. A reception was
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  • 1123 4 (Via Australia) Trades union in trouble. Thk directors of the Tatf Vale Railway Company have brought an action agoin*t the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, claiming .£20,000 damages, for having induced the Company’s employes to break their contracts with the Company, and for having engaged in illicit
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  • 1955 5 i, as not so far evidenced liaste in proffering a joy un n I1 towards the erection, in j,b** r, P' a memorial to Her late A t en Victoria. My candid t j ia t the town will r,1 n o lot of prodding ere it
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  • 226 5 A Dismal Outlook. In view of the approaching visit of tlie Straits cricket team to Hongkong, the following, in the Hongkong Daily Press will be read with interest As the cricket season draw* nigh, there are many ominous head shakes about tho poverty of Hongkong in cricket talent,
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  • 303 5 The extra M. M. steamer A»bmr, in clearing from the Borneo wharf on Tuesday last, collided with a lighter which was lying alongside a steam collier and sank her. Another lighter belonging to the Dock Company was also damaged. The following vessels will in all probability call here
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  • 784 5 Mr Sigmund Katz is now in charge of the Penang branch of Katz Brothers Ltd. H. M. S. Brisk leaves for Penang this evening. She will return here about the 16th inst. Mb. H. Abrams was expected to leave home for Singapore by the P. and O.
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  • 89 5 Thou moon who shinest brightly Above the tropic sea Oh tell me, tell me truly l)oeH my love still love me T'is months since last we wandered On Devon’s cliff-girt shore In tears we then did promise To love for evermore. Oh give this simple message, To
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  • 90 5 Per N. Y. K. s.s. Maru from London, due to-morrow evening: For Singapore:—Mr. A. Morrison, Mr. A. Webster, Mrs. A, Holley, Mr. Mrs. Tearle, Mrs. M. A. Hawes 2 children. Mr. Mrs, J. 11. Holmes 2 children, Miss M. B. Saunders, Miss E. M. Mrs. F. C.
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  • 123 5 Admiral Lord Charles Scott, Com-mander-in-Cinet at Devonport, recently look part in the passing out of cadets on the Britannia at Dartmouth. The examination has been more interesting than usual, owing to the fact that Prince Vudhigai, of Maui, was among those examined. He is
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  • 351 5 A Bill to amend the Oaths Ordinance is to be laid before the Legislative Council on Tuesday. The statement of objects and reasons runs as follows .Section 15 of Indian Act II of 1855, was as follows: “Any person who bv reason of immature age or want of
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  • 929 6 Some observatkms on the Bingo-Maru.” Colombo, 23rd Sept Thinking it just possible that tbe good people of Singapore might feel a kind of interest in the movements of Mr. Go Boon Quan and party who left Singapore for Europe on the 13th inst. f I have strung
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  • 83 6 The result of play for the medal, yesterday, was: H’cap. Major Jones 81 scr. 81 O’oulli'.an 96 12 84 J. H. D. Jones 91 4 87 Colonel Oakes 103 12 91 Dr. Ellis 99 6 94 Wolferatan 106 10 96 Captain iiobinson JlO 14 96 l)r.
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  • 106 6 The report of the North Borneo Trading Company shows gross profits for the year ended Dec. 31st last of .€3,190, as compared with X 639 for the previous twelve mouths, and after deducting all expenses and the debit balance brought forward from last year, there is
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  • 99 6 The Finlayson Shield. Yesterday a carbine competition a 200 and 500 yards took place at tl» Balestier llinge for the Finlayso shield. The competition is open t.&lt; subdivisions of the S. V. A. Fiv subdivisions entered of which Scrg Frost’s team was first with 167.
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  • 109 6 The following colliers are expected viz Anna and Emma from Moji on th« 7th and Bth October respectively an. the Jxieis» and Bullmouth both from Sydney about the 14th October. The Freida t on arrival from Muroran in Japan, with a cargo ot about 5,00 tons coal, tvent
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  • 96 6 An Irish-American charged. Before Mr. Sarwar this morning William McGann, an Irish-AmericaN, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to Shaik Mahomedsah, the Sailors Home watchman. Shaik Mahoinedsah stated that at 9.45 p. m. on the 17th McGann tried to force his way into the Sailors Home. Witness
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  • 120 6 K.O. R. Challenge Cup. Tux following is the result of the draw' for the first round for the above cup. Garrison M A n team Capt. White (Capt.), Lieut. Barne R.A., Capt. Lyne XVI M.I., and Lieut. Gilchrist XVI M I.; versus The Civil Servicer (Colours chocolate and
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  • Correspondence.
    • 329 6 To the Editor of tne Straits Times.” Sir: —Kernan is a small state in the centre of the Northern Section of the Malay Peninsula. One of its boundaries touches that of Ulu Perak. The country is very rich in mineral deposits. It has been for a long
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  • 467 6 To the Editor of the “Straits Times.” Sir,— 1 shall be much obliged if you will be kind enough to insett the following iu your conespondence columns. It will interest your readers, and especially those who pay attention to Malayan or Siamese affairs, i'heir attention I
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  • 752 6 South Africa. Lord Kitchener reports that Colonel Williams has captured almost the whole of Koch’s commando west of Adenburg, including fifty-five prisoners and the whole of the transport. Colonel Beirson has captured a Carolina Commando, consisting of fiftyfour prisoners, including Commandant P. Botha, and forty-eight wagons. Kritzinger, in
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  • 878 6 S IR HECTOR MACDONALD. interviewed Col 0rabo Views on the Boer w, r General Sir Hector Mar-H so distinguished hinlif Afnea, is now stationed i n t!®, passed through Colombo where lie granted an im** reporter. “Nervi** The War in South Atric, Sir Hector viewed a**; reverses. He l0UsI &gt;'
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  • 341 7 I s. Ilrisk left for Penang at yesterday. !B ca hle ship Recorder arrived -ittrday from Rhio Straits. A transport pa3sed through e port this morning from west to Thk Ue.ikmo d, which arrived troin n( 0 n yesterday, brought about 45 .'•ns of explosives for Hongkong.
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  • 176 7 iHKkE was launched yesterday foreI j °d, from one of the building berths the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company, 4 Powerful Steam self-propelling r Msjer, which is to be employed r improving and extending the berthj- k'-ilities of that Company. The mansions
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  • 103 7 DISASTER TO AMERICAN TROOPS. A Garrison Rushed. Hongkong Monday Evening. A disaster has befallen a body of American troops in the Philippines. A telegram from Manila states that 13 survivors, bringing with them 11 wounded, have reached the coast garrison of Southern Samar. They report that 400 bolo-men
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  • 56 7 Yesterday afternoon the charge against William McGann, an IrishAmerican, of voluntarily causing hurt to Shaik Mahomedsah, the Sailors’ Home watchman, by stabbing him with a penknife, was continued before Mr. Sarwar. Dr. of the General Hospital, gave evidence as to the nature of the wounds. McGann was
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  • Correspondence.
    • 216 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times.** Sir, —In your issue of the 28th iusfc. you published a letter from Lord Curzon, Governor-General of India, to H. E. Sir FrankSwettenhara, thanking the Straits Government and the individual subscribers to the Famine Fund for their generosity.
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  • 283 7 Pagoda Club.'* Om Friday twenty six couples competed for tlie Pagoda Cup presented by the bachelors of the Club, and a very close and interesting competition resulted in a tie between Mrs. 8*lzmann and J. L. Crockatt and Miss Salzinann arid A. Hose each with the execellent
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  • 3881 7 HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING. The work of Six Months. Y E9TEKDAY afternoon, the half-yearly general meeting of the members of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held at the Exchange Room, Mr. John Anderson, the Chairman of the Chamber, presiding. There were also presentMessrs S. Behr, A.
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  • 403 8 McKinley’s Speech on President’s Day —the Day before the Assassination. Thk following is extracted from the Times of mail day New York, September 5th. —To-day was 44 President’s Day at the PanAmerican Exposition at Buffalo. The greatest crowd that has ever assembled on the esplanade
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  • 6080 8 This entertaining case was continued I at the Assizes on Thursday afternoon. I The cross-examination of Captain I Strachan was continued. It had refer-1 ence chiefly to the visit of Dr. Murra&gt; I Robertson to the Envy when he was I called into see Mrs. Strachan on
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  • 727 9 Mr. W. Kennedy arrived this morning from Bangkok by the Singapore. The Italian cruiser Btromholi sailed for Colombo this morning at 6 30. 4 The new Philippine Tariff will cmne into force on 1st November of this year. Mr. F. Beltield, who is a barrister at law,
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  • 210 10 Last night, the E»phinstone Parsee Company of Players gave a special performance of Alladin, at their theatre on Beach Road, for the entertainment of M ijor H. G. Sutton, of the Sixteenth Ma Iras Infantry, and his friends. The auditorium accordingly had quite a military aspect,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 404 10 [The Straits Time in not responsible for the opinions of it* corre *pondenta. 1 To the Editor of the ''Straits Times.” Sik,—Iu May, last, year the Government clerical stall of this Colony submitted a Memorial to Government, praying that, owing to the enhanced
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  • 878 10 IMPRESSIONS OF SINGAPORE’S VETERAN SPORTSMAN. I promised before 1 left the sunny East that I would write you some account of my doings in old England. Instead of that, however, I will try anu let you have an idea of how I paid a visit to ould
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  • 1539 10 Yuesday, ist October. Present. His Excellency 8ir Frank Athblstanr SWETTENHAM, K.C.M.O., (ACTINO GOVERNOR). Hon. C. W. 8. Kynnersley (Acting Colonial Secretary). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. A Murray (Colonial Engineer). Hon. T. H. Kershaw (Acting AttorneyGeneral). Hon. J. Burkinshaw. Hon. J. M. Allinson. Hon. T. E.
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  • 72 10 ARRIVALS. (Booked). (For Singapore.) Per M. M. 8. 8. Annam from Marseilles *ept. 2i —Messrs. Du pi re, and Lemair, Mr. Down and family. Per M. H, a. a. B. Simone from Marseilles Oct. ft—Mr. and Mrs. de Sturler, Mr. W. Le Mair. For ths Far Boot. Per
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    • 77 10 Uod. are uwd bq.—barque; —Cruiser; Torpedo; Hd r. .Nt British TTSSEpw?-’ French; Ger ioh.-Jo hor^-^r man k ante d.D.-deck Lam; T. P. &gt;» named, the month.!”’? ni understood ‘“current Mab-of-Wah, Flamingo l) u t. surT( J crew, 2 gun*, 43n H.p L‘ r &lt;» "■U kept. From
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    • 1056 10 Akrivau) Since Noon up vt. I ;Jtehfas«a!asi&lt;Rj o«5I.£io? SS.'S^, 1 ssja? 1- cal Bn» fjtns Dut. str. 275 ton. p,™ I2nd Out. From Cotie, 241 h .v„,, P dp El LeuwOb..,.’ ForS;-^l W Ban Poh Gunn, Brit, nr 575 Htratton. 2nd Oct From ®g M2^:«b-wt p Wee
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    • 459 11 I bane. port, probable date of arrival, I and name o f agents. Steamers. 1 roves, H Pimore, l’ft July 21 I ‘.r.n* Moji, shortly, I a Ap•a r .&lt; alcuiin, Oct ‘7: S. A[Mose*. Mana. Nor.- Yo'k, l**ft Aug 10; I i; a. China. Oct t»; Mansfield.
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    • 79 11 PARSED 8UNDA 8TBAITR OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. I ffya 1)axb I KiDate. and Ship’s Name. Caftaih. of Fromwfui Destih- maim. Rig. Sailihg. ation. 1 Sept 11 Dut e.« Malang Klyn 'Rotterdam Batavia 11 Dot s.e. Merapi Udema Sept 11 Batavia Rotterdam 14 Dot 8.8. Pri m Folletson (Amsterdam Batavia
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    • 749 11 H I Z Vessel’s Name A Tons. Captain From Sailed. Consignees. 3 Rig. B’p« I 26 Berandan Put str 285 Jullieu B. Lintjer Sept 23&lt;Hooglaudt A Co. 2m La seyne MM str. 1141 Bru Batavia Sept 26 .VI. Mari times 28 Sultan Brit str 102 Chopard Muar Sept 27
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    • 358 11 r-ATB Vk»w.’s Namb jFnoAKioj Captais Dkstikatiok j **7 Ros Rows Brit str. Lakey Hongkong 5 adin fc tr. 8.11 Fremantle via port. ■JS Sappho Turner Malacca and Kim* OH Pin Sens «tr. Davidson £&lt;&gt;*"? 4»o Ir;.. n Ann str Hunter Djambie &gt;8 Kubv sir. &gt;mith Muntok and Palembaug 08
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 514 11 PERRINS’ SAUCE. Purchasers an requested to Bee that every bottle bears, upon its RED TaARET«, the signatnz a in WHITE of Lea Sc Perrins. None is the original and genuine Worcestershire Without this. Persons Infringing this label will be prosecuted. LEA PERRINS’ SAUCE. I •teeqrJMMwsf the kind sir arc to
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  • 1038 12 The Autumn Race Meeting will he held on October 22nd, 24 th, and 2 Qth. Programme. FIRST DAY. Tuenday, 22nd Oetober. First Race. THE MAIDEN PLATE.—VaIu© $400.A Race for Maiden Horses—Weight a* per scale (lOst.) An allowance of 141 b. to ex-Griffins imported into the Straits Settlements
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 967 12 SUMATRA’S EAST COAST. IX&gt;R renting or for pale, estate of 1.‘&gt;S0 acres in good working order. Produce: rubl»er and fruit trees, cont lins 17,000 trees, dwelling house, coolie compound, etc. Distance to nearest port P» miles by good road. Address: D. c/o office of this paper. rn.&th. 7/10 mwsi A
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    • 567 12 1 UREKNLEKS BKUS. very Old Highland whisky OiSKUerv LOMOON GcASCOW ft Arovusnmc., Special Reserve VERY OLD UICHLUD HBI8KY. MILK IMPORTKK8 rOR THE STRAITS SETTLEMRKT8 YAP WII AIT A CO. D’ALMEIDA STREET. tu. A 8. U.C. ACETYLENE CAS! The Light of the Future! Brilliant, Economic, Safe, Having been appointed Solo for
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    • 420 12 NOTICK. f I 'HE let tins: of the Opium Farm of the X residency Western Division of Borneo for the periods 1st April, I90*» to 3Ut March, I9tt. and 1st April, 190-Mo 31st March, JP»W3 w 11 take plnce the Itreidcney ffice at Ponlianak on Saturday, l-'th October next. J
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    • 680 12 B t 3 „The above Dock 4 Wellesley, at the in kJ. River, has lately ZT? deepened, and U dimeobiong now of the *JN Length on the block* T H t PK Rl taoin fio 15 Length on the block* Breadth at entrance Depth ofwabron sill at l ordinary spring
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